The star of “The Distorting Mirror” Alexander Morozov spoke about his intimate life. Comedian Alexander Morozov - buffoonery, clownery and black humor rolled into one Alexander Morozov family children

Alexander Morozov is considered one of the most prominent artists of Russian humor. Thousands of fans come to his concerts not only in Russia, but also abroad. Despite a successful career and the love of fans, Morozov suffered many blows of fate in his personal life.

As Alexander admitted, he was in love six times. His women were: an actress, a stripper, and once Morozov fell in love with two sisters and their mother - in turn. However, none of his chosen ones gave the comedian a child.

“All my favorite girls hinted to me: “Come on, let's have little frosties.” But now I’m glad, apparently it wasn’t the time. And they were not the ones I should have had children with. But I’m waiting for the one with whom I want a child,” said the artist.

Morozov said that Yan Arlazorov helped him at the beginning of his career. The comedian admitted: he really misses his senior mentor. Despite the fact that in the last years before his death, Arlazorov was seriously offended by Alexander and broke all ties with him.

“He was very talented... And in such people there is a breakdown, or something, he was a difficult person, very difficult. After working with him, I am not afraid of anything or anyone. I didn’t say goodbye to him, but I was at his funeral, I loved him sincerely. He had such a strange love, he sometimes even called me his son... Apparently, because he is a dad, he could beat me,” Morozov shared.

Morozov said that once Yan Mayorovich hit him on stage in front of thousands of spectators. “He kicked me hard... And the viewer realized that this was not a joke. And he is an adult, I couldn’t answer him... If I were a simple man, I would have taken him backstage and that’s it... But he is a great man, a great artist,” Alexander shared.

Jan Mayorovich passed away in 2009. The comedian died of cancer at the age of 61. At the end of his life, the artist did not want to communicate with anyone. According to some reports, Arlazorov had a stomach tumor that affected the gallbladder and pancreas. The actor refused to undergo surgery; for a long time he tried to be treated by fasting and went to healers.

Morozov admitted that he had long forgiven his teacher. Jan Mayorovich revealed it to the viewer. Having become a successful comedian, Alexander became interested in drugs. He openly shared what helped him overcome drug addiction.

“Yes, it was present in my life, much to my grief. But I survived, coped and forgot. This is not one hundred percent my fault, it’s God’s. He took me away. The person is so weak that he himself cannot resist this disgusting thing. I was already on the edge, and at some point God just saved me. Appeals to God, probably a heartfelt, fervent prayer, a request to save... I want to live some more. When nothing terrible happens, unfortunately, we cannot appreciate happiness,” admitted Alexander.

Morozov shared that he has been trying to lose weight all his life. Despite the fact that his fullness has become his calling card. The comedian began to recover rapidly several years ago. Excess weight began to threaten his life.

A popular comedian from “Distorted Mirror” stole a woman from a friend

A popular comedian from Distorting Mirror stole a woman from a friend

Although the artist from Yevgeny PETROSYAN’s “Curve Mirror” program Alexander MOROZOV easily transforms into women, he doesn’t get along with them in life: he divorced his first wife, and broke up with the rest of his lovers. Even Kolya BASKOV, being the host of the “Marriage Agency” show, could not find a bride for the comedian.

On the eve of April Fool's Day, I decided to visit the most textured comedian in the country - the artist of the Crooked Mirror program. Alexandra Morozova. Assuming that the impressively sized Hokhmach was a food lover, she went to visit with some sweets. But, seeing the cake, Sasha said: “I shouldn’t have bought it - I’m fasting.” While the owner was pouring pea soup into plates, I looked around his modest two-room apartment.

“I’m renting from friends,” explained the 39-year-old actor. - I sold my home on Kutuzovsky Prospekt, which I took out with a mortgage. The monthly payment was three thousand dollars. Before the crisis I could afford it, but now... When I calculated that the apartment would cost 25 million rubles, I decided: it would be better to buy housing in Zvenigorod. If I buy another scooter and fishing rods, I’ll be completely happy.

-You started making jokes from diapers?

Until he was five years old, he recited obscene poems. And one day he gathered the guys in the yard - he felt like the king of humor - and told a joke: “A man dies and goes to hell, the devils lead him, show him torture. In one room they are frying in a frying pan, in another they are inserting nails in different places, in the third there are people just standing up to their necks in shit. The sinner thought: “Okay, I’ll go here.” I came in and it's worth it. And then the main devil appears: “The break is over, let’s start squats.”

- Have you been fat since childhood?

Until I was five, I was spoon-fed and I was slim. One problem: he really loved sunflower seeds. We had whole bags of them in our pantry. So I secretly untied the bag at night and stuffed handfuls of seeds into my mouth. As a result, I developed appendicitis. When my mother brought me home after the operation, I emptied a pot of soup with a ladle. From then on, I started chopping instead of eating. The parents' joy was through the roof!

- Were you teased as a child?

Once they sent me to a pioneer camp. Well, of course, there were those who wanted to tease the plump boy. So I pierced the head of one with a wooden cube, and tore the earlobe of another. They didn't tease anymore.

-Have you joked with your colleagues?

In the skit: “New Russian grandmothers” say to the artist Karen Avanesyan: “Sim, sim, open up!” And he, standing with his back to the audience, opens his robe... I say to Karen in some town near Moscow: “And you go out naked!” Karen did just that. “Russian grandmothers” barely crawled off the stage.

You'll be a bunny

- How did you get to Petrosyan?

In 1999, the first “Cup of Humor” was chaired by Evgeniy Vaganovich. I sent a cassette - it was a genre of perpendicular humor. showed himself well and Yan Arlazorov invited me to work in pairs. Some time has passed, he calls Petrosyan: “Come to Distorting Mirror, I want you to play the role of a bunny.” Arlazorov forbade me: “Are you stunned, or what?!” I called Petrosyan: “I can’t - I’m working with Ian.” Evgeniy Vaganovich says: “Sasha, in our business the main thing is not talent, but the ability to make the right choice!” And somehow he brought me to the “king” Vitya Razumovsky. Petrosyan smiled: “Finally!” After that, Ian stopped talking to me.

- Your strong point is female parodies...

There’s simply no one else to play women! At one time they parodied “VIA Gro”: they showed three complete fools. They sang: “Love love, oh-oh-oh” - it was a hit. Then I got good at the images of the bee and Princess Nesmeyana. Of course, Lene Stepanenko They let me play all the queens, and the fools and prostitutes - to me. But, playing the last reptile, I pull out positive qualities.

- How is your relationship with Stepanenko?

Petrosyan and Stepanenko are fighting because of me. Elena says that I need to go on a diet, and Petrosyan objects: “Don’t spoil the artist for me!”

Baba is more important

- Did you start your adult life early?

I am a late boy, and I had my first sex at the age of 18. I was a very romantic young man and painted a picture: this will happen only if I meet true love - always on a bed with a pink canopy, and there will be a bottle of champagne next to it... The result is sex in a dorm, without love and a pink canopy. It was just a disaster! I couldn’t look at girls for six months. And then he became a real sex terrorist. At the Samara Institute of Arts, it was mostly women who studied with me, so I didn’t live with my mother - I wandered from room to room in the dorm.

- But in the end you met your wife...

Yes, we got married at the institute. I had a friend Lekha, and suddenly he said: “If I like your girlfriend, I’ll take her away.” I am like? We are friends?" He: “Baba is more important to me!” I was wildly offended. We are going on tour to Dnepropetrovsk, and with us is a group of one prima. Lech fell in love with her, and she is married. I think: “Oh, you brute, I will remember your words!” And I stole her from Lekha! We came back from tour, she left her husband, began to live together, and got married. They lived together for six years, but separated.

- Didn't you get married again?

No. Then I met Lolita. She was a ballerina by training, but worked as a stripper. We are namesakes. When they broke up with her, she tore up all the shared photos. We lived with her for five years and separated because the feeling was not real.

- Did you have a serious relationship after Lolita?

Yes. Sashka Savenkova I loved it so much that my ears were rolling! She had a son. When the dilemma arose - to live with Sasha or not in my apartment on Kutuzovsky, I hesitated. Sashka presses: “Summer is over, the boy is off to school, make a decision.” And I’m not ready, but I had to agree. He ran to his confessor: “Father, I want to get married, I love him, but I can’t.” “No,” said the priest. And he turned out to be right. The passion passed after a couple of years, they lived like brother and sister.

- You do not have kids?

All my women wanted to give birth. They took us to hospitals, the doctors said everything was fine. Maybe the Lord will protect you. I haven’t yet met the one with whom I would like children. I am not a walker by nature, but there were cases when I cheated. Now, if I meet the only one, then everything will work out!

Comedian Alexander Morozov decided to seriously change his appearance. The actor really wants to lose weight. But now he hopes to lose extra pounds not with the help of newfangled diets, but thanks to the weight loss system from Sergei Tarzan-Glushko.

Alexander Morozov learned that Sergei Glushko had retrained as a fitness trainer several months ago. Then Glushko solemnly opened his own gym in the center of Moscow. Sergey personally trains. Famous clients praise him. After hearing good reviews, Morozov decided to turn to Tarzan.

– Now I weigh 128 kilograms, well, where is that good for? – the comedian sighs. Throughout his life, he tried many diets, but they all helped only for a while. The result cannot be confirmed. Even the nutritionists from the show “I’m Losing Weight!”, in which the comedian participated, couldn’t save me.

“You could write a book about my attempts to lose weight,” Sasha smiles. – Last year I was able to lose 27 kilograms. But within a year I returned them safely. Then I practiced the usual fractional meals. This is a well-known system where you need to eat a certain amount of calories every two to three hours. At first I tried to follow everything from start to finish. But with my job it's difficult. You have no idea how much food I threw away because it was stale. Then I realized that it was unbearable to eat like that. To comply with everything, you need to get a wife who would cook, travel with you and feed you!

Morozov says he is afraid of drastic measures. After all, because of this, he may lose the texture for which the audience loved him so much. But trying is not torture. Alexander promises to visit Tarzan's gym at least three times a week and follow all the instructions of his star teacher.

“Sergei has been encouraging me to take up sports for a long time, but I had no time,” continues Morozov. – Either touring or filming. It's easier now with time. Ideally, I want to weigh eighty kilograms, but I understand that this is impossible. I hope that thanks to Tarzan I will lose weight to at least one hundred kg! Although I generally hate sports. I perceive it solely as a game moment. You can play table tennis or go bike riding through the forest. My wife alone forced me to go to the gym. I lived with her for three years and ran away!

“Aren’t you afraid that you’ll run away from Tarzan too?”

- Not really. We are friends, we play together in plays. And he promised not to overdo it too much.

Morozov hopes that thanks to the new figure, changes will occur in his personal life. After all, the 42-year-old comedian is still single. And so far the one who was able to win his heart is not visible on the horizon.

– I need a small, beloved, thin and smart wife! Just not a fan,” Alexander smiles. We wish the artist to find his soul mate as soon as possible.

Morozov hopes that thanks to the new figure, changes will occur in his personal life. After all, the 42-year-old comedian is still single. And so far the one who was able to win his heart is not visible on the horizon.

The early years of the comedian Alexander Morozov The first unpleasant situation in the fate of Alexander Morozov occurred even before the future comedian was born. The thing is that the comedian’s mother initially seriously thought about having an abortion. At that moment, the woman already had one child (eldest son Andrei), and besides him, she also had big plans to conquer Moscow, which the second child did not contribute to in any way. The only thing that saved the future comedian’s life was the erroneous message from the gynecologist that a girl was to be born. Alexander Morozov's mother always dreamed of a daughter, and therefore decided to save the fetus. Although, of course, instead of a girl, another boy was born. And not the cutest either. One way or another, Alexander Morozov was born. From a very early age he was a very mischievous child. The future artist constantly acted out various scenes in front of the entrance, sang, danced, which greatly delighted the old women of Samara, who became his first spectators. To some extent, such a craving for art was passed on to him from his mother, Lyudmila Konstantinovna. Once upon a time, a woman sang in a choir and even once performed at a Samara concert in front of Nikita Khrushchev himself. Looking at the impromptu performances of the young comedian, everyone said that he had great talent. However, deep down, few believed that Sasha would really become a professional artist. His family lived quite poorly, and he himself only got C grades at school. Therefore, the choice of becoming an electric welder seemed completely justified. It is very noteworthy that Samara prof. Alexander graduated from college with honors. Although he never became a welder. Even during his studies, Morozov clearly realized that he had made a mistake in choosing a profession. According to one legend, “insight” came to the future artist while digging a trench in the pouring rain. At this moment, as some biographers report, Alexander swore to himself that he would make his way into the theater studio at any cost. Ultimately, this is what happened. In 1991, he entered the Samara Institute of Arts and Culture. It is quite remarkable that the day of passing the entrance exams coincided with the future comedian’s eighteenth birthday. Before the examination committee, the actor performed a small miniature, during which a caterpillar turned into a butterfly, which brought recognized theater figures to indescribable delight. Alexander Morozov's career on stage While still studying, Alexander Morozov, together with three fellow students, organized the humorous group “Comics”. Having received their first recognition in their native Samara, the guys set off to conquer Moscow. However, there was always not enough money, and all four had to huddle in a small one-room apartment on the outskirts of the Russian capital. At the same time, Alexander himself, as he himself admits, constantly slept in the bathroom. Meanwhile, the desired popularity still did not come. And very soon all three of Alexander’s friends decided to return back to Samara. Of all four, only Morozov himself remained, who by that time had managed to get a job at Teresa Durova’s clownery theater. It was in this place that he developed as a stand-up comedian. However, you should not think that all the troubles are already behind you. There was a catastrophic lack of money, and therefore, some time later, Alexander himself began to have thoughts about an inglorious return to Samara. Help came unexpectedly. The identity of the “savior” was also unexpected, because at that moment none other than... Chuck Norris acted as one of the most important people in the fate of Alexander Morozov. In 1998, the Hollywood superhero organized a competition for young artists “Stars of the 21st Century” in the Russian capital. Our today’s hero also performed at this festival, and eventually received an award in the “Best Humorist” category. This success attracted the attention of the famous comedian Yan Arlazorov. The popular comedian invited Alexander to perform a duet with him, and he agreed without hesitation. The following year, on the advice of the same Arlazorov, Sasha went to the “Cup of Humor” competition of pop artists, where he again won the main prize. After this there was also a victory at the Arkady Raikin International Variety Artists Competition. From that moment on, the name of Alexander Morozov became well known in humorous circles. The comedian himself made a close acquaintance with Yevgeny Petrosyan, who soon invited him to join the new project “Crooked Mirror,” which began airing on VGTRK. From that moment on, the artist’s career took off. He became a regular participant in humorous programs, in which he often played the roles of ugly women, and also appeared on stage as a member of the trio “Brothers in Mind” (together with Mikhail Tsereshenko and Viktor Razumovsky). Currently, Alexander Morozov is one of the most recognizable participants in the Crooked Mirror project. Personal life of Alexander Morozov Reportedly, Alexander was married four times during his life. It is quite remarkable that his love for her mother led him to meet his first wife. Although the matter did not end there and, as the artist says, “ironically”, after an affair with one daughter of his “failed bride,” Alexander also married a second. After this, the comedian had two more marriages (official and civil). The comedian's penultimate wife, Lolita Morozova, was a ballerina. The last one is Alexandra Saveniva – an economist. Currently, Alexander Morozov is divorced.

Alexander Morozov is a humorist, actor, theater performer, who has long been the soul of the popular humorous program “Petrosyan Show” (formerly “Curved Mirror”). But if everything is going well for him in the professional field, then on the personal front, alas, everything is not so smooth. But first things first.

Alexander's childhood

The children's pages of the biography of humorist Alexander Morozov originate in the city of Samara (in Soviet times - the city of Kuibyshev). He was born on July 16, 1973 and owes his birth largely to a gynecologist who mistakenly stated to his mother that she was pregnant with a girl. This saved the future artist from imminent death.

Instead of a girl, a boy of not very pleasant appearance was born, who, as it later turned out, also had a not very pleasant character. Now, with two children in her arms (the family already had one child at that time - Andrei), the mother had to abandon her ambitious plans to conquer the capital. Therefore, Sasha spent all his childhood and teenage years in Samara.

Youth years

From an early age, he was a mischief-maker and loved to stage real clownades in front of the house, amusing his first spectators - the old ladies on the bench. All his years at school he dreamed of becoming an artist, but at first fate decreed otherwise. Coming from a poor family, Sasha was constrained by circumstances, and therefore from school he entered a vocational school to major in electric welding. But a career in this specialty never materialized, although the young man graduated from college with honors.

According to the biographers of humorist Alexander Morozov, one day, in rainy weather, while digging a trench, the thought suddenly occurred to him: “What am I actually doing here?” And from that moment, once again inflamed with zeal to take up the acting path, he made a lot of efforts. In 1991, he managed to enter the directing department of the local Institute of Arts and Culture. Passing the exams (1995) coincided with Alexander’s birthday, which gave the young man’s performance a special flavor, and he delighted the entire examination committee by showing a miniature of how a caterpillar becomes a butterfly.

How did the career of a comedian develop?

The future famous humorist Alexander Morozov arrived in Moscow as part of a troupe of 4 people, which was organized during his studies at the institute and was called “Comics”. They made quite a splash in Samara, and therefore the guys thought it was time to conquer Olympus. But for some reason he didn’t want to submit. For a long time, all four former classmates had to huddle in a cramped one-room apartment, subsisting on bread and water, until, finally, the difficult post-perestroika times forced three of the four to return home, not eating well.

Morozov turned out to be the most persistent. He worked as a teacher of acting and stage movement at the capital's Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting, and part-time performed at the T. Durova Clowning Theater. But fame came to him only in 1998, when he became a laureate of the All-Russian competition among emerging artists “Stars of the 21st Century”, the organizer of which, by the way, was none other than the world-famous Hollywood star Chuck Norris.

Afterwards, Morozov took part in a program called “Smekhachi”, in which he worked side by side with Yan Arlazorov at his own invitation. In 1999, he became one of the laureates of the all-Russian competition among pop artists “Cup of Humor”. Then there was a victory at the international competition. A. Raikin, and finally, E. Petrosyan drew attention to him, inviting him to participate in his new show “Distorted Mirror”.

Thus, the dream of humorist Alexander Morozov came true. He ended up not just anywhere, but straight on Channel One. And although in 2004 the program moved to the Rossiya TV channel, this did not diminish the popularity of either the show or the actor himself. The project lasted until 2013, and in 2014, an updated version of it, “Petrosyan Show,” began to be released on the same “Russia”.

Over the years of his career, he was lucky enough to take part in the film magazine “Yeralash”, take part in the shows “This is Funny” and “Tower Tower”, where he made an impeccable jump from a three-meter springboard, for which he unanimously received 10 points from each member of the jury. In 2004, he starred in the film “Gift of Fate” by the Ukrainian director G. Shagaeva, and in 2016 in the film “Love and Sax” by A. Surikova. He also took part in 8 famous theatrical productions.

Personal life

But the personal life of comedian Alexander Morozov did not work out. The actor’s character is complex, and getting along with him is quite problematic, as evidenced by his one official and six unofficial marriages. But this in no way depresses the comedian and does not prevent him from still enjoying life, being keen on fishing, vacationing in Cuba every year and being a popularly revered artist.

The actor, like many public people, has his own official website. He also has a VKontakte group, where anyone can see personal photos of comedian Alexander Morozov, as well as get acquainted with his current activities.

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