Interactive exhibition "Space: Space and Time". Interactive exhibition “Solaris Performances and film screenings

In 2016, Moscow experienced a boom in space exhibitions. The conceptual atmospheric exhibition Solaris at Artplay was added to the permanent exhibitions of the Museum of Cosmonautics and the Planetarium, the Polytechnic Institute brought to VDNKh from London the exhibition “Space: The Birth of a New Era” that toured there, and the exhibition “Russian Space” was opened at the Moscow Multimedia Art Museum. I went around everything, and now I’m sharing my impressions and recommendations about what I saw.

Solaris on Artplay

There is very little actual cosmonautics here, but many attempts to express the feeling of space using various technological and artistic means. The organizers previously held the exhibition “VanGogh's Living Canvases,” but now they have moved to space. I wonder if Shnur will write a song about her?

Solaris visitors will be able to:
Feel the force of gravity on Uranus.

Look at the Moon.

Dive into a black hole, go through it all, coming out on the other side.

The exhibition is of little interest to those interested in science and technology, but may appeal to those interested in space as a premonition. Despite the alien flora and fauna, the black hole through the looking glass, and periodically appearing aliens, the exhibition cannot be called fantastic; it is precisely the artist’s view of a very real space and an attempt to display it using accessible means on the fifth floor of the former instrument-making plant “Manometer”.

The place is quite suitable for spending an hour or two in a dark room with thoughts about space, watching a movie or a science show with pyrotechnics and a Tesla coil.

Tickets from 315 to 500 rubles.

“Space: the birth of a new era”

“Polytech” put together this exhibition “from around the world” from exhibits and real engineering models and prototypes that were stored at enterprises and educational institutions of the rocket and space industry. You can see it in pavilion No. 1 at VDNKh.

Something here is similar to the collection of the Museum of Cosmonautics, but some products are unique and cannot be seen anywhere else unless you have a special pass. Oddly enough, the British were the first to see the exhibition en masse in London. We were lucky that after our return the exhibits were not taken back to storage facilities and secret hangars. I’m afraid no one would do this specifically for Russia, so we have to keep an eye on the British.

At the exhibition you can see the original Voskhod spacecraft, from which a spacewalk was carried out for the first time in the history of astronautics.

Almost the entire range of domestic spacesuits, from the early “Berkut” to the prototypes created for the “Mars-500” experiment, is displayed separately.

Much attention is paid to life support systems and crew work.

In appearance, some devices look like mysterious black metal boxes, but if you look at the description and at least the approximate structure, you come to the simple realization that without these bulky boxes Gagarin’s flight or the long-term work of Mir would have been impossible.

So, this exhibition is the absolute choice of engineers and all lovers of the history of Russian cosmonautics.

Although the doctor will also find interesting moments for himself.

And a costume designer.

And a designer.

Interesting material was previously published about the development of the design of spaceships and stations.

At the “Birth of a New Era,” attention was also paid to unmanned astronautics, but less than to manned ones. The collection is inferior to the Museum of Cosmonautics, where you can see full-size models, not scale ones.

Although some things can be seen in a single copy. For example, an engineering model of Venera-7, which once underwent thermal and vacuum tests before the flight of the real device.

The main highlight of the exhibition program is the Soviet “lunar” - a manned landing vehicle, which was prepared for landing on the Moon during the lunar race.

Lunnik was given a separate room with an additional viewing gallery, allowing him to examine the apparatus from all sides.

In the corners of the hall they started broadcasting a vintage film by Pyotr Klushantsev about the moon landing.

After the moonlight, the exhibition ends, which leaves a melancholy aftertaste about past greatness and unfulfilled exploits. Here Roscosmos should display “Luna-25” or “Federation” or “Radioastron” to make it clear that the work of the heroes of the past has not been forgotten and space will be ours.

Tickets: 250 rub.

“Russian space”

The most stupid exhibition on seven floors, of which there is really something to see on two.

Browsing is done from top to bottom. On the upper floors you can see even more design concepts that became the basis for the design of Soyuz, Salyut and Mir.

On the floor below, Tsiolkovsky’s sketches, amazing in their insight, are worth attention. I can’t even believe that the mental power of a simple school teacher could look almost a century into the future and see in such detail the details of everyday cosmic work.

The room with historical astrophotographs is also interesting:

Nevertheless, viewing the exhibition is included in the ticket paid for “Russian Space”.

You can calm your conscience for the money spent only at the very bottom, where the very sphere that took Gagarin into space and from space is installed.

Tickets: 500 rub.

Recently, the original Gagarin “Vostok” was restored at “Energia” and is now shown to everyone. If you don’t want or have the opportunity to go to the exhibition, you can take a virtual look at Gagarin’s workplace thanks to photographer Andrei Bodrov.

The appearance of such exhibition abundance is not accidental. On the one hand, all exhibitions are dedicated to the 55th anniversary of Gagarin’s flight. But on the other hand, it is obviously influenced by the increased public interest in the space topic, thanks to the successes of private astronautics, the information policy of Roscosmos and the efforts of popularizers. Another factor has changed since previous years: Roscosmos has become more open. If two years ago getting “Lunokhod” and “Venus” to Igromir was practically a feat, not thanks to, but in spite of, now it’s easier. You can come to an agreement with the Roscosmos press service and you don’t need to explain to them why this is necessary.

Now it would be easier to access closed museums at enterprises; there are still many cosmic treasures stored there, and it would be a sin to hide them from the people who ensured their creation.

In 2016, Moscow experienced a boom in space exhibitions. The conceptual atmospheric exhibition Solaris at Artplay was added to the permanent exhibitions of the Museum of Cosmonautics and the Planetarium, the Polytechnic Institute brought to VDNKh from London the exhibition “Space: The Birth of a New Era” that toured there, and the exhibition “Russian Space” was opened at the Moscow Multimedia Art Museum. I went around everything, and now I’m sharing my impressions and recommendations about what I saw.

Solaris on Artplay

There is very little actual cosmonautics here, but many attempts to express the feeling of space using various technological and artistic means. The organizers previously held the exhibition “VanGogh's Living Canvases,” but now they have moved to space. I wonder if Shnur will write a song about her?

Solaris visitors will be able to:
Feel the force of gravity on Uranus.

Look at the Moon.

Dive into a black hole, go through it all, coming out on the other side.

The exhibition is of little interest to those interested in science and technology, but may appeal to those interested in space as a premonition. Despite the alien flora and fauna, the black hole through the looking glass, and periodically appearing aliens, the exhibition cannot be called fantastic; it is precisely the artist’s view of a very real space and an attempt to display it using accessible means on the fifth floor of the former instrument-making plant “Manometer”.

The place is quite suitable for spending an hour or two in a dark room with thoughts about space, watching a movie or a science show with pyrotechnics and a Tesla coil.

Note: six months ago I wrote about raising funds for a space exhibition in Artplay. This is NOT THE exhibition, so tickets purchased through Boomstarter are not valid there. I will write more about this later.

"Space: the birth of a new era"

“Polytech” put together this exhibition “from around the world” from exhibits and real engineering models and prototypes that were stored at enterprises and educational institutions of the rocket and space industry. You can see it in pavilion No. 1 at VDNKh.

Something here is similar to the collection of the Museum of Cosmonautics, but some products are unique and cannot be seen anywhere else unless you have a special pass. Oddly enough, the British were the first to see the exhibition en masse in London. We were lucky that after our return the exhibits were not taken back to storage facilities and secret hangars. I’m afraid no one would do this specifically for Russia, so we have to keep an eye on the British.

At the exhibition you can see the original Voskhod spacecraft, from which for the first time in the history of astronautics a spacewalk was carried out.

Almost the entire range of domestic spacesuits, from the early Berkut to the prototypes created for the Mars-500 experiment, is displayed separately.

Much attention is paid to life support systems and crew work.

In appearance, some devices look like mysterious black metal boxes, but if you look at the description and at least the approximate structure, you come to the simple realization that without these bulky boxes Gagarin’s flight or the long-term work of Mir would have been impossible.

So, this exhibition is the absolute choice of engineers and all lovers of the history of Russian cosmonautics.

Although the doctor will also find interesting moments for himself.

And a costume designer.

And a designer.

I previously published about the development of the design of spaceships and stations.

At the “Birth of a New Era,” attention was also paid to unmanned astronautics, but less than to manned ones. The collection is inferior to the Museum of Cosmonautics, where you can see full-size models, not scale ones.

Although some things can be seen in a single copy. For example, an engineering model of Venera-7, which once underwent thermal and vacuum tests before the flight of the real device.

The main highlight of the exhibition program is the Soviet “Lunnik” - a manned landing vehicle, which was prepared for landing on the Moon during the lunar race.

Lunnik was given a separate room with an additional viewing gallery, allowing him to examine the apparatus from all sides.

In the corners of the hall they started broadcasting a vintage film by Pyotr Klushantsev about the moon landing.

After the moonlight, the exhibition ends, which leaves a melancholy aftertaste about past greatness and unfulfilled exploits. Here Roscosmos should display “Luna-25” or “Federation” or “Radioastron” to make it clear that the work of the heroes of the past has not been forgotten and space will be ours.

"Russian space"

The most stupid exhibition on seven floors, of which there is really something to see on two.

Browsing is done from top to bottom. On the upper floors you can see even more design concepts that became the basis for the design of Soyuz, Salyut and Mir.

On the floor below, Tsiolkovsky’s sketches, amazing in their insight, are worth attention. I can’t even believe that the mental power of a simple school teacher could look almost a century into the future and see in such detail the details of everyday cosmic work.

The room with historical astrophotographs is also interesting:

Nevertheless, viewing the exhibition is included in the ticket paid for “Russian Space”.

You can calm your conscience for the money spent only at the very bottom, where the very sphere that took Gagarin into space and from space is installed.

Tickets: 500 rub.

Recently, the original Gagarin "Vostok" was restored at "Energia" and is now shown to everyone. If you don’t want or have the opportunity to go to the exhibition, you can go to Gagarin’s workplace

*1 accompanying adult with a group gets access to the museum exhibition free of charge. If an accompanying person wants to attend a screening in a cinema hall, he must purchase a ticket for it.

We are pleased to present you our new space program, which is ideal for those who have been to our museum more than once. The program consists of two parts: a thematic tour of our new Cosmos exhibition hall (30 minutes) and a session in the Kupulus cinema hall (25 minutes).

During the 30-minute excursion, students will be taken through all the exhibits of the thematic exhibition dedicated to space. We will talk about the approaches used by humans to explore space, what we already know about space and our own planet, and what we still have to learn. Where the compass needle points at the north pole, is there anything faster than light, what size is the largest telescope in the world - you will learn this and much more on our excursion.

After the excursion, you will watch a scientific film in the movie screen dome. You will experience the full effect of immersion in distant galaxies, and instead of armchairs - comfortable pillows and loungers! You can find out more about the repertoire.

Do you dream of making an interstellar flight? Want to look on the other side of a black hole? Find out what happened before the Big Bang, and maybe reach the stars?

Friends, if you are ready for incredible adventures, let's go!

We organize a space Odyssey offline. We are creating a multi-format multimedia exhibition where the latest technical developments are combined with incredible creations of the minds of all generations of history.

So, everyone aboard!

In short, our exhibition is about the history of achievements in astronautics, about the latest technologies introduced into our lives, in the lives of scientists; about how everything unknown becomes everyday and how technological progress from century to century, with leaps and bounds, changed our idea of ​​the World. About what has already been done and what awaits us ahead.

It just so happens that in Moscow, the capital of a country that is proud of its achievements in the field of space, in our opinion, there are no spaces that talk about the future of astronautics. We decided to make our contribution to the popularization of space among residents and guests of Moscow.

Moscow has a wonderful Museum of Cosmonautics and a Planetarium; they can rightfully be called the best in their field. We have something to be proud of. We are creating a fundamentally new space with modern technologies, showing the present and future of world astronautics. As our friend, the Green Cat, says, Space is closer than it seems!

We are creating an exhibition for everyone - both children and adults - for everyone who loves Space.

You will be very interested, we guarantee.

Within the framework of outer space it will be created several main areas with interactive thematic modules:

  • "Recent Achievements" and "Retrospective"
  • Multimedia room
  • Children's zone
  • Lecture hall "Galileo"

  1. See a real lunar rover, high-tech spacesuits, models of domestic rockets and the Dragon ship
  2. Consider models of the Earth, Moon and Mars printed on 3D printers. Study them in detail all day long using virtual reality headsets
  3. Test yourself as an astronaut: fly to the ISS, travel around the galaxy on a spaceship using virtual reality simulators. 360° view, vertical and horizontal rotation - the effect of complete immersion!
  4. Find out more about the future of the Red Planet: a model of the home of the first colonists of Mars in real sizes. You will be able to see the house and life of the first colonies from the inside
  5. Study the structure of the Solar System in the Multimedia zone. Planets, Moons, Stars and Galaxies with a detailed description of structure, age, size, weather conditions
  6. See the Northern Lights live
  7. Learn 1000 facts about space from the Astrobot robot
  8. Be enchanted by the works of domestic and foreign astrophotographers
  9. Get inspired by lectures from Russian scientists, cosmonauts and science popularizers
  10. Travel back a few decades and feel nostalgic about the era of Soviet cosmonautics in the Retrospective Zone
  11. Develop your love for cinema even more in the Star Wars corner and cinema while watching trailers, documentaries and feature films
  12. See space images from the Hubble telescope using RealD glasses (3D graphics)

The "Latest Achievements" space will greatly expand your imagination!

We guarantee complete immersion in Space. Interactive technologies help us.

Here everything you ever dreamed of is possible:

* The activities of the "Latest Achievements" zone are already under development. Stay tuned.

An important part of our exhibition will be the “Retrospective” zone. This is an interactive Wall of Heroes created to commemorate the 55th anniversary of the first human launch into space. This is a tribute to the great astrophysicists, astronomers, cosmonauts, spacecraft engineers, testers and researchers - all those thanks to whom humanity is currently able to look into the depths of space, travel to the planets, take revolutionary photographs that change the understanding of the Universe! It all started with them: we stand on the shoulders of Giants.

Imagine: from the first seconds you penetrate into the atmosphere of the birth of the Universe and find yourself outside of time and space, alone with the beauties of the Cosmos, dynamically changing their forms... If you feel something akin to delight, slight panic and tickling in the chest area, undoubtedly, you are in to the Multimedia zone of the exhibition "Space: Space and Time"!

We will achieve the effect of complete immersion with the help of laser video projectors, dynamic effects, special stereo glasses and other first-class gadgets. We will dilute all this potpourri with good quality music. Like this.

For real space fans (only!), the exhibition will house the popular science lecture hall "Galileo".

A constant stream of amazing and fascinating lectures on everything related to space. If you need polemics, heated debates and provocative questions that require answers here and now, come visit us. We will give you the opportunity to discuss with domestic and world astrophysicists, inventors, astronauts, public figures, artists, writers - space fans like you!

Open the veil of secrets of the past, understand the present more deeply, look into the distant future of all humanity with us!

Interactive and educational programs will provide visitors with the opportunity to try themselves as space explorers and gain new experiences studying stars, galaxies and launching rockets.

Access to the lecture hall will be included in the price of a standard entrance ticket, however, it will be necessary to complete on-line registration on our website in advance so that there is enough space for everyone and no one gets upset. We would like every visitor to leave us charged with positive energy and a great mood :)

Entertainment at gaming stations, robots, 3D printers, electron microscopes and real rocket launch simulators will all be available to young explorers visiting the exhibition. Everything can be touched, tried, launched - an absolutely interactive play area worthy of future astronauts. For the most curious. After the exhibition, your child will probably decide who he will become in the future :)

Our friend Astrobot will also be waiting for you in the children's area every day.
He speaks 20 languages, loves subtle British humor and gets very upset when he is turned off at night.
He is wearing a functional spacesuit, created specifically for him on a 3D printer. Our Astrobot quotes Star Wars and Star Trek and considers himself very handsome.

* Activities in the Children's Zone are already under development. Follow our updates.

In the Market area, every Soviet child will be able to return to his childhood: buy himself a small copy of the lunar rover or rocket, which he dreamed of since he was 5 years old, look at collectible stamps with astronauts, posters with Gagarin and Tereshkova, take home photographs with the most significant events of the times of Soviet Space . We are currently negotiating with a famous Russian artist (whose name we prefer to keep secret), with whom we plan to create calendars in the theme of Soviet space, as well as notebooks and postcards. In general, complete space, gentlemen!
In addition to returning to the Soviet era, in the market area you will have the opportunity to take a real piece of a meteorite to your home or simply leave us as a satisfied person in a space hoodie. Or both, and grab a real home telescope to boot.
Celestron, Coronado, MEADE, Sky-Watcher, SBIG, FLI and other major world manufacturers of telescopes and other astronomical instruments will present their latest technical developments.

The COSMO-CAFE always has everything a space tourist needs (including food from real astronauts).

The exhibition is open to people of all ages

On the square above 2 000 square meters, each visitor will make a unique journey in every sense from planet Earth through the solar system and our Galaxy to the edge of the Universe.

Using the latest technologies of the space industry, special effects of cinema and the most important resource - the experience and knowledge of the greatest minds, we will organize an immersion into outer space known to mankind today, take the visitor beyond the orbit of planet Earth, beyond the solar system, show the way to other galaxies and into everything above!

This is not the first experience of creating exhibitions for our team. We have been organizing business and entertainment events for five years, so we know our capabilities and how we can achieve our goals.

Let's get acquainted?

The opening of the exhibition will take place in March 2016. All the splendor will last 2 months, so everyone can get to the exhibition on foot from Khabarovsk.

Just a couple of days ago we finally decided on the location of the exhibition. It will take place at the ArtPlay Design Center.

Once we complete our campaign, active preparation will finally begin:

Artists will draw beautiful sketches of projections for the Multimedia hall;

Hundreds of calls a day pour in on questions about how to quickly borrow (of course, temporarily) models of rovers, spacesuits, ship models, etc. from museums and developers;

Many, many negotiations with the media - after all, everyone who is interested in it should know about the exhibition;

We will search for truly valuable partners, with whom we will make our exhibition grandiose!

And a lot more interesting things!

And now about cash. How much is needed, where to get it and where to launch it. The last question, of course, is the most quickly resolved.

It is already obvious that we have set our sights not on a hill, but on the whole of Everest, and we now have enough worries to worry about: a large truck and several carts.

We have drawn up an estimate with all the main costs, from audio-visual equipment to free wi-fi in the exhibition area. According to our calculations, it turned out to be more than 10 million rubles. We are collecting 500,000 rubles on Boomstarter. This is the part that will allow us to get started and begin implementing our project. Well, we are ready for the exciting journey of infecting our idea and the enthusiasm of other people and making our dream come true. Join us! Space brings us closer.

Let's start small.

As we said, we weighed everything fairly and calculated that to test the visual content, as well as to purchase all the bonuses we promised, we would need about 500,000 rubles. In fact, we will be very happy (and deep down we hope) if we collect even more. Read below about what will happen if we collect even more!

We would really like to thank each of you personally, so we have come up with a whole carload of cool rewards. This means that each of you will not only have the opportunity to take part in popularizing science and creating a cool space exhibition, but also now take a piece of space home with you.

This project will be very cool thanks to each of you!

You probably thought that we forgot about our obligation to organize a teleconference with the legendary astronaut. No! We’ll tell you further why we keep the star’s name a secret.

The world stars of astronautics are very busy people and, to be honest, whimsical. However, if you have no doubt about the coolness of our exhibition, then the astronauts are even more so.

So we developed Stretch Goals, and this is what we came up with:

Chris Hadfield- not only the first person in Canada to go into outer space, but also a “steamboat”! :) Chris, as we know, is releasing his first album, recorded in space during his stay on the ISS. So: the first Canadian astronaut to walk in outer space, releasing his first music album, recorded for the first time in zero gravity! We will organize a teleconference with Chris if we raise more than 1,500,000 rubles.

Buzz Aldrin, Friends! A man who forever remained a member of the Apollo 11 crew, one of the first to set foot on the moon along with Neil Armstrong.

The legendary astronaut was famous for everything: the winner of dozens of awards, he is a movie hero, the author of more than 7 books, a lunar crater and a space asteroid are named in his honor... Did you know that Buzz has his own star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame? Well, who can forget the astronaut's signature hook? We will organize a teleconference with Buzz Aldrin if we raise more than 2,000,000 rubles.

For 3,000,000 rubles. Legendary astronauts give way to world scientists from the field of space!

Neil deGrasse Tyson, perhaps the most famous popularizer of science of our time. The host of the series "Space: Space and Time", he is one of those who inspired our team to create the exhibition of the same name. Neil DeGrasse is the successor of Carl Sagan and the successor of his ideas. Tyson, an American astrophysicist, currently serves as director of the Hayden Planetarium in Manhattan. He is the author of more than 10 popular science books, the winner of many awards, and People magazine in 2000 named Tyson “The Sexiest Astrophysicist” :) We will hold a teleconference with Neil deGrasse Tyson if we raise more than 3,000,000 rubles.

Stephen Hawking. One can talk about this man and his merits for an eternity. However, you yourself know everything about him. We will hold a teleconference with Stephen Hawking if we raise more than 4,000,000 rubles.

* Attention: the lecture can only be one of the proposed ones. Offers cannot be combined

Friends, everything is in our hands! It is you who will decide which of the stars of the world cosmonautics will give a lecture for you.

Seriously, the success of a crowdfunding project will have two very important goals: first of all, it will be the best confirmation that not only we want to explore our world from new sides, but also you (and it will be very interesting, we guarantee that).

Potential sponsors and partners, and, of course, top media will understand this involvement.

Well, besides all that is important, the exhibition will finally have a heartbeat and it will become more tangible than it is at the moment.

Join us! This is a truly worthwhile cause that will most likely give our world even more adventurers and dreamers! Perhaps it is at our exhibition that that same boy with sparkling eyes will see for the first time how stars are born and will fall in love with this world so much that he will give him his most important discovery, changing the entire history of mankind, as Einstein, Halley, Hawking and others once did crazy dreamers.

Rainy autumn weather is not a reason to stay at home. The main exhibition of the country is ready to make the weekend of its guests bright, warm and exciting in any weather. This weekend, for those who like to discover the world of new knowledge, there will be unusual master classes and lectures on science, art, law, and for fans of handmade - classes in craft areas. And everyone who wants to see the capital in a new way is welcome at the birthday party of the “Moscow Model” pavilion.


The “Cosmonautics and Aviation” center has started working on a permanent basis, with the help of which any visitor to pavilion No. 34 “Space” can send a letter to the astronaut, ask a question about his profession, life in orbit, or simply wish him good luck on the expedition. The mailbox can be found immediately at the entrance to the center - near the information desk, to the left of the turnstiles.

October 6 from 10:00 to 20:00 The “Moscow Model” pavilion at VDNKh invites everyone to celebrate his birthday. In honor of the holiday, visitors to the Exhibition will enjoy free lighting shows that will take place every 30 minutes, a financial literacy game “Financial Path”, an anniversary issue of the “Moscow Layout” magazine, as well as memorable prizes and gifts. Free admission.


On the weekend guests can visit the exhibition from 11:00 to 22:00, as well as an exhibition dedicated to the history and architecture of one of the most famous pavilions at VDNKh. Tickets can be purchased on the websites and or at the box office inside Pavilion No. 34 “Cosmos”.

October 6 and 7 An exhibition awaits guests in the Library of Crafts at VDNKh. The project by artist Leila Karipova combined 12 large photographic portraits of young people with developmental disabilities and a film in which the project’s heroes talk about themselves, the formation of personality in a social environment, education and how big cities influence the formation of attitudes towards different people.

Also on weekends In pavilion No. 64 “Optics”, VDNKh guests will find an exhibition about the infinity of Russia’s vast expanses. The exhibition will tell visitors about the life of the country in its outlying and border areas. Free admission.

October 6 and 7 The exhibition will continue to operate in pavilion No. 13 “Healthcare”. More than 300 paintings by the Roerichs are presented here: works of oriental sculpture, Tibetan icons (thangkas), archival documents from the collections of the State Museum of Oriental Art and the Soviet Roerich Fund. Opening hours: 11:30–20:00, ticket office until 19:30.

Children and their parents will be interested in visiting the interactive exhibition in pavilion No. 2, which is open on weekends from 11:00 to 20:00.

This weekend The exhibition of Alexander Vasiliev, dedicated to the beach suit of the 20th century, will continue to operate. On the weekend you can visit it from 11:00 to 22:00 in pavilion No. 16 “Hydrometeorology”.


On the weekend visitors to the exhibition in pavilion No. 16 “Hydrometeorology” at 16:00 can take part in a guided tour of the exhibition. Cost - 250 rubles.

October 6 at 13:00 and 15:00 will pass through the territory of VDNH. Guests gather at the arch of the Main Entrance, the duration of the tour is two hours. Pre-registration is required. Cost - 300 rubles. Tickets can be purchased at the VDNKh information center (building No. 230) or.

This weekend guests can join. They are held in 10:30, 13:00, 15:30 and 18:00. Pre-registration is required. Meeting at the information center (building No. 230). Cost - 300 rubles.


At 10:30 In the exhibition of the Polytechnic Museum “Russia does it itself” in pavilion No. 26, a series of engineering master classes starts.

Also at the Cinema Museum at 14:00 There will be a lecture “A Brief History of the Development of Animation” from the series “Subscription No. 22 “The ABC of Animation”. Cost: 1200 rubles (4 lessons from the cycle in October). Information about lectures, events educational program of the Museum of Cinema, as well as their cost, can be obtained from the link in the “Training” section.

At 16:00 in the Book Pavilion There will be a lecture by philologist and journalist Elena Spasova “Muses of the 20th century. Not a microbe of banality." Admission is free, upon registration. AT 18:00 here psychologist Evgenia Kireeva will hold a meeting “Problem No. 2. Consciousness, or how to prove that your desk neighbor exists?” from the series “A Very Brief Introduction to Philosophy.” Admission is free, upon registration. And at 20:00 visitors will be treated to a round table meeting “Music of the 90s: techno-romantics” from the series “But don’t say you love... Music of the 90s.” The event will be hosted by musicians Alexander Yakovlev and Olga Voskonyan. Admission is free, upon registration.

On Sunday, October 7, at 12:00 The first meeting of the little guests of the Cinema Museum will take place “Let's get acquainted! What are we like? from the series “Subscription No. 9 “We watch, we draw, we play.” At 16:30 The Museum of Cinema will begin the lesson “Matter in the “Motion” Frame” from the series “Subscription No. 7 “Cinema in the Pocket”. The contents of the cycles and the cost can be found by following the link in the “Training” section.

Draw&Go drawing studio at 14:00 will be held at the VDNKh House of Culture. Cost and registration information is available here.

AT 16:00 The Book Pavilion will host a meeting from the Creative writing course for adults, dedicated to creating effects in literature. Admission is free, upon registration.

Besides, October 6 and 7 in the center "Cosmonautics and Aviation" in pavilion No. 34 "Space" will be held. Cost: from 300 rubles.


Visitors to the Cinema Museum on Saturday, October 6, at 17:00 waiting for a film screening of Leo McCarey's film "The Awful Truth". Admission with a Cinema Museum ticket.

At 18:30 A screening and discussion of the film “The Queen of Spades” will take place in the Book Pavilion. Admission is free, upon registration.

On Sunday, October 7, at 17:00 Leo McCarey's film Go Your Way will be shown at the Cinema Museum. Admission with a Cinema Museum ticket. Also at 17:00 guests will be able to watch Victor Kosakovsky’s film “Hush!” . Cost: 100 rubles. Besides, October 6 and 7 film screenings of the Weekly Program of Puppet Cartoons will be held here at 13:00 and film screenings as part of the anthology “About Bears...” at 16:00. Entry with a ticket to the Cinema Museum.

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Administrative unit of the Russian Empire and the USSR in 1781-1923. It was located on both slopes of the Ural Mountains. The administrative center...
Tver estate VESYEGONSKY UESD. - List of nobles living in Vesyegonsky district and owning real estate. 1809 - GATO. F....
(self-name - Ansua), people, indigenous population of Abkhazia. They also live in Russia (6 thousand people) and other countries. Abkhazian language...