Abstract of the educational activity “Letter Ш, sound” (for children of the preparatory group). Lesson summary reading “Sound and the letter Sh” Lesson summary on teaching literacy the letter sh

Elena Tyurina
Summary of a lesson on teaching literacy “Hard consonant sound [w], letters Sh, sh. Shea combination"

Subject: Hard consonant [sh], letters Ш, w. Shea combination.

Target: introduce to hard consonant sound sh, with spelling shea combinations; create conditions for the development of speech, memory, logical thinking; consolidate knowledge about voiced and voiceless pairs consonants; enter a term "sizzling consonants»

Equipment: set of subject pictures, cash register letters, balloon, computer, cards with letters with puzzles,

Lesson progress:

1. Organizational moment.

Good afternoon, guys! We have literacy lesson, and I want to see in what mood you came to today lesson. (We use "traffic lights").

I see that you are in a good mood? Well, then you can easily guess mine riddle:

Joy has a friend

In the shape of a semicircle

She lives on her face.

It will suddenly go somewhere,

It will suddenly return

Sadness and melancholy are afraid of her. (Smile)

Everyone needs a smile. I will smile at you, and you will smile at each other, at our guests, and think how good it is that we are together today. We are calm and kind. We are healthy. I wish you to maintain your good mood until the end lesson.

How would you like to see our lesson? (Fun, interesting, educational)

I hope that we will spend this together lesson for the benefit of all of us.

2. Updating knowledge.

Why you need to study letters? (To be literate, be able to read and know a lot).

What two large groups are everyone divided into? sounds? (Vowels and consonants) .

Than vowels sounds different from consonants? (Pronunciation).

Which of them always indicate voiced consonants?

Which ones always mean soft? consonants?

What do you think, do they exist in the Russian language? letters, which denote only hard consonants?

Whether you answered my last question correctly or not, you will find out along the way lesson if you are attentive and diligent.

Let's break into groups and solve the puzzles. (Methodology of shift groups).

stranded bear lynx fingers

What do the spellings of these words have in common? (b)

Tell us what you know about b. (b doesn't give sound, can be softening and separating)

3. Mobilizing stage, which turns into the formulation of themes and goals lesson.

Today on literacy lesson we are learning new material. I want the topic lesson you formulated it yourself. To do this, let's do the following exercises.

Phonetic exercise.

How does the reed make noise? (Shhh)

How does a snake hiss? (Shhh).

(On the slide there are pictures in a row with the image of a ball, a hat, a pillow, a curl.)

Name these items. (in unison).

Now find in the words denoting the names of these objects the same sound and formulate the first part of today's topic lesson.

(In each word there is sound [sh], then, the topic of today lesson« Sound sh, letters Ш, w").

Considering the topic lesson, set the goal of our work.

(On the board there is a supporting record in the form of sentences with missing words and with symbols instead of some words.)

Meet new... and with the new one...

Learn to distinguish new ones. And. from others sounds and letters;

(Children, matching the topic lesson and the content of this record, restore it and formulate their own goal lesson.)

The purpose of our work that's how it is:

Meet new people sound and new letter;

Learn to distinguish new ones sound and letter from other sounds and letters;

4. Studying new material.

U. Now let’s start implementing the first goal.

1. Working with sound.

U. Work today will be more interesting if we invite you to lesson from an unusual guest. To do this, let's go back to the pictures. Find among them one whose item name has three sound, and our new sound takes first place and make a diagram of this word. (Drawing up a word diagram).

We found out who it is.

(A ball will come to us today, because this word has three sound, A sound [sh] first).

We'll check this now; someone is already knocking on the door. Did you guess it?

Sh. Hello, guys. Here I am! Would you mind if I attended lesson and watch you? (No).

Say new sound in chorus several times and think about whether it is a vowel or consonant. Justify your answer. ([W]-[w]-[w]. This consonant sound, because when we pronounce it, we feel a blockage in our throat).

Close your ears. Say sound again and think whether he is voiced or deaf. Justify your answer. (He is deaf because there is no ringing in his ears).

Listen to me say sound. Tell, is it hard or soft?

(He solid) .

Describe the new one sound, taking into account the results of our work.

(Sound [sh] consonant, deaf, solid) .

Make up words with this sound.

Our guest, the ball, also wanted to get involved in the work. He's trying to find the words where the new one is the sound will be soft. While he is unable to do this, help him.

(They look for words and draw a conclusion.) There are no such words, so this the sound is always solid.

Describe the new full sound.

2. Working with letter.

- The sound sh is indicated by the letter sh. (The teacher shows letter in the box office) .

Find it at your box office. Show me.

Try to make it up finger letter.

Tell me what it's like letter.

Children find letter in the box of letters and syllables; they call it correctly; make it up from fingers; they say what it looks like.

The teacher reads poems about letter and shows pictures.

Look at letter Ш - The letter is very good,

Because from her

You can do E and E.

Ah, the stool is good!

Turned it over -

AND letter Ш!

What does it look like letter Ш?

On the teeth of this bucket.

Shura stirred up the hay,

I forgot my pitchfork in the hay.

3. Physical education minute

Children perform their own exercises to the music.

1. Tilt the head back and forth.

2. Raises hands up and down.

3. Squats.

4. Claps on the sides.

5. Hands on the belt. we're spinning.

6. Torso rotation.

7. Swimming.

8. Jumping.

5. Consolidation of what has been learned, reading exercise.

Let's get back to the goals you set. lesson. What have we already done and what remains to be done?

(We met a new sound and letter. Now we will learn to read with a new letter syllables, words and sentences).

This means that we are starting to realize the second goal lesson“Reading syllables, words, sentences with letter sh» .

6. Work according to the textbook.

1. page 6 The teacher reads the task.

W. Who knows who Scheherazade is?

Masha will tell us more about this girl.

2. Work on proverbs. The student reads the proverb and together we discuss the meaning.

3. Work in pairs. Discussion of the proverb. Expressing your opinion.

4. Work on page 17.

U. Guys, look again letter.

A diagram of which words is shown below in the margin.

Where is sound sh in the first word? in the second?

Point this place with your finger in the diagram.

4. Reading syllables in pairs on a slide.

Reading syllables in a textbook to yourself.

sha, sho, shi, shu, she.

5. Reading highlighted words.

1 column

How are these words different?

2 column

Name quadruped. (cat).

Where in the word cat is heard sound sh? (in the middle).

Come up with a nickname for the cat sound sh. (Fluff, Baby)

3 column

– Why are these words written in capitals? letters? (Names of people)

U. Choose a word that matches this diagram. (on the slide - school)

Make up a sentence using the word school.

How many words are there in this sentence?

6. Work with text "Autumn". (One student reads).

Reading the text aloud while clapping your hands while reading the words from the new letter.

What did you read about?

How do you understand the expression “The brushes of rowan trees were burning”? (The rowan was red and ripe).

How do you understand the word brush? (Berries collected by an umbrella).

When have we ever come across the word brush? (Painting, for drawing, hand).

What do we call words that have multiple meanings? (These are ambiguous words).

Find the word in the text in which more letters, how sounds. (Autumn)

7. Working with the rule.

Let's return to the syllable.

Remember which vowels soften the previous one consonant? (i, e, e).

Pay attention to these syllables. How do you hear sound sh here? (Firmly)

- The sh sound is always hard, so after the letters Ш do not write the letter s.

Guys, now let's pay attention to the assistant icon.

Let's read the rule.

And why this happened, I’ll tell you now. Listen grammar tale.

How the hissing Zh and Sh quarreled with the vowels letters Y, AND.

Once upon a time in the world there were hissing Zh, Sh, and nearby lived the vowels Y, I.

We lived very friendly. And then one day we decided letters play hide and seek. It fell out to drive hissing, the rest ran to hide. Sitting letters in hidden places, waiting for people to start looking for them. The hissing ones looked into all the cracks, searched hard, rustled around - found letter I. But they just can’t find Y. They searched and searched, lost their senses, and searched until evening. And so, stumbling, offended, tired, hungry, they decided to go home to sleep. It was already evening. They pass by the neighboring house and see that Y is sitting, as if nothing had happened, laughing, watching TV, drinking tea with gingerbread. The hissing Sh and Zh were offended - since then their friendship has been apart. They never stand together, but only So: live!

Skis, mice and snakes,

Tires, hedgehogs, siskins.


WITH always write with the letter I.

The rule is on the slide.

Let's come up with words with combination of SHI

8. Work according to the textbook p. 18.

U. What is pictured at the top?

What fruits of trees do you see?

What are the fruits of pine and spruce called? (bumps)

How many syllables are in the word shishki?

Which syllable is stressed?

What rule was found here? (Shi write with i).

9. Reading a story "Cockerels". page 18.

Reading chain by line.

Name the rhymes.

In what words did it appear? shea combination?

When they talk about children "got wild"?

How to call such children in one word? (Brawlers).

Repeat reading one at a time.

7. Creative work.

The balloon is very pleased with how you learned to read, and really wanted to please you with a cartoon.

But before watching the cartoon, let's divide into groups.

We watch a cartoon and remember the words from sound sh, after watching we will play a game “Who remembered more words?”

- The letter sh liked it so much, how you played, that she also decided to play with us.

Review the recording and formulate a task for the creative exercise.

(Need to replace letter like this to make a new word).

Pairs of words are written on the slide

rat - rat

steam - ...ar

raspberry - ma...ina

revenge - ...is.

Guys, the ball tells me that it’s time to play with the guests.

Let's ask them riddles, the answers to which begin with letters sh.

I'm sitting on horseback

I don’t know who

I'll meet an acquaintance,

I'll jump off and pick you up. Cap

The furry one is buzzing,

Flying for sweets.

Garden worker -

Honey belt. Bumblebee.

Flowers grow on a bush

Just a miracle of beauty:

Bright, fragrant,

Ay-ay-ay! Prickly. Rose hip

There are hangers and shelves here,

It's like there are floors in a house.

Pants, blouses, T-shirts –

Everything is in order. Closet.

According to the law of mathematics

It is drawn into squares,

It's wrapped in silver

He's been waiting for the guys for a long time.

When you unfold it,

Then instantly you will understand

That a sweet treasure was found.

This is delicious... Chocolate.

My nose is like a needle,

I keep making holes with my prickly nose.

And the shoemaker without me

He won't hammer a nail into his boot. Awl.

There is a cheerful, bright house,

There are a lot of nimble children in it,

They write and count there,

Draw and read. School.

9. Summing up.

Which learned the letter in class?

Which the sound she gives?

What can you say about this sound?

What words with letter w meet in life?

What rule do you need to remember?

Our guest ball thanks you and says to you: "Thank you!"

(written on the ball).

10. Reflection.

I ask you to rate your work on lesson using"traffic lights".

What can you praise yourself for?

What did you fail?

Kuznetsova Liliya
Lesson summary “Sound [Ш] and letter Ш”

Sound and letter Sh.

Integration of educational areas:“Cognitive development”, “Speech development”, “Socio-communicative development”, “Physical development”.

Correctional educational tasks:

Clarification and consolidation of knowledge about the letter Sh. Leading children to independent analysis of the sound Sh. Reinforce the correct pronunciation of the sound [sh]. Exercise in determining the presence or absence of the sound [w] in words; in determining the position of the sound [w] in a word (beginning, middle, end). Learn to create sound patterns for words like Krosh. Introduce the letter Sh. Teach to read syllables and words with the letter Sh. Continue teaching children to answer the teacher’s questions in complete sentences.

Correction and development tasks:

Develop: facial expressions, fine and general motor skills; phonemic awareness; grapho-motor skills; attention; thinking; imagination. Develop communication skills.

Correctional and educational tasks:

Develop skills of cooperation, mutual understanding, goodwill, and independence.

Equipment: pictures with fairy-tale characters and other pictures with the sound Ш, sets for creating sound patterns, tables with letters, an interactive board, counting sticks, pens, a table for laying a path using the letter Ш.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Organizational moment.

Look guys, how many guests we have today. They want to get to know you. - Say your name and the first sound of your name.

2. Report the topic of the lesson.

Guys! Today we have guests from the country of Smeshariya. And to find out who it is, guess the riddles.

I am the Smesharik bunny,


Handsome and good.

My name... (Krosh.)

I'm a piggy girl

Sheep's girlfriend.

There is no more beautiful and better

In Smeshariya... (Nyusha.)

He is a lover of experiments,

Resident of the house with horns.

He is our chief scientist.

Name him... (Losyash.)

They came to us for a reason. Smeshariki brought us a new sound. Let's call those who came to us again: Krosh, Nyusha, Losyash.

Guys, which of you is the most attentive? What sound is repeated most often in all these words?

The sound Ш came to our lesson today.

3. Articulation gymnastics

To pronounce sounds correctly, first let’s prepare and do some gymnastics.

1. “Proboscis Smile”

“Smile” - Keeping your lips in a smile. The teeth are not visible.

“Proboscis” - Pulling the closed lips forward.

Smile people

Then lips - forward!

And we do this six times.

All! I praise you! It's a start!

2. "Spatula"

The mouth is open, a wide, relaxed tongue rests on the lower lip.

Show your tongue wide

And hold the spatula.

3. "Cup"

The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. Tongue out. The lateral edges and tip of the tongue are raised, the middle part of the back of the tongue is lowered, bending towards the bottom. In this position, hold your tongue from 1 to 5-10.

Our tongue has grown wiser.

He managed to make a cup.

You can pour tea there.

And drink it with sweets.

4. “Warm it - freeze your palm”

We pronounce the sound [C] for a long time (while the air stream is directed towards the palm) - the palm is frozen, and now let’s warm it up - we pronounce the sound [Ш] for a long time.

4. Sound characteristics.

The lips are rounded and slightly extended forward.

The wide tongue at the top forms a “cup”.

A warm air stream flows through the center of the tongue.

The neck is “silent”.

Let's pronounce the sound [Ш]. What kind of vowel or consonant is it?

Hard or soft?

Does he have a soft brother?

Remember, the sound [Ш] is always hard!

5. Development of phonemic hearing.

1). Game with Smeshariki. (Interactive whiteboard) (“Looking for sounds in words with Smeshariki” - I. A. Matykina)

Name the pictures.

In which word is the sound Ш hidden?

2). Determine the place of the sound in the word. (Pictures Fairy-tale characters)

What group can they be combined into? (Fairy-tale heroes)

3). Sound analysis of a word.

Game "Live Sounds" - Krosh.

Physical education minute.

I am a cheerful jumper, Krosh! (jumping, hands on belt)

You won't die of boredom with me. (movement of the index finger left – right)

I boldly lead my friends on a hike, (we walk in place)

I can do anything! (bending arms to shoulders)

Thunder, fire, flood are not scary (clap your hands)

Yes, the Hedgehog hesitates: “Stop, stop!” ("Springs")

6. Introducing the letter.

The sound “sh” in writing is represented by the letter Ш.

What does this letter look like?

What does the letter Sh look like?

On the teeth of this bucket.

Shura raked the hay,

I forgot my pitchfork in the hay.

Let's write the letter Ш in the air. First we write from top to bottom, then from left to right.

1). Forming the letter Ш from counting sticks.

2). “Read the words on the marbles from Smeshariya.”

3).“Help Elk get to the house.

7. Game "Big-small".

(Assignment from Barash - pictures in an envelope with the sound Ш)

Transform large objects into small ones.

What sound did you encounter today? What is he like?

What did you like most?

And Smeshariki really liked you, so they decided to give you their coloring books.

Publications on the topic:

“Sound [f]. Letter "w". Speech therapy lesson notes. Goal: to consolidate children’s ability to correctly pronounce the sound [zh], isolate, distinguish this sound in spoken speech; introduce the letter Z. Tasks:.

Synopsis of the frontal lesson “Sound [Ts] and letter Ts. Chicken Tsyp” Objectives: 1. Introduce children to a new consonant sound - Ts; its articulatory and acoustic characteristics, methods of pronouncing sound.

Summary of a lesson on speech development “Sound [I] and letter I” Summary of a lesson on speech development 10/17/17 9th group Prepared by: Zhirnova A. L. “Sound and letter I” Goals: Correctional and educational: to form.

Lesson summary “Sound [X] and letter X” Summary of the lesson “Our city” sound and letter “X” Corrective educational tasks: - consolidation of knowledge about the letter and sound “X”, - formation.

Lesson summary on literacy in preschool.
Subject: Consonant sound [sh], letter sh.
Target: acquaintance with the consonant sound [sh] and the letter sh, with the peculiarity of this sound.
- develop speech, thinking, memory.
- cultivate accuracy and discipline.
Lesson steps:
1. Org. moment (2-3 minutes).
2. Lesson progress (10-15 minutes).
3. Consolidation (7-10 minutes).
4. Lesson summary (2-3 minutes).
1.Org. moment (2-3 minutes).
Do you hear a ringing voice?
It's time for us to start our lesson!
We are smart!
We are friendly!
We are attentive!
We are diligent!
We are doing great studying!
We will succeed!
Guys, what do you think is the lesson now?
How did you guess?
Guys, let's remember what our speech consists of?
What do the proposals consist of?
What are words made of?
Let's remember what two groups sounds are divided into?
Name all the vowel sounds?
What do you know about consonant sounds?
Didactic game.
"Make no mistake."
I give the children three chips: red, blue and green. Guys, put them in front of you.
If I call a vowel sound, then you raise a red chip, if I call a hard consonant sound, then you raise a blue chip, if I call a soft consonant sound, then you raise a green chip.
(a, m, d, o, y, p, r, s, l, n, m, i, e, n, yu, i, s, s).
Well done guys, you did a good job.
2. Lesson progress (10-15 min).
I hang pictures on the board (ball, hat, syringe, cone, shower, Shapoklyak, letter Sh).
- Guys, what is shown in the pictures?
I ask the children to close their eyes while I remove one picture.
Guys, what picture is missing on the board?
Well done, you are very attentive.
I swap the pictures.
I do this several times.
Well done guys, you completed the task.
Let's talk again about what is shown in the pictures.
What is the same unfamiliar sound in all these words?
That's right guys, it's the sound Sh.
Teacher reads a poem
Fur coat, cap, hat, ball,
One day we went to the market.
We walked, walked slowly,
And they found a hut in the forest.
We looked at the hut,
It was no one's, but it will be ours.

The sound [sh] is always hard.

Who has already guessed what the topic of today's lesson is?
That's right guys, today we will get acquainted with a new letter.
This letter is called the letter Sha.
I hang the letter Sha on the board.
Guys, what does the letter Sha look like?
F/minute “Frogs”
Two girlfriends in the swamp -
Two green frogs-
We got up early in the morning,
Rubbed with a towel,
They stomped their feet,
They clapped their hands,
Leaned to the right, to the left
And they landed back.

Letter Sh - Hissing,
Sometimes - rustling,
Often - rustling,
Occasionally - Squeaky.

Guys, place the letter Sha on your desk using pencils.
3. Fastening (7-10 min).
Game "Who is the most attentive?"

In this game we will rest and determine the place of the sound [w] in the words: if this sound is at the beginning of a word, we squat, if at the end of the word, we raise our hands up, if in the middle, we spin, if there is a trap, we clap our hands.
^ Fur coat, pencil, car, wardrobe, scarf, cat, mouse, checker, rat, roof, ball, watermelon, frog.

Finger gymnastics.
(Hand clenched into a fist)
We shared an orange.
(Turn your fist left and right)
There are many of us, but he is alone!
(With the other hand we extend the fingers folded into a fist, starting with the thumb)
This slice is for the hedgehog,
(Extend the index finger)
This slice is for the siskin,
(Extend the middle finger)
This slice is for ducklings
(We bend the ring finger)
This slice is for kittens
(We bend the little finger)
This slice is for the beaver,
(Turn the open palm left and right)
Well, for the wolf - the peel.
(We show the cleft palate with both hands)
He is angry with us - trouble!
(Fold our hands together)
We hide in the house - here!

Guys, now we will learn how to write the letter Sha.
I show the children how to write on the board.
Students write in the air.
Guys, open your notebooks, color the letter Sha, and then we will write the printed letter Sha with you.

Guys, now we will write the word ball.
We divide the word into syllables, highlighting the sounds.
What is the first sound we hear in this word (sh), the letter Sha.
What is the second sound(s).
What is the third sound (r).
The student goes to the board, the rest work in their notebooks.
4. Lesson summary (2-3 minutes).
What did we do in class today?
What letter did we meet?
What new have you learned?

Daria Asigritova


acquaintance with the letter Sh.


1. Introduce children to the letter Ш.

2. To develop the ability to pronounce words with a given sound,

the ability to isolate the desired sound in words.

3. To develop the ability to establish classification

relationships between concepts.

4. Develop the ability to answer questions based on content


5. Strengthen the ability to conduct sound analysis of a word.

6. Check the children’s ability to divide words into syllables and put


7. Develop speech, phonemic hearing, logical thinking,

memory, attention, perception, fine motor skills, skill

solve riddles.

8. Expand and activate children's vocabulary.

9. Cultivate accuracy and a culture of communication.



board, chalk, sound chips, illustration “What does the letter Sh look like”, a picture with the image of cones and the letter Sh, the story “Cat and Mouse”.


pictures of clothes, two hoops (blue, green), notebooks with a pasted illustration of a hat and the letter Ш for coloring and with a sample of the letter Ш for writing, colored pencils.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment.

2. Subject message

(Children are sitting on the carpet)

Guess the riddle:

On tall slender trees

They hide together in the needles.

They love squirrels and crossbills

Enjoy them.

My simple question for you, kids:

What do they all eat?

Guys, what are cones?

(The fruit of conifers and some other plants is round or oval in shape, covered with scales)

3. Main part of the lesson

a) Sound analysis of the word “cones”

(The children sat down at the tables)

Guys, how many sounds are in the word “cones”?

(The word “cones” has 5 sounds)

Let's look at the word "bumps"

How many syllables are in the word "bumps"?

(The word “cones” has 2 syllables)

How did you determine?

(As many vowels as there are in a word, there are as many syllables. This word has 2 vowel sounds, which means 2 syllables)

Divide the word "bumps" into syllables.

Name the 1st syllable.

How many sounds does the first syllable consist of?

(1st syllable consists of 3 sounds)

Name the 2nd syllable.

How many sounds does the 2nd syllable consist of?

(2nd syllable consists of 2 sounds)

Identify the stressed and unstressed sounds in the word “bumps”.

(In the word “cones” the 1st vowel sound [i] is stressed, and the 2nd vowel sound [i] is unstressed)

How did you determine?

(In order to determine the stressed sound in a word, you need to call out the given word)

Place emphasis.

Name the hard consonant sounds in the word “bumps”.

b) Phonemic exercises.

(The children sat on the carpet)

How does a snake hiss?

How does a goose hiss?

c) What does the letter Sh look like?

Look at the illustration and listen to the rhyme:

What does the letter Sh look like?

On the teeth of this bucket.

Repeat, which letter represents the sound [w]?

(Letter Ш)

d) Introducing the letter Sh.

(The children sat down at the tables)

Guys, look at the illustration and tell me what letter Sh is?

How many elements does this letter consist of?

What is shown in the illustration?

Why do you think?

(Because they start with the letter Ш [ш])

Look at the illustration again and tell me what kind of cones are shown on it?

d) Game “Who is attentive?”

(Children are sitting on the carpet)

Look at the pictures.

List what is shown in each of the proposed pictures?

(Pants, shirt, fur coat, shorts, cap, hat)

Find and name the same sound in words.

f) Ball game “Name the words with the sound [w]”

(Children stood in a circle on the carpet)

Guys, I will throw a ball to each of you, your task is to return the ball back to me and at the same time pronounce any word that begins with the sound [w].

Who was the most attentive and paid attention to how the sound [w] is pronounced in all words?

What conclusion can we draw with you, what sound is this?

(always hard)

Right. Remember, guys, the sound [sh] is always hard.

g) Preparing your hand for writing.

(Children are sitting at the table)

Finger gymnastics.

h) Work in notebooks.

Coloring the letter Sh

Open your notebooks and look at the illustration.

What does it show?

(Letter Ш and hat)

Think about why the picture shows a hat?

(Because it starts with the letter Ш [ш])

What is a hat?


Absolutely right. Guys, what color do we use to highlight hard consonant sounds?

Your task is to color the letter Ш in the foreground and the hat in the background.

What color do you color the letter Ш?

And the hat?

Let's remember the rules of coloring.

(Do not put pressure on the pencil, do not go beyond the boundaries of the drawing, color without spaces)

Sit comfortably, straighten your backs. Get to work.

i) Exercise “Classification of objects”

(Children are sitting on the carpet)

So, look at the pictures again and divide them into two groups.

In the blue hoop, place pictures that you would classify in the first group, and in the green hoop, place pictures that you would classify in the second group and explain your choice.

Explain on what basis did you divide the pictures into two groups?

(Warm clothes were taken to the blue hoop, light clothes were taken to the green hoop)

Is it possible to combine them into one group, i.e. call them in one word?

(You can. These are clothes)

j) Prescribing the letter Ш

(Children are sitting at the table)

Open your notebooks. Look at the example and notice how the letter Ш is written correctly.

Why is it written in blue?

(Because the sound [ш] is always a hard consonant, and hard consonants need to be highlighted in blue)

Right. Complete the missing element for the letter Ш shown in the notebook and write it to the end of the line across the cell.

k) Reading the story “Cat and Mouse”

(Children are sitting on the carpet)

Listen carefully to the story:

“Everyone left the house. There is only one cat left. The cat sat on the window. A mouse came out of its hole. The cat doesn't see the mouse. The mouse doesn't see the cat. The mouse went to the kitchen. I found crumpet crumbs. The mouse ate the crumbs. Then the mouse saw the mug. The mug is covered with a lid. The mouse pushed the lid. The lid fell off. The cat smelled the mouse and jumped from the window. The mouse ran. The cat followed her, but didn’t catch up.”.

Who is the story talking about?

(About a cat and a mouse)

Where did the cat go?

(On the window)

Where did the mouse come from?

(From mink)

Where did the mouse go?

(To the kitchen)

What did the mouse find?

(Crumpet crumbs)

At what moment did the cat smell the mouse?

(When the mouse pushed the lid that covered the mug)

What happened to the mouse?

(The mouse ran away from the cat)

Guys, name the words with the sound [sh] that

met you in the story.

(Cat, mouse, window, crumbs, donut, lid, etc.)

4. Summary of the lesson.

Which letter did you meet?

(With the letter Ш)

What have we learned about the sound [w]?

(That the sound [w] is always hard)

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