Famp lesson in the middle group “let’s help the king find the princess. Drawing lesson "Geometric bodies. Complex drawings of polyhedra" Repetition of the material covered

Summary of the final lesson on the development of mathematical concepts of children in the middle group “Learning with adventure”


Contribute to the formation of ideas about geometric bodies, the ability to recognize objects of familiar geometric shapes in the environment; consolidate counting to 8, understanding numbers and figures within 8.


To update children's ideas about the studied geometric bodies in a new problem situation.
Train the ability to correlate flat geometric figures with spatial bodies, develop thought processes.
Strengthen ordinal counting up to 8, the ability to find the missing number.
Train the ability to distinguish numbers 1-8, develop communication skills.
Train the ability to find geometric shapes in surrounding objects.
Continue to teach how to classify objects, develop mental operations: comparison, analysis, generalization.


Presentation of the game “The Fourth Wheel”, multimedia equipment, tickets with numbers, numbers on chairs from 1 to 8, Dienesh blocks, Fairy doll, “passports” of geometric bodies, cone, cube, ball, cylinder and magic bag, whistle.

Progress of the lesson:

Communication game “Hello friend”

Children stand scattered freely.


Say hello to your guests. Tell me, guys, did you all say hello to each other this morning? Let's say hello again, but not with words, but with our noses. (Ears, shoulders, tummies, knees). Now let's hold hands and make a small circle. Let's raise our hands up and say hello to the sun, feel its warmth, and now let's give this warmth to each other. (Lower your palms clasped in front of you and blow on them.)
The teacher receives an SMS message on his phone: There is trouble in the land of geometric shapes. Residents of a geometric country ask for help to escape from the evil fairy Prisma. To do this, you need to overcome difficulties and complete many tasks. Let's help the residents of the land of geometric shapes?
Can we handle it? The journey is long, what will we take? (plane, train, bus, etc.) Here are the tickets. The evil fairy mixed up all the numbers, and one number disappeared. The number that is not on your ticket will be the seat number on our train (plane, bus, etc.). Whistle, the train is leaving...

Station one "Guessing"

Game "Find the figure"


First station, get off. (The Fairy doll appears.)

Fairy Doll:

Why did you come? Who called you?


We came to help out the inhabitants of the geometric country.

Fairy Doll:

You'll never get there! You don't know geometric shapes.


Fairy Doll:

I will never believe it until I see it myself. Try to find geometric shapes in surrounding objects. Haha, you'll never find them.

Children name the objects and tell where exactly the geometric shapes are hidden in the object.

Fairy Doll:

I see, you know. So be it, I’ll let you pass. But you definitely won’t be able to cope with the next task.

Station two "Poigrayka"

Game "Four Wheel"

Presentation of the game. Children name the extra item on the slides and justify their choice. If the answer is correct, the extra item disappears.

Fairy Doll:

And we completed this task! Well done! I didn’t even want to be angry. Let's see what success you will have next. Train departs. (Whistle).

Station three "Geometricheskaya"

Fairy Doll:

I hid the inhabitants of the geometric country in my magic bag. If you can find out without looking, and even find his passport, you will save him. Well, you can’t sit in his bag forever.


Can we? Let's go in pairs. One will try to find out by touch who is sitting there, the other will find his passport. The rest of the children check whether the task was completed correctly.

Fairy Doll:

And we completed this task! Phew, it’s not even interesting to be angry anymore. I give you the last task. Here I have my magic box houses, and geometric shapes live in them. Let's see how well you know them.
Keep in mind that you need to work in pairs and together, then you will cope with all my tasks.

Place 4 non-blue triangles on the carpet.
Fine. Add 6 non-yellow circles to them.
Well done! Place 8 non-red squares below.
Great. Place 7 rectangles even lower.

Well done! We completed all the tasks so well that I became not an evil fairy, but a good fairy. It's so nice to be kind. You saved all the residents. Thank you guys. It's time for you to go, the train is leaving. We look forward to your visit again. Goodbye. We return to kindergarten.

Lesson summary:

Where have we been today?
What did you like most?
What did you do best?
What game would you like to play again?

About everything in the world:

In 1930, the film “The Rogue Song,” about the kidnapping of a girl in the Caucasus Mountains, was released in America. Actors Stan Laurel, Lawrence Tibbett and Oliver Hardy played local crooks in this film. Surprisingly, these actors are very similar to the characters...

Section materials

Lessons for the younger group:

Classes for the middle group.

Oksana Terro
Geometric bodies

Summary of the final lesson on the development of mathematical concepts of children in the middle group.

Subject: « Geometric bodies»

Target: Contribute to the formation of ideas about geometric bodies, ability to recognize familiar objects geometric forms in the environment; strengthen counting to 5; understanding of numbers and figures within 5.

Integration of educational regions: "Cognition"(formation of elementary mathematical concepts, cognitive and research activities), "communication".

Types of children's activities: gaming, communicative, educational and research.


Train the ability to correlate flat geometric figures with spatial bodies, develop thought processes. Train your ability to find geometric shapes in surrounding objects.

Strengthen ordinal counting up to 5, develop communication skills.

Continue to teach how to classify objects, develop thinking skills operations: comparison, analysis, generalization.

Planned results: has a basic understanding of geometric shapes; retains the required condition in memory when performing mathematical operations and acts with concentration for 15-20 minutes.

Equipment: games "The Fourth Wheel", "Kaleidoscope", "Compare objects", drawn cars with stripes of different sizes, Dienesha blocks, Fairy doll, "passports" geometric bodies: square, circle, rectangle, triangle, and magic bag, whistle, ball.

Preparation for the lesson - Writing notes, preparing material, studying literature.

Lesson structure:

1. Communication game "Hello Friend"

2.. D\I "Kaleidoscope"

3. D\I "Hide the Bunny"

4. D\I "Collect mushrooms in a basket"

5. D\I "Magic bag"

6. D\I "Compare objects"

7. Summary of the lesson:

GCD move:

Communication game "Hello Friend"

Children stand scattered freely.


Say hello to your guests. Tell me, guys, did you all say hello to each other this morning? Let's say hello again, but not with words, but with our noses. (Ears, shoulders, tummies, knees). Now let's hold hands and make a small circle. Let's raise our hands up and say hello to the sun, feel its warmth, and now let's give this warmth to each other. (Lower your palms clasped in front of you and blow on them).

Educator guys, look, we have received a letter, let's read it. In the country geometric shapes trouble. Residents geometric countries are asked to help them escape from the evil fairy Prisma. To do this, you need to overcome difficulties and complete many tasks. Let's help the people of the country geometric shapes?

Can we handle it? The journey is long, so we will travel by train. DI "Kaleidoscope" Here are the tickets (each child has a card hung around his neck with geometric figure, and different colors), look carefully what geometric figure, and what color is drawn on your card, the same one must be found on the chair, this will be the seat number on our train. Whistle, the train is leaving.

Station one "Help"

A game "Hide the Bunny"

Educator: First station, get off. We guys need to help the hare. The hare hid from the wolf in the house, you need to close the door in the house, but the doors look like geometric figures. You need to pick up the door to the house. You have completed this task! Well done!

Station two "Soberaika"

A game "Collect mushrooms in a basket"

Educator: Second station, get off. The hedgehog walked through the forest and found mushrooms, let's help him collect the mushrooms in the basket.

And we completed this task! Well done! Let's see what success you will have next. Train departs. (Whistle).

Station three « Geometric»

A game "Magic bag"

Educator: What has the evil fairy prepared for us this time? Look at this magic bag. You need to feel it without looking geometric figure, and find his passport -. You won’t be able to find out what’s going on - they’ll always sit in the bag.


Can we? Let's go in pairs. One will try to find out by touch who is sitting there, the other will find his passport. The rest of the children check whether the task was completed correctly.

Educator: Well done, you completed this task! Here's another task. Here I have my magic box houses, and they live in them geometric figures. Let's see how well you know them.

Keep in mind that you need to work in pairs and together, then you will cope with all my tasks.

Place 4 blue triangles on the table.

Fine. Add 3 yellow circles to them.

Well done! Place 5 red squares below.

Great. Place 1 rectangle even lower.

Now put 1 blue circle.

Well done! We completed all the tasks so well.

Station four "Automotive"

A game "Compare objects"

Educator: Tell me guys, what does the truck carry? Children's answers (stones, sand, logs) Right. Look and tell me what size they are? Children's answers (wide, narrow, long, short).Guys, look at the table there are 4 trucks, and also logs of different sizes.. You need to arrange the logs correctly among the vehicles. In the yellow machine - wide logs, in the blue machine - short logs, in the purple machine - narrow logs, in the green machine - long logs. If you and I fail to complete the task, we will not be able to save the residents geometric country.

Well done! We completed all the tasks so well that I became not an evil fairy, but a good fairy. It's so nice to be kind. You saved all the residents. Thank you guys. It's time for you to go, the train is leaving. We look forward to your visit again. Goodbye. We return to kindergarten.

Lesson summary:

Where have we been today?

What did you like most?

What did you do best?

What game would you like to play again?

Department of Education of the Kolomna City District Administration

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

kindergarten No. 15 "Firefly"

Lesson summary on the topic

“Journey to the photo gallery “Geometric Shapes”.


highest qualification category

Murashova Elena Anatolyevna

g.o. Kolomna 2015


  1. to form an idea of ​​how flat and spatial (volumetric) figures differ, and what elements spatial figures consist of;
  2. to develop the experience of independently overcoming difficulties under
    guidance of the teacher based on the reflexive method, consolidate
    the method of action “if I don’t know something, I’ll figure it out myself, and then I’ll test myself using a textbook”;
  3. repeat the names of the studied geometric figures, the ability to recognize and name them, train counting skills, the ability to solve simple addition and subtraction problems;
  4. train self-control skills, mental operations - analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, classification, develop attention, memory, speech, imagination, logical and variable thinking, fine motor skills, initiative, creativity, communication skills.


Demo material:

  1. Geometric figures rectangular parallelepiped, cube, ball, prism, pyramid, cone, cylinder, circle, square, triangle, rectangle, table lamp, .
  1. “Passports” of volumetric figures.


  1. Cards with images of objects in the shape of a sphere, cube, prism, pyramid, cylinder, cone (one for each) for task 2.2.
  2. Cube, ball, circle, square, cylinder, cone.
  3. Cube, cuboid, cylinder, cone, pyramid, ball. Cards (black and white “photos”) depicting a circle, triangle, rectangle, square. Cards (black and white “photos”) depicting a cube, cuboid, cylinder, cone, pyramid, ball.
  4. One card for task 2.1. for each child.
  1. Worksheet for task 5.2.
  1. Cards with numbers from 1 to 10, signs +, -, =.
  2. Cards for task 5.3.


1. Introduction to the game situation.

  • Guys, do you often go to galleries and museums with your parents?
  • What do you like most about the gallery?

The teacher invites the children to go to the photo gallery, which is located in the land of Geometric Shapes, and see what photographs are on display there.

Want to go to Geometric Land?

2. Updating knowledge.

2.1. Game "Bus Tickets"

How can you get to the country?

Children list types of transport. We decide to go by bus. People are allowed on the bus with tickets.

The teacher shows the children one of the tickets - a card with icons.

What is indicated by this icon (the teacher points to the number 2)? (Quantity.)

What property is indicated by this icon (the teacher alternately points to the symbols of size, color and shape)? (Size, color, shape.)

Each child receives a ticket. Three-dimensional geometric shapes lie on the chairs. The child needs to find his place, that is, find the geometric shapes that are written in his ticket as symbols. The conductor checks the tickets and collects the geometric shapes in a bag.

Go. Musical physical exercise.

2.2. Game "What does it look like?"

The teacher says that there are guards in the photo gallery of the Land of Geometric Shapes. People are allowed into it only with a pass.

The teacher places a cylinder and a cube on one table, a cone and a ball on another, a prism and a pyramid on the third.

Each child receives a card with a picture of an object similar to a figure, finds it and places the card next to this figure.

Checking is carried out by all children who move from table to table.

The teacher asks a question:

What is the name of this figure? (For example, a cube.) What is it?

All the children’s answers are listened to, after which the teacher clarifies: cube, ball, prism, pyramid, cylinder, cone - three-dimensional figures. And the children remember which figures are called flat.

Security allows children into the photo gallery.

3. Difficulty in a game situation.

3.1. Game "Photographers".

The teacher gathers the children around him and tells him that the director of the photo gallery has organized an exhibition of photographs of the residents - geometric figures. But someone did not close the window in the gallery, and the wind carried all the photographs away in an unknown direction. Now the director doesn’t know what to do and asks us to help him.

How can we help him?

The teacher listens to the options and leads them to the idea that everyone needs to be photographed again.

Can you help the figures take photos?

The teacher puts a lamp and directs the light first to the cube, then to the ball.

What kind of photo did you get? (Square, circle.)

The teacher directs the light to the cylinder and parallelepiped. The width of the parallelepiped is equal to the diameter of the cylinder. The heights of the figures are the same.

What kind of photo did you get? (Rectangle.)
The teacher directs the light onto the cone and pyramid.

What kind of photo did you get? (Triangle.)

The teacher says that the photo studio printed the photographs, but they were mixed up (the photographs are black and white).

The teacher puts cards with images of a circle, square, triangle, rectangle on the table and places a cube, parallelepiped, cylinder, cone, pyramid, ball on the table.

A difficulty arises since, for example, a rectangle can be a photograph of both a cylinder and a parallelepiped.

Were you able to find the photos? (No, they couldn't.)

Why couldn't they? (The same photo suits different figures.)

So what do we need to learn? (We need to learn how to photograph figures so that from the photograph we can accurately determine which figure was photographed.)

4. Discovery of new knowledge.

How can we find out? (Try to come up with the answer yourself, and then test yourself using the textbook.)

All children's suggestions are listened to. The teacher leads them to understand that the figures have differences that need to be shown in the photograph. For example, you can ask children:

What is the difference between a cylinder and a parallelepiped?

At the end of the discussion, the teacher concludes: three-dimensional figures must be photographed from different sides to show all their features.

The teacher shows the children a cylinder.

What kind of photograph will you get if the cylinder is photographed from this side (the teacher shows the end of the cylinder from one side and the other)? (You will get 2 circles.)

The teacher shows the children a drawing - a passport of a cylinder - and says that this photograph tells almost everything about a cylinder, just as a passport tells almost everything about a person. This means that this is the cylinder passport.

The cone, cube, triangular prism, triangular pyramid and ball are analyzed in the same way.

5. Incorporation of new knowledge into the knowledge system.

5.1. Game “Find the figure using your passport”

Guys, the director needs to find these residents of the geometric country using their passports and take photographs again. Otherwise, the photo gallery may be closed.

Children are given a passport of one geometric figure, and the child uses this passport to look for a geometric figure.

The teacher says that the photo studio now printed the correct photographs, but they were mixed up again (the photographs are black and white). Children are looking for a photo of the figure they found.

Did we help the director of the photo gallery? Let's hang the photo in the gallery.

5.2.Game “Make up and solve problems based on drawings.”

The children sit at the tables. The teacher gives them sheets for task 5.2.

The teacher suggests looking at the first picture, a passport photo.

  • What three-dimensional figures can be photographed here? (This could be 2 balls and 5 cubes.)
  • Create a problem based on the picture.

The task could be, for example, this: “A group photograph of 2 balls and 5 cubes was taken in a photo studio. How many three-dimensional figures are there in this photograph?”

  • What do you need to find in the problem? (Whole.)
  • How to find the whole? (To find the whole, you need to add the parts, that is, add 5 to 2.)
  • What can help you get the right answer? (You can count all the figures in the photograph - this is a whole; you can use counting sticks or fingers.)

Children perform calculations and give the answer: 7 volumetric figures were photographed.

Show the solution to the problem using numbers.

Within 1 minute, children lay out equalities from cards lying on the table. There are two possible solutions: 2 + 5 = 7 and 5 + 2 = 7.

After a minute, the teacher writes down the correct solutions on the board, and the children compare them with their work and, if necessary, correct mistakes.

  • Look at the second picture.
  • What three-dimensional figures were photographed? (It can be,
    for example, cones.)
  • Create a problem based on the picture. (8 photos were taken in the photo studio
    cones. Two photographs were taken. How much is left?)

The problem is analyzed similarly to the first one.

5.3. Game "Hall of Sculptures"

In the photo gallery there is also a hall of sculptures, there are sculptures of geometric shapes. Do you want to become a sculptor?

I will now hand out cards to you; they show the passports of several geometric shapes. You need to use these passports to find all the figures and build a sculpture from them.

Children are given cards with passports. And they, having found all the figures, build sculptures from geometric figures at the tables.

Well, our journey is over, it's time to get ready to go home.

We got on the bus and went home.

6. Summary of the lesson. (Reflection)

The teacher gathers the children around him.

  • Where have you been today?
  • What interesting things did you do?
  • Who did you meet?
  • What have you learned?


Lesson on FEMP in the middle group
"Let's help the Tsar find the Princess"

Prepared by: Efremova G.M.,
teacher of the first quarter category MBDOU
D/s No. 80 “Rechenka”, Naberezhnye Chelny

Program content:

  1. Train in comparing objects by length, width. Indicate the comparison results using appropriate words.
  2. Continue to develop children's ability to navigate on a sheet of paper (find right, left, top, bottom corners, middle) Strengthen knowledge of the number series, subsequent and previous numbers. Consolidate knowledge of geometric bodies, be able to classify them.
  3. Develop the ability to listen and hear each other.

Material for the lesson :

Sheet of paper, geometric shapes

Strips of different lengths, different colors

Numbers from 0 to 8

Volumetric geometric bodies

- "cave"

- “passports” of geometric bodies

Princess doll

Musical hammer, metallophone, tape recorder

Pointer, easel.


Introductory part:

Once upon a time there lived a king. And he had a beautiful daughter. One day the king went about his business, and the princess was left alone at home. She went out into the garden for a walk. Suddenly a strong wind came, picked up the princess and carried her to the distant kingdom, to the thirtieth state. The king returned and saw that the princess was gone. He became sad, sat down and did not know how to help his grief.

Guys, let's help the king, let's go to his daughter - the princess. And you will not be afraid of difficulties. Then close your eyes and we will be transported to a fairy tale.

“Hold your hands tightly - you’ll immediately find yourself in a fairy tale!”

Here we are in a fairy tale. There are many different tasks awaiting us along the way that we must complete.

First task. Go to the tables and sit on the chairs. Look, I have a map. Look at her carefully. Now I’ll remove it, and you should make the same map.

What's in the top right corner?

What's in the left?

Where are the triangle and square located?

What's in the middle?

Who will tell you about the whole map?

We completed this task. Now you can move on.

There are several roads in front of us, which one to choose?

If you go along the short one, you will get to the cat, if you go along the long one, you will find the princess!

There are tracks on the table, what are they? (different in color, length).

Let's compare, find the shortest, longest. What can you say about the green path? How can you measure the tracks? Arrange them from longest to shortest. I’ll check now, I won’t say who did the right thing, but whoever I’ll pat on the head is a goth and completed the task correctly.

(Close your eyes)

Now let’s get on our horses and fly faster! Clack-clack-clack. We arrived in the forest.

What grows in the forest?

What types of trees are there?

What kind of trunks do the trees have? (thick, thin)

Look at the fallen trees on our way. Let's get off our horses and step over them. And here a stream runs. What kind of streams are there? (wide, narrow, shallow, deep). Let's jump over the stream.

Oh, it seems we are lost, in a labyrinth. We can get out of the labyrinth if we make a magic note. There are numbers on your table. They need to be put in order.

Count from 1 to 8.

Count backwards

Name your neighbors numbers 5, 7.

What number is before 4, after 2, etc.

Look, I also built a digital line (1, 2, 4, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8) , (What is wrong).

We completed this task. Well done!

Oh guys, some kind of cave. And in it lives a forest monster - Shur Ale. He won't let us through any further. What to do? (fill the cave with stones).

But we don't have stones. How can you close the entrance to the cave? We have geometric bodies.

Look, here there are passports of geometric bodies. I will show them to you, and you will quietly name them and slowly block the entrance to the cave. We speak quietly until Shur Ale falls asleep. So they closed the entrance to the cave.

Guys, come to me. We approached the door. It seems to me that there is someone behind it, but the door will open if we guess how many times the clock has struck. 2, 3, 4 (hammer knocking, counting by ear).

The metallophone sounds and the door opens. The princess is sitting there. The princess thanks the children for not being afraid of difficulties. He asks which task was difficult and which one he liked best.

Guys, how can we inform the king that we have found his daughter, the princess? (letter, telegram, advertisement in the newspaper, in the program “Wait for me”)

Ekaterina Iskayeva

Tasks: 1. Form an idea of ​​a cylinder, the ability to recognize a cylinder in objects in the environment.

2. Strengthen counting within 5, children’s geometric concepts, and the ability to find general properties of objects.

Material: pictures depicting cylindrical objects, cylinders of different diameters and heights, cards with a “passport” of a cylinder, models of cylinders and a cube, numbers 1 – 5, a set of geometric shapes for each child.

1. Introduction to the cylinder and its properties.

The teacher shows pictures of cylindrical objects: a glass, a sausage, a cylinder hat, a cylindrical jar, a glue stick.

What do you notice that all these items have in common? (All objects have a similar shape.)

If children find it difficult to answer this question, you can ask leading questions: is the material from which these objects are made, their color, size, purpose the same?

The teacher then tells the children that objects of this shape are called cylinders and asks them to find the cylinders on their table. Along with the cylinders, there should be objects of other shapes on the table (for example, a sphere, a parallelepiped, a cone). It is also advisable to show pictures in which cylindrical objects are elements: a cannon, a building with columns, a tree, etc.

Do you know why the cylinder is called that? A long time ago, when there were no cars yet, people moved heavy objects using tree trunks. Think about it - how?

The teacher gives the children several cylinders of the same diameter (for example, pencils) and a cube and asks them to imagine that the cube is a very heavy load that must be moved from one end of the table to the other using the cylinders. After completing the task, the teacher explains that the word “cylinder” is translated from Greek as “skating rink”, “roller”. One of its properties is that it can be rolled.

Children are asked to disperse around the group and find cylindrical objects.

Then the children return to the table on which there are different cylinders. They are asked to find figures that are identical in some way, and to find signs of difference in the selected figures. For example, these can be cylinders that are equal in height, but different in thickness, color, material from which they are made (cylinders can be made from paper, plasticine, take plastic, metal cylinders, wooden pencils, etc.)

2. Physical education lesson: “Who is the most attentive?”

On the command “Ear”, the children must grab the ear (you can make it more difficult by saying “Right ear”); on the command “Nose” - the nose. The teacher completes the task together with the children. After a while, he begins to deliberately make mistakes and knock down the children.

3. Game: “Passport Office”.

The children have cards from 1 to 5 on their tables. The teacher invites them to look at the figures made from plasticine of various colors.

Children answer the teacher’s questions:

How many figures are there in total? (Show the number.)

Count from 1 to 5 and from 5 to 1.

How many cylinders? (Clap their hands.)

Why did they clap 4 times? (The second figure is not a cylinder.)

How is the second figure different from the others?

After all the reasoning, the children come to the conclusion that the cylinder has identical circles on both sides, but the second figure does not.

The teacher places the cylinder on the table and asks the children to sit down so that the figure is at eye level. He asks the children about it. what they see, how it can be sketched. Then he turns the cylinder several times and asks the children about the same. As a result of the discussion, we come to the conclusion:

So, if they want to talk about a cylinder, they do it like this:

This is the “passport” of the figure. What can you learn from it? (About the height of the cylinder, its thickness).

The teacher applies the cylinder to the rectangle, and the base of the cylinder to the circles and shows how the “passport” is compared with its owner.

The children have different cylinders on the table. Each child is given a “passport”, according to which he must find the cylinder corresponding to this “passport”.

4. Game: “Number Lotto”.

Children lay out cards with numbers from 1 to 5 (face down) on the table. The cards are shuffled. Then each child must pull out a card at random and lay out as many Geometric Lotto figures that have a common feature as the number on the card indicates (for example, 3 large figures, or 4 red figures, or 2 circles, etc.).

After completing the task, the children and the teacher walk around the group and check the correctness of the solution.

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