Training program. Curriculum English for children 5 years old

Introductory English Lesson Plan for Toddlers(5 years)

When I had a question about the first "training" lesson for other teachers, I just stood in a stupor - it is much easier for me to show the lesson itself and talk about the main points than to make a detailed guide. Well, until now, everything went quite clearly - I give demonstrative lessons, teachers sit in corners with notebooks and take shorthand, after I show my materials, introduce them to disks, and the principles of teaching line up by themselves. But when two teachers at once came to me with an interval of a day, and to each of them, I had to give recommendations for their first lesson, I wanted to gather a group of all hypothetical candidates and broadcast the basics of the lessons through the mouthpiece. Well, or do a mass spam mailing with plans - if you want, read it, if you want, no. In general, I was tired of explaining what and how.

But the solution is always nearby, and my unwillingness to systematize my experience electronically, and not in pencil notebooks, played against me. From now on and since then, I began to make more notes of a methodical nature in electronic form - in which case, it is more convenient to send and review, if anything. The folder itself under the sonorous name "English. Kids 10-13 years old." weighs neither more nor less, 8 gigabytes. And the lesson plans themselves are all according to slurred notebooks. Worthless, I thought, and launched a program to "kick" myself in the field of systematization.

You can see one of the results of this good deed here. My (and now not only mine) first lesson with 5-year-olds.

Lesson topic: Acquaintance
Lexical material: Hi / I/ My name is…/ One, two, three / a cat / a dog/ a mouse / to touch/ to jump/ to run/ to sleep/ black/ brown
Equipment: papit Mika, a bottle of colorful sticks, a box of toys (cat, dog, mouse), animal cards, flower cards (black and brown), ribbons, tape recorder, dance tapes.
Target: introduction and development of the first lexical material (movements, greetings, animals)
Duration: 45 min.

Lesson steps:

Flight to England
-Introduction to toys (new lexical material) + practice
-Introduction of a new lex. "movement" material
-Introduction of lex. material on the topic "colors" + development of the studied material
-Working out the studied material while listening to music
- Completion (farewell)

How to build a greeting in a group of kids studying English? Let's say this is your first lesson, a kind of "installation" lesson. The kids are surprised, someone else is shy, and someone else is a rather constrained baby in itself. To “release” the atmosphere, we “gather” everyone around us and say: Now we are flying to a country where everyone speaks only English. Do you know such a country? -here you can expect the correct answer only from children older than 5 years. Usually they shout - America, England! If the correct answer was not given, we say: We will fly to England, there we will speak only English, not a word in Russian. Well, are you ready to fly? - to the cries of “Yes, yes” - we continue: And how can we fly with you? - Options for children: By plane, by helicopter!
- We will fly there on the most real planes. How do airplanes start? - and we show the children how the airplanes start, with the characteristic “Broom, broom” - at the same time we start running around the room, accelerating - the children follow you. Well, if there is music in the background, that is, you simultaneously turn on the music for the "flight" and while it (10 seconds) plays, you circle the room. Then the music stops and everyone gently "lands" around the teacher. And here the most interesting begins. The teacher has a favorite Puppet on his hand (in our case, Mika the raccoon)

- the teacher takes a ball (soft is desirable) and pushes it to the Puppet
-Hi! - Mika pushes the ball back and says- Hi! Now the teacher pushes the ball to the first child and says Hi. Helps the baby to say hello if he does not dare to answer. And so with everyone, until everyone says the cherished greeting. After that, again the teacher turns to Mika again
- What's your name? - and pushes the ball to Mike
-My name is Mika!
-Ok, what's your name? - already pushing the ball to the child. Helps to answer by whispering a phrase.

And painted popsicle sticks in it.

For the first time, three sticks are enough. The sticks are poured out of the bottle and laid out on the floor with a beautiful movement:
One, two, three.

Then, in the same way, the teacher himself points to each stick with his finger, counting again. The guys join, the teacher no longer just points to the shelves and calls, but whispers to each of the guys to count. So everyone counts up to three.

Next, a large box is taken (decorated with bright colors, or with beautiful stickers on the lid), and the teacher knocks on it

Knock-knock-knock! Let's open the box! What is there?
The box is opened, and a toy is taken out of it - a Cat. Only now we will call her by her name for now (the name will be a proper name, and not a common noun, when it is necessary to use the article, we will deal with it a little later).

Hey Cat! Hi! - we motivate the kids to say hello to cat, as they already know how.
-Hi, Dog!
-Hi, Mouse!

For the first time, no more than 4 animals are better. We arrange the animals in a row so that they do not interfere with anyone.
Next, the teacher takes out cards with animals already passed:
-It's a cat!
(Children are already familiar with the names and therefore will not associate the article with the word - it will not be part of it for them)
-Where is a cat? - referring to the children. Here it would be appropriate to ask one of the kids by name and ask him to bring or show a Cat toy. The picture card is placed next to the toy.
-Where is a dog?- next, and asking a question about the toy- Is it a dog? - so that the child tries to name it.
And so with all the toys and cards, until the toys are in a neat row with the cards in front of them.

The next step is movement.
-Stand up!- The teacher raises his index finger up, then touches his nose:
-Touch, touch, touch! I "m touching!" - the guys repeat the action after the teacher.
So that the word "touch" is not fixed forever behind the "nose", we run to the wall and touch it too, saying - "touch, I "m touching!" and not forgetting to ask the guys- Are you touching?

Next, we take the cards of animals already familiar to the ripples, and lay them out in different corners of the room. And now the most interesting part: team races. The teacher orders:
-Touch the cat! - everyone runs up together (if there are a lot of children, make sure that there is no pushing) and touch the cat with a finger. The teacher himself also touches the card and adds: I "m touching. I" m touching the cat. Even now, you can ask children a question: Are you touching? Are you touching the Cat- so we will combine two new lexical units at once - a verb and a noun. We are not thinking about I yet - we will deal with it a little later, it will be singled out as an independent unit at a subsequent stage.
We ran - a respite. The next step is mixing-game. Kids are madly in love with various kinds of “mixing”. We sit in a circle again, the cards are again in the hands of the teacher. The teacher takes four cards, again clearly and clearly names all the animals. Then he turns them over and does mixing - that is, right on the floor, saying - I "m mixing!" - mixes the cards.
-Where is a cat?
-Where is a dog? - the game simultaneously develops mindfulness and memory. It is not necessary to explain the rules in advance; children, having made a mistake once, usually try to remember everything the second time as best as possible.

Next are colors. The colors are chosen according to the color of the animals. There is nothing wrong with the fact that in the first lesson the guys will learn the word brown, which is not easy at first glance, since our dog is brown. Therefore, we cut large pieces of brown (a dog), black (a cat) cardboard - 2 colors will be enough for the first lesson. We demonstrate the colors, clearly name them. And further-
-What else is brown in the room? - the teacher himself gets up, pretending to be looking for brown. - Micka, is it brown? - turns to Micah, pointing to the yellow box. Mika counters-
-Oh no! It's not!
-Where is brown?
-It's brown! - Mika touches a brown board (curtain, table - whatever) - I'm touching brown!
The restless teacher again pretends to be looking for something brown, but now the children, having jumped up, are also looking for and touching brown things (you must first check that there are enough of them in the room). We do the same with black things.

Further, having “touched” enough black-brown things, everyone sits down, the teacher takes the toys and shows the cards of the learned colors.
-Is Cat black? - children respond approvingly (black, black), yes (when using the word yes, it is advisable to always nod your head - A cat is black. Is Mouse black? No! (negative shake of your head). We encourage the children to repeat - A cat is black, a dog is brown.

To fix the colors well, you can use the "ribbons" technique. After the “revision” of flowers and animals, we defiantly take some beautiful box full of black and brown ribbons (to increase the number of learned colors, add new ribbons) and scatter them on the floor with beautiful movements.

Mika is crying
- Oh, what a mess! Let's pick all ribbons up! Black! Give me black!
Having understood the word black, the kids collect all the black ribbons in a box. Then the same happens with the browns until the room is clear and all the ribbons have been collected.

The most favorite part is the physical education minute.

The teacher points his finger at himself - I. The guys repeat - it's time to "Hik". Then the teacher starts jumping:
-I "m jumping!" - also pointing at himself on the word I. Everyone is jumping. Next-
-I "m running!" - everyone is running. Counter questions - Are you running, Misha? Are you running, Masha?
-I'm sleeping! - the teacher yawns, goes to bed. Micka, are you sleeping? and Mika whispers back:
-I "m sleeping ...

We fix: we take long ribbons (at least 2 meters long) tied into a knot in the manner of a “carousel” like this:

Everyone takes the end of the tape and all together we begin to repeat the same actions, but already in the “carousel”, clearly naming all our actions. Everyone especially likes “running” in such a reduced format thing, just like at Maslenitsa. :)

And finally, the music. The song should be selected taking into account the actions taken. Since the lesson is the first, and most often there are much more actions in the song, you can simply not focus on them in the song: do not pronounce, but simply perform. The song might be:

Walk around the Circle
Walk around the Circle
We all fall down!
Jump around the Circle
Run around the Circle
I'm so sleepy
I'm sleeping

No emphasis on the unfamiliar walk and circle (this is the task of the next lessons) - we just walk in a circle, holding on to the ribbons.
And finally, goodbye.
-Oh, it "s time to fly back Home. The teacher "starts" the engine, the children understand that it's time to fly home, the same "flight" music turns on as it was at the beginning. Everyone again ends up in Russia:
- Well, guys, now we can speak Russian again. And now the last thing - it is important to be able to say goodbye in English correctly, let's say goodbye to Mika:
-Goodbye, Micka!

And Mika approaches everyone, saying goodbye individually to everyone :)


The question "Is it possible to study English from 5-6 years old? parents ask themselves. Scientists believe that learning English from the age of 5-6 is the best time. It is at the age of 5 that a child has the most tenacious memory. During this period, they learn much more information than in the next. Starting at an early age gives your child an advantage over their peers.


The main activity in children at 5 years old is a game. It is through play that children get to know the world around them. Our classes are built taking into account the psychological characteristics of children of this age. In our classes, which take place only in English, children will memorize the names of pictures, learn their first rhymes, communicate with peers.


Classes for children aged 5-6 are held according to teaching aids, which are based on the CLIL methodology ( Content and Language Integrated Learning or subject-language integrated learning) has recently gained increasing popularity in teaching English. Simply put, CLIL this is the study in English of other subjects of the school curriculum. For example, when toddlers learn the topic "Colors", they mix paints and find out how many different colors come from just three - red, yellow and blue.

Classes are held 2 times a week (class duration 40 minutes) at:

Ufa, Rossiyskaya st. 12/1, office 301

tel.: 8 917 487 12 97


In the course of work on Super Mind Starter children will continue their acquaintance with the grammar of the language through topics: the verb to be with pronouns, the verb have got, prepositions in / on / under, Present continuous. In the course of English Super Mind Starter words are suggested by topic: colors, numbers, objects in the classroom, family members, face, toys, home, pets, transportation, clothing.

Super Mind Starter develops thinking skills: categorizing, preparing a story, explaining feelings, planning, recognizing numbers. At the end of the page with phonetics and stickers.

Children during education on the allowance Super Mind Starter work out articles, prepositions, interrogative sentences, numerals, as well as the basics of the present continuous tense. As part of the Starter program, students train to conduct elementary dialogues, perceive English speech by ear, and also learn the rules of English spelling.

Training course program: "English for children 5-6 years old"


No. p / p Sections, topics Total Form of control, intermediate certification
Total Theory Practice
1. Super Mind Starter 68 Creative task, presentation, survey, theatricalization
1.1 Subject: Hello! 6 1 5
1.2 Topic: "My classroom" 8 2 6
1.3 Theme: "My family" 6 1 5
1.4 Theme: "My face" 8 2 6
1.5. Theme: "Toys" 6 1 5
1.6 Theme: "On the farm" 6 1 5
1.7. Subject: "I'm hungry" 8 2 6
1.8 Theme: "All Aboard" 6 1 5
1.9 Theme: Party Wear 8 2 6
1.10 Theme: "Favorite food" 6 1 5
TOTAL (total number of hours per year) 68 14 54

Super Mind Starter

Subject: Hello! Introductory lesson. Greetings. Conversation: Why do we get acquainted with FL?; Safety briefing; Acquaintance with the characters of the textbook and with each other song: "Gina, Mike, Polly, Leo"; Let's play the song "What's your name?"

Topic: "My classroom"; Introduction of new vocabulary: listening to an audio recording, completing tasks; Vocabulary repetition

Many modern parents know that teaching English before school gives much better results than at an older age. Psychologists are still arguing at what age it is better to start lessons, but it is much more important that children's periods of development require a different approach and training program. Teaching English to a child of 5-6 years old is characterized by involuntary memorization of information, visual perception and the desire to stand out among peers. On the basis of these and other age characteristics, a model of classes and teaching methods should be built.

The age of 5-6 years has features associated with the stages of development. Some children already know how to read, others have just begun to speak, others already have writing skills. Temperament and hobbies can affect learning no less than already acquired skills. To make the process of knowledge formation easy and interesting, parents should help teach English for children of 5 years old, following some tips:

1. Do not give skills that the child has not yet mastered in Russian.

If the baby does not yet know how to write, you do not need to teach him writing in English, the same with reading and learning letters. Suitable first skills: shapes, colors, simple actions, animal names and other information that is familiar to the baby and will be easily absorbed. When the child already knows how to read and write, you can give tasks in accordance with this.

2. You can learn unobtrusively, talking about ordinary daily activities, naming the surrounding objects.

The main goal in 5-6 years is vocabulary replenishment.

3. It is difficult for a small child to understand and remember simply voiced phrases - show me!

To assimilate information at the age of 5-6 years, he will need visual aids, visual perception. To do this, you can use blocks, printed materials, books, children's computers and other games that can captivate a child.

4. All children are different, so there is no need to force a silent child to repeat the same sentences several times, and to persuade an active child to listen for a long time.

Even if the child is silent, he forms a knowledge base, which he then will definitely show.

5. There must be a constant dialogue, an immersive environment.

The more often parents pronounce English words, build simple sentences and explain their meaning to the child, the sooner he will remember them and begin to repeat them.

English for children 5-6 years old: a program of classes at home

A daily English lesson for children 5-6 years old can be built on the basis of everyday skills, actions and phenomena that the child already knows about, doing those tasks that he successfully copes with in Russian. This approach will not take much effort, and the result will be noticeable very quickly. The lesson plan might look like this:

Day of the week Subject The composition of the lesson
Monday Introduction of new concepts, demonstrative scenes The lesson should explain new concepts, simple terms (fruits, vegetables, animals, human body, etc.). The lesson can be carried out with soft or other toys, include cartoons, show visual aids
Tuesday Watching cartoons, performances in English On YouTube, you can find channels with recordings of simple cartoons. You can watch one and talk with the child what he saw, talk about the meaning of words, put their pronunciation
Wednesday Learning the alphabet One of the lessons should be devoted to letters and words. The child will systematically see them and memorize them. You can use cubes with letters, cards with words and other visual aids. Training can be structured like a game of lotto or "guess it".
Thursday Building a dialogue, monologue, learning songs Building a dialogue, a monologue can be mastered in skits, role-playing games and by memorizing songs, poems
Friday Creative activities (sculpting, drawing) Children love to do something with their hands, sculpt or glue, draw, and then with an adult call everything by English names, make up a story
Saturday Learning counting, arithmetic Counting can be taught, just like letters in the form of a lotto. You can use the role-playing game in the store, kindergarten and other topics where numbers can come in handy
Sunday fun walks You can learn English on the go. In the park, you can talk about natural phenomena, talk about the world around you, the weather in English

English for toddlers 5-6 years old - checklist for parents

Some methods of teaching English to children promise results even with half an hour of classes. But such progress is possible only if the lessons are daily. If you make an effort, then English for kids at 5-6 years old can become a favorite pastime, as a result of which he will be able to acquire the following skills:

Simple colloquial speech;
vocabulary formation (at this age, the child should know colors, names of toys, objects, actions, count up to 10);
creation of a basis for solving communicative problems in the target language in various topics;
the emergence of the first skills of constructing a dialogue or a descriptive monologue.

First English lesson for children 5-6 years old

The first English lesson for children aged 5-6 who have not encountered a foreign language and have no idea what it is for should be a strong motivation. It will help you move forward and show diligence in learning. On it you can introduce the basics, greetings: “Hi!”, Hello, Good morning.

Lessons should be bright, do not force the baby to sit in one place for more than 10 minutes. You can arrange exercises in English, draw a picture, explaining colors and names.

For acquaintance, soft toys are used to act out a scene and explain the use of new words using a living example.

Textbook for English classes at 5-6 years old: top best authors

The number of textbooks for English classes at 5-6 years old can include:

Activity Book for Children
A series of 6 books is designed for ages 4-6. Books provide a base for the formation of vocabulary, the first lessons of grammar, vocabulary and answers to common questions.

Discover English
A bright and interesting textbook is suitable for those who have just started learning the language. It is divided into 4 parts. The book comes with an audio guide and a workbook. Parents will need to have basic English skills.

Shishkova I.A. English for toddlers
A Russian textbook for learning the language from A to Z. Suitable for parents who do not know the language and who have questions about how best to build education.

Achkasova N.N. Masha and the Bear. Masha and the Bear.
A musical fairy tale for children who begin to learn English. The book is a music course in a playful way and guidelines for each lesson.

English for children 5-6 years old: what should education be based on

Classes in English for children 5-6 years old should be easy and interesting. A reliable way to captivate your baby is to immerse him in a natural environment. For this purpose, the immersion method is used in the training.

While the child is playing, the adult unobtrusively talks about his actions, names objects. At first glance, the baby may not remember anything, but he will have the information received, and after a while he will be able to use it.

Read on our website:

It is important that the child enjoys the learning process. You don't have to force him or demand anything. If he does not repeat what he has learned, this does not mean that he did not remember or did not understand. Some psychologists believe that the process of memorization in calm, silent children is faster than those who repeat. Therefore, classes should be built based on the favorite hobbies of a son or daughter, make them as comfortable as possible for his temperament and adapt to his needs. Then the result will not keep you waiting, and the interest will be genuine.

A universal way to teach a child will be games and songs:

Song for children 5 years old in English

A good basis for teaching English to children of 5 years old will be the song Head, shoulder, knees and toes from Exercise Song for kids. In the song, body parts are named and exercises for charging are shown. The text is light and easy to remember, so the song will be interesting at any stage of the child's learning, even if he does not know the language yet.

It's never too late or too early to start learning English. If mom and dad have come to the conclusion that classes are needed at 5-6 years old, it is important to competently approach learning. Lessons should be easy and interesting, and the learning process should be exciting, only then the baby will be happy to participate in the parents' idea. You can build classes based on the immersion methodology, following the skills and character of the baby.

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