Infrasonic emitter for noisy neighbors. Pugach from an old speaker How to make an infrasonic generator yourself

The ultrasonic gun is self-assembled on only two logical inverters and has a minimum number of components. Despite the ease of assembly, the design is quite powerful and can be used against drunk drunks, dogs or teenagers who sit up and sing in other people's porches.

Diagram of an ultrasonic gun

Chips CD4049 (HEF4049), CD4069, or domestic chips K561LN2, K176PU1, K176PU3, K561PU4 or any other standard logic chips with 6 or 4 logical inverters are suitable for the generator, but you have to change the pinout.

Our ultrasonic gun circuit is based on the HEF4049 chip. As already mentioned, we need to use only two logical inverters, and which of the six inverters to use is up to you.

The signal from the output of the last logic is amplified by transistors. To build up the last (power) transistor, in my case, two low-power KT315 transistors were used, but the choice is huge, you can put any NPN transistors of low and medium power.

The choice of a power switch is also not critical, you can install transistors from the KT815, KT817, KT819, KT805, KT829 series - the latter is composite and will work without an additional amplifier on low-power transistors. In order to increase the output power, powerful composite transistors such as KT827 can be used - but an additional amplifier will still be needed to build it up.

As a radiator, you can use any MF and HF heads with a power of 3-20 watts, you can also use piezo emitters from sirens (as in my case).

By selecting the capacitor and the resistance of the tuning resistor, the frequency is adjusted.

Such a self-assembled ultrasonic gun is quite suitable for protecting a summer cottage or a private house. But do not forget - the ultrasonic range is dangerous! We cannot hear it, but the body feels it. The fact is that the ears receive a signal, but the brain is not able to decode it, hence the reaction of our body.

Collect, test, rejoice - but be extremely careful, and I say goodbye to you, but not for long - AKA KASYAN.

A simple repeller of yard alcoholics.

I have a playground under my window in the yard. During the day, the kids are busy in the sandbox, and in the evenings, the area was occupied by young alkonauts. Until late at night they drink beer, break outrages, talk obscenely - they interfere with people's sleep. Tired, I decided to disperse.

Houses on the mezzanine were littered with two old self-made columns. He took out a low-frequency speaker from one, found a circuit in the old gas sockets, which he used to set up phase inverters in the speakers, and in a day assembled a simple infrasound emitter tuned to the "frequency of fear" in a case from a plastic bucket.

In the evening, I hung the structure out the window and turned on the power. Five minutes later, she licked the drunkard like a cow with her tongue.

Now, as the noise rises, I turn on the scarecrow for a couple of minutes. In the yard - silence, smooth surface and God's grace. And since the whole structure is a mouthpiece, it "blows" only into the yard, and not into the house. My dog ​​doesn't even howl.

Operating principle. The circuit is a self-oscillating oscillator operating at the natural resonance frequency of the loudspeaker suspension system. Since the resonant frequency of the woofer is 40-100 Hz, in order to reduce it, you just need to make the suspension system heavier. To do this, in the center of the diffuser, it is necessary to glue a solder spiral weighing about 20 - 40 grams, then the resonant frequency decreases to 6-15 Hz. It all depends on the brand of the speaker, look at the parameters in the internet. Design. The circuit diagram is the simplest self-oscillating generator that starts from the speaker coil, I assembled it back in the fifth grade when I was making speakers. Relay RES 9 at 5V, delayed by capacitor C1. Actually, this relay is needed to “push” the speaker and turn off, then the circuit works on the resonance of the speaker coil. Transistors - any low-frequency medium power, always on radiators (I took two bottoms from aluminum cans from Cola). Power - bepeshnik on 9V from a dead modem. Resistors R1, R4 - volume control - the circuit operates on pendulum resonance, and although the electrician consumes about two watts, the output is at least twenty, and the speaker goes haywire without them. The speaker - in principle, any low frequency, I have an ancient 10 GD-34 at 10 W, with a 4 Ohm coil, the resonant frequency of the suspension is 80 Hz. Be sure to install in the case to avoid acoustic "short circuit". The case - a children's plastic bucket. At the speaker, I sawed off the ears with an electric jigsaw, stuck it in a bucket and glued Moment around the perimeter. Tuning - BE CAREFUL INFRASTRUCTURE!!! First you need to assemble the system on the table and check the electrics, at first without a weighting agent, when you turn on the power, the speaker should buzz at the resonance frequency. I have earned from half a pint. If it doesn't work out, play around with the capacitance of the capacitor. Then assemble the device in a bucket, glue the gap between the speaker and the bucket with Moment, and coat the weighting coil with Moment and glue it to the speaker cone for Moment. Since I could not find a normal frequency meter, I set up the “fear frequency” of 13 Hz with an oscilloscope and a low-frequency generator according to the Lissajous figure. To do this, I applied 26 Hz from the generator to one input of the oscilloscope, and the wires from the speaker to the other. Then, in order not to get under the infrasound, I covered the bucket, turned on the power for five seconds and looked what happened. Then he turned off the power and began to trim the weighting coil a little bit, until he got a double Lissajous. That's all. I don’t post a photo - a bucket is a bucket.

Reviews (6)

- a circuit with a self-oscillating bridge is not viable due to the very low power in dynamics and, at the same time, the large release of this power in the ballast.
- it was not possible to achieve a noticeable reduction in the resonant frequency by weighting, even without closing the speaker in a box. Even more so in a closed box, this is what acoustic theory teaches.
- As a next step, you can try the speaker switching circuit with an independent master subsonic frequency generator.

Guys, everything is simple, you just have to look at the old literature. Wood, when did you make your pipe? In 1929. When did the modulation take place? In 1902. And in general, read about sound, sound vibrations. For each type of vibration, its own design. For infrasonic vibrations, deal with organ pipes, deal with Tesla's works with torsion ones. And in general, in life everything is simple there, all this can be done at home and all sorts of different designs. As Wood and Tesla did in their time from practically nothing.

I read your article. I am delighted!! Can you send a diagram and a detailed description - these alcoholics have already "gotten" ... Maybe, under good circumstances, they can arrange such "scarecrows" for garden houses - and the thieves in the gardens (and not me alone) have already tired .. but an effective way against they haven't been invented yet.

Owner response

The scheme is in the gallery

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Ultrasound to scare teenagers tested in Japan

An experiment to scare away juvenile bullies using a device that emits an extremely unpleasant sound that only teenagers can hear was carried out on Thursday in a park in Tokyo's Adachi district. According to RIA Novosti with reference to the Japanese media, residents of the houses adjacent to the park have long complained about the noise and hooligan behavior of teenagers who have chosen the park for night gatherings.

These complaints, as well as constant damage from vandalism in the toilets, forced the district administration to conduct a scientific experiment.

Experience has shown that people between 30 and 50 years of age cannot distinguish high-pitched sounds that remind them of the noise in a train car. At the same time, the students covered their ears and tried to move away from the source of the sound as quickly as possible.

“A terribly unpleasant sound. As if someone is scratching a blackboard with a fingernail,” a 15-year-old student shared his feelings.

“The sound cannot be endured for a long time,” the 12-year-old schoolgirl echoed him.

Three years ago, "sound inaudible to adults" became available for download on cell phones in Japan. According to one company that sells sound to cell phone users, in just one year it was downloaded to mobile phones more than 110,000 times.

For the protection of public order, an apparatus using "anti-teenage" sound is used in Japan for the first time. In the UK, we recall that local developers of a unique source of disturbing ultrasonic interference last year began production of the second model of such a device - called Mosquito GSM. The first model appeared there a year earlier.

Buyers of devices are not only police units, but also representatives of transport companies, shops, banks and municipal authorities. All of them are interested in keeping socially dangerous youth away from crowded places and important urban infrastructure facilities.

Such a device costs about a thousand dollars and has a range of 15 to 20 meters. These new products do not pose any danger, says Compound Security Systems (CSS), a manufacturer based in Merthyr Tydfil, Wales.

It is enough to start using Mosquito, and the profit of the outlet will certainly increase, and theft will decrease, says CSS commercial director Simon Morris. In one of the firms, he was told that thanks to the new development, their profit in the first week alone increased by 6 thousand dollars.

One of the new devices is used by the Mark&Spencer store. Arriva trains, Northern Rail and Chiltern Railways also invested in Mosquito, along with several police departments, including those in London.

Distributors of the novelty from the company JNE Marketing say they have already opened representative offices for consultations on the use of Mosquito throughout the country.


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Dear admin, I tried to make the woofer diaphragm heavier, though not in your circuit, but simply by connecting it to the woofer output, the speaker wheezes, creaks, a lot of harmonics and distortions, but OUT does not work. Perhaps it is necessary to use some special speakers or piezoelectric radiators, if so, what brand, tell me.
And yet, is it possible to insert a microphone into the circuit instead of a relay as a sound source? The fact is that with a relay this is a one-time action, and by inserting a microphone, you can carry out a suggestion on the subconscious and not get up 2-3 times a night, do not put the device out the window in bad weather, rain and snow, but give instructions to drunks not to return to our yard and tell all the bruised people I know not to come here.

The lower the sound frequency, the more internal volume is needed for the case in which the speaker is installed.
The dimensions of the diffuser should also be small. In his youth, columns 100-AC-001 were produced in the Soviet Union.
There, along the "bottom" were speakers with a metal diffuser, mugs with a diameter of more than 50 cm. Infrasound could be obtained from them. Infrasound cannot be focused, it spreads in all directions. Remember the subwoofer from the home theater system, you can’t put it anywhere in the room, it hums everywhere. There is a section in physics, acoustics is called, I recommend reading it.

Infrasound cannot be focused, it spreads in all directions.

It does not have to be focused, it is enough to create it at a certain point. For example, two intersecting beams of ultrasound. They are focusing. Apply two ultrasonic phasing arrays, the radiation of which differs by the frequency of the required infrasound. Direct them at an acute angle, to a certain intersection point. At the intersection point, due to interference, we get infrasonic beats. The method, quite often, is found on the Web, and not only for ultrasound.


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Repeller of drunks (carefully infrasound!)

I have a playground under my window in the yard. During the day, the kids are busy in the sandbox, and in the evenings, the area was occupied by young alkonauts. Until late at night they drink, yell, swear - they interfere with people's sleep. Tired, I decided to disperse, - the author writes.

Houses on the mezzanine were littered with two old self-made columns. He took out a low-frequency speaker from one, found a circuit in the old gas sockets, which he used to set up phase inverters in the speakers, and in a day assembled a simple infrasound emitter tuned to the "frequency of fear" in a case from a plastic bucket.
In the evening, I hung the structure out the window and turned on the power. Five minutes later, she licked the drunkard like a cow with her tongue.
Now, as the noise rises, I turn on the scarecrow for a couple of minutes. In the yard - silence, smoothness and God's grace. And since the whole structure is a mouthpiece, it “blows” only into the yard, and not into the house. My dog ​​doesn't even howl.

Operating principle. The circuit is a self-oscillating oscillator operating at the natural resonance frequency of the loudspeaker suspension system. Since the resonant frequency of the woofer is 40-100 Hz, in order to reduce it, you just need to make the suspension system heavier. To do this, in the center of the diffuser, it is necessary to glue a solder spiral weighing about 20 - 40 grams, then the resonant frequency decreases to 6-15 Hz. It all depends on the brand of the speaker, look at the parameters in the internet.

Design. The circuit diagram is the simplest self-oscillating generator that starts from the speaker coil, I assembled it back in the fifth grade when I was making speakers. Relay RES 9 at 5V, delayed by capacitor C1. Actually, this relay is needed to “push” the speaker and turn off, then the circuit works on the resonance of the speaker coil. Transistors - any low-frequency medium power, always on radiators (I took two bottoms from aluminum cans from Cola). Power - bepeshnik 9V from a dead modem. Resistors R1, R4 - volume control - the circuit operates on a pendulum resonance, and although the electrician consumes about two watts, the output is at least twenty, and the speaker is peddling without them. Speaker - in principle, any low frequency, I have an ancient 10 GD-34 at 10 W, with a 4 Ohm coil, the resonant frequency of the suspension is 80 Hz. Be sure to install in the case to avoid acoustic "short circuit". The case is a children's plastic bucket. At the speaker, I sawed off the ears with an electric jigsaw, stuck it in a bucket and glued “Moment” around the perimeter.

Tuning - BE CAREFUL INFRASOUND!!! First you need to assemble the system on the table and check the electrics, at first without a weighting agent, when you turn on the power, the speaker should buzz at the resonance frequency. I earned half a kick. If it does not work out, play around with the capacitance of the capacitor. Then assemble the device in a bucket, mold the gaps between the speaker and the bucket with “Moment”, and coat the weighting coil with “Moment” and glue it to the speaker cone on “Moment”. Since I could not find a normal frequency meter, I set up the “fear frequency” of 13 Hz with an oscilloscope and a low-frequency generator according to the Lissajous figure. To do this, I applied 26 Hz from the generator to one input of the oscilloscope, and the wires from the speaker to the other. Then, in order not to get under the infrasound, I covered the bucket, turned on the power for five seconds and looked what happened. Then he turned off the power and began to trim the weighting coil a little bit, until he got a double Lissajous. That's all. I don’t post a photo - a bucket is a bucket.

Infrasound repeller of yard alcoholics.
I have a playground under my window in the yard. During the day, the kids are busy in the sandbox, and in the evenings, the area was occupied by young alkonauts. Until late at night they drink, yell, swear - they interfere with people's sleep. Tired, I decided to disperse.
Houses on the mezzanine were littered with two old self-made columns. He took out a low-frequency speaker from one, found a circuit in the old gas sockets, which he used to set up phase inverters in the speakers, and in a day assembled a simple infrasound emitter tuned to the "frequency of fear" in a case from a plastic bucket.
In the evening, I hung the structure out the window and turned on the power. Five minutes later, she licked the drunkard like a cow with her tongue.
Now, as the noise rises, I turn on the scarecrow for a couple of minutes. In the yard - silence, smoothness and God's grace. And since the whole structure is a mouthpiece, it “blows” only into the yard, and not into the house. My dog ​​doesn't even howl.

Operating principle. The circuit is a self-oscillating oscillator operating at the natural resonance frequency of the loudspeaker suspension system. Since the resonant frequency of the woofer is 40-100 Hz, in order to reduce it, you just need to make the suspension system heavier. To do this, in the center of the diffuser, it is necessary to glue a solder spiral weighing about 20 - 40 grams, then the resonant frequency decreases to 6-15 Hz. It all depends on the brand of the speaker, look at the parameters in the internet.

Design. The circuit diagram is the simplest self-oscillating generator that starts from the speaker coil, I assembled it back in the fifth grade when I was making speakers. Relay RES 9 at 5V, delayed by capacitor C1. Actually, this relay is needed to “push” the speaker and turn off, then the circuit works on the resonance of the speaker coil. Transistors - any low-frequency medium power, always on radiators (I took two bottoms from aluminum cans from Cola). Power - bepeshnik 9V from a dead modem. Resistors R1, R4 - volume control - the circuit operates on a pendulum resonance, and although the electrician consumes about two watts, the output is at least twenty, and the speaker is peddling without them. Speaker - in principle, any low frequency, I have an ancient 10 GD-34 at 10 W, with a 4 Ohm coil, the resonant frequency of the suspension is 80 Hz. Be sure to install in the case to avoid acoustic "short circuit". The case is a children's plastic bucket. At the speaker, I sawed off the ears with an electric jigsaw, stuck it in a bucket and glued “Moment” around the perimeter.

Tuning - BE CAREFUL INFRASOUND!!! First you need to assemble the system on the table and check the electrics, at first without a weighting agent, when you turn on the power, the speaker should buzz at the resonance frequency. I have earned from half a pint. If it does not work out, play around with the capacitance of the capacitor. Then assemble the device in a bucket, mold the gaps between the speaker and the bucket with “Moment”, and coat the weighting coil with “Moment” and glue it to the speaker cone on “Moment”. Since I could not find a normal frequency meter, I set up the “fear frequency” of 13 Hz with an oscilloscope and a low-frequency generator according to the Lissajous figure. To do this, I applied 26 Hz from the generator to one input of the oscilloscope, and the wires from the speaker to the other. Then, in order not to fall under infrasound, I covered the bucket, turned on the power for five seconds and looked what happened. Then he turned off the power and began to trim the weighting coil a little bit, until he got a double Lissajous. That's all. I don’t post a photo - a bucket is a bucket.

PS: By the way, I have one more column left. This weekend I will try to reduce the size to a minimum, assemble the system into a mini-case with a phase inverter, put it under the hood and test it on the first traffic cop. As it turns out - I'll post it ..........

Pan-As site, homemade site - the site has everything that you can do with your own hands: crafts, homemade products, decorations, children's crafts. Make them yourself, with your own hands and get real pleasure from it.

Related content:

A few days ago another order came in. The buyer wanted to order a powerful ultrasonic gun to fight drunken youth, for whom the day begins at night, when all normal people are sleeping. Without thinking twice, I chose a proven circuit of a powerful ultrasonic emitter. The gun itself is built on just one standard logic chip.

Literally any similar microcircuit containing 6 logical inverters will do. In our case, the CD4049 (HEF4049) chip was used, which can be successfully replaced with a domestic one - K561LN2, you just need to pay attention to the pinout, since K561LN2 differs from that used by some conclusions.

Since the circuit is quite simple, it can be implemented on a breadboard or in a hinged way. The amplifier is assembled on complementary pairs KT816 / 817, due to the use of these switches, the power of our gun is 10-12 watts.

As a radiator, it is desirable to use high-frequency heads of the 10 GDV type or import, it is not recommended to use a piezoelectric radiator.

The case - from a Chinese electronic transformer 10-50 watts, had to be redone, because the board did not fit.

A 1.5nF capacitor is responsible for the frequency (which was later replaced by 3.9 nF, since with the capacitor indicated in the circuit the lower frequency limit is 20 kHz, and with such a replacement, the frequency can be adjusted within 10-30 kHz) and a variable resistor (as a result, the setting done by rotating this resistor).

The base resistors can be replaced with 2.2kΩ resistors, which are more common than those shown in the schematic. Such an emitter is powered by a stabilized power supply for 5 Volts with a current of 1 A (supply voltage range 3.7-9 Volts).

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