Apartment house for contribution. How to build a residential building with real savings! (Alexander Volyntsev) The contract is above all

The construction of many houses is carried out in collaboration with relatives. But how can you not end up with nothing?

Building together is certainly easier and cheaper than building alone. Typically, such construction is carried out on our own, which also allows for significant savings. But life is unpredictable, and it happens that happy new settlers gradually turn into irreconcilable enemies. This happens especially often when dividing a jointly built house. To avoid such a possible development of events, it is necessary to initially provide for some nuances, which lawyer Oleg Sukhov told “Owner”.

Agreement comes first

The main thing that will help avoid future conflicts is a simple partnership agreement. Oleg Sukhov says that “such an agreement gives rise to a regime of common shared ownership between relatives who pool funds and efforts for a common goal - the construction of a residential building.” After such an agreement, the “construction” partners make contributions, which are initially assumed to be equal. If the deposits are different, this must be indicated in the contract. It is worth knowing that the contribution of each participant can be not only money, but also any other property. For example, a plot of land, building materials, or even professional skills in construction or business connections of one of your relatives. But every comrade must contribute to the common cause.

Text of the agreement

“When concluding an agreement, it is necessary to describe in detail the contributions of each participant and the forms of contributed shares, the terms and procedure for contribution must also be indicated, since the determination of shares in common property is based precisely on the assessment of contributions,” says lawyer Oleg Sukhov. “In addition, we should not forget about the clause regulating the conduct of joint activities and the accounting of joint operations.” It is worth noting that family ties should not in any way affect friendly relationships. Each participant is responsible to the other for his contribution to the common cause. For example, one participant is responsible for supplying materials, while the other is committed to construction. In this case, the first partner must promptly supply the necessary materials in accordance with the conditions and deadlines specified in the contract. The second one is subject to requirements regarding the quality and timing of construction work. “Thus, if losses are caused by one of the construction participants, then they should be compensated by them, and not distributed among all parties. Thus, in one of the cases, the Moscow City Court, overturning the decision of the court of first instance on the distribution of the amount of the increase in construction costs between all participants, indicated that since the increase in construction costs was caused by the actions of only one of the participants, who was late in the transfer of construction materials, it is he who must compensate for the losses caused by this to all the others ", the lawyer notes.

Outsiders in construction

Construction is not always carried out exclusively by the parties to the contract. Sometimes third parties are involved. If the participants intend to invite such persons, for example, builders, and conclude a contract, then all participants in the joint construction must become customers. Both all comrades and one of them can sign the construction contract itself and monitor the progress of the work. However, the selected person must have the authority of other participants to carry out transactions on their behalf. For this purpose, a corresponding power of attorney is issued.

Construction stop

There are times when construction stops halfway or even a decision is made not to complete the house at all. In such situations, Oleg Sukhov advises early termination of the simple partnership agreement. As a result, each participant acquires the right to a share in the unfinished house. The size of the share and its type are determined by Article No. 252 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

The lawyer recalls an example from his practice: “The brothers entered into an agreement on joint activities to build a residential building, and each made a contribution stipulated by the agreement, but as time passed, they decided not to finish building the house, and the agreement was terminated in court. After this, one of them filed a lawsuit to recognize his ownership of a share in an unfinished house and to allocate this share in kind. The court of first instance rejected the claim, citing the fact that in connection with the termination of the contract, the plaintiff has the right to demand only the return of funds transferred to the partner during the period of validity of the contract. However, the Presidium of the Moscow City Court, canceling this decision, rightly pointed out that an unfinished building in the event of termination of the contract becomes the object of the right of common shared ownership of the partners. Termination of the contract does not entail the termination of the right of common ownership, therefore each of the former partners has the right to raise the question of determining his share and its actual allocation.”

A friend leaves a construction site

There are situations when the contract is terminated in relation to only one of the participants, but remains in force in relation to the others. In this case, as the lawyer notes, the judicial practice of determining shares is ambiguous: some courts proceed from the ratio of contributions actually existing at the time of termination of the agreement, which is absolutely fair, others - from the ratio provided for in the agreement. Oleg Sukhov gives the following example: “Three relatives teamed up to build a country cottage, where each had to finance a third of the construction cost. Accordingly, upon completion of construction, everyone received 1/3 of the share, that is, everyone’s contributions to the joint activity were determined to be equal. Two fully financed their share, and the third - only half. The court decided to terminate the contract in relation to this participant and return to him the amount that he transferred according to his contribution (50%). After the house was completed by the remaining two, the third partner filed a claim in court to recognize his right to a share in the built house corresponding to the contribution made, and to allocate it in the manner of dividing the common property. The court rejected the claim, citing the fact that the termination of the contract and payment of compensation excluded the possibility of acquiring ownership rights to the result of joint activities in the future.”

Thus, it is possible to build a house together with relatives. But it is necessary to conclude an agreement that provides a description of the contributions of each participant and the procedure for determining shares in the built house, as well as the consequences of terminating and amending the agreement.

How to build a dream house?!
Project "Master of Destiny"

For me personally, home is very important. This is not just a place to live, it is a place of Power. And when creating your home, your dream home, you need to take into account not only where what rooms and baths will be, this is important, but not so important, but first of all, how all your needs and desires are realized in it.

We have almost twenty years of experience in personal construction of industrial, commercial and residential premises in Russia and abroad. In total more than 10,000 m2. And I didn’t just stand nearby, but invested, controlled, sometimes day and night, was the State Inspectorate, and the State Administrative Office, and the technical supervisor, and the ideological inspirer, and the gendarme, if necessary - just a worker! Anything has happened...

The baggage of practical knowledge is colossal!

For the training about the dream house, I select photographic materials from my construction site. And honestly, when I see all these half-walls, half-roofs and pits, it takes me by surprise! Now you are sitting in a warm, cozy and very comfortable house, and you can’t even believe that everything was in such chaos! It was... Still as it was... And here it is very important to go step by step, step by step. As they say - the eyes are afraid, but the hands do!

Building a house is also an excellent training in self-motivation, moral and financial discipline. Here and there, but here for sure - order beats class!

A short photo report.

If you don’t have enough hands and deadlines are running out, take the construction into your own hands!

Buying real estate using a fractional scheme has long been popular in Europe and the USA.

Photo: Depositphotos/elenathewise

Buy foreign real estate on the seashore for 400 thousand rubles. It's very easy today. To do this, you can use a fractional scheme for purchasing real estate or, more simply, buying foreign real estate together. Experts told RBC Real Estate about the advantages and disadvantages of this form of home ownership.

According to the international real estate agency Sfera Group, about 10% of apartments on the Bulgarian coast are purchased as shared ownership by citizens who are not related. The so-called “fractional” format of home ownership (fractional ownership properties), common in Europe and the USA, is gaining momentum in popularity in Bulgaria, including among buyers from Russia.

Briefly, the scheme for buying real estate together is as follows. As a rule, from two to five families united in a syndicate purchase spacious, high-quality apartments on the coastline. The property is registered as shared ownership. Data about each owner is entered into the state real estate register, that is, the state guarantees the legality of the investment.

Each of the co-owners has the right to use the housing in full, but for a limited period of time. The frequency of residence is established by the syndicate participants by mutual agreement. That is, for example, if the summer season lasts 90 days, each of five families will be able to spend about 18 days in the apartment. The schedule for using the facility is adjusted annually.

“Buyers of fractional real estate become the full owners of a certain part of the building, which is confirmed by all legal documents, and at any time they can sell it, bequeath it by inheritance, etc. This scheme is applied mainly in relation to resort real estate, where the time of stay is limited to several weeks a year, - explains Elena Yurgeneva, director of the luxury residential real estate department at Knight Frank Russia & CIS. - When an investor purchases such real estate according to the traditional scheme, he pays its cost in full, although he uses his property only part of the time. In the case of fractional ownership, the investor has the opportunity pay only part of the object."

“Unlike the notorious timeshare, a piece of real estate is purchased, and not the time of use,” notes Natalya Snegireva, an expert on foreign real estate at Sfera Group. “If desired, the co-owner of the apartment can transfer the right to use the housing for a certain period of time to tourists. At the same time, the level the return on invested capital will be comparable to the return on bank deposits. And if real estate prices rise, then it will be possible to earn money by selling a share. At the same time, the co-owners have a preemptive right to buy out shares from other syndicate participants. An option is possible in which guarantees for the buyout of the share can be provided by the developer of the residential complex or the management company."

According to Natalya Snegireva, the fractional scheme for purchasing real estate allows you to pragmatically divide the costs of purchasing a property. For example, apartments costing 40 thousand euros become available to a family with a budget of 13-14 thousand euros. In addition, the costs of maintaining the asset in the off-season are also proportionally distributed among the syndicate participants.

However, as the president of Storm Properties, Michael Belton, says, selling a stake in such real estate will be quite problematic, since agents often charge huge commissions when selling. “It is better to turn to the services of professional operators who will manage the facility, pay bills, help with the preparation of necessary documents, etc. This will help avoid many problems in the future,” the expert advises.

“In addition to Bulgaria, the fractional form of purchase is very popular in Spain and Greece,” Elena Zemtsova, managing partner of Delta Estate, continues the discussion. “In these countries, the fractional real estate scheme will cost the least, from 40 to 150 thousand dollars, depending on the share in the property and location of the property. Shares offered are typically 1/12" to 1/4".

However, as Elena Yurgeneva from Knight Frank says, this form of ownership is not widespread among Russians, since many of our compatriots already have negative experiences associated with the timeshare scheme and are afraid to try something new. Russian buyers prefer to purchase property and relax at a time convenient for them, and the rest of the time to rent out resort property.

Vera Kozubova

Investments. Until recently, commercial real estate as an investment object remained virtually inaccessible to individuals. Today, this issue has been resolved by individual companies, and new participants are preparing to enter the new market.

The market has become mature. According to analysts, the Moscow commercial real estate market is becoming more professional and resistant to sharp market fluctuations. In other words, today, working on it, you can count on a stable income. Back in March of this year, the international consulting company Cushman & Wakefield included Moscow in the top five most expensive cities in the world in terms of cost per square meter of office space. According to this indicator, the Russian capital is closer to London, Tokyo, Paris and New York. According to experts from Colliers International, rental rates for office space in Moscow increased by an average of 10% in 2001, and by only 2-3% in 2002. The slowdown in rates growth is associated with a significant increase in the volume of new construction, which in 2002 exceeded last year's level by 30%. And in 2003, the growth in the volume of commissioning of office space of classes "A" and "B" is expected to amount to another 25%. Taking this factor into account, Colliers International predicts stabilization of rental rates over the next two to three years.

Taking into account the trend of expansion of regional and international retail chains and the expectation of the arrival of new international operators in Russia, it is predicted that the demand for high-quality retail premises with a good location will continue. Meanwhile, the supply of such facilities is also growing, as a result of which, according to Colliers International, rental rates in professional shopping centers stabilized last year. In general, according to company experts, the return on investment in commercial real estate is gradually decreasing and today averages about 13-15% per annum for the best office properties. Moreover, in 1998-1999 it reached 25%, in 2000 - 22-23%, in 2001 - 20%, in 2002 - 17%.

Fleming buys Moscow. The professional level of development that the Moscow commercial real estate market has reached attracts large Western investors. Thus, this summer, the British company Fleming Family & Partners announced the creation of a fund for investment in capital real estate. The estimated volume of investment, which is planned to be directed primarily to class “A” office buildings in the historical center of Moscow, is about $60 million. The technology of work is as follows. The company buys a building with tenants and manages it for a certain period of time. Investors are periodically paid a kind of dividend. Over the course of several years, the capitalization of the property increases, after which it is sold. Today's profitability of such investments is estimated by experts at approximately 20% per annum.

Individual investors also have the opportunity to invest in commercial real estate and receive a stable income from one of the most reliable assets. Several intermediaries are already operating in this market. Among them is one closed-end mutual investment fund.

Real estate goes on the stock exchange. The closed First Real Estate Investment Fund, managed by Concordia Asset Management, attracted investor funds in March 2003. Unlike the conservative Fleming Family & Partners, the Russian mutual fund is focused on investing in riskier, but at the same time potentially more profitable objects. Namely: in development projects at the stages of readiness of the main documentary base. That is, the funds from the fund are used to construct facilities and then rent them out. According to Concordia specialists, the profitability of such projects can range from 25 to 70% per annum, depending on the sector and region of investment. During the initial placement period, the fund accepted contributions in the amount of 16 million rubles. Initially, it was planned that the investments of the Russian mutual fund would be three times longer than the British ones. They were designed for 15 years - the end date of the trust management was determined to be March 18, 2018. However, in September the fund's rules were changed and the "length" of its investments was reduced to five years.

During the period of validity of the mutual fund, shareholders will annually receive “dividends”, the amount of which will be 80% of the annual increase in the value of the share. According to Concordia, over the past six months this increase was 12%, or 24% per annum (in rubles). It is possible to “fix” the profit received before the established period - the rules of the mutual fund allow the free circulation of its shares. Today, First Investment shares are included in the off-list list of the MICEX, and in January 2004 organized trading should begin on them. For now, shares can only be purchased from their current owners. However, at the end of this year - the beginning of next year, the fund plans to conduct an additional placement of securities in the amount of up to 1 billion rubles. As reported to the magazine "Finance." at Concordia, the minimum entry threshold for new investors will be at least not lower than in March.

In addition to the First Investment Fund, there is another specialized mutual fund operating on the market - the Real Estate Mutual Fund, managed by the Professional Management Company. However, there is no real estate in it.

Resort investments. The UMAKO group of companies also plans to organize several closed-end mutual funds, the funds of which will be used for the construction of hotel facilities and the development of tourist accommodation infrastructure. They will work within the framework of the hotel infrastructure development program in the city of Sochi. At the Kuban-2003 forum, which will take place on October 9-12, three projects will be presented in the form of investment summaries. The program involves the development of more than 50 land plots in Greater Sochi. It is planned that the Kurort mutual funds will become one of the mechanisms for implementing this project. According to Roman Nakashidze, a specialist in the public relations department of the YuMAKO group, both legal entities and individuals will be able to become their shareholders. The preliminary cost of the “entrance ticket” will be 10 million rubles. In the future, it is planned to organize exchange circulation of shares of these funds.

Profitability with guarantee. In addition to participating in mutual funds, there are other ways to invest in commercial real estate. Thus, the Tonnex Group company is launching an updated version of the Income Meter project in November. Its essence is as follows. Tonnex attracts a pool of investors whose accumulated funds are invested in commercial real estate (primarily office and retail within the Moscow Ring Road). Acquired properties are transferred to management companies, which search for tenants and provide maintenance of the property. Investors purchase shares of the company that owns the rights to real estate, thus becoming its co-owners. The facility managers provide the “title” company with income from investments in square meters, part of which will be paid to investors quarterly or annually. In essence, these are dividends, the amount of which is fixed in the agreement of the company managing the project ("Tonnex Group") with the investor at the level of 15-17% per annum of the deposit amount in US dollars (after payment of all taxes) and does not depend on the actual financial results company activities. According to Tonnex director Andrey Tkachenko, this removes the business risk for individual investors. An agreement fixing regularly paid income is concluded for a period of three years. If, after its expiration, any of the co-investors decides to leave the project, the management company undertakes to find a buyer for the shares it owns or for the entire object and organize its sale. In any case, as Andrei Tkachenko stated, the contribution amount will be paid to the investor in full. In this case, dividends received will not need to be returned. By default, the contract is extended for another three years.

When deciding to participate in a project, you should agree to take on certain risks, such as liquidity risk. The standard agreement does not provide for the possibility of returning the deposit earlier than after three years, so the investor will have to sell his shares if necessary. However, their buyers, according to Andrei Tkachenko, will most likely be willing to be the management company itself or co-investors. As for the risk of unsuccessful investments, in this program, according to Tonnex management, it is minimized. As a rule, investors' funds will be used to purchase real estate that has already been leased for a long time. Therefore, the real return on investment can be easily calculated. The regularity of dividend payments is additionally guaranteed by a reserve fund, which is formed from part of the profit received from property management. The same fund will be used if, upon the final sale of the property, it is not possible to obtain an amount sufficient to return all investment deposits. However, according to Andrei Tkachenko, the likelihood of such a situation is extremely low and is comparable to the likelihood of a systemic economic crisis that affects all industries.

From November, the “entrance ticket” to the “Income Meter” will cost $30 thousand. The maximum investment amount is not limited. But soon less wealthy citizens will also be able to participate in the program. At the beginning of next year, Tonnex plans to form a closed real estate mutual fund, the minimum investment amount in which will not previously exceed $5 thousand. After the formation of the fund, the issue of bringing its shares to the organized exchange market will be decided.

It is better to live in a rented apartment (as well as in your own) if this apartment is completely at your disposal. But not everyone has enough money for such a comfortable existence, and then they have to share rent. Like this? “Sob.ru” tried to understand this topic.

The described phenomenon has a very long history. For example, two popular literary characters, Holmes and Watson, met precisely because they could not pay for the apartments on Baker Street on their own - their joint financial efforts were required. Well, in the second half of the twentieth century, with the increase in the general mobility of people, in the USA and Europe (especially) it became completely normal to cooperate with acquaintances, strangers, and sometimes complete strangers for joint rent.

In our country there is a similar practice, recalls Maria Zhukova, director of the MIEL-Arenda company , appeared in 2007 - it became a reaction to the sharp rise in prices for rented Moscow housing. After 2014, the original reason (high cost) began to decrease. However, the income of potential tenants has decreased even more, so the relevance of joint tenancy remains. Today, according to real estate companies, up to 30% of requests to them come from potential renters who would like to find housing together with other people. There are fewer real transactions, primarily because property owners do not welcome such practices. However, the real situation on the market leads to the fact that many of them (especially if the apartment is large, located in a bad area and with not the best renovations and furniture) eventually agree. The understanding that it is better to rent out an apartment to such a company than not to rent it out at all usually comes after 3-4 months of unsuccessful attempts to find “normal” tenants.

Lonely shooter wants to meet

Who to shoot with? The easiest way to answer this question is for those who already have similar acquaintances. Students solve problems very easily - ask around in your group or on the course. What if you don’t have such friends? Or do you deliberately not want to interact with those you study/work with? In this case, the easiest way is specialized Internet sites. For the query “shared housing rental in Moscow,” the search engine instantly returned several dozen web sites where relevant advertisements were published. On some, they are not even just “lumped together” - there is also sorting by gender, age, and occupation.

True, as knowledgeable people say, finding companions is far from the most difficult thing. It is much more difficult to choose from among them those with whom coexistence will not become torture...

What to discuss with your neighbors?

The potential conflicts that can plague a joint tenancy are well known:

- sexual harassment. The option, by the way, is not very common, but it is “difficult” - in the sense that it is hardly possible to come to an agreement later, the only option is to move away from such a person. It is worth noting that most people who take photos want women as their companions. Usually the reasons here are completely different (the fairer sex is generally neater, cleaner - although exceptions are possible, of course), but in each specific case you must definitely explain why your potential companion needs a woman, and what meaning he puts into the words “cohabitation” ;

— sizes of payment shares. Rooms in apartments are rarely exactly the same in size and furnishings - therefore, the question of who pays what can also become a source of disagreement;

- life schedule. One person is used to going to bed at 22.00 every night, for another it’s normal to feast all night long. It cannot be said that one’s position is “correct” and the other’s is not. It’s just better for such people not to live in the same apartment;

- maintaining cleanliness. Some people think that they need to wash the floor every day, while others think that dusting once every six months is too often. Everyone, of course, has the right to live as he likes in his own room, but the apartment also has a kitchen, corridors, bathrooms, etc., and the order of cleaning them will certainly become a source of conflicts;

- personal life. There are people who believe that a rented apartment is completely “closed” in this sense: you can’t invite anyone, all adventures happen somewhere else. Others see nothing wrong with inviting someone into their room. Again, we won’t take sides - we’ll just note that coexistence here will be complicated...

“Since the cohabitation of several different people can lead to conflict situations, neighbors should, at a minimum, lead approximately the same lifestyle, have similar tastes and hobbies, and not suffer from manic cleanliness syndrome,” concludes Maria Zhukova . We would like to add that all the questions listed above should be discussed in advance with your potential partners. It is much better to immediately and honestly dot all the i's than to be embarrassed and then either suffer or look for a new home.

About the benefits of independence

And in conclusion, a few words about the relationship with the owner of the apartment. Since property owners, as already mentioned, are not very fond of renting together (and sometimes they agree, but demand an increased fee for this), renters are tempted to declare themselves a big family. However, experts advise not to do this. The fact is that information about the composition of residents is recorded in the lease agreement. So replacing a tenant in even one room is a failure to comply with the conditions, which gives the landlord the right to terminate the contract and kick out the entire honest company.

But that’s not even the main thing. Let’s say you “talk” the owner - explain that your “family” is so mobile, some come, others leave. And, dear landlord, you won’t be able to rent out your shack to anyone except us for that kind of money... But if you are a “family,” that means you have to pay for the entire apartment every month. It turns out that if one of the renters moves out (or even continues to live - he simply cannot pay or does not want to), you will have to cover his share. It is much more honest and reasonable to announce to the owner from the very beginning that you are all different people, not connected by any ties. And personally, I am only going to pay for my room, and your, the landlord, relationships with other renters do not concern me.

Often in Moscow, people have to rent apartments not in full, but room by room, either from the homeowners or by sharing. Happy (and not so happy) renters shared with Dom their experience of renting “shared” meters.

According to Director of the MIEL-Arenda company Maria Zhukova , roommates are always a certain danger: despite the fact that everyone lives in their own room, they have to share common areas - the kitchen, corridor, bathroom, and so on.

“There are a huge number of cases when neighborly relations have not worked out: the neighbor regularly does not put away the dishes, does not take out the trash, listens to music, brings guests at night, spends 40 minutes in the bathroom in the morning when everyone has to get ready for work, from time to time he eats other people’s food. products,” the expert lists the most common causes of discord in communal apartments.

Pets, especially those that appear suddenly, often become the cause of quarrels. “One of our rooming clients returned from a two-week vacation to find that he didn’t have a single pair of shoes left. It turned out that she was destroyed by the new puppy of the owner of the apartment. Unable to get a fair solution to the problem from her, the tenant found himself a new apartment, with strict conditions - no dogs,” says Zhukova.

Quite often, the main players in disagreements are girls: it is women who, by their nature, have a tendency to violently display emotions. And often, according to the chairman of the board of directors of BEST-Novostroy, Irina Dobrokhotova, living together leads to serious quarrels even among long-time friends.

“The joint rental of a two-room apartment quite quickly put an end to the friendship of two female classmates who came to conquer Moscow after graduating from a Nizhny Novgorod university. By the time they moved to the capital, they had been friends for more than five years, and even got a job in the same company. However, the friends were not ready to live together. Constant clashes and quarrels (“Today it was your turn to clean! Can’t you turn the music down? Why do you throw your things even in my room?”) not only led them to the idea of ​​leaving - the girls went their separate ways in life completely and irrevocably,” notes Dobrokhotova.

Nina, who moved from Ryazan to Moscow, shared a similar story: “At first, I rented a two-room apartment with a good friend from school - each had a room, they paid in half. Almost from the first day of our stay, mutual acquaintances began to come to visit us - cheerful students who loved alcohol. They smashed dishes, swung everywhere, ate our food, and even slept anywhere. It happened that I would fall asleep alone, wake up, and someone was sleeping next to me on my bed (it was huge). I got up very early for work, and, of course, all this, to put it mildly, did not make me happy. “I ended up restricting access to my room by locking the door.”

“Six months later, friends came to visit me for one night while passing through,” Nina continues the story. “After that, my neighbor reported the loss of a five-thousand-dollar bill and some earrings... However, a few days later the earrings were found, and I generally doubt the existence of the bill.” In total, this “friendly” neighborhood lasted a little more than a year. It all ended with the neighbor suddenly announcing: they are obliged to vacate the apartment - she herself agreed with the owners. “For two years now I have no idea where and how this “friend” lives,” concludes Nina.

Ekaterina shares another story of female neighborly disagreements. True, in her case, the neighbors, on the contrary, are excessively quiet: “I rent a room in a three-ruble apartment with two girls. My neighbors are very clean, even too clean. For example, they constantly make comments to me that I don’t take out the garbage or don’t pour water into the filter - I only recently realized that the garbage needs to be taken out even when the bag is half full. They also can’t stand loud noises: one girl goes to bed at ten in the evening and complains if someone rattles keys or loudly “stomps” in the corridor.”

“One Friday late evening I came home with my friend,” recalls Ekaterina. — Around two o’clock in the morning I went to take a shower, but the bathroom was occupied for about half an hour. I went out into the corridor several times, and as a result, a girl who had problems sleeping flew into the corridor and started yelling that I was “making noise, interfering with sleep, now because of me she will not get enough sleep and in general I need to warn you in advance if I want to.” bring guests." That night I still took a shower, but the sleep-loving woman then for some reason locked herself in the bathroom and didn’t come out until eight in the morning. After that, they didn’t talk to me for about two weeks. Rules of behavior were posted in the apartment: do not make noise after 10 p.m., warn about guests, etc.”

Maria Zhukova gives a less scandalous example of misunderstanding between neighbors: “The apartment was rented by two young girls, one of whom wrote poetry. The poetess came to her neighbor every evening to read her works to her. Due to her gentle nature, the listener could not refuse her. At some point, tired of the abundance of poetry, she chose to move.”

And Elena talks about renting three rubles together with the participation of men: “My boyfriend and I rented a room in a three-room apartment for three years, and one room was a walk-through room; the guy’s classmate lived with us for all three years. He loved to play the online game Dota, he was lonely and unpretentious, in general, the folding bed in the hallway did not bother him. But the third room was somehow unlucky.”

At first, a very clean girl lived in it with Elena, her boyfriend and Dota lover. “At first everything went smoothly - we had dinner together, did cleaning on the weekends. Then the neighbor started asking us to wash the dishes immediately after we had eaten. Then clean the stove immediately after cooking. Then every speck of dust started to irritate her,” she recalls.

The next neighbor turned out to be, on the contrary, dirty; conflicts with her also ended with her departure. And a very funny story once happened to the company’s beloved neighbor, which the guys still remember with laughter: “One day we returned home very late, knowing that our boy from the passage room would not be there. It was about five in the morning. In the darkness, I heard a strange sound and turned on the light. In the passage room, on the floor, wrapped in a mattress, our neighbor was sitting, drinking whiskey from her throat and crying. We had to put her on the same mattress and take her to our room on the same one - she refused to sleep in her room, because everything there was in balls from an anti-stress toy, which she tore.”

Vladimir recalls his experience of renting a room in Moscow, which lasted relatively short: “In the morning, half a kilo of evening sausage left in the refrigerator could turn into one third, milk, kefir, and juices slowly evaporated. It happened that the shampoo ran out after opening two days. But the last straw was a noisy party at the neighbors, at the end of which a drunk woman twice my age burst into my room with obvious “romantic” intentions. I moved into a separate one-room apartment and never rented another room.”

Positive stories also happen when renting housing together. One of them was shared by the general director of the Real Estate in St. Petersburg group of companies Nikolai Lavrov: “It was in September. Our client really wanted to rent an apartment in a green courtyard, and certainly with apple trees. We found him a room with adequate neighbors. Two weeks later the client calls and is indignant: “Where did you put me? Car thieves are constantly operating here. My alarm goes off every night, my neighbors look on like a wolf because it’s impossible to sleep.” Of course, car thieves are not our qualifications, but the situation seemed strange: what car thief in his right mind would try to break into the same car every night, especially with an alarm? So, we went to the client. Evening, silence, talking. And then the alarm goes off. We approach the balcony - there is no one near the car. We went outside, approached the car, at that moment an apple fell on it, and the alarm went off again. The client decided not to change the apartment, but simply remove the car from under the apple tree. And to be honest, we were surprised not so much by the client’s lack of insight as by the neighbors’ tolerance.”

Irina Dobrokhotova also recalls a very joyful story: “A 22-year-old girl rented a room from an intelligent elderly woman, a former teacher at one of Moscow universities. They quickly found a common language with the hostess, coexisted peacefully, helped each other with deeds or advice. And six months later, the landlady’s grandson, who had returned from the army, appeared in the apartment, occupied his own room (the third in the apartment) and fell in love with the lodger. In general, the matter ended in marriage, the landlord found a relative in the person of the tenant, and the tenant found a legal husband and a Moscow registration at the spouse’s place of residence.”

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The purpose of setting limits on counterparty banks is to minimize the risk of non-repayment using financial analysis procedures. For this...

02/20/2018 admin 0 Comments Maxim Arefiev, Director of the Legal Support Department of the Directorate for Legal Support of Business X5...

Accounting for VAT on exports raises a lot of questions among accountants. How to organize separate accounting when exporting, what...

In the new accounting standards in microfinance organizations, a new concept for microfinance organizations appears when issuing loans -...
6. The essence and importance of factoring in financing innovation. Subjective composition of factoring transactions. Factoring efficiency conditions....
With support Venue: Moscow, st. Ilyinka, 6, Congress Center of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry “We intervene in those areas where it is required...
The construction of many houses is carried out in collaboration with relatives. But how can you not end up with nothing? Build...
Document as of January 2016 Guided by Part 2 of Article 53 of the Federal Law of October 6, 2003 N 131-FZ "On General...
Despite long and intensive economic development, the river still retains a satisfactory ability to self-purify....