How to file an insurance claim. Alfa insurance insured event If your car was damaged by persons unknown to you and you have a hull insurance policy, you must

Statement of claim to Guta-Insurance - SAMPLE

5, p. 3 Cost of the claim: 42,119.22 rubles State duty: exempted from payment acc. with paragraphs.

333.36 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. on the recovery of insurance compensation on July 22, 2011, between the Claimant and the Respondent, a property insurance contract was concluded for the vehicle Subaru Impreza (g.z.

Complaint against AlfaStrakhovanie

A lawsuit was filed against OJSC Reso-Garantia for the recovery of the difference in payments for OSAGO and TCB. The claim was filed at the place of residence of the plaintiff. Odintsovo city court MO 143007, Moscow

Insurance claim application

Page of the insurance company AlfaStrakhovanie. Representatives of the AlfaStrakhovanie company can comment on reviews, as well as answer all questions from visitors to the independent RuStrahovka portal.

For this you need to register.

I bought a phone last month, a loan was issued.

Insurance company AlfaStrakhovanie

You can buy policies both individually and as part of profitable package offers. Special conditions apply to the extension of contracts with our insurance company. AlfaStrakhovanie insurance company provides owners and renters of apartments, houses and other types of housing to protect their property from damage, loss and other risks.

Do-it-yourself insurance for filling out an application for insurance payment

This procedure is applied if there are two circumstances at the same time: a) as a result of an accident, only vehicles specified in subparagraph b) were damaged as a result of a collision between two vehicles (including with trailers, the civil liability of whose owners is insured under the contract CTP.

Such a claim is drawn up in accordance with the requirements of Art. 131 of the Civil Procedure Code of Russia. An application to the court is submitted exclusively in writing.

At the same time, according to the general rule, the claim must be filed with the court at the location of the respondent company, however, the law provides for situations when the plaintiff can file an application with the court located at his place of residence. In any case, the application must contain the following items: 1.

Claim header - contains the following information: the name of the court to which the claim will be filed, details of the court, the name of the plaintiff and his details, the name of the defendant who violated the rights of the plaintiff, the details of the defendant. 2. The text of the application itself - contains information about the essence of disputes with the insurance company.

As a result of an accident, a car (not running or not approved for operation in accordance with the rules of the road).

The traffic accident occurred due to the fault of the driver (surname of the culprit), who was driving the car (make and model of the car, as in the certificate) state.

Sample statement of claim for CASCO

payment for expert services amounted to 1500 rubles. Total: 24861 rubles.

The plaintiff informed the defendant about the examination by a telegram worth 194.25 rubles.

In accordance with Art. 1064 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, harm caused to the person or property of a citizen, as well as harm caused to the property of a legal entity, is subject to compensation in full by the person who caused the harm.

> "> Alfa insurance application for insurance payment sample

SAMPLE August 18, 2013 Sample statement of claim against AlfaStrakhovanie OJSC for the recovery of the difference between the unpaid insurance indemnity for OSAGO and the Loss of commodity value. JSC "AlfaStrakhovanie" made a payment under OSAGO according to an expert of the insurance company. The victim, disagreeing with the amount of insurance compensation paid, turned to an independent examination and assessed the damage. A lawsuit was filed against OJSC Reso-Garantia for the recovery of the difference in payments for OSAGO and TCB.

The claim was filed at the place of residence of the plaintiff. A sample statement of claim to AlfaStrakhovanie OJSC for the recovery of the difference between the unpaid insurance indemnity for OSAGO and the Loss of commodity value.

JSC "AlfaStrakhovanie" made a payment under OSAGO according to an expert of the insurance company.

AlfaStrakhovanie company reviews

Name: Olga. Section: DMS. Policy: 23099134, I turned to a neurologist with back pain and headaches for help under the VHI agreement Alfa Insurance in Ivanovo (Mukhina Yulia), Ivastramed clinic.

The neurologist diagnosed vegetovascular dystonia and sent her for an additional examination of the spine and blood vessels. One of the directions was an examination - a duplex of the vessels of the head and neck. When applying (by phone 04.04) to the insurance company for a letter of guarantee, the examination was refused due to the fact that there are no grounds for the appointment of such an examination.

At first, the representative of the insurance company said that the VSD is not the basis for checking blood vessels, and I have a honey. the map does not indicate complaints of headache, recommended to talk again with the attending physician and clarify in honey.

AlfaStrahovanie reviews on the company Name: Sergey.

Section: OSAGO. Policy: 0357995609, I turned to the company in the office in Togliatti to add one more driver to the insurance policy. I was refused. They said:

“Now you can’t add another driver to the insurance”

to the question "Why?" answered "We do not enter." I haven't heard any clear justification.

And the company no longer deals with auto insurance. Usually this fact is a precursor to the bankruptcy of the company. Name: Alexander. Section: OSAGO.

Policy: eee 0363618010, on March 25, 2018, in Rostov-on-Don, for the first time in decades, I got into an accident. Everything was issued as it should be. 8023/RVU/00262/16.

Example of "Application for insurance payment" submitted to the Insurer together with a full set of documents (according to the inventory), if the documents were not submitted to the insurance company before the inspection, but the Insurer was called for inspection by a telegram (see the telegram form on the website). Telegram - is an Application (which must be provided to the insurer in accordance with clause

45 OSAGO rules, upon receipt, which the insurer is obliged to inspect the vehicle within five days). There is no strict form approved by the rules or the law; each insurance company independently created its own application form.

“In the Rules on Compulsory Insurance” (PP RF 263) and the OSAGO law (40 FZ), it is also not prohibited to submit an application by mail or in any other way. In "RESO-Garantiya"

How to apply for an insurance claim

The object insurance procedure provides for the possibility of obtaining insurance compensation in the event of a situation stipulated by an agreement between the parties. At the same time, the amount of compensation is regulated by the terms of the contract and the law and does not depend on payments under other contracts.

What it is

To guarantee a stable financial condition of an individual or a business entity, a contractual agreement is drawn up with the insurer, the subject of which is a certain object.

The activation of the insurer's obligations occurs at the moment of occurrence of the situation identified in the contract as an insured event.

Compensation payments for the restoration of the original state of the object and its functionality are carried out only if the client complies with the rules established in the contract:

  • regular payment of dues;
  • preliminary notification of situations or characteristics of the insured object that may provoke unforeseen situations for the timely recalculation of the risk degree;
  • notification of an accident that happened to the insured within 24 hours, excluding weekends and holidays;
  • a written notification of the incident within three days indicating the location of the subject of the contract;
  • conducting activities to collect data in documentary form;
  • notification of an accident to the relevant authorities, which may be the traffic police, emergency, ambulance or fire services;
  • drawing up a report in the form established by the insurance company regarding their behavior at the time of the accident, the damage caused to the subject of the contract and the estimated amount of damage.
  • In accordance with the terms of the contract, the insurance company is obliged:

  • adhere to all instructions provided in the contract;
  • carry out inspection and documentation, leaving the scene;
  • independently assess the amount of damage caused, and, if necessary, resort to the services of expert organizations;
  • set the amount of compensation;
  • observe the established period for carrying out each stage preceding the payment, as well as for final mutual settlements;
  • make insurance compensation in accordance with the amount of damage caused, the cost of which is determined through expert work;
  • draw up an act showing the type of damage to property, which will subsequently be a document proving the fact of damage.
  • Who can get

    The beneficiaries may be:

  • victims;
  • owners of insured property;
  • legal heirs, in the event of the death of the victim or owner.
  • As a result of accidents belonging to the insurance category, there may be victims, which include persons who are directly involved in the incident, which caused them to be physically or psychologically injured.

    Owners of property that was insured at the time of the incident may not participate in the event that is insured, however, the fact of damage to property requiring restoration obliges the insurer to make compensation.

    Application for payment of insurance compensation

    The fundamental document required to initiate the compensation procedure is an application for the payment of insurance compensation.

    Large insurance companies, such as Alfastrakhovanie, known for their versatility of covered niches of activity, on their official website allow you to implement the entire range of necessary operations related to registration.

    Using the online calculator, by entering the basic data, you can determine the estimated amount of compensation, the amount of which can be taken into account in the application.

    Video: What's legal


    In case of severe damage requiring immediate restoration of the damaged object, the insurance company makes a preliminary payment. To receive it, the insured must, together with the main application, submit an application for payment of partial compensation for damage.

    After the payment is made, information about the event should be reflected in the individual record card, a sample of which can be found by clicking on the link.

    If during the investigation it is found that the damage caused is not subject to compensation, then the amount issued to the insured is subject to return to the insurance company.

    Installment fine in an administrative case. Read more here.

    Rights of the insured

    In accordance with the terms of the contract, as well as the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, the insured has the right to demand from the insurer:

  • compensation for damage within the sum insured;
  • increase in payments in situations where the consequences of the incident turned out to be more serious than originally determined;
  • compensation for expert research and other expenses necessary for the investigation and collection of evidence;
  • advance payment;
  • insurance payment in due time;
  • forfeit, in case of violation of the deadlines.
  • Payment regulation

    The amount of compensation payments for each type of incident is determined according to its own methodology.

    In case of damage to property, the rules governing that in case of damage:

    • luggage, the insurer pays a sum of money in the amount of 600 rubles for each kilogram;
    • small luggage, a one-time payment of 11,000 rubles;
    • large-sized property, you can recover the amount corresponding to the amount of harm caused, subject to the restrictions provided for in the contract.

    If the franchise is taken into account in the terms of the agreement, then the amount of the penalty is reduced by its amount.

    In case of complete destruction of the insured property, the owner is compensated for its value without taking into account natural wear and tear and the residual amount of residues suitable for further use.

    Many well-known insurance companies, such as Rosgosstrakh, along with different profiles, specialize in life and health insurance.

    According to their terms, nWhen harming human health:

  • the amount of compensation cannot be less than 2,000,000 rubles;
  • the calculation of the amount of compensation is carried out taking into account the legally established standards for payments and the amount of money specified in the contract;
  • in the event of a deterioration in the health of the victim, due to the circumstances of the insured event, or revealing the fact of the consequences of causing harm in monetary terms, exceeding the conditions stipulated in the contract, the insured has the right to demand assistance in excess of the prescribed amount.
  • if there is a fact of death, the relatives of the deceased are paid the amount stipulated by contractual obligations, however, its amount cannot be less than 2,025,000 rubles.
  • Insurance indemnities under auto insurance and bank deposit insurance contracts are carried out strictly in accordance with the terms of the contractual agreement.

    It should be noted that insurance payments of all categories are not taxed.

    Terms of payment of insurance compensation are determined by the terms of the contract. In the absence of a corresponding section in the document, the value is regulated by legislative norms:

  • in case of damage to the health or property of the insured - 30 calendar days;
  • in case of death of the insured – 60 days.
  • If the insurer violates the terms of payments, then the insured has the right to demand compensation from him for each overdue day, taking into account the refinancing rate applicable to the amount of debt.

    Refusal to pay

    The policyholder may be denied insurance indemnity in the following situations:

  • untimely notification of the fact of the occurrence of an insured event;
  • providing an incomplete package of documentation;
  • amendments to the insurance policy;
  • classifying the incident as a non-insurance category.
  • If the policyholder believes that the refusal to pay is unlawful, he has the right to go to court to resolve the problem.

    To do this, you need to prepare a statement of claim, the main requirements for which are reflected in the table.

    > "> Alfa insurance sample application for an insured event broke his arm

    Application to alpha insurance for the payment of insurance compensation sample

    Alfa insurance application for insurance payment sample

    * In case of changing the passport, attach a copy of the page with a note about its change. (qualification electronic signature)

    1. From the date of consideration of the application for: 15–20 working days,

    in accordance with the Conditions to the insurance contract.

    With the status of consideration of the event, please call: 8-800-333-8-44-8. © 2018 AlfaStrakhovanie Group Unified contact center: 8 800 333-84-48 (daily from 08:00 to 20:00, call within Russia is free)

    We offer all the most popular vehicle insurance products: OSAGO, DSAGO, CASCO, Green Card.

    You can buy policies both individually and as part of profitable package offers.

    Direct indemnification, direct indemnification means a set of actions of the victim to apply for payment to the insurer from whom he bought the CTP policy. Notify us within 30 days.

    Use the following notification methods: call tel. for regions 8-800-333-0-999. Submit the required documents for payment.

    Moscow, st. Shabolovka, 31, building

    If disability was established as a result of an injury, an extract from the medical history must be provided.

    Alfa insurance application for insurance payment sample 45 of the OSAGO rules, after receipt, which the insurer is obliged to inspect the vehicle within five days). There is no strict form approved by the rules or the law; each insurance company independently created its own application form.

    “In the Rules on Compulsory Insurance” (PP RF 263) and the OSAGO law (40 FZ), it is also not prohibited to submit an application by mail or in any other way.

    A sample statement of claim to AlfaStrakhovanie OJSC for the recovery of the difference between the unpaid insurance indemnity for OSAGO and the Loss of commodity value. JSC "AlfaStrakhovanie" made a payment under OSAGO according to an expert of the insurance company. The victim, disagreeing with the amount of compensation paid, turned to an independent examination and assessed the damage.

    Alfa insurance application for insurance payment sample 45 of the OSAGO rules, after receipt, which the insurer is obliged to inspect the vehicle within five days). There is no strict form approved by the rules or the law; each insurance company independently created its own application form. “In the Rules on Compulsory Insurance” (PP RF 263) and the OSAGO law (40 FZ), it is also not prohibited to submit an application by mail or in any other way.

    A sample statement of claim to AlfaStrakhovanie OJSC for the recovery of the difference between the unpaid insurance indemnity for OSAGO and the Loss of commodity value. JSC "AlfaStrakhovanie" made a payment under OSAGO according to an expert of the insurance company.

    The victim, disagreeing with the amount of compensation paid, turned to an independent examination and assessed the damage.

    Alfa insurance application for insurance payment sample We offer all the most popular vehicle insurance products: OSAGO, DSAGO, CASCO, Green Card. You can buy policies both individually and as part of profitable package offers.

    Direct indemnification, direct indemnification means a set of actions of the victim to apply for payment to the insurer from whom he bought the CTP policy. Notify us within 30 days. Use the following notification methods: call tel.

    for regions 8-800-333-0-999.

    Submit the required documents for payment. Documents for payment must be sent to the insurance company at the address: 115162, St.

    Alfa insurance life insurance return application form download

    I think that the bank's actions to return the insurance premium are illegal due to the following. In accordance with Art. 309 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, obligations must be properly performed.

    I believe that the actions of the bank violate my rights as a consumer, regulated by Article 37 of the Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights".

    How to submit an application for payment of insurance compensation How to return insurance in case of early repayment of a loan? You must contact the insurer directly. The bank is the beneficiary.

    This usually happens with mortgages, car loans, bank consumer loans, and also in cases where insurance is included in the overall package of services. The date of conclusion of the insurance contract is the date of payment of the insurance premium, unless otherwise provided by the insurance contract.

    We offer all the most popular vehicle insurance products: OSAGO, DSAGO, CASCO, Green Card. You can buy policies both individually and as part of profitable package offers. Direct indemnification, direct indemnification means a set of actions of the victim to apply for payment to the insurer from whom he bought the CTP policy.

    Sample application for an insured event alpha insurance

    Notify us within 30 days. Use the following notification methods: call tel.

    for regions 8-800-333-0-999. Submit the required documents for payment.

    Documents for payment must be sent to the insurance company at the address: 115162, St.

    Moscow, st. Shabolovka, d. 31, p. If disability was established as a result of an injury, an extract from the medical history must be provided.

    45 OSAGO rules, upon receipt, which the insurer is obliged to inspect the vehicle within five days).

    There is no strict form approved by the rules or the law; each insurance company independently created its own application form. “In the Rules on Compulsory Insurance” (PP RF 263) and the OSAGO law (40 FZ), it is also not prohibited to submit an application by mail or in any other way. A sample statement of claim to AlfaStrakhovanie OJSC for the recovery of the difference between the unpaid insurance indemnity for OSAGO and the Loss of commodity value.

    The decision to send for repairs was made on February 2, 2018, i.e. already in a week. I was repaired by the service station of Service 34 LLC (Volga-RAST on Mamaev Kurgan).

    Many thanks to the insurer for making a decision quickly and without delay, even though the traffic police inspector did not indicate all external damage in the accident certificate. I recommend it to others and I myself will contact AlfaStrakhovanie in the future!

    An example of an "Application for insurance payment", submitted to the Insurer along with a full set of documents (according to the inventory), if the documents were not submitted to the insurance company before the inspection, but the Insurer was called for inspection properly by telegram (see the telegram form on the website).

    Telegram - is an Application (which must be submitted to the insurer in accordance with clause Sample Statement of Claim against AlfaStrakhovanie OJSC for the recovery of the difference between the unpaid compensation for OSAGO and the Loss of Commodity Value.

    Payment of diavitol in ampoules instruction of insurance indemnity by paying cash or replacing the insurance payment (insurance indemnity) with the provision of property similar to the lost property, or issuing a referral for repairs within the framework of the organization and payment by the insurer against the insurance indemnity for the repair of damaged vehicles and / or additional equipment, is made after receipt from the insured (beneficiary, insured persons) of all documents requested by the insurer within 15 working days for the risks of DAMAGE, DAMAGE TO ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT.

    The object insurance procedure provides for the possibility of obtaining insurance compensation in the event of a situation stipulated by an agreement between the parties.

    At the same time, the amount of compensation is regulated by the terms of the contract and the law and does not depend on payments under other contracts.

    Alfa insurance payout

    Now Alfa-Insurance IC clients will be able to find out the status of their application to the insurer in their personal account on the company's website.

    In remote mode, you can see at what stage the consideration of the case of the insured event is and when compensation is planned to be paid. A sample statement of claim to AlfaStrakhovanie OJSC for the recovery of the difference between the unpaid insurance indemnity for OSAGO and the Loss of commodity value.

    Get paid

    Notify us within 30 days.

    Use the following notification methods: call the unified contact center: 8 800 333-84-48 (daily from 08:00 to 20:00, call within Russia is free); Submit the required documents for payment.

    Documents for payment must be sent to the insurance company at the address: 115162, Moscow, st. Shabolovka, 31, building

      Stop immediately and turn on the alarm.

      Mark the place of the accident by putting up an emergency stop sign, as required by the Rules of the Road.

      Check out the crash site. If there are casualties, call an ambulance through the 112 service operator.

      Remember, you must vacate the scene of the incident and proceed with the execution of the "Europrotocol" if:

      • there are no victims and injured;
    • Before you clear the scene of the accident, capture the location of the vehicles after the accident on the photo.

      After you have vacated the scene of the incident and started to draw up documents according to the "Europrotocol", you can immediately start registering the event in the AlfaStrakhovanie Mobile application.

    If the damage exceeds 100 thousand rubles, there are victims and injured, disagreements between the participants in the accident, it is necessary to call the traffic police. They must record the fact of the accident and draw up its scheme, accept explanations from both drivers.

    If the drivers do not dispute the decision of the traffic police and agree with those found guilty, the inspector issues the necessary documents on the spot.

    * Attention!! In some regions, the inspector does not draw up an accident on the spot, but invites you to visit the traffic police department for this procedure.

    * Attention!! If the participants do not agree with the decision made by the traffic police inspectors, then the participants are invited to the analysis group, where the investigator conducts conversations and establishes the final guilt of one or another participant. If even after the analysis group, the perpetrator does not agree with the decision of the interrogating officer, he can challenge it in court.

    After vacating the accident site and receiving all the traffic police documents, you can immediately start registering an event in the application.

    After completing the registration of an accident according to the Europrotocol or by the traffic police (if all the documents of the traffic police are available), the participants in the accident can disperse, and you can complete the recording of the insured event according to the PVU already through the AlfaStrakhovanie Mobile application.

    You can apply to the company after an accident:

      by calling the Federal Contact Center of AlfaStrakhovanie JSC at the round-the-clock toll-free number 8 800 333 0 999 (for calls within Russia) or +7 495 788 0 999 (for residents of the capital region). To do this, within the next 5 calendar days (the day of the accident is considered the first day), you must submit a written application to the office of the insurance company and bring with you the original documents that were issued by traffic police inspectors;

      By issuing an insurance event right at the scene of the accident using your smartphone and the AlfaStrakhovanie Mobile application. To do this, you need to press the SOS button in the application and then follow the instructions to transfer all the data necessary for the prompt settlement of the insured event.

    If you have a car hull policy, in the event of an accident you must:

      Stop immediately and turn on the hazard warning lights.

      Mark the location of the accident with a warning triangle.

      Check out the crash site. If there are casualties, call an ambulance at 112.

      Remember, you must clear the scene of the accident and start filling out the Europrotocol if:

      • there are no victims and injured;
      • damage to vehicles amounted to less than 100 thousand rubles;
      • there is no disagreement between you and other participants in the accident, who is the culprit.
    • Before you clear the scene of the accident, capture the location of the vehicles on the photo.

      After you have cleared the place of the accident and started to draw up documents according to the "Europrotocol", you can immediately begin the registration of the event in AlfaStrakhovanie Mobile.

    If the damage exceeds 100 thousand rubles, there are victims and injured, disagreements between the participants in the accident, it is necessary to call the traffic police. They must record the fact of the accident and draw up its scheme, accept explanations from both drivers.

    If the drivers do not dispute the decision of the inspection and agree with whom the traffic police identified as guilty, the inspector issues the necessary documents at the scene.

    * Attention!! In some regions, the inspector does not draw up an accident on the spot, but invites you to go to the traffic police department.

    * Attention!! If the participants do not agree with the decision made by the traffic police inspectors, then the participants are invited to the analysis group, where the investigator conducts conversations and finally determines the guilt of one or another participant. If, even after the debriefing group, the perpetrator does not agree with the decision, he can challenge it in court.

    After you have vacated the scene of the accident and received all the traffic police documents, you can immediately start registering an insurance event in the AlfaStrakhovanie Mobile application and continue this procedure after completing the registration of an accident according to the Europrotocol or traffic police officers.

    You can apply for a car hull:

      by calling the Federal Contact Center of AlfaStrakhovanie JSC at the round-the-clock toll-free number 8 800 333 0 999 (for calls within Russia) or +7 495 788 0 999 (for residents of the capital region). To do this, within the next 5 calendar days (the day of the accident is considered the first day), you must write a statement about the insured event to the office of the company, as well as bring the original documents provided by traffic police inspectors.

      independently filing an insurance event right at the scene of an accident using a phone and the AlfaStrakhovanie Mobile application. To do this, you need to press the SOS button in your mobile application and then follow the instructions.

    If you have a motor hull policy and you hit an obstacle, you must:

      Stop immediately and set the alarm.

      In accordance with the requirements of traffic rules, put up an emergency stop sign.

      Call the traffic police to register the incident, and if necessary, an ambulance by calling 112.

      The traffic police inspectors who arrived will record the accident, draw up a diagram of the accident and accept the explanations of the participants. After registration of the accident by the traffic police, you can disperse.

    If you apply for an insured event without certificates, you can immediately start registering the event in the AlfaStrakhovanie - Mobile application. To do this, you need to press the SOS button in it and then follow the instructions.

    You can also apply to our company by calling the Federal Contact Center at the 24-hour toll-free number 8 800 333 0 999 (for calls within Russia) or +7 495 788 0 999 (for residents of the capital region). To do this, within the next 5 calendar days (the day of the event is considered the first day) you need to write an application to the office of the company.

    If “something” fell on your car and you have an auto hull policy, you need to:

    If you apply for an insured event without certificates, you can immediately proceed to register the event in AlfaStrakhovanie - Mobile. To do this, you need to press the SOS button in it and then follow the instructions.

    Upon arrival at the scene, the inspection staff will inspect the damaged vehicle, and / or invite the victim to the department to write a statement about causing material damage to him or accept this statement on the spot.

    * Attention!! At the same time, police officers are required to issue a notification coupon - a certificate confirming the acceptance of the document.

    Remember, an affected vehicle is easy prey for vandals, especially if the door locks cannot be closed or the windows are missing. In this case, you, as the policyholder, in accordance with clause 10.2.3 of the Insurance Rules, must drive the Vehicle to a guarded parking lot or garage.

    In addition to applying through our application, you can always apply to the company by calling the Federal Contact Center of our company at the round-the-clock free number 8 800 333 0 999 (for calls within Russia) or +7 495 788 0 999 (for residents of the capital region). To do this, within the next 5 calendar days (the day of the event is considered the first day) you need to submit a written application to the office of the company.

    If your car was damaged by persons unknown to you and you have a CASCO policy, you must:

      Call the police on 112.

      Based on the results of consideration of the application, the police makes a decision, the documents for which must be obtained from the police station in the future.

      You can leave the scene of the incident at the discretion of the police.

    If you apply without any certificates, you can immediately start registering an insured event in AlfaStrakhovanie - Mobile. To do this, press the SOS button and follow the instructions.

    Remember that if the car cannot be closed or the windows are shattered, it is an easy prey for vandals. In this case, you, as the policyholder, are obliged to drive the vehicle to a guarded parking lot or to another safe place.

    In addition to registration through the application, you can always submit an application for an insured event to the company by calling the Federal Contact Center of AlfaStrakhovanie JSC at the round-the-clock toll-free number 8 800 333 0 999 (for calls within Russia) or +7 495 788 0 999 (for residents of the capital region). To do this, within the next 5 calendar days (the day of the event is considered the first day) you need to write an application.

    If your car was damaged due to the actions of representatives of the animal world (fauna) and you have a motor hull policy, you must:

      Call the police on 112.

      Arriving employees will record the event, inspect the scene and issue a coupon notification of acceptance of the application.

      Based on the results of its consideration, the police will make a decision, the documents on which must be received later at the police station.

      You can leave the scene of the incident by decision of law enforcement officers.

    If you apply for an insured event without certificates, you can immediately start recording the insured event in the AlfaStrakhovanie - Mobile application. To do this, press the SOS button and follow the instructions.

    Remember that the damaged vehicle is easy prey for vandals, especially if the door locks are broken or the windows are broken. In this case, you, as the policyholder, in accordance with clause 10.2.3 of the Insurance Rules, must drive the vehicle to a guarded parking lot or garage.

    In addition to contacting AlfaStrakhovanie-Mobile, you can always submit an application for an insured event to the company by calling the Federal Contact Center of AlfaStrakhovanie JSC at the round-the-clock toll-free number 8 800 333 0 999 (for calls within Russia) or +7 495 788 0 999 (for residents of the metropolitan area). To do this, within the next 5 calendar days (the day of the event is considered the first day) you need to write an application to the office of the company.

    If your car was damaged due to natural disasters (any, except for floods and flooding) and you have a CASCO policy against, you must:

      Immediately report the incident to number 112 and call representatives of law enforcement agencies to confirm the fact of the insured event.

    Arriving police officers will record the incident, inspect the scene of the event and issue a coupon notification of acceptance of the application. You can leave the place at the discretion of the police. Based on the results of consideration of the application, the police makes a decision, the documents for which must be obtained from the police department. It is also necessary to obtain a certificate from the hydrometeorological service to confirm the qualification of the event as an emergency.

    Remember, the damaged vehicle, especially if its locks do not close or the windows are broken, is an easy prey for vandals. In this case, you, as the policyholder, in accordance with clause 10.2.3 of the insurance rules, must move the vehicle to a guarded parking lot or garage.

    In addition to contacting AlfaStrakhovanie-Mobile, you can always report an event to the company by calling the Federal Contact Center of AlfaStrakhovanie JSC at the round-the-clock toll-free number 8 800 333 0 999 (for calls within Russia) or +7 495 788 0 999 (for residents of the metropolitan area).

    To do this, within the next 5 calendar days (the day of the event is considered the first day), you need to submit a written application to the company's office, also bring with you the original documents issued by the police and hydrometeorological service.

    If your car was stolen and you have an auto hull policy from AlfaStrakhovanie, you must:

      Immediately report the incident to 112 and call representatives of law enforcement agencies to confirm the fact of the insured event.

      Arriving at the scene, the police will invite the victim to the department to write a statement about causing material damage to him, and they may seize documents for the insured vehicle and keys.

    * Attention!! When accepting an application, law enforcement officers are required to issue a notification coupon - a document confirming the acceptance of the application, as well as, in case of seizure of documents and keys, a document confirming their seizure and inclusion in the materials of the criminal case.

    Remember! You are obliged to come to the office on that day or the next day to talk with the security service and submit an application for an insured event, even if you do not have certificates from the competent authorities. You can drive up without an appointment no later than 15:00 on working days of the company's claims office.

    If your car burned down and you have an auto hull policy from AlfaStrakhovanie, you must:

      Take all possible measures to prevent or reduce damage and to save the insured property, if possible.

      Immediately report the incident to law enforcement agencies in order to take the necessary measures and confirm the fact of the insured event.

      Keep the damaged property in the form in which it turned out after the insured event. Changing the picture of the loss is permissible if it is dictated by security considerations and a reduction in the amount of damage, as well as with the written consent of the insurance company or two weeks after notification of the loss received.

      Not later than three days from the moment you learned about the loss, notify the insurance company in writing (by facsimile, registered mail, courier, etc.).

      Provide the insurance company or its representative with the opportunity to inspect or inspect damaged property, investigate the causes and amount of loss, participate in measures to reduce loss and save the insured property of persons. Remember that it is important to provide expert access to the location of the body number or VIN to identify the vehicle.

      At the request of the insurance company, provide it in writing with all the information necessary to judge the amount of damage and the causes of damage or loss of the insured property, including confirming the occurrence of an insured event, describing the circumstances of its occurrence and confirming the amount of damage caused.

      Provide the insurance company with all the necessary documents to make a decision on the payment of insurance compensation:

      • a copy of the technical report based on the results of the study of objects from the site of the fire (optional if there is a decision to initiate UD);
      • a certified copy of the Resolution on the initiation of a criminal case or a copy of the Resolution on the refusal to initiate a criminal case (optional if there is a previous document).

    What to do if your vehicle has been stolen

    • Make a written statement about the theft of the vehicle to the department of internal affairs at the scene.

      Call the AlfaStrakhovanie Group by phone: +7 495 788 0 999 (Moscow and Moscow Region) or 8 800 333 0 999 (other regions) and provide the following information:

      • Insurance policy number.
      • The brand of the car and its state number.
      • Date, time and place of the theft (garage, parking, from home, etc.).
      • The coordinates of the department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in which the statement about the theft was made (preferably the full name of the investigator and phone number).
      • In case of theft from the GSK or a guarded parking lot - the full name of the chairman, contact phone number and the procedure for paying for a parking space (contract or in cash).

    The insured must provide the following documents:

    • Original written application for the theft of the vehicle on the letterhead of the insurer with the seal of the insured.

      The original passport of the vehicle or the technical passport of the auto-motor vehicle.

      Original certificate of registration of the vehicle or technical coupon of the vehicle.

      Originals of all powers of attorney issued for the use and disposal of the car.

      Original insurance policy.

      All sets of factory keys.

      A written explanation of the person from whom the car (driver) was stolen, indicating all the circumstances of the theft.

    Positions 2-7 are submitted within 72 hours from the moment the vehicle was stolen. If the documents and/or car keys were confiscated by police officers, it is necessary to obtain and provide the insurer with the procedural documents established by the Legislation of the Russian Federation, confirming the execution of the seizure and attachment of something to the criminal case, as well as copies of registration and other documents attached to the criminal case, certified by the signature of the responsible person and the seal of the investigating authority.

    The list of documents drawn up at the scene of an accident by representatives of the traffic police

    In the event of an accident that did not entail serious consequences, as well as disagreements between the participants in the accident and the traffic police inspectors (no injuries), the traffic police inspector draws up the following documents required for submission to the insurance company:

      a ruling on initiating a case on an administrative offense and conducting an administrative investigation;

      a protocol on an administrative offense;

      decision on the case of an administrative offense;

      decision to refuse to initiate proceedings on an administrative offense.

    In all the above documents, traffic police officers indicate information about: In case of an accident that caused serious consequences (causing harm to health, death of people, large material damage, as well as in case of disagreement between the participants in the accident and the traffic police), as well as in cases requiring a significant investment of time to conduct an administrative investigation, the following documents are drawn up ( in addition to the above):

      a protocol on an administrative offense - is drawn up if the offender does not agree with the punishment imposed on him or with the violation imputed to him, as well as in the event of a punishment other than an administrative fine (for example, administrative arrest or deprivation of the right to drive a vehicle);

      a ruling on initiating a case on an administrative offense is drawn up if an administrative investigation requires significant time costs (for example, the perpetrator fled the scene of an accident or more than two vehicles were involved in an accident under disputable circumstances);

      referral for a medical examination for alcohol or drug intoxication. The examination can be carried out by traffic police officers (alcohol tester for the presence of alcohol on exhalation), as well as in a medical institution (blood or urine test). The examination of the driver must be carried out in the presence of two witnesses. An act of medical examination for the state of alcoholic or drug intoxication is drawn up in the event of an examination in a medical institution.

    All the documents listed above (with the exception of the explanations of other participants and eyewitnesses of the accident) are drawn up in the presence of the driver with his direct participation. The driver has the right to make his comments, point out circumstances that are important from his point of view and demand that both be included in the documents. All columns and sections in primary documents must be completed.

    If the policyholder has civil liability insured, the victim should be warned not to start repairing his car until the damaged vehicle has been inspected and an inspection report has been drawn up.

    Possible options for settling a claim for the risk "Civil Liability"

      Sending the damaged vehicle to an independent examination for drawing up an inspection report, determining the amount of damage and subsequent payment of insurance compensation to the current account.

      Referral to a service station that has a contractual relationship with the insurer to repair the damaged vehicle at the expense of the insurance payment. This method of settlement is possible only in agreement with the insurance company. Contact the Claims Department for this settlement method.

    The object insurance procedure provides for the possibility of obtaining insurance compensation in the event of a situation stipulated by an agreement between the parties. At the same time, the amount of compensation is regulated by the terms of the contract and the law and does not depend on payments under other contracts.

    Dear readers! The article talks about typical ways to solve legal issues, but each case is individual. If you want to know how solve exactly your problem- contact a consultant:

    It's fast and FOR FREE!

    What it is

    To guarantee a stable financial condition of an individual or a business entity, a contractual agreement is drawn up with the insurer, the subject of which is a certain object.

    The activation of the insurer's obligations occurs at the moment of occurrence of the situation identified in the contract as an insured event.

    Compensation payments for the restoration of the original state of the object and its functionality are carried out only if the client complies with the rules established in the contract:

    • regular payment of dues;
    • preliminary notification of situations or characteristics of the insured object that may provoke unforeseen situations for the timely recalculation of the risk degree;
    • notification of an accident that happened to the insured within 24 hours, excluding weekends and holidays;
    • a written notification of the incident within three days indicating the location of the subject of the contract;
    • conducting activities to collect data in documentary form;
    • notification of an accident to the relevant authorities, which may be the traffic police, emergency, ambulance or fire services;
    • drawing up a report in the form established by the insurance company regarding their behavior at the time of the accident, the damage caused to the subject of the contract and the estimated amount of damage.

    In accordance with the terms of the contract, the insurance company is obliged:

    • adhere to all instructions provided in the contract;
    • carry out inspection and documentation, leaving the scene;
    • independently assess the amount of damage caused, and, if necessary, resort to the services of expert organizations;
    • set the amount of compensation;
    • observe the established period for carrying out each stage preceding the payment, as well as for final mutual settlements;
    • make insurance compensation in accordance with the amount of damage caused, the cost of which is determined through expert work;
    • draw up an act showing the type of damage to property, which will subsequently be a document proving the fact of damage.

    Who can get

    The beneficiaries may be:

    • victims;
    • owners of insured property;
    • legal heirs, in the event of the death of the victim or owner.

    As a result of accidents belonging to the insurance category, there may be victims, which include persons who are directly involved in the incident, which caused them to be physically or psychologically injured.

    Owners of property that was insured at the time of the incident may not participate in the event that is insured, however, the fact of damage to property requiring restoration obliges the insurer to make compensation.

    Application for payment of insurance compensation

    The fundamental document required to initiate the compensation procedure is an application for the payment of insurance compensation.

    Large insurance companies, such as Alfastrakhovanie, known for their versatility of covered niches of activity, on their official website allow you to implement the entire range of necessary operations related to registration.

    Using the online calculator, by entering the basic data, you can determine the estimated amount of compensation, the amount of which can be taken into account in the application.

    Video: What's legal


    In case of severe damage requiring immediate restoration of the damaged object, the insurance company makes a preliminary payment. To receive it, the insured must, together with the main application, submit an application for payment of partial compensation for damage.

    After the payment is made, information about the event should be reflected in the individual account card, a sample of which can be found by going to.

    If during the investigation it is found that the damage caused is not subject to compensation, then the amount issued to the insured is subject to return to the insurance company.

    Rights of the insured

    In accordance with the terms of the contract, as well as the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, the insured has the right to demand from the insurer:

    • compensation for damage within the sum insured;
    • increase in payments in situations where the consequences of the incident turned out to be more serious than originally determined;
    • compensation for expert research and other expenses necessary for the investigation and collection of evidence;
    • advance payment;
    • insurance payment in due time;
    • forfeit, in case of violation of the deadlines.

    Payment regulation

    The amount of compensation payments for each type of incident is determined according to its own methodology.

    In case of damage to property, the rules governing that in case of damage:

    • luggage, the insurer pays a sum of money in the amount of 600 rubles for each kilogram;
    • small luggage, a one-time payment of 11,000 rubles;
    • large-sized property, you can recover the amount corresponding to the amount of harm caused, subject to the restrictions provided for in the contract.

    If the franchise is taken into account in the terms of the agreement, then the amount of the penalty is reduced by its amount.

    In case of complete destruction of the insured property, the owner is compensated for its value without taking into account natural wear and tear and the residual amount of residues suitable for further use.

    Many well-known insurance companies, such as Rosgosstrakh, along with different profiles, specialize in life and health insurance.

    According to their terms, nWhen harming human health:

    • the amount of compensation cannot be less than 2,000,000 rubles;
    • the calculation of the amount of compensation is carried out taking into account the legally established standards for payments and the amount of money specified in the contract;
    • in the event of a deterioration in the health of the victim, due to the circumstances of the insured event, or revealing the fact of the consequences of causing harm in monetary terms, exceeding the conditions stipulated in the contract, the insured has the right to demand assistance in excess of the prescribed amount.
    • if there is a fact of death, the relatives of the deceased are paid the amount stipulated by contractual obligations, however, its amount cannot be less than 2,025,000 rubles.

    Insurance indemnities under auto insurance and bank deposit insurance contracts are carried out strictly in accordance with the terms of the contractual agreement.

    It should be noted that insurance payments of all categories are not taxed.


    Terms of payment of insurance compensation are determined by the terms of the contract. In the absence of a corresponding section in the document, the value is regulated by legislative norms:

    • in case of damage to the health or property of the insured - 30 calendar days;
    • in case of death of the insured – 60 days.

    If the insurer violates the terms of payments, then the insured has the right to demand compensation from him for each overdue day, taking into account the refinancing rate applicable to the amount of debt.

    Refusal to pay

    The policyholder may be denied insurance indemnity in the following situations:

    • untimely notification of the fact of the occurrence of an insured event;
    • providing an incomplete package of documentation;
    • amendments to the insurance policy;
    • classifying the incident as a non-insurance category.

    If the policyholder believes that the refusal to pay is unlawful, he has the right to go to court to resolve the problem.

    To do this, you need to prepare a statement of claim, the main requirements for which are reflected in the table.

    "A cap"The name of the judicial organization with an indication of its location.
    Details of the claimant, which is the victim.
    Information about the defendant - the insurer.
    The price of the claim.
    Information about the payment of state duty.
    Title of the documentClaim for payment of insurance compensation.
    Main partExplanation of the circumstances that caused the fact of the occurrence of the insured event.
    Mentioning the existence of a contractual agreement and indicating the relevant sections regarding which a conflict situation arose.
    Reference to legislation, the norms of which regulate the legality of the plaintiff's application to the court.
    RequirementThe claim must be substantiated and expressed in a specific monetary unit, in the amount of which the main insurance payment, penalty and additional expenses should be taken into account.
    AppendixInsurance contract.
    Documents confirming the identity of the plaintiff.
    State duty payment receipts.

    The order of the trial

    Before applying to judicial institutions in order to prevent a conflict situation regarding the illegality of the decision, the insured must apply to the insurance company with a claim, which should reflect the requirement to review the opinion of the insurance commission on the refusal to provide compensation.

    Upon receipt of a negative answer, it is necessary to apply to the court, which will consider the statement of claim, all the evidence provided and make a decision that is subject to execution by both parties.

    Deposit insurance

    A separate insurance system, functioning in accordance with the requirements of the law, is the mandatory insurance of bank deposits. The purpose of the state program is to protect the savings of the population.

    Sberbank offers its clients favorable conditions for insuring bank deposits made with other financial institutions participating in the program.

    In the event of an insured event related to the liquidation of the bank or its insolvency, the basis for payment to the injured person is the decision of the commission of the Deposit Insurance Agency:

    • about accreditation;
    • on granting the right to participate in the tender for the organization of payments.

    Compensation is due to 100 percent of the invested funds, the amount of which should not exceed 700,000 rubles.

    The procedure for receiving funds as compensation provides for the phased implementation of activities:

    1. Checking on the website of the organization the presence of a financial institution in which the funds are invested in the list.
    2. Registration and submission of an application to the branch of Sberbank of Russia. Documents for consideration can be submitted in person, through an authorized representative, by mail. If the amount of compensation exceeds 1000 rubles, the signature of the applicant, when sending documents by mail, must be notarized.

    Within three working days, the funds are transferred to the applicant's account.

    Having entered into a contractual relationship with the insurance company, the client receives guarantees of the safety of the subject of insurance, as well as the stability of his financial situation, which will not be violated due to the need to restore the appearance and functionality of the damaged object.

    APPLICATIONS AND CALLS ARE ACCEPTED 24/7 and 7 days a week.

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