Classic jelly. Jellied meat from any meat - a universal step-by-step recipe Classic jellied meat

Which is very easy to find in cookbooks, most often prepared from organ meats. Only there are options when this dish is made from other ingredients. Mistresses can only choose between classic recipes and original ones.

Jelly. fish recipe

Delicious and unusual jelly is obtained from pike perch. To do this, take a kilogram of fish, a liter of water, onions (a couple of heads), 3 eggs, carrots, some olives, parsley, peppercorns. And for jelly you will need broth (1 liter), 2 tablespoons of gelatin, celery, onion, carrots and parsley.

From pike perch you need to make a fillet. To do this, it is cleaned from the skin and carefully separated from the bones. In turn, from the head, all the cartilage, fins, skin put to boil the broth. There also add onions and all kinds of roots. Hour 2 "ear" should stand on low heat. At the end, lavrushka, pepper and salt are already added to the broth.

The resulting broth is filtered and sent to a clean bowl. Pieces of fish fillet also get there and the “ear” is allowed to boil, after which the pike perch is cooked over low heat until cooked. The pieces are pulled out of the broth and cool slightly.

Gelatin is poured with 3 tablespoons. It needs to stand for 10-15 minutes to swell well. The broth again falls on the stove, where it boils, and then gelatin is added there and everything is thoroughly mixed. With such a liquid, the fish, laid out in deep bowls, is poured and sent to the refrigerator. It is best to decorate the resulting dish with boiled eggs and herbs or slices of carrots.

Beef jelly

Without the use of gelatin, jelly is also made. The classic recipe implies the presence of beef meat on the bone, half a kilogram of beef legs, carrots, root parsley, several cloves of garlic and a sauce made from horseradish with sour cream (half a glass should turn out). All meat and legs are thoroughly washed and filled with water, boiled for several hours (5-6 is enough). About an hour before cooking, various spices and vegetables are added to the broth.

The meat is freed from the bones, divided into pieces. Also come with legs. The resulting broth is well filtered. Meat and fatty pieces are combined with the broth and heated again and boiled for 10-15 minutes. At the end, chopped garlic gets into the future jelly. Only after that, the broth is poured into separate containers and placed in the refrigerator to solidify. The finished dish is served with an original horseradish sauce with sour cream.

Pig's feet jelly

Another classic version of Russian jelly implies that the hostess has ears and heels. You will also need 2 carrots, parsley in the root, garlic (a few cloves), onions, 2 eggs, parsley, salt and pepper in the form of peas.

All legs and other offal are poured with water and boiled for 5 hours. Each time it is necessary to remove the resulting foam. Once everything is cooked, the meat and veins are separated from the bones, which are sent back to the broth and, together with carrots, onions, garlic, parsley and spices, another hour is cooked. Then the finished broth is filtered and mixed with chopped meat and carrots, which are cut into circles. The mixture is brought to a boil and sent to deep molds. They are put in the fridge to chill. You can decorate the resulting jelly on the table with dill and parsley.

Jelly. mushroom recipe

To prepare the original mushroom version of the jelly, you will need any mushrooms. They can be pickled, dried, salted, or even fresh. The main thing is that they should be about 150g. You also need gelatin, mushroom broth (250 ml), a head of garlic and salt.

Mushrooms should be boiled and finely chopped. Gelatin, meanwhile, is diluted in mushroom broth. Salt and chopped garlic are also added there. Pieces of mushrooms should be placed on the bottom of the molds and pour gelatin water. The dish should be cooled until fully formed, and after a few hours, serve.

The jelly is always great Without this dish, not a single feast can do.

All that is needed is to wash the meat well and put it to boil. I go through the skin with a knife, scratching it to scrape off any dirt. And in a large pot on the fire.
I pour enough water to cover the shank with legs. Somewhere 3 - 3.5 liters. Most of the water will then evaporate anyway.

When the water boils, I remove the scale from the broth, add salt and let it cook further. The main thing is to adjust the fire so that it does not boil too much.
I boil the shank with legs for at least 3 hours, as it is necessary that the meat simply falls off the bones. Three hours is just enough.

When the meat has just boiled, as necessary, I put it out of the pan and let it cool a little.

And then I begin to separate the meat from the bones. I put the meat from the shank in one bowl, and the skin in another. So that later it would be more convenient to lay out in approximately the same proportions in containers.

And that's all - I begin to lay out in bowls, where I will pour our jelly.
I put everything in order, as it is more convenient for me.
First meat, then chopped skins, seasoning for jellied meat, garlic, ground pepper and greens.

And pour the broth. I only taste it to know for sure if everything is enough. I add more salt and garlic if needed.
It remains only to wait for our dish to solidify so that it becomes a full-fledged jellied meat. To do this, I send it to the refrigerator for several hours.
By the way, I took two forms for jellied meat, but this amount of meat is enough for three such containers in which I did it - then there will be just more shaking.

In Russia, to the south, the same version of the dish is known as jelly. Classic jelly, aka jelly, cannot be categorized as aspic. The main difference is only natural products, different-sized pieces of carcasses and long cooking. Tails, legs, ears, parts of the heads with gelling substances are taken to the pulp, which gives the desired effect. No agar-agar, gelatin, pectin and other achievements of gastronomy.

Among the national varieties of jelly, you have probably heard, tried German brawn, Georgian mazhuzha, Ukrainian dredges. All of them are good with appetizing mustard and grated horseradish, especially during the cold season with its many holidays. The basic recipe below is familiar to experienced housewives and will not become a discovery for them - rather, it is sent to beginners as a help, with explanations and a detailed step-by-step description.

Preparation time: 9 hours / Number of servings: 15


  • pork legs 500 g
  • pork pulp 550 g
  • chicken fillet 350 g
  • chicken drumsticks 300 g
  • chicken thigh 500 g
  • carrots 1-2 pcs.
  • onion 2-3 pcs.
  • garlic ½ head
  • bay leaf 3-5 pcs.
  • black peppercorns to taste
  • salt to taste
  • greens ½ bunch


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    We thoroughly wash the meat preparations in cold water, lower them into the pan. Completely covering, fill with water, put on maximum heat and let it boil. A grayish foam collects on the surface - we drain all the liquid along with the “flakes”, once again wash the scalded meat and the container. We return the pieces to a clean pan, pour in the required volume of new water: 4 liters. It's very easy to calculate. For every kilogram of meat take 2 liters of cold water. I have a total weight of poultry and pork is a little more than 2 kg - so I add 4 liters of water. We boil a second time, lay the onions, carrots, green branches, lower the temperature and, with a slight boil, cook for the first 2-3 hours. I don’t remove the husk from onions, with it the broth is painted with a more saturated shade. Onion peel is a great natural dye, remember Easter eggs?

    Spicy and spicy spices - bay leaves and black peppercorns - some are thrown at the beginning of cooking, others - after a couple of hours, about in the middle or an hour before the end of the process. One hour is enough to flavor the broth. The same goes for salt. Out of habit, some salt immediately, but without salt, both vegetables and meat fibers soften faster. I advise you to season for an hour and a half before removing from heat. Do not forget that the salt concentration should be higher than in the usual broths / soups / borschts. As the jelly cools, the salinity will balance.

    Modern culinary experts, known on TV shows, have the following rule: “Cook the broth for jelly for 4 hours and cool until it sets, also for 4 hours.” In practice, adjustments are possible. It all depends on the gelling substances in the connective tissue, bones. Lubricate your lips with a drop of rich broth. If a sticky, sticky film is felt, proceed to the next step. My jelly was cooked for 5 hours. Notice how the color has changed and how much the liquid has evaporated.

    Now, perhaps, the most labor-consuming stage. Stock up on a colander, a fine sieve, another pan, bowls for serving - the broth must be filtered and at least two or three times, separate large and small fragments, excess fat. Discard boiled onions, herbs, spices, leave soft carrots for decoration.

    We take out all the bones, cartilage from pork legs, chicken. The meat after a long cooking instantly disintegrates and there are no difficulties to remove the bones. Do not throw away the skin, chop finely and finely and mix with the rest of the boiled and fragrant pulp - it will come out juicy and tender.

    Without stint, we lay out the fibrous meat in stocked deep forms, plates. We fill the entire perimeter of the bottom, do not leave gaps. For meat-eaters, first of all, of course, meat is important, and secondly, an unsteady layer of jelly. But be guided by personal preferences and independently set the proportions of meat-jelly.

    Pour the still hot fragrant and concentrated broth - leave the meat under the liquid layer.

    In random order, we lay out figures from carrots, parsley branches - we complement them with bright accents. We are waiting for the final cooling. Then we throw a film or install a lid, keep it on the shelf of the refrigerator until it sets (at least 4 hours).

    If there is leftover broth, pour into convenient portion molds, freeze. Store the meat concentrate in the freezer and use it to prepare gravy, first courses, sauces.

After waiting for uniform solidification, serve homemade jelly with horseradish and mustard. We turn over small containers, put the jelly on flat plates. Bon appetit!

Russian cuisine indulges its admirers with a variety of delicious dishes that captivate with a delicate taste and fragrant aroma. However, Russian culinary delights are rich not only in a special relish and spicy smell.

Masterpieces prepared according to old recipes from the "folk chest" amaze with the warmth and heartfelt color of the picturesque country. One of the favorite dishes of many people is jelly - the great-great-grandson of meat broth.

A dish with a lot of history

One fine day, a caring hostess decided to pamper her household with fragrant and delicious meat broth. She took a large cauldron, poured some water into it, put meat and bones, added an onion, a carrot and put it on the stove.

Dinner was a success! But in the morning the hostess found that the soup had frozen. Of course, this did not delight her, since she had to heat the stove again to warm up the broth. This is how a relative of modern jelly appeared - jelly.

Jelly-like food has undergone a number of changes since that time. At first it was intended exclusively for the poor. So, for example, servants ate jelly at court. It was prepared from leftovers that remained on the table after the dinner of noble people.

When the fashion for everything French “covered” Russia, the jelly became an invited guest at the feasts, since the dish was in great demand in the country of love. True, it was called galantine.

We can say that the current jelly is a colorful combination of culinary traditions of two picturesque countries - Russia and France. More than 400 years have passed since that time, but the jelly-like dish is still an honored "guest" on the festive table.

Helpful or harmful? Should I eat it often?

Aspic, melting in the mouth, is known for a number of properties:

  • restorative;
  • invigorating;
  • tonic;
  • relaxing;
  • rejuvenating;
  • restoring;
  • nutritious;
  • stimulating;
  • protective;
  • cleansing.

Despite the mass of useful properties, it is not necessary to include a jelly-like dish in the daily diet, since it contains bad cholesterol, which contributes to the occurrence of serious diseases.

Calorie aspic

Aspic cannot be called a very high-calorie dish. Its energy value, of course, depends on the type of meat. 100 g of the product contains 80–400 kcal.

Pork leg jelly - step by step photo recipe

Do you want to cook a real jelly? No, we are not talking about some obscure substance, like the one sold in supermarkets under the same name.

The presented jelly recipe contains the most useful and most detailed recommendations, allowing you to get a great jelly in the best traditions of Russian cuisine.

Cooking jelly is not very difficult, but the cooking technology requires a patient and attentive attitude. To make it tasty and at the same time useful, several requirements should be taken into account.

  • All products should be purchased only fresh quality.
  • Aspic should languish, so it will cook for at least seven hours with minimal heating.
  • The meat components of the meal must be laid in a certain order.

Your mark:

Time for preparing: 10 hours 0 minutes

Quantity: 6 servings


  • Chicken drumsticks and thighs: 4 things.
  • Legs, drumsticks (pork): 2 pcs.
  • Large bulb: 1 PC.
  • Carrots: 1 pc.
  • Fresh herbs: 5-6 sprigs
  • Black pepper (peas): 15 pcs.
  • Laurel: 3-4 pcs.
  • Salt:

Cooking instructions

    Pork legs must first be carefully processed (singed and scraped).

    Wash all meat products well.

    We spread the legs and drumsticks (pork) in a five-liter enameled pan, fill it with drinking water so that the liquid is twice as much as the products placed in the container. We put the food to cook.

    When the broth boils, add peppercorns, carrots cut into large slices, sprigs of greens, and then bring the heat to a minimum. This thermal regime is recommended to be observed throughout the entire cooking process.

    After five hours, we lower the chicken drumsticks and thighs, an onion head, and three bay leaves into the jelly.

    As for determining the amount of salt, it should be borne in mind that there should be a little more of it in aspic than in another broth prepared for the first course. Remember that undersalted food will not taste good!

    So, when the components of the jelly are completely boiled, turn off the fire. We take out meat products from the jelly, put them in a small basin. We separate the meat from the bones, cut it into small pieces with a sharp knife, place it in a separate bowl, mix well.

    Be sure to strain the broth. We lay out the thick part of the jelly on plates (forms). The amount of meat in the dishes should be half the liquid component, which will give the dish the most pleasant taste.

    Carefully pour the jelly, mix the contents of each portion, wait for the jelly to cool, and then put it in a cold place.

    Plates with frozen jelly must be covered with cling film so that the food retains its best qualities longer.

Chicken meat variation

To prepare a fragrant and tasty dish, you need to stock up on the following components:

  • chicken weighing 2-3 kg - 1 pc.;
  • chicken feet - 8-10 pcs.;
  • carrots - 1-2 pcs.;
  • fragrant laurel - 5-6 pcs.;
  • spicy pepper - 5-8 peas;
  • fine salt - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 5-7 liters.

For clearance gourmet dish you will need:

  • chicken eggs - 5 pcs.;
  • curly cilantro - 5 sprigs.

Creating a culinary masterpiece consists of three stages.

Stage 1- preparation of ingredients:

  1. Rinse the carcass under running water.
  2. Remove the skin from the chicken.
  3. Clean the paws: remove the hard skin and claws.
  4. Cut the chicken carcass into four pieces.
  5. Peel carrots, onions, and garlic.
  6. Wash vegetables under running water.
  7. Boil eggs, peel and cut into rings.
  8. Wash the cilantro and pluck off the leaves.

Stage 2- cooking

  1. Place the meat and legs in a large saucepan.
  2. Fill the chicken carcass and legs with water.
  3. When the liquid boils, reduce the heat.
  4. Remove the foam using a slotted spoon.
  5. Boil the fragrant broth for 6-8 hours.
  6. When the meat is off the bone, add the onions and carrots.
  7. After 30 minutes, remove the chicken meat and legs from the pan.
  8. Add bay leaves, pepper, garlic and salt to the jellied meat.
  9. Stir ingredients and cook for another 30 minutes.

Stage 3- shaping the dish

  1. Strain the broth using a strainer.
  2. Disassemble the meat: remove the bones and finely tear into fibers.
  3. Place the chicken in deep bowls.
  4. Place the egg rings and cilantro leaves over the meat.
  5. Pour the stock over the ingredients.
  6. Taste a piece of culinary art after 12 hours.

If desired, various figures can be cut out of carrots - hearts, stars, squares, and curls can be made from onion feathers, which will perfectly decorate the dish.

Chicken aspic is perfect in a duet with mustard, sour cream or horseradish.

Can it be made with beef? Yes!

To prepare jelly, you need to arm yourself with:

  • beef leg - 2 kg;
  • beef ribs - 2 kg;
  • beef tail - 1 pc.;
  • beef pulp - 1 kg;
  • large onions - 2-3 pcs.;
  • carrots - 2-3 pcs.;
  • fragrant garlic - 1 head;
  • stock laurel - 5 pcs.;
  • fragrant pepper - 8-10 peas;
  • fine salt - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 5-7 liters.

For clearance noble dish you will need:

  • curly parsley - 5-10 branches;
  • chicken eggs - 5 pcs.

To pamper family members and guests with amazing jelly, you must strictly follow the recipe and do the work in stages.

Training ingredients:

  1. Wash the tail, ribs, fillet and drumstick under running water.
  2. Put meat products in a basin, fill them with water, cover the container with a lid and go to do other work.
  3. When the beef is “soaked” (3-5 hours), remove the ribs, tail, drumstick, pulp from the pelvis and wash again under running water.
  4. Disassemble the meat products: cut the pulp, tail, ribs into small pieces, and carefully cut the leg with a hacksaw.
  5. Peel and wash onions, garlic and carrots.
  6. Chop the fragrant garlic.
  7. Boil eggs, peel, cut into rings.
  8. Wash the parsley (if desired, disassemble into separate leaves).

Cooking rich meat and vegetable broth:

  1. Put meat products in a saucepan and cover with water.
  2. Cover the container with a lid and place on the stove.
  3. When the liquid boils, remove the foam and reduce the heat.
  4. Boil the broth for 5-7 hours.
  5. When the meat moves away from the bone, add the onion and carrot.
  6. Remove the meat products after 30 minutes.
  7. Add salt, pepper, garlic, bay leaf to the jelly.
  8. Remove the pot from the stove after 30 minutes.

Formation dishes:

  1. Place the beef in deep bowls.
  2. Put egg rings and parsley leaves (twigs) on the meat.
  3. Pour the warm broth over the ingredients.
  4. When the jellied meat has cooled, put the plates in the refrigerator.
  5. Taste the dish after 12 hours.

If desired, it can be decorated with canned corn or green peas. The dish goes well with hot mustard, fragrant horseradish and spicy tkemali.

Another version of beef jelly in the video.

How to cook a noble shank dish

To prepare a dish worthy of the royal table, you should stock up on the following components:

  • pork knuckle weighing 1.5–2 kg - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 1-2 pcs.;
  • large onions - 1-2 pcs.;
  • winter garlic - 1 head;
  • bay leaves - 3-5 pieces;
  • fragrant cloves - 1-2 stars;
  • fine salt - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 5-7 liters.

For clearance healthy meals you will need:

  • chicken eggs - 5 pcs.;
  • curly parsley - 5-6 branches;
  • green onions - 5 feathers.

Cooking a budget, but very tasty jellied meat consists of three stages.

Training ingredients:

  1. Rinse the pork leg under a thin stream of cold water.
  2. Put the knuckle in a saucepan, fill with water, cover with a lid and proceed to other work.
  3. When the meat product is "soaked" (8-10 hours), remove it from the container and wash thoroughly.
  4. Remove dark spots from the shank with a knife.
  5. Saw the leg using a hacksaw.
  6. Peel and wash vegetables.
  7. Boil chicken eggs, remove the shell and cut into rings.
  8. Wash your greens.
  9. Disassemble the parsley into leaves (if desired, this can be omitted).
  10. chop the garlic

Cooking rich meat and vegetable broth:

  1. Put the shank in a large container and fill it with water.
  2. Put the pan or cauldron on the stove and cover with a lid.
  3. When the future broth boils, remove the foam using a slotted spoon and reduce the heat.
  4. Simmer jelly for 5-7 hours.
  5. When the meat and fat come off the bone, add the onions and carrots.
  6. Remove the leg after half an hour.
  7. Add salt, pepper, bay leaf, cloves to the jelly.
  8. Mix the ingredients thoroughly.
  9. Simmer the meat aspic for another half hour.
  10. Remove the container from the stove.

Formation dishes:

  1. Strain the fragrant aspic through a strainer.
  2. Separate the meat from the bone and chop.
  3. Lay the pork on the bottom of the plate.
  4. Place the egg rings, onion feathers and parsley over the meat.
  5. Pour the stock over the ingredients.
  6. When the jellied meat has cooled, put the plates in the refrigerator.
  7. Taste the dish after 12 hours.

Fragrant jelly goes perfectly with lemon juice, horseradish and mustard.

Jelly from the head - how and how much to cook

For a culinary masterpiece, you need to arm yourself with the following components:

  • pork head - ½ pc.;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • large onions - 1-2 pcs.;
  • fragrant garlic - 1 head;
  • spicy cloves - 2-3 stars;
  • fragrant bay leaves - 3-5 pieces;
  • spirited pepper - 7-10 peas;
  • fine salt - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 5-7 liters.

For clearance fragrant dishes you will need:

  • chicken or sawn eggs - 6-8 pcs.;
  • greenery.

To cook "cold" with a breathtaking taste, you should "break" the work into three stages:

Training ingredients:

  1. Rinse the pig's head thoroughly under running cold water.
  2. Place the pig's head in a basin, fill with water, cover and leave overnight.
  3. Remove the head in the morning and rinse with running water.
  4. Take a brush with coarse bristles and go over the skin with it.
  5. Saw the head with a hacksaw into 4 pieces.
  6. Clean and wash vegetables.
  7. Chop the garlic.
  8. Boil eggs, peel and cut into rings.
  9. Wash the greens and disassemble into leaves.

Cooking rich meat and vegetable broth:

  1. Put the sawn head into pieces in a saucepan and fill it with water.
  2. Cover the container with a lid and place on the stove.
  3. When the broth boils, remove the foam and reduce the heat.
  4. Simmer rich meat broth - 5-6 hours.
  5. When the meat moves away from the bone, add carrots, garlic, onions, peppers, cloves, bay leaves, salt.
  6. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and cook for another hour.
  7. Remove the saucepan from the stove.

Formation dishes:

  1. Strain the aromatic broth through a strainer.
  2. Divide the pork among plates.
  3. Put the egg rings and greens on the meat.
  4. Pour the stock over the ingredients.
  5. When the meat jelly from the head has cooled, put the plates in the refrigerator.

If desired, a flower can be formed from an egg, and grass from greenery. Serve the dish in combination with hot mustard, fragrant horseradish, spicy soy sauce or spicy adjika. The stormy delight of households and guests is guaranteed.

Recipe for a slow cooker - very fast and tasty

To cook delicious "cold" in a slow cooker, you need to take:

  • chicken ham - 1 pc.;
  • beef shank - 1 pc.;
  • pork shank - 1 pc.;
  • large carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • medium-sized onion - 2 pcs.;
  • chopped parsley root - ½ tsp;
  • fragrant cloves - 2 stars;
  • zapashny bay leaves - 3-5 pieces;
  • spirited garlic - 5-10 cloves;
  • fine salt - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • fragrant pepper - 5-7 peas;
  • water - 4.5 liters.

To decorate the dish, you can stock up on greens.

Cooking a tasty and healthy jelly in a slow cooker consists of the following steps.

Training ingredients:

  1. Wash the meat products thoroughly, put them in a saucepan, cover with a lid and wait 4-6 hours.
  2. Remove meat from water and wash again.
  3. Cut the pork and beef shank into small pieces.
  4. Peel vegetables.

Cooking rich meat and vegetable broth:

  1. Put the meat into the bowl.
  2. Put vegetables and spices on the meat.
  3. Pour cold water over the ingredients.
  4. Put the bowl in the slow cooker, cover with a lid, select the "Extinguishing" mode and set the time - 6 hours.
  5. Take the bowl out of the multicooker.

Formation dishes:

  1. Remove the meat and strain the broth.
  2. Separate the meat from the bones and chop.
  3. Divide the meat platter among the plates.
  4. Pour the stock over the ingredients.
  5. When the jellied meat has cooled, put the plates in the refrigerator.
  6. Taste "cold" after 12 hours.

If desired, the dish can be decorated with vegetables and herbs. Serve "cold" in a duet with herbs and mushrooms.

Gelatin to be! diet option

To prepare an incomparable dish with low fat and calorie content, you should pay attention to turkey or chicken breast and gelatin.

  • chicken breasts - 3-4 pieces;
  • turkey pulp - 1 pc.;
  • large carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • onion - 2 pcs.;
  • fragrant cloves - 2 stars;
  • zapashny bay leaves - 3-5 pieces;
  • spirited garlic - 5-7 cloves;
  • fine salt - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • fragrant pepper - 5-7 peas;
  • water - 5-7 liters;
  • gelatin - per liter of broth - 50 g.

To decorate the dish, you can arm yourself with greens.

To cook "cold" with a breathtaking taste, you should divide the work into three stages:

Preparation of ingredients:

  1. Rinse the chicken and turkey breasts under running water.
  2. Cut the fillet into small pieces.
  3. Clean and wash vegetables.
  4. Finely chop the garlic.

Cooking rich meat and vegetable broth:

  1. Put the meat in a container and fill with water.
  2. Cover the pot with a lid and place on the stove.
  3. When the future jelly boils, remove the foam and reduce the heat.
  4. Boil jellied meat for 1-2 hours.
  5. Add vegetables and spices to the meat broth.
  6. Mix the ingredients and simmer for 15-20 minutes.
  7. Remove the container from the stove.

Formation dishes:

  1. Strain the fragrant jelly using a sieve.
  2. When the broth has cooled to 40°C, add gelatin, stir and strain again.
  3. Chop the meat and arrange it on plates.
  4. Pour the stock over the ingredients.
  5. When the meat gelatin jelly has cooled, put the plates in the refrigerator.
  6. Taste aspic after 12 hours.

If desired, decorate the crown dish with greenfinch. Serve with soy sauce or lemon juice.

How to cook delicious, transparent jellied meat - tips that have been proven over the years

Kholodets is a dish that will perfectly fit into the festive menu! To make the jelly tasty, fragrant, healthy, and most importantly - transparent, famous chefs recommend:

  • use fresh meat on the bone;
  • soak meat products before preparing the broth;
  • pour cold cuts and bones only with cold water;
  • remove the foam every 2-3 hours;
  • cook jelly over low heat (it should not boil);
  • in no case do not add water to the broth;
  • cook jellied meat for at least 4 hours (if gelatin is not introduced);
  • add spices after the meat leaves the bone (if the jelly is not cooked in a slow cooker);
  • be sure to filter the jelly;
  • add 1 tsp. lemon juice, if the broth is cloudy;
  • do not expose the jellied meat to frost.

That's all the wisdom of cooking incredibly tasty, healthy and fragrant food.

Craving more details? Here is a great video that will help you prepare a low-fat and absolutely transparent, delicious jellied meat.

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