Who created the form for ss. Few people know about this, but the famous form of organization of the SS was produced by ... "Hugo Boss"! History of the SS military uniform

The Germans, having gathered a group of wounded and women, including Savina, decided to hide behind her. Especially for those who will create drawings dedicated to the Victory Day. To achieve authenticity, draw the shape of the soldiers correctly. Today we own Germany, tomorrow the whole world! Today, a dozen broken-down quarters. To the new flannel-lined jacket and trousers, they added mittens, a woolen scarf, and additional woolen and fur-lined gloves. During the German occupation, hundreds of thousands of Germans and volunteers from other European countries served in the SS. Smolensk bus route map

War is war, but sex is on schedule! War is war, but sex is on schedule! In the post-war years, raising the archives of this period, researchers were horrified by the brutality shown by the police during the war. An analysis of more than 360 filtration cases of prisoners of war of the Volga Germans, transferred from the archive of the FSB department in the Saratov region for storage to the State Archive of Contemporary History of the Saratov Region, shows that there was surrender only in nine cases. Military uniform of the Great Patriotic War. The company of the same name sewed not only uniforms for soldiers and officers of the Wehrmacht, but also for the SS. The German took out a pistol from his holster, put it to the forehead of the Mousetrap and fired, then turned to the Jewish guy and said not all Germans are fascists, and ordered to get out of the village immediately, showed which way the front line was. German male H B, which is just. Shake the dust off the plan

SS military organization of Germany during the reign of Hitler, translated from German as security detachments, the name comes from the Squadron of the covering aviation term of the First World War, which meant a group of fighters. Changes and innovations were carried out on the basis of the experience gained from the Winter War with Finland in the years, which gave impetus to a number of changes to the Soviet Red military uniform. War means strife, disorder, problems in life in the family, affairs, business. The list of films will be regularly edited and supplemented, besides, you can always see the current list of films on our website using the tag About the Germans. During the war, to remain forever in women's fashion, bags with a long shoulder strap appeared. Types of pigeons their photo. Post subject Soviet Ostarbeiters through the eyes of the Germans during the war

During the war, the Hugo Boss factory began to sew uniforms for the Wehrmacht. Before the start of the offensive against the USSR, the Germans threw saboteurs into our territory in the form of officers of the Red Army. Some fighters sewed bras, something like a modern unloading canvas vest, where. At the end of November, the Red Army launched a counteroffensive, crushing and repelling the Germans. Recall that in 2013 a sensational book was published What do soldiers have sex and the American military in France during the Second World War.

The SS troops belonged to the SS organization, service in them was not considered a state service, even if it was legally equated with such. The military uniform of the SS soldiers is quite recognizable around the world, most often this black uniform is associated with the organization itself. It is known that the uniforms for the SS during the Holocaust were sewn by prisoners of the Buchenwald concentration camp.

History of the SS military uniform

Initially, the soldiers of the SS troops (also "Waffen SS") dressed in a gray uniform, extremely similar to the uniform of the attack aircraft of the regular German army. In 1930, the very well-known black uniform was introduced, which was supposed to emphasize the difference between the troops and the rest, to determine the elitism of the unit. By 1939, the SS officers received a white full dress uniform, and from 1934 a gray one was introduced, intended for field battles. The gray military uniform differed from black only in color.

In addition, the SS servicemen relied on a black overcoat, which, with the introduction of a gray uniform, was replaced by a double-breasted one, respectively, in gray. Officers of high ranks were allowed to wear their overcoat unbuttoned on the top three buttons so that the colored distinctive stripes were visible. Following the same right (in 1941) received the holders of the Knight's Cross, who were allowed to demonstrate the award.

The women's uniform of the Waffen SS consisted of a gray jacket and skirt, as well as a black cap with the image of an SS eagle.

A black ceremonial club tunic with the symbols of the organization for officers was also developed.

It should be noted that in fact the black uniform was the uniform of the SS organization specifically, and not the troops: only SS members had the right to wear this uniform, the transferred Wehrmacht soldiers were not allowed to use it. By 1944, the wearing of this black uniform was officially abolished, although in fact by 1939 it was used only on solemn occasions.

Distinctive features of the Nazi uniform

The SS uniform had a number of distinctive features that are easily remembered even now, after the dissolution of the organization:

  • The SS emblem in the form of two Germanic runes "zig" was used on uniform insignia. Runes on uniforms were only allowed to be worn by ethnic Germans - Aryans, foreign members of the Waffen SS were not allowed to use this symbolism.
  • "Dead Head" - at first, a metal round cockade with the image of a skull was used on the cap of SS soldiers. Later it was used on the buttonholes of the soldiers of the 3rd tank division.
  • A red armband with a black swastika on a white background was worn by members of the SS and stood out significantly from the black dress uniform.
  • The image of an eagle with outstretched wings and a swastika (which was the emblem of Nazi Germany) eventually replaced the skulls on cap badges and began to be embroidered on the sleeves of the uniform.

The camouflage of the Waffen SS differed from the camouflage of the Wehrmacht in its pattern. Instead of the conventional pattern design with applied parallel lines, creating the so-called "rain effect", wood and plant patterns were used. Since 1938, the following camouflage elements of the SS uniform have been adopted: camouflage jackets, reversible helmet covers and face masks. On camouflage clothing, it was necessary to wear green stripes indicating the rank on both sleeves, although for the most part this requirement was not respected by the officers. In the campaigns, a set of stripes was also used, each of which denoted one or another military qualification.

SS uniform insignia

The ranks of the Waffen SS soldiers did not differ from the ranks of the Wehrmacht employees: there were differences only in form. The same distinctive signs were used on the uniform, such as shoulder straps and embroidered buttonholes. SS officers wore insignia with the symbols of the organization both on shoulder straps and in buttonholes.

The shoulder straps of SS officers had a double backing, the upper one differed in color depending on the type of troops. The backing was edged with a silver cord. On shoulder straps there were signs of belonging to one or another part, metal or embroidered with silk threads. The shoulder straps themselves were made of gray galloon, while their lining was invariably black. The bumps (or "stars") on the shoulder straps, designed to denote the rank of an officer, were bronze or gilded.

Truths and myths about the famous designer

Designer Hugo Boss and the Nazi uniform made by his company

A few years ago, a scandal erupted around the published facts about the involvement of the world famous brand "Hugo Boss" in the creation of military uniforms for soldiers and officers of the Wehrmacht. The famous designer Hugo Boss was accused of complicity with the Nazis and personal connections with Hitler.

The company even turned to historians for help to sort out this issue. And although the results of a scientific study disproved many of the replicated myths about the designer, the company had to admit the fact of creating the Nazi uniform and apologize for the exploitation of prisoners of war and prisoners from concentration camps in labor factories.

In those days, the name of Hugo Boss was not yet a well-known brand. He began his professional career as a garment factory worker in 1902. After 6 years, a textile shop was inherited from his parents, and in 1923 Hugo Boss opened his own sewing company - a workshop for sewing overalls, windbreakers, overalls and raincoats for workers . In 1930, his firm was on the verge of bankruptcy. To save her from ruin, he took up sewing Wehrmacht uniforms.

Rumors that the world-famous company Hugo Boss profited from cooperation with the Nazis appeared in the late 1990s, stirred up society and caused a scandal. In 1997, the company publicly acknowledged the fact of cooperation with the Nazis. Since this had a negative effect on the brand's image, the company sponsored a scientific study of these facts, which was carried out by the Munich historian Roman Kester. In 2012 he published a book called Hugo Boss, 1924-1945. A garment factory between the Weimar Republic and the Third Reich”, in which he detailed the results of his research.

Nazi uniform made by *Hugo Boss*

As it turned out, Hugo Boss was really engaged in tailoring military uniforms for the Wehrmacht and received large profits from these orders. And the factory used forced labor of 140 immigrants from Poland and 40 French prisoners. However, no written evidence that Hugo Boss was Adolf Hitler's personal tailor has survived. In addition, the designer did not participate in the development of sketches and the creation of patterns, and his factory was one of many, far from the largest, of all companies that were engaged in sewing uniforms.

Karl Diebitsch - black SS uniform designer

In fact, the designer of the black SS uniform was not Hugo Boss, but Karl Diebich, a German artist, designer and officer of the SS, and the SS emblem in the form of two “Sieg” runes was designed by graphic artist Walter Heck. The black color of the uniform of SS officers was intended to evoke respect and fear, but it soon turned out that this color had a significant drawback: in the summer, it absorbs solar radiation and provokes profuse sweating. Therefore, black was soon replaced by gray, although black continued to be used in the ceremonial uniforms of officers of the highest echelon of the SS. The factory of Hugo Boss only made uniforms designed by Karl Diebitsch.

Dibich's uniform was inspired by the uniform of the Prussian *Hussar of Death*

But the fact that Hugo Boss collaborated with the Nazis not under duress, but because of personal convictions, was confirmed even by his son. In 2007, Siegfried Boss publicly admitted that his father was a member of the Nazi Party and commented on this fact: “And who was not a member at that time? The whole industry worked for the Nazis". Back in 1931, the designer voluntarily joined the National Socialist Workers' Party of the NSDAP and was himself a staunch Nazi. This was the main reason why his factory was registered as an important military enterprise and received a large order for sewing Wehrmacht uniforms. The German historian Henning Kober claims that all of the Hugo Boss management were Nazis and Hitler supporters.

Form designed by Karl Diebitsch

After the end of the war, the factory again took up the production of overalls for postmen, policemen and railwaymen. And its owner was tried, he escaped prison, but was sentenced to pay a fine of 100 thousand marks. True, later Hugo Boss was partially rehabilitated, and his status was changed: from the "accused" he turned into a "sympathizer." In 1948, the designer passed away at the age of 63. His company became a world famous brand after his death.

Following the publication of Roman Kester's book, Hugo Boss posted a statement on its website expressing "deep regret for the suffering that befell those who had to work in the factory of Hugo Boss under the Nazis" than recognized the legitimacy of the conclusions of the historian.

We are familiar with the black SS uniform from the movie *Seventeen Moments of Spring*

And in the world of fashion, the uniform of the Third Reich, created by the Hugo Boss company, is considered the most beautiful and stylish military uniform. In the 1990s even a new movement was born - Nazi chic - Nazi chic. It was especially popular in Japan, where neo-Nazi organizations appeared. True, such a fashion is dictated rather not by aesthetic preferences, but by socio-political views, and is very far from ethical considerations - what is called "beyond good and evil."

In the fashion world, it is considered the most beautiful military uniform.

Designer and founder of the famous brand Hugo Boss

Guess who was the designer of the fascist uniform?
Hugo Boss :)

Global brands - accomplices of the Nazis

A political oversight was averted by a vigilant citizen who complained that he had been issued documents for a car with the fascist abbreviation for the long-defunct NSB party. The Dutch Ministry of Transport immediately assured that the error occurred due to a malfunction in a computer program that tracks car signs, preventing the registration of car numbers with some forbidden letter combinations. Now all the normal signs are ready, and the owners will receive them soon.

In addition to NSB, the following abbreviations will not be used in license plates: KKK (Ku Klux Klan), PKK (Kurdistan Workers' Party), as well as letter combinations denoting any political parties, swear words and the abbreviated name of the Dutch football club PSV Eindhoven. The letter combination Philips Sport Vereniging (PSV) translated from the Dutch means only "Philips Sports Union". On August 31, 1913, a football club from the Dutch city of Eindhoven was founded by a team of Philips employees.

If you live in Amsterdam and are an ardent fan of the Amsterdam club Ajax, you probably will not be very comfortable driving a car with a PSV license plate," the press service of the ministry said.

The history of the letters on the license plates looks like "flowers" compared to the vinaigrette of political correctness and economic competition.

In 2006, the Austrian magazine Profil reported that the world famous brand HUGO BOSS had defiled its reputation during the Second World War. The company of the same name sewed not only uniforms for soldiers and officers of the Wehrmacht, but also for the SS. The International Tribunal at Nuremberg recognized the SS as a criminal organization, and its employees were subject to trial. In addition, a journal note noted that the company used the labor of concentration camp prisoners. A year later, Hugo Boss's son, Siegfried, confessed that his father was a member of the Nazi Party. "The whole industry worked for the Nazis," added the 83-year-old scion of the founder of the fashion empire.

Hugo Boss opened his sewing workshop in 1923 at the height of the economic crisis. Until 1931, she practically did not bring income, until the cunning fellow joined the Nazi party NSDAP. Two years later, Boss secured a state order for the production of uniforms for attack aircraft, SS men, Wehrmacht soldiers, and the Hitler Youth youth organization. The uniform developed by him is deservedly considered the best in the history of military uniforms. After the war, Boss was fined 80,000 Reichsmarks as an accomplice of the Nazi regime. And in 1948, Hugo Boss finally retired, transferring his company into the hands of his heirs.

In addition, the prisoners of the "death camps" worked at many German enterprises, such as Krupp, Siemens, Bayer, at the automobile factories of Mercedes-Benz, Volkswagen, Porsche, and even stood at the conveyors of the American company Ford. Logically, for the exploitation of the labor of hundreds of thousands of prisoners, these firms and their products should be boycotted.

And further. The black SS uniform (well known to our viewers from the series "Seventeen Moments of Spring" directed by Tatyana Lioznova) was invented by a 34-year-old heraldry specialist, a member of the "Imperial Association of German Artists", Professor Karl Dibich with his assistant Walter Heck. The latter also developed the emblem in the form of a double rune "zig" and the design of edged weapons for the SS. Atelier Hugo Boss was engaged only in sewing uniforms for party bosses and senior SS and Luftwaffe ranks. The creation of the SS uniform of Dibich was inspired by the uniform of the Prussian "Hussars of Death" (in colloquial German since the 18th century it is customary to call the 1st Life Hussar Regiment and the 2nd Life Hussar Regiment of Queen Victoria of Prussia with the word Totenkopfhusaren), whose mirlitons were decorated with the Totenkopf emblem - "Dead Head". The combination of black and white is a tribute to the heraldic colors of the Kingdom of Prussia. Ironically, the Russian Empire had its own black hussars dressed in a similar uniform: the Fifth Regiment of the Alexandrian Hussars.

Black uniforms and caps for members of the SS were introduced on July 7, 1932, and after 1939 a massive transition of members of the General SS to gray uniforms began. In fact, from that moment on, the black uniform was no longer worn, giving preference to gray and field uniforms. In 1944, the black uniform was abolished in Germany. Soviet cultural figures turned it into a memorable symbol of the SS.

HUGO BOSS - Hitler's personal stylist and Nazi uniform maker? January 31st, 2018

What can I say, the Nazis created a magnificent visual background for themselves: events, symbols, clothes. I remember how a kid looked at Stirlitz in a German uniform - spectacular!

A few years ago, a scandal erupted around the published facts about the involvement of the world famous brand "Hugo Boss" in the creation of military uniforms for soldiers and officers of the Wehrmacht. The famous designer Hugo Boss was accused of complicity with the Nazis and personal connections with Hitler. The company even turned to historians for help to sort out this issue. And although the results of a scientific study disproved many of the replicated myths about the designer, the company had to admit the fact of creating the Nazi uniform and apologize for the exploitation of prisoners of war and prisoners from concentration camps in labor factories. We have already discussed this in posts and.

But back to Hugo...

In those days, the name of Hugo Boss was not yet a well-known brand. He began his professional career as a garment factory worker in 1902. After 6 years, a textile shop was inherited from his parents, and in 1923 Hugo Boss opened his own sewing company - a workshop for sewing overalls, windbreakers, overalls and raincoats for workers . In 1930, his firm was on the verge of bankruptcy. To save her from ruin, he took up sewing Wehrmacht uniforms.

Rumors that the world-famous company Hugo Boss profited from cooperation with the Nazis appeared in the late 1990s, stirred up society and caused a scandal. In 1997, the company publicly acknowledged the fact of cooperation with the Nazis. Since this had a negative effect on the brand's image, the company sponsored a scientific study of these facts, which was carried out by the Munich historian Roman Kester. In 2012 he published a book called Hugo Boss, 1924-1945. A garment factory between the Weimar Republic and the Third Reich”, in which he detailed the results of his research.

As it turned out, Hugo Boss was really engaged in tailoring military uniforms for the Wehrmacht and received large profits from these orders. And the factory used forced labor of 140 immigrants from Poland and 40 French prisoners. However, no written evidence that Hugo Boss was Adolf Hitler's personal tailor has survived. In addition, the designer did not participate in the development of sketches and the creation of patterns, and his factory was one of many, far from the largest, of all companies that were engaged in sewing uniforms.

Karl Diebitsch - black SS uniform designer

In fact, the designer of the black SS uniform was not Hugo Boss, but Karl Diebich, a German artist, designer and officer of the SS, and the SS emblem in the form of two “Sieg” runes was designed by graphic artist Walter Heck. The black color of the uniform of SS officers was intended to evoke respect and fear, but it soon turned out that this color had a significant drawback: in the summer, it absorbs solar radiation and provokes profuse sweating. Therefore, black was soon replaced by gray, although black continued to be used in the ceremonial uniforms of officers of the highest echelon of the SS. The factory of Hugo Boss only made uniforms designed by Karl Diebitsch.

The creation of the SS uniform of Dibich was inspired by the uniform of the Prussian *Hussar of Death*

But the fact that Hugo Boss collaborated with the Nazis not under duress, but because of personal convictions, was confirmed even by his son. In 2007, Siegfried Boss publicly admitted that his father was a member of the Nazi Party and commented on this fact: “And who was not a member at that time? The whole industry worked for the Nazis." Back in 1931, the designer voluntarily joined the National Socialist Workers' Party of the NSDAP and was himself a staunch Nazi. This was the main reason why his factory was registered as an important military enterprise and received a large order for sewing Wehrmacht uniforms. The German historian Henning Kober claims that all of the Hugo Boss management were Nazis and Hitler supporters.

Form designed by Karl Diebitsch

After the end of the war, the factory again took up the production of overalls for postmen, policemen and railwaymen. And its owner was tried, he escaped prison, but was sentenced to pay a fine of 100 thousand marks. True, later Hugo Boss was partially rehabilitated, and his status was changed: from the "accused" he turned into a "sympathizer." In 1948, the designer passed away at the age of 63. His company became a world famous brand after his death.

After the publication of Roman Koester's book, the Hugo Boss company posted a statement on its website expressing "deep regret at the suffering suffered by those who had to work in the Hugo Boss factory under the Nazis," thereby recognizing the legitimacy of the historian's conclusions.

And in the world of fashion, the uniform of the Third Reich, created by the Hugo Boss company, is considered the most beautiful and stylish military uniform. In the 1990s even a new movement was born - Nazi chic - Nazi chic. It was especially popular in Japan, where neo-Nazi organizations appeared. True, such a fashion is dictated rather not by aesthetic preferences, but by socio-political views, and is very far from ethical considerations - what is called "beyond good and evil."

Designer and founder of the famous brand Hugo Boss

Hugo Ferdinand Boss founded his first clothing company in 1924. Unfortunately, the first pancake turned out to be a lump - the economic conditions in Germany at that time were quite harsh. Some time later, Hugo's company went bankrupt; Boss was able to finally deal with creditors only in 1931 - by that time he had six sewing machines left of the entire company.

In 1931, Hugo joined the Nazi Party and even became one of the sponsors of the SS. Boss later claimed that he came to the Nazis in the first place because they promised to end unemployment; the crisis of faith that had overtaken Hugo by that time also played a role.

In 1936 Boss joined the German Labor Front, in 1939 he joined the Air Defense Forces (Reichsluftschutzbund), and in 1941 he became a member of the National Socialist People's Welfare.

Sales of Hugo Fashion House products grew with enviable regularity - from 38,260 Reichsmarks in 1932 to 3,300,000 Reichsmarks in 1941; along with sales grew and net income. In his ad, Boss claimed to have been supplying uniforms to the Nazis since 1924; this, however, is most likely an exaggeration - deliveries definitely went only from 1934, although they could well have begun around 1928.

In 1934, Hugo was already providing uniforms for the storm troopers, the SS, the Hitler Youth and the mechanized corps of the NSDAP. From a certain point, Hugo, in order to cope with the influx of orders, began to use the labor of prisoners of war - according to various sources, he had from 30 to 40 such unwitting employees; another 150 people were brought by force from the Baltic States, France (France), Belgium (Belgium), Italy (Italy), Austria (Austria), Czechoslovakia (Czechoslovakia) and Poland (Poland). The German historian Henning Kober claimed that all members of the company's management were staunch Nazis and supporters of Hitler.

In 1946, for membership in the party, support for the SS and supplying Nazi troops with uniforms - even before 1933 - Boss was recognized as an activist and supporter of the NSDAP; for this he was deprived of the right to vote, the opportunity to run his own company and was fined 100,000 marks.

Hugo died in 1948; his business, however, outlived its founder.

The Nazi past haunts the company to this day. In 1997, the Fashion House was mentioned in connection with a list of Swiss accounts; this story helped the world learn even more about "Hugo Boss"'s connection to the Nazis. In December 1999, after a lengthy litigation, the German government, a group of American lawyers, representatives of the Jewish nation and the US government organized a $5.1 billion cash fund; the funds of the fund were to be used to compensate the forced slaves of the Nazi regime. The fund was financed by the German government and German industrialists; "Hugo Boss" also contributed.

At the moment, the company's products are sold in at least 6102 stores in 110 countries. More than 364 stores are owned by the Fashion House itself; another 1,000 stores belong to various subsidiaries. The company's production facilities are also located around the world - Hugo Boss has its own factories in Turkey (Turkey), Poland, Italy, the USA and Germany. The main factory "HB" is located in Turkish Izmir (Izmir).


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