With recognition of the extreme importance of global. Lyubov Mikhailovna, please check my essay according to the criteria. Text from the exam

(1) With the recognition of the extreme importance of global problems, we are terribly late. (2) They took us by surprise. (H) Catching up, we began to multiply the number of these problems too quickly and chaotically. (4) I will list some. (5) This is a rejection of wars, overcoming the backwardness of the countries of the "third world", demography, natural resources, the oceans, the environment, space exploration ... (6) But let's take a closer look. (7) Isn't there really only one (and now eternal) problem - environmental? (8) And aren't all the rest, directly or indirectly, only its manifestation?

(9) Humanity has become the force that threatened the very existence of life. (10) And now there is no such human action that would affect all life without a trace, that would not hurt, kill it or heal, increase, improve.

(11) “I am a life that wants to live among a life that also wants to live,” says A. Schweitzer. (12) This means that the environment, “the house in which we live” is nothing but a living dwelling of living life. (13) And the law of this living dwelling is the multiplying variety of life forms. (14) And in relation to a person, the same law requires the identification and enhancement of his personal and national spiritual uniqueness. (15) The more diverse life is, the more alive it is, the more immortal it is.

(16) We have come to the edge of the abyss, primarily because we have lost the love of life. (17) And it is not so much the repulsion from death that will save us, but the attraction to life, the revival of love for it.

(18) It is no coincidence that one hears from all sides: “ecology of culture”, “ecology of man”, “ecology of the book” ... (19) There are a lot of ecologies. (20) This means the revival of everything that surrounds us, more precisely, the recognition of our "home" by living life, the recognition of the interdependence of all forms of life, the recognition of the endless living connections of life.

(21) In the global environmental problem, the main inseparable human, social aspects can be distinguished. (22) Firstly, it is the preservation, lengthening and improvement of the physical life of each person with the full realization of his unique personality, his spiritual potential. (23) Secondly, the preservation and spiritual development of every people, every nation. (24) And most importantly, the focus of the efforts of all mankind on the physical and spiritual development of children. (25) Without solving these eternal tasks, we cannot survive. (26) These tasks inspire and infect not only with their clarity, realism and beauty (the combination of physical and spiritual), but also with their lack of alternatives in the face of the threat of non-existence.

(27) The absolute priority of ecology brings a truly objective basis for a new ethics: "Good is to save life, evil is to destroy life, harm life." (28) Living life gave birth to a person. (29) The man put her in danger of death. (30) A person is called to save a life. (31) Or was he released into the world only “in the form of an impudent test”?

(32) We and all future generations are threatened with non-existence. (33) This is the main thing that should unite the people of the whole world. (34) Let's try to comprehend the simple and deep thought of L. Tolstoy. “(35) Unity is the key that frees people from evil. (36) But in order for this key to fulfill its purpose, it must be advanced to the end, to the place where it opens, and does not break itself or break the lock. (37) So is unity - in order for it to produce its beneficial consequences, it must have the goal of uniting all people in the name of a principle common to all people, equally recognized by all.

(According to Y. Karyakin*)

* Karyakin Yuri Fedorovich (1930-2011) - literary critic, prose writer, publicist and public figure.

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The well-known literary critic, prose writer and public figure Yuri Fedorovich Karyakin raises in his text the problem of human influence on nature.

He writes that now there is no such human action, "which would affect the whole life without a trace, which would not hurt, kill it or heal it, would not increase it, would not improve it." Taking into account the positive aspects of human activity, Yu.F. Karyakin especially highlights its detrimental effect on nature, saying that "man put" all living things "under the threat of death."

The author of the text sees the solution to this problem in the observance of such ethics as the creation of good. After all, “good is to save life, evil is to destroy life, harm life.” Yu.F. Karyakin sees a person’s calling in saving life, which sometimes consists in correcting one’s own mistakes.


  • 1 of 1 K1 Statement of source text problems
  • 3 of 3 K2

The development of civilization has long crossed the line beyond which remained the harmony of the coexistence of nature and man. Today, when water and air are polluted, people look to the Future with anxiety. Why has the environmental problem become central in our time? The author Yu. Koryakin reflects on this question.

He writes that with "recognition of the importance of global problems, we are late." The author believes that "they took us by surprise." And it's all humanity's fault

which endangered the existence of life. Is there a way out of this situation?

Let's listen to the voice of the author. He writes with confidence that "the environment is nothing but a living dwelling of living life." All this must be preserved, as it is necessary to preserve the "house in which we live." With indignation, Yu. Koryakin writes that we have come to the “edge of the abyss” because we “have lost the love of life.” And only “the revival of love for her” will save us.

Victor Rasputin in the story "Farewell to Matera" calls to protect the nature of the native land. Matera is Mother, earth. The author emphasizes that humanity can pay dearly for gross interference in the life of nature.

And here is another example from life. In Norway, whales come close to humans to bask in the sun once a year. What does a person do? Ruthlessly exterminates them, cuts them into meat.

As you can see, one Red Book is not enough for a person, one more is needed, which will remind him what our place is in the living world.

Ecology is a science that studies the interaction of society and nature in order to preserve the environment. Let's keep this in mind. We have been given the greatest opportunity to live and enjoy life. I hope that we will say "thank you" for the sunshine, the splendor of the rainbow, the sound of the rain and the twinkling of the stars.

Other works on this topic:

  1. We did not do it out of a stick, But with the zeal of our own grief, From clean oceans - landfills, We remade the seas. M. Dudin Preservation of land, forests, rivers and lakes -...
  2. Tsybulko preparation for the exam in the Russian language: Option 14 The problem of man and nature Nature is all life around us: rivers, lakes, forests, meadows. She gives...
  3. Man and nature are inseparable. After all, he is an integral part of nature, a part of it. It's nice to admire the clear river, carrying its clear waters somewhere into the unknown, to listen to the chirping ...
  4. Tsybulko preparation for the exam in the Russian language: Option 5 The problem of perceiving nature Nature is all life around us: fields, rivers, lakes, seas ... And all of our ...
  5. The holiday, recently held within the walls of the always hospitable station of young naturalists, was dedicated to the family. The competition “Me and my ecological family” gathers friendly teams every year...
  6. Purpose: to expand and deepen children's knowledge of natural processes; develop observation, creative imagination; the ability to express one's thoughts; cultivate love for the native land, respect for ...
  7. Mushroom picker. ecological game. Objectives: acquaintance with various types of edible and poisonous mushrooms; Development of logical thinking, speech, memory; Education of love and respect for nature.
  8. Question 1. What is population dynamics? What factors cause population fluctuations? Population dynamics is the most important ecological process, characterized by a change in the number of organisms included ...

Text from the exam

(1) With the recognition of the extreme importance of global problems, we are terribly late. (2) They took us by surprise. (H) Catching up, we began to multiply the number of these problems too quickly and chaotically. (4) I will list some. (5) This is the rejection of wars, overcoming the backwardness of the countries of the "third world", demography, natural resources, the oceans, the environment, space exploration ... (6) But let's take a closer look. (7) Isn't there really only one (and now eternal) problem - environmental? (8) And aren't all the rest, directly or indirectly, only its manifestation?

(9) Humanity has become the force that threatened the very existence of life. (10) And now there is no such human action that would affect all life without a trace, that would not hurt, kill it or heal, increase, improve.

(11) “I am a life that wants to live among a life that also wants to live,” says A. Schweitzer. (12) This means that the environment, “the house in which we live” is nothing but a living dwelling of living life. (13) And the law of this living dwelling is the multiplying variety of life forms. (14) And in relation to a person, the same law requires the identification and enhancement of his personal and national spiritual uniqueness. (15) The more diverse life is, the more alive it is, the more immortal it is.

(16) We have come to the edge of the abyss, primarily because we have lost the love of life. (17) And it is not so much the repulsion from death that will save us, but the attraction to life, the revival of love for it.

(18) It is no coincidence that one hears from all sides: “ecology of culture”, “ecology of man”, “ecology of the book” ... (19) There are a lot of ecologies. (20) This means the revival of everything that surrounds us, more precisely, the recognition of our "home" by living life, the recognition of the interdependence of all forms of life, the recognition of the endless living connections of life.

(21) In the global environmental problem, the main inseparable human, social aspects can be distinguished. (22) Firstly, it is the preservation, lengthening and improvement of the physical life of each person with the full realization of his unique personality, his spiritual potential. (23) Secondly, the preservation and spiritual development of every people, every nation. (24) And most importantly, the focus of the efforts of all mankind on the physical and spiritual development of children. (25) Without solving these eternal tasks, we cannot survive. (26) These tasks inspire and infect not only with their clarity, realism and beauty (the combination of physical and spiritual), but also with their lack of alternatives in the face of the threat of non-existence.

(27) The absolute priority of ecology brings a truly objective basis for a new ethics: "Good is to save life, evil is to destroy life, harm life." (28) Living life gave birth to a person. (29) The man put her in danger of death. (30) A person is called to save a life. (31) Or was he released into the world only “in the form of an impudent test”?

(32) We and all future generations are threatened with non-existence. (33) This is the main thing that should unite the people of the whole world. (34) Let's try to comprehend the simple and deep thought of L. Tolstoy. “(35) Unity is the key that frees people from evil. (36) But in order for this key to fulfill its purpose, it must be advanced to the end, to the place where it opens, and does not break itself or break the lock. (37) So is unity - in order for it to produce its beneficial consequences, it must have the goal of uniting all people in the name of a principle common to all people, equally recognized by all.

(According to Yu. Karyakin)


Over the past few decades, humanity has been thinking more and more seriously about the problem of preserving natural resources, environmental pollution and the disappearance of the last representatives of animals placed in the Red Book.

In Russia, 2017 was declared the year of ecology to once again remind all of us that we are responsible for what will happen to our planet in the future, whether descendants will be able to enjoy the beauties of nature, as we do now.

But the concept of ecology is associated primarily with the concept of the preservation of life - life on the planet in general.


Yu. Karyakin raises the problem of the ecology of the living space of a person, which is intended to be preserved by a person for future generations.


The author argues that humanity is late in solving global problems such as wars, the backwardness of the "third world" countries, demography, natural resources. The realization of the need to solve these problems came to us rather late.

Karjakin defines only one really important problem - environmental, and everything that happens around is a consequence of this problem. Mankind began to threaten its own life with the process of multiplying its greatness.

The ecology of life is designed, first of all, to increase the personal and spiritual growth of a person. The main environmental problem includes, according to the author, three aspects: the improvement of the psychological and physical condition of a person, the preservation of culture and the development of individual nations, special attention should be paid to the moral, spiritual and physical development of children.

Good is the preservation of life, evil is its destruction. The impending doom of mankind should unite people all over the world. As an example, Karyakin cites the words of L.N. Tolstoy, who believes that only unity will save people from evil. But it will be effective only when all people can unite in order to achieve a common goal.

Author's position

The author calls on everyone to unite, he is very worried about the situation in the world, worried about the future of generations. He is sure that the main goal should be the moral and physical development of children, each individual and entire nations.

own position

I also believe that we must protect our planet, we must restore what we destroyed with our own hands. Bring back life where it has almost died out, so that our descendants can admire the beauties of nature and enjoy the delights of life.

The selfish destruction of natural resources can very soon lead to the death of all life.

Argument #1

In the story "Farewell to Matera" by V. Rasputin, the example of the small Siberian island of Matera shows the intention of the authorities to sacrifice anything in order to achieve their own, often mercantile, goals.

Matera is an island on which there was a small village inhabited by a small number of people. In order to build a new hydroelectric power station, the higher ones needed to flood the island, destroy all life that is there - plants, animals, people's dwellings. Of course, people were given the opportunity to move, but their hearts sank from the need to leave their native land, their native homes, which they had cherished for decades.

Argument #2

B. Vasiliev's novel "Don't Shoot White Swans" presents an ambivalent attitude towards nature: some treat it consumeristically, not shunning violence; others tremblingly guard her, fearing to harm her.

Fyodor Buryanov, a forester, using his position, illegally cuts down the forest. His son Vovka, without a shadow of pity, tortures a little puppy almost to death.

Buryanov's brother, Yegor Polushkin, loved nature so much that, digging a trench, in a collision with an anthill, he circled it. At that moment, he did not think that there were no crooked pipes.

For such a reverent attitude to nature, Polushkin was subsequently appointed a forester instead of the dishonest Buryanov.


Our life directly depends on how we treat ourselves and the nature that surrounds us. For the sake of the future, for the sake of our children, we must all work together to achieve a common goal - solving environmental problems.

OPTION 19 USE-2015

Part 1

The answers to tasks 1-24 are a number, a word, a phrase or sequence of words, numbers . Write your answer in the answer field in the text of the work, and then transfer

in the ANSWER FORM No. 1 to the right of the task number, starting from the first cell, Write each letter and number in a separate box in accordance with the samples given in the form.

Read the text and complete tasks 1-3.

(1) Interethnic communication takes place everywhere: in everyday life, in the world of art, on the pages of literary works (2) And, of course,<...>this communication took place, in addition to knowing the language, you need to know and respect the culture, customs of speakers of different languages. (3) Only in this case will intercultural communication take place, the purpose of which is mutual understanding of different peoples.

1. Which of the following sentences is correctHOME information contained in the text?

1) Mutual understanding of different peoples in the process of intercultural communication is possible if these peoples know and respect each other's language, culture and customs.

2) The problem of interethnic communication must be addressed primarily at the level of familiarization with people and culture.

3) In order to reach mutual understanding, representatives of one nationality need to know the language of another nationality.

4) The purpose of cultural communication is the study of the customs of various peoples.

5) Subject to knowledge of and respect for each other's language, culture and customs, mutual understanding of different peoples can be achieved.

2. Which of the following words (combinations of words) should be in place of the gap in the second (2) sentence of the text? Write down this word (combination of words).

so that on the contrary even but in spite of this,


3 . Read the fragment of the dictionary entry, which gives the meanings of the word CULTURE. Determine the meaning in which this word is used in the first (1) sentence of the text. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.

CULTURE , -s. well.

1) The totality of industrial, social and spiritual achievements of people.History of culture. K. ancient Greeks.

2) The same as cultural (see cultural in the 2nd meaning).A man of high culture.

3) Breeding, cultivation of some kind. plant or animal (spec.).K. flax. K. silkworm.

4) Cultivated plant, as well as (special) cells of microorganisms grown in a nutrient medium in laboratory or industrial conditions.Industrial crops. K. organic tissue.

5) A high level of something, high development, skill.K. production. K. voices (for singers).Physical to. (physical Culture).K. speech.


4. One of the following words has an accent error:WRONG the letter denoting the stressed vowel is highlighted. Write out this word.

relegated to the top funds poured will call


5. One of the suggestions belowWRONG highlighted word is used.Correct the mistake and spell the word correctly.

Parents should remember that a good LANGUAGE children's camp can be located not only in London.

Working with CASH is a serious issue for every enterprise.

Nikolai turned out to be a complete IGNORANT in matters of nuclear physics.

A BUSINESS lunch can be considered as a variant of working communication, provided that you did not come to this lunch in order to satisfy your hunger or thirst.

The professor received a document confirming that he had paid for the business trip.


6. In one of the words highlighted below, a mistake was made in the formation of the word form.Correct the mistake and spell the word correctly.

about FIVE HUNDRED photos GO to the city

a pair of SOCKS MOST appropriate

THEIR conversation


7. Establish a correspondence between the sentences and the grammatical errors made in them: for each position of the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


A) Considering the rock art of the Stone Age, the drawings can be understood by people of different nationalities.

B) Thanks to the newspaper, we learned about the resumption of the tourist boat route to the Northern Islands.

C) Kem is one of the oldest cities in Russia, located on the White Sea.

D) All those who wrote an “excellent” review gave a deep analysis of the work and substantiated their point of view.

E) Paustovsky's story "Squeaky Floorboards" tells about the role of Russian nature in the life and work of the great composer Tchaikovsky.



8. Determine the word in which the unstressed checked vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.

reminder..knowledge to..rrierist ruptured..supposed..to floor..micical


9. Determine the row in which the same letter is missing in both words in the prefix. Write these words out with the missing letter.

not .. bendable, il.. literate about .. throwing, on .. writing

pr..funny, pr..school pr..overcoming, pr..grad

pr..run, pr..keep up


10. E .

shudder..wat annoying..y aluminum..yy smile..yy trusting..yy


11. Write down the word in which the letter is written in the place of the gapAnd .

pass .. you took out .. the new selection .. you reset .. you comprehend .. you


12. Define a sentence thatNOT spelled with the wordONE . Open the brackets and write out this word.

(NOT) MANAGED to realize himself in life, Bazarov shows his best qualities in the face of death.

The keys are still (NOT) FOUND.

The Petrovs' house is (NOT) BIG, but very cozy.

Brother (NOT) dignified him even with a reproach.

A (NOT) JOYFUL picture opened up before the eyes of tourists.


13. Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are writtenONE . Open the brackets and write out these two words.

You are wrong, (FOR) AS you can not condemn a person only (FOR) THAT you do not share his beliefs.

(BY) WHAT grandfather said, it was clear that he was pleased with Vitka, and (FROM) THIS it became good in his soul.

He is a hard worker and (FOR) THIS is successful, (FOR) THAT he is ambitious beyond measure.

The water in the bay is distinguished by extreme salinity, and SO (SAME) density, THEREFORE (THAT) the impact of the waves here is much more crushing than the sea.

(AT) THE END the meeting took place, SO (THAT) all problems were solved.


14. Indicate all the numbers in the place of which it is writtenNN.

The sun was golden in the east, behind the fog (1) blue of the distant (2) forests, behind the white snowy lowlands (3) that the ancient Russian city looked at from the low shore.


15. Arrange punctuation marks. Indicate the numbers of offers in which you want to putONE comma.

1) Contemporary publicists and writers have written and continue to write about the place of a dog in human life.

2) The yellowish or pink petals of this plant grow singly or in pairs.

3) Bright poppies and delicate tulips and shaggy marigolds were planted in the flower bed.

4) Representatives of the intelligentsia strove for semantic accuracy and expressiveness of speech, fought against distortion and clogging of their native language.

5) And on the table and on the piano lay armfuls of white lilacs.


16. Put punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence.

One after another, horses approached the fire (1) slowly fading in the night (2) and motionlessly stopped (3) looking at us (4) with intelligent eyes.


17. Put punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentences.

Here the sun touched (1) it seems (2) quiet water near the shore. The ocean (3) seems (4) asleep, quiet, not even the splashing of the waves is heard.


18. Use punctuation marks : indicate the number(s) that should be replaced by a comma(s) in the sentence.

From a very early age (1) A.T. Tvardovsky absorbed love and respect for the land, hard work on it and blacksmithing (2) the master (3) of which (4) was his father.


19. Use punctuation marks : enter all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence.

I thought about people (1) whose life (2) was connected with this story (3) and I wanted to know (4) what became of them.


Read the text and complete tasks 20-25.

(1) With the recognition of the extreme importance of global problems, we are terribly late. (2) They took us by surprise. (3) Catching up, we began to multiply these problems too quickly and chaotically. (4) I will list some. (5) This is a rejection of wars, overcoming the backwardness of the countries of the "third world", demography, natural resources, the oceans, the environment, space exploration ... (6) But let's take a closer look. (7) Isn't there really only one problem - environmental? (8) And is not everything else, directly or indirectly, only its manifestation?

(9) Mankind has become the force that threatens the very existence of life. (10) And now there is no such human action that would affect all life without a trace, which would not hurt, kill it or heal, increase, improve.

(11) “I am a life that wants to live among a life that also wants to live,” says A. Schweitzer. (12) This means that the environment, “the house in which we live” is nothing but a living dwelling of living life. (13) And the law of this living dwelling is the multiplying variety of life forms. (14) And in relation to a person, the same law requires the identification and enhancement of his personal and national spiritual uniqueness. (15) The more diverse life is, the more alive it is, the more immortal it is.

(16) We have come to the edge of the abyss, primarily because we have lost the love of life. (17) And it is not so much the repulsion from death that will save us, but the attraction to life, the revival of love for it.

(18) It is no coincidence that one hears from all sides: “ecology of culture”, “ecology of man”, “ecology of the book” ... (19) There are a lot of ecologies. (20) This means the revival of everything that surrounds us, more precisely, the recognition of our "home" by living life, the recognition of the interdependence of all forms of life, the recognition of the endless living connections of life.

(21) In the global environmental problem, the main inseparable human, social aspects can be distinguished. (22) Firstly, it is the preservation, lengthening and improvement of the physical life of each person with the full realization of his unique personality, his spiritual potential. (22) Secondly, the preservation and spiritual development of every people, every nation (23) And most importantly, the focus of the efforts of all mankind on the physical and spiritual development of children. (24) Without solving these eternal tasks, we cannot survive. (25) These tasks inspire and infect not only with their clarity, realism and beauty (the combination of physical and spiritual), but also with their lack of alternatives in the face of the threat of non-existence.

(27) The absolute priority of ecology brings a truly objective basis for a new ethics: "Good is to save life, evil is to destroy life, harm life." (28) Living life gave birth to a person. (29) The man put her in danger of death. (30) A person is called to save a life. (31) Or was it published only “in the form of an impudent test”?

(32) We and all future generations are threatened with non-existence. (33) This is the main thing that should unite the people of the whole world. (34) Let's try to comprehend the simple and deep thought of L. Tolstoy. “(35) Unity is the key that frees people from evil. (36) But in order for this key to fulfill its purpose, it must be advanced to the end, to the place where it opens, and does not break itself or break the lock. (37) So is unity - in order for it to produce its beneficial consequences, it must have the goal of uniting all people in the name of a principle common to all people, equally recognized by all.

(According to Y. Karyakin*)

* Karyakin Yury Fyodorovich (1930-2011) - literary critic, prose writer, publicist and public figure.

20. Which of the statements correspond to the content of the text? Specify the answer numbers.

1) Among all the global problems that people are aware of today, the main one is the environmental problem.

2) Any actions of people affect the existence of life on the planet.

3) The immortality of life on earth lies in the multiplicity of life forms, in revealing the personal spiritual and national uniqueness of people.

4) All people need to unite so that there are no wars on earth.

5) The closest attention should be paid to issues related to the ecology of the language.


21. Which of the following statements are true? Specify the answer numbers.

1) Sentences 1-4 present the narrative.

2) Sentences 9-10 contain reasoning.

3) Sentence 12 contains an explanation of what is said in sentence 11.

4) In sentences 21-26 reasoning is presented.

5) Sentences 32-35 present the narrative.


22. From sentence 27 write out antonyms (antonymic pair).


23. Among sentences 32-37, find one that is connected with the previous one with the help of an adversative conjunction, lexical repetition and demonstrative pronoun. Write the number of this offer.


Read a fragment of a review based on the text that you analyzed while completing tasks 20 23.

This fragment examines the language features of the text. Some terms used in the review are missing. Fill in the gaps (A, B, C, D) with the numbers corresponding to the number of the term from the list. Write in the table under each letter the corresponding number.

Write the sequence of numbers in the ANSWER FORM No. 1 to the right of the task number 24, starting from the first cell, without spaces, commas and other additional characters.

Write each number in accordance with the samples given in the form.

24. “The publicism of the speech of the philosopher and literary critic Yuri Karyakin is manifested both in the problems of the article, and in emotionality, and in persuasiveness, in the Word that affects a person. First of all, the syntactic means of the language help to draw the reader's attention to the problems posed in the text - (A) ___________ (sentences 14, 17), techniques, including (B) ___________ (sentences 11, 35-37). The significance of the conversation started by the author is emphasized by lexical means, for example (B) ___________ (sentence 17). The trope that is used in the words of L.H. Tolstoy, - (D) ___________ (sentences 35, 36) - helps to understand the position of the author of the article.

List of terms:

1) antonyms

2) colloquial vocabulary

3) extended metaphor

4) synonyms

5) parceling

6) hyperbole

7) exclamatory sentence

8) rows of homogeneous members of the proposal

9) quoting



Part 2

25. Write an essay based on the text you read.

Formulate and comment on one of the problems posed by the author of the text (avoid over-quoting).

Formulate position of the author (narrator). Write whether you agree or disagree with the point of view of the author of the read text. Explain why. Argue your opinion, relying primarily on the reader's experience, as well as on knowledge and life observations (the first two arguments are taken into account).

The volume of the essay is at least 150 words.

A work written without relying on the text read (not on this text) is not evaluated. If the essay is a paraphrase or a complete rewrite of the source text without any comments, then such work is evaluated by zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.


OPTION 19 USE-2015

to the tasks of part 1




Approximate range of problems

(1) With the recognition of the extreme importance of global problems, we are terribly late. (2) They took us by surprise. (H) Catching up, we began to multiply the number of these problems too quickly and chaotically. (4) I will list some. (5) This is a rejection of wars, overcoming the backwardness of the countries of the "third world", demography, natural resources, the oceans, the environment, space exploration ... (6) But let's take a closer look. (7) Isn't there really only one (and now eternal) problem - environmental? (8) And aren't all the rest, directly or indirectly, only its manifestation?

(9) Humanity has become the force that threatened the very existence of life. (10) And now there is no such human action that would affect all life without a trace, that would not hurt, kill it or heal, increase, improve.

(11) “I am a life that wants to live among a life that also wants to live,” says A. Schweitzer. (12) This means that the environment, “the house in which we live” is nothing but a living dwelling of living life. (13) And the law of this living dwelling is the multiplying variety of life forms. (14) And in relation to a person, the same law requires the identification and enhancement of his personal and national spiritual uniqueness. (15) The more diverse life is, the more alive it is, the more immortal it is.

(16) We have come to the edge of the abyss, primarily because we have lost the love of life. (17) And it is not so much the repulsion from death that will save us, but the attraction to life, the revival of love for it.

(18) It is no coincidence that one hears from all sides: “ecology of culture”, “ecology of man”, “ecology of the book” ... (19) There are a lot of ecologies. (20) This means the revival of everything that surrounds us, more precisely, the recognition of our "home" by living life, the recognition of the interdependence of all forms of life, the recognition of the endless living connections of life.

(21) In the global environmental problem, the main inseparable human, social aspects can be distinguished. (22) Firstly, it is the preservation, lengthening and improvement of the physical life of each person with the full realization of his unique personality, his spiritual potential. (23) Secondly, the preservation and spiritual development of every people, every nation. (24) And most importantly, the focus of the efforts of all mankind on the physical and spiritual development of children. (25) Without solving these eternal tasks, we cannot survive. (26) These tasks inspire and infect not only with their clarity, realism and beauty (the combination of physical and spiritual), but also with their lack of alternatives in the face of the threat of non-existence.

(27) The absolute priority of ecology brings a truly objective basis for a new ethics: "Good is to save life, evil is to destroy life, harm life." (28) Living life gave birth to a person. (29) The man put her in danger of death. (30) A person is called to save a life. (31) Or was he released into the world only “in the form of an impudent test”?

(32) We and all future generations are threatened with non-existence. (33) This is the main thing that should unite the people of the whole world. (34) Let's try to comprehend the simple and deep thought of L. Tolstoy. “(35) Unity is the key that frees people from evil. (36) But in order for this key to fulfill its purpose, it must be advanced to the end, to the place where it opens, and does not break itself or break the lock. (37) So is unity - in order for it to produce its beneficial consequences, it must have the goal of uniting all people in the name of a principle common to all people, equally recognized by all.

(According to Y. Karyakin*)

* Karyakin Yuri Fedorovich (1930-2011) - literary critic, prose writer, publicist and public figure.

MY WORK. Lyubov Mikhailovna, please check the criteria.

Every year, our ecosystem suffers more and more from rash human activities. Among all the global problems perceived by people today, the main one is environmental. It is over this acute and topical issue that the writer argues.
In his article, the prose writer argues that our world today has been taken by surprise by global problems. The publicist wants to convey to the reader that the immortality of life on Earth lies in the multiplicity of life forms, in revealing the personal spiritual and national originality of people.
Y. Koryakin believes that "We have come to the edge of the abyss, primarily because we have lost the love of life. And not only the repulsion from death will save us, but the attraction to life, the revival of love for it." And the most important thing is the concentration of the efforts of all mankind on the physical and spiritual development of children. The writer calls on us to protect and care for the environment, because it is our life.
I absolutely agree with the opinion of the author, and fully share his position. Indeed, often a person does not realize the value of his environment and life, namely ecology. Indeed, without clean air, water, food, the existence of people is impossible.
In our time, scientists are increasingly paying attention to current environmental problems. And more and more often we are called to protect it. Every year the level of the ozone layer in our atmosphere becomes thinner and thinner. But he is our only protector from ultraviolet rays and radiation. On this occasion, scientists have made a terrible calculation. At present, if you add up the areas of all the ozone holes in our atmosphere, then this figure will exceed the area of ​​\u200b\u200ba large country like the United States. Isn't it time for humanity to think about this acute and important issue?
Recently, on the Internet at global-problems.ru, I read an article by S. Zakharov "Global Problems and Their Solutions". In which it was said that modern ecology needs immediate help. Pollution of the oceans, atmosphere, soils, enrichment of our air with carbon dioxide and ultraviolet rays, desertification of land - all this can lead to unimaginable consequences for the life of all mankind. To solve these global problems, first of all, it is necessary to unite the whole world, only in this way it is possible to take the path of their solutions.
In conclusion, I would like to say that all mankind must realize the essence of environmental problems. To solve them, the cohesion and unity of the whole world is necessary. No wonder the great Russian writer Leo Tolstoy said, - "Unity is the key that frees people from evil." Let's try to comprehend this deep thought, because human being is on the verge of falling into the abyss.

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