People's power. Head of the Department for Territorial Development of the Tambov Region Vyacheslav Gerasimchuk: “For the government to be more effective, it must be more open. Head of the Department for Territorial Development of the Tambov Region Vyacheslav Gerasimchuk:

The XI All-Russian competition of publications on the problems of local self-government “People's Power” is starting. Competition deadline: May 31, 2017.

Organizers of the competition: State Duma Committee on Federal Structure and Local Government Issues.


  • author (group of authors) of the material,
  • editorial office of the media.

The purpose of the competition is to identify and disseminate best journalistic practices in involving citizens in the management of local community affairs.

Directions of the competition:

Our official VKontakte group:, our telegram, classmates ,
  • The budget of the municipality, including the popularization of information about the budget, the procedure for discussing the budget, the formulation and discussion of proposals for the budget.
  • Strategic planning and development of target programs, including discussion of territory development plans, demographic forecasts, prospects for socio-economic development, public discussion of target and departmental programs. Consolidation of municipalities, consolidation (liquidation) of urban and rural settlements: pros and cons.
  • Procedures for ensuring transparency of local self-government and anti-corruption, including aspects of interaction between public organizations and citizens with law enforcement agencies, creating an environment of non-acceptance of corruption in the local community.
  • Involvement of citizens in the affairs of local self-government, including public control, rule-making initiatives of citizens and public organizations, work of public representatives in local collegial and advisory bodies.
  • Implementation of state demographic and family policy at the local level.
  • Development and implementation of local social programs, interaction with socially oriented non-profit organizations.
  • Programs for the development of the local economy, employment, issues of implementation of the Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation of May 7, 2012.
  • Issues of cultural development. Identification and preservation of cultural objects of local significance. Relationship between cultural indicators and the level of economic development.
  • The tourism potential of the municipality, including analysis of the capabilities of tourism infrastructure, assessment of the attractiveness of local attractions, the use of historical facts and biographies of famous people to popularize the area, support for local history.

Requirements for competitive works:

  • Works published in local publications of any form of ownership and periodicity or presented in local electronic media, blogs and online platforms dedicated to local government issues, as well as editorial projects of print and electronic media.
  • Works published between June 1, 2016 and May 31, 2017 are accepted.
  • Valuable prizes (office equipment, tour packages)

This year the Eleventh All-Russian competition of publications on the problems of local self-government “People's Power” was held. The famous Sevastopol social activist, member of the Union of Journalists of Russia Vladimir Chekmezov took part in it. And - he became a laureate.

The organizer of the competition is the State Duma Committee on Federal Structure and Local Government Issues. The purpose of the competition is to identify and disseminate best journalistic practices in involving citizens in the management of local community affairs.

Both individual journalists and editorial offices of village, city and district newspapers took part in its 9 nominations. 134 municipalities from 61 regions of Russia are represented, as well as 6 cities from abroad - from Spain, Greece, Ukraine and Belarus. A total of 620 journalistic works (individual articles, collections and books) were submitted to the competition. The jury summed up the results in September. It included recognized experts on local self-government, journalists from federal publications writing about the problems of local self-government, and winners of previous competitions.

Among the many works, the competition jury presented a book by a member of the Sevastopol branch of the Union of Journalists of Russia, Vladimir Ilyich Chekmezov, “Municipal Reform: To Be or Not to Be?”, published last year. The book-research outlines the experience of forming local self-government and the concept of its reform in the Sevastopol region.
This work, solid in all respects, aroused interest among professionals and the public, and was highly appreciated in the journalistic community. At the end of December, its presentation took place at the Sevastopol Central City Library named after Leo Tolstoy.

Based on the results of the jury’s consideration of the works submitted to the competition, the book was awarded a Diploma of the Eleventh All-Russian competition of publications on the problems of local self-government “People’s Power” “For popularizing complex issues of organizing the system of local self-government”, as well as a Diploma of the relevant Committee of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation “For in-depth study of problems and prospects for local self-government in Sevastopol.” Vladimir Chekmezov took part in the ceremony summing up the results of the competition, which took place in Moscow and Vyshny Volochyok, Tver region.

Congratulating Vladimir Ilyich on his scientific and creative success, I would like to achieve one more result: his book should be in demand by current officials, who, unfortunately, do not always understand the essence of the problems of the Hero City.


All-Russian competition of publications on problems of local self-government “People's Power”

What works are accepted for the competition?

– Any relevant to the topic: printed materials, photo reports, online publications, audio and video programs, multimedia materials. The first condition is that they must be published in a newspaper, magazine, TV, radio or on the Internet. no earlier than June 1, 2016. The second condition is that the publication must be in Russian or one of the languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation (with a translation attached). Publications in foreign Russian-language media are also accepted if they correspond to the topic.

Applicants may be both professional journalists and freelance writers.

Media editors submit to the competition materials published as part of editorial projects or information campaigns on the topic of the competition.

The list of nominations (detailed topics of the competition) is given on the competition website http://vlast-narodnaya.rf .

Why take part in the competition?

– Agree that good material should live longer than a newspaper or TV story. It’s a pity when you spend a lot of time searching for information and summarizing it, and the work you created is forgotten every other day under the deluge of news and current problems. Good material should be seen by many people.

The competition website has good results in Internet search engines and is popular among local journalists who are looking for approaches to new topics and fresh techniques.

Serious experts in the field of local self-government often visit the site, because where else can one find information about local self-government from all over Russia in such a concentrated form?

By the way, we inform you that the competition is held with the support of the State Duma Committee on Federal Structure and Local Government Issues. Another partner of the competition is the Administration of the Vyshnevolotsky district of the Tver region, famous for its picturesque places throughout Russia. The laureates of the competition will be able to verify this personally, since the final of the competition is planned to be held in Vyshny Volochyok. And this is another reason take part in a competition. And of course, prizes await the winners.

How to apply?

– You need to go to the competition website http://vlast-narodnaya.rf, carefully read the competition regulations, and fill out the application form.

Dear Colleagues! It is important for us to know whether you received this letter. Please send us a response (empty is possible) to confirm, or visit our website using one of the links in this letter.

I wish you success!

Sincerely, ORGANIZING COMMITTEE of the competition of publications on the problems of local self-government “PEOPLE’S POWER”

09.11.2018, 16:30

Head of the Department for Territorial Development of the Tambov Region Vyacheslav Gerasimchuk: “For the government to be more effective, it must be more open”

Voronezh. 09.11.2018. website - Analytics - In September, municipal elections were held in the Tambov region, voting took place in 352 election campaigns for elections to state authorities and local governments, 110 heads of rural settlements were elected. In early October, the newly elected district councils met for their first sessions, and a third of the districts of the Tambov region began the procedure for electing district heads. The Abirega correspondent talked with the deputy director of the department of state, municipal service and anti-corruption of the office of the head of the regional administration, head of the department for territorial development Vyacheslav Gerasimchuk.

- Vyacheslav Vyacheslavovich, the management model is changing in many areas. Explain what is happening there?

Indeed, in all districts of the region, orientation sessions of district Councils of People's Deputies were held due to the fact that a new composition of deputies was elected. In nine of the 23 districts of the region, at these sessions, decisions were made to conduct a competitive procedure for selecting the head of the district, in connection with this, the current heads of administration resigned. It should be noted that all these changes were made to the district charters, and now deputies are making decisions in accordance with these changes. Previously, in our country, the position of the head of the district was combined with the function of the chairman of the district Council of People's Deputies, and the executive and distribution body was headed by the head of the district administration. Now the head of the representative body of local self-government will be called the chairman of the district council, and the head of the district will head the executive and distribution body of power, i.e. the district administration and will be elected by deputies after a competitive procedure. In other words, the head of the district and the head of the administration will now be one person. It cannot be said that this is some kind of revolution in local self-government - the process of changing the model has been going on systematically for four years. With the election of these nine district heads, there will be no more leaders appointed from above in the districts. We must remember that, in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, local government is an independent branch of government. We from the region can recommend something, give advice, but we have no right to indicate or set deadlines. Moreover, the current heads of districts have different terms of office, and in some districts such a competitive procedure has already taken place.

Urban districts and municipal districts became pioneers in 2015. In my opinion, today’s model for electing district heads has fully justified itself, as it is more open and effective.

- What, in your opinion, is the peculiarity of the new management model?

The peculiarity of the new model lies in the democratic procedures for choosing the head of the district. Deputies at a meeting of the district council decide to hold a competition to fill the position of the head of the district and elect half of the composition of the competition commission. The second half of the commission is appointed by the regional authorities. In addition, people's representatives set the date, time and place of the competition, as well as the deadline, time and place for accepting documents submitted for participation in the competition, which are most convenient for applicants. Then all decisions are published in local media and posted on the Internet, which makes the competition procedure more accessible to every citizen.

The competition is held on a day determined by the decision of the representative body, and consists of three stages: a “competition” of documents, testing, personal interviews with candidates and consideration of programs proposed by candidates containing the main directions of socio-economic development of the municipality, improving the activities and structure of the executive body. administrative body of the municipality, as well as proposals for the effective solution of issues of local importance.

The commission's task is to select two candidates from all applicants and present them to the deputies at the session. And the deputies will choose the head of the district from the submitted candidates. In fact, this is an election by the population, since the deputies themselves are elected by the population. This is local government.

- Specify the time frame for the competition to fill the position of district heads.

The law gives up to six months for this, but we expect that by the end of November all competitive procedures will be completed.

Some of the heads of districts where the competitive procedure is being held have been in power for a long time and are generally of advanced age. Does this mean that the regional authorities are conducting a soft rotation in this way?

I think it is somewhat premature to talk about rotation. After all, those you are talking about enjoy great authority in their area and can submit documents for the competition - the law does not make any age restrictions. The competition commission objectively evaluates each candidate according to the requirements for participation in the competition. On the other hand, some of the current heads may not submit documents for the competition. And there will certainly be new candidates, new applicants. Whether the new applicants will be able to prove their professional worth – both to the commission and to the deputies – is another matter. As for the current heads, I will express my personal opinion: if they submit documents for the competition, then 99% will support them, because leaders of this level are not so easy to find today.

Previous polls...

Survey start date: 06/17/2019, Survey end date: 06/24/2019, Total votes: 128 people.

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