A continuous week before the Orthodox fast and its rules. When the Orthodox calendar provides continuous weeks

In the Russian language there are many words and expressions from the Church Slavonic language. The week is just that. Literally translated from Old Slavonic, “sedm” means “seven”. What seven are you talking about?

Week what is it?

A week is a seven-day calendar cycle or a week. And the countdown goes from Monday to Sunday.

What day does the week start on?

The Abrahamic religions consider Sunday to be the first day of the week, the day of rest on which the Creator rested after the creation of the world. In most Slavic languages, Sunday is called "week", which means "not to do", "not to work" - a day that needs to be dedicated to God, and not to one's own affairs.

The countdown of the week from Sunday is accepted in the USA, Canada, Japan, the United Arab Emirates. But in most European and Asian countries and in the UK, the first day of the week has been moved to Monday. It is Monday that is the beginning of the week in business, and from this day the weeks of most calendars begin.

What is Church Week?

Church week starts on Monday. However, each church day starts from the evening of the previous day, therefore, we can assume that the church week also begins on Sunday evening. Hence the apparent confusion in the sources - when the beginning of the week is attributed to both Monday and Sunday.

This is very well explained by the example of continuous weeks. So, the first week of Great Lent begins on the Monday after Forgiveness Sunday. But fasting begins at the beginning of the church day, that is, already on Sunday evening.

In modern Russian, this word is rarely used, and is more related to church use. In church life, the week is called the days from Monday to Saturday inclusive. Despite the fact that the number is "six".

– Father, please enlighten me, do the days of the week have special dedications?

– The liturgical life of the Orthodox Church is cyclical. There are three liturgical circles: annual, weekly and daily. The annual contains mobile and fixed holidays, repeating from year to year; the weekly consists of the days of the week, which are dedicated to the most important events of the Savior's earthly life and the most revered saints; the daily cycle consists of nine services. They are repeated every day.

Thus, each of the seven days of the week in the Orthodox Church has its own consecration. Some of them, such as Sunday, Wednesday and Friday, were especially revered in the days of the Ancient Church, and their meaning has not changed over the centuries. So, Monday is dedicated to the Heavenly Forces, Tuesday is dedicated to John the Baptist, Wednesday is the day of betrayal by Judas the Savior, therefore the Cross of Christ is especially revered, Thursday is dedicated to the holy apostles and St. Mother of God, and all the dead are also commemorated. Sunday - Little Pascha - the day of the Bright Resurrection of Christ, thanks to which eternal life is granted to all mankind.

- What does it mean: Monday is dedicated to the Angels?

– On Monday, the Church especially venerates the holy angels. This veneration is expressed in the prayerful invocation of the incorporeal Heavenly Powers. During the Monday divine service, prayers are heard in which believers ask for help from their Guardian Angels, as well as from other Angels, so that they accompany human life and help save the Christian soul. In the Orthodox Church there is a teaching according to which every Christian has a Guardian Angel, which is given to a person during the Sacrament of Baptism. Yes, and all human life is closely connected with the invisible angelic world. Some pious Christians, aggravating their feat, take on this day the burden of fasting. The same practice exists in some monasteries. The monks imitate the Angels, dedicating their lives to serving God and praising His Heavenly Glory, and therefore they especially celebrate the day of veneration of the incorporeal Heavenly Powers.

– And how do you understand: Tuesday is dedicated to John the Baptist? How to dedicate this day to him?

– On Tuesday, the Church glorifies all the Old Testament righteous and prophets, who by their fidelity to God made possible the coming of the Savior of the world. Saint John the Baptist is the personification of fidelity to God, righteousness and asceticism. According to the Savior, the Forerunner is "the Greatest among those born of women." To dedicate a day to a saint means, first of all, if you are not familiar with his life, then to take an interest in the main milestones in the life and feat of the saint. The basis of the feat of John the Baptist is asceticism and service to God. Exploring the life of the Forerunner, every Christian will see a vivid example to follow. Therefore, dedicating a day to a saint, analyze your life and identify those virtues that unite us. If there are none, you have a large field for spiritual work.

- Wednesday is dedicated to the Cross. How is this day different from others?

– On Wednesday, the Church’s commemoration of the Old Testament ends and the glorification of New Testament events begins. Wednesday and Friday are the days of remembrance of the sufferings and death of the Savior on the Cross. On Wednesday, Judas betrayed the Savior. From that day, the suffering of the Savior actually began. In connection with this, the Cross is especially revered as an instrument of our salvation. On this day throughout the year you need to fast.

- Thursday is dedicated to the apostles and St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. How to behave on this day?

– On Thursday, the Church commemorates the holy apostles, through whose labors Christianity was established on earth. On the same day, we honor the successor of the apostles, one of the most revered saints of the Orthodox Church - St. Nicholas, Archbishop of Myra, miracle worker. Today, in virtually every Orthodox home, there is an icon of this great Pleaser of God. And therefore, reverence for the Saint should be expressed not simply in remembrance, but in living and real prayer.

- On Friday, should we somehow especially remember the Crucifixion of Christ? Are there special prayers in temples on this day?

- Friday is the day of remembrance of the passions and the death of the Savior on the Cross. Lenten day. The Church prayerfully sympathizes and glorifies the redemptive feat of Christ.

Saturday is dedicated to all saints. How to mark it?

On Saturday we honor all the saints. The first among them is the Mother of God. In the tradition of the Russian Church, every Christian is given a name in honor of some saint. Thus, on Saturday, honoring all the saints, we resort to the prayerful intercession of our saint, as well as to other saints close to our hearts, but for whom there is no specially set day during the week.

On this day, Christians especially pray for the repose of the departed, remembering their relatives, friends and all those who have died from time immemorial. Remembrance can be expressed both in private prayer and through participation in the memorial service traditionally performed in churches on this day.

Sunday is dedicated to the Lord. How to spend this day?

- Sunday is a small Easter. It is dedicated to the Lord and has been revered by Christians since apostolic times. On this day, every believer must visit the temple to participate in the Divine Liturgy. Since the resurrection of Christ is the hope for all people, the veneration of this day is especially special. It is best to spend the day after the service doing good deeds: visit the sick, help the needy, visit the elderly. Also on Sunday, one should devote several hours to reading the Holy Scriptures and praying. It would be correct to analyze the events of the past week (what good and bad happened during this period) and try to build a specific plan of action in the spiritual life for the next seven days. Thus, the core of spiritual life, which is formed due to a person's participation in worship and moral perfection, will help a person, even in difficult life circumstances, not to deviate from the path leading to the Truth.

Week (literally "seven", from the Slavic seven; Greek έβδομάς, from έπτά - "seven") - the Church Slavonic name of the week, the seven-day calendar cycle.

A week is a week from Monday to Sunday. In continuous weeks, there are no fasts on Wednesdays and Fridays.

Solid weeks in 2019

Five continuous weeks:
1. Christmas time- from Christmas to Epiphany, from January 7 to 18.
2. Publican and Pharisee- two weeks before Lent - February 17 - 23.
3. Cheese (Shrovetide)- a week before Lent (allowed the whole week of eggs, fish and dairy, but without meat) - March 4 - 10.
4. Easter (Light)- a week after Easter - April 28 - May 4.
5. Troitskaya- a week after the Trinity (a week before Peter's fast) - June 16 - 22.

Is it possible to receive communion during the whole week?

The continuous week is coming to an end - one of the preparatory weeks before Great Lent. In this regard, many parishioners have a question: how to receive communion on the coming Saturday and Sunday, because the usual preparation for the reception of the Holy Mysteries of Christ includes, among other things, bodily fasting? Should one dare to approach the Cup without fasting, or vice versa, should one fast in the usual way and at the same time ignore the provisions of the church charter, which presupposes the absence of fasting even on Wednesday and Friday in a continuous week? Or maybe you shouldn’t take communion at all during this period?

For an explanation of this difficult moment for many, let us turn to several respected and authoritative clergymen. They were asked to answer two questions: is it possible to receive communion during the whole week and on the following Sunday? if so, how should one prepare for communion these days?

Archimandrite Porfiry (Shutov), ​​abbot of the Solovetsky Stauropegial Monastery:

– In understanding this issue, we need to separate the abundance of pastoral practices and private opinions that may be, and the requirements of the charter. There is a limit for private theological opinions and pastoral practices, and in this case it consists in the fact that the Liturgy is celebrated on this day, which means that the Church blesses the communion of believers.

In my life I happened to meet with priests who are convinced that it is impossible to take communion in continuous weeks, and categorically refuse this to believers. I had to see how often it was painful for people.

And it is clear why, because they can be in different spiritual and mental states. For example, there is a period of some special sorrow for a person when he naturally fasts, so there will be no sin if, in a continuous week, according to the state of his soul and body, he does not eat fast, but according to the disposition of his soul he is striving for communion, he will seek Christ help in their difficult circumstances. Therefore, communion is possible, necessary and necessary in such cases, and the Church, as a loving Mother, in no case rejects her children from this strengthening - the greatest that she can give - through the communion of the Holy Body and Blood of Christ.

The wise church charter knows continuous weeks. At the same time, this does not mean that you can not prepare for communion during this period by fasting, by prayer. In solid weeks, as always, preparation for communion is necessary, but specific questions should already be left to the discretion of the shepherd and his spiritual child: for example, name days can happen during this period - how can a believer fast in order to worthily take communion? When considering such issues, there are many individual, particular circumstances that need to be taken into account.

Well, in general, if there is a relaxation of the fast and, in particular, its complete cancellation on Wednesday and Friday in a continuous week, then it seems that a certain relaxation in this part of the preparation can be provided for. This is a matter of individual spiritual judgment of the shepherd and flock.

Archpriest Nikolai Balashov, Deputy Chairman of the Department for External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate, Rector of the Moscow Church of the Resurrection of the Word on the Dormition Vrazhek:

- Of course, you can take communion. On those days when communion is not allowed and the Liturgy is not served, for example, on Good Friday during Holy Week.

Preparation for communion during the whole week depends on the person and how often he takes communion. I think that for those who take communion often - say, every week - it is enough to observe the established fasts. This rule is generally followed by the clergy. And how to impose burdens on others that you yourself do not bear? I think it's stupid and wrong. But for those who take communion very rarely - say, once a year or even less often - and for some reason need the Sacrament on these days, I would probably advise you to fast at least a few days, even if it’s a whole week. .

The main preparation, of course, is not in diet, but in the test of conscience, in the thirst for another life: “Let a man examine himself, and in this way let him eat from this bread and drink from this cup” (1 Cor. 11:28).

Archpriest Maxim Kozlov, First Deputy Chairman of the Educational Committee of the Russian Orthodox Church, Rector of the Patriarchal Metochion - the Church of St. Seraphim of Sarov on Krasnopresnenskaya Embankment in Moscow:

– There is no Divine Liturgy during which believers could not partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ. And in this sense, no continuous week is a period when an Orthodox person should not take communion if he has an impulse and desire to do so.

As for the question of whether one should keep a fast before communion for a continuous week, then, guided by the spirit and letter of the Typicon, it should be noted that establishing a fast for oneself at a time when the Church cancels it means, at a minimum, arbitrariness and imposing burdens which do not need to be applied.

From the point of view of external preparation for communion, everything is simple: in a continuous week, eat what is allowed - that is, fast food, but do not arrange a feast "from the belly" on the eve of communion. After all, it is clear that on a fast day you can eat three kilograms of fried potatoes, even to the point that you later suffer from indigestion, this also will not be the proper way to prepare for the reception of the Holy Mysteries of Christ. Moreover, you should refrain from inappropriate alcohol consumption.

What obstacles may arise for those who wish to take communion in a continuous week? From my point of view, there can be only one obstacle: it is unacceptable to begin the Holy Mysteries for someone who deliberately and slyly postpones communion for a whole week so as not to prepare for it. Suppose a person takes communion three or four times a year, and instead of waiting for Great Lent, to say a word, to get together, he says: “I’ll take communion on a continuous week after the Week of the Publican and the Pharisee, on Maslenitsa and on Bright Week - so you can will not fast before receiving the Holy Mysteries.” It is clear that if the idea of ​​communion during this period is not aspiration to Christ, but an escape from fasting, then a person who is guided by such thoughts acts slyly, he can be advised, for the benefit of his own spiritual and bodily health, to think about himself and not take communion yet.

Deputy Chairman of the Synodal Department for Youth Affairs, Abbot of the Vysoko-Petrovsky Stauropegial Monastery in Moscow, Hegumen Isidor (Tupikin):

– It is not only possible, but necessary, to take communion during the whole week. The celebration of the Divine Liturgy by a priest presupposes the communion of those present at it.

What about fasting before communion? If we are talking about the so-called “practicing” believers (who often take communion, understanding the meaning of fasting), then with the individual blessing of the confessor, communion is possible without many days of fasting - it will be enough just on the eve to refrain from quick food and other pleasures.

Participation in the Sacrament of confession before communion, heartfelt repentance and awareness of our unworthiness before God open up the possibility of communion not only on the Week of the Publican and the Pharisee, but also on Bright Week and at Christmas time.

Archpriest Pavel Velikanov, associate professor of the Moscow Theological Academy, editor-in-chief of the scientific theological portal Bogoslov.ru:

– Can there be such a situation in the Church that the Divine Liturgy is served “for no one”? After all, the priest does not serve for his own sake: "Thine from Yours, offering to You ABOUT EVERYONE AND FOR EVERYTHING." Of course, you can take communion during a continuous week, and it is especially useful on the eve of Great Lent in order to protect yourself from the opinion about the significance of our “feats”. The wise Church calls on us to minimize all our exploits - even those usually performed in preparation for communion - and boldly approach the Chalice, only not with an arrogant feeling - "and I am completely obedient to the Church in this!" - but with the opposite feeling of his own indecency, with a heightened sense of need for God - exactly the same as the publican had.

The question of preparing for communion requires an individual approach, but in general, it seems to me that this week it makes sense to keep only that non-lowering minimum, without which it would be simply arrogance to dare to approach the Chalice - namely, to keep the prayer reading of the Rule for Communion, without three canons and akathist - just as it happens on Bright Week. Only on Easter we are filled with the grace of the Resurrected Christ, but here we reduce ourselves “to the ground”, not observing fasting, limiting only ourselves not in the choice of food, but in its quantity. After all, you can get up with a slight feeling of hunger from the table with quick meals.

And it’s also very good as a preparation for a meeting with the Seeker of the Heart - to take, and finally do the very good deed that has been shelved for so long. And, having done it, do not think of yourself, but consider this act nothing more than a return of a long-standing debt. And, bowing your eyes down, go towards Christ - to the Chalice with His Body and Blood.

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Novices who have recently begun attending church and observing fasts do not always know what a continuous week is in the Orthodox calendar. For such people, this information can be quite a pleasant surprise. It turns out that the year of an Orthodox person does not consist of only posts. But first things first.


To better understand what a continuous week is, it is important to understand how the Orthodox calendar works. In total, there are 4 fasts of many days in Orthodoxy: Christmas, Petrovsky, Assumption and Great Orthodox Lent. Advent fast always lasts from November 28 to January 6. Great Lent always has a duration of 48 days, but its boundaries shift depending on the day of the celebration of Easter.

Orthodox also fast on Wednesday and Friday every week. Before communion, it is also recommended to observe 3 days of fasting. But there are exceptions to the rules. For example, relief in fasting for sick, pregnant and nursing mothers, traveling.

Solid weeks

One of these exceptions is just continuous weeks. What is a solid week? This is a week in which the usual Christian fast on Wednesday and Friday is not observed. If a person is going to take communion in a continuous week, he is allowed not to fast before taking communion. In calendars, solid weeks are either indicated by a special color, or they are distinguished by the fact that there are no symbols for fasting on all days, and date cells usually remain white. Such weeks mark great holidays or prepare for long fasts.

There are five such weeks in a year. When are the Orthodox Solid Weeks expected in 2018?

Christmas time

This period lasts every year from January 7 to January 18, that is, from the Nativity of Christ until the eve of the day of the Baptism of the Lord. Calling it a continuous week is not quite right - after all, Christmas time lasts for 11 days! Svyatki is a word that tells us about Russian traditions. It was customary to spend these days having fun, visiting each other. During this winter period, people went sledding and played snowballs. No work was carried out, except for the most daily and necessary, and the youth could celebrate. So you can even consider traditional Christmas time as an analogue of modern winter holidays. Caroling was widespread - when children, and sometimes young people, went from house to house and sang church hymns. It was customary to guess at Christmas time. This period was associated with mysticism and, oddly enough, dark forces. Apparently, the belief that from Christmas to Baptism was the time “without a cross”, when the Infant had not yet been baptized, despite the fact that the Savior was baptized already an adult, at the age of 30, influenced. But the Church did not approve of divination and passion for mysticism. What is a solid week? After all, this is not a pagan custom at all, but a decree of the Church, and therefore it is worth conducting it within the framework of Orthodox traditions.

Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee

It is called so because in the temples the triodion “about the publican and the Pharisee” is read. This is a preparatory week before Great Lent, and it sets believers to look into themselves and evaluate whether we exalt our achievements before God too much, whether we compare ourselves with others, whether our heart is open, whether we are full of repentance. The parable of the publican and the Pharisee tells of two people who came to the Temple. One of them was a righteous Pharisee who observed all the rituals, the other was a publican, that is, a tax collector, who were often selfish and dishonest people. And the Pharisee listed all his virtues and, finally, thanked God for not being like this publican. Meanwhile, the publican did not dare to raise his eyes and only repeated, "God, be merciful to me, a sinner." This parable emphasizes the importance of sincere repentance and humility and teaches us not to exalt ourselves above other people. In the coming year, the week of the publican and the Pharisee will continue from January 29 to February 4.


Maslenitsa, in other words, Cheese Week, this year falls from 12 to 18 February. Despite the permission to consume dairy products and eggs daily, meat is prohibited this week. Otherwise, it is called Myasopustnaya. Maslenitsa precedes the beginning of Lent. Maslenitsa, like Christmas time, is rich in traditions.

Traditional winter fun was combined with specific Maslenitsa. For example, fisticuffs were organized, everyone could try to climb a pole with a prize. People had fun, visited each other, baked and ate pancakes. Each day of this week has its own name. Monday - “Meeting of Shrovetide”, Tuesday - “Fun”, Wednesday - “Gourmet”, Thursday - “Razgulyay”, Friday - “Mother-in-law evenings”, Saturday - “Zolovkin gatherings”. This determined how the days were spent and which of the relatives it was customary to visit. On Sunday, called “Forgiven,” it was customary to ask each other for forgiveness before the start of the fast. Also on this day, a straw effigy was burned, which symbolized winter. This is a colorful event with round dances, songs, dances.

Easter week

In 2018, Easter will come on April 8, and the Bright Week following it, or Easter Week, will last from April 9 to 15. Easter is celebrated on the first Sunday after the spring full moon, so it falls on a different date each year. Its celebration also determines the dates of the preceding Great Lent and the two continuous weeks described above. What is Easter for the Orthodox? Holiday of Holidays! It is hard to imagine what joy and what depth the message of the Resurrection contains. Christ the conqueror, as it were, shows us that death no longer exists. All those who have lost their loved ones believe in their resurrection in the distant future, all those who themselves will soon have to leave this world look forward more boldly. The atonement for human sins has been made. Behind is everything heavy and painful - both the sufferings of Christ, and the strict restrictions that the Orthodox carried through the entire fast, remembering His sacrifice. Therefore, Easter week is always bright and joyful. Every day the procession is performed in the temples, the bells ring merrily. For several days, for breakfast, people eat food consecrated on Holy Saturday - Easter cakes, eggs. It is customary to spend these days in a joyful, high spirits and do good deeds.

Trinity week

from May 28 to June 3. In some ways, this week has long resembled Christmas time - it has preserved many pagan rituals associated with fortune-telling, mermaids, and the other world. The fact is that it has absorbed many pagan traditions that are associated with such a holiday as Semik. With the advent of Orthodoxy, this holiday began to depend on the Trinity, which occurs on the 50th day after Easter (its other name is Pentecost), but its content remained pagan. The symbol of this week is the birch. This continuous week is even called the “green week”, because not only temples, but also houses are decorated with birch branches and grass, and the girls put on wreaths. The day following Trinity is called Spirit Day and is dedicated to the Holy Spirit. After this week, Petrov fast begins.

We figured out what a continuous week means. This is a week completely devoid of fasting days. So, now it became quite clear what it is. The days of solid weeks allow you to gain strength before a difficult and long fast or restore them after it, they bring to life not only a varied diet, but also a cheerful atmosphere of the festival.

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