A single OSAGO base (check the policy). Checking the OSAGO policy on the basis of the PC How to check the insurance policy

After more frequent cases of detecting counterfeit OSAGO forms, the Russian Union of Motor Insurers began developing a service for checking policies for authenticity. There are several ways to determine the validity of OSAGO, both your own and a third party's document.

How can I check the OSAGO insurance policy by number

To begin with, it is recommended to check OSAGO for authenticity using PCA. Among other things, this test gives the most accurate result. All that is required of you during the verification is to enter a series of OSAGO documents into a special PCA form, choosing one of the options, as well as the document number. To receive an answer, enter the security code by ticking the captcha provided.

Go to: https://dkbm-web.autoins.ru/dkbm-web-1.0/bsostate.htm

If the data is entered correctly, you will see all the available information from a single OSAGO database about the specified policy.

Next, you need to check the status of the document. Correct field value: "Located by the policyholder". Also check that the insurer and terms of insurance match those that you were given at the conclusion of the contract.

When checking, there may be the following nuances. The status “Located by the insurer” indicates that the insurance employees have not yet managed to change it in the OSAGO database. However, if this status has been registered with your document for a long time, then you should contact the insurers.

The invalidity of the contract may be indicated by the status "Voided" or "Lost". In this case, in addition to acquiring a new policy, you will have to contact law enforcement agencies and your insurance company.

For all its reliability, online verification still does not give a 100% result. The fact is that duplicates of OSAGO policies also issue the status “Located by the insured”. In addition, it is quite difficult to recognize duplicates, since they are issued with the same terms of insurance.

In order not to get into an unpleasant situation, you will need to additionally check which car was insured under this policy. To check the vehicle, enter the data in the proposed form.

The form of checking the policy according to the OSAGO form in the PCA database

Go to: https://dkbm-web.autoins.ru/dkbm-web-1.0/osagovehicle.htm

The server will return the following information to you: the insurance company, the status of the contract, and the vehicle's VIN number.

Vehicle number check

Well, what about the situation when the insurance policy is lost? How, in the event of an accident, to check whether the car of the culprit is insured if he himself did not provide a contract? In this situation it will be useful.

To make sure that you have an insurance policy, just fill out the form of this service with the following data: body and chassis number, number (using Russian letters and region code), as well as the VIN number of the vehicle. Of course, there are many input data, and besides, there are situations when there is no access to them. Therefore, the PCA service allows you to obtain information about the policy, both for all the entered data in the aggregate, and for individual items.

Rarely, but there are cases of errors in the OSAGO forms themselves, therefore, even by entering the correct data, you may not find the requested policy.

Let's go back to the accident. In addition to other information about participants' insurance, the date of the request is important, so it is also present in the input data.

Visual markers of authenticity

If for some reason it is not possible to check the OSAGO policy for authenticity through an electronic cabinet, you need to examine it visually.

Pay attention to the following:

  • the OSAGO form is larger than an A4 sheet in length by approximately 1 centimeter;
  • the presence of a microgrid on the front side;
  • the presence of watermarks;
  • the presence of a thin metallized strip on the reverse side;
  • high-quality paint on the form;
  • the presence of microvilli;
  • convex ten-digit policy number in the upper right corner.


Knowing these methods of testing an insurance policy, checking all its parameters will help you protect yourself as much as possible from unplanned expenses for fines or, even worse, repairs after an accident.

However, none of the methods can give a 100% guarantee of the authenticity of your policy, so try to combine verification methods and, at the slightest suspicion, contact your insurance company.

All compulsory third party liability insurance contracts concluded after September 1, 2014 are recorded in the unified automated information system of the Russian Union of Motor Insurers. Insurers are obliged to upload the data to the portal within one working day from the conclusion of a new contract. So check

OSAGO policy for the authenticity of the PCA allows any insured who has this document in his hands. Authentication makes it possible to avoid damage from the actions of fraudsters.
To check the OSAGO policy in AIS RSA on the association's website, you need to go to this section of the RSA website - https://dkbm-web.autoins.ru/dkbm-web-1.0/bsostate.htm.

1. Checking the insurance form by number. To check, you must select a document series from the drop-down list, indicate its number and the date on which you need to provide data. After confirming the security code, the status of the requested form will be displayed on the screen. It is worth noting that from July 1, 2018, when concluding a motor insurance contract, only OSAGO forms of the KKK or MMM series are issued.

Verification is available for both paper and electronic forms. A policy can have several statuses:

  • "is with the policyholder" - the document is genuine and handed over to the policyholder.
  • “is with the insurer” - the document is still with the insurer or the insurer has not yet submitted information to the AIS RSA. For this reason, it is better to check the OSAGO insurance form for authenticity a few days after the conclusion of the contract.
  • "lost validity" - the policy is no longer valid. The reason why the document has lost its validity can be found out by checking which vehicle is insured under this document.
  • “lost” – the policyholder has provided the insurer with information about the loss of the document.
  • "printed by the manufacturer" - the form to be filled out has not yet been submitted to the work of the insurer.

Unfortunately, scammers can forge a valid OSAGO policy, so to make sure the authenticity of the document, you should additionally check which car is indicated on the insurance form.

2. Verification of information about the vehicle insured by the OSAGO contract. To do this, you must fill in information about the series of the form, enter its number and indicate the date on which data must be provided. After confirming the code, information about the insured car will be safely displayed on the screen: license plate and VIN code.

3. Verification "from the opposite": clarification of the policy number according to the car. For such a check, you will need to specify the VIN number, license plate number, body and chassis number of the car. When specifying a license plate, the region code is indicated at the end, all data is entered without spaces and additional characters. After specifying all the data on the page, information about the name of the insurance company, the number of the insurance form and the type of insurance contract will be displayed.

If an insurance contract is concluded with the admission of a limited number of people to drive a vehicle, at the second stage of verification, the system will offer to check whether a particular driver is included in the policy. To do this, you will need to indicate the series and number of his driver's license. It is worth noting that if changes to the policy data were made recently (1-2 days ago), they might not have had time to be displayed in the electronic system, so you should return to checking the information a little later.

In addition to the opportunity to check the OSAGO policy for authenticity, the PCA website contains a memo for motorists warning against scammers. In order not to become the owner of a fake auto insurance form, you should:

  • check whether the insurance company has a valid license for the right to carry out OSAGO on the website of the Bank of Russia;
  • draw up documents only at the sales offices of insurance companies;
  • check the documents of brokers and agents confirming their right to implement policies on the official websites of insurance companies;
  • do not purchase insurance documents through couriers who bring completed forms to your home;
  • do not pay for services in cash.

Information from a fake document is not transferred to the IAS RSA, therefore the owner of such a form will not be able to use the KBM accumulative system. Naturally, in the event of an accident, such a document does not provide for an insurance payment and all possible financial costs are shifted to the driver. In accordance with the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, the use of a fake policy and its presentation to an employee of the State traffic inspectorate is a crime.

If, after checking the OSAGO policy for authenticity on the PCA website, it turned out that the insured is the owner of a fake document, you must immediately contact the internal affairs authorities with a statement about the fraud committed against him.

The authenticity of the OSAGO policy is the key to the trouble-free receipt by the motorist of insurance protection from the company of his choice. However, cases of forgery or issuance of policies on behalf of insurers have recently become more frequent, from which the license to provide this type of service was previously revoked. In order to provide insurance guarantees and increase the confidence of policyholders, the Russian Union of Motor Insurers has created a special database that allows you to check the policy and verify the authenticity of this document.

This can be done online at any convenient time. Moreover, a motorist can check not only his OSAGO, but also the policy of another participant in an accident or any other person in order to verify the authenticity and validity of the insurance document. It is also very useful to check the authenticity of the policy after purchase.

PCA has made every effort to provide motorists with quick and convenient access to such a database, so anyone can now check the OSAGO policy for authenticity and completely free of charge.

Visual check

You can carry out an initial check of the paper version of the policy visually. To do this, carefully examine the document and pay special attention to the following:

  • the size of the form - it should be 1 cm larger than the A4 sheet format;
  • watermarks - the PCA logo should be visible on the form, colored villi are visible throughout the field;
  • metal strip - located on the left along the entire length;
  • the number is always ten-digit, the series is EEE (paper forms) or XXX (for electronic versions).
  • since 2018, all issued . Having recognized it with a smartphone camera, you can get all the information from the official PCA database (the corresponding page of the web browser will open).

In the policy, you should find all the necessary information about the insured, the insured asset, the validity period, the sum insured and the premium. Empty fields are crossed out. The amount of the insurance premium must be the same in the form and in the receipt that is issued upon payment.

At the time of the conclusion of the contract, the insurance company must have a valid license that gives the right to conclude OSAGO contracts, otherwise the policy issued by it is considered invalid.

Check by number

You can check the policy more precisely on the PCA website. Here you will have to fill out the proposed form, where you need to enter the series, the number of the form.

After entering a one-time verification code on the site, which will appear in the picture, a search result will be received from the PCA database. The authenticity of the policy is confirmed if the status “Located by the policyholder” is issued by its number. However, it is better for you to compare the name of the insurer and the term of the contract with the data indicated in the form being checked. If something doesn't match, it's probably fake.

OSAGO verification for authenticity by series and policy number dkbm-web.autoins.ru/dkbm-web-1.0/bsostate.htm

The status can be indicated as "Located by the insurer". This does not mean that your policy is forged or invalid. Perhaps a company employee simply did not confirm the issuance of this policy in a single database. However, if this status has been maintained for a long time, the situation should be clarified with the insurer so that the status of the policy can be changed.

If, during an online check, the base gives the result “Invalid”, “Lost”, it means that the authenticity or validity of the policy has not been confirmed and this document is not valid at the time of the check. In this case, it would be advisable to contact the representatives of the insurance company and the police, as well as buy a new OSAGO policy if you intend to use your vehicle further without waiting for the end of the showdown.

It is important to remember that, despite the high reliability of such online verification, PCA cannot guarantee protection against a duplicate of a valid policy. Fraudsters can issue exactly the same document with the same number and the same terms of insurance, but a different vehicle. Then, when searching in the database, the status of the policy will be the same - “Located by the insured”, that is, the duplicate will be recognized by the program as valid as the original.

You can check which car is insured by the OSAGO policy series number on the PCA page dkbm-web.autoins.ru/dkbm-web-1.0/osagovehicle.htm

At the slightest suspicion that you have a duplicate in front of you, again contact the PCA database and check which car was insured under this agreement. After filling in the requested data, you will receive the following results:

  • vehicle registration number,
  • VIN/body number,
  • policy status,
  • the name of the insurance company that issued it.

If the information received and what you see in the paper OSAGO policy do not match, be sure to contact your insurer to clarify the circumstances and write a statement to the police.

Vehicle number check

In some cases, you need to know the policy number. This happens when the policy is lost and needs to be restored, or when the insured who has an accident does not have it with him, but the number is needed to be included in the accident notice. You can find out about the presence of a "car citizen" and clarify the number of the OSAGO policy according to the data of the vehicle itself. To search in the PCA database, you will have to enter the numbers:

  • registration (in Cyrillic plus region code),
  • body,
  • chassis.

In most cases, only one vehicle registration number is sufficient to receive a response. But if, after entering data on the insurance policy number, it is not found, then you will have to fill out the entire form. At the same time, it is important to remember that the possibility of accidental errors cannot be ruled out both when filling out the request form, and drawing up the policy and transferring its data to the PCA database. This can also cause a lack of results after searching the database, although it is a rather rare occurrence.

You can check the availability of an OSAGO policy by car number on the PCA page dkbm-web.autoins.ru/dkbm-web-1.0/policy.htm

When filling out the request form, be sure to indicate the current date. Thus, you will find out not only the policy number, but also confirm the fact of its validity at a given time.

Upon this request, you can get the number and series of the OSAGO policy, but also information about the drivers allowed to drive the insured vehicle. This is important when there are several of them and it is necessary to know exactly whether a particular person had the right to drive a car. To obtain such information, you must specify the data from the driver's license in the request. Enter the series and number of rights - and you will be given an answer whether this person is allowed to use the insured vehicle. Be extremely careful when entering signs. A series can consist not only of numbers, but also of letters. Entering Russian letters in Latin can lead to data distortion and a negative search result. The number always consists of 6 digits, but they must also be entered correctly.

It should be remembered that only one driver's license number is not enough to check the OSAGO policy and find out its number. If you are interested in this particular data, you will have to supplement the information with the above information.

Checking by the number of rights is useful in the event of an accident, and will also allow you to check the correctness of entering data when drawing up an insurance contract and subsequent changes that may be made to the list of persons who are allowed to drive a car. Mistakes accidentally made by insurers distort the data of the PCA database, cause a lot of inconvenience to motorists when they are checked by patrol officers. If such inconsistencies are identified, contact the insurers with a request to check the policy and the accuracy of the data in the database and, if necessary, make adjustments.

Each car owner should remember that he can easily check the authenticity of the “car citizen” policy himself by sending an online request to the PCA. If they receive a negative answer, they must take this form to their insurance company and request an internal investigation. His security service will deal with the issue of the legitimacy of issuing this policy and the search for fraudulent agents who issued it or forged it. If the company cannot resolve this issue on its own, then it is worth involving the police in the case. But, as a rule, any self-respecting company independently copes with the resolution of such a situation.

Often, policyholders learn that the OSAGO policy is invalid only after the occurrence of an insured event. However, large insurance companies strive to maintain their reputation in the market and not lose the trust of customers, so they often meet their clients halfway and can pay out insurance compensation even under such a policy. It is also possible and very likely to achieve compensation for damage through the courts. But when filing a lawsuit, the car owner must confirm that he received the form from an employee of the insurance company itself or from its agent and paid the insurance premium for it by presenting the policy form and a receipt for payment of the insurance service to the court.

Before proceeding with the verification of the authenticity of the policy itself, it is necessary to understand in what cases it may be invalid.

First, a fairly common option - with incorrect filling. If you order OSAGO online and fill in all the fields yourself, then pay special attention even to the details. An incorrectly completed policy will be an invalid document.

Of course, there is no criminal punishment for this, but in the event of an accident, all the damage will have to be compensated by the driver himself, moreover, during the traffic police check, you will receive a fine for driving without OSAGO. If you have any doubts that you can fill out the policy correctly on your own, then it is better to contact specialists. The best option would be to enter data from the old policy into the new one.

Second, a much more serious option, concerns the situation if the OSAGO form is fake. In fact, such a document does not carry any legal force, and the buyer may be punished for acquiring it, since it will be quite difficult to prove non-participation. That is why when ordering OSAGO online or even when registering with a company, you need to check it for authenticity.

Third situation, which can lead to problems with OSAGO if the form itself is original, but was stolen from an insurance company. It will not be possible to determine this without proper verification.

Fourth, OSAGO is considered invalid if the company that issued the policies was deprived of a license or was declared bankrupt. That is, a driver can purchase OSAGO, after 2-3 months the license is revoked from the company, and, accordingly, all issued policies are also just a piece of paper.

Fifth if the policy has been cancelled. This situation should be considered in more detail. Everyone who has a car is interested in questions about in what cases it is possible to terminate OSAGO and when and under what circumstances it is possible to return money for OSAGO.

Be sure to read the article of our expert, in which he talks in detail about how inspectors are appointed.

Cancellation of OSAGO and refund

Termination of OSAGO and a refund of funds are possible, but not at the request of the owner of the car, but in accordance with certain rules. So, let's look at the options.

Vehicle sale

If the owner insured his car, and then decided to sell the vehicle, he can make a refund. But it should be remembered that not the entire amount will be returned to the owner. The insurance company will withhold 30 percent of the remaining amount. This is the law, and the owner is not able to fix something.

In order to return the remaining money for OSAGO, it is necessary to provide the following copies of documents to the insurance company: the civil passport of the owner, OSAGO and PTS (vehicle passport). Moreover, the TCP should have a seal, a mark that the car has been sold and registered.

So, the car is sold, the TCP has a seal confirming the sale of the vehicle, the date the vehicle was registered. It is from the moment the buyer has registered the car that you can collect documents for a refund. It is from the date of registration by the buyer of the car that you will be calculating the remaining amount for a refund. Each company handles refunds differently. Somewhere they can return within a month, but it also happens that you have to wait up to three months.

Car after an accident

The car during the accident was damaged so that it cannot be restored. And is completely recyclable. After disposal, a document is issued confirming that the car is no more. Then you can collect a package of documents from the company (copies of the owner's passport, vehicle passport, OSAGO and a certificate confirming the disposal of the vehicle) and either personally go to the company to submit documents for a refund, or send them by mail.

Death of a car owner

Another, last, option is the death of the owner of the car. In this case, it is necessary to provide, again, documents confirming the death of the owner, and papers confirming that he was the owner of the vehicle (copies of the owner’s civil passport, OSAGO, vehicle passport, death certificate).

Here are three reasons on the basis of which absolutely all insurance companies terminate OSAGO and refund money.

Simply, at the request of the owner, no one will either terminate the OSAGO or make a refund. And it does not matter at all whether the client was dissatisfied with the insurance company or for some other reason he wants to change the company. Refunds and termination of OSAGO are made strictly according to certain rules.

Important information

What should you pay attention to when applying for a policy in a company? First of all, of course, on the reputation and reviews on the Internet. Do not be too lazy to check the companies or online service that offers CMTPL registration.

Secondly, you must remember that in order to receive the document, you will need to submit the following papers:

  • statement;
  • passport or TIN for legal entities;
  • vehicle passport;
  • driver's license;
  • maintenance ticket;
  • old policy (if any).

If for some reason you are told that you can issue an OSAGO without the above documents, then it is recommended to contact another company.

Methods for verifying the authenticity of the OSAGO policy

After receiving the coveted document in hand, the verification itself begins directly. how to check the insurance policy? You can do this in various ways, depending on which one you prefer. Consider not only the available services for checking the originality of the insurance document for a vehicle, but also the preliminary stages of verification, which will allow you to take some measures at the registration stage.

First of all, it is possible to determine whether the OSAGO is original or not with a careful visual inspection.

This OSAGO form must visually comply with the following requirements:

  • the form is 1 cm longer than the standard A4 sheet;
  • made not on plain paper, but on a material that looks more like fabric;
  • OSAGO of the old model had a turquoise microgrid over the entire area, the new format became pinkish;
  • the form has a color gradient from yellow to pinkish;
  • signs of the Russian Union of Motor Insurers are easily recognized under the light;
  • in contact with fingers, paint should not remain on the hands;
  • in the upper right corner, the policy number consists of 10 digits and has a convex shape;
  • the policy must have a two-dimensional QR code;
  • when checking with ultraviolet, fibers are visible on paper;
  • the seal must be clearly legible so that all data can be easily read;
  • number and series are indicated in red paint;
  • the form should not contain any corrections, errors, etc.

Any person can visually check OSAGO. If any points do not match with you, then it is better to contact specialists for additional verification.

Verification of the company's license to conclude an OSAGO agreement

The next step is to check the company's license to issue OSAGO policies. You can check the availability of a permit from an online service or from a branch in your city on the website of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

Verification of the power of attorney of the intermediary company

Also on the website of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, you can check the authenticity of the power of attorney of the intermediary company. Why should this be done? If the power of attorney is not original, but fake, and also if its term has expired or it has been revoked, then the company does not have the right to issue OSAGO policies to customers.

Such a document will be invalid and will not save you from expenses in the event of an accident.

Checking through PCA services

The Russian Union of Motor Insurers provides an opportunity for everyone to check the authenticity of their OSAGO policy online. The organization is a union of all companies that issue auto insurance policies. To date, the PCA includes more than 70 companies.

How is the verification carried out? On the official website of the PCA, you must enter the number of the insurance policy. The following information is returned in response to the request:

  • the date until which the policy is valid;
  • policy status (was lost, stolen or valid);
  • in whose name the policy is issued (full name of the owner or name of the organization);
  • state number of the vehicle.

In addition to checking by OSAGO number, you can also, on the contrary, check the availability of a policy by the state number of the car or in the VIN code. To do this, enter the specified information in the appropriate field.

Also, the result of the check may be information that this OSAGO number was not found, was not issued or extended, lost its validity (if it was canceled) or was overdue.
The PCA test is available 24/7 and free of charge.

Other services for checking the OSAGO policy

If for some reason you do not want or cannot check your own PCA policy, then this can also be done through third-party services. How does this happen? According to the principle of operation, the procedure is very similar to checking through the PCA. It is also necessary to enter all personal data and information about OSAGO, send a request and wait for the result.

The advantage of third-party services is that the procedure takes much less time. The intermediary company sends the request for you.

Many insurance companies known throughout the country (Ingosstrakh, Rosgosstrakh, Renaissance, and so on) offer users to check the originality of OSAGO through their own services. The information is also reliable, but cases should be avoided when only surnames are required in the personal data fields. In Russia, as in any country, there are a lot of namesakes. To get really up-to-date data, it is better to choose services with the input of complete information.

If you have purchased an OSAGO policy and doubt its authenticity, you can check it.

Checking by number does not take much time, does not require additional costs or long waiting in lines. This can be done online.

OSAGO check is a guarantee of protection against any troubles on the road.

How to check the OSAGO policy for authenticity by number?

Why do you need an OSAGO policy?

OSAGO - compulsory civil liability insurance of motor vehicle owners. If you drive into any car, the insurer will pay for the repair of the damaged car, pay for the treatment.

The insurance company will cover the costs associated with the repair, for example, shop windows, fences, if you damage them too.

But under the OSAGO policy, it will not be possible to compensate for the costs of repairing your vehicle or stealing cars. It only covers the expenses of the person responsible for the accident.

The people gave the policy the name "Autocitizen". The amount of payments depends on the size of the base rate and coefficients.

The cost of OSAGO consists of the following factors:

If a car enthusiast does not have an OSAGO policy, he is prohibited from driving a vehicle and registering it. Ignoring these conditions is punishable by a fine: 500-800 rubles.

The insurer fulfills obligations to each victim. The number of insured events is not limited.

Damage is compensated in the following amounts:


This is a simplified design, a procedure for drawing up documents in order to compensate for losses under OSAGO without the participation of traffic police officers.

The following conditions must be met:

  • an accident involving two cars, whose owners are insured under OSAGO;
  • as a result of the accident, the damage was caused to the one specified in the first paragraph of the TS;
  • disagreements on circumstances and damages received were resolved between the participants, and the relevant information is recorded in the notification form according to the rules of OSAGO;
  • the amount of damage does not exceed 50,000 rubles.

To apply, contact any insurance company, fill out an application and provide a package of documents:

  • application for the conclusion of the contract;
  • an identity document or a certificate of state registration of a legal entity;
  • vehicle passport, vehicle registration certificate, technical coupon;
  • certificate of drivers who are allowed to drive a vehicle;
  • diagnostic card, MOT or state technical inspection coupon;
  • previous policy (if any);
  • do not forget to make copies of the above documents.

Consider how to find out the authenticity of an OSAGO insurance policy.


There are different ways to check:

  • visual;
  • checking the authority to conclude an insurance contract;
  • automated database of stolen and lost policies.

Fake policies don't pay out. If the owner gets into an accident, he will have to compensate for the damage on his own.

Fake Policy:

  • a fake form, which is made in a typographical way, having the necessary attributes;
  • original form that was stolen or lost by the insurance company;
  • forms that were not submitted by insurance intermediaries immediately after the termination of contracts with the insurer;
  • forms of insurance companies whose licenses were revoked or declared bankrupt.

Consider how to determine the authenticity of the OSAGO policy visually:

The introduction of new policies in 2016 was directed to:

  • to increase the level of protection, save the data of car owners;
  • suppression of fraud, which is associated with the manufacture and sale of fake OSAGO documents;
  • cessation of uncontrolled distribution of unused forms of old samples.

We check the company's rights to conclude an OSAGO agreement:

  1. The insurance company must have a valid license to sell policies. If the license is revoked, the insurer has no right to enter into such contracts.
  2. There must also be an intermediary of authority to conclude a contract, a valid power of attorney for the right to conclude contracts.

You can check whether an insurance company has a license on the website of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation: http://www.cbr.ru/finmarkets/.

We will learn how to check the OSAGO insurance policy for authenticity using the PCA database.

The Russian Union of Motor Insurers is a non-profit corporate organization that represents a single all-Russian professional association.

It is based on the principle of compulsory membership of insurers that carry out compulsory civil liability insurance of vehicle owners.

The status of this association is fixed by law. The structure includes 71 insurance companies.

You can check OSAGO on the official website of the PCA http://www.autoins.ru/ru/osago/polis. By the policy number, you can easily determine expired, stolen documents, authenticity, belonging of the policy to a particular company.

The policy response must include the following information:

  • the duration of the policy;
  • document status (lost, stolen, valid);
  • location (at the insurance company or insurer);
  • to whom it was issued, the state number of the car, the full name of the car owner.

You can also check whether the car has an insurance policy by the number of the car. You must enter the VIN number or state number of the vehicle.

Possible options for verification:

  1. Can't find policy. Then the document is fake and needs to be replaced.
  2. Not issued. If the status contains the entry “is with the insurer”, then you only have a copy of it, and the original is in the insurance company.
  3. Lost strength. You previously received a policy, but for some reason it was canceled.
  4. Expired. Such a policy also needs to be replaced.

The RSA database is freely available 24/7. You can use it for free. On the site you can get some useful tips, find out useful numbers, look at sample forms, ask questions, read important documents.

How to check the electronic OSAGO policy for authenticity?

OSAGO can be issued electronically, paid via the Internet, received by e-mail. The insurance company signs it with an enhanced qualified electronic signature.

It is made quickly, quite easily:

  • enter the personal account of the site, where there is such a function (pre-register);
  • select "Create a new OSAGO agreement";
  • fill in your data, vehicle data, drivers, policy expiration dates;
  • after automatic verification, pay for it with a bank card;
  • if the verification fails, some sites require you to attach copies of documents for manual verification;
  • after the electronic policy is sent to you by e-mail.

There are many sites where you can check the authenticity of the policy:

  • Ingosstrakh: https://www.ingos.ru/services/check_policy/;
  • Rosgosstrakh: https://www.rgs.ru/security/bso/index.wbp;
  • Renaissance: http://www.renins.com/ ;
  • Consent: http://www.soglasie.ru/bso/;
  • and other insurance companies licensed for OSAGO.

Authentication by last name is not the best way. It may not be correct. There is usually little such data. There are many namesakes in Russia, so additional data is required everywhere to enter.

Check the authenticity of the OSAGO insurance policy immediately after receiving it. So you will be better able to protect yourself from fakes and other related problems.

Don't be lazy:

In the PCA database, you can see a list of all the forms that are necessary for issuing OSAGO policies.

If your policy is not in the database, if a completely different insurance company is marked in the data, you are being deceived, do not enter into such an agreement. But if you have already issued such a policy, take measures to recover the amount paid from the fraudster.

For the purchase of a fake policy or an empty form, liability is provided (Article 327 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). You will not be able to receive an insurance payment on a fake policy.

If an accident occurs, the car owner must compensate for the damage himself. Be vigilant and always carefully check the policy you have purchased.

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