According to the text of Troepolsky In the autumn forest, everything was yellow and crimson (USE in Russian). Collection of ideal essays on social studies In the autumn forest, everything seemed

Manual I. Tsybulko, 2017, version 3.

It is difficult to assess the importance of nature in human life. She generously gives people her wealth, surprises with proud grandeur and unique beauty, and inspires. Nature teaches us to be humane, to treat all living things humanely, to resist any manifestation of evil and cruelty.

G. Troepolsky's text deals with the problem of the beneficial. The yellow forest, in which “everything burned and shone with the sun”, where “it was ... easy ... and fun”, helped the main character, the hunter, to truly experience the feeling of pain “for all those who kill uselessly”.

Enjoying the silence, admiring the beauty of the autumn forest and the work of a faithful four-legged friend, Ivan Ivanovich feels happy and smiles. And suddenly a shot ... It seems terrible and absurd in the forest, where silence and harmony reign. The forest responded with an offended echo, as if perplexed: “they were frightened, shuddered” birches, “oaks groaned”.

“Only for you, Beam,” the hunter tries to find an excuse for his act, holding a dead woodcock in his palm. But memories of the past, of the bird killed yesterday, do not allow conscience to calm down. From that day on, the feeling of pity for animals and birds grew stronger every day in the soul of Ivan Ivanovich.

The person is very guilty before "our smaller brothers". And this fault lies not only with poachers who indifferently kill animals for their own benefit. People who throw animals into the street act inhumanly, leaving them to the mercy of fate. Unfortunately, this phenomenon is not uncommon.

It is impossible to imagine nature without animals and birds. They not only benefit, but also decorate our planet. Many people do not interfere with learning from them love, fidelity and mutual understanding.

From early childhood, we know the works that tell about the "human" qualities of "our smaller brothers." Once upon a time, a short story by L.N. Tolstoy about the friendship of a lion and a small dog. I was surprised by the heroism of the gray sparrow, selflessly shielding his offspring with a tiny body. I.S. Turgenev, the author of the prose poem "Sparrow", admits that he "was in awe of that little ... bird, before its love impulse." We rejoiced for Mitrasha, the hero of the fairy tale, were M.M. Prishvin "The pantry of the sun", to whom Grass came to the rescue, the dog of the wise forester Antipych, sensitive to goodness.

I really want every person to learn to appreciate and feel with his heart the beauty and uniqueness of the natural world around us, learn to be human. Maybe for this you need to go to the yellow autumn forest more often, in which, according to the writer G. Troepolsky, a person becomes cleaner?

1) In the autumn forest everything was yellow and crimson, everything seemed to be burning and shining together with the sun. 2) The trees were just beginning to shed their clothes, and the leaves were falling, swaying in the air, silently and smoothly. 3) It was cool and easy, and therefore fun.

The writing

Nature is what surrounds us, a valuable resource and at the same time a separate organism, with its own history and character. G.N. Troepolsky argues in the text given to me on the problem of man's relationship to nature.

The author tells us about how his hero relates to hunting. In the very process of shooting game, he suddenly felt guilty: killing a bird did not cause much delight in him, because it meant using nature for his own purposes. The contrast of the bright and pacifying forest and the dead bird froze in the hunter's memory and made him repent of his deed. And although there was no arrogance and poaching inclinations in his thoughts - only one bird, and that for the health of the dog - the idea that there is something inhumane, wrong in hunting, disturbed the hero the next day.

G.N. Troepolsky is sure that a person should not treat nature in a consumerist way. The useless killing of birds and animals is unacceptable, because by killing them, a person loses his humanity and goes against his conscience.

The idea of ​​the writer is close to me. I also believe that nature is a temple in which everything is natural and harmonious. Any human intervention for personal purposes creates a feeling of anxiety and discomfort, especially when it is immense and wild. A person should help nature, appreciate and understand it, and not destroy it.

This problem was discussed, for example, by V.P. Astafiev in the story "Tsar-fish". The main character, Zinovy ​​Ignatich, is an experienced fisherman and poacher, who over time has lost his respect for nature. Thanks to his passion for fishing, he has wealth, but the meeting with the king fish helped the hero set his priorities right. She became a messenger of fate for Ignatich, reminded Ignatich of the importance of preserving nature in its original form, as well as the need to answer for what he had done. Being on the verge of death, the hero repented of how recklessly he used natural resources, and as a result he realized how strong this element is, and how insignificant a person is compared to it.

An example of a harmonious relationship between man and nature is the heroine of the story A.I. Kuprin "Olesya". The main character, Olesya, does not use nature, but lives in harmony with it: she enjoys its beauties and rejoices in every ray of the sun peeping through the foliage. The girl takes care of plants and animals, thereby showing that a person can live in close connection with nature, while not disturbing her peace.

"Man is unhappy only because he does not know nature" - Paul Henri Holbach. Close and beneficial interaction with nature is the real reason for happiness and spiritual harmony of a person.

USE composition:

In autumn, the forest is especially beautiful. Yellow and red leaves, merging, form a single veil. It breathes air, slightly swaying when the breeze blows. But the leaves can get angry. In this case, they rustle invitingly, swaying, indignant.

Bim ran through the forest. Its smell excited the sensitive animal. In autumn, Bim was very fond of the forest. But the owner calls Bim. The owner has a gun in his hand, it shoots disgustingly. Bim knows this, because this is not the first time they go hunting. To be honest, Bim is surprised by the owner's love for this iron stick, which makes deafening sounds, frightening the forest. The leaves on the trees begin to resent, calling Bim as an accomplice. The dog agrees. After a deafening sound, the birds begin to fall down. Of course, the dog likes to chase them, grab the ducks and carry them to the owner. A person smiles at these moments at a pet, rejoices with him. But ducks and other animals hunted by man are dead. Is it right?

The gun kills every living thing on the planet. Hunting is officially allowed, but is it worth the life of animals? It's worth thinking about. After all, the forest, beauty and the inhabitants who inhabited it, are a single whole. G.N. Troepolsky made the reader think about these questions.

The man is thoughtful. He behaves strangely. They do not hum their favorite tune, but sit on a stump and talk in Bim. The tone of his voice is sad. Bim also wants to be sad. But suddenly the owner got up, inserted cartridges. He smiled and pulled the trigger. Bim ran to look for game. The dog ran easily, beautifully. Brought the bird to the owner. But the man didn't seem to smile again. He just mumbled something thoughtfully under his breath. What is this? The dog was so eager to please. But the man, as if coming to his senses that offends his beloved pet, stroked him. G. N. Troepolsky in the work made a person think about his hobby.

What can confuse the leaves and the forest? Probably interfering with nature. Recently, a person has been doing this often. In a wide variety of manifestations: hunting, barbecues in nature, deforestation, hunting.

Is it worth it to be so indifferent to what gives people happiness, beauty? No, it's not worth it. The author of the essay fully agrees with the writer G. N. Troepolsky. Shot. The inveterate hunter suddenly asked himself - why? Why he, for many years, for the sake of dubious pleasure, killed animals and birds. The man, looking around, as if apologizing, began to get ready to go home. The dog followed him. The dog was, to put it mildly, at a loss. The forest rustled in alarm. The leaves were outraged.

In conclusion, it must be said that the dog and the man suddenly felt like uninvited guests in this cradle of happiness, detached in calmness, beauty, kindness, honesty. The author believes that the man suddenly realized that he was killing. Just. He did not create birds, animals: it means that it is not for him to decide their fate.

Text by G. N. Troepolsky:

1) In the autumn forest everything was yellow and crimson, everything seemed to be burning and shining together with the sun. 2) The trees were just beginning to shed their clothes, and the leaves were falling, swaying in the air, silently and smoothly. 3) It was cool and easy, and therefore fun. 4) The autumn smell of the forest is special, unique, persistent and pure, so much so that for tens of meters Bim could smell the owner.

5) Now the owner sat on a stump, ordered Bim to sit too, and he took off his cap, put it next to him on the ground and looked at the leaves. 6) And listened to the silence of the forest. 7) Well, of course he was smiling! 8) He was now the same as always before the start of the hunt.

9) And so the owner got up, uncovered the gun, put in the cartridges. 10) Bim trembled with excitement. 11) Ivan Ivanovich patted him affectionately on the back of the neck, which made Bim even more agitated.
- (12) Well, boy, look!
13) Beam went! 14) He went in a small shuttle, maneuvering between the trees, squat, springy and almost silently. (15) Ivan Ivanovich slowly followed him, admiring the work of his friend. 16) Now the forest with all the beauties has remained in the background: the main thing is Bim, graceful, passionate, easy on the go. 17) Occasionally calling him to him, Ivan Ivanovich ordered him to lie down in order to let him calm down, to get involved. (18) And soon Beam already went smoothly, with knowledge of the matter. 19) Great art - the work of a sutter! 20) Here he goes at a light gallop, raising his head high, with dignity, confidence and passion.
21) The forest was silent. 22) Golden birch leaves played only a little, bathing in the sparkles of the sun. 23) Young oak trees quieted down next to the majestic giant oak - the father and progenitor. 24) The silver-gray leaves remaining on the aspen trembled silently. 25) And on the fallen yellow foliage stood a dog - one of the best creations of nature and a patient person. 26) Not a single bagkul will falter! 27) That's what a classic yellow forest stance is!
-(28) Go, boy!
29) Beam raised the woodcock on the wing.
30) Shot!
31) The forest started up, answering with a disgruntled, offended echo. 32) It seemed that the birch, which climbed to the border of the oak and aspen forests, was frightened, shuddered. 33) Oaks gasped like heroes. 34) The aspens nearby were hastily sprinkled with leaves.
35) The woodcock fell in a lump. 36) Bim filed it according to all the rules. 37) But the owner, after caressing Bim and thanking him for the beautiful work, held the bird in his palm, looked at it and said thoughtfully:
- Oh, you shouldn't...
38) Bim did not understand, peered into the face of Ivan Ivanovich, and he continued:
-For you only, Bim, for you, silly. 39) And so - it's not worth it.
40) Yesterday was a happy day. 41) Everything is right: autumn, sun, yellow forest, Bim's elegant work. 42) But still, some kind of sediment on the soul. 43) Why would? 44) I feel sorry for killing game. 45) So good around, and suddenly a dead bird. 46) I am not a vegan and not a hypocrite who describes the suffering of slaughtered animals and eats their meat with pleasure, but until the end of my days I set myself a condition: one or two woodcocks per hunt, no more. 47) If not one, it would be even better, but then Bim will die like a hunting dog, and I will have to buy a bird that someone else will kill for me. 48) No, thank you for this...
49) Where does the residue from yesterday come from? 50) And only from yesterday? 51) Did I miss some thought? .. 52) So, yesterday: the pursuit of happiness, the yellow forest - and the dead bird. 53) What is this? Isn't it a bargain with your conscience?
54) Stop! 55) This is the thought that slipped away yesterday: not a deal, but a reproach of conscience and pain for everyone who kills uselessly when a person loses his humanity. 56) From the past, from the memories of the past comes and grows in me more and more pity for birds and animals.
57) Ah, yellow forest, yellow forest! 58) Here is a piece of happiness for you, here is a place for you to think. 59) In the autumn sunny forest, a person becomes<...>.
According to G. N. Troepolsky.
Gavriil Nikolaevich Troepolsky - Russian Soviet writer.

Let us turn to an excerpt from the work of G.N. Troepolsky "White Bim Black Ear". The author describes the amazing beauty and harmony of the autumn forest with a man and his dog. The same harmony comes in the soul of Ivan Vasilyevich, he is calm, he enjoys the silence and the elegant work of Bim. But a shot sounds, and with what dissonance it breaks into the beautiful "yellow forest"! Not only the tranquility of nature is disturbed, but also the tranquility in the hunter's soul: he is tormented by his conscience.

Although Ivan Ivanovich understands that Bim needs hunting, this unjust murder of a woodcock haunts him. He feels "a reproach of conscience and pain for all those who kill uselessly."

The writer and his hero are convinced that "man loses his humanity" when he takes the life of a bird or animal. This is the position of G.N. Troepolsky.

One cannot argue with the opinion of the author, because many people treat animals and birds with unreasonable cruelty, exterminating and destroying them, justifying this by the fact that some animals interfere with the environment. Anyone who thinks so emphasizes his own stupidity, narrow-mindedness and, as already mentioned, cruelty.

The problem of man's attitude to birds and animals is often raised by writers, journalists and people of various professions - everyone who is humane and concerned about the invasion of nature and mockery of it.

In the story of Gavriil Troepolsky "White Bim Black Ear" we read that the leadership of the Society of Hunters "established" that magpies and hawks are harmful birds that should be destroyed. "And all hunters (and not only!) killed magpies with a clear conscience." But these birds were led, they were "justified", and the only bird to be destroyed, declared "outlawed", was now the gray crow. "She allegedly destroys bird nests." And it was destroyed, a bird that cleanses nature in those places where people live, from rotten pieces of meat that no dog will take in its mouth. "Fall on the gray crow! -The most true, elementary excuse for those responsible for the death of birds."

Or the wolves. They were destroyed almost completely, these freedom-loving orderlies of the forest and fields, who cleansed the earth of sewage, carrion, diseases and regulated life so that only healthy offspring remained. G.N. Troepolsky, an agronomist by profession, knows a lot about the characteristics of wolves. For example, "a she-wolf will not touch a small puppy-sucking dog, but will accept him as her own child; and will not touch a small child, but will drag him into the den and will push him to the nipples." And people, out of hatred, out of fear, destroy mindlessly, justifying their cruelty with ridiculous excuses about protecting nature. But this is not a concern for nature, but its destruction!

And how many such examples of causeless cruelty in life! How many facts about the inhumanity of children who beat poor animals and film it all on camera, posting these pictures on social networks.

On December 26, 2016, several workers in Yakutia on two Ural trucks deliberately crushed a large brown bear and ran it over several times. And they did it only for fun, because the animal did not show aggression. These monsters in human form finished off the unfortunate animal with crowbars! There was a big article on the Internet about this.

As you can see, the problem of people's attitude to birds and animals is very relevant. At one of the recent press conferences, President V.V. Putin announced the need for tougher punishment for poachers and all those who lead animals and birds to death.

Updated: 2018-02-11

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1) In the autumn forest, everything was yellow and crimson, it looked like a goat, everything burned and shone along with the sun. 2) The trees were just beginning to shed their clothes, and the leaves were falling, swaying in the air, silently and smoothly. 3) It was cool and easy, and therefore fun. 4) The autumn smell of the forest is special, unique, persistent and pure, so much so that for tens of meters Bim could smell the owner.

5) Now the owner sat on a stump, ordered Bim to sit too, and he took off his cap, put it next to him on the ground and looked at the leaves. 6) And listened to the silence of the forest. 7) Well, of course he was smiling! 8) He was now the same as always before the start of the hunt.

9) And so the owner got up, uncovered the gun, put in the cartridges. 10) Bim trembled with excitement. 11) Ivan Ivanovich patted him affectionately on the back of the neck, which made Bim even more agitated.
- (12) Well, boy, look!
13) Beam went! 14) He went in a small shuttle, maneuvering between the trees, squat, springy and almost silently. (15) Ivan Ivanovich slowly followed him, admiring the work of his friend. 16) Now the forest with all the beauties has remained in the background: the main thing is Bim, graceful, passionate, easy on the go. 17) Occasionally calling him to him, Ivan Ivanovich ordered him to lie down in order to let him calm down, to get involved. (18) And soon Beam already went smoothly, with knowledge of the matter. 19) Great art - the work of a sutter! 20) Here he goes at a light gallop, raising his head high, with dignity, confidence and passion.
21) The forest was silent. 22) Golden birch leaves played only a little, bathing in the sparkles of the sun. 23) Young oak trees quieted down next to the majestic giant oak - the father and progenitor. 24) The silver-gray leaves remaining on the aspen trembled silently. 25) And on the fallen yellow foliage stood a dog - one of the best creations of nature and a patient person. 26) Not a single bagkul will falter! 27) That's what a classic yellow forest stance is!
-(28) Go, boy!
29) Beam raised the woodcock on the wing.
30) Shot!
31) The forest started up, answering with a disgruntled, offended echo. 32) It seemed that the birch, which climbed to the border of the oak and aspen forests, was frightened, shuddered. 33) Oaks gasped like heroes. 34) The aspens nearby were hastily sprinkled with leaves.
35) The woodcock fell in a lump. 36) Bim filed it according to all the rules. 37) But the owner, after caressing Bim and thanking him for the beautiful work, held the bird in his palm, looked at it and said thoughtfully:
- Oh, you shouldn't...
38) Bim did not understand, peered into the face of Ivan Ivanovich, and he continued:
-For you only, Bim, for you, silly. 39) And so - it's not worth it.
40) Yesterday was a happy day. 41) Everything is right: autumn, sun, yellow forest, Bim's elegant work. 42) But still, some kind of sediment on the soul. 43) Why would? 44) I feel sorry for killing game. 45) So good around, and suddenly a dead bird. 46) I am not a vegan and not a hypocrite who describes the suffering of slaughtered animals and eats their meat with pleasure, but until the end of my days I set myself a condition: one or two woodcocks per hunt, no more. 47) If not one, it would be even better, but then Bim will die like a hunting dog, and I will have to buy a bird that someone else will kill for me. 48) No, thank you for this...
49) Where does the residue from yesterday come from? 50) And only from yesterday? 51) Did I miss some thought? .. 52) So, yesterday: the pursuit of happiness, the yellow forest - and the dead bird. 53) What is this? Isn't it a bargain with your conscience?
54) Stop! 55) This is the thought that slipped away yesterday: not a deal, but a reproach of conscience and pain for everyone who kills uselessly when a person loses his humanity. 56) From the past, from the memories of the past comes and grows in me more and more pity for birds and animals.
57) Ah, yellow forest, yellow forest! 58) Here is a piece of happiness for you, here is a place for you to think. 59) In the autumn sunny forest, a person becomes.
According to G. N. Troepolsky.
Gavriil Nikolaevich Troepolsky - Russian Soviet writer.

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Humanity is closely connected with nature. From it we take minerals, resources, necessary benefits that allow us to maintain and improve our lives. Nature, in turn, creates majestic creations that can amaze us, make us think about important issues. In this text, G. N. Troepolsky raises the problem of the influence of nature on man. This problem is very relevant in our time, because people in modern society are moving further and further away from her, stop noticing her creations.

To prove his thoughts, the author cites the story of Ivan Ivanych. During the hunt, he was happy, having the opportunity to enjoy the beauty of the forest, to breathe fresh air. Nature has a beneficial effect on him. Also, G. Treopolsky says about that man, chasing for his desires, in the desire to get prey, he kills defenseless animals. The surrounding nature makes it clear to the main character that a person should respect birds and animals, do not disturb the harmony.

The author is convinced that the beauty of nature can awaken a feeling of joy and happiness in the human soul. The world around us can make people think about important issues, rethink many things.

I agree with G.N. Troepolsky, because a person is immersed in an atmosphere of harmony and joy, being alone with nature. majestic forests,


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