Income tax accounting entries. Accrual of income tax: postings and examples of accrual of income. Comparison of the amount of profit for tax and accounting

"Russian Railways" (RZD) at the end of April will announce an open tender for trust management of the Kursk railway station in Moscow. It will be the first of 30 stations that are proposed to be managed by external investors. Russian Railways hopes that through the application of this scheme, the company's income from the operation of stations will increase tenfold, up to 20 billion rubles.

The competition for the management of Russian Railways stations was planned to be held at the end of last year.

Accounting for the formation and use of financial results

Brief Economic Dictionary

The final financial result consists of profit (loss) from the sale of products, works, services, as well as income minus expenses received from various operations of economic activity (sale of unused materials, fixed assets and other property, except for goods and products, lease of property , losses from natural disasters, etc.

Reflection of income tax

The current income tax is shown on line 150. This line reflects the entire amount of income tax accrued for the reporting (tax) period. This indicator should be equal to the amount of income tax accrued on the tax return for a given period, as well as the amount of income tax formed in accounting on account 68, subaccount “Calculations for income tax”.

Accounting and tax accounting of insurance premiums

Calculation of insurance premiums: postings, features

Insurance premiums in accounting are calculated monthly only by employers in the month to which the contributions relate.

Insurance premiums from vacation pay are accrued along with them. According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, vacation pay must be issued to an employee no later than three days before the start of the holiday. This means that insurance premiums for the entire amount of vacation pay should be accrued at the same moment as vacation pay, even if the vacation began in one reporting period (billing period) and ended in another.

Typical accounting entries for VAT: tax accounting

VAT accounting entries are necessary for the correct reflection of this tax in the accounting for a wide variety of transactions. In this article, we will recall the main VAT leads, and also consider several cases that are often encountered in the work of an accountant.

To account for VAT calculations, account 68 “Calculations on taxes and fees” is used, a special subaccount 68 is created for it.

Accrued income tax debit credit

General Questions (Current issue)

Question: The property has a land plot in the city, intended for commercial activities.

This site was transferred for free use to LLC. It has nothing to do with IP. Should the owner submit a declaration to the tax office and pay tax at the request of the tax office for 2011 tax paid on demand.

Conditional expense (conditional income) for income tax, current income tax

The materials were prepared by a group of consultants-methodologists of CJSC "BKR-Intercom-Audit"

Conditional expense (conditional income) for income tax (clause 20 PBU 18/02) is the amount of income tax determined on the basis of accounting profit (loss) and reflected in accounting regardless of the amount of taxable profit (loss). The amount of conditional expense (conditional income) is determined as the product of accounting profit and the income tax rate established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and effective on a certain date.

Accounting for property tax in 2018

27.01.2018 6531 6

Consider the situation: at the end of 2015, the financial result excluding real estate tax is UAH 100,000, income tax is UAH 18,000. Real estate tax is UAH 90,000. What should be the accounting for real estate tax?

With the advent of the new paragraph 137.6 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, the tax on surplus, which pays to the budget, changes to the sum of the tax paid for the winter period on the mine, vіdmіnne vіd zemnoї dolyanki.

Accounting for the return of overpayments on income tax for previous years

Svetlana Myagkova and Olga Podvolokina, experts of the Legal Consulting Service GARANT

For an organization, the discovered and returned amount of income tax overpaid for previous years is an unexpected gift, but for an accountant it is an unpleasant surprise if this overpayment was not taken into account at the end of the tax period.

Calculations for taxes and fees

To summarize information about settlements with budgets for taxes and fees paid by the organization, and taxes with employees of this organization, account 68 "" is intended.

Account 68 "" is credited for the amounts due on tax declarations (calculations) for contributions to the budgets (in correspondence with account 99 "Profit and Loss" - for the amount of income tax, with account 70 "Settlements with personnel for remuneration" - for income tax amount, etc.

Commodity credit

The commodity credit agreement has a dual legal nature. On the one hand, a returnable basis for the provision of things to the borrower and the application of the rules of the Civil Code on credit to a commodity loan (paragraph 1 of article 822 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) have been established; on the other hand, the conditions on the things transferred to the borrower are executed according to the rules of the contract of sale. It should also be noted that, unlike a loan agreement, which is real (i.e.,

Calculation and calculation of USN tax in 1C Accounting 8

The calculation of the tax paid in connection with the application of the simplified taxation system (STS) for the billing period is performed after the acceptance and posting of all primary documents involved in the formation of income and expenses, the formation of a book of income and expenses under the simplified tax system and the calculation of the tax return for the simplified tax system.

When keeping records in the program 1C Accounting 8, income and expenses of economic activity are taken into account by all standard documents of the accounting configuration.

Income tax postings - where to start calculating, how to use?

and also Dt 68 Kt 99 Permanent tax liability Dt 99 Kt 68 Deferred tax asset Dt 09 Kt 68 Amount of deferred tax liability Dt 68 Kt 77 Small businesses have the opportunity to independently decide whether to use this PBU or not. The requirement to use the rules of this PBU in accounting is due to different accounting principles for accounting and taxation. Also, the maximum allowable amount of income and expenses accepted for accounting may differ, and certain types of indicators that are fully reflected in accounting may only be partially recognized in tax accounting. .

Online journal for an accountant

Also, the maximum allowable amount of income and expenses taken into account may differ, and certain types of indicators that are fully reflected in accounting may only be partially recognized in tax accounting.

  • Temporary differences are income and expenses that are accepted in accounting in one period, and for taxation in another. The main sign of a temporary difference is that the amount of income or expense will someday be taken into account for the purposes of both accounting and taxation.
  • If the difference is constant, income or expense is definitively recognized for only one purpose.
  1. In this case, a permanent tax asset (PTA) arises: Dt 68 Kt 99 - accrued PTA
  2. "Accounting" profit, multiplied by 20%, is called a conditional income tax expense, it is reflected in the following entry: Dt 99 Kt 68
  3. The resulting loss, multiplied by 20%, is a conditional income for income tax, it is accounted for as follows: Dt 68 Kt 99
  • Dt 84 Kt 75 - accrual of dividends to participants
  • Dt 84 Kt 70 - accrual of various bonuses and material assistance to employees at the expense of net profit
  • Dt 84 Kt 84 - covering losses of previous years
  • Dt 84 Kt 80 - increase in the authorized capital
  • Dt 84 Kt 82 - formation or replenishment of the reserve fund of the organization.
  • Dt 75 Kt 84 - write-off of losses due to dividends or contributions from participants
  • Dt 84 Kt 84 - write-off of loss at the expense of profits of previous years
  • Dt 82 Kt 84 - write-off of losses at the expense of the reserve fund

Accrual of income tax: posting

The transfer of amounts to the state budget must be timely.

The slightest delay in payment promises the introduction of additional penalties that are not beneficial to the entrepreneur. The calculation of taxes in the interests of a legal entity must be carried out truthfully, legally and in a timely manner.

Unforgivable Movie Mistakes You Probably Never Noticed There are probably very few people who don't like watching movies.

Income tax posting

The accrual of the income tax itself and advance payments on it in accounting must be reflected in the posting Debit of account 99 “Profit and Loss” - Credit of account 68 “Calculations on taxes and fees”, subaccount “Income tax”. But do not forget that income tax is considered a cumulative total.

Therefore, when calculating the payment for the next reporting period, not the entire amount of the advance is indicated, but the difference between the amount accrued for the current reporting period and the previous one.

This type of income should be understood as all proceeds received from the provision of works, services or the sale of goods.

The sold products can be produced independently or previously purchased from another manufacturer.

The volume of incoming revenue should be taken into account from absolutely all sources of income, which can be expressed not only in cash, but also in kind.

fines, penalties, forfeits from other enterprises; profit for the previous period, found only in the reporting period; changes in the exchange rate in a positive direction during operations in foreign currency; profit received from the write-off of accounts payable upon the expiration of its expiration date; the crediting of debts that were considered uncollectible and were previously written off as losses; profit that was found during the inventory and capitalized as surplus.

This article is written on the basis of Berator's materials.

The definition of profit is given in Article 247 of the Tax Code. Both Russian and foreign organizations pay taxes on their profits.

It is reflected in the declaration, called the current one and paid to the budget. Do not forget that the amount received must be reduced by the amount of permanent tax assets and liabilities.

Accrual of simplified tax system (accounting entries)

Accrual of the simplified tax system (accounting) Accrual of the simplified tax system (and applicable accounts) is a seemingly simple question, but sometimes it still causes difficulties for accountants. When accruing the simplified tax system, the entries reflect transactions for income and expenses. Accounting under the simplified tax system Accounting in organizations using the simplified tax system is mandatory.

What accounting entry to reflect, if accrued on?

Accrued on - this operation is formed taking into account the norms of RAS 18/02. Non-profit organizations and taxpayers who do not pay on profit are exempted from using these norms.

As for small businesses, their representatives themselves have the right to choose whether to follow this provision.

Accounting for calculations on taxes and fees (account 68)

Accounting for settlements and fees (account 68). The accrual of taxes and their payment is reflected in account 68 "Calculations on and fees".

For more convenient accounting, account 68 is divided into several sub-accounts, each of which takes into account different ones. Such a division will make accounting more transparent and make it clear which debt to the budget, and which budget the organization owes.

Posting Income Tax

on To keep records on on, for all operations, the accountant does. If you use incorrect postings, at the end of the reporting period, the total amount will be incorrect.

Which postings to choose for your situation, read below. From this article you will learn:

  1. for postings on sub-accounts
  2. Advance payments on profit
  3. Posting tax loss carry forward

Posting income tax Postings for income tax are described in PBU 18/02 “Accounting for settlements on corporate income”, approved.

How not to make a mistake when filling in?

The calculated and paid amount for enterprises should be reflected in the reporting, primarily in accounting.

This is done with wires.

However, the amounts may vary depending on the documentary source from which the figures are taken. All stages - from accrual to settlement with the budget - are reflected in the income statement.

Reporting when using the simplified tax system

Reporting when using the simplified tax system The voluntary taxation system of the simplified tax system is very easy to use in an enterprise. The taxpayer is exempt from several: income, property, personal income tax (if there are no employees) and VAT. Instead, a single tax is levied, which is most often a 6% (sometimes the rate is 5-15%) deduction from the net profit of an economic entity.

If it is necessary to accrue income tax, what entries should be made in accounting?

According to the Chart of Accounts for accounting of financial and economic activities of organizations and the Instructions for its application (approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated October 31, 2000 No. profits are reflected in account 99 “Profits and losses”.

Accordingly, when accruing to do the wiring:

Debit 99 Credit 68
- accrued on profit.

The transfer of tax to the budget is reflected by the posting:

Debit 99 Credit 68
- transferred to the profit in the budget.

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Accrual of income tax on transactions

To use most of the management functions, support for JavaScript scripts is required Accrual of income tax transactions A selection of the most important documents on request Accrual of income transactions (regulations, forms, articles, expert advice and much more).

Normative acts. Calculation of income tax on transactions Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of October 31, 2000 N 94n (ed.

to the Accounting Regulations
"Accounting for tax payments
on the profit of organizations (PBU 18/02),
approved by Order
Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation
dated November 19, 2002 No. 114n

Practical Calculation Example
to determine the current income tax

Basic data

When compiling financial statements for the reporting year, organization "A" in the Profit and Loss Statement reflected profit before tax (accounting profit) in the amount of 126,110 rubles. The income tax rate was 24 percent.

Factors that influenced the deviation of taxable profit (loss) from accounting profit (loss):

1. Actual hospitality expenses exceeded the limits on entertainment expenses accepted for tax purposes by 3,000 rubles.

Depreciation charges calculated for accounting purposes amounted to 4,000 rubles. Of this amount, 2,000 rubles are deductible for tax purposes.

3. Accrued but not received interest income in the form of dividends from equity participation in the activities of organization "B" in the amount of 2,500 rubles.

The mechanism of formation of permanent, deductible and taxable temporary differences is shown in table 1.

Table 1

Using the data in Table 1, we will make the necessary calculations for income tax in order to determine the current income tax.

Conditional income tax expense \u003d 126110 (rubles) x 24 / 100 \u003d 30266.4 (rubles)

The permanent tax liability is = 3000 (RUB) x 24 / 100 = 720 (RUB)

The deferred tax asset is = 2000 (RUB) x 24 / 100 = 480 (RUB)

Deferred tax liability is = 2500 (RUB) x 24 / 100 = 600 (RUB)

Current income tax = 30266.4 (rubles) + 720 (rubles) + 480 (rubles) - 600 (rubles) = 30866.4 (rubles)

The amount of the current income tax formed in the accounting system and payable to the budget, reflected in the Profit and Loss Statement and in the income tax return, will be 30,866.4 rubles.

In order to check the mechanism for reflecting income tax calculations in the accounting system, for the correct calculation of income tax intended for payment to the budget, we will calculate the current income tax using the method of adjusting accounting data in order to determine the tax base for income tax.

The required adjustments are shown in Table 2.

table 2

1. Profit according to the income statement (accounting profit) 126 110 (rub.)
2. Increases by incl.: 5 000 (rub.)
entertainment expenses exceeding the limit established by tax legislation 3 000 (rub.)
the amount of depreciation charged over the amounts accepted for tax purposes to be reimbursed (for example, due to inconsistencies in the chosen methods of calculating depreciation) 2,000 (rub.)
3. Decreases by including: 2 500 (rub.)
the amount of unearned interest income in the form of dividends from equity participation in the activities of other organizations 2 500 (rub.)
4. Total taxable income 128 610 (rub.)

Current income tax = 128,610 (RUB) x 24 / 100 = 30,866.4 (RUB)

How not to make a mistake when filling out tax entries?

The accounting reflects all indicators of the management of the enterprise: losses, costs, income. The tax also reflects these indicators, but for the purpose of determining the tax base and the subsequent calculation of fees to be paid to the budget in a particular period. There are several such periods: three months; half a year; 9 months; final report for the year. Within the framework of tax accounting, not only the determination of the amount of income tax is carried out.

What accounting entry should be reflected if income tax is accrued?

To display all income tax transactions, a special subaccount is opened for it. When accruing profit, taking into account the norms of Accounting Regulations 18/02, reduction to the total value of the required value calculated in tax and accounting is observed.

In order to link the resulting differences (temporary and permanent), various accounting entries are used when calculating income tax. The appearance of these differences is due to the fact that not all expenses in tax accounting reduce taxable income, while at the same time they are taken into account in accounting.

Income tax posting accrue

Calculate it according to the formula: At the end of the reporting period, make the following entry: Debit 99 subaccount “Conditional income tax expense (income)” Credit 68 subaccount “Calculations for income tax” - conditional income tax expense accrued Debit 68 subaccount “Calculations on income tax ”Credit 99 subaccount“ Conditional income (income) on income tax ”- conditional income on income tax is accrued (from the amount of loss).

After that, adjust the amount received according to the formula: The profit of CJSC Aktiv for the 1st quarter of 2005 amounted to 1,000,000 rubles.

During the quarter, the following happened: - the representation expenses of the company in this quarter exceeded the maximum allowable standard (p.

Features of income tax: who pays for what, postings

What kind of cost items are usually called production ones is indicated in the Tax Code.

Foreign firms and companies operating through representative offices and having sources of income within Russia consider as their profit the difference between all income received and the costs incurred by these representative offices.

The calculated and paid amount of corporate income tax should be reflected in the reporting, primarily in accounting. This is done with wires. However, the amounts may vary depending on the documentary source from which the figures are taken. All stages - from accrual to settlements with the budget - are reflected in the income tax postings.

Income tax in tax and accounting

Accounting and tax accounting at the enterprise are closely intertwined. The accounting reflects all indicators of the management of the enterprise: losses, costs, income. The tax also reflects these indicators, but for the purpose of determining the tax base and the subsequent calculation of fees to be paid to the budget in a particular period.

There are several such periods:

  • three months;
  • half a year;
  • 9 months;
  • final report for the year.

Within the framework of tax accounting, not only the determination of the amount of income tax is carried out. VAT is also calculated. Today, enterprises mainly use computer programs for both types of accounting. The legislative base, in addition to the Tax Code, is PBU 18/02. They are guided exclusively by commercial organizations that are taxpayers of this fee.

The calculation is made both in accounting and in tax accounting. But the final amount can vary, and significantly. It depends on these conditions:

  • Different definition of income/expense acceptance - cash or other method.
  • The maximum possible amount of income / expense that is used in accounting is different.
  • Some indicators (profit, expenses), which are indicated in full in accounting, are partially recognized in the tax.

As a result, there is a need for accounting entries. They help to "link" together the obtained tax indicators obtained from two types of accounting.

Basic postings

The tax is transferred to the treasury in several stages: after periods of a quarter, half a year and 9 months. At the end of the reporting period of 12 months, deductions are summed up, and, if necessary, an additional payment is made. The overpayment "remains" for the next period. It is impossible to calculate the amount of the fee without the corresponding accounting entries.

The enterprise, paying off budgets, uses the 68th account. The accrual is visible on the credit, the calculation - on the debit. The final payment of the tax amount is preceded by two steps:

  • calculation of the amount of "accounting" tax;
  • final adjustment in accordance with tax reporting.

When the period (quarter, half year, 12 months) ends, the posting will have the following pattern:

  • Dt 99, “Conditional income / tax expense”, Kt 68 - conditional expense accrued;
  • Dt 68, Kt 99 is used in determining the conditional expense / income in accounting;
  • After adjustment (liabilities, tax assets), the final amount is obtained - Dt 68 "Settlements" Kt 51.

When filling in income tax entries, the concept of differences arises - temporary and permanent:

  • A temporary one may arise if the same expenses or profits are recorded in tax accounting at a different time than in accounting, and vice versa. The sum of the difference is still taken into account sooner or later for all purposes.
  • But the constant difference in expense / income can be taken into account only for tax or accounting.

Differences, in turn, are divided into deductible and taxable. The indicators relate to profit:

  • profit according to tax accounting exceeded the “accounting”, which means that the type of difference is deductible, and the organization receives a deferred asset (ONA), which is reflected in correspondence Dt 09 Kt 68;
  • tax profit did not exceed the "accounting" one - it is reflected in the accounting (deferred tax liability), which is recorded as Dt 68 Kt 77.

There are nine main entries:

  • Posting Dt 99 Kt 68 - accrual of income tax according to accounting using a declaration, an accounting statement.
  • 09-68 - SHE (deferred asset) - certificates and tax registers are used.
  • 68-09 - this asset has already been canceled or reduced by a certain amount.
  • 99-09 - the asset is written off for the amount by which profit in this and subsequent periods does not decrease.
  • 68-77 - deferred tax liability is indicated.
  • 77-68 - IT is extinguished or at least reduced.
  • 77-99 - IT is written off.
  • 68-51 - income tax advances have been made. The document is a bank statement.

The same correspondent accounts serve to enter information about the payment of the fee, the only basis is, in addition to the statement, a payment order.

Accounting using "1C: Accounting"

Almost all operations related to the determination of the tax in this program are automated. Moreover, it is possible to keep parallel accounting, dividing into two “branches” activities subject to different types of tax and at different rates.

The document "Closing the month", for example, allows you to automatically calculate the amount of the current tax. To do this, use account 68.04.2. If a loss is detected, a conditional expense is formed that can reduce the previously received current tax - Dt 68.04.2 - Kt 99.02.2.

Automated accounting programs - accounting or tax - greatly simplify the work of accountants of organizations. Especially large enterprises that have a large number of people in the staff list are required to submit a declaration in electronic form. And accounting software is able to generate reports with minimal participation of an employee of the enterprise.

Disputable points arise due to the fact that the profit calculated in accounting may differ significantly from the same indicator of tax accounting.

Accounting entries for income tax

The differences between the methods can be:

  • positive;
  • negative.
  • positive PR * 20% = PNR;
  • negative PR * 20% = PNA;

Note from the author!

  • for the payment of dividends;

Note from the author!

Viktor Stepanov, 2018-06-30

Questions and answers on the topic

Related reference materials

Current income tax is shown on line 150. This line reflects the entire amount of income tax accrued for the reporting (tax) period. This indicator should be equal to the amount of income tax accrued on the tax return for a given period, as well as the amount of income tax formed in accounting on account 68, subaccount “Calculations for income tax”.

Accrued income tax payments and payments on recalculations of this tax from actual profit, as well as the amounts of tax sanctions due, are reflected in the debit of account 99 in correspondence with account 68 “Calculations for taxes and fees”.

With the adoption of the 25th chapter of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the amount of income tax is determined according to the rules of tax accounting and is subject to reflection in the accounting system, like any economic fact related to the activities of an economic entity. The Accounting Regulation "Accounting for Income Tax Calculations" (PBU 18/02), which came into effect on January 1, 2003, makes it possible to reflect in accounting and reporting the existing differences in the calculation of tax according to the accounting rules from the income tax formed in the tax accounting. It is also important to emphasize that this Regulation provides for the reflection in accounting not only of the amount of income tax payable to the budget in the current period, but also of amounts that affect the amount of income tax in subsequent reporting periods. In accordance with PBU 18/02, these amounts are called permanent and temporary differences.

Deferred tax assets and liabilities

A permanent difference is understood as income and expenses that form the accounting profit (loss) of the reporting period, but are not taken into account for tax purposes both in the reporting and subsequent periods.

In accordance with PBU 18/02, the organization independently determines the procedure for generating information on permanent differences. In our opinion, in order to generate information on emerging income and expenses that are not taken into account for tax purposes, one should use the system of subaccounts for income and expense accounts. So, to income accounts 90 "Sales", 91 "Other income and expenses", 99 "Profit or loss" and expenses 20 "Main production", 23 "Auxiliary production", 25 "General production expenses", 26 "General business expenses" , 44 "Sale Expenses", 91 "Other Income and Expenses", 99 "Profits and Losses" and other accounts of the Chart of Accounts for Financial and Economic Activities, it is advisable to open the following sub-accounts of the second order:

  1. "Income taken into account for tax purposes";
  2. "Income not taken into account for tax purposes";
  3. "The expenses taken into account for the purposes of the taxation";
  4. "Expenses not deductible for tax purposes."

By multiplying the value of the permanent difference by the income tax rate, the value of the permanent liability is determined.

Under the constant tax liability (PNO) is understood the amount of tax, which leads to an increase (decrease) in tax payments for income tax in the reporting period.

For the amount of a permanent tax liability, defined as the product of a permanent difference (in terms of expenses) that arose in the reporting period by the income tax rate established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and taxes and fees and effective on the reporting date, the following entry is made in accounting:

Debit of account 99 sub-account "Permanent tax liability" Credit of account 68.

Features and disadvantages of PBU 18/02

Unfortunately, PBU 18/02 does not consider the situation when permanent differences in income reflected in accounting exceed "tax" ones (in practice, this option is possible). In this case, the amount identified, calculated as the product of the permanent difference (in terms of income) and the income tax rate, is not a permanent tax liability, but rather a “permanent tax asset”. In accounting, it should be reflected in the posting:
Debit of account 68 Credit of account 99 sub-account "Permanent tax asset".

The difference between income and expenses, which generates profit (loss) in accounting in one reporting period, and taxable profit in another, in accordance with PBU 18/02, is called temporary.

Moreover, if income and expenses increase the tax on accounting profit in the reporting period (i.e., the amount of accounting profit in the reporting period is less than the amount of tax profit by the amount of the specified income and expenses), but reduce it in subsequent periods, then they are called deductible temporary sacristies . If such income and expenses reduce the tax on accounting profit in the reporting period, but increase it in subsequent periods, then they are called taxable temporary sacristies.

PBU 18/02 prescribes to account for taxable and deductible differences separately in the analytical accounting of the corresponding asset and liability account, in the assessment of which a deductible or taxable temporary difference arose. In order to form in the accounting system information on income and expenses that lead to the formation of temporary differences, we consider it appropriate to organize their separate accounting on sub-accounts of the second order with the allocation of income and expenses that have a different accounting or recognition procedure for tax purposes.

A deferred tax asset (ITA) is understood to mean that part of the income tax by which the tax on accounting profit of the reporting period is increased and the income tax payable in subsequent reporting periods is reduced.

Under the deferred tax liability (IT) is understood that part of the income tax, by which the tax on the accounting profit of the reporting period is reduced and the income tax payable in subsequent reporting periods is increased.

The amount of deferred tax asset and deferred tax liability is determined by multiplying the deductible and taxable temporary difference by the income tax rate.

In a manufacturing enterprise, a simplified scheme for calculating permanent and temporary differences can be represented as formulas:

Z = Mater. + Salary + Rep. + Am. + Other + PR + RBP write-off

S RP (buh.) \u003d (GP n - GP k) boo. + (WIP n - WIP k) boo. + Z pr. + Z cov. + PR + A Buch. + RBP equal.

S RP (cash) \u003d (GP n - GP k) cash. + (WIP n - WIP c) cash. + Z pr. + Z cov. + A cash. + RBP units

S RP (cash) - S RP (buh.) \u003d D GP cash. — DGP book. + DNZP cash – DNZP book.

Accounting entries for accounting for income tax

- ETC. + A cash. - A boom. + RBP units - RBP equal.

Unlike the balance sheet, form No. 2 is not built on the balances of accounting accounts, but on the basis of turnover. Therefore, Form No. 2 reflects not balances on accounts 09 “Deferred tax assets” and 77 “Deferred tax liabilities”, but the results of the turnover of these accounts for the reporting period.

The income statement reflects the difference between accrued and written off deferred tax assets and liabilities. Namely: the line "Deferred tax assets" shows the difference between the debit turnover of account 09 and the credit turnover on this account for the reporting period, and the line "Deferred tax liabilities" shows the difference between the credit and debit turnovers on account 77.

In form No. 2, the line "Deferred tax liabilities" does not contain brackets. The fact is that the indicators of the lines “Deferred tax assets” and “Deferred tax liabilities” in form No. 2 in certain cases can change their sign.

Once accrued, deferred tax assets increase profit (reduce Loss) before tax. And deferred tax liabilities, on the contrary, reduce the amount of profit or increase the loss. When deferred tax assets or liabilities are settled, the reverse process occurs. The write-off of deferred tax assets occurs at the expense of profit (that is, profit decreases), and the repayment of deferred tax liabilities leads to an increase in the profit of the organization.

The indicator of deferred tax assets is reflected in Form No. 2 as a positive value if the debit turnover on account 09 (the amount of accrued tax assets) for the reporting period was greater than the credit turnover (the amount of repaid tax assets). If the credit turnover on account 09 is greater than the debit one (that is, there are more deferred tax assets repaid than accrued), then the difference between the turnovers is reflected with a minus sign. A negative indicator of deferred tax assets will appear in the income statement.

The situation is reversed with deferred tax liabilities. If the turnover on the credit of account 77 is greater than the debit turnover on this account, then this means that over the past period, tax liabilities were accrued more than repaid. Then in Form No. 2, the line “Deferred tax liabilities” will show an indicator with a “minus” sign, which will reduce profit (increase loss) before tax. But if during the reporting period the organization paid off more deferred tax liabilities than accrued (that is, the debit turnover on account 77 exceeds the credit turnover), then in the income statement the indicator of the line "Deferred tax liabilities" will change its sign from minus to plus.

Income tax calculation

According to the rules of PBU 18/02, the current income tax is calculated according to the formula:

TNP \u003d URNP + SHE - IT + PNO - PNA + quenching IT - quenching IT,
where: URNP - conditional income tax expense.
URNP = boo. profit x tax rate Debit 99 Credit 68,
SHE Debit 09 Credit 68, repayment SHE Debit 68 Credit 09,
IT Debit 68 Credit 77, repayment SHE Debit 68 Credit 68,
PNO Debit 99 Credit 68,
PNA Debit 68 Credit 99.

The balance on account 68 can be:

  • or credit;
  • or zero, since the amount of income tax cannot be negative.

If a loss occurs for tax purposes, the tax base for income tax is considered equal to zero, and the resulting loss forms a deferred tax asset:

Debit account 09 Credit account 68.

After line 150, an empty line is highlighted. It includes expenses attributable to financial results, for example, economic sanctions for violation of tax laws (penalties, fines), etc. are shown in brackets.

Accounting entries for income tax are made depending on the period and types of transactions:

  • differences between accounting and tax accounting form tax assets and liabilities on 09, 77 accounts;
  • income tax received is recorded on account 68;
  • profits and losses are reflected in account 99.

Profit is the main goal of commercial organizations. But from any income you have to pay deductions to the budget. To do this, it is not enough to fill out a tax return, it is necessary to carry out all accruals in accounting.

What are the differences?

Accounting and tax accounting go hand in hand. However, profit is one of the most controversial indicators. To facilitate calculations, the legislator issued PBU 18/02 (Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 11/19/2002 N 114n dated 04/06/2015), which is designed specifically to reflect accounting entries for income tax in accounting.

Temporary differences are so named because someday they will be reflected in both types of accounting. But up to this point, income or expense can be accepted in one account and not be considered as part of profit in another.

Permanent differences arise only in one of the accounts and will never be recorded for the purpose of calculating the tax base in the other.

In addition, differences can be positive or negative. If tax profit is greater than accounting profit, then the difference will be negative, and if less, then positive. Negative difference is deductible, positive difference is taxable.

An example of calculating the difference in income tax

For example, an enterprise has taken into account a transformer substation worth 124,000 rubles.

Income tax postings

According to the OKOF classifier, the accountant attributed it to the 7th depreciation group (over 15 years to 20 years). The useful life was assigned a minimum, that is, 15 years: 15 years * 12 months = 180 months.

In tax accounting, the organization uses a non-linear method of calculating depreciation.

The Tax Code defines the calculation standard using coefficients. For group 7, 1.3% was assigned. You can calculate what will be the depreciation for 1 quarter.

To include the temporary difference in the transactions, you need to multiply it by the rate of 20%: 2706.73 * 20% = 541.35 rubles.

The accountant recorded the amount received by the entry:

How deferred assets and liabilities are accounted for

If the deductible difference is recorded as a part of deferred tax assets on a debit basis, then the taxable difference forms an IT:

Liabilities and assets may be reduced and written off:

  • Debit 68.04 Credit 09 - SHE is written off;
  • Debit 77 Credit 68.04 - IT is repaid;
  • Debit 77 Credit 99 "Profit and Loss" - IT is written off.

As for permanent differences, they can also be:

  • positive;
  • negative.

In this case, if the tax profit is greater than the accounting profit due to the constant difference, then the difference will be positive and form a permanent tax liability. Accordingly, the negative will become the basis for a permanent tax asset. The formula is used to calculate:

  • positive PR * 20% = PNR;
  • Debit 99 Credit 68.04 - accounted for PNO;
  • negative PR * 20% = PNA;
  • Debit 68.04 Credit 99 - recorded by PNA.

How to close accounts - accounting entries

The turnover accumulated for the quarter (half a year, 9 months, a year) on account 68.04 must be closed on account 99 at the end of the reporting period, that is, the organization must reflect profit or loss.

Note from the author! Closing accounts 99 and 68.04 is a laborious process, so software products come to the aid of an accountant. So, in 1C version 8, there is a closure of routine operations. In particular, the program itself calculates the profit (loss) in accounting.

To do this, the company needs to accrue conditional income or expense. To find the conditional expense, you need to multiply the amount of the accounting profit received by the rate of 20% and reflect the entry:

  • accounting profit * 20% = UR;
  • Dt 99 Kt 68.04 - conditional consumption has been accrued.

If, as a result of calculations, it is not an expense, but an income, then it must be reflected in losses:

  • Dt 68.04 Kt 99 - conditional income accrued.

This contradiction is explained by the fact that unpaid income tax is beneficial for the organization. Moreover, until recently, if a company had a loss at the end of the year, then within 10 years it could use it to avoid paying deductions to the budget.

However, the desire of the state to get its money led to a change in legislation, and now the company can use only 50% of the losses received, which follows from the Letter of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation No. SD-4-3 / [email protected] dated 09.01.2017. But the restriction on the time period for the transfer of losses has been removed.

Income tax is paid to the budgets of different levels:

At the end of the year, the accountant needs to reset the balances on account 99 and reflect the profit or loss on account 84 “Retained earnings (uncovered loss)”:

  • Dt 99 Kt 84 - net profit is written off;
  • Dt 84 Kt 99 - the current loss is written off.

What to do with the results of work?

If at the end of the year the company generated income, then from 84 accounts it can be distributed according to the following items:

  • for the payment of dividends;
  • accrual of bonuses at the end of the year to employees;
  • replenishment of the company's reserve capital;
  • to pay off losses for past years;
  • to increase the share capital.

Note from the author! The decision on the distribution of net profit can only be made by the founder (board of directors). The instruction must be issued in writing and brought to the attention of all interested parties. If the founder has not taken any action, it is strictly forbidden to independently distribute the funds accumulated on account 84.

To facilitate his work on accounting for income and expenses for tax purposes, an accountant can keep registers. Their form and table of contents are independently developed and approved by the enterprise. When preparing a tax return, they will provide invaluable assistance.

Viktor Stepanov, 2018-06-30

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Accrual of income tax: posting. Tax accrual: postings

Income tax is a federal fee that is levied on the income of legal entities within a certain period and in the manner prescribed by law. Moreover, most of it goes to the local or regional budget. The accrual of taxes is characterized by similar account assignments, while the calculations are very different. Consider accounting entries, examples of which will be explained in detail in the article.

How much income tax is charged?

The tax base is calculated at the end of the year, when the company calculates the amount of profit and its components. To determine the amount due to the budget, expenses are calculated from the total value of income. The end result of the calculations is taxable income. After multiplying it by the interest rate, the amount of federal tax payable will be found out, and it will be possible to draw up accounting entries (accounts 68, 99).

In the event that, according to the report, the loss outweighed the profit, the tax base is considered to be zero. To determine its value, use the formula: Nb \u003d Dr + Dvn - R - Ub, where:

  • Nb - tax base.
  • Dr - income from sales.
  • Dvn - non-operating income.
  • P - production, sales and non-operating expenses.
  • Ub - loss of previous years.

After determining the tax base, the enterprise needs to accrue income tax (posting Dt “Profit and Loss” Kt “Income Tax”). In this case, a separate calculation of payments to the federal and regional/local budgets is made.

Settlement period for income tax

Most enterprises "remember" the obligation to pay interest on their income to the state once a year - after the preparation of financial statements, then accounting entries for income tax are made. In this case, the settlement period is considered to be one year. The amount of the tax base in this case is determined by the cumulative total from the first day. The intervals of 3, 6 and 9 months are recognized as the reporting period.

There is another way to settle with the state for this type of tax: directly from the profit received for each month. This is an advance payment method “on the fact”. For some legal entities, it is convenient, which is not prohibited by law. The reporting period, respectively, is a month, two, three, and so on until the end of the year.

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Accrual of income tax: posting, rules

Reflection of payment from the income of the organization is regulated by PBU 18/02. The process consists of two consecutive steps. First you need to determine the accounting profit, and then align the result with the tax accounting data.

The result of the first calculation is considered a conditional expense or income for income tax. The calculation is made according to the formula: Ur / d \u003d Pb × C, where:

  • Ur / d - conditional expense / income;
  • Pb - accounting profit;
  • C - income tax rate (from 10 to 20%).

Accounting profit is determined on the basis of accounting data and is the difference between the confirmed income and expenses of the enterprise for the period under review.

At this stage, the accrual of income tax is indicated: posting Dt “Profit and Loss” subaccount. “Conditional income tax expense” Kt “Taxes” subaccount. "Income Tax" or Dt "Taxes" subaccount. “Income tax” CT “Profit and loss” subac. "Contingent Income for Income Tax".

Comparison of the amount of profit for tax and accounting

Due to different rules for recording business transactions, inconsistencies arise in tax and accounting records. After calculating the accounting profit for the reporting period, adjustments should be made to the obtained value Ur / d: Np \u003d Nob + Naot - Nob.ot + Ur / d, where:

  • Np - tax on profit (loss) current.
  • Nob - a tax obligation of a permanent nature.
  • Naot is a deferred tax asset.
  • Nob.ot - deferred tax liability.

Temporary differences between tax and accounting data form a deferred tax asset or liability. If the profit of the enterprise according to accounting registers is greater than according to tax, they speak of a deferred tax liability. Its value is equal to the difference multiplied by the tax rate. Otherwise, a deferred tax asset is formed, which is calculated in a similar way.

A tax liability of a permanent nature is formed due to the occurrence of a constant difference between profit indicators in accounting and tax accounting. They are reflected by posting Dt “Profit and Loss” Kt “Taxes” on separate sub-accounts.

An example of calculations and accruals

Consider the situation: during the year, the company issued a loan in the amount of 1 million 200 thousand rubles and paid 400 thousand as a down payment. According to the results of the first quarter, the profit was 2 million 480 thousand and VAT was 240 thousand rubles. The total amount of expenses is 750 thousand rubles. Tax loss for the last period - 80 thousand rubles. Calculate and calculate income tax.

The solution consists of sequential actions:

  1. We calculate the tax base: Nb \u003d 2480000 - 240000 - 750000 - 80000 \u003d 1,410,000 rubles.
  2. Let's take as a condition the tax rate of 20% (2% and 18%), the total amount of corporate income tax will be: Нп = 1,410,000 × 0.2 = 282,000 rubles.
  3. From the withdrawn amount, the federal budget will receive: 1,410,000 × 0.02 = 28,200 rubles, to the local/regional budget: 1,410,000 × 0.18 = 253,800 rubles.
  4. Income tax was accrued: posting Dt “Profit and loss” Kt “Taxes” in the amount of 282,000 rubles.

The transfer of income tax to the state budget is accompanied by the entry: Dt “Taxes” Kt “Bank account”.

Basic accounting entries for monthly payments

Monthly payment of income tax can be made by accruing the amount on the actual income received for the previous month or quarter. In the second case, the tax amount received is divided into 3 equal parts. In the following example, consider a situation in which a business pays tax on a quarterly basis. For better understanding, we presented it in the form of a table.

Quarterly income, rub.

Account assignments

300,000 × 0.2 = 60,000 rubles

Tax amount accrued for the 1st quarter Dt “Profit and Loss” CT “Taxes”

1. 60,000 rubles

2. 250,000 × 0.2 = 50,000 rubles

Income tax posting

2. Tax accrued for the II quarter: Dt “Profit and loss” Ct “Taxes”

1. 50,000 rubles

2. 400,000 × 0.2 = 80,000 rubles

2. Tax accrued for the III quarter: Dt “Profit and loss” Ct “Taxes”

80 000 rubles

Total for the year

(1,270,000 × 0.2) - 60,000 - 50,000 - 80,000 = 64,000 rubles

31 accrual of income tax: posting Dt “Profit and Loss” Kt “Taxes”

Monthly payment is made by transferring a third of the total tax amount for the quarter. Postings are compiled both for the accrual and for the payment of each payment.

Other obligatory payments to the budget

In addition to income tax, the company is obliged to transfer other payments, for example, VAT, personal income tax, property and transport tax. To group data on obligations to the state, an active-passive account 68 is used. Accounting entries are made for each type of tax on the corresponding sub-accounts.

Corresponding accounts for calculating taxes differ depending on their type. If income tax is attributed to the “Profit and Loss” account, then personal income tax is quite logically reflected in the account of settlements with personnel on wages.

Preparing tax returns

What is a tax? This is an obligation to the state, which is reflected in the liabilities side of the balance sheet. This means that the calculation of taxes is a posting indicating the credit of account 68. Accounts are debited at the place where the costs of payments arise.

Consider the main accounting entries for the calculation and payment of taxes:

  • Dt “Main production” Ct “Taxes” - land tax has been charged.
  • Dt "Payroll" Kt "Taxes" - registered with personal income tax.
  • Dt “Settlements with founders” Ct “Taxes” - tax on dividends is accrued.
  • Dt “Other expenses” Ct “Taxes” - property tax is allocated.
  • Dt "Sales" Ct "Taxes" - accepted for VAT accounting.
  • Dt “Taxes” Ct “Bank account” - the tax debt has been repaid from the current account.

The transfer of amounts to the state budget must be timely. The slightest delay in payment promises the introduction of additional penalties that are not beneficial to the entrepreneur. The calculation of taxes in the interests of a legal entity must be carried out truthfully, legally and in a timely manner.

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Accounting entries for income tax are made depending on the period and types of transactions:

  • differences between accounting and tax accounting form tax assets and liabilities on 09, 77 accounts;
  • income tax received is recorded on account 68;
  • profits and losses are reflected in account 99.

Profit is the main goal of commercial organizations. But from any income you have to pay deductions to the budget. To do this, it is not enough to fill out a tax return, it is necessary to carry out all accruals in accounting.

What are the differences?

Accounting and tax accounting go hand in hand. However, profit is one of the most controversial indicators. To facilitate calculations, the legislator issued PBU 18/02 (Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 11/19/2002 N 114n dated 04/06/2015), which is designed specifically to reflect accounting entries for income tax in accounting.

Disputable points arise due to the fact that the profit calculated in accounting may differ significantly from the same indicator of tax accounting. The differences between the methods can be:

Temporary differences are so named because someday they will be reflected in both types of accounting. But up to this point, income or expense can be accepted in one account and not be considered as part of profit in another.

Permanent differences arise only in one of the accounts and will never be recorded for the purpose of calculating the tax base in the other.

In addition, differences can be positive or negative. If tax profit is greater than accounting profit, then the difference will be negative, and if less, then positive.

Features of income tax: who pays for what, postings

Negative difference is deductible, positive difference is taxable.

An example of calculating the difference in income tax

For example, an enterprise has taken into account a transformer substation worth 124,000 rubles. According to the OKOF classifier, the accountant attributed it to the 7th depreciation group (over 15 years to 20 years). The useful life was assigned a minimum, that is, 15 years: 15 years * 12 months = 180 months.

In tax accounting, the organization uses a non-linear method of calculating depreciation. The Tax Code defines the calculation standard using coefficients. For group 7, 1.3% was assigned. You can calculate what will be the depreciation for 1 quarter.

To include the temporary difference in the transactions, you need to multiply it by the rate of 20%: 2706.73 * 20% = 541.35 rubles.

The accountant recorded the amount received by the entry:

How deferred assets and liabilities are accounted for

If the deductible difference is recorded as a part of deferred tax assets on a debit basis, then the taxable difference forms an IT:

Liabilities and assets may be reduced and written off:

  • Debit 68.04 Credit 09 - SHE is written off;
  • Debit 77 Credit 68.04 - IT is repaid;
  • Debit 77 Credit 99 "Profit and Loss" - IT is written off.

As for permanent differences, they can also be:

  • positive;
  • negative.

In this case, if the tax profit is greater than the accounting profit due to the constant difference, then the difference will be positive and form a permanent tax liability. Accordingly, the negative will become the basis for a permanent tax asset. The formula is used to calculate:

  • positive PR * 20% = PNR;
  • Debit 99 Credit 68.04 - accounted for PNO;
  • negative PR * 20% = PNA;
  • Debit 68.04 Credit 99 - recorded by PNA.

How to close accounts - accounting entries

The turnover accumulated for the quarter (half a year, 9 months, a year) on account 68.04 must be closed on account 99 at the end of the reporting period, that is, the organization must reflect profit or loss.

Note from the author! Closing accounts 99 and 68.04 is a laborious process, so software products come to the aid of an accountant. So, in 1C version 8, there is a closure of routine operations. In particular, the program itself calculates the profit (loss) in accounting.

To do this, the company needs to accrue conditional income or expense. To find the conditional expense, you need to multiply the amount of the accounting profit received by the rate of 20% and reflect the entry:

  • accounting profit * 20% = UR;
  • Dt 99 Kt 68.04 - conditional consumption has been accrued.

If, as a result of calculations, it is not an expense, but an income, then it must be reflected in losses:

  • Dt 68.04 Kt 99 - conditional income accrued.

This contradiction is explained by the fact that unpaid income tax is beneficial for the organization. Moreover, until recently, if a company had a loss at the end of the year, then within 10 years it could use it to avoid paying deductions to the budget.

However, the desire of the state to get its money led to a change in legislation, and now the company can use only 50% of the losses received, which follows from the Letter of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation No. SD-4-3 / [email protected] dated 09.01.2017. But the restriction on the time period for the transfer of losses has been removed.

Income tax is paid to the budgets of different levels:

At the end of the year, the accountant needs to reset the balances on account 99 and reflect the profit or loss on account 84 “Retained earnings (uncovered loss)”:

  • Dt 99 Kt 84 - net profit is written off;
  • Dt 84 Kt 99 - the current loss is written off.

What to do with the results of work?

If at the end of the year the company generated income, then from 84 accounts it can be distributed according to the following items:

  • for the payment of dividends;
  • accrual of bonuses at the end of the year to employees;
  • replenishment of the company's reserve capital;
  • to pay off losses for past years;
  • to increase the share capital.

Note from the author! The decision on the distribution of net profit can only be made by the founder (board of directors). The instruction must be issued in writing and brought to the attention of all interested parties. If the founder has not taken any action, it is strictly forbidden to independently distribute the funds accumulated on account 84.

To facilitate his work on accounting for income and expenses for tax purposes, an accountant can keep registers. Their form and table of contents are independently developed and approved by the enterprise. When preparing a tax return, they will provide invaluable assistance.

Viktor Stepanov, 2018-06-30

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Topic 3.1. Corporate income tax

3.1.1. Guidelines

When solving problems on topic 3.1, one should be guided by the provisions of Ch. 25 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, which regulates the procedure for calculating and paying corporate income tax.

When calculating corporate income tax, it should be taken into account that the profit subject to taxation is determined on an accrual basis from the beginning of the tax period. The tax base for income tax is equal to the monetary value of the organization's profit. The tax base for income tax is calculated based on the results of each tax (reporting) period based on tax accounting data. In this case, income and expenses are taken into account in cash. Incomes received in kind are accounted based on the transaction price subject to the provisions of Article 40 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Here is an example of income tax calculation.

Example 3.1.1. The monthly advance payment of income tax payable by the taxpayer - a Russian organization in the last quarter of the previous tax period, amounted to 100 thousand rubles.

In the first quarter of the reporting year, the organization received proceeds from the sale of products - 3,540 thousand rubles. (including VAT - 540 thousand rubles). According to accounting data, the cost of production amounted to 2,000 thousand rubles. (including: labor costs - 500 thousand rubles; entertainment expenses - 125 thousand rubles; contributions under voluntary medical insurance contracts for employees of the enterprise - 17 thousand rubles).

In February, proceeds were received from the sale of equipment in the amount of 1,180 thousand rubles. (including VAT - 180 thousand rubles). The residual value of the equipment sold is 800 thousand rubles.

What accounting entry should be reflected if income tax is accrued?

In the first quarter of the reporting year, losses from downtime due to internal production reasons amounted to 140 thousand rubles; the amount of expenses for paying for bank services - 4 thousand rubles.

In March, income from equity participation in the activities of a Russian organization was received - 600 thousand rubles, and the amount of rent - 236 thousand rubles was also received on the current account. (including VAT - 36 thousand rubles).


  1. The amount of monthly advance payments for income tax, broken down by payment terms.
  2. The tax base for income tax.
  3. The amount of income tax for the first quarter of the reporting year.
  1. The amount of the monthly advance payment payable in the first quarter of the current tax period is assumed to be equal to the amount of the monthly advance payment payable by the taxpayer in the last quarter of the previous tax period - 100 thousand rubles. Payment of advance payments is made within the following terms: before January 28 - 100 thousand rubles; until February 28 - 100 thousand rubles; until March 28 - 100 thousand rubles.
  2. Let's determine the profit according to tax accounting.

Profit according to tax accounting = Profit from sales + Profit from non-operating transactions.

Profit from sales = Income from the sale of goods (works, services), property rights - Costs associated with production and sale.

Sales income = Revenue from the sale of goods (works, services, property rights) - VAT.

When calculating income tax, it should be taken into account that Art. 251 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation provides for a list of income that is not subject to taxation.

Production and distribution costs include:

  • material expenses (Article 254 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation);
  • labor costs (Article 255 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation);
  • the amount of accrued depreciation (Articles 256-259 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation);
  • other expenses (Article 264 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

It should be noted that some types of expenses are normalized for tax purposes. So, for example, the norm of hospitality expenses is 4% of labor costs, for the costs of voluntary medical insurance of employees - 3% of labor costs. In our example, these standards will be: 500 × 0.04 = 20 thousand rubles; 500 × 0.03 = 15 thousand rubles

Thus, in the composition of expenses, excess hospitality expenses in the amount of 105 thousand rubles are taken into account. (125 - 20) and expenses for voluntary medical insurance of employees in the amount of 2 thousand rubles. (17 - 15 thousand rubles). For the purposes of tax accounting, expenses should be adjusted taking into account the standards: 2000 - 105 - 2 \u003d 1893 thousand rubles.

Profit from sales according to tax accounting in our example is:

(3540 - 540 - 1893) + (1180 - 180 - 800) = 1307 thousand rubles.

Profit from non-operating operations \u003d non-operating income - non-operating expenses

  • non-operating income (Article 250 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation): 600 + (236 - 36) \u003d 800 thousand rubles;
  • non-operating expenses (Article 265 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation): 140 + 4 = 144 thousand rubles.

Profit from non-sales operations in our example is: 800 - 144 = 656 thousand rubles.

Thus, according to tax accounting, the profit will be: 1307 + 656 = 1963 thousand rubles.

When forming the tax base from profit according to tax accounting, profit (income) subject to special rates should be excluded. In our example, income from equity participation received from a Russian organization in the amount of 600 thousand rubles.

  1. Tax base: 1,963 - 600 = 1,363 thousand rubles.
  2. The amount of tax on income from equity participation in the activities of a Russian organization (withheld at the source of payment of income - a tax agent):
  3. 600 × 9% / (100% - 9%) = 59.341 thousand rubles.

  4. The amount of the quarterly advance payment for income tax:
  5. 1363 × 24% = 327.12 thousand rubles.

  6. The amount of the tax surcharge (until April 28): 327.12 - 300 = 27.12 thousand rubles.

3.1.2. Tasks

Task 1

An industrial enterprise has the following performance indicators according to tax records for the first quarter of the reporting year (see Table 3.1.1).

The company's products are subject to VAT at a rate of 18%.

In the previous tax period, sales revenues, according to tax accounting data, amounted to: in the 1st quarter - 3,450 thousand rubles; in the II quarter - 2,120 thousand rubles; in the III quarter - 3,330 thousand rubles; in the IV quarter - 2,800 thousand rubles.

Determine: the amount of income tax for the I quarter of the reporting year and the timing of its payment.

Table 3.1.1

Economic performance of the enterprise

Enterprise performance indicators

Amount, rub.

Revenue from product sales (including VAT)

Material costs for the production of sold products (excluding VAT):

— raw materials, materials

- purchased semi-finished products

- purchased fuel, energy

- Third-party company services

The amount of commission paid to an intermediary organization for the delivery of raw materials (without VAT)

Depreciation of fixed assets

Expenses for the repair of fixed assets

Payroll of the main production personnel

Unified social tax

Expenses for the sale of products (excluding VAT), including:

- participation in exhibitions

— for the purchase of prizes awarded during mass advertising campaigns

Documented hospitality expenses

Travel expenses within the limits associated with the production process

Payment for bank services

Received income from equity participation in the activities of a Russian organization (dividends)

Received profit distributed in favor of the enterprise based on the results of joint activities in accordance with the concluded agreement

Financial assistance received from another enterprise in the absence of a joint venture agreement

Income from the lease of the company's property (including VAT)

The value of property received free of charge (including VAT)

Losses from writing off receivables for which the limitation period has expired

Organization property tax

Payments for excess emissions of pollutants into the environment

The value of property received in the form of collateral as security for the performance of contractual obligations

Task 2

In the reporting period, the joint-stock company received the following income:

  1. Profit from the sale of goods - 1,200,000 rubles.
  2. Profit from the provision of intermediary services - 800,000 rubles.
  3. Profit from the sale of property - 60,000 rubles.
  4. Profit from the implementation of joint activities - 110,000 rubles.
  5. Income from equity participation in the activities of a foreign organization (the amount of accrued dividends) - 220,000 rubles.
  6. Income from equity participation in the activities of a Russian organization (the amount of dividends received) - 57,000 rubles.
  7. Income from the gambling business (after paying tax on the gambling business) - 55,000 rubles.
  8. Interest on government securities issued after 1997 - 10,000 rubles.
  9. Profit from the sale of agricultural products of own production - 12,000 rubles.
  10. Income from renting out property - 16,500 rubles.

When calculating income tax on dividends received from a foreign organization, it should be noted that an international treaty does not provide for a reduction in the amount of income tax calculated in accordance with the Tax Code of the Russian Federation by the amount of tax calculated and paid at the location of a foreign organization.

The profit remaining at the disposal of the joint-stock company after paying income tax was distributed as follows:

  • taxes and expenses attributable to net profit - 10%;
  • accumulation fund - 50%;
  • dividends on shares paid to a foreign organization that does not have a permanent establishment in the territory of the Russian Federation - 25%;
  • dividends on shares paid to a Russian organization - 15%.


  1. The amount of income tax payable to the budget by the joint-stock company, including as a tax agent.
  2. The amount of income tax withheld from the income of the joint-stock company by tax agents.

14.11.2012 print

Be careful, this material of the magazine is up-to-date on 11/14/2012

Posting income tax, accrual of income tax

This article is written on the basis of Berator's materials. The definition of profit is given in Article 247 of the Tax Code. Both Russian and foreign organizations pay taxes on their profits. It is reflected in the declaration, called the current one and paid to the budget. Do not forget that the amount received must be reduced by the amount of permanent tax assets and liabilities. See how income tax should be calculated, the postings are attached.

Income tax postings

Account 68 is intended for settlements with the budget in the chart of accounts.: accrual of income tax is reflected in the credit of the corresponding sub-accounts, and transfer to the budget - in debit. You need to reflect the tax in two stages: first calculate the tax on accounting profit, then make the final adjustment. When the tax period ends, the posting will look like this:

DEBIT 99 sub-account "Contingent expense (income) for income tax" CREDIT 68

Accrued contingent income tax expense

If tax is charged on accounting profit, it is called contingent income:

DEBIT 68 CREDIT 99 sub-account "Contingent expense (income) for income tax"

The result, adjusted for permanent tax assets and liabilities, is the amount payable. Now the current income tax must be paid to the state.

DEBIT 68 sub-account "Calculations for income tax" CREDIT 51

Please note: the reflection of the conditional expense on debit 99 does not reduce.

Income tax accounting entries are a reflection of business transactions in the organization's accounting using the double entry method. In the article we will tell you how to properly organize income tax accounting in the accounting of an enterprise, the postings are given with examples.

The main regulatory document that establishes the rules for compiling accounting records for income tax (NNP) is PBU 18/02 (Order of the Ministry of Finance dated November 19, 2002 No. 114n). Non-profit organizations, as well as companies that are exempt from paying EIT, have the right not to apply these provisions. But small businesses have the right to choose whether to reflect operations according to general rules or organize simplified accounting.

NNP accounting

To reflect entries on taxes and fees in the Unified Chart of Accounts, a separate accounting account 68 is provided. To detail information on each type of fiscal encumbrance, special sub-accounts are opened for this account. For example, 68.4 - settlements with the budget for NGO.

Account 68 is active-passive, that is, it can have both a debit and a credit balance. Moreover, the debit balance at the end of the billing period indicates the presence of an overpayment to the state budget. A credit balance, on the contrary, indicates the presence of debt.

The calculation, payment and accrual of income tax reflect the posting:

Do not forget that income tax advances should be reflected in accounting, the postings will be the same: Dt 99 Kt 68, on the sub-account "NNP".

NNP is calculated on an accrual basis. And this means that when calculating the payment for the next reporting period (month, quarter), you should not indicate the entire amount of the advance, but only the difference between the amounts accrued for the current period and the previous one. In other words, the amount of accrual of NNP must correspond to the data in section 1 of the tax return for NNP.

Reflection in accounting: an example

Consider, using a specific example, what records are used to calculate the accrual of income tax, postings for quarterly settlements with the budget.

Example conditions:

LLC "VESNA" makes calculations for NNP quarterly. The amounts of accrued payments in 2019 have the following values:

  • Q1 2019 - 200,000 rubles;
  • 1st half of 2019 - 450,000 rubles;
  • 9 months of 2019 - 800,000 rubles.

For 2019 (total for the year) - 1,000,000 rubles.

The data correspond to line 180 of the NNP Declaration for 2019. The accountant reflected the following entries in accounting:


Corporate income tax accrued, posting for 1 quarter

Reflected the payment of income tax (postings)

The accrual of NNP for the 1st half of 2019 is reflected.

(450 000 - 200 000)

Income tax transferred: posting (advance for the 2nd quarter)

Accrued NNP for 9 months

(800 000 - 450 000)

Reflected tax payment

Tax accrued at the end of the year

(1 000 000 - 800 000)

The final calculation was made with the budget for 2019.

If the firm is operating at a loss

Profitability is not the only result of the company's activities during the reporting period. Quite often, businesses operate at a loss. That is, in the reporting period, the expenses of the economic entity exceed the amount of income received.

In this case, the advance paid by the company for the previous reporting quarter or month may exceed the amount of accrued IIT for the current period. Therefore, the accounting data needs to be adjusted. Let's look at a specific example of how to reflect this in accounting.

VESNA LLC accrued an advance payment for the 1st quarter of 2019 in the amount of 250,000 rubles. According to the results of the 1st half of the year, the amount of the NNP payment amounted to 200,000 rubles. We correct the data with the following accounting entries:

Recall how to determine the financial result of the enterprise. Loss or profit before tax (transaction) is defined as the difference between the sum of turnovers on debit and credit of account 99 in correspondence with accounts 90 (sub-account "Profit / loss on sales") and 91 (sub-account "Balance of other income and expenses"). If a credit balance is added up for the reporting period, this indicates that the company has made a profit. The debit balance at the end of the period indicates the losses incurred.

Accounting differences

Tax and accounting have different standards regarding the acceptance of income and expenses. So, for example, some types of expenses (income) can be taken in one of the accounts completely and at a time, and in the other - in parts over several periods or completely excluded. As a result, temporary and permanent differences arise between the data of NU and BU.

Temporary, or deferred, are those differences that will even out after a certain time. For example, in BU a certain type of cost will be accepted in full and immediately, and in NU in parts, over several reporting periods. And permanent differences are those types of income (expense) that are accepted only in one of the accounts. For example, they are reflected in BU, but not in NU.

In the reverse situation, when the amounts of TC are lower than the amounts of BU, a permanent or deferred tax liability (PNO or IT) arises.

We talked about how to correctly reflect such differences in accounting, as well as about the features of the application of this NPA, in a separate material “Who should apply PBU 18/02”.

The essence of these operations is to align the data of two accounts. Otherwise, disagreements will arise in the preparation of tax and financial statements, and this is unacceptable.

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