Lesson 68 gender of nouns. Summary of the lesson "Gender of nouns. General nouns". unfortunate lefty

Open lesson in grade 3 on the topic:

"The gender of nouns"

Discovery of new knowledge.

Goals and objectives of the lesson:

· introduce the concept of the gender of nouns; teach him to define by substituting a personal and possessive pronoun;

· develop the ability to group words according to certain characteristics;

· develop and enrich the speech of students;

· develop intellectual and communication skills;

· cultivate love for the native language.

1. Orgmoment and notation of a number.

2. Calligraphy.

Guess the letter that is "lost"

Firewood was shed in the yard.

There were chips left on the grass.

(children: letter k)

What features of the lettering should be remembered?

(children: letter height, slope, correct rounding of elements)

Write down pairs of letters, underline the most beautiful and correct.

Read the writing on the board. Buy kata together

What did you notice? Let's fix the mistakes.

How many letters "k" met here?

(children: 3)

Buy a cat in a bag.

What is it?

(children: phraseological unit)

Look up the meaning of the phraseological unit in the dictionary. (A couple of children work with a dictionary.) Who will find it faster.

Who can explain the meaning of phraseologism?


(slide 1 illustration for phraseology)

Let's check our assumptions by listening to the article in the phraseological dictionary.

(Children read the explanation.)

Give examples of situations when this expression can be used in speech.


Write down and memorize this phraseological unit.

Name the nouns in this phrase.

(children: cat, bag)

What is a noun?

What else can be said about these words?

(children: the word cat is animate, the bag is inanimate, both words are common nouns, are in the singular)

3. Work on the topic of the lesson.

There are many different secrets in the Russian language, including about the noun. Our task is to reveal today another secret of this part of speech.

(slide 2 animation noun?)

Guess where we're going now?

a) Vocabulary. Gymnastics for the eyes.

Without moving your hand along the lines, but only following your eyes, determine which letters correspond to the numbers and read the word.

(slide 31234567)


(slide 4 store)

What is a shop?

What are the shops?

(children: grocery, household, book, manufactured goods)

What part of speech is the word? Prove it.

What do we remember in a word?

Write the word in your notebooks and memorize it.

b) Leading dialogue to the formulation of a new topic.

The first on the way is a pet store. Read what's for sale here.

(slide 5 collar, dog, hamster, grain, snake, wheel)

What are these words?

What 2 groups can they be divided into?

(slide 6 animate - inanimate)


hamster grain


(slide 7 by the number of syllables 2 syllables 3 syllables)

grain wheel


snake collar

(slide 8 stressing the middle of the word end of the word)





c) Discovery of new knowledge.

I divided these words into 3 groups. Read.

(slide 9 dog hamster wheel)


Guess how I divided the words?

We are having a hard time. What is it?

(slide 10 dog hamster wheel)



And these words will not help us to determine the sign of division? How? Let's try to get out of the difficulty.

(slide 11 dog hamster wheel)



Maybe someone knows or guesses what this division of words is called? (If they say: by pronouns, who is hiding behind these pronouns? Who do they say this about: he, she? It? (If they say: by birth, then see further)

What conclusion can be drawn? (Pronouns help us divide words into 3 groups.)

Let's go to the bookstore and check our version. Do your conclusions agree with the conclusions of the authors of the textbook?

Let's go to the textbook. Page 25.

(Children read the rule aloud. 4 people.)

What goals will we set for ourselves?

(Slide 12 Learn to identify ... (gender of nouns.)

Educate ... (respect for other people's opinions, accuracy, diligence)

Develop ... (literacy of speech, attention)

How will we understand that we have achieved the goals? (We will be able to determine the gender ourselves.)

Formulate the topic of the lesson.

(Slide 13 Lesson topic: gender of nouns.)

How do you understand the word gender? What word do you agree with? (family, relatives)


Now we're going to the sporting goods store. Let's see what's on sale and take a break.

(slide 14 barbell)

(slide 15 jump rope)

(slide 16 log)

(slide 17 ball)

Determine the type of words that these objects denote.

What algorithm will we use?

(After the children answer, slide 181. I will say a word.

2. Substitute helper words for him.

If it fits mine, this is the word M.R.

If she fits mine, this is the word J.R.

If it fits mine, this is the word S.r.)

For persuasiveness, you can say he is mine, she is mine, it is mine. I bought a chair, it became mine.

(slide 19 sports equipment)

Let's go back to the dictionary word - store. Determine what kind it is.

d) Fixing.

So we learned with you how to determine the genus. Now let's try to apply the acquired knowledge in practice. We go to the grocery store. Don't buy a pig in a poke!

Divide the notebook page into 3 columns. Let's sign: zh.r.m.r.s.r. 3 people work at the blackboard.

Picture dictation.

(slide 20 products: meat, milk, cheese, bread, butter, salt, cake, fish, cabbage)

Name the products. Sort by gender the names of these products.

(slide 21) Checking according to the standard. -Who has the same? Are there any mistakes? In what? Let's fix it.

Write one more title in each column.

Check: name the words feminine, masculine, neuter.

e) Independent work in groups.

Now let's go to the grocery store. What does it mean? (where buyers choose their own purchases.).

(Slide 22 Words written randomly.

In class………

Outcome. Reflection.

We went shopping.

How to call it a modern word? (shopping)

We saw many objects that are called in Russian ...

(children. Nouns)

Let's sum up the lesson.

(slide 23. I found out ... (that nouns have gender.)

I remember ... (how to determine the gender of a noun)

I was able to ... (determine the gender of the noun))

Why did we study the genus? Where do we need this knowledge? (to speak correctly)

Have we reached the objectives of the lesson?

There are 3 pictures in front of you.

If you understand well how to recognize the gender, raise the picture with a lot of purchases, if everything was not clear, then raise the shopping bag, and if you don’t understand anything, raise an empty bag, then you have to go shopping again.

(slide 24)



1.Page 25 ex. 39.

2. Write out 10 nouns from the dictionary and distribute them by gender.

3. Think of 10 nouns and distribute them by gender.

Thank you for the lesson.

Checking the readiness of jobs.

Creating a positive mood

Students at the lesson

We are happy to greet you

In our class

Perhaps there are better classes

And more beautiful.

But let in our class you

It will be light

Let it be comfortable and very easy.

And in order to be comfortable and easy

our guests and us guys, we must:

Don't yawn in class

And work and write!

Today we will conduct research and discover new knowledge.

Do you know who these researchers are? (these are people who are engaged in scientific research, find out, study something new). If the children do not answer, I suggest that those who wish to look with an explanatory dictionary.

You yourself will act as researchers. Research will be done in groups.

I will be your consultant and coordinator of your activities. In each group, I have an assistant who will control the progress of the assignments.

Dear researchers, let's get to work.

Open your notebooks and write down the day, the month. Maintain proper posture while writing

Words on the board:

With ... main, r ... ka, amazing .... virtuous, pr ... mine

Read the words, think about what tasks you can do with these words.

1 Insert missing letters

2. Find an extra word

Write down the extra word by inserting the missing letter.

Which word is missing and why?

What spelling did you come across?

Write down 3 more nouns


And now let's remember everything you know about the noun

Game "Yes - no"

Existing name - part of speech (+)

The name of the existent answers the question: what? Which? Which? (-)

The name of the existent denotes the subject (+)

There are animate and inanimate nouns (+)

The existent name answers the question who? What? (+)

Proper nouns are written with a small letter (-)

Common nouns are capitalized (-)

Swap notebooks check the work and evaluate

neighbor's job.

Whose neighbor did everything right

Who made mistakes

We will continue our research on the word board

Mom, book, boy, house, sun, girl, dad, apple

Read the words carefully

In groups, explore the words and discuss what you know about these words and whether these words can be divided into 3 groups

If YES, how, if not, why?

1. mother, girl, book f.r.

2. dad, house m.r.

3. sun, apple cf.

The topic of our lesson?

Set goals, what will we learn?

How do you understand the word gender?

And what helped you determine the gender of names of entities

(replace with the pronoun he is mine, she is mine, it is mine)

Where can we test our assumptions? (in textbook)

Open textbook p. 25 read rule

How to determine the gender of nouns?

What is the ending of the name of the existing J.R.?

What is the ending of the name of the existing M.R.?

What is the ending of the name of the existent - th SR.R.?

Let's continue our research

On the desks there is an envelope with words and a table, distribute the words in 3 columns, highlight the ending.

Let's continue our research

I dictate words, and you must form single-root names of entities, write in a notebook and determine the gender

Snowy, lakeside, guess, green, chain, scream, sunny


How to determine the gender of names of entities?

You have cards on your tables, choose a card for yourself, read the task and complete

Who completed tasks in pink cards?


Who performed tasks in blue cards?


Who performed tasks in white cards?

Calculate your points total

What new did you learn?

How to determine the gender of the names of entities?

Can the knowledge gained in the classroom be useful to you in life?

On the board is the sun of success, and on the tables are your papers of green, red, and yellow. Draw a palm on yellow paper, if it was interesting and understandable - you are pleased with yourself. Draw a palm on green paper, something did not work out, there were questions. Draw a palm on red paper, not happy with yourself, confused, not everything is clear

My assistants, who would you rate today and what?

Send your scorecards to me for review.

Thank you all for your active participation in the lesson.

Lesson topic: The gender of nouns.

Lesson type: discovery of new knowledge.

Target: to form a value attitude to joint cognitive activity to determine the gender of a noun.


  • update knowledge about permanent and non-permanent morphological features of a noun;
  • organize activities to choose a way to determine the gender of a noun.

Logistics:textbook of the Russian language Kanakina V.P. , printed notebook, multimedia equipment

Predicted results:


Students' awareness of the value of the studied method of determining the gender of a noun;

Awareness of the practical importance of determining the morphological features of a part of speech;


The ability to find ways to solve the set goal of determining the gender of nouns;

Ability to plan, control and evaluate own actions;

The ability to listen to the interlocutor and conduct a dialogue, express their point of view, speak correctly;


Knowledge of the permanent features of the noun;

The ability to determine the gender of nouns.

During the classes

1. Self-determination for educational activities.

  1. Organizing time. (slide 2)

Invented by someone
Simple and wise
Say hello when you meet.
Good morning!
Good morning sun and birds.
Good morning smiling faces!

I really want everyone to have a good morning, good afternoon today, and especially for you, my children, because you came to study, think, learn a lot of new things. The mood must be good. Let's smile at each other, smile at me, smile at the guests.

Now we have a Russian lesson. The work is going to be serious. In the lesson, we will continue talking about the noun. Good mood?

So you can visit. And to find out who we are going to visit, guess the riddle.

Troika, Troika has arrived,

The horses in that trio are white,

And in the sleigh sits the queen,

Belooka, white face,

How she waved her sleeve -

All covered with silver. (winter)

Guys, Winter lives far in the forest. To get to it, you need to overcome many obstacles. Are you ready for the challenge? Shall we hit the road?

  1. Calligraphy.

But to get on the road, let's spend a moment of calligraphy.(slide 3)

Quickly cope with the task, finger gymnastics will help.

We bend our fingers together,

We clench our fists tightly.

One, two, three, four, five -

We start unfolding.

Record number and classwork.

(pencil letter)

L l la le

moon fox

The moon is a satellite of the earth.

2. Actualization of knowledge. (slide 4)

We quietly enter the realm of winter.

Here is the winter forest...

We go into it...

(Recorded from dictation)

The Volga River, friends, the city of Saransk, a smile, the goat Milka, children, Alexey Tolstoy, yorshik.

Name the spellings in these words.

(slide 5)

Game "Yes - no"

Is a noun a part of speech? (Yes!)

Nouns answer the questions: what, what, what, what? (No!)

Nouns answer the questions Who? What? (Yes!)

Do nouns denote the action of an object? (Not!)

Do nouns refer to an object? (Yes!)

Working with a table. (Remember what you know about the noun) (slide 6)

3. Self-determination of activity. (slide 7)

We continue to travel through the winter forest.

Blue distances turn blue.

Birds on the hillside

We wrote words.

Read the words


What unites these words? (they denote objects and answer the questions who? What? These are nouns.)

How are these words different?(slide 8)

(The teacher takes the student's pencil case)

Whose penalty? Write it down. (My pencil case)

Underline the word mine.

What is he? Write it down. (He is beautiful)

Underline the word he.

Name the nouns to which you can substitute the words he, mine.

These are masculine nouns.

(Similar work is carried out with feminine and neuter nouns).

What is the difference between the words: pencil case, pen, soap?

Formulate the topic of the lesson.

4. Physical education for breathing.

1. Blow out the candles.

2. We smell flowers.

3. Warm wind.

5. Work on the topic of the lesson.

(slide 9)

Rule work.

- (slide 10) Working with the table.

6. Consolidation of new material. (slide 11) - titmouse

  1. Picture dictation. (slide 12)

Picture on the screen. Students name the noun, write it down, determine the gender.

(slide 13) - squirrel

  1. Work in pairs.

Bunny, rook, nest, snow.

Cow, violet, winter, shore .

Coat, lake, book, sun.

Morning , tomato, wind, table.

  1. Multi-level tasks on cards.

Level 1: Determine the gender of nouns.

Winter has come . Worth crackling freezing . Here the sun has risen. Snow is flying. Earth turned white. Glitters on the river ice . The forest has become like a wonderful story .

2nd level:

Winter has come. It's freezing cold. Here comes the sun. Snow is flying. The earth turned white. Ice glitters on the river. The forest has become like a wonderful fairy tale.

(Self test)

7. Monitoring and evaluation.

Guys, Winter brought a magic envelope. He can do a lot. If you complete the task correctly, he will reward you with gifts. Winter wants to check if you remember the material.

What kind of nouns are there?

What words can replace masculine words?

What words can replace feminine words?

What words can replace neuter words?

(presentation of gifts)

8. Reflection

What task was the most difficult?


1 2 3 4 5

9. Homework.

Write a story with the words:

winter, earth, fairy tale, frost, snow, ice, sun.

A moment of relaxation.

- Now let's get some rest. Sit comfortably, put your hands on the desk, close your eyes. Breathing is calm and even. (The music of E. Grieg “Dream” sounds).

Everyone knows how to dance.

jump, run, draw,

But not everyone is able to

Relax, rest.

We have a game

Very light, simple

Movement slows down.

relieves tension,

And it becomes clear:

Relaxation is nice.

10. The result of the lesson.

I was very interested with you. Thank you for the work and the joy that I experienced while communicating with you.


2012-2013 academic year

Synopsis of the Russian language lesson in grade 4

Topic: Gender of nouns. Nouns of the general gender.

The purpose of the lesson

    To introduce students to common nouns and their features. To form the ability to find common nouns in the text, the ability to think logically, compare, generalize. Enrich and develop students' speech. To cultivate goodwill, interest in the Russian language.

Equipment: . Multimedia projector, laptop, screen, spelling dictionaries, color cards for feedback, memo-algorithm

Lesson type: assimilation of new knowledge

During the classes

Lesson stages

Teacher activity

Student activities

Formed UUD

1) Organizational moment. Motivation for learning activities

At: Are you ready to start the lesson?
Is everything in place, is everything in order
Books, pens and notebooks?
Have you checked? Sit down!
Work diligently!

At: Let's start the Russian lesson

Target: create conditions for the student to have an internal need for inclusion in the educational process

Personal UUD

Communicative UUD

2) Knowledge update

1) Introduction to the topic.

What part of speech will we talk about in class? Guess!

I name some objects in the language,

Remember, friends, here is my main secret:

When I designate a process and a sign,

I always present them to you as a subject.

2) Test

(Appendix 1)

We continue the study of the noun, and you already know quite a lot about this part of speech.

I have heard such an answer: "Nouns change according to gender, numbers and cases." Right?

Indeed, in Russian, unlike English, Finnish, Turkish, Armenian, Uzbek, where there is no gender division, nouns belong to one of three genders.

How can you determine the gender of nouns in a sentence?

Determine what gender these nouns are, add endings. (Slide #2)

Lightweight tulle

Great.... kangaroo

Sick ... callus

Baby….. shampoo

Fresh…. kohlrabi


(Checking the completion of the task) (Slide No. 3)

About the noun

No. Nouns belong to one of three genders: masculine, feminine, or neuter.

The gender of a noun in a phrase and sentence can be determined by adjectives and pronouns that agree with it.

Word combinations are written in notebooks and endings are inserted

Target: organize the actualization of the studied material, sufficient for the study of new material

Personal UUD

Communicative UUD

Cognitive UUD

3. Problematic explanation of new material

4. Construction of a project for getting out of difficulty

Look at the phrases (slide number 4)

Add endings

Terrible ... crybaby

big.. badass

scary.. sleepyhead

strong.. bully

. (2 students work on the back of the board, then announce the results to the class)

Let's check which endings you inserted. Why are the endings different?

What needs to be done to make it clear which ending to write? (point to gender)

So we can name both a boy and a girl,

The face is both male and female. Therefore, adjectives are either masculine or feminine)


1) fix the cause of the difficulty

2) organize a dialogue on problematic material

3) organize clarification and agreement on the topic of the lesson

4) correlation of new knowledge with the rule in the textbook

Personal UUD

Regulatory UUD

Cognitive UUD

Communicative UUD

5. The stage of learning new knowledge

Working with the textbook

Let's work with the tutorial. Find exercise 99. We are asked to understand a curious feature of nouns.

1 declension?

Are you ready to do it?

What kind of word is a slob?

Work with suggestions.

Again this slut smeared the notebook

Again this slut smeared the notebook.

What was the conclusion?

What indicates this?

How did you understand it?

So what kind of noun is a slob?

Let's think of how they can be called - your suggestions. What do you think the theme of the lesson will be?

Name the topic of our lesson ... (Slide 5)

Reading the rule p.150.

The first sentence is about a slut girl

In the 2nd sentence, the slob is a boy

Children's answers

Children's suggestions


Cognitive UUD

Communicative UUD

Regulatory UUD

6 Fizminutka

7.Primary fixing of new material

Word work.

(slide number 6)

Are there any nouns that are either masculine or feminine among the words fighter, bully coward, coward coward?

What declension are these words? Prove it.

Children's answers

Target: organize the assimilation of new material by children

Regulatory UUD

Cognitive UUD

Communicative UUD

8 Working with a spelling dictionary.

How is the gender of these nouns indicated in the spelling dictionary?

Spelling dictionaries are on your tables. Open p.174 and find common nouns.

Read them. Do you understand all the words?

Reading and explaining words

9. Work with the lexical meaning of the found words

Compose sentences with 2-3 nouns (orally).

Regulatory UUD

Cognitive UUD

Communicative UUD

10. Consolidation of the studied material

1) Exercise "Guess the word":

We continue our acquaintance with common nouns

- according to the interpretation of the lexical meaning, guess the nouns of the general gender, write in a notebook in a column in accordance with the numbers of the sentences. Hint on the board (words are written in a column).

1) A very hardworking, diligent person. (Hard worker, hard worker

2) A smart person. (clever)

3) One who cries a lot and often. (Crybaby)

Will we learn to use common nouns correctly in our speech? Let's develop an algorithm for the correct use of common nouns in speech (writing on the board).

Target: organize the performance of standard tasks by students on new material

Cognitive UUD

Personal UUD

Communicative UUD

Target: expand students' understanding of common nouns and form the ability to classify words according to typical meanings.

11 group work

On the tables you have memos, you can use them when completing the next task.

Exercise: write off by adding the endings of adjectives. Designate the gender of common nouns.

1. Seryozha is a round ... orphan.

Katya is a round ... orphan.

2. Vanya is a big ... bully. Marina - amazing.. Zabiya-

3. Vitya is very ... smart. My sister Sveta is very... clever.

Target: to organize the identification of types of tasks where it is possible to use new knowledge

Regulatory UUD

Cognitive UUD

Communicative UUD

12. Reflection

What new did you learn today in the lesson about the name of the noun-

nom? And what does it mean to use common nouns correctly in speech? How many genders are there in Russian? Give your answer in the form of a diagram (on leaflets). Announcement of grades for the lesson.

- Raise the cards to those who liked their work in the lesson.

Working on leaves

Raise colored cards

Target: organize the fixation of new material studied in the lesson

Personal UUD

13. Homework

Exercise 101. on the instructions of the textbook, make up your own 2 sentences with words of a common gender, rule p. 150

Target: fixing new material

List of used literature

1., Methodological commentary on the Russian language textbook for grade 4. Manual for primary school teachers (System -) M .: Vita - Press, 2011.

2., Russian language: Textbook for the 4th grade of elementary school (System -): In 2 books. Book 1. – 7th ed. - M.: Vita - Press, 2008.

Appendix 1

.The noun is...

4.Find the mistake.

a) m. - violinist, accordion, coffee; b) f..r. - strawberry, mirror, life;

on Wednesday. R. - apple, desire, dungeon.

5. At the end of what kind of nouns after hissing is the b sign written?

a) masculine; b) neuter; c) feminine.

6. In what case are nouns in phrases: toured the city, the library, the fortress; I will go to Kaluga, Kazan, Orenburg?

a) in the nominative; b) in the accusative; c) in the parent.

Appendix 2 . Dictionary of common nouns.

poor cripple clumsy revushka

poor rascal

white-handed shorty glutton self-taught

vagabond sly loner orphan

grouch bloodsucker scribbler sweet tooth

know-it-all baby squeaky sweet

upstart gourmet crybaby dormouse

unfortunate lefty

the dirty couch potato sang along with the chatterer

darling well done half-orphan namesake

fidget young beggar beggar

why ratchet

echidna ignorant picky hard worker

greedy ignorant nitpick stupid

zhadyuga small rogue clever

bully invisible rogue prude


arrogant touchy idler braggart

stutterer half-educated drunkard cunning

messy sissy hard worker skinny

onlooker dunno razinya regicide

slyuka fidget confused clean


slob slut roar Yula sneak

Lesson development (lesson notes)

Primary general education

Line UMK T. G. Ramzaeva. Russian language (1-4)

Attention! The site administration site is not responsible for the content of methodological developments, as well as for the compliance of the development of the Federal State Educational Standard.


Academic subject: Russian language.

The purpose of the lesson (subject): introduce the concept of the gender of nouns and teach how to determine the gender of nouns.

Formation of UUD (tasks):


  • to form a motivational basis for educational activities, a positive attitude to the lesson, an understanding of the need for learning.
  • to promote the manifestation of independence in various activities.


  • to develop the ability of a younger student to control their activities in the course of completing a task;
  • accept and save the learning task.


  • develop the ability to analyze, compare, compare and generalize;
  • work on the formation of skills to perform actions according to the algorithm;
  • encourage children to express their opinions, evaluate their activities in the classroom.


  • create conditions for educational cooperation with the teacher and peers;
  • to facilitate the interaction of the child with a neighbor on the desk.

Equipment: textbooks, notebooks, computer, tables of rules.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment

Now check it out buddy
Are you ready to start the lesson?
Everything is in place, everything is in order,
Books, pens and notebooks.

Is everyone seated correctly?
Is everyone watching closely?
Everyone wants to receive
Only a rating of "5"?

2. Calligraphy

On the board are the words: Za_ts, sh_se, b_ranka, m_tro. (Slide)

At the minute of calligraphy, we will write letters, and which ones you yourself will name.

What are these letters? (Unchecked unstressed vowels to remember as they are dictionary words.)

on the YAOAE board (alternate vowels, work out the connection of letters)

What part of speech are these words? What can we say about the noun? (students name signs, attach cards with grammatical signs)

  1. thing
  2. who? what?
  3. unit and pl.
  4. animate, inanimate
  5. own, common noun

You already know a lot of grammatical features of nouns, but that's not all.

3. Actualization of knowledge

The Volga River, the city of Borovichi, Lake Baikal, Pushkinskaya Street, writer Alexei Tolstoy, the village of Mikhailovskoye. (Slide)

Read the assignment. Divide the words into two groups. Explain what needs to be done? On what basis can words be divided into two groups? (common and own).

Name common nouns (river city, lake, street, writer, village. What are proper nouns? (….). Well done.

4. Statement of the problem

There are a lot of secrets in the Russian language, including the noun. Our task is to reveal another "secret" of this part of speech.

Be smart and solve the puzzle. What happened? What part of speech are these words?

ball + umbrella + shower = ROD (Slide)

So the topic of our lesson? The gender of nouns.

Physical education minute

The purpose of our lesson? Know the gender of nouns and learn to determine the gender of nouns.

Listen to a fairy tale.

A long time ago, the Noun confused his relatives, because. they were very similar. One day he issues a decree: "Whoever learns the "secret" of how to distinguish between them will be rewarded." A husband and wife from another city heard about it. The husband typed many words and said: "Let them be mine." The wife seized the words to herself and said, "Mine." And all the rest remained in the middle - superfluous.

We do it in pairs and then we'll check.

Divide common nouns into three groups (children divide words into groups, explain their choice)

(river city, lake, street, writer, village.)( Slide)

Let's hear the continuation of the story...

They came to the noun and say:
Here is the key to my words, and the husband says: "HE, MINE."
And here is the key to my words, and the wife says: "SHE, MINE."
What is the word gender for husband? (MALE)
And the kind of words of the wife? (FEMALE)
What is the gender of the words in the middle? (MEDIUM) who remained draws
What is the key to them? (IT, MY)
Since then, the noun does not confuse gender.

Checking the words

What words can we use to determine the gender of nouns?

(Student answers.)

5. Working with the rule

Let's go back to the tutorial on page 19 and see if your suggestions are correct. (Read the rule, draw a conclusion.)

What do you think? (our conclusion coincided with the conclusion of the textbook)

Our task: to learn helper words and learn to determine the gender of nouns.

Group work

Make an algorithm for determining the gender of a noun.

What algorithm did you create?

  1. Name a word.
  2. Choose a helpful word.
  3. Determine the gender by the helper word.

And to make it easier for you to remember the rule, I offer you this poem.

On the board: Slide

I will remember the feminine
And I'll say, "She's mine."
And remember the masculine gender
And again I will say: "He is mine."
Middle gender: "It is mine."
This rule is mine!

6. Repetition and systematization of the studied material

Now you will try to apply the acquired knowledge in practice.

Working with Tutorial #404 on page 19

lesson topic? Recall – Our goal?

1st row writes the words of J.R.

2 row - the words of M.R. Then check with each other. Check with the board. + or - signs

3 row - the words Wed. R (Slide)

Physical education minute

Textbook work ex. 405

How do we determine the gender of nouns? We need help words.

Now you need to show quick wits and knowledge of the rules when performing exercise. 405

Make phrases. Examination.

7. Didactic game "Find an extra word" (Slide)

The key to the game is in the topic of the lesson. Repetition of the topic of the lesson. Write out the extra word yourself.

Village, uncle, will, land;
Tree, feather, chair, village;
Field, fire, horse, perch;
Place, wall, bucket, paddle


Teacher: What discovery did you make in the lesson?

8. Bottom line. Reflection

What was the purpose of our lesson?

- What are the genders of nouns?

What helper words can be used to determine the gender?

- I found out…

- I learned…

Now it's time to add another card, where the genders are indicated.


- Raise your hand if you are satisfied with your work in the lesson (activity, correct answers, written work).

- Who is not happy? How? Why?

- I trust you to mark yourself in the notebook for the lesson in the margins, and my mark will appear next to me and, I am sure, our opinions will coincide.

D.z. ex. creative nature 407, rule p. nineteen.

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