Weight loss rice 5 or 7 days. Weight loss on a rice diet - menu options for the week! rice diet options

Rice is the most valuable of the cereals, containing many minerals, vitamins and amino acids, but at the same time having a low calorie content. Based on the therapeutic, preventive properties of rice, a whole group of effective healing guidelines for weight loss has been created.

In just 3-7 days, a person who adheres to a rice diet for weight loss can not only free the body from extra pounds, but also remove toxins, excess fluid and toxic compounds from the body.

What is the benefit of a rice diet?

Rice is 80% carbohydrate, it does not contain gluten, which serves as an allergic reaction provocateur, and little fiber. In addition, the cereal contains many B vitamins required for the proper functioning of the central nervous system. Lecithin, which is part of rice, improves intellectual activity.

The product also contains a lot of potassium. Other trace elements - iron, calcium, phosphorus, zinc and iodine are much less in it.

The effects of the rice diet the following:

  • Starch, contained in large quantities in rice, envelops the gastric mucosa, improving well-being in case of high acidity of gastric juice, peptic ulcer, gastritis;
  • Improving lactation in young mothers;
  • Strengthening the heart muscle, normalization of functioning cardiovascular systems;
  • The ability of cereal to bind sodium chloride is successfully used by people who are losing weight and to cleanse the body of salts;
  • Due to the removal of salts, not only weight loss occurs, but also a decrease in blood pressure indicators, improved metabolism;
  • The ability to remove excess fluid and salts from the body makes this diet especially popular. with osteochondrosis;
  • Improving the quality and parameters of blood, accelerating the processes of cell regeneration, cleansing of harmful cholesterol.

Do not forget to protect yourself by choosing one of several rice diet options, after consulting with your doctor.

Three-day rice diet and its menu

Such a diet is considered the most rigid, as it involves the rejection of other foods and the use of only rice and water these days. A strong-willed person who has passed such a test will be rewarded with getting rid of a couple of extra pounds, removing toxins and salts.

The advantages of such a diet include its low calorie content, absence of fats, harmful cholesterol. Due to the presence of protein and complex carbohydrates, a person will not be tormented by a feeling of severe hunger. And the presence of useful compounds and minerals makes it possible to improve the functioning cardiovascular system, strengthen bones and hair. In addition, rice significantly reduces the risk of developing diarrhea and indigestion.

It is very important to choose only unpolished brown rice for the diet, and do not fill it with salt, sugar and spices when eating. If the mono-diet is poorly tolerated, then it is allowed to add a handful of dried fruits or a couple of apples to the diet. During the period of weight loss, physical activity should be excluded. The exit from the diet should be smooth with a gradual return to the previous diet.

Throughout the diet, it is necessary to drink mineral water without gas, natural, preferably freshly prepared juices, green and herbal teas.

Daily rice diet menu:

  • cook one glass of rice, after draining the first water and without adding oil and salt
  • drink natural, preferably freshly prepared apple and orange juices, about 500-600 ml
  • drink mineral water without gas up to 1.5-2 liters per day
  • eat apples only sour varieties with a strong feeling of hunger.

Such a diet must be followed for no more than 3 days.

It's hard to stick to such a strict diet. Therefore, we bring to your attention healthy diet option, which, in addition to rice, includes additional useful products:

1 day

breakfast: Grate 1 green apple and lemon zest and mix with cooked rice

dinner: vegetable broth, fresh vegetable salad with a spoonful of olive oil, boiled rice with chopped herbs, water or green tea

dinner: vegetable broth, rice with steamed carrots

2 day

breakfast: boiled rice with herbs, seasoned with 1 tablespoon low-fat sour cream, 1 orange

dinner: vegetable broth, boiled rice with chopped herbs, sugar-free hibiscus or green tea

dinner: steamed vegetables, boiled rice

3 day

breakfast: boiled rice sprinkled with a little cinnamon, 1 grapefruit

dinner: vegetable broth, boiled rice, 100-150 grams of stewed mushrooms, cucumber salad with olive oil, water or orange juice.

dinner: vegetable broth, boiled rice, 100-150 grams of steamed broccoli, green tea.

Rice diet for 5 days: menu

The rules of nutrition in fasting and the features of this diet are largely the same, so the Orthodox can fast on it. The diet involves eating rice, and a seafood dish is also allowed. When choosing fish, preference is given to lean varieties like cod or pike perch.

But this diet cannot be called balanced, so it is recommended to take a multivitamin complex during the diet. In order to avoid constipation, it is permissible to supplement the menu with compotes cooked from dried or fresh fruits: dried apricots, apples, pears, plums, raisins, prunes, cherries.

Per day, in accordance with the rules of this diet, you can eat only 2 plates of food - 1 plate of rice and 1 fish or seafood. You can’t mix fish and rice, but greens can be added to both products.

There is also another variant:

Breakfast: 100 grams of rice, low-fat kefir or yogurt in the amount of 200 grams with one tablespoon of honey.

Dinner: 100 grams of rice, 150 grams of boiled lean meat or fish.

Dinner: 50 grams of rice and an unlimited number of vegetables can be stewed with the addition of a small amount of vegetable oil.

Diet on rice for 7 days: menu

With the right approach, the rice diet for 7 days gives a significant result. Acting as a soft sorbent, the cereal absorbs harmful compounds and removes them from the body. The recipe for making rice for this diet is easy, and additional foods will add the right nutrients to it.

Proper dieting involves the following rules:

Before starting a diet, it is necessary to spend 2-3 fasting days, the purpose of which is to prepare the body. During this period, it is necessary to exclude salty, sweet foods from the diet, forget about fried and smoked foods, replacing them with lean meat, legumes, vegetables, unrefined cereals and bakery products made from wholemeal flour containing bran.

The exit from the seven-day rice diet should be correct. It is forbidden to immediately lean on prohibited foods, otherwise the lost kilograms will quickly return. In the first days after leaving the diet, it is worth limiting the consumption of milk and meat.

1 day

Breakfast: boil 50 g of rice, add freshly squeezed lemon juice, 1 apple, unsweetened green tea

Dinner: salad of 150 g of boiled rice, vegetables and herbs, dressed with olive oil

Dinner: boil 150 g of rice, 1 boiled carrot

2 day

Breakfast: boil 50 g of rice, add 1 tablespoon of sour cream, 1 orange.

Dinner: boil 150 g of rice, 50 g of boiled zucchini.

Dinner: boil 150 g of rice, 1 boiled carrot

3 day

Breakfast: boil 50 g of rice, 1 pear

Dinner: salad of 150 g of fresh cucumbers, mushrooms fried in olive oil and boiled rice.

Dinner: boil 150 g of rice, 50 g of boiled cabbage.

Day 4

Breakfast: boil 50 g of rice, 1 apple, a glass of milk

Dinner: boil 150 g of rice, 50 g of carrots and radishes.

Dinner: boil 150 g of rice, 50 g of boiled cabbage, two walnuts.

Day 5

Breakfast: boil 50 g of rice, a glass of 1% kefir, a small handful of raisins.

Dinner: boil 150 g of rice, 50 g of boiled zucchini and greens.

Dinner: boil 150 g of rice, 4 walnuts, 3 large lettuce leaves.

Day 6

Breakfast: boil 50 g of rice, 3 walnuts and 1 pear

Dinner: boil 150 g of rice, 50 g of boiled zucchini and lettuce.

Dinner: boil 150 g of rice with the addition of 1 tablespoon of low-fat sour cream, 1 pear

Day 7

Breakfast: boil 50 g of rice, 1 apple.

Dinner: boil 150 g of rice, 1 tomato and lettuce.

Dinner: boil 150 g of rice, 50 g of boiled zucchini.

The rice diet is a real find for those who want to lose weight. For a week of strict adherence to it, you can throw off up to 7 kg of excess weight. Almost a kilogram a day! And this is without severe hunger strikes, aching stomach and gastritis in the future. On the contrary, rice will enrich the body with a mass of useful vitamins and minerals. Slow carbohydrates in its composition will cause a real burst of energy.

And along the way, this valuable cereal will absorb harmful toxins and safely remove them from the stomach and intestines. So, if you want to lose weight - rice diet is at your service! To lose weight without feeling hungry, quickly and with benefits for the whole body, it is difficult to find a more successful diet.

Some features of the rice diet for weight loss

No wonder the inhabitants of the wise East prefer rice to all other cereals. From time immemorial, it endows consumers with health and longevity, relieves a lot of diseases and puts the metabolism in order. allow you to lose weight slowly, but with a guarantee. And the 40-day rice diet will make your body clean as a glass, because this cereal is a real sponge for harmful substances.

But keep in mind:

  • Brown and unpeeled white rice are the healthiest.
  • Together with salts and toxins, this beneficial cereal removes excess water from the body. Do not forget to drink a lot (2-2.5 liters per day) to make up for losses.
  • The best companions for rice are vegetables, meat and fish. But with sugar, bread, butter and potatoes, he "gets along" badly. Keep salt to a minimum.

Rice diet for a week

If you are hesitant to take on a long marathon, you can choose a less frightening time frame. Stop on the rice diet for 7 days. Reviews say: hunger on it almost does not make itself felt, and kilograms disappear at an incredible speed!

Every morning your breakfast will be about the same: 100 g of rice porridge on the water. And to make it not so dreary, add one fruit to rice every day: an apple, pear or banana. It is allowed to flavor the porridge with a spoonful of honey or low-fat yogurt.

Menu for 7 days


  • Snack: half a banana.
  • Lunch: chicken broth with vegetables and boiled rice (60g) with fresh herbs.
  • Snack: a glass of low-fat kefir and 5-6 pieces of dried apricots.
  • Dinner: 60 g of boiled rice, steamed vegetables and a glass of unsweetened yogurt.
  • Snack: bread with 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese.
  • Lunch: a bowl of fish soup and 100 pieces of boiled rice and lentils.
  • Afternoon snack: a large portion of vegetable salad with a spoonful of vegetable oil.
  • Dinner: a glass of yogurt and a salad of 3 boiled proteins with herbs.

  • Snack: a glass of kefir.
  • Lunch: vegetable soup, for example, from. Portion of boiled rice with chicken.
  • Snack: rye bread with a spoonful of curd cheese and a slice of salmon.
  • Dinner: broccoli with steamed rice.
  • Snack: fruit salad.
  • Lunch: meat broth with pieces of vegetables, boiled rice seasoned with lemon juice and grated zest, 2-3 sprigs of greens.
  • Snack: 100 g of seafood, green salad with radish.
  • Dinner: boiled rice with greens and kefir.
  • Snack: large orange or grapefruit.
  • Lunch: boiled vegetables with rice and fish.
  • Afternoon snack: limit yourself to a hard-boiled egg.
  • Dinner: 2-3 tablespoons of boiled rice, 200 g of cottage cheese, a couple of dates.

  • Snack: 2-3 slices of pineapple
  • Lunch: half a glass of rice with steamed vegetables.
  • Snack cereal bread with a piece of salmon.
  • Dinner: half a cup of boiled rice with a finely chopped apple and a teaspoon of honey.


  • Snack: 2-3 radishes with lettuce.
  • Lunch: vegetable broth 100 g of boiled rice with herbs.
  • Afternoon snack: a glass of kefir, 2-3 prunes.
  • Dinner: seafood with boiled rice.

If you like this style of eating, you can follow the rice diet for 9 days, 14, 21 - as long as you want. Or try it, which is also based on this most useful cereal. But do not cross reasonable boundaries. 40 days is a useful maximum.

In this article, I would like to acquaint readers with another way to effectively lose weight, and at the same time cleanse the body. This time we will talk about the benefits of rice. We recommend that you read the rice diet options for weight loss and body cleansing for 7 days, 3 days. Recommendations, contraindications, consequences, reviews.

It's no secret that many nutritionists recommend including it in your diet. The main property of rice is that it perfectly removes waste and toxins from the body that we do not need. Also, due to its taste, it makes our body cleansing course more gentle. For those who especially do not believe in the healing properties of this product, I would like to draw attention to the representatives of Asian culture. It is well known that most of their diet is rice. Note that the number of overweight people among these nations is simply negligible.

So, let's go directly to the method of use.

The first way, let's call it "Sparing". This is a rice diet for weight loss for 7 days.

During the day we have only two meals: one plate of boiled rice and one plate of fish and seafood. Moreover, it is undesirable to mix these dishes. You can also "pamper" yourself with a little greenery. In this way we must eat seven. The number of repetitions of this course is not more than twice a month.

Here is a sample rice diet menu for weight loss for 7 days:

The second way, let's call it "Hard". This is a rice diet for weight loss for 3 days.

We take one glass of boiled rice and try to hold out on it for a day. How you eat it is your own business. You can divide it into portions for the whole day, or you can eat everything at once. You can also eat one or two apples, this is in case the hunger is unbearable.

Attention, sitting on this diet for more than three days is highly not recommended, just refrain from repeating this course more than once a month.

Here is a sample menu for a similar rice diet for 3 days.

General recommendations for losing weight and cleansing the body with a rice diet.

It is advisable to buy brown rice, it is slightly brownish in color. It is he who contains B vitamins, as well as the amino acids we need.

Also, do not forget that rice “pulls out” not only toxins from the body, but also potassium that is useful for us. Therefore, when taking the course, it will not be superfluous to take products that contain it: prunes, tomatoes, fish ...

Disadvantages of the rice diet

Only one - since rice removes a large amount of water, after completing the course, the body will make up for the lack and your weight will increase again a little, but you will get rid of so much hated toxins, salts and other harmful substances, which means that you are provided with good health and well-being .

The rice diet is a fairly tough method that is effectively used not only to lose weight, but also to treat certain diseases. The rice method was developed in 1939 to combat such disorders as obesity, kidney failure, hypertension, and diabetes. In the diet, the intake of sugar and salt is limited, due to which subcutaneous fat is rapidly reduced. According to reviews of those who lose weight within a month on a rice diet, it is easy to lose weight up to 14 kilograms.

Health benefits of a rice diet

Women and men of all ages can lose weight on a rice diet. After all, the benefits of rice have been known to people for a long time, thanks to its rich composition: 80% are complex carbohydrates, and 8% are protein compounds (the most important amino acids for the human body). Rice does not contain gluten - a vegetable protein that causes allergies, and the proportion of fiber in its grains is very small, only 3%, so this product is great for weight loss.

Rice is a source of B vitamins, which are indispensable for the nervous system. Lecithin, which is part of it, stimulates brain activity. As for weight loss, rice absorbs and removes water from the body, which speeds up the metabolism and helps in the fight against the deposition of excess fat.

benefits of rice diet:

  1. Low calorie content provides fast and long-term saturation, making dietary restriction easily tolerated.
  2. The fibrous structure of the cereal is able to absorb not only water, but also toxic substances, bringing them out. This provides an effective bowel cleansing without the use of an enema.
  3. The presence of minerals such as manganese, phosphorus, selenium, iron, magnesium, zinc, calcium has a positive effect on the functioning of all organs and systems.

Principles of the rice diet

Modern weight loss methods use one nutrition scheme - only low-calorie foods are consumed for a certain period of time. Due to the lack of calories, the body is forced to take energy from reserves, which leads to a decrease in body fat, that is, to the expected effect. Rice fully meets the requirements of dietary nutrition, having a low calorie content and a large volume.

But at the same time, it has another very important property: after soaking, the cereal acquires a porous structure, sucking out toxins, slags and salts accumulated over the years from the organs. But if the rice mono-diet is used for a long time, then useful microelements leave the body, so nutritionists insist on a not too long course of fasting with rice. During the rice diet, drink at least 2 liters of purified water or other liquid per day. Suitable and table mineral water (without gas), herbal decoctions and teas, natural juices.

Rice diet for 3 days

A simple but effective rice diet is a three-day diet. It is divided into two options - hard and simplified. For the first express diet, prepare rice in advance: rinse a glass of cereal, pour 2 glasses of drinking cold water, leave to infuse overnight. In the morning, the porridge obtained in this way should be divided into 4-5 doses and eaten without salt, pepper and other spices, washed down with orange, apple or tomato juice throughout the day. The first method is good when you need to quickly lose weight for the holiday.

For the second method, on the contrary, cook the same amount of white rice, but not longer than 10 minutes, and then insist another 15 minutes under the lid. It does not need to be pre-filled with water. Simplified rice diet menu (servings no more than 150 grams):

1 day

  • Breakfast - Eat a serving of rice and one apple.
  • Lunch - rice with vegetable oil and herbs, carrot salad.
  • Dinner - rice, boiled beets seasoned with olive oil.

2 day

  • Breakfast - rice with low-fat sour cream and herbs, one grapefruit.
  • Lunch - rice with cucumber salad and stewed mushrooms.
  • Dinner - rice and steam vegetables to choose from.

3 day

  • Breakfast - rice with orange and cinnamon.
  • Lunch - rice with vegetable oil and vegetable broth.
  • Dinner - rice with boiled broccoli.

Rice diet for 7 days

Knowing what kind of rice you can eat on a diet will help you achieve maximum weight loss results. A round-grain cereal is not suitable for a diet, as it contains a lot of starch and is highly refined, after which it loses many nutrients. For the rice diet, either brown (brown) rice or long-grain white steamed rice is used. These products do not undergo multi-stage purification, therefore they contain much more nutrients. You already know how to cook rice for a diet, so let's move on to the 7-day rice diet menu (the composition of one serving of rice is 100 g).

Menu for the week:

  1. Morning - boiled rice, rye toast, green apple. Day - vegetable broth, rice with greens, 100 g of boiled chicken. Evening - rice, any steamed vegetables in equal amounts, 200 g of natural yogurt with honey or fruit.
  2. Morning - rice, half a hard-boiled egg, grapefruit. Day - fish soup, lentils in half with rice. Evening - an omelette cooked in the oven, a glass of low-fat kefir.

  3. Morning - boiled rice with raisins, rye toast, banana. Day - mushroom soup, rice, 100 g of grilled chicken breast. Evening - 150 g fat-free cottage cheese or curd mass, cauliflower salad.
  4. Morning - boiled rice, pear. Day - fish soup, rice boiled with peas and herbs. Evening - 100 g of lean veal, rice, 250 ml of kefir.
  5. Morning - rice with honey, 2 green apples. Day - steamed fish, rice, rye toast, vegetable salad. Evening - boiled rice with vegetables, 150 g low-fat cottage cheese.
  6. Morning - fruit mix, homemade yogurt. Day - 100 g chicken fillet, rice. Evening - green peas, rice, a glass of kefir.
  7. Morning - boiled rice, rye toast, banana. Day - chicken broth soup, rice with herbs. Evening - steam fish, seaweed.

Rice diet for 2 weeks

For those who have not lost as many kilograms in a week as they would like, it is allowed to sit on the same diet menu for another week. But do not forget about the rules of the diet to achieve the desired effect:

  1. Heat treatment. During the rice diet, foods should be stewed, boiled or cooked in the oven. For stewing, it is allowed to use sesame, linseed, olive or sunflower oil at the rate of 50 g of food 1 teaspoon. Meat is allowed to be grilled, but without adding oil.
  2. Salt. A long-term rice diet involves a salt-free menu, but it is allowed to use spicy herbs: dill, rosemary, thyme, fresh or dry.
  3. Vitamins and minerals. During a two-week rice diet, it is advisable to take a vitamin complex containing a large amount of potassium and calcium. It is these minerals that are excreted from the body by rice.
  4. Menu options. If we are talking about seasonal vegetables, then it is allowed to replace products during the rice diet. But you need to constantly calculate kcal according to the calorie table.

Rice diet "5 volumes"

This unloading rice diet was so named due to the fact that rice for it is prepared immediately in 5 containers. For this, 5 glasses of 200 ml are taken, filled with washed rice (2 tablespoons each) and filled with drinking water. Change the water in the glasses daily so that it swells to a boiled state. Start the diet on the fifth day.

To do this, the contents of the first glass are eaten on an empty stomach, without adding any spices to it and without drinking water. In the freed glass, put again 2 tbsp. rice and fill with drinking water, and change the water in the remaining containers. Such a scheme is observed from 7 to 14 days, and doctors do not recommend following a rice diet for a longer period. During this diet, observe the following rules:

  • exclude fatty and spicy foods;
  • eat rice 2 hours before meals;
  • reduce salt intake;
  • limit yourself to sweet foods;
  • drink at least 1.5 liters of fluid per day.

Rice diet options for cleansing and weight loss

Not only multi-day rice diets are effective. It is easy to cleanse the body with the help of one fasting day a week, during which you need to eat only lightly boiled or soaked raw rice and drink other water. Nutritionists advise to lose weight and cleanse the body of toxins by eating rice and other products on the basis of which popular diets are created: kefir, apples, buckwheat. Let's look at several options for cleansing diets.

Kefir-rice diet

The combination of products such as kefir and rice is useful for the body, but this does not mean that it is forbidden to use other products during the kefir-rice diet. Only salt, sugar, coffee are completely excluded, and other products are acceptable. There are two options for the rice diet with kefir. It is not recommended to sit on a hard diet for more than 5 days, and on a soft diet it is allowed to lose weight up to 14 days.

A strict version of the kefir-rice diet provides for breakfast only with kefir and rice, for lunch - with rice and vegetable salad, and for dinner - again with rice and kefir. The approximate menu of the rice diet for cleansing the body with a soft diet:

  • Breakfast - kefir, apple / pear / strawberry / grapefruit (optional).
  • Lunch - 100 g of boiled lean meat / fish / seafood, a slice of rye bread, 100 g of rice porridge.
  • Dinner - rice porridge (100 g), lettuce.
  • Before going to bed - kefir or unsweetened yogurt.

Rice-Apple Diet

The rice-apple weight loss system was developed by the English nutritionist D. Kempner. Its essence is that the diet for 3-5 days consists only of green apples and rice. Do not use sugar, salt and spices. It is allowed to add milk to rice porridge. The daily daily menu of the rice-apple diet is:

  • rice porridge from 1 cup of cereal, which must be eaten in several doses;
  • 250 grams of green apples, which are allowed to be eaten, both raw and in compote or dried fruits.

Buckwheat-rice diet

This joint diet is also provided for emergency weight loss in 3-5 days, so there is no need to wonder which diet is better, rice or buckwheat. The buckwheat-rice diet is popular for its simplicity and cheapness, but doctors recommend choosing weight loss with cereals at the end or at the beginning of a long-term weight loss to “shake up” the body to fight stubborn kilograms. There are several options for this diet, and we will consider a balanced menu using buckwheat and rice.

  • Breakfast - two green apples.
  • Lunch - boiled buckwheat (4 tablespoons) with rast. oil (1 tablespoon).
  • Lunch - rice porridge (5 tablespoons) with chopped nuts and lemon juice.
  • Lunch - vegetable salad. Dinner: rice porridge (3 tablespoons), chicken breast or steamed lean river fish (100 g), cottage cheese with chopped nuts (100 g).

Rice honey diet

This weight loss option combines the beneficial properties of rice and honey. Honey is useful in the diet because it is an antidepressant and rich in minerals and vitamins. It relaxes the intestines, so it will be an excellent choice for those who have problems with stool (constipation, diarrhea). Only honey should be bought natural, without impurities, preservatives and pasteurization. An important component of the rice-honey diet is lemon, the juice of which is combined with honey, getting a honey-lemon drink that is useful for burning fat. Menu of the weekly rice-honey diet:

  1. On the day you need a pound of rice porridge, which should be eaten in 5 doses.
  2. Every day, drink 250 ml of lemon-honey drink 3 times each, which is prepared as follows: dissolve honey and lemon juice in equal amounts (1 tsp each) in a glass of warm water.

Rice diet with chicken and vegetables for 9 days

The most balanced rice diet is with the use of vegetables and chicken meat. It allows a person not to starve during the day, saturating the body with the necessary elements. Following such a diet, you should eat fractionally and often, so that the break between meals is 2-2.5 hours. The last meal should be before 7 pm. Such a rice diet is observed for 9 days, after which you will regain a state of comfort and lightness.

  • First three days- rice, during which you need to eat rice porridge, cooked from one glass of cereal.
  • next three days- chicken, during which they eat 1 kg of boiled chicken meat without fat and skin.
  • Remaining three days- Eat only vegetables. Buy 800 g of different vegetables and eat them in any form (except pickled or salted).

Geisha diet on brown rice and green tea

Representatives of Japanese geisha look favorably against the background of other women. They manage to maintain a slender figure and ideal forms until old age, thanks to a diet based on brown rice and green tea. We note right away that such a diet is a severe test for the body, which is beyond the power of many.

Food restriction is assumed for all products, except for rice and tea, including salt and sugar. If you are interested in whether soy sauce is possible, then Japanese geisha refuse it. The diet is unpretentious, and its duration varies from 3 to 7 days, depending on the fortitude and willpower. Japanese geisha rice diet menu:

  • Morning - half a liter of green tea with a small amount of low-fat milk.
  • Day - 250 g of boiled brown rice, 500 ml of green tea.
  • Evening - the same diet as for lunch.

Rice diet contraindications

The rice diet is suitable for many people, but not for everyone. Even though boiled rice is perfectly absorbed by the body, it is a difficult product for a weak stomach. Before you lose weight with a rice diet, be sure to consult your doctor. Rice in large doses should not be consumed by people with the following indicators:

  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • kidney failure;
  • pathology of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • transferred colds;
  • pregnancy and lactation.

Diet exit rules

In order not to start gaining weight immediately after the diet, you should know a few rules that you need to follow after a limited diet:

  1. Introduce new foods into the diet not immediately, increasing their number a little every day.
  2. Choose foods that are good for the body, with a minimum amount of salt and sugar. Enter meat and dairy products last.
  3. Make a persistent habit of limiting yourself from flour, fatty, fried foods.
  4. Continue to drink large amounts throughout the duration of the diet to maintain the proper metabolism.

Nutritionists believe that while following the rice diet, the body is cleansed and gradually burns excess fat. But to maintain the results achieved and maintain a figure in excellent shape, one diet is not enough. Move a lot with her: fitness classes, dancing or aerobic exercise help keep the body in good shape, filling it with additional energy.

Studies have shown that it is not recommended to sit on a strict mono-diet, lasting more than 2 days, so that dizziness or fainting does not appear, the stress hormone cortisol, which lowers the body's endurance, is not produced. It is advisable to additionally consume 2 mg of fish oil in capsules daily, replenishing the supply of Omega 3 polyunsaturated fats, mineral and vitamin complexes for potassium intake and maintaining sodium balance in cells.


The benefits of rice for weight loss

The benefits of rice grains lie in their unique composition. Groats are 80% complex carbohydrates. It contains many useful trace elements, essential amino acids in the amount of 8% and vitamins.

Among them:

With regular use, rice cereal strengthens the heart muscle, activates the brain, removes excess salts from the body, and with them excess water. The enveloping properties possessed by white grains regulate the functioning of the digestive tract.

This product is mainly useful for people with high acidity of the stomach. Rice broth is an ambulance for poisoning and indigestion. Recommended for overweight people who want to keep their figure in shape.

Here is how the rice nutrition system affects the body:

  • Improves the functioning of the digestive tract.
  • Excess water is gone.
  • Metabolic processes in the body are accelerated.
  • Excess fats are burned and not stored in reserve.

Important! Rice does not contain gluten, which means it can be used as food for people suffering from celiac disease.

How does rice cleanse the body?

Systematic cleansing of the body helps to improve health, rejuvenate and lose weight.

But, in most cases, the body simply does not have time to get rid of the "dirt", because the rate of absorption of toxins is excessively high. A small example - if fluorine enters the body, then the complete cleansing of this element by the liver will occur only after six months.

It is to support in the fight against such toxic substances that a natural antioxidant - rice - is directed. Due to its absorbent properties, it absorbs toxic and harmful substances like a sponge while inside the body and removes them naturally through feces, urine and sweat.

Benefits of rice brushing:

  • Cleansing from toxins and salts is accompanied by lightness throughout the body. The mobility of the joints increases, the pain decreases or completely recedes.
  • A clean liver and intestines is the maximum protection of the body from viruses and attacking microorganisms.
  • The condition of the skin, hair, nails is transformed.
  • Exchange processes are activated.
  • The effect of losing weight is enhanced.

Important! Due to the fact that rice, in addition to having a cleansing effect, simultaneously removes the salts necessary for the body, it is permissible to use it as a cleansing no more than once every two years.

How to lose weight on rice?

In most diets, menus and recipes, rice is present or is their basis.

The rice food system has gained immense popularity. An effective and safe way to lose weight can help not only rid the overweight body of the abdomen, sides and other parts, but also cleanse the body of toxins, as well as regulate metabolic processes.

The fiber contained in rice allows you to use it as a fasting day.

What kind of rice can you eat on a diet?

The rice weight loss technique, from the name implies the use of rice as the main ingredient. The final result depends on the selected variety.

Rice varieties differ in appearance, taste, aroma and beneficial properties:

  • Black. Other names: wild, marine, Indian. The composition of this product contains the enzyme lipase, which tends to accumulate in the body with regular use. Lipase breaks down not only existing fats, but also those that enter the body. Unlike other varieties, it contains the highest amount of fiber and the minimum amount of sodium.
  • Brown (brown). It undergoes minimal processing during production. It contains all the useful elements, thanks to which it is ideal for cleansing the body.
  • Red. Ruby variety. Not polished, exfoliated product. The content of useful substances is almost not lost, it is well suited for cleansing and losing weight.
  • Steamed. During production, steam is poured over, and 80% of the nutrients from the husk are transferred to the grain.
  • Basmati. During production, only the uppermost shell of the grain is removed, preserving the beneficial substances to the greatest extent. This variety is easier to digest than others.
  • White. Starch in its purest form. It loses all its useful properties during grinding during production, and further cooking.

What can you eat rice with on a diet?

All varieties of rice, except for black (wild), do not belong to low-calorie foods. Therefore, doctors do not recommend people who want to lose weight, with the help of proper nutrition, to combine other high-calorie foods in one meal. For example, sausages, cold cuts, etc.

You can supplement the rice plate with such products:

Of the seasonings allowed for use:

  • Soy sauce in reasonable quantities.
  • Olive oil for salad dressing.
  • Natural low-fat or fat-free yogurt.

The main advantage of rice grains- this is their versatility, when combined with other products, they acquire a completely different taste. Therefore, from it you can cook equally delicious cereals and desserts.

There are several dozen varieties of rice diet, each person can choose the most optimal and suitable option for himself. The versatility and usefulness of rice grains allows you to fight excess weight without fear for health.

The rice diet is rightfully considered the most balanced, effective, easily tolerated and proves in practice that a healthy diet begins with the daily use of this unique product. The rice diet can be either a one-day fasting day or a seven-day diet.

Rice Diet Rules

In order for the rice weight loss technique to give maximum results and be useful, some rules must be observed:

How to cook rice for a diet?

  • The first option eliminates heat treatment to avoid loss of useful properties. The result is the most useful, albeit not the most delicious rice. Rinse the rice groats several times under running water so that the water eventually remains clear. Pour cold boiled water for 10 hours. After the time has elapsed, the product is ready for use.
  • The second way is classic cooking. It is considered the least useful, but more often used, even for strict rice diets. However, pre-soaking before cooking is recommended to remove harmful starch.

Important! Any of the selected methods involves cooking without the use of salt and other seasonings.

Rice diet for weight loss for 7 days

The rice diet lasts 7 days. Each meal is designed for the use of boiled, pre-soaked rice, with additional products.

Permitted additional products: fruits, non-starchy vegetables, mushrooms, nuts, dairy products.

Menu for the week in the table:

Day Menu
1 day Breakfast: 2 tbsp. l. rice with lemon juice; small green apple.

Dinner: 6 art. l. rice a glass of salad from non-starchy vegetables with 1 tbsp. l. olive oils.

Dinner: 6 art. l. rice small raw carrots

2 day Breakfast: 2 tbsp. l. season rice with a spoonful of low-fat sour cream or creamy cottage cheese; citrus fruit.

Dinner: 6 art. l. rice 2 tbsp. l. boiled zucchini.

Dinner: Art. l. rice 2 tbsp. l. grated carrot.

3 day Breakfast: 2 tbsp. l. rice pear, about 100 g

Dinner: 6 art. l. rice a glass of cucumber salad and champignons with olive oil.

Dinner: 6 art. l. rice 2 heads of boiled cauliflower; jar of natural yogurt.

Day 4 Breakfast: 2 tbsp. l. rice chopped apple 100 g; a glass of skim milk.

Dinner: 6 art. l. rice ½ cup finely chopped carrots and radishes.

Dinner: 6 art. l. rice 2 heads of boiled broccoli; a pinch of walnuts.

Day 5 Breakfast: 2 tbsp. l. rice a glass of fat-free kefir; 2 tbsp. l. raisins.

Dinner: 6 art. l. rice 2 tbsp. l. stewed zucchini.

Dinner: 6 art. l. rice a bunch of green lettuce; 3 pcs. walnuts.

Day 6 Breakfast: 2 tbsp. l. rice cut apple, 200 g

Dinner: 6 art. l. rice 2 tbsp. l. stewed eggplant.

Dinner: 6 art. l. rice ½ jar of sugar-free yogurt; ½ grapefruit.

Day 7 Breakfast: 2 tbsp. l. rice small pear; a handful of almonds.

Dinner: 6 art. l. rice one medium tomato; lettuce leaves.

Dinner: 6 art. l. rice 2 tbsp. l. stewed zucchini.

Types of rice diet

Rice diets are divided into two main categories:

  • The rice diet is easy. Lasts 7-14 days. Not limited to one product, the diet is balanced. The main rules of a light diet:
    • The daily consumption of ready-made rice groats does not exceed 500 g;
    • To improve the taste, it is allowed to season ready-made dishes with lemon juice, olive oil and soy sauce.
    • Between meals, you can satisfy your hunger in case of its manifestation with allowed fruits or vegetables.
  • Rice diet is strict. Permissible duration without harm to health, only 1-3 days within a month. Despite such a short time of use, it is a fairly effective option. The main product of the menu is boiled rice. You can only drink water.

Rice diet 5 volumes

A distinctive feature of this weight loss system is the use of raw rice prepared in advance for breakfast. This method has the maximum cleansing effect on the body. The duration of the diet is one or two weeks.

The process of cooking rice for the diet:

Remove rice grains from jar No. 1, rinse and eat on an empty stomach without salt, sugar and other seasonings. After breakfast, it is forbidden to drink and eat for the next 4 hours. In other meals, the use of low-calorie vegetables, fruits, protein foods is acceptable. Of the drinks allowed without adding sugar: pure water, juices, tea, coffee.

Japanese rice diet

Rice Japanese diet is aimed at restructuring the metabolism in the body.

That is, in addition to the positive effect of the diet in the form of lost kilograms, the metabolism will start in the body and it will not gain back the lost volumes for several years, subject to proper nutrition.

The duration of the diet is designed for 14 days. You can lose weight on a diet by 4-6 kg.

Sample Japanese rice diet menu for the day:

Allowed fruits: apples, pears, oranges, tangerines, grapefruits.

Allowed seasonings: soy sauce, olive oil, low-fat sour cream.

apple-rice diet

Another, no less popular weight loss system is apple-rice. A relatively strict diet involves daily consumption of boiled rice with a volume of only 400 g, boiled in skim milk or water, without sugar and salt. This amount of rice must be distributed throughout the day, dividing lunch and dinner for breakfast.

The allowed number of green apples per day is 250 g. Compote without sugar can be cooked from apples.

The duration of such a diet should not exceed five days. The overall weight loss depends on the individual initial data, the average weight loss is 3-5 kg.

Rigid rice diet

The rigid rice diet is limited to one product, due to the scarcity of the diet, the duration is reduced to a day. During the diet, it is better to exclude intense physical activity.

Unloading day looks something like this:

Unloading rice day will help get rid of 1-1.5 kg.

Kefir-rice diet

There are two types of kefir-rice diet.

Both techniques present fairly strict limitations:

Pros and cons of the diet

All weight loss methods have their pros and cons, the rice weight loss system is an exception:


Despite all the beneficial properties of the product, doctors warn that rice, like any other diet, can be harmful.

In order not to risk your own health, it is important to familiarize yourself with the contraindications to losing weight:

  • chronic obesity in the later stages;
  • constipation and predisposition to them;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • ulcer;
  • pancreatitis;
  • diabetes;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • anemia;
  • diseases of the liver and kidneys.


Any change in the habitual diet is a stress for the body. When choosing a diet or nutrition system, it is important to keep this in mind. In view of these features, the rice method for losing weight and cleansing the body can only be used after consulting a nutritionist or attending physician. Rice diet can be alternated with buckwheat.

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