Lesson summary for the preparatory group “Valentine's Day. Lesson summary for the preparatory group “Valentine’s Day” Leader of the senior group

Valentine's Day is a great occasion to arrange an interesting and entertaining activity for children. Many teachers took this opportunity to talk with children about friendship, camaraderie, love, and responsiveness to each other. Look at what original surprises they arranged for their students on this day, what cute characters they came up with and invited to the holiday (for example, the fairy of friendship - Valentine).

Pay attention to how you can decorate the interior for Valentine’s Day in a non-standard way, and what kind of musical accompaniment to choose for the event. Use positive ideas from ready-made holiday scenarios collected in this section.

Inspire your children with the desire to make friends and do good.

Contained in sections:
  • Valentine's Day. Valentine's Day, February 14

Showing publications 1-10 of 246.
All sections | Valentine's Day. Holiday scenarios

Scenario of the show game “Valentine’s Day” for boarding school pupils of the 8th type Game show script"Love at first sight" Introductory music plays. (Fidgets. Valentine's Day) Presenter: Ladies and Gentlemen! Leading: Ladies and gentlemen! Presenter: Dear children and dear adults! Leading: Today we gathered to play the game "Love at first...

Lesson notes for the holiday "Valentine's Day" Prepared: Varderesyan M.G., Avetisyan A.E. Target: Introduce children to the history of the origin holiday and traditions of its implementation. Tasks: - Develop the abilities of emotional responsiveness, joy, passion; - Identification of creative abilities of students; - Creation...

Valentine's Day. Holiday Scenarios - Bookmark for Valentine's Day for the senior group

Publication “Valentine’s Day Bookmark for Senior...” The custom of celebrating the Valentine's Day on February 14 came from pagan rituals associated with the Roman festival of fertility and spring. It was held on February 15 in honor of Faun - the god of fields, forests, pastures and animals - in a grotto on the slope of the Roman Palatine hill. All rituals were performed by priests -...

Image library "MAAM-pictures"

With the arrival of February, good holidays come to us! One of them took place on February 14, namely “Valentine’s Day”. A conversation was previously held with the children on the topic “History of the holiday.” And of course, how can you not make a “Valentine” for your child with your own hands? Performance...

Valentine's Day in the preparatory group Valentine's Day Entertainment for children of the preparatory group Tasks: To introduce children to the holiday - St. Valentine's Day. Valentina; Teach children to be friendly and affectionate with each other; Teach children to be attentive to each other, develop observation skills; Show knowledge...

February 14th is the well-known Valentine's Day, or as it is also called - Valentine's Day. Many countries around the world celebrate this holiday. This holiday has taken root in our country. After all, it doesn’t matter where this holiday came to us from, it’s important that when giving Valentine, we pay...

Valentine's Day. Holiday scenarios - Photo report on the event for Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day or Valentine's Day is a holiday celebrated on February 14 in many countries around the world. Those celebrating this holiday give gifts, flowers, sweets, toys, balloons and special cards in the shape of a heart, with poems, love...

OGKUSO "Center for Assistance to Children Left Without Parental Care in Shelekhov." Department of support for foster families. We provide you with the results of a photo shoot for Valentine's Day! On Valentine's Day, in every moment and all year round, be truly loved. Let be...

Project type: group, creative, educational.
Project duration: short-term (from 10 to 14 February).
Project participants: teachers, children of the younger group, parents.
The focus of child development within which the project is being carried out is: complex (different types of children's activities: cognitive-speech, visual, theatrical, musical, gaming).
Form: conversations, didactic, role-playing and outdoor games, free activities, work with parents.
Presentation – entertainment, photo exhibition, exhibition of drawings and crafts.
Recently, Valentine's Day has been celebrated in our country. This is a good and cheerful holiday, but little is known about it.
Target: Formation of children's ideas about the celebration of Valentine's Day.
Teach children to take an active part in the holiday, be able to explain what kind of holiday it is, when it happens (in winter), how they prepare for the holiday and how it is celebrated.
Expected result:
Based on the information received, children will have sufficient knowledge about the holiday “Valentine’s Day”, about family and loved ones.

Working with children on the “Valentine's Day” project


*Creating a game situation;
*Outdoor game “Stream”;
*Reading a fairy tale about friendship “Teremok”;
*Listening to Barbarika’s song about friendship “Friendship”;
Develop imaginative thinking. Cultivate interest in fiction, teach in full, answer questions.
Teach children to emotionally perceive the content of a fairy tale and understand the characters’ characters.

Forms of work with children and parents:
*Conversation about how people celebrate February 14 at home
*Learning a nursery rhyme about friendship “The cat went to market”
*S/r game “Family”
*Didactic game “Name it kindly”
Learn how this holiday is celebrated.
Learn to expressively tell a nursery rhyme about friendship.
Develop role behavior during the unfolding of the game (gender education)
Develop imagination and creative imagination.

Forms of work with children and parents:
*Memorizing a nursery rhyme about friendship “The cat went to market”
*Learning a song about friendship “Wonderful Song”
*Reading the fairy tale “Turnip”
*Making crafts “Valentine”
*Didactic game “Name beautiful words”
Formation of artistic, speech, performing skills.
Teach children to emotionally perceive the content of a fairy tale.
Develop creativity and imagination.
Give children the joy of encounters with a fairy tale and a game.

Forms of work with children and parents:
*Advertise your family (Family Tree)
*Modeling “Valentine”
*Plot-based role-playing game “Family”
Name family members, understand that other children also have families, parents, that parents and children love and care for each other.
Stimulate children's creativity in making valentines.
To develop the ability to build new and varied story games.

Forms of work with children and parents:
Entertainment "Valentine's Day"
Drawing "Valentine"
Exhibition of Valentines, works.
Give children the joy of celebrating the holiday
"Valentine's Day" entertainment plan.

1. Preparatory stage.
(prepare a script for the event, templates for making valentines)
2. Organizational stage
3. Holding the event
4. Creative work

5. Congratulations

Leading: Hello guys and guests!
Children, do you like holidays? I really love, especially the old ones: New Year, Maslenitsa, Christmastide. At baptism they tell fortunes, at Maslenitsa they bake pancakes.

A joyful holiday has come to us,
Music flows all around.
Today we are this holiday
Let's call it Valentine's Day.

Let's try to celebrate an ancient holiday - a sweet, homely, unusual Valentine's Day. Saint Valentine is the patron saint of all lovers. Do you children love anyone?
All people cannot live without love. We adults love children, love each other and want no one to ever be deprived of this wonderful feeling. Dads love moms, moms love dads, children love their parents, and parents love their children, and grandparents love their grandchildren.
— Who loves sweets, stand up.
— Who loves cartoons, raise your hands.
- If you like ice cream, stomp your feet.
That's how many lovers we have.
Leading: Now listen to what our children think about this holiday:
1 child: What kind of holiday is it in February?
After all, winter is just around the corner.
2 children: Children know - Sasha, Dima,
It's Valentine's Day.
3rd child: Congratulations on this day,
We'll sing you a song!

Song “Wonderful Song”

Leading: Valentine's Day is a very good, kind holiday, it is a holiday of love and friendship.
Today we will have fun, joke, laugh, organize contests and funny competitions. And undoubtedly, only friendship should reign at our holiday. Do you agree?
On this holiday, everyone gives each other hearts, which are called “Valentines”. I suggest you collect one big and very kind heart.

Game "Collect a heart"
Children assemble a heart from the cut pieces.

Leading: It has long been customary to give flowers to your loved ones. Now we will make a bouquet.

Game “Who is most likely to make a bouquet?”

I also have one competition "Find your Valentine". (The child must find his own among all the valentines made by the family)

Leading: Today at our holiday we will recite poems about friendship.
Sharing a nursery rhyme “The cat went to Torzhok”.
Leading: And more dancing.

Barbarika's dance "Friendship"

Game “Name the beautiful words”

Leading: And now we are organizing another game.

Game "Merry Musicians"
(All children with the following instruments participate: a tambourine, 2 knockers, 2 maracas, 2 bells. They stand in a circle. Children pass these instruments to each other while listening to the music, without delaying. The music is interrupted, those children who have bells left form a pair)

Leading: Dear musicians, you must show us your musical skills and play together like an orchestra.
Orchestra – improvisation (Russian folk melody “I will sow quinoa on the shore”)

Leading: And we must also congratulate
All kindergarten workers.
They make friends and play with us,
Everyone is taught with love.
Congratulations on the day of love
And we give you hearts!

Leading: Make valentines for us
And give it for the holiday
So happy! So let's
We will always be friends.
Happy Valentine's Day,
Happy holiday of love,
Boys and girls
We congratulate you.

(They begin to make valentines, the blanks of which lie on the tables. They draw with their fingers on the valentines. When finished, they show it to each other and take it to the exhibition)

Leading: Once again, happy Valentine's Day to everyone. May you remember him with wonderful dances, songs, smiles, and good mood. Give each other attention, love, sensitivity.
We also prepared gifts for our guys (cookies - hearts).

And now we invite you to our sweet table!

Photo report on the project “Valentine’s Day”
1. Making a Valentine craft

3. Modeling “Valentines”

4. Entertainment “Valentine’s Day” (drawing “Valentine”)

Valentine's Day Scenario – Stolen Heart

Good evening, dear friends! Today is February 14th, and this is not just another day of the week, month and year, it is Valentine's Day. Which, as you know, is Valentine's Day. Do we have people today who are in love? There are such? Great. What is a symbol of love? What do you constantly draw? That's right - hearts. And that's why we have prepared a surprise for you. This is a big heart! Let's shout and clap. And so welcome!

But instead of a big heart, Baba Yaga appears on the stage.

Baba Yaga:

Oh, why did they shout so much? Even though I am Baba Yaga, I can still hear well. Or are you glad to see me like this?


Who else is this? Where is our big heart?

Baba Yaga:

Uh, honey. Don't recognize me? It's me - Baba Yaga!


Actually, we were waiting for our heart, not this one.

Baba Yaga:

There was such a heart. Only I got tired of it, and I tore it up.


How did you break it? This is our heart. We ordered it from a well-known company.

Baba Yaga:

Yes, I know everything. This is my company. I just wondered why you need such a heart. So I tore it up.


And where is the logic here: it became interesting and broke up?

Baba Yaga:

There is no logic here. I just came here to see what's going on here.


Nothing is happening anymore. There is no heart, therefore there is no holiday.

Baba Yaga:

Was there supposed to be a holiday? Okay, then I’ll admit it – I didn’t break my heart, I brought it with me. My couriers were all missing, all that was left were legs and horns, so I had to drag this heart myself.


So does that mean there will be a holiday?

Baba Yaga:

Of course it will. But only, mind you, with me!


Come on, we agree. Where is the heart?

Baba Yaga:

A?! I will have my heart for now so that you don’t kick me out of your holiday. So to speak, as a guarantee. What is the occasion of the holiday?


Valentine's Day is today.

Baba Yaga:

Wow! This is my favorite day! I just have competitions for the holiday. Well, shall we play?


Where can we go, of course, let’s play.

Baba Yaga:

This is great. Now I’ll knead my bones. Let's start quickly.


Let's start.

Baba Yaga:

I am a woman, although I am old, but I love to listen to compliments and beautiful words. So come on, go out and pamper your grandma.


We invite participants to the gaming program. They are divided into three teams.

Whose team is the last to compliment Baba Yaga wins the competition. You can't repeat yourself.



Well, Baba Yaga. How do you like our compliments?

Baba Yaga:

Oh, well done, I haven’t heard such words for a long time, even when I looked a hundred years younger, my heart began to flutter and crumble into separate pieces.


And we will help you collect the pieces into whole hearts

    COLLECT THE HEART. Gifted to Baba Yaga

Baba Yaga:

I thank you sincerely, I will remember your kindness forever. Now let's check out your teams, which are so close-knit and friendly.


I invite the next couple from each team to the competition.

    CAPTURED HEART. Gifted to Baba Yaga

Baba Yaga:

How dexterous and skillful your guests are, I think that not all of their talents were revealed. Yes?


You guessed Baba Yaga. I invite to the stage one pair each from different teams who can draw. The couple who does this faster, and most importantly, gets a beautiful and correct Valentine, wins.

    PAINTED HEART. Gifted to Baba Yaga


And so that Baba Yaga does not doubt our guests at all, we will show you how they can make a magic heart from small hearts.

    APPLICATION “MAGIC HEART”. They give it to Baba Yaga.


The time has come for our last competition. Come on Yaga, announce the rules.

Baba Yaga:

And the rules are very simple. Since today is Valentine's Day, you can kiss.


Well, you can always kiss.

Baba Yaga:

Yes, but today you can kiss all night long. That's why I'm announcing a competition


Baba Yaga:

I felt really jealous. Anyway. And so our team won... Although no, not a team. Love has won for us!

At this moment a big heart is brought onto the stage.


Yes, love won. And with her we, those who are in love, and those who are looking for their soulmate. Happy holiday to you, friends. Love and be happy!

Chocolate hearts

We want to give you

This sweet valentine

End our meeting

Children give homemade hearts.

Galina Schlichenmayer

Lesson notes

Subject: Valentine's Day

Age: 6-7 years.


1. Introduce the traditions of the holiday.

2. Contribute to the development of collectivism and the formation of respectful attitudes towards each other.

3. Develop attention and creative imagination.

Form classes: conversation with elements of play activity.

Equipment: chamomile with tasks, valentines, pictures with birds,

Progress of the lesson.

The teacher reads a poem:

In the snowy haze of February dawns

Day let lovers be happy again

This is a holiday of poems and sonnets

Sing and welcome love!

What do you guys think this poem is about? Love is a very broad concept. What or who do you think you can love? (mom, dad, flowers) There are many poems and songs about love, and it turns out that there is a Valentine's Day « St. Valentine's Day» but that's right « Valentine's Day» . Today we are with you at classes Let's talk about this holiday, which is celebrated on February 14th. What do you know about the holiday?

Although it's still winter outside, « Valentine's Day» can be considered the first spring holiday, spring in spirit and mood. This is a holiday for all lovers, but not only... Do you sometimes say nice words to your friends, loved ones, moms, dads? Today you will have such an opportunity, but why do you think this holiday is called that way?

Version 1: Future saint He was a great friend of children, he talked about Christ, the children loved to listen to him. He will be imprisoned for his faith. Sitting in prison, awaiting execution, Valentine received many touching notes with love from my young friends.

Version 2: New Year according to the Roman calendar fell exactly in the middle of February. Just like now, the girls were guessing about their betrothed (future husband). They say that in ancient Rome there lived a priest Valentine he agreed to secretly marry the lovers. The union of which was prevented by the ban of Emperor Claudius, who believed that single young men would make better soldiers than married ones. The priest was executed for disobedience.

There are also third, fourth, fifth and sixth versions, no matter how many there are, the main thing is that the holiday exists and it has been celebrated for more than one and a half thousand years.

There are a lot of traditions of congratulations on the holiday, but usually on this day It’s customary to congratulate people you treat well - this includes parents and brothers, sisters and of course friends, but the main attention is paid to beloved ladies and gentlemen.

In that day It is customary to give each other greeting cards in the shape of hearts, the so-called « Valentines» . In addition to them, they give flowers, sweets - hearts, and many other things with the image of hearts. And now we will play a game, listen carefully to the rules games:

1. All of you are sitting next to each other, now let’s say compliments to each other, that is, good words. (You were pleased to hear good words spoken to you)

2. Find a pair, children take pictures with pictures of birds without showing each other, take turns depicting the cries of birds and use these sounds to find each other.

3. Chamomile - one child at a time comes out and takes one petal at a time, and completes the task that is written on the petal.

4. From heart to heart - On the table there are hearts cut into two parts, everyone takes half a heart. The goal of the game is to find your soul mate.

5. Children cut out hearts from colored paper and give them to someone they like.

Bottom line: Well, this is such an amazing holiday of greeting each other, International Valentine's Day. This day a reason to talk about love again, to say or write warm and tender words to each other.

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