Kadyrov: shame of Russia or patriot? Kadyrov is a disgrace to Russia. It won't force everyone to apologize.

For the second week now, battles have continued on the Internet between supporters and opponents of the Head of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Akhmatovich Kadyrov. Let's recall the background. Ramzan Kadyrov left a sharp comment on the non-systemic opposition, calling them enemies of the people and saying that they are dancing to the tune of Western intelligence services. The head of the Krasnoyarsk Council, Konstantin Senchenko, responded to this by posting a post on his social network, in which he says that the head of the republic is a disgrace to Russia:

After some time, a scandal unfolds about this, but it all ends with the fact that after “communication with representatives of the Chechen people,” Senchenko apologizes to Kadyrov:

However, it was not only Konstantin Senchenko who spoke harshly to the head of Chechnya. Human Rights Commissioner Ella Pamfilova said that statements like those made by Ramzan Akhmatovich “are harmful, because they do a disservice to the country’s president and cast a shadow on the country itself.” Ella Alexandrovna also received comments from supporters of the Chechen leader and from himself, but the woman did not miss the moment, saying that Ramzan Akhmatovich needs to “slow down” and that she is afraid of a repetition of the events of the 90s.

This whole story caused a wave of discontent and the hashtag #KadyrovShame of Russia appeared on the top of Russian Twitter. Thousands of users began to speak negatively about the head of the Republic:

Even the Russian economy could not pass by:

The sofa expert addressed the flash mob participants with advice:

And further variations:

Someone also recalled that Razman Akhmatovich is an academician:

In response to this flash mob, messages in support of Razman Kadyrov began to appear on the Internet, and the hashtags: #KadyrovPatriotofRussia and #KadyrovPrideofRussia began to gain popularity. A deputy of the State Duma of Russia published a video on his Instagram, where he calls Ramzan the support of Russia and shouts: “Allahu Akbar”:

Russian stars also came to the defense of Razman Akhmatovich. Magomed Daudov published a selection of photographs on his Instagram.

Fedor Bondarchuk

Nikolay Baskov

Presenter Timur Solovyov

Igor Vernik

And Timati recorded a video in which he doubted the correctness of Khodorkovsky’s release and called Ramzan a patriot. It's no secret that Timati is on good terms with the main Chechen Republic and is recognized as an Honored Artist of the Chechen Republic.

The online campaign was launched by Aleksey Shaburov, editor of the Politsovet news agency:

His initiative was supported by opposition politicians, activists, journalists and ordinary users:

The cause of the flash mob was the conflict between non-party deputy of the Legislative Assembly of Krasnoyarsk Konstantin Senchenko and the head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov.

January 12 At a meeting with journalists in Grozny, Kadyrov said: “Representatives of the so-called non-systemic opposition are trying to profit from a difficult economic situation. Such people should be treated as enemies of the people, as traitors. Nothing is sacred to them."

In response to this statement by Senchenko wrote, which considers Kadyrov a disgrace to Russia:

His post was widely circulated on social networks (almost 5 thousand users shared it on Facebook alone) and received widespread support. But there were also those who condemned the deputy. His colleague in the Krasnoyarsk Legislative Assembly, Ivan Serebryakov from Patriots of Russia, accused Senchenko of “a deliberate provocation against the heads of state authorities, which has only one goal - the destruction of the state structure,” which “will inevitably play into the hands of America and other enemies of Russia.”

In an interview with Radio Liberty, the Krasnoyarsk deputy noted that he did not expect any reaction from Kadyrov:

“In fact, I absolutely don’t care whether there is such a reaction or not. I wrote the post primarily for myself and for my friends. Yesterday, when I discussed with my friends this position of Ramzan Kadyrov, when he accused all oppositionists and declared them enemies of the people, I heard fear in the voices of many. People are afraid, they don’t understand how they can continue to live, leave the country, or not leave. And that’s why I took on this role and publicly said what a lot of people are thinking but are afraid to say publicly.”

Late evening January 14 reports appeared with links to Chechen television and LifeNews that Senchenko allegedly apologized to Kadyrov.

Many did not believe it, but State Duma deputy Dmitry Gudkov emphasized :

“The problem here is not this, but the pride of the Chechen leader. If a person cannot be found and his pants removed, as is practiced in a highly spiritual republic, then it is no longer possible to eat in peace. You have to get smart and post at least a fake, at least something, just to show how he controls the entire country, from the Terek to the Yenisei. And to the outskirts of the Kremlin, of course.”

“Yesterday I had a private telephone conversation with a very respected person who called me. And this debate was very long, we discussed the situation and general issues for an hour. He told me that I probably couldn’t objectively judge what happened in Chechnya, because I had never been there.<...>It was a long dialogue where I really apologized, saying that it is wrong to personally insult someone. If you are a politician, you do not have this right. You need to be correct and delicate. But, nevertheless, I have my position, which is that on the other side everything should also be very delicate. This was the situation. Today, unfortunately, I learned that it has become public. How these recordings ended up in the possession of LifeNews, I don’t know.<...>I am ready to publicly apologize for the fact that I wrote this in a rude manner. But the problem itself is not solved. Who should I tell about this publicly?”

January 15 Krasnoyarsk deputy explained on Facebook:

“I can say unequivocally - I did not give an interview to Lifenews. Late last night I had a conversation with a very famous person not only in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, but also in Russia. I won’t mention his name, it was about my post. The man took my words personally and generally at the expense of the Chechen people, and I had to explain that this was not so. I emphasize that this was a private conversation that lasted quite a long time. During which mutual claims were expressed and various arguments were given. It was a man's conversation.<...>During this conversation and communication today with representatives of the Chechen people, I became convinced of the authority of the leader of the Chechen Republic.<...>They really respect Ramzan Kadyrov and are very offended by statements against their leader.”

In the afternoon, a video filmed in the style of ISIS appeared on Kadyrov’s Instagram, in which Senchenko nevertheless apologizes to the head of Chechnya:

I accept)))))
A video posted by Allah is Great!!! (@kadyrov_95) on Jan 15, 2016 at 5:37am PST

A flash mob with a statement that the leader of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, is a disgrace to Russia, after a scandal broke out around the harsh treatment of the Krasnoyarsk Territory deputy Konstantin Senchenko towards the Chechen leader.

“Here Alexey Shaburov correctly wrote: “let every honest person write that Ramzan Kadyrov is a disgrace to Russia; won’t force everyone to apologize.” This is the right idea, this is a good flash mob,” Russian oppositionist Leonid Volkov wrote on his Facebook.

He called Kadyrov “a feudal medieval dictator with a huge personal army, keeping two million of his powerless serfs in terror inside his principality and brazenly, publicly terrorizing 140 million outside its borders, sending out assassins - humiliating all of us, each of us by the very fact of his existence.”

“Ramzan Kadyrov is a disgrace and a festering ulcer of Russia; there will be no apologies,” Volkov wrote.

The initiator of the flash mob, journalist Alexei Shaburov, noted on the social network that Kadyrov is “a man who, with the connivance of the federal authorities, in the 21st century established an African-type dictatorship in part of the country.”

“From Ramzan Kadyrov there is one step to Idi Amin, and in order for this step not to be taken, it must be said out loud,” Shaburov wrote.

“Ramzan Kadyrov is a disgrace to Russia. Cruel and ignorant. A disgrace to the Russian government because he is put in charge of the region, a disgrace to Russian science because he holds the title of academician, a disgrace to the Chechen people because he sends his fellow citizens and fellow tribesmen to their deaths in Donetsk,” the political strategist wrote on Facebook and art manager Marat Gelman.

Also on Twitter, Russian oppositionist, one of the leaders of the RPR-PARNAS party Ilya Yashin and others called Kadyrov a disgrace to Russia:

At the same time, opposition deputy of the State Duma of Russia Dmitry Gudkov denied a report that appeared that the Krasnoyarsk deputy apologized for his words about Kadyrov.

“I can confirm: Konstantin Sechenko did not apologize to any Ramzan Kadyrov: he just found out through his channels. The fact that a recording of a private telephone conversation (without warning) was posted publicly cannot in any way be regarded as an apology. Talking to each other, discussing the situation - This is one thing, but making public statements is completely different. The deputy did not give interviews to any TV channels. It is strange that many media outlets do not understand this. However, the problem here is not this, but the pride of the Chechen leader. If a person cannot be found and his pants removed. , as this is practiced in a highly spiritual republic, it is no longer possible to eat in peace. You have to contrive and post at least a fake, at least something, just to show how he controls the entire country, from the Terek to the Yenisei and to the outskirts of the Kremlin, of course. as we see, not all of them. Although you can buy and intimidate many people in Russia, not everyone,” Gudkov wrote on his Facebook.

Senchenko himself told the radio station “Moscow Speaks” that he received many indignant responses. In addition, he received unpleasant hints about walking around Red Square, where Russian opposition leader Boris Nemtsov was killed.

“No normal person would voice direct threats, but during the conversations there were completely different hints, from which some things were obvious and understandable. For example, you like to walk along Red Square? How is that? A hint or not a hint? Of course, It’s not like it’s a threat, but a certain message is obvious and understandable to everyone. You’re in Moscow, you like to walk around Red Square...” noted Senchenko.

“I apologize for the incorrect form itself, it was wrong. Any politician should be as correct as possible. But I continue to insist that indiscriminately accusing the entire opposition of being enemies of the people is a wrong position. And we all need to move away from it “, the authorities must conduct a normal dialogue with everyone,” he said.

Senchenko noted that many people, especially Chechens, associate themselves with their leader and take the insult of the regional leader to themselves personally, adding that he had no intention of offending the Chechen people.

“That’s why I say that yes, I was wrong in form, but in essence, in terms of the content of the dialogue, I believe that we need to be mutually correct. I understand that we need to remove this tension and move towards a calm, constructive conversation,” said the deputy.

“Kadyrov is a disgrace to Russia” - a flash mob against the head of Chechnya was launched on social networks

After the conflict between Krasnoyarsk City Council deputy Konstantin Senchenko and the head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov, the Russian opposition launched a flash mob “Kadyrov is a shame of Russia” on social networks.

The latter stated that it was necessary to carry out trials of “enemies of the people” from the opposition. After this, Senchenko wrote a post on Facebook, suggesting that Kadyrov, who, in his opinion, disgraces the titles of academician and Hero of Russia, should go “to hell.”

However, the story did not end there. On Thursday evening, Grozny television released a story with Senchenko’s apology to Kadyrov.

“Ramzan Akhmatovich, I apologize. I was wrong, I acted rashly, emotionally, and I deeply apologize.”, - the deputy says in the video.

“I have talked with representatives of the Chechen people over the past two days and have personally seen the enormous authority you have among the Chechens. I have never been to the Chechen Republic, but I trust them. They say that a huge amount of work has been done in the Chechen Republic And all this is thanks to you. I once again sincerely apologize and hope that there will be no such incidents on my part.", - assures Senchenko.

However, Senchenko then refuted his “apology,” explaining that the recording of his private conversation, in which he regretted the form, and not the essence, of the controversy with Kadyrov, somehow ended up in the media and cannot in any way constitute a public position.

After this, a flash mob began, the idea of ​​which belonged to the editor of the Politsovet news agency, Alexei Shaburov.

He suggested that “every honest person” should write “Kadyrov is a disgrace to Russia,” since “the leader of Chechnya will not force everyone to apologize.” According to Shaburov, “with the connivance of the federal authorities” an “African dictatorship” has been created on Russian territory.

“I launched some kind of flash mob here. So, yes: I believe that Ramzan Kadyrov is a disgrace to Russia. This is a man who, with the connivance of the federal authorities, in the 21st century, established an African-type dictatorship in part of the country. From Ramzan Kadyrov - one step to Idi Amin , and in order for this step not to be taken, it must be spoken about out loud", - Alexey Shaburov wrote on his Twitter.

The phrase was published in their blogs by Ilya Yashin (PARNAS), Leonid Volkov (Democratic Coalition), Daniil Ken (municipal deputy of St. Petersburg), journalist and author of the blog “Noodles” Alexey Kovalev, member of the political council of PARNAS in St. Petersburg Konstantin Sukhodolsky, FBK lawyer Lyubov Sobol and many other users.

Among those who liked this statement are political scientist Stanislav Belkovsky and State Duma deputy Dmitry Gudkov. Senchenko was also supported by State Duma deputy Valery Zubov: “I have always believed that @senchenko_k has a strong masculine principle. His action is both politically and economically justified”.

At the same time, Vladimir Varfolomeev, deputy editor-in-chief of the Ekho Moskvy radio station, noted that he does not understand those who write this phrase, since Kadyrov is not a disgrace to Russia, but, in his opinion, its essence: “I don’t understand those who write today: “Kadyrov is a disgrace to Russia.” On the contrary, he is a fairly accurate reflection of it, the very essence. This is our country.”.

In connection with the flash mob, jokes also appeared on the Internet. Thus, TJournal editor Nikita Likhachev quoted a recent loudly discussed tweet from Moscow municipal deputy Maxim Katz, accompanying it with a comment hinting at subsidies to Chechnya from the federal budget: “Guys, if you are over 18 years old and you don’t support yourself yet, but take money from your parents, then there’s something wrong with you and you’re a total disgrace.”.

After Krasnoyarsk City Council deputy Konstantin Senchenko publicly apologized to the head of the Chechen Republic for the phrase “Ramzan, you are a disgrace to Russia,” social network users, deciding that the deputy made the apology under pressure, decided to massively support his position.

On Friday, January 15, a flash mob directed against the latest statements of Ramzan Kadyrov and, in general, against his activities as head of Chechnya, began to gain popularity in the Russian segment of the Internet.

Many used the flash mob not only to express their civic position, but also to joke.

Many people participate on Facebook too.

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