Treatment of kidney diseases with rose hips. Rosehip for kidneys, beneficial properties Rosehip tea for kidneys

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The rose hip is considered a “distant relative” of the beautiful rose. But unlike a delightful flower, it does not attract attention with its appearance. But the internal composition of the plant is simply surprising! Rosehip, this inconspicuous shrub, is a real storehouse of useful components and vitamins. In folk medicine, all parts of the plant are in demand: fruits, leaves, roots, flowers. The unique shrub is able to fight many different ailments.

Is it possible to use rose hips to restore the functioning of the urinary system? Is it capable of clearing the kidneys of stones and sand? Will the shrub eliminate inflammatory processes in the body’s “filters”?

The beneficial properties of wild rose have been known since ancient times. This plant dates back to the 4th century BC. e. interested the Greek naturalist Theophastus, the founder of botany. Hippocrates, the “father of medicine,” recognized rose hips as an excellent anti-inflammatory agent. Avicenna used it to treat the stomach and liver.

Today, thanks to detailed study by scientists, this unique plant is also recognized by official medicine.

Doctors have confirmed that the rich composition of the bush allows it to be used to treat various pathologies of the urinary system and provides a beneficial effect on the kidneys.

Plant composition

Rosehip is rich in the following components:

  • vitamin C - strengthens the immune system, activates the body’s fight against infectious and inflammatory processes;
  • B vitamins - have a beneficial effect on the digestive, cardiac, endocrine, circulatory, and nervous systems;
  • vitamin P - ensures activation of redox processes, stimulates the functioning of the liver and kidneys;
  • vitamin E - increases defenses and has a positive effect on the reproductive system;
  • beta-carotene, which forms vitamin A, strengthens the body and has a positive effect on vision;
  • pectins - fiber allows you to cleanse the body of harmful substances;
  • vitamin K - improves kidney function, takes part in metabolic processes in connective and bone tissues.

In addition, the plant contains minerals necessary for the normal functioning of the body: phosphorus, magnesium, iron, potassium, calcium, manganese, copper, zinc.

Benefits of shrubs for kidneys

Rosehip has proven itself to be an excellent remedy that can cleanse the kidneys.. The components that make up the plant ensure the dissolution of stones. The resulting sand is excreted through the ureters naturally.

Rose hips are known to be beneficial for the following kidney pathologies:

  • the presence of stones in the organ;
  • kidney pain;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • organ atony;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • kidney oncology.

The healing properties of rose hips for the kidneys

The plant is used to make decoctions, tea, syrups, and infusions. All these remedies have high healing power.

Traditional healers cite the following beneficial effects of rose hips:

  1. Tea helps strengthen the body's immune defense. In addition, the drink has strong diuretic properties. Thanks to this effect, tea perfectly cleanses the kidneys.
  2. Decoctions and tinctures from the fruit are used to treat inflammatory kidney diseases. These products cope excellently with urolithiasis. Drinks made from rose hips activate the body to cleanse the genitourinary system of toxins and stones (with the exception of oxalate stones).
  3. Regular consumption of rosehip decoction strengthens the immune system. Thanks to this, the body acquires resistance to infectious agents that have a detrimental effect on both the kidneys and other organs. There is a decrease in chronic fatigue (typical of people suffering from pyelonephritis).
  4. Rosehip root contains a valuable component - triterpenoid. This is an organic, oxygen-containing compound that has anti-inflammatory properties and has antiproliferative effects. This means that this component is able to resist the growth and spread of tumor cells.

Use of the plant in the treatment of kidneys and kidney stones

Rosehip, like any medicine, can bring significant benefits to the body or cause irreparable damage to health. In order for the shrub to provide only positive effects, it is necessary to drink drinks from it correctly.

And, most importantly, before using healing remedies from rose hips, you should consult with your doctor.

It is recommended to store rose hips in a cool place, protected from light. However, it is not recommended to keep dry crops in the refrigerator. Rose hips are best preserved in paper bags, fabric bags, and wooden boxes.

So, what nuances regarding the use of rosehip medicines should be taken into account?

  1. Sometimes, to prepare an infusion, it is recommended to crush the rose hips to gain access to the grains. It is very important after preparing the medicine to carefully strain the drink through several layers of gauze. After filtration, you must carefully inspect the fabric. There should be some fruit hairs left on it. If necessary, the filtration is repeated. If hairs remain in the drink, they can injure the mucous membranes of the digestive tract.
  2. Some recipes call for brewing rose hips in a thermos. This unique plant cannot tolerate contact with metal and loses its beneficial properties. Therefore, it is recommended to use a thermos with a glass flask.
  3. Rosehip infusion has a rather aggressive effect on tooth enamel. Doctors recommend using the product through a straw. If the drink is constantly in contact with the teeth, the teeth will begin to crumble.
  4. To preserve all the beneficial properties, it is necessary to brew rose hips correctly. The fruits are poured with boiling water, the temperature of which should not exceed 80 C. The product is brewed without sugar and honey. Any components can be added to a fully prepared drink.
  5. Initially, it is recommended to scald the walls of the thermos and only then lower the rose hips into it. This will keep you warm for a long time.

Recipes from traditional healers

There are many excellent rosehip remedies that provide treatment for diseases of the urinary system.

Rosehip infusion

This product allows you to cleanse the kidneys of sand and ensures the crushing of stones.

  1. Rosehips (10 g = 1 tbsp) are finely chopped.
  2. The raw materials are placed in an enamel pan and poured with boiling water (0.5 l).
  3. Under a closed lid, the product is simmered in a water bath for 15 minutes.
  4. After removing from the heat, the infusion is kept for another 30 minutes.
  5. Be sure to filter.

It is recommended to take the resulting medicine twice a day, ½ cup for adults. If the infusion is prepared for a child, its taste can be improved by adding honey. For children, the recommended dose (must be discussed with a doctor) is 1/8 - ¼ cup.

Making tea from rose hips

The drink will effectively cleanse the kidneys of sand. In addition, it helps eliminate harmful substances and toxins from the body.

Making aromatic tea:

  1. You will need rose hips - 2–4 tbsp. l. You can use crushed raw materials - this will allow you to prepare a richer drink. If you don’t want to crush the fruits, you can use them whole.
  2. The rose hips are placed in a thermos. Pour boiling water (0.5–0.8 l) over the fruits.
  3. The drink is steamed within 12 hours.
  4. Before use, it is filtered.

Rosehip decoction

This drink is used to cleanse the kidneys of toxins and sand. It allows you to crush stones. It is often used for inflammatory processes occurring in the kidneys. In addition, the decoction effectively reduces high blood pressure, which often accompanies pathologies such as pyelonephritis.

  1. Rose hips (2 tbsp.) must be filled with plain water (1 tbsp.).
  2. Place the product on low heat and boil for 15 minutes.
  3. During cooking, the liquid will begin to evaporate. To compensate for this process, you need to add water little by little.
  4. After cooling, the liquid is filtered.

The darker the decoction is, the higher its concentration and the more effectively it breaks down stones.

After filtering, you should get 200 ml of decoction. It is necessary to use the product three times a day, 1/3 cup. Treatment with decoction lasts 2 weeks. You can repeat the course after a break of 10 days.

Rosehip root decoction

The medicinal drink will come to the aid of people suffering from lower back pain, periodic renal colic, and abdominal muscle tension. The product gently but effectively combats kidney inflammation; it is recommended for pyelonephritis.

A decoction of rosehip rhizomes is quite capable of dissolving kidney stones. Of course, it won’t cope with large stones, but it will crush small formations quite effectively.

The medicine is prepared as follows:

  1. Dry roots (4 tbsp) are placed in an enamel container.
  2. The product is poured with water (0.5 l).
  3. Cook the mixture over low heat for 15 minutes.
  4. After cooling, the liquid is filtered.

Drink the decoction three times a day, 1 tbsp. Healers recommend continuing this treatment for 1 month (30 days). After this, a 10-day break must be taken and the course of therapy can be resumed.

Infusion of rosehip rhizomes

This is another remedy that perfectly fights inflammation in the kidneys, can crush stones and removes sand perfectly.

  1. Washed, crushed rosehip root (2 tbsp.) must be filled with water (1 tbsp.).
  2. In this form, the mixture should be infused overnight (12 hours).
  3. In the morning, place the container with the infusion on the fire and boil the medicine for 15 minutes.

It is necessary to drink the prepared product within one day in 3–5 doses.

Healers claim that it is this infusion that has the most powerful effect. After all, the root “gave” all its healing properties to the water during the night (10–12 hours).

Rosehip seed decoction

Algorithm for preparing the product:

  1. Crushed rosehip seeds (1 tsp) are poured with boiling water (1 tbsp).
  2. Simmer the mixture over low heat for 15 minutes.
  3. After this, the product should be infused for about 2 hours.
  4. Then the drink is filtered.

Take the product 3 times a day, before meals, ¼ cup. One course lasts 30 days.

Healing drink for oncology

Rose hips are used to make a product that can fight kidney cancer. This medicine effectively helps with a number of other oncological diseases. It is recommended to use it in the initial stages of cancer. And under no circumstances should it replace the therapy prescribed by the doctor!

To prepare the decoction you need to prepare:

  • pine needles - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • rose hips - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • onion peel - 1 pinch.
  1. Onion peels are poured with water (1 tbsp.) and boiled for 10 minutes.
  2. Rose hips and pine needles are poured into a thermos. Such raw materials are poured with a decoction of onion peels.
  3. The product is infused in a thermos for about 10 hours - all night.

Components of a drink for the treatment of kidney cancer - photo

Preventive biostimulator

This remedy can be taken for various kidney diseases. It is an effective preventive medicine that protects the body from disorders of the urinary system. In addition, this biostimulant has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the liver, digestive system and spleen.

To make the product you will need:

  • rose hips (shells only, seeds must be cleaned) – 100 g;
  • hazelnut - 100 g;
  • dried apricots - 100 g;
  • pine nuts - 100 g;
  • black currant berries (dry) – 100 g;
  • almonds - 100 g;
  • walnut - 100 g;
  • prunes - 100 g;
  • raisins - 100 g;
  • pumpkin seeds (hulled) – 100 g;
  • honey - 1 kg.
  1. All components (except honey) are combined and crushed, passing through a meat grinder several times.
  2. You need to add honey to the resulting mixture.
  3. The product is thoroughly kneaded until it takes on the appearance of a homogeneous paste.

Take this medicine 40 minutes before eating (or after it), three times a day, 1-2 tbsp. l. To enhance the effect of this biostimulant, it is recommended to combine it with an infusion of rose hips.


Despite the many beneficial properties of rose hips, the crop can be harmful to health.

Herbalists warn about the following features of rosehip therapy:

  1. The plant contains large amounts of vitamin C. Therefore, people suffering from peptic ulcers, gastritis (in case of high acidity) should refrain from treatment with rose hips.
  2. For patients who have a tendency to form blood clots or suffer from thrombophlebitis, this plant is strictly contraindicated.
  3. Particular care should be taken when treating with rose hips for those residents who have been diagnosed with heart disease (for example, endocarditis - inflammation of the inner lining). Such patients are not prohibited from using wild rose medicines (only with the agreement of the doctor!). But it is strictly contraindicated to take them in large quantities.
  4. People who are diagnosed with impaired blood flow should refrain from rosehip therapy.
  5. Alcohol tinctures can be harmful to hypertensive patients. These products are great for people suffering from low blood pressure.
  6. Hypotonic patients should avoid water infusions. These medications help lower blood pressure.
  7. Medicines made from rosehip rhizomes can inhibit the secretion of bile. Therefore, it is completely undesirable for people who have this outflow disorder to resort to such treatment.
  8. Root decoctions are not suitable for patients suffering from constipation. These drugs can aggravate the patient's condition. In addition, they can increase flatulence.
  9. If you have dermatological problems, you need a doctor's permission to take any rosehip products.

You should not abuse medications whose main component is rose hips. Uncontrolled use can cause harm even to a completely healthy person, causing him to develop non-infectious jaundice and disrupt the functioning of the liver.

Benefits and contraindications of rose hips - video

Rosehip is a bushy plant known to every person, which delights with beautiful flowers in the spring, and amazes the eye with bright orange fruits in the fall. It was this culture that Nature gave to man in order to protect him from a wide variety of ailments, among which kidney pathologies occupy a special place.

Rosehip, due to its rich composition, has long been considered an excellent medicine. People call him the forest doctor. There are more than 90 types of rose hips; their fruits in the wild are orange and red. The berries inside are filled with fleecy small seeds. In folk medicine, all parts of the bush are used; in traditional medicine, recipes contain dried and fresh fruits; in homeopathy, only fresh fruits are used.

The effect of rose hips on the body

Rose hips contain a lot of substances that can slow down the aging process, increase the body's resistance, increasing immunity. Rosehip can be used in the form of decoctions, tea, infusion, syrup. When consumed, the human body is filled with beneficial vitamins and minerals, which are easily absorbed. The scope of application of rose hips is quite wide; it is used for inflammation of the joints, diarrhea, eye diseases, for gargling, and for rheumatism. The procurement of raw materials is carried out in September-October. The fruits are peeled from the core and dried at high temperature, then crushed to obtain a powder. You can dry whole fruits.

Properties of rosehip

  • Increases concentration.
  • Helps with any form of varicose veins.
  • Strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
  • Prevents the development of infection.
  • Strengthens the immune system.
  • Helps with spring vitamin deficiency.
  • Eliminates constipation.
  • Helps with kidney and urinary tract diseases.

The use of rose hips for the treatment of kidneys

Treating the kidneys with rose hips is an excellent way to cope with the disease and cleanse the kidneys of sand. Many people suffer from kidney disease; fortunately, modern research methods make it possible to detect the disease at an early stage. There are many causes of kidney damage: viral and bacterial damage, impaired metabolism, congenital anomalies, autoimmune damage, stones formed. The disease can be caused by poor nutrition, hypothermia, sexually transmitted infections, drugs, and alcohol. Often, changes in the functioning of the kidneys occur in women in the last trimester of pregnancy, since this organ is forced to work for two.

Symptoms of kidney disease

  • Discomfort
  • Chills
  • General malaise
  • Lower back pain
  • Fever
  • Facial swelling
  • Pain when urinating
  • Changes in the composition of urine, the appearance of impurities and blood in it.

Rosehip for kidney cleansing: recipes

There is no time limit for a kidney cleanse. You need to prepare a decoction of rose hips or roots; the raw materials can be purchased at the pharmacy. Substances contained in roots and fruits can dissolve stones into sand and remove it from the body. Kidney cleansing should only be done under the close supervision of your doctor. You can use one of the suggested recipes.

Decoction of fruits. 2 tbsp. l. rose hips, pour 250 ml of boiling water and boil for 15 minutes. It needs to be strained after the drink becomes cold. It turns out to be a rich dark color, because it contains a high concentration of nutrients. Drink this decoction a third of a glass three times a day. Duration - two weeks.

Rosehip infusion. To prepare, you need to take healthy fresh fruits. 2-4 tbsp. l. pour boiling water (500-800 ml) using a thermos, leave to steam for 12 hours. Tea should be taken 2-3 times a day, one cup after meals. You can sweeten the drink with a spoon of rosehip syrup or natural honey. The infusion helps cleanse the body of harmful substances and the kidneys of sand.

Vitamin tea. 2 tbsp. l. Mix rose hips with 3 tbsp. l. dry berries and fruits. Black currants, lingonberries or rowan are suitable. Pour everything into 500-800 ml of boiling water in a thermos and leave to brew overnight. It is useful to drink one cup twice a day in spring. This will help strengthen the immune system and get rid of vitamin deficiency.

Rosehip is an excellent diuretic for the kidneys. It cleanses the kidneys, treats urolithiasis, inflammatory processes in the kidneys, removes toxins from the body, and reduces the level of uric acid in the blood. Along with the fruits, rosehip flowers are used; they also have a diuretic effect.


Rose hips have many contraindications for use. It is not recommended to use drugs based on it:

  • with increased acidity;
  • for duodenal ulcer, gastroduodenitis, gastritis;
  • with endocarditis;
  • with thrombophlebitis;
  • gout;
  • during pregnancy;
  • if there are oxalate stones in the kidneys.

It is worth remembering that long-term use of rosehip and drugs based on it helps to wash out calcium from the body and inhibit the secretion of bile. You should not cleanse your kidneys with rose hips while taking medications.

Prevention of kidney diseases

To avoid kidney disease, you need to follow the recommendations. You need to lead a healthy lifestyle, following a diet. You should exclude smoked, spicy, salty foods, alcohol, chocolate, and cheese from your diet. Sea fish, vegetables and fruits are good for the kidneys. You should drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day. It can be mineral water, juice, fruit drink, compote. During heavy physical activity, the amount of water should be increased to two liters.

Be sure to monitor the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract so that the kidneys function correctly. Infections, including colds and caries, place a great burden on the kidneys. Avoid hypothermia. Routine examinations with doctors, normal body weight, and general hardening of the body will help improve the condition of the kidneys. At the first symptoms of the disease, you should consult a general practitioner, urologist or nephrologist.

The beneficial properties of rosehip, or wild rose, have been noticed a long time ago. In ancient Greece it was used as a remedy for dog bites. More than two thousand years ago, the “father of medicine” Hippocrates established the benefits of rose hips: it is a good anti-inflammatory agent. In practice, he used the fruits of the bush as medicine. During the Middle Ages, the healing effect of rose hips for hemoptysis was appreciated. Avicenna was convinced of the healing properties of rose hips for the liver and stomach.

Benefits of rose hips for the kidneys

Rosehip for kidneys is used for:

  • kidney pain;
  • kidney stone disease;
  • kidney inflammation;
  • renal atony;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • kidney cancer.

Rosehip is best known for helping to break up kidney stones. To do this, use the roots or fruits of rose hips.

A decoction is prepared from rosehip roots. The remedy is taken warm, one-third of a glass 3 times a day. Course duration is 1–2 weeks.

A simple remedy for cleansing the kidneys is tea made from the fruit. It is infused in a thermos for about 12 hours, then consumed 2-3 times a day after meals. You can add rosehip syrup or honey for sweetening.

In the spring, multivitamin tea made from rose hips, dried fruits and berries (rowan, lingonberry, black currant) will be beneficial for the kidneys and body.

There are many recipes with rose hips for kidney stones. In addition to rose hips, the composition of the medicine may also include other components with beneficial properties.

For kidney stones, a remedy based on lemon juice, rosehip infusion and honey will help. 200 g of liquid and 200 g of honey are boiled in a sealed container in a water bath for 20–40 minutes. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day half an hour before meals.

For a diuretic effect in nephrolithiasis, use a product based on black currant buds and rosehip infusion. Also, the infusion of shrub fruits, depending on the recipe, is combined with melon seeds, wild carrots, horsetail grass, aspen bark, and thorn flowers.

A remedy that has a beneficial effect on the kidneys and liver, as well as the gastrointestinal tract and spleen, is a healing biostimulant prepared from rose hips, dried fruits, nuts and honey. To prepare it you need 100 g:

  • rose hips without seeds;
  • dried apricots;
  • dried black currants;
  • hazelnuts;
  • pine nuts;
  • walnuts;
  • almonds;
  • prunes;
  • raisins;
  • peeled dried pumpkin seeds.

The components are mixed and passed through a meat grinder several times. After adding 1 kg of honey, mix everything until smooth. The finished product is taken 1-2 tbsp. l. 3 times a day 40 minutes before or after lunch. Wash down the mixture with infusion of rose hips or hawthorn.

Liver cleansing with rose hips

Rosehip has healing properties for the liver in the following diseases:

  • Botkin's disease;
  • hepatitis;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • hepatic colic;
  • blockage of the liver ducts;
  • liver cancer.

Rosehip is a fairly mild remedy used to cleanse the liver. Before starting such a procedure, you need to do an ultrasound and consult a specialist.

To cleanse the liver, a product is prepared based on an infusion of rose hips and sorbitol. Drink in the morning on an empty stomach. First - infusion with sorbitol, and after 20 minutes - pure. You can have breakfast only after 45 minutes. At this time, you need to lie down, applying a heating pad to your right side.

Breakfast should be light: fruit or vegetable salad, nuts, infusion of raspberry leaves, currants and rose hips. You are allowed to eat a piece of dried bread. This cleansing technique should be complemented by active charging.

Cleansing the liver using this method should be done every other day in six approaches. A repeat procedure is possible in a month.

For liver diseases, rosehip infusion is used in pure form or with the addition of other medicinal herbs (chain, chicory, St. John's wort, sage, wormwood, immortelle).

Traditional treatment methods recommend using rose hips for urolithiasis. For the purpose of therapy, all parts of the plant can be used, since the healing rosehip consists of many beneficial vitamins. The fruits, foliage, and roots of this plant can be collected independently or found in a pharmacy for a reasonable fee. A healing infusion or decoction is prepared from the components of rose hips, which will help remove stones or sand from the kidneys.

Rosehip is the basis for making folk remedies for urolithiasis and sand in the kidneys.

Composition and beneficial qualities

The main components that are found in rose hips are:

  • vitamins C, E, K and group B;
  • antioxidants;
  • potassium, calcium and magnesium.

Rosehip contains the highest concentration of vitamin C, even more than lemons, currants, and rowan.

With the help of berries, the concentration of sugar in the blood decreases. This means that the product is suitable for diabetics. Tea from this plant strengthens the immune system and the body as a whole, and also invigorates. Another feature is that rosehip cleanses the kidneys. Through its influence, the functioning of the genitourinary system is improved, toxins and sand are removed. Flowers have healing properties and are used for the same medicinal purposes. As an addition, flowers are used for gastritis. Moreover, they help strengthen the circulatory system.

Rosehip recipes for kidney stones and sand

For kidney stones, comprehensive treatment is necessary if necessary:

  • remove stones;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • improve the functioning of the genitourinary system;
  • eliminate the risk of recurrent disease.

Therefore, it is very important to follow the rules and recommendations of the attending physician, so as not to aggravate, but to correct the situation. You can brew rosehip infusion at any time of the year. It nourishes the body with essential elements, especially ascorbic acid. During a flu epidemic, it can strengthen the immune system and resist viruses. For kidney stones, rosehip oil is used, which has a diuretic and choleretic effect, and also accelerates regeneration. Roots, berries, flowers, seeds and foliage are used for therapy.

Eating berries

Urolithiasis is susceptible to the fruits of the plant. You can pick the berries yourself in early autumn or purchase them at the pharmacy. The recipe for making medicine is simple:

Healing roots

At the end of autumn it is possible to harvest rosehip roots. Rosehip root for kidney stones is used in the form of a decoction. To prepare the drink, you need to take a glass of boiled water and a couple of tablespoons of pre-ground dry roots. Leave for 2 hours. The drink must be taken three times a day. This infusion is taken in a course of 10 days. During the specified period, the stones dissolve and come out. To remove sand, use only one spoon of root.

Seeds and leaves

In folk practices, not only rosehip roots are used to treat kidney stones, but also foliage and seeds. Healing drinks are prepared from them:

  1. For 1 liter of boiled water, take 100 g of leaves, which are pre-crushed. This drink needs to be infused overnight and drunk all within 24 hours. This drink has a destructive effect on stones.
  2. Infusions from fresh leaves have a general strengthening effect, which is necessary for urolithiasis. Pour 1 tsp. crushed seeds 200 ml boiled water. The resulting mixture is poured into a container and boiled for 15 minutes. Infuse the drink until it acquires a dark color. Use a third of a glass three times a day before meals.

One of the traditional medicine recipes is the treatment of kidneys with rose hips. Herbal medicine occupies a separate place in the treatment of urolithiasis. Herbs contain a large amount of vitamins and microelements that have an anti-inflammatory and restorative effect on the body as a whole and, which is important for the kidneys, promote the breakdown and removal of stones. Rosehip, or wild rose, is especially valued for its healing properties.

The fruits of this unique plant have been eaten since the Ice Age. Since about the same time, it has been valued for its medicinal properties. Traditional healers use all parts of the bush in their recipes: fruits, seeds, leaves, shoots, petals, branches and even roots. Rose hips are a storehouse of vitamin C. Currants have 10 times less of it, and lemons have 60 times less. The roots of the plant contain large amounts of B vitamins, flavonoids, tannins (or astringents), catechins and triterpenoids. All of them are characterized by astringent, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and kidney stone-destroying effects.

Benefits of the plant

Biologically active substances contained in the roots and seeds of rose hips are able to dissolve kidney stones to the state of sand, which, in turn, is excreted from the body naturally. It is usually consumed in the form of syrups, decoctions, infusions or teas. It is very easy to brew tea in a thermos and drink throughout the day. There are several ways to prepare a decoction to cleanse the kidneys:

  1. Decoction of rose hips. 2 tbsp. l. pour a glass of water over the berries, put on the fire and boil for 15 minutes. After this time, remove the saucepan from the heat and cool. Strain the cooled broth through a strainer or gauze, you should get 200 g of healing broth. Remember that during the boiling process, water evaporates, so it needs to be added periodically. Over time, you will know how much water to pour at once so that you end up with exactly a glass of drink. Ideally, the decoction should be dark brown in color, very concentrated, saturated with active substances that will break down stones into tiny grains. You need to take it 3 times a day, 1/3 cup for 2 weeks. A repeat course can be carried out after 10 days.
  2. A decoction of rosehip roots. Take a glass of thoroughly washed and peeled rosehip roots and fill it with 6 glasses of clean water, put it on the fire and also boil for about 15 minutes. You need to be guided by the amount of liquid in the pan. When about 2/3 of the previous amount remains, you can remove from heat. The resulting amount of decoction is the maximum daily requirement for an adult. Strain the cooled broth through a sieve and take 4-5 times a day, preferably before meals. It is recommended to drink this decoction regularly for 20 days, then take a break of 10 days and take it again until complete recovery.
  3. There is another way to prepare a decoction of rosehip roots. At night pour 2 tbsp. l. clean plant roots with a glass of water. In the morning, place the contents of the container on the fire and simmer over low heat for 15 minutes. Cool, filter and take according to the scheme described above. Proponents of preparing a decoction this way claim that it is more effective, since the roots, soaked overnight in water, release the maximum of nutrients.

For the treatment of children, the dosage is reduced by 2 times. A preventative course of kidney cleansing can be carried out once a year, preferably in winter, in order to at the same time strengthen the immune system to prevent colds.

Remember, before starting kidney treatment with rose hips, you need to make sure there are no contraindications. These include the following contraindications:

  • plant allergy;
  • pregnancy;
  • acute life-threatening conditions;
  • heart failure;
  • gastrointestinal diseases, stomach and duodenal ulcers, gastritis with high acidity;
  • infective endocarditis;
  • a bleeding disorder or taking medications that affect it.

Herbal medicine should be administered after consultation and permission from the attending physician. Remember that rosehip infusion can adversely affect tooth enamel, because it is saturated with ascorbic acid. In order to reduce its impact, it is recommended to drink the drink through a straw, and at the end of the dose you should rinse your mouth with water.

Be careful when preparing herbal infusions, as rose hips are not compatible with all plants.

If you decide to prepare a decoction or infusion from several medicinal plants, do it under the supervision of an experienced herbalist. Or brew tested and medically approved infusions, the recipes of which have been worked out. They can be bought ready-made at any pharmacy. Be healthy!

The occurrence of kidney stones is a pressing problem. According to statistics, this kidney stone disease occurs in 500 people out of 100,000. And about 7 out of 10 people have stones (or rather, the first signs of their appearance), without even knowing it. In addition to official methods of treatment, there are also folk recipes against this disease. Some of them are quite effective and can also be used to combat the problem. One of them is a decoction of rosehip roots.

Rosehip root for kidney stones

Rosehip root is a remedy that is actively used in folk medicine, including for kidney stones (and other kidney diseases).

The plant gained popularity for its beneficial properties. A decoction of its roots has a bactericidal, antiseptic and choleretic effect and removes kidney stones.

Rosehip roots contain:

  • organic acids;
  • vitamins of groups B, K, P, A, C;
  • minerals: magnesium, iron, phosphorus, manganese, calcium and potassium;
  • glycosides;
  • flavonoids;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • tannins.

In addition to the roots, other parts of the plant are also used in folk medicine:

  1. Seeds are rich in vitamin E, carotene and acids: linoleic and linolenic.
  2. Fruits - contain vitamins (groups C, K, P), carotenoids, flavonoids. The pulp of the fruit is rich in calcium, potassium, phosphorus, and magnesium.
  3. The bark is used in folk medicine as an emetic.

In the video about the properties of rosehip root:

Useful properties of rose hips

The use of rosehip roots for kidney stones gives the following results:

  1. The substances contained in the roots strengthen and give flexibility to the urinary ducts - thereby accelerating the process of removing stones and sand.
  2. Vitamins contribute to the overall strengthening of the immune system and improve the performance of internal organs (including the kidneys).
  3. The stones soften and become enveloped in mucus, which makes them easier to remove.
  4. The diuretic effect accelerates the removal of deposits.

This folk remedy works best when dealing with sand and small stones. Taking a decoction can facilitate the removal of larger ones, but in this case it is better to use it only in combination with other treatment measures (prescribed by a doctor).

Instructions for use

Rosehip roots are sold dried. You can buy them:

  • pharmacy - a package weighing 50 grams costs about 60-70 rubles;
  • on the market (from hand) - the price may be slightly lower, but the quality may also differ for the worse.

You can also collect and dry this plant yourself. The rules are:

  1. The ideal time for collection is autumn, when the rosehip leaves have a brownish tint.
  2. Plants growing in urban areas and near highways are not suitable for collection. Rosehip root is capable of accumulating substances from the soil. If there are harmful elements in the ground, it will absorb them too. The ideal place for collection is dry, high ground.
  3. The collected roots are finely chopped, then dried (in the shade naturally, or in the oven, at a temperature of 75-80º).

The product is used in the form of a decoction - the dried roots are filled with water.

Recipe for use:

  1. 2 tablespoons of root are poured into 1 glass (250 ml) of water. If you need to be treated for sand or small stones, you can take 1 tablespoon of the root.
  2. The broth is brought to a boil over low heat and boiled for another 15-20 minutes. If the water boils away, add boiling water to the previous volume of liquid.
  3. The broth is removed from the heat and infused for 5-6 hours.
  4. The broth is filtered through cheesecloth.

The darker the color of the decoction, the higher the concentration of active ingredients.

In the video, there is a recipe for preparing rosehip decoction for the treatment of kidney stones:

Admission rules:

  1. It is necessary to take the product before meals, 3 times a day, 1/3 cup.
  2. You should only drink the product fresh, so you should prepare a new decoction every day.
  3. It is recommended to drink the product through a straw. This minimizes the harmful effects of ascorbic acid on tooth enamel.
  4. Duration of treatment is 7-10 days.

Before starting treatment, it is recommended to check the preparation method and dosage with your doctor.


Like any other medicine, this prescription has its limitations.

Contraindications are:

  1. Pregnancy and lactation period.
  2. Individual intolerance to the plant (allergic reaction).
  3. Infectious endocarditis (inflammation of the tissues of the heart valves).
  4. Heart failure.
  5. Gastritis with high acidity.
  6. Stomach ulcer.
  7. Ulcer of the duodenum (duodenum).
  8. A bleeding disorder (or the use of drugs that impair this process).

For other diseases of the cardiovascular system, taking the decoction is possible only after consulting a cardiologist.

Even if the problems listed above are absent, before consuming rosehip root, it is recommended to consult with the doctor who is treating the patient.

Features of application

Reception of the decoction should be limited if the following symptoms appear:

  • kidney pain;
  • nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • general deterioration of health, weakness;
  • temperature increase;
  • pain in the abdomen (lower part).

In the event of a sudden manifestation of the listed symptoms, you should stop taking the decoction completely and seek the advice of a doctor.

If symptoms are mild:

  1. It is recommended to reduce the amount of tincture taken by half.
  2. It is recommended to reduce the course of treatment by dividing it into 2 parts. Between these periods you need to take a break of about a month.

It is recommended to discuss course correction and even mild manifestations of the symptoms listed above with your doctor.

Rose hips are an excellent ingredient for preparing medicinal products that can treat all kinds of diseases and disorders in the body. have found application in many areas of medicine. Today we want to tell you about the treatment of kidney diseases with rose hips, how to drink rose hips correctly for the kidneys and how to prepare healing drinks based on it.

How is rose hips good for the kidneys?

Rosehip decoction for kidney diseases has undeniable benefits for the body. It is noteworthy that the berries, leaves, roots and even twigs of the plant have healing properties. In terms of ascorbic acid content, rosehip is one of the record holders: it contains more vitamin C than blackcurrant and even lemon.

Rosehip roots contain B vitamins, tannins, flavonoids and catechins. Such a rich composition determines: all of the listed substances create antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects, and also destroy stones and promote their removal due to diuretic properties. You can buy rosehip root at a pharmacy or prepare it yourself. Dig them up in the fall, wash them off the ground, dry them and chop them. To dry, use ovens or an electric dryer, setting the temperature to 60 degrees. A cardboard box or other closed container is suitable for storage and should be left in a dry place.

How to make a rosehip drink for kidney treatment

You now know the effect of rose hips on the kidneys, but how to prepare medicines? Here are simple recipes using rose hips to cleanse the kidneys.

Decoction from the roots of the plant

Rosehip decoction for kidneys is very simple to prepare. Take 2 tablespoons of rosehip roots and add a glass of water. Boil for 20 minutes and leave to steep for one hour. The broth should darken and will need to be strained. Use the product for two weeks up to three times before meals. The recommended single dosage is a third of a glass.

Rosehip tea to cleanse the kidneys

Rosehip is good for the kidneys and there is no doubt about it, but if you don’t want to prepare a decoction, you can brew the berries. You will need 2-3 tablespoons of dry or fresh fruits, which must be poured into 500-700 ml of boiling water in a thermos and left overnight. This tea should be taken up to three times after meals, one cup at a time. This kind of rosehip for kidneys during pregnancy is also allowed, and to improve the taste you can sweeten the drink with honey.

How to take rose hips to treat kidney disease

We figured out how to brew rose hips for the kidneys and what effect it has on the body, but we also recommend that you remember a few simple tips:

  1. If after the first dose you feel nausea, discomfort or other deterioration in health, reduce the dosage of rose hips to a spoon at a time and gradually increase it.
  2. When consumed daily, rosehip cleanses the kidneys, dissolving stones, but to remove them it is recommended to additionally drink more water.
  3. Take a month's break between two-week courses.

When using rose hips for the kidneys after childbirth, you need to dilute a strong decoction with water or drink light tea according to the recipe described above.

Precautionary measures

Not everyone knows how to drink rosehip for the kidneys. When drinking the infusion, it is recommended to do so through a straw or be sure to rinse your mouth, since the dark color of the drink and the high content of ascorbic acid are harmful to tooth enamel.

Do not forget that not all herbal remedies are compatible, so if you decide to take some other folk remedy along with rosehip, consult a herbalist or find out about the compatibility of different plants on the Internet.

Despite the capabilities of modern conservative medicine, herbal medicine – treatment with herbs and medicinal plants – is also very popular in getting rid of a wide variety of diseases. This method has both its advantages and disadvantages. In our detailed review, we will consider whether treatment of kidneys with rose hips is effective, how to carry it out correctly, and what the patient should know about.

Useful properties of wild rose

Rosehip belongs to the Rosaceae family, so in botanical literature you can often find its unofficial name - wild rose. Indeed, the delicate and bright petals with a delicate scent resemble the opened buds of a queen of flowers.

The healing properties of the plant are determined by its high content of vitamins (especially C, which is an antioxidant), flavonoids and biologically active substances. Moreover, not only rose hips are considered useful, but also its seeds, roots, stems, leaves and flowers, which are also used in folk medicine.

The medicinal plant has the following effects on the human body:

  • cleanses blood vessels of atherosclerotic plaques;
  • improves metabolism;
  • has a tonic, restorative effect;
  • increases immune defense against infectious diseases;
  • has an astringent effect, helps normalize digestion during diarrhea;
  • Rosehip seed oil has wound-healing and anti-inflammatory properties.

How does rosehip work for diseases of the urinary organs?

Rose hips often become an ingredient in traditional medicine recipes that help cure pyelonephritis, pyelitis, urolithiasis and remove excess sand from the kidneys. Most often, the fruits and roots of the plant are used for these purposes.

  • reduces inflammation;
  • helps cleanse the renal collecting system from bacteria and mucus;
  • cleanses the urinary tract of sand and salts;
  • has a mild diuretic effect.

The best folk recipes for kidney health

There are dozens of rosehip recipes designed to help with kidney disease. Below are the best of them, which have proven their effectiveness over many years of experience and many positive reviews.

Berry infusion


  1. rose hips, chopped with a knife - 1 tbsp. l.;
  2. boiling water – 500 ml.

Place the dried berries in a thermos, add boiling water and close tightly. Leave for 6-7 hours. Strain. Drink half a glass of infusion on an empty stomach in the morning. The duration of treatment is not limited. It can be taken both during the acute period of pyelonephritis, and during remission - for prevention.

Berry decoction (recipe No. 1)


  1. rose hips - 2 tbsp. l.;
  2. water - 250 ml.

Pour hot water over finely chopped berries, place on low heat and simmer for 15-20 minutes. Cool at 18-22 °C, strain. Take 120 ml twice a day for 4-5 weeks. This remedy has an anti-inflammatory, general tonic and mild diuretic effect.

Berry decoction (recipe No. 2)


  1. rose hips, previously cleared of seeds and hairs and crushed in a blender - 1 tbsp. l.;
  2. water – 500 ml.

Pour boiling water over the rosehip paste and cook over low heat for 10-12 minutes. The resulting broth does not need to be filtered. Take 15-20 ml before each main meal.

Root decoction


  1. crushed rosehip roots (you can buy them at the pharmacy or collect them yourself) – 2 tbsp. l.;
  2. boiling water – 1 cup.

Pour boiling water over the plant material and keep it on low heat for a quarter of an hour. Strain and take 80-100 ml after breakfast, lunch and dinner as a therapeutic and prophylactic remedy for sand in the kidneys and urolithiasis.

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