Law on technical safety. Terms and definitions of technical regulations

Technical regulations are adopted in order to: protect the life and health of citizens, property of individuals or legal entities, state or municipal property; protection of the environment, life and health of animals and plants; prevention of actions that mislead purchasers; ensuring the energy efficiency of buildings and structures

Federal Law of December 30, 2009 No. 384-FZ
"Technical regulations on the safety of buildings and structures"

Chapter 1. General Provisions

Article 1

This Federal Law is adopted for the purposes of:

1) protection of life and health of citizens, property of individuals or legal entities, state or municipal property;

2) protection of the environment, life and health of animals and plants;

3) prevention of actions that mislead purchasers;

4) security energy efficiency of buildings and structures.

Article 2. Basic concepts

1. For the purposes of this Federal Law, the basic concepts established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on technical regulation, the legislation of the Russian Federation on urban planning and the legislation of the Russian Federation on fire safety are used.

2. For the purposes of this Federal Law, the following basic concepts are also used:

1) emergency lighting - lighting on escape routes, having power supply from autonomous sources, functioning in case of fire, accident and other emergencies, switched on automatically when the corresponding alarm is triggered or manually if there is no alarm or it did not work;

2) accident - a dangerous man-made incident that creates a threat to life and health of people at an object, a certain territory or water area and leads to the destruction or damage to buildings, structures, equipment and vehicles, disruption of the production or transport process, causing damage to the environment;

4) impact - a phenomenon that causes a change in the stress-strain state of building structures and (or) the foundation of a building or structure;

5) life cycle of a building or structure - the period during which engineering surveys, design, construction (including conservation), operation (including current repairs), reconstruction, overhaul, demolition of a building or structure are carried out;

6) building - the result of construction, which is a three-dimensional building system that has above-ground and (or) underground parts, including premises, engineering networks and engineering support systems and intended for living and (or) activities of people, accommodation production, storage of products or keeping animals;

7) engineering protection - a complex of structures aimed at protecting people, a building or structure, the territory on which the construction, reconstruction and operation of a building or structure will be carried out, from the impact of hazardous natural processes and phenomena and (or) man-made impact, threats of a terrorist nature, as well as to prevent and (or) reduce the consequences of the impact of hazardous natural processes and phenomena and (or) man-made impact, threats of a terrorist nature;

8) mechanical safety - the state of building structures and the foundation of a building or structure, in which there is no unacceptable risk associated with causing harm to the life or health of citizens, property of individuals or legal entities, state or municipal property, the environment, life and health of animals and plants due to destruction or loss of stability of a building, structure or part thereof;

9) the microclimate of the premises - the climatic conditions of the internal environment of the premises, which are determined by the combinations of temperature, humidity and air velocity acting on the human body;

10) load - a mechanical force applied to building structures and (or) the foundation of a building or structure and determining their stress-strain state;

11) normal operating conditions - the condition of a building or structure taken into account during the design, in which there are no factors that impede the implementation of functional or technological processes;

12) hazardous natural processes and phenomena - earthquakes, mudflows, landslides, avalanches, flooding of the territory, hurricanes, tornadoes, soil erosion and other similar processes and phenomena that have negative or destructive effects on buildings and structures;

13) the foundation of a building or structure (hereinafter also referred to as the foundation) - a soil mass that receives loads and impacts from a building or structure and transmits to the building or structure the effects of natural and man-made processes occurring in the soil mass;

14) premises - a part of the volume of a building or structure, which has a specific purpose and is limited by building structures;

15) premises with permanent stay of people - premises in which the stay of people is provided continuously for more than two hours;

16) limit state of building structures - the state of the building structures of a building or structure, beyond which the further operation of the building or structure is dangerous, unacceptable, difficult or impractical, or the restoration of the working condition of the building or structure is impossible or impractical;

17) emergency protection of engineering and technical support systems - a set of devices that provide protection, prevention and (or) reduction of dangerous consequences of emergency situations during the operation of engineering and technical support systems and increase the service life (service life) of these systems;

18) design situation - a set of possible conditions taken into account in the calculation that determine the design requirements for building structures, engineering and technical support systems and parts of these structures and systems;

19) rheological property of materials - the manifestation of irreversible residual deformations and fluidity or creep under the influence of a load and (or) impact;

20) engineering and technical support network - a set of pipelines, communications and other structures intended for engineering and technical support of buildings and structures;

21) engineering and technical support system - one of the systems of a building or structure designed to perform the functions of water supply, sewerage, heating, ventilation, air conditioning, gas supply, electricity, communications, informatization, dispatching, waste disposal, vertical transport (elevators, escalators) or security features;

22) difficult natural conditions - the presence of soils specific in composition and condition and (or) the risk of occurrence (development) of hazardous natural processes and phenomena and (or) man-made impacts in the territory where the construction, reconstruction and operation of a building or structure will be carried out;

23) structure - the result of construction, which is a three-dimensional, planar or linear building system, having ground, above-ground and (or) underground parts, consisting of load-bearing, and in some cases, enclosing building structures and designed to perform production processes of various types, storage products, temporary stay of people, movement of people and goods;

24) building structure - a part of a building or structure that performs certain load-bearing, enclosing and (or) aesthetic functions;

25) technogenic impacts - dangerous impacts resulting from accidents in buildings, structures or transport, fires, explosions or release of various types of energy, as well as impacts resulting from construction activities in the adjacent territory;

26) level of responsibility - a characteristic of a building or structure, determined in accordance with the volume of economic, social and environmental consequences of its destruction;

27) fatigue phenomena in the material - a change in the mechanical and physical properties of the material under the long-term action of stresses and deformations cyclically changing in time;

28) safety characteristics of a building or structure - quantitative and qualitative indicators of the properties of building structures, foundations, materials, elements of engineering networks and engineering support systems, through compliance with which the compliance of a building or structure with safety requirements is ensured.

Article 3. Scope of application of this Federal Law

1. The object of technical regulation in this Federal Law are buildings and structures for any purpose (including the engineering networks and engineering support systems included in them), as well as the design processes associated with buildings and structures (including surveys) , construction, installation, adjustment, operation and disposal (demolition).

2. This Federal Law applies to all stages of the life cycle of a building or structure.

3. This Federal Law does not apply to the safety of technological processes corresponding to the functional purpose of buildings and structures. Only possible hazardous effects of these processes on the state of the building, structure or their parts are subject to accounting.

4. With respect to the objects of the military infrastructure of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, objects, information about which constitutes a state secret, objects of production, processing, storage of radioactive and explosive substances and materials, objects for the storage and destruction of chemical weapons and explosives, other objects for which establishes requirements related to ensuring nuclear and radiation safety in the field of the use of atomic energy, as well as in relation to the processes of design (including surveys), construction, installation, commissioning, operation and disposal (demolition) associated with these facilities, along with compliance with the requirements of this Federal Law the requirements established by state customers, federal executive authorities authorized in the field of security, defense, foreign intelligence, countering technical intelligence and technical protection of information, public administration must be observed use of atomic energy, state regulation of safety in the use of atomic energy, and (or) government contracts (agreements).

5. Additional safety requirements for buildings and structures (including their constituent networks of engineering and technical support and systems of engineering and technical support), as well as to the design processes associated with buildings and structures (including surveys), construction, installation , adjustment, operation and disposal (demolition) may be established by other technical regulations. At the same time, these requirements cannot contradict the requirements of this Federal Law.

6. This Federal Law establishes the minimum required requirements for buildings and structures (including the engineering networks and engineering support systems included in them), as well as for the design processes associated with buildings and structures (including surveys) , construction, installation, adjustment, operation and disposal (demolition), including the requirements:

1) mechanical safety;

2) fire safety;

3) safety in hazardous natural processes and phenomena and (or) man-made impacts;

4) safe for human health living conditions and stay in buildings and structures;

5) safety for users of buildings and structures;

6) accessibility of buildings and structures for the disabled and other groups of the population with limited mobility;

7) energy efficiency of buildings and structures;

8) a safe level of impact of buildings and structures on the environment.

Article 4. Identification of buildings and structures

1. For the application of this Federal Law, buildings and structures are identified in the manner prescribed by this article, according to the following features:

1) appointment;

2) belonging to transport infrastructure facilities and other facilities, the functional and technological features of which affect their safety;

3) the possibility of hazardous natural processes and phenomena and man-made impacts on the territory where the construction, reconstruction and operation of a building or structure will be carried out;

4) belonging to hazardous production facilities;

5) fire and explosion hazard;

6) availability of premises with permanent residence of people;

7) the level of responsibility.

2. Identification of a building or structure on the grounds provided for in clauses 1 and 2 of part 1 of this article must be carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. In the absence of all-Russian classifiers of technical, economic and social information provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the developer (customer) has the right to use classifiers included in regulatory legal acts approved by federal executive authorities to identify a building or structure on the basis of the indicated characteristics.

3. Identification of a building or structure on the grounds provided for in clause 3 of part 1 of this article must be carried out in accordance with the zoning of the territory of the Russian Federation in terms of the level of danger of natural processes and phenomena, approved by the authorized federal executive body, the data of long-term observations of natural processes and phenomena, carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as the results of engineering surveys in the territory where the construction, reconstruction and operation of a building or structure will be carried out.

4. Identification of a building or structure on the grounds provided for in clause 4 of part 1 of this article must be carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of industrial safety.

5. Identification of a building or structure on the grounds provided for in clause 5 of part 1 of this article must be carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of fire safety.

6. Identification of a building or structure on the grounds provided for in clause 6 of part 1 of this article must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the developer (customer).

7. As a result of the identification of a building or structure on the basis provided for in clause 7 of part 1 of this article, the building or structure must be assigned to one of the following levels of responsibility:

1) elevated;

2) normal;

3) reduced.

8. Buildings and structures of an increased level of responsibility include buildings and structures classified in accordance with Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation to especially dangerous, technically complex or unique objects.

9. Buildings and structures of a normal level of responsibility include all buildings and structures, with the exception of buildings and structures of increased and reduced levels of responsibility.

10. Buildings and structures of a reduced level of responsibility include buildings and structures of temporary (seasonal) purpose, as well as buildings and structures of auxiliary use associated with the construction or reconstruction of a building or structure, or located on land plots provided for individual housing construction.

11. Identification features provided for by paragraph 1 of this article shall be indicated:

1) by the developer (customer) - in the task for the performance of engineering surveys for the construction of a building or structure and in the design task;

2) by the person who prepares the project documentation - in text materials as part of the project documentation, transferred after the completion of construction for storage to the owner of the building or structure.

Article 5

1. The safety of buildings and structures, as well as the processes of design (including surveys), construction, installation, adjustment, operation and disposal (demolition) associated with buildings and structures, is ensured by establishing the design values ​​of the parameters of buildings and structures that meet safety requirements and quality characteristics in throughout the entire life cycle of a building or structure, the implementation of the specified values ​​and characteristics during construction, reconstruction, overhaul (hereinafter also referred to as construction) and maintaining the state of such parameters and characteristics at the required level during operation, conservation and demolition.

2. The safety of buildings and structures, as well as the processes of design (including surveys), construction, installation, commissioning, operation and disposal (demolition) associated with buildings and structures, is ensured by complying with the requirements of this Federal Law and the requirements of standards and sets of rules included in the lists specified in Parts 1 and 7 of the Article of this Federal Law, or the requirements of special technical conditions.

Article 6

1. The Government of the Russian Federation approves a list of national standards and sets of rules (parts of such standards and sets of rules), as a result of which, on a mandatory basis, compliance with the requirements of this Federal Law is ensured.

2. The list of national standards and codes of rules specified in part 1 of this article may include national standards and codes of rules (parts of such standards and codes of rules) containing the minimum necessary requirements to ensure the safety of buildings and structures (including those included in their composition of engineering and technical support networks and engineering support systems), as well as processes of design (including surveys), construction, installation, adjustment, operation and disposal (demolition) related to buildings and structures.

3. The list of national standards and codes of rules specified in Part 1 of this Article may include national standards and codes of rules containing various requirements for buildings and structures, as well as for design processes related to buildings and structures (including surveys), construction , installation, adjustment, operation and disposal (demolition) in one subject, to one section of project documentation, various approaches to ensuring the safety of buildings and structures. At the same time, the specified list of national standards and codes of practice should contain an indication of the possibility of complying with such requirements, approaches on an alternative basis. In this case, the developer (customer) has the right to independently determine in accordance with which of the specified requirements, approaches the design (including engineering surveys), construction, reconstruction, overhaul and demolition (dismantling) of a building or structure will be carried out.

4. National standards and codes of practice included in the list specified in part 1 of this article are mandatory for application, except for cases of design and construction in accordance with special technical conditions.

5. The national body of the Russian Federation for standardization provides free access to the national standards and codes of rules included in the list specified in part 1 of this article in the public information system.

6. National standards and codes of practice included in the list specified in part 1 of this article are subject to revision and, if necessary, revision and (or) updating at least every five years.

7. The national body of the Russian Federation for standardization, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on technical regulation, approves, publishes in the print edition of the federal executive body for technical regulation and places in the public information system in electronic digital form a list of documents in the field of standardization, as a result application of which on a voluntary basis ensures compliance with the requirements of this Federal Law.

8. If the preparation of project documentation requires a deviation from the requirements established by the national standards and codes of practice included in the list specified in Part 1 of this Article, the reliability and safety requirements established by these standards and codes of practice are insufficient, or such requirements are not established , preparation of design documentation and construction of a building or structure are carried out in accordance with special technical specifications developed and agreed upon in the manner established by the authorized federal executive body.

9. Special technical conditions agreed in the established manner may be the basis for including the requirements for buildings and structures contained in such special technical conditions, as well as for the processes of design (including surveys), construction, installation, commissioning related to buildings and structures in national standards. and sets of rules, the application of which ensures compliance with the requirements of this Federal Law.

Chapter 2

Article 7 Mechanical safety requirements

Building structures and the foundation of a building or structure must have such strength and stability that during construction and operation there is no threat of harm to human life or health, property of individuals or legal entities, state or municipal property, the environment, life and health of animals and plants as a result:

1) destruction of individual load-bearing building structures or parts thereof;

2) destruction of the entire building, structure or part thereof;

3) deformations of the unacceptable size of building structures, the foundation of a building or structure and geological massifs of the adjacent territory;

4) damage to a part of a building or structure, engineering and technical support networks or engineering and technical support systems as a result of deformation, displacement or loss of stability of load-bearing building structures, including deviations from verticality.

Article 8. Fire safety requirements

The building or structure must be designed and built in such a way that during the operation of the building or structure the possibility of a fire is excluded, the danger of smoke in the building or structure in case of fire and the impact of fire hazards on people and property is prevented or limited, people and property are protected from exposure to fire hazards and (or) limiting the consequences of exposure to fire hazards on a building or structure, and that in the event of a fire, the following requirements are met:

1) maintaining the stability of a building or structure, as well as the strength of load-bearing building structures for the time necessary to evacuate people and perform other actions aimed at reducing damage from a fire;

2) limiting the formation and spread of dangerous fire factors within the fire seat;

3) non-spread of fire to neighboring buildings and structures;

4) evacuation of people (taking into account the characteristics of the disabled and other groups of the population with limited mobility) to a safe area before harming their life and health due to exposure to fire hazards;

5) the possibility of access to the personnel of fire departments and the delivery of fire extinguishing equipment to any room of a building or structure;

6) the possibility of supplying fire extinguishing agents to the fire;

7) the possibility of taking measures to save people and reduce damage caused by fire to the property of individuals or legal entities, state or municipal property, the environment, life and health of animals and plants.

Article 9. Safety requirements for hazardous natural processes and phenomena and (or) man-made impacts

A building or structure in a territory where hazardous natural processes and phenomena and (or) man-made impacts are possible must be designed and constructed in such a way that during the operation of a building or structure, hazardous natural processes and phenomena and (or) man-made impacts do not cause the consequences specified in Article 7 of this Federal Law, and (or) other events that create a threat of harm to human life or health, property of individuals or legal entities, state or municipal property, the environment, life and health of animals and plants.

Article 10

1. A building or structure must be designed and built in such a way that during the residence and stay of a person in a building or structure, there is no harmful effect on a person as a result of physical, biological, chemical, radiation and other effects.

2. A building or structure must be designed and constructed in such a way that during the operation of the building or structure, safe conditions are provided for the residence and stay of a person in buildings and structures according to the following indicators:

1) air quality in industrial, residential and other premises of buildings and structures and in working areas of industrial buildings and structures;

2) the quality of water used as drinking water and for household needs;

3) insolation and sun protection of premises of residential, public and industrial buildings;

4) natural and artificial lighting of premises;

5) protection against noise in the premises of residential and public buildings and in the working areas of industrial buildings and structures;

6) indoor microclimate;

7) regulation of humidity on the surface and inside building structures;

8) the level of vibration in the premises of residential and public buildings and the level of technological vibration in the working areas of industrial buildings and structures;

9) the level of electromagnetic field strength in the premises of residential and public buildings and in the working areas of industrial buildings and structures, as well as in the adjacent territories;

10) the level of ionizing radiation in the premises of residential and public buildings and in the working areas of industrial buildings and structures, as well as in the adjacent territories.

Article 11. Safety requirements for users of buildings and structures

The building or structure must be designed and constructed, and the area necessary for the use of the building or structure must be landscaped in such a way that during the operation of the building or structure there is no threat of accidents and injury to people - users of buildings and structures as a result of slipping , falling, collision, burn, electric shock, or explosion.

Article 12. Requirements for the accessibility of buildings and structures for the disabled and other population groups with limited mobility

1. Residential buildings, engineering, transport and social infrastructure facilities must be designed and built in such a way as to ensure their accessibility for the disabled and other groups of the population with limited mobility.

2. Transport infrastructure facilities must be equipped with special devices that allow disabled people and other groups of the population with limited mobility to freely use the services provided at transport infrastructure facilities.

Article 13 Requirements for the energy efficiency of buildings and facilities

Buildings and structures must be designed and built in such a way that during their operation the efficient use of energy resources is ensured and the irrational consumption of such resources is excluded.

Article 14. Requirements for a safe level of impact of buildings and structures on the environment

Buildings and structures should be designed in such a way that during their construction and operation there is no threat of negative impact on the environment.

Chapter 3. Requirements for the results of engineering surveys and project documentation in order to ensure the safety of buildings and structures

Article 15. General requirements for the results of engineering surveys and project documentation

1. The results of engineering surveys must be reliable and sufficient to establish the design values ​​of the parameters and other design characteristics of a building or structure, as well as the planned measures to ensure its safety. The calculated data as part of the results of engineering surveys must be substantiated by the person performing the engineering surveys and contain a forecast of changes in their values ​​during the construction and operation of a building or structure.

2. In the design documentation of a building or structure, the person preparing the design documentation must take into account the initial data transmitted by the developer (customer) in accordance with the legislation on urban planning. As part of the initial data for design, the level of responsibility of the designed building or structure, established in accordance with Parts 7 - 10 of Article of this Federal Law, must be indicated.

3. The assignment for the performance of engineering surveys for the construction, reconstruction of buildings and structures of an increased level of responsibility and the assignment for the design of such buildings and structures may provide for the need for scientific support of engineering surveys and (or) the design and construction of a building or structure. The design documentation for hazardous production facilities that, in accordance with Part 8 of Article of this Federal Law, belong to buildings or structures of an increased level of responsibility, must provide for constructive and organizational and technical measures to protect the life and health of people and the environment from the dangerous consequences of accidents during construction , operation, conservation and demolition (dismantling) of such facilities.

4. The design documentation of a building or structure may provide for the need to monitor the components of the environment, the state of the foundation, building structures and engineering support systems in the process of construction and (or) operation of the building or structure.

5. In the project documentation, the design values ​​of the parameters and other design characteristics of a building or structure, as well as the planned measures to ensure its safety, must be established in such a way that during construction and operation the building or structure is safe for the life and health of citizens (including the disabled and other population groups with limited mobility), property of individuals or legal entities, state or municipal property, environment, life and health of animals and plants.

6. Compliance of the design values ​​of the parameters and other design characteristics of a building or structure with safety requirements, as well as the designed measures to ensure its safety, must be justified by references to the requirements of this Federal Law and references to the requirements of the standards and codes of practice included in those specified in Parts 1 and 7 lists of articles of this Federal Law, or to the requirements of special technical conditions. In the absence of these requirements, the compliance of the design values ​​and characteristics of a building or structure with safety requirements, as well as the designed measures to ensure its safety, must be justified by one or more of the following methods:

1) research results;

2) calculations and (or) tests performed according to certified or otherwise approved methods;

3) modeling of scenarios for the occurrence of hazardous natural processes and phenomena and (or) man-made impacts, including in case of an unfavorable combination of hazardous natural processes and phenomena and (or) man-made impacts;

4) assessment of the risk of occurrence of hazardous natural processes and phenomena and (or) man-made impacts.

7. In the justification provided for by part 6 of this article, the initial data for design, including the results of engineering surveys, must be taken into account.

8. The design documentation must provide, to the extent necessary to ensure the safety of a building or structure, the availability of elements of building structures, engineering networks and engineering support systems to determine the actual values ​​of their parameters and other characteristics, as well as the parameters of materials, products and devices that affect the safety of a building or structure during its construction and operation.

9. In the project documentation, the person preparing the project documentation must provide for:

1) the possibility of safe operation of the designed building or structure and the requirements for methods of carrying out maintenance activities, during which there is no threat of compromising the safety of building structures, engineering and technical support networks and engineering support systems or unacceptable deterioration of human habitat parameters;

2) the minimum frequency of inspections, inspections and surveys of the condition of building structures, foundations, engineering and technical support networks and engineering and technical support systems of a building or structure and (or) the need to monitor environmental components, the condition of the foundation, building structures and engineering systems technical support during the operation of a building or structure;

3) information for users and operating services on the values ​​of operational loads on building structures, engineering networks and engineering support systems, which must not be exceeded during the operation of a building or structure;

4) information on the location of hidden electrical wiring, pipelines and other devices, damage to which may lead to a threat of harm to human life and health, property of individuals or legal entities, state or municipal property, the environment, life and health of animals and plants.

10. Design documentation of a building or structure should be used as the main document when making decisions on ensuring the safety of a building or structure at all subsequent stages of the life cycle of a building or structure.

Article 16. Requirements for ensuring the mechanical safety of a building or structure

1. Compliance with mechanical safety requirements in the design documentation of a building or structure must be justified by calculations and other methods specified in Part 6 of Article of this Federal Law, confirming that during the construction and operation of the building or structure, its building structures and foundation will not reach the limit state of strength and stability in the cases of simultaneous action of loads and impacts taken into account in accordance with parts 5 and 6 of this article.

2. For the limiting state of building structures and foundations in terms of strength and stability, a state characterized by:

1) destruction of any nature;

2) loss of form stability;

3) loss of position stability;

4) violation of operational suitability and other phenomena associated with the threat of harm to life and health of people, property of individuals or legal entities, state or municipal property, environment, life and health of animals and plants.

3. In the calculations of building structures and foundations, all types of loads corresponding to the functional purpose and structural design of the building or structure, climatic, and, if necessary, technological impacts, as well as forces caused by deformation of building structures and foundations, must be taken into account. For elements of building structures, the characteristics of which, taken into account in the calculations of the strength and stability of a building or structure, may change during operation under the influence of climatic factors or aggressive factors of the external and internal environment, including under the influence of technological processes that can cause fatigue phenomena in the material building structures, the design documentation should additionally indicate the parameters characterizing the resistance to such impacts, or measures to protect against them.

4. Calculation models (including calculation schemes, basic calculation prerequisites) of building structures and foundations must reflect the actual operating conditions of the building or structure that correspond to the considered design situation. In doing so, the following must be taken into account:

1) factors that determine the stress-strain state;

2) features of the interaction of elements of building structures with each other and with the base;

3) spatial work of building structures;

4) geometric and physical non-linearity;

5) plastic and rheological properties of materials and soils;

6) the possibility of cracking;

7) possible deviations of geometric parameters from their nominal values.

5. In the process of substantiating the fulfillment of mechanical safety requirements, the following design situations should be taken into account:

1) an established situation that has a duration of the same order as the life of a building or structure, including operation between two overhauls or changes in the technological process;

2) a transitional situation that has a short duration compared to the life of a building or structure, including construction, reconstruction, major repairs of a building or structure.

6. When designing a building or structure with an increased level of responsibility, an emergency design situation should also be taken into account, which has a low probability of occurrence and a short duration, but is important from the point of view of the consequences of reaching the limit states that may arise in this situation (including limit states at situations arising in connection with an explosion, collision, accident, fire, as well as immediately after the failure of one of the load-bearing building structures).

7. Calculations justifying the safety of the adopted structural solutions of a building or structure must be carried out taking into account the level of responsibility of the building or structure being designed. For this purpose, the design values ​​of forces in the elements of building structures and the foundation of a building or structure must be determined taking into account the reliability factor for responsibility, the accepted value of which should not be lower than:

1) 1.1 - in relation to the building and structure of an increased level of responsibility;

2) 1.0 - in relation to the building and structure of the normal level of responsibility;

3) 0.8 - in relation to the building and structure of a reduced level of responsibility.

Article 17. Requirements for ensuring fire safety of a building or structure

To ensure the fire safety of a building or structure, the project documentation must substantiate in one of the ways specified in Part 6 of Article of this Federal Law:

1) fire gap or distance from the building or structure being designed to the nearest building, structure or outdoor installation (for linear structures - the distance from the axis of the route to settlements, industrial and agricultural facilities, forest areas, the distance between the routes of linear structures laid parallel to each other, sizes of security zones);

2) the accepted values ​​of the characteristics of fire resistance and fire hazard of elements of building structures and systems of engineering and technical support;

3) the accepted division of the building or structure into fire compartments;

4) the location, dimensions and length of evacuation routes for people (including disabled people and other groups of the population with limited mobility) in the event of a fire, providing smoke protection for evacuation routes, fire hazard characteristics of materials for finishing walls, floors and ceilings on evacuation routes, number, location and dimensions of emergency exits;

5) characteristics or parameters of fire detection, warning and evacuation control systems in case of fire (taking into account the characteristics of disabled people and other groups of the population with limited mobility), as well as automatic fire extinguishing and smoke protection systems;

6) measures to ensure the passage and access of fire equipment, the security of access for personnel of fire departments and the supply of fire extinguishing agents to the fire, the parameters of fire extinguishing systems, including external and internal fire water supply;

7) organizational and technical measures to ensure the fire safety of a building or structure during their construction and operation.

Article 18

1. To ensure the safety of buildings and structures, the construction and operation of which are planned in difficult natural conditions, in the cases provided for in the assignment for designing a building or structure, the design documentation must provide for:

1) measures aimed at protecting people, a building or structure, the territory on which the construction, reconstruction and operation of a building or structure will be carried out, from the impact of hazardous natural processes and phenomena and man-made impacts, as well as measures aimed at preventing and (or) reduction of the consequences of the impact of hazardous natural processes and phenomena and man-made impacts;

2) constructive measures that reduce the sensitivity of building structures and foundations to the effects of hazardous natural processes and phenomena and man-made impacts;

3) measures to improve the properties of foundation soils;

4) conducting construction work in ways that do not lead to the manifestation of new and (or) intensification of existing hazardous natural processes and phenomena.

2. In cases where measures aimed at protecting people, a building or structure, the territory on which the construction, reconstruction and operation of a building or structure will be carried out, from the impact of hazardous natural processes and phenomena and man-made impacts, as well as measures aimed at preventing and (or) reduction of the consequences of the impact of hazardous natural processes and phenomena and man-made impacts, including the engineering protection device, and the construction of a building or structure can lead to the activation of hazardous natural processes and phenomena in the adjacent territories, the design documentation should provide for appropriate compensation recovery activities.

3. To ensure the safety of buildings and structures, the design documentation must provide for emergency protection of engineering and technical support systems.

4. When substantiating the adopted design decisions, the level of responsibility of engineering and emergency protection structures must be taken in accordance with the level of responsibility of the protected buildings or structures.

5. Design documentation of a building or structure, including engineering protection structures, must contain the limits of permissible changes in parameters characterizing the safety of objects and the geological environment during construction and operation. The project documentation may provide for the need to monitor environmental components during the construction and operation of the designed building or structure (including the state of surrounding buildings and structures that fall within the zone of influence of the construction and operation of the designed building or structure), the state of the foundation, building structures and engineering and technical support systems of the designed building or structure, engineering protection structures.

6. The design documentation of residential buildings should provide for the equipment of such buildings with technical devices for automatically shutting off the water supply in case of emergencies.

Article 19. Requirements to ensure the implementation of sanitary and epidemiological requirements

To ensure the fulfillment of sanitary and epidemiological requirements, the design documentation of buildings and structures with premises with permanent residence of people, with the exception of individual housing construction, must provide for the installation of water supply, sewerage, heating, ventilation, and power supply systems.

Article 20. Requirements for ensuring air quality

1. The design documentation of buildings and structures must provide for the equipment of buildings and structures with a ventilation system. The design documentation of buildings and structures may provide for the equipment of premises with an air conditioning system. Ventilation and air conditioning systems must ensure the supply of air to the premises with a content of harmful substances not exceeding the maximum permissible concentrations for such premises or for the working area of ​​industrial premises.

2. In the design documentation of buildings and structures with premises for the stay of people, measures must be provided for:

1) limiting the penetration of dust, moisture, harmful and unpleasantly smelling substances from the atmospheric air into the premises;

2) ensuring air exchange sufficient for the timely removal of harmful substances from the air and maintaining the chemical composition of the air in proportions favorable for human life;

3) preventing the penetration of harmful and unpleasantly smelling substances into premises with permanent residence of people from pipelines of sewerage systems and devices, heating, ventilation, air conditioning, from air ducts and technological pipelines, as well as exhaust gases from built-in car parks;

4) preventing the penetration of soil gases (radon, methane) into the premises, if in the process of engineering surveys their presence is found in the territory where the construction and operation of the building or structure will be carried out.

Article 21. Requirements for ensuring the quality of water used for drinking and domestic needs

The design documentation of external and internal networks for supplying buildings and structures with water used as drinking and (or) for household needs should provide for measures to ensure the supply of the required amount of water and prevent its pollution.

Article 22. Requirements for ensuring insolation and sun protection

1. Buildings must be designed in such a way that sufficient duration of insolation or sun protection is provided in residential premises in order to create safe living conditions, regardless of its duration.

2. Compliance with the requirements provided for by paragraph 1 of this article must be ensured by measures to orient residential premises to the cardinal points, as well as constructive and planning measures, including the improvement of the adjacent territory.

Article 23

1. In the premises located in the above-ground floors of buildings and structures with a permanent stay of people, natural or combined, as well as artificial lighting, and in the underground floors - artificial lighting sufficient to prevent the threat of harm to people's health must be provided.

2. In the premises located on the above-ground floors of buildings and structures, in which, under the conditions of the implementation of technological processes, the possibility of natural lighting is excluded, artificial lighting must be provided that is sufficient to prevent the threat of harm to human health.

3. In the cases provided for in the design assignment, the design documentation of a building or structure must provide for devices for outdoor lighting.

Article 24

1. The placement of a building or structure on the ground, the design values ​​of the characteristics of building structures, the characteristics of the types of engineering equipment adopted in the design documentation, the measures for the improvement of the adjacent territory provided for in the design documentation should ensure the protection of people from:

1) airborne noise generated by external sources (outside the building);

2) airborne noise generated in other rooms of the building or structure;

3) impact noise;

4) noise generated by equipment;

5) excessive reverberant noise in the room.

2. In a building or structure, which may be a source of noise, leading to an unacceptable excess of the level of airborne noise in the territory where the construction and operation of the building or structure will be carried out, measures must be provided to reduce the noise level, the source of which is this building or building.

3. Noise protection must be provided:

1) in the premises of residential, public and industrial buildings;

2) within the boundaries of the territory on which the construction and operation of the building or structure will be carried out.

4. In rooms and open areas, where the safety of people may depend on the intelligibility of the sound generated by radio warning means, measures must be taken to ensure the optimal volume level and the intelligibility of sound.

Article 25. Requirements for ensuring protection against moisture

1. In the design documentation of the building and structures, design solutions must be provided that provide:

1) drainage from the outer surfaces of the enclosing building structures, including the roof, and from the underground building structures of the building and structure;

2) water resistance of the roof, external walls, ceilings, as well as walls of underground floors and floors on the ground;

3) preventing the formation of condensate on the inner surface of the enclosing building structures, with the exception of the translucent parts of windows and stained-glass windows.

2. If it is established in the design assignment, the design documentation must also provide for measures to prevent flooding of premises and building structures in case of accidents on water supply systems.

Article 26. Requirements for providing protection against vibration

The design documentation of a building and structure must provide for measures to ensure that vibration in the building and structure does not cause harm to human health.

Article 27

In the design documentation of buildings and structures, the construction of which is planned in the territory where the level of the electromagnetic field strength created by the power frequency alternating current line of industrial frequency and (or) transmitting radio engineering facilities exceeds the maximum permissible level, measures should be provided to reduce this level in rooms with a stay people and in the adjacent territory by complying with the requirements for sanitary protection zones and shielding from the electromagnetic field.

Article 28. Requirements for ensuring protection against ionizing radiation

1. In the project documentation of buildings and structures, the construction of which is planned in the territory, which, in accordance with the results of engineering surveys, is radon-hazardous, measures must be provided for decontamination of the territory and for ensuring ventilation of rooms, the structures of which are in contact with the ground.

2. The project documentation should provide for the use in the construction process of materials and products with an indicator of the specific effective activity of natural radionuclides that does not exceed the limit value established based on the need to ensure the requirements of the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population of the Russian Federation.

Article 29

1. In the design documentation of a building or structure, the values ​​of the characteristics of the enclosing structures must be determined and constructive decisions taken to ensure that the calculated values ​​of the following thermal characteristics correspond to the required values ​​established based on the need to create favorable sanitary and hygienic conditions in the premises:

1) resistance to heat transfer of enclosing building structures of a building or structure;

2) the temperature difference on the inner surface of the building envelope and the air temperature inside the building or structure during the heating season;

3) heat resistance of enclosing building structures in the warm season and premises of a building or structure in the cold season;

4) resistance to air penetration of enclosing building structures;

5) resistance to vapor permeability of enclosing building structures;

6) heat absorption of the floor surface.

2. Along with the requirements provided for by part 1 of this article, the design documentation of a building or structure must provide for measures to prevent waterlogging of enclosing building structures, accumulation of moisture on their surface and to ensure the durability of these structures.

3. Heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems and the requirements for the mode of their operation established in the design documentation must ensure, with the design values ​​of the thermal characteristics of the enclosing building structures adopted taking into account the requirements of Article of this Federal Law, that the calculated values ​​of the following parameters of the indoor microclimate correspond to the required values ​​for warm, cold and transitional periods of the year, established on the basis of the need to create favorable sanitary and hygienic conditions:

1) air temperature inside the building or structure;

2) resulting temperature;

3) air speed;

4) relative air humidity.

4. Design values ​​should be determined taking into account the purpose of buildings or structures, living conditions or activities of people in the premises. Excess heat in industrial premises is also subject to accounting.

5. In the technical solutions of heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems, the possibility of autonomous control of the parameters of the microclimate of the premises should be provided.

6. The design documentation of a building or structure must also provide for technical solutions to ensure the thermal and hydraulic stability of heating systems in case of changes in the external and internal operating conditions of the building or structure during all periods of the year.

Article 30. Safety requirements for users of buildings and structures

1. Parameters of elements of building structures, the values ​​of which in the design documentation should be provided in such a way as to minimize the likelihood of accidents and injuries to people (taking into account the disabled and other groups of the population with limited mobility) when moving around the building or structure and the surrounding area as a result of a slip, fall or collision are:

1) the height of the fencing of roofs, balconies, loggias, terraces, outdoor galleries, flights of stairs, platforms and open pits near a building or structure, open pedestrian crossings, including bridges and overpasses, as well as differences in the floor level or ground level on the adjacent territories;

2) the slope of the stairs and ramps, the width of the treads and the height of the steps on the stairs, the height of the rise along one continuous flight of stairs and the ramp. It is unacceptable to use steps of different heights within the same flight of stairs. Railings and handrails on the railings of stairs, ramps and landings must be continuous;

3) the height of thresholds, doorways and unfilled openings in the walls on the ways of moving people, the height of the passage along the stairs, the basement, the attic, the height of the passages under the elements of building structures or equipment protruding from above and along the sides of the way people move.

2. The design of fences in accordance with the requirements provided for by this article must limit the possibility of accidental falling from a height (including from the roofs of buildings) of objects that can injure people under the protected structural element.

3. To ensure the free movement of people, as well as the possibility of evacuating patients on stretchers, disabled people using wheelchairs, and other groups of the population with limited mobility, a sufficient width of door and unfilled openings in the walls, flights of stairs and landings, ramps and turntables, corridors, passages between stationary elements of the technological equipment of industrial buildings and elements of equipping public buildings.

4. On the ways of movement of vehicles inside a building or structure and on the adjacent territory, measures must be provided to ensure the safety of movement of people.

5. The design documentation of buildings and structures must provide for:

1) devices for preventing accidental movement of moving elements of equipment of a building or structure (including in the event of failure of automatic braking devices), which can lead to accidents and injury to people;

2) the design of windows, ensuring their safe operation, including washing and cleaning of external surfaces;

3) devices to prevent people from accidentally falling out of window openings (in cases where the bottom of the opening is below the height of the center of gravity of most adults);

4) sufficient lighting of the ways of movement of people and vehicles;

5) placement of clearly visible warning signs on transparent door panels and partitions.

6. In the pedestrian zones of buildings and structures with a height of more than forty meters, protective devices must be provided to ensure the safety of people staying in these zones under the influence of wind.

7. Design solutions for buildings and structures in order to ensure the accessibility of buildings and structures for the disabled and other groups of the population with limited mobility should provide:

1) the reach of their places of visit and the unhindered movement inside buildings and structures;

2) safety of traffic routes (including evacuation routes), as well as places of residence, places of service and places of application of labor for these groups of the population.

8. The parameters of the routes of movement, equipping with special devices and the dimensions of the premises for the population groups indicated in Part 7 of this Article, provided for in the project documentation, must be justified in accordance with Part 6 of the Article of this Federal Law.

9. To prevent burns when using elements of engineering and technical support networks or engineering and technical support systems, the design documentation must provide for:

1) limiting the temperature of the surfaces of accessible parts of heating appliances and heating supply pipelines or installing fences that prevent people from coming into contact with these parts;

2) limiting the temperature of hot air from the outlet of air heating devices;

3) limiting the temperature of hot water in the hot water supply system.

10. To prevent electric shock to people, design solutions must provide for measures to ensure the safety of electrical installations.

11. The design documentation must provide for measures to prevent accidents and injuries to people as a result of explosions, including:

1) compliance with the safety rules for the installation of heating systems, hot water supply, gas-using equipment, chimneys, chimneys, tanks and pipelines for flammable liquids and gases;

2) compliance with the rules for the safe installation of heat generators and installations for liquefied gases;

3) regulation of heating temperature and pressure in hot water and heating systems;

4) prevention of excessive accumulation of explosive substances in indoor air, including through the use of gas control devices.

12. To ensure safety in emergency situations, emergency lighting should be provided in the project documentation.

13. To ensure protection against unauthorized intrusion into buildings and structures, the following requirements must be met:

1) in buildings with a large number of visitors (spectators), as well as in buildings of educational, medical, banking organizations, at transport infrastructure facilities, measures should be taken to reduce the possibility of criminal manifestations and their consequences;

2) in the cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, television surveillance systems, alarm systems and other systems aimed at ensuring protection against threats of a terrorist nature and unauthorized intrusion must be installed in buildings and structures.

14. The design documentation of residential buildings, engineering, transport and social infrastructure facilities should provide for measures to ensure unimpeded access for disabled people and other groups of the population with limited mobility to such facilities.

Article 31

1. If it is provided for in the design assignment, the design documentation must provide solutions for individual elements, building structures of buildings and structures, properties of such elements and building structures, as well as devices, technologies and materials used in buildings and structures , allowing to exclude the irrational consumption of energy resources during the operation of buildings and structures.

2. If it is provided for in the design assignment, the design documentation must provide for equipping buildings and structures with metering devices for the energy resources used.

3. Compliance of buildings and structures with the requirements of the energy efficiency of buildings and structures and the requirements for equipping buildings and structures with metering devices for the energy resources used must be ensured by selecting the optimal architectural, functional-technological, structural and engineering solutions in the design documentation.

Article 32. Requirements for Ensuring Environmental Protection

Environmental protection measures provided for in the design documentation of a building or structure in accordance with federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation must ensure the prevention or minimization of negative environmental impacts.

Article 33

In order to prevent actions that mislead purchasers, the design documentation of a building or structure should contain the following information:

1) identification features of a building or structure in accordance with Part 1 of Article of this Federal Law;

2) the service life of the building or structure and its parts;

3) indicators of the energy efficiency of the building or structure;

4) the degree of fire resistance of a building or structure.

Chapter 4. Ensuring the safety of buildings and structures in the process of construction, reconstruction, major and current repairs

Article 34. Requirements for building materials and products used in the process of construction of buildings and structures

1. The construction of a building or structure must be carried out using building materials and products that ensure the compliance of the building or structure with the requirements of this Federal Law and project documentation.

2. Building materials and products must comply with the requirements established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on technical regulation.

3. The person carrying out the construction of a building or structure, in accordance with the legislation on urban planning, must monitor the compliance of the building materials and products used, including building materials produced in the territory where construction is carried out, with the requirements of project documentation throughout the entire process construction.

Article 35

Construction, reconstruction, major and current repairs of a building or structure, conservation of an object whose construction has not been completed must be carried out in such a way that the negative impact on the environment is minimal and there is no threat to the life and health of citizens, property of individuals or legal entities, public or municipal property, life and health of animals and plants.

Chapter 5

Article 36. Requirements for ensuring the safety of buildings and structures during operation

1. The safety of a building or structure during operation must be ensured through maintenance, periodic inspections and control checks and (or) monitoring of the state of the foundation, building structures and engineering and technical support systems, as well as through current repairs of the building or structure.

2. The parameters and other characteristics of building structures and engineering and technical support systems during the operation of a building or structure must comply with the requirements of design documentation. This compliance must be maintained through maintenance and confirmed during periodic inspections and control checks and (or) monitoring of the condition of the base, building structures and engineering support systems, carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. The operation of buildings and structures must be organized in such a way as to ensure that buildings and structures meet the requirements for the energy efficiency of buildings and structures and the requirements for equipping buildings and structures with metering devices for the energy resources used throughout the entire life of buildings and structures.

Article 37

1. Upon termination of the operation of a building or structure, the owner of the building or structure must take measures to prevent harm to the population and the environment, including measures to prevent unauthorized access of people to the building or structure, as well as take measures to dispose of construction waste.

2. The safety of technical solutions for the demolition (dismantling) of a building or structure using explosions, burning or other dangerous methods must be justified by one of the methods specified in Part 6 of Article of this Federal Law.

Chapter 6

Article 38

1. The assessment of the conformity of buildings and structures, as well as the processes of design (including surveys), construction, installation, adjustment, operation and disposal (demolition) related to buildings and structures, is carried out in order to:

1) certification of compliance of the results of engineering surveys with the requirements of this Federal Law;

2) certification of the compliance of the characteristics of the building or structure, established in the design documentation, with the requirements of this Federal Law before the construction of the building or structure begins;

3) certification of the compliance of the characteristics of the building or structure, the construction of which is completed, with the requirements of this Federal Law before putting the building or structure into operation;

4) periodic certification of the compliance of the characteristics of the operated building or structure with the requirements of this Federal Law and project documentation to confirm the possibility of further operation of the building or structure.

2. Conformity assessment of the results of engineering surveys should determine the compliance of such results with the requirements of this Federal Law.

3. Compliance assessment of design documentation should determine the compliance of design documentation with the requirements of this Federal Law and the results of engineering surveys.

4. Compliance assessment of a building or structure during the construction process and at its completion should determine the compliance of the work performed during the construction process, the results of their implementation and the building materials and products used with the requirements of this Federal Law and project documentation.

5. Conformity assessment of a building or structure during operation must determine the compliance of a building or structure with the requirements of this Federal Law and project documentation.

Article 39

1. Mandatory assessment of the conformity of buildings and structures, as well as the processes of design (including surveys), construction, installation, adjustment and disposal (demolition) related to buildings and structures, is carried out in the form of:

1) statements on the compliance of project documentation with the requirements of this Federal Law;

2) state expertise of the results of engineering surveys and project documentation;

3) construction control;

4) state construction supervision;

5) statements on the conformity of the constructed, reconstructed or repaired building or structure with the design documentation;

6) statements on the compliance of the constructed, reconstructed or repaired building or structure with the requirements of this Federal Law;

7) putting the facility into operation.

2. Mandatory conformity assessment of buildings and structures, as well as design processes related to buildings and structures (including surveys) in the form specified in clause 1 of part 1 of this article, is carried out by the person who prepared the project documentation, by drawing up an assurance that the design the documentation was developed in accordance with the design assignment and the requirements of this Federal Law.

3. Mandatory assessment of the conformity of buildings and structures, as well as the processes of design (including surveys), construction, installation, adjustment and disposal (demolition) related to buildings and structures, in the forms specified in paragraphs 2 and 4 of part 1 of this article, is carried out only in cases stipulated by the legislation on urban planning activities.

4. Mandatory conformity assessment of buildings and structures, as well as construction, installation, adjustment processes related to buildings and structures in the form provided for in clause 5 of part 1 of this article, is carried out by the person who carried out the construction (the person who carried out the construction, and the developer (customer) in the case of construction on the basis of a contract), by signing a document confirming the compliance of the constructed, reconstructed or repaired building or structure with the design documentation. Compliance assessment of buildings and structures, as well as construction, installation, adjustment processes related to buildings and structures in the specified form is not carried out in relation to individual housing construction objects.

5. Mandatory assessment of the conformity of buildings and structures, as well as construction, installation, adjustment processes related to buildings and structures in the form provided for in clause 6 of part 1 of this article, is carried out by the person who carried out the construction by signing a document confirming the compliance of the constructed, reconstructed or repaired building or structure to the requirements of this Federal Law.

6. Assessment of the conformity of buildings and structures, as well as design processes related to buildings and structures (including surveys) in the form specified in paragraph 1 of part 1 of this article, is carried out before the approval of the project documentation in accordance with the legislation on urban planning.

7. The assessment of the conformity of buildings and structures, as well as the processes of design (including surveys), construction, installation, adjustment and disposal (demolition) related to buildings and structures, in the forms specified in paragraphs 2-4 and 7 of part 1 of this article, is carried out in accordance with the rules and within the time limits established by the legislation on urban planning.

8. Conformity assessment of buildings and structures, as well as construction, installation, adjustment and disposal (demolition) processes related to buildings and structures in the forms specified in paragraphs 5 and 6 of part 1 of this article, is carried out after the completion of construction, reconstruction, major repairs building or structure before the building or structure is put into operation.

Article 40

1. Mandatory assessment of the compliance of buildings and structures, as well as the operation processes associated with buildings and structures with the requirements of this Federal Law and the requirements established in the design documentation, is carried out in the form of:

1) operational control;

2) state control (supervision).

2. Assessment of the conformity of buildings and structures, as well as operation processes related to buildings and structures in the form of operational control, is carried out by the person responsible for the operation of the building or structure, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. Compliance assessment of buildings and structures, as well as operation processes related to buildings and structures in the form of state control (supervision) is carried out by authorized federal executive bodies, executive bodies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation in cases and in the manner established by federal laws.

Article 41

1. Voluntary assessment of the conformity of buildings and structures, as well as processes of design (including surveys), construction, installation, adjustment, operation and disposal (demolition) related to buildings and structures, is carried out in the form of a non-state examination of the results of engineering surveys and project documentation, architectural supervision , surveys of buildings and structures, the condition of their foundations, building structures and engineering and technical support systems and in other forms provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. Voluntary assessment of the conformity of buildings and structures, as well as processes of design (including surveys), construction, installation, adjustment, operation and disposal (demolition) related to buildings and structures, is carried out in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Chapter 7. Final Provisions

Article 42. Final provisions

1. The requirements for buildings and structures, as well as for the processes of design (including surveys), construction, installation, adjustment, operation and disposal (demolition) associated with buildings and structures, established by this Federal Law, do not apply until reconstruction or major repairs buildings or structures to the following buildings and structures:

1) to buildings and structures put into operation before the entry into force of such requirements;

2) to buildings and structures, the construction, reconstruction and overhaul of which are carried out in accordance with the design documentation approved or sent for state examination before the entry into force of such requirements;

3) to buildings and structures, the design documentation of which is not subject to state expertise and an application for issuing a building permit for which was submitted before the entry into force of such requirements.

2. For the purposes of this Federal Law, construction norms and rules approved prior to the day this Federal Law enters into force are recognized as codes of rules.

3. The Government of the Russian Federation no later than thirty days prior to the date of entry into force of this Federal Law approves a list of national standards and sets of rules, as a result of which, on a mandatory basis, compliance with the requirements of this Federal Law is ensured.

4. The national body of the Russian Federation for standardization, no later than thirty days before the date of entry into force of this Federal Law, approves, publishes and places, in accordance with Part 7 of Article of this Federal Law, a list of documents in the field of standardization, as a result of which, on a voluntary basis, compliance with the requirements of this Federal Law.

5. Not later than July 1, 2012, the authorized federal executive body shall update the building codes and rules recognized in accordance with this Federal Law as codes of rules and included in the list of national standards and codes approved by the Government of the Russian Federation and specified in Part 1 of Article of this Federal Law. rules.

Article 43

Chapter 1 of the Federal Law of December 27, 2002 No. 184-FZ "On Technical Regulation" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2002, No. 52, Art. 5140; 2007, No. 19, Art. 2293; No. 49, Art. 6070; 2009 , No. 29, Article 3626) supplement with Article 5.1 as follows:

"Article 5.1. Features of technical regulation in the field of ensuring the safety of buildings and structures

Features of technical regulation in the field of ensuring the safety of buildings and structures are established by the Federal Law "Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Structures."

Article 44. Entry into force of this Federal Law

1. This Federal Law shall enter into force six months after its official publication, with the exception of Article 43 of this Federal Law.

2. Article 43 of this Federal Law shall enter into force on the day of the official publication of this Federal Law.

In order to protect the life and health of citizens, wildlife and plants, as well as to prevent actions that could mislead potential buyers, a special regulatory document was developed. Based It was decided to create a separate act that would establish not general norms on technical regulation, but specific requirements regarding the safety of buildings and structures.

December 23, 2009 was adopted by the State Duma. The Federation Council approved this resolution on December 25, 2009.

  • norms and requirements regarding the stability of buildings;
  • norms for guaranteeing the safety of buildings and other structures throughout the entire construction process;
  • fitness assessment forms.

Last changes

The latest version of Federal Law 384 with amendments was published on 07/02/2013. Innovations were introduced by members of the Government of the Russian Federation. Article 30, paragraph 1, part 13 has undergone the latest changes. According to the new wording, in premises with a large number of visitors, as well as in medical, educational buildings and banking organizations, measures aimed at reducing the possibility of criminal manifestations should be prescribed at transport infrastructure entities.

Separately, the following articles should be highlighted:

Article 4 384 FZ. Authentication of buildings and structures, which is carried out in accordance with the following features:

  • appointment;
  • belonging to the category of transport infrastructure;
  • the impact of aggressive natural processes and man-made phenomena;
  • belonging to the category of hazardous production entities;
  • fire hazard, as well as the degree of responsibility.

No amendments or changes were made to the article.

Article 7. Norms and requirements of sustainability. Structural structures must have such strength and stability that during the construction process there is no threat of harm to human life or health. As well as the property of individuals and legal entities, national and city capital, the external habitat, the life and health of wildlife and plants.

Article 17 FZ 384. Regulates the norms and requirements for ensuring fire safety of buildings and structures. The following parameters should be substantiated in the design documents:

  • distance from the designed structure to the nearest building;
  • accepted properties of fire resistance and fire-fighting elements;
  • application of separation of fire compartments;
  • location and length of evacuation routes.

Information about the passage and entrance of fire equipment and the fire warning system for people are also included in the project documents.

To ensure maximum safety for buildings and structures, special safety requirements are introduced for their construction using Federal Law No. 384 “Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Structures”.

The law applies to residential and non-residential premises, industrial enterprises on the territory of the Russian Federation. This regulation does not apply to buildings that are intended for the storage of weapons and explosives. This does not include mine workings, building structures of cosmodromes, structures and buildings that are in the field of defense and state industry.

Description of the technical regulation on the safety of buildings and structures

Federal Law No. 384 "Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Structures" was adopted by the State Duma on December 23, 2009, and approved by the Federation Council two days later of the same year.

Summary of the Federal Law:

  • Chapter 1 - General Provisions of this Federal Law;
  • Chapter 2 - Basic requirements of the rules for the safety of structures and buildings, as well as related design and construction processes;
  • Chapter 3 - Requirements for technical documentation to ensure the safety of structures and structures;
  • Chapter 4 - Ensuring the safety of structures and buildings in the process of reconstruction, construction, local or major repairs;
  • Chapter 5 - Safety of residential and non-residential buildings during operation or during the period of dismantling;
  • Chapter 6 - Technical assessment of buildings for safety;
  • Chapter 7 - Final Provisions.

The latest changes to Federal Law 384 "Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Structures" were made on July 2, 2013.

On technical regulation: Federal Law 184. Details

Latest amendments

As mentioned above, the last amendments to Federal Law 384 "Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Structures" were made on July 2, 2013. In particular, part 13 of article 30 was changed.

Article 13

If the building has a large number of visitors (medical, banking, educational organizations), measures should be taken to protect citizens of the Russian Federation and foreign residents of criminal manifestations or their consequences.

The following are important articles that were not changed in the last edition:

Article 4 384 Federal Law

Article 4 describes the identification of buildings and structures. For this law to have legal effect, they must be registered according to the following criteria:

  • Purpose;
  • Attitude to transport infrastructure or other structures that significantly affect their safety and security;
  • The risk of natural processes and phenomena of the territories where the construction of specific facilities will be carried out;
  • Danger of explosions and fires;
  • Degree of liability.

Buildings must be identified in accordance with the signs provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation. If buildings and structures have an increased level of responsibility, they should be classified as technically complex and dangerous unique objects. If buildings have a normal level of responsibility, then this category includes all buildings, with the exception of low and high levels of responsibility.

Identification features must be indicated:

  • Developer;
  • The person who prepares the project documentation.

Article 7

Article 7 describes the mechanical safety requirements. Construction structures and the foundation of the building must be strong and stable so that during operation or construction, the life and health of people are not endangered. Compulsory measures should be provided for:

  • Destruction of individual load-bearing structures;
  • The possibility of destruction of buildings;
  • Deformations of the size of the structure;
  • Damage to a part of a structure or building.

Article 17 of the Federal Law 384

Article 17 describes the requirements for ensuring the fire safety of a structure or building. To ensure the fire safety of a structure or building, the following must be indicated in the project documentation:

  • Distance between buildings in case of fire;
  • The value of the fire resistance parameters of specific buildings;
  • Location of routes by which people can be evacuated;
  • Parameters of fire detection systems, notification and evacuation of citizens or stateless persons in case of fire;
  • Methods for ensuring the passage of fire equipment, the security of access of units;
  • Organizational and technical measures that relate to ensuring the fire safety of a structure or building at the time of construction or during operation.

Article 23

Article 23 describes the requirements for providing lighting.

In buildings in which citizens live, namely in public premises, natural or combined with artificial lighting should be provided to reduce the likelihood of harm to their health by citizens. If it is not possible to create artificial lighting in such buildings, an alternative solution must be created that would help reduce the risk of harm to the health of citizens. At the time of construction, the buildings must have outdoor lighting.

Article 25 describes the requirements for providing buildings with moisture protection. In the design documents for structures or structures, general decisions should be made, on the basis of which there should be:

  • A drainage system was designed from external surfaces, including at the roof and underground building structures;
  • The roof has been treated for water tightness. This includes ceilings, exterior walls and walls of underground rooms and floors;
  • To prevent the appearance of condensate on the inner surface of the enclosing building structures. The exception is the translucent parts of stained-glass windows and windows.

Article 36 describes the requirements that contribute to ensuring the safety of structures and buildings during operation.

Safety is ensured by regular maintenance. Regular inspections and control checks are carried out:

  • foundation;
  • building structures;
  • communications.

To eliminate the detected problems, major or local repairs are carried out.

Characteristics of premises and buildings must comply with the requirements of project documentation. If the parameters differ, then they must be returned to their original value by means of maintenance. The operation of buildings should be carried out efficiently, metering devices for energy-consuming resources and so on will be introduced.

Download 384 Federal Law with changes

The objectives of the Federal Law "Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Structures" are as follows:

  • Protection of the health and life of citizens, property of legal entities and individuals, municipal and state property;
  • Prevention of actions that mislead purchasers;
  • Provision of buildings and structures with the necessary communication and metering devices.

To download the Federal Law, go to.


Article 1

This Federal Law is adopted for the purposes of:

  • protection of life and health of citizens, property of individuals or legal entities, state or municipal property;
  • protection of the environment, life and health of animals and plants;
  • prevention of actions that mislead purchasers.

Article 2. Basic concepts

For the purposes of this Federal Law, the basic concepts established by the legislation in the field of technical regulation of urban planning and fire safety are used. Along with them, the following concepts and their definitions are used:

  • emergency exits - doors and windows in the enclosing structures of premises that do not meet the requirements for emergency exits, which can be used to save people in case of fire and emergencies caused by other reasons, if it is impossible to use emergency exits;
  • emergency lighting - emergency lighting - lighting powered by sources operating in case of fire and emergency situations caused by other reasons, switched on automatically when the corresponding alarm is triggered or manually if there is no alarm or it has not worked;
  • accident - a dangerous man-made incident that creates a threat to life and health of people at an object, a certain territory or water area and leads to the destruction or damage to buildings, structures, equipment and vehicles, disruption of the production or transport process, and damage to the natural environment;
  • approved methodology - a methodology approved by an executive authority or an organization authorized by it;
  • impact - a non-mechanical phenomenon that causes a change in the stress-strain state of the structures of a building or structure;
  • building - the result of construction activity, which has an underground and (or) above-ground part, including premises for living and (or) activities of people, locating production, storing products or keeping animals;
  • engineering protection - a complex of structures and measures aimed at preventing or reducing the dangerous consequences of the impact of natural processes and (or) man-made phenomena on the territory, buildings or structures;
  • mechanical safety - the state of building structures and foundations of a building or structure, in which there is no unacceptable risk associated with causing harm to the life or health of citizens, property of individuals or legal entities, state or municipal property, the environment due to the destruction or loss of stability of a building structure or part thereof ;
  • monitoring of the stress-strain state of a building or structure - a system for monitoring changes in the strength characteristics and deformations of structures and foundations of a building or structure;
  • load - a mechanical force applied to the structures of buildings and structures and determining their stress-strain state;
  • normal operating conditions - conditions under which there are no restrictions for the implementation of functional or technological processes in a building or structure;
  • premises - a part of the volume of the building, which has a specific purpose and is limited by building structures; the premises may also be part of the volume of a public building;
  • premises with a permanent stay of people - a room in which people can stay continuously for at least two hours;
  • limiting state of structures - the state of structures of a building structure, beyond which their further operation is unacceptable, difficult or impractical, or the restoration of its working state is impossible or impractical;
  • design situation - a set of conditions taken into account in the calculation that determine the design requirements for structures;
  • engineering and technical support system - one of the systems of a building or structure designed to perform the functions of water supply, sewerage, heating, ventilation, air conditioning, gas supply and electricity, waste disposal, vertical transport (elevators, escalators) or security functions;
  • difficult natural conditions - conditions characterized by the presence on the territory of construction and during the operation of a building or structure of soils specific in composition and condition and the risk of occurrence (development) of hazardous natural processes and (or) man-made impacts;
  • construction - the result of construction activity, intended to perform certain functions;
  • rescue of people - the forced movement of people outside through evacuation and emergency exits when they are exposed to dangerous fire factors and in other cases there is a risk of harm to their life and health due to untimely evacuation. Rescue is carried out independently, with the help of firefighters, rescue teams or specially trained personnel, including the use of rescue equipment;
  • building structure - a part of a building or structure that performs certain load-bearing, enclosing and (or) aesthetic functions;
  • building product - a product (as a rule, of industrial production) intended for use as an element of building structures, buildings and structures;
  • building material - material (including piece) intended for the creation of building structures, buildings and structures and the manufacture of building products;
  • technogenic impacts - dangerous impacts resulting from accidents on industrial buildings, structures or transport, fires, explosions or release of various types of energy, as well as impacts resulting from construction activities in an adjacent territory, which may lead to a change in natural conditions at the construction site and during the operation of a building or structure;
  • level of responsibility - a characteristic of a building or structure, determined in accordance with the volume of economic, social and environmental consequences of its destruction;
  • evacuation exits - doors, gates, unfilled openings in the enclosing structures of a building or structure on evacuation routes that meet the requirements of ergonomics and do not have devices that prevent the passage of people;
  • evacuation of people - the process of organized independent movement of people out of a building or structure in the event of a fire or other emergency along the paths that ensure the unimpeded and timely nature of this process.

Article 3. Scope of application of this Federal Law

1. This Federal Law applies to residential buildings, public buildings and structures and their complexes, buildings and structures of industrial, water, agricultural and urban enterprises, buildings and structures of the transport complex (including pipeline transport) and communications, energy, hydraulic and ameliorative structures, structures on the shelf of the seas, erected in any climatic, engineering-geological and other natural conditions on the territory of the Russian Federation.

This Federal Law does not apply to buildings intended for the production and storage of explosives and blasting agents, and buildings, including separate premises intended for the production and storage of explosives and blasting agents, as well as to mine workings, building structures of cosmodromes, buildings and structures related to the sphere of state security and the defense industry.

This Federal Law also does not apply to the safety of technological processes corresponding to the functional purpose of buildings and structures. Only possible hazardous effects of these processes on structures and engineering equipment are subject to accounting.

2. This Federal Law establishes the minimum required safety requirements for buildings and structures, including:

  • mechanical safety requirements under normal operating conditions;
  • fire safety requirements;
  • safety requirements in difficult natural conditions;
  • requirements for living, working, living and recreational conditions that are safe for human health, including requirements for biological, chemical, and radiation safety;
  • safety requirements for the use (including electrical safety and thermal safety) of buildings, structures, their systems and elements, as well as the land plots on which they are located;
  • requirements for a safe level of environmental impact of buildings and structures during construction, intended use and operation.

This Federal Law also establishes the procedure for assessing the compliance of buildings and structures with the requirements of this Federal Law.

3. The requirements of this Federal Law are mandatory for individuals and legal entities that are developers, customers who carry out engineering surveys, design, construction, operation, demolition and disposal of buildings and structures, as well as state examination of the results of engineering surveys and project documentation, state construction supervision and control (supervision) during the operation of buildings and structures.

Article 4. Rules for the identification of buildings and structures

For the purposes of this Federal Law, buildings and structures are identified by their purpose in accordance with Part 1 of Article 3 of this Federal Law and by the level of responsibility in accordance with Article 14 of this Federal Law.

For the purpose of applying this Federal Law, when assessing conformity, buildings and structures are additionally identified in accordance with Part 2 of Article 38 of this Federal Law.

Article 5. Legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of safety of buildings and structures

1. The legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of safety of buildings and structures consists of this technical regulation, the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Land Code of the Russian Federation, the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the Water Code of the Russian Federation, federal laws: "On technical regulation" , "On the industrial safety of hazardous production facilities", "On fire safety", "On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population", "On the social protection of the disabled in the Russian Federation", "On the protection of the population and territories from natural and man-made emergencies", "On Environmental Protection", "Safety of hydraulic structures" and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation related to the scope of this technical regulation.
If an international treaty of the Russian Federation in the field of safety of buildings and structures establishes rules other than those provided for by this Federal Law, the rules of the international treaty shall apply.

2. Materials and products used in the construction and operation of buildings and structures must meet the requirements of the technical regulation "On the safety of building materials and products".

3. Legal relations between individuals and legal entities specified in Part 3 of Article 3 of this Federal Law are governed by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, federal laws "On architectural activities in of the Russian Federation", "On the protection of the rights of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs during state control (supervision)", "On the protection of consumer rights" and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation relating to the rights, duties and responsibilities of design participants (including engineering surveys), construction and operation of buildings and structures.

Article 6

1. The safety of a building or structure is ensured by establishing the design values ​​of its parameters and quality characteristics required to ensure safety, implementing them at the construction stage and maintaining them at the required level during operation.

2. The requirements of this Federal Law shall be presented upon completion of:

  • design and engineering surveys;
  • the stage of construction work provided for in the project documentation, including the stage of erection of structures and installation of sections of engineering and technical support networks;
  • construction;
  • periods of operation established in the project documentation.

3. Compliance of a building or structure with safety requirements is determined by monitoring compliance with the direct requirements of this Federal Law, and in cases where compliance with the requirements of the Federal Law cannot be directly determined, by indirect signs characterizing the safety of a building or structure.

4. A sufficient condition for compliance with the requirements of this Federal Law is the use on a voluntary basis of standardization documents included in the list of national standards and (or) sets of rules approved by the national standardization body, as a result of which, on a voluntary basis, compliance with the requirements of this Federal Law is ensured.

National standards and codes of practice, as well as other documents, are used to assess compliance in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of technical regulation.


Article 7 Mechanical safety requirements

The structures and foundations of a building or structure must have such properties that during construction and operation there is no threat of harm to life or health of people and their property, as well as the environment as a result of:

  • destruction of all or part of a building or structure;
  • deformations of structures, foundations and mating geological massifs of unacceptable size;
  • damage to parts of a building or structure, engineering equipment, process equipment, pipelines as a result of significant deformation or displacement of load-bearing structures, including deviations from verticality.

Article 8. Fire safety requirements

The building or structure must be designed and constructed in such a way that during operation it can be carried out measures aimed at preventing fire, and in the event of a fire:

  • the stability of the structure was maintained for the time necessary to evacuate people and perform other actions aimed at reducing damage from a fire;
  • the formation and spread of dangerous fire factors within the fire seat was limited;
  • the spread of dangerous fire factors outside the fire seat, including to neighboring buildings and structures, was limited;
  • the possibility of safe evacuation of people (taking into account their age and physical condition) to the territory adjacent to the building was provided before the threat to their life and health due to exposure to fire hazards, as well as the possibility of saving people;
  • the possibility of access for the personnel of fire departments and the supply of fire extinguishing equipment to the source of the fire, as well as the implementation of measures to save people and reduce damage to property and the environment caused by fire, was provided.

Article 9. Requirements for the safety of buildings and structures under difficult natural conditions

A building or structure must be designed and erected in such a way that, during its operation, hazardous natural processes and (or) man-made impacts do not cause the consequences specified in Article 6 of this Federal Law, and (or) other events that create a threat of harm to human life or health , property of individuals or legal entities, state and municipal property, as well as the environment.

Article 10. Sanitary and epidemiological requirements

1. Buildings and structures must be designed and erected in such a way that in the process and upon termination of their operation there is no unacceptable threat of harm to human health as a result of physical, biological, chemical influences.

2. For this purpose, the following requirements must be met:

  • to the purity of the air in populated areas, the air in the premises of residential and public buildings and structures and in the working areas of industrial buildings and structures;
  • to the purity of water used as drinking and for household needs;
  • to insolation and sun protection of premises of residential, public and industrial buildings;
  • to natural and artificial lighting of premises;
  • to protection against noise in the premises of residential and public buildings and in the working areas of industrial buildings and structures;
  • to the regulation of humidity on the surface and inside building structures;
  • to the level of vibration in the premises of residential and public buildings and to the level of technological vibration in the working areas of industrial buildings and structures;
  • to the level of electric field strength in the premises of residential and public buildings and in the working areas of industrial buildings and structures, as well as in the adjacent territories;
  • to the level of ionizing radiation in the premises of residential and public buildings and in the working areas of industrial buildings and structures, as well as in the adjacent territories.

Article 11. Requirements for the internal microclimate

Buildings and structures should be designed and erected so that during their operation the values ​​of the microclimate parameters of the premises are within the limits at which there is no threat of harm to the health of users and visitors of these premises.

Article 12. Safety requirements for the use of a building, structure, their systems and elements

Buildings and structures must be designed and erected, and the adjacent territory landscaped in such a way that during their operation there is no unacceptable threat of accidents to people as a result of slips, falls, collisions, burns, electric shocks, as well as explosions.

Article 13. Requirements for a safe level of impact of buildings and structures on the environment

A building or structure must be designed so that during its construction and operation there is no unacceptable threat of harm to factors and elements of the environment that are subject to protection in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.


Article 14. General requirements for design documentation and results of engineering surveys

1. The results of engineering surveys and project documentation for a building or structure in terms of ensuring safety must comply with the requirements of international obligations, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, this Federal Law and other technical regulations put into effect in the prescribed manner.

2. In the design documentation for a building or structure, the person preparing the design documentation must take into account the initial data transmitted by the developer or customer in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
As part of the initial data for design, the level of responsibility of the designed building or structure, established in accordance with part 3 of this article, should be indicated, taking into account the social and economic consequences of its destruction or other event leading to the need to suspend or stop its operation.

3. The designed building or structure must be assigned to one of the following levels of responsibility: increased, normal, reduced.
The increased level of responsibility includes buildings and structures that, in accordance with the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, are especially dangerous, technically complex or unique capital construction projects.

The normal level of responsibility includes all other buildings and structures, with the exception of buildings and structures of a reduced level of responsibility.
Buildings and structures of a reduced level of responsibility include buildings and structures of temporary, including seasonal, purpose.

4. The task for the design of buildings and structures of a high level of responsibility may provide for the need for scientific support for the design (including engineering surveys) and construction of a building or structure, and at the stages of construction and (or) operation of a building or structure - monitoring the state of the foundation, structures and systems of engineering and technical support.

5. The design documentation for buildings and structures of a high level of responsibility, classified by the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of urban planning as hazardous production facilities, should provide for constructive and organizational and technical measures to protect the life and health of people and the environment from the dangerous consequences of accidents during construction , operation, conservation and liquidation of these facilities in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of industrial safety.

6. In the project documentation, the design values ​​of the parameters and other design characteristics of a building or structure, as well as the planned measures to ensure its safety, must be established in such a way that, at the stages of construction and operation, the building or structure is safe for the life and health of citizens, property of individuals or legal entities, state or municipal property, environment, life or health of animals and plants.

For this purpose, the compliance of the design values ​​of parameters and other design characteristics of a building or structure with safety requirements, as well as the designed measures to ensure its safety, must be justified by references to the direct requirements of technical regulations and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, and in the absence of such direct requirements - by the results :

  • studies and (or) calculations and (or) tests performed according to certified or otherwise approved methods, and (or) modeling of scenarios for the implementation of hazardous events, including in case of their unfavorable combination, and (or) risk assessment of the implementation of hazardous events.

The justification must take into account the initial data for the design, including the results of engineering surveys on the built-up area, and, if necessary, also on the territory of a specific land plot.

The person who prepares the design documentation is entitled to justify the design values ​​of the parameters and other design characteristics of the building or structure, as well as the applied methods of calculation and testing, to use references to national standards and (or) codes of practice in accordance with Part 6 of Article 6 of this Federal Law.

The calculated data as part of the results of engineering surveys must be substantiated by the person performing the engineering surveys in accordance with the rules given in this article.

7. In order to ensure the safety of the designed building or structure at the stages of construction and operation, the project documentation by the person preparing the project documentation must indicate the characteristics to be controlled, as well as methods and means of monitoring upon completion of:

  • the stages of construction work provided for in the project documentation, including completed building structures and sections of engineering and technical support networks;
  • upon completion of construction;
  • at the end of the periods of operation specified in the project documentation.

The design documentation should provide for the availability of structural elements and engineering support systems to determine the actual values ​​of their parameters and other characteristics, as well as the parameters of materials, products and devices that affect the safety of a building or structure during its construction and operation.

8. In the design documentation, the person preparing the design documentation must provide for the possibility of safe operation of the designed building or structure and provide requirements for methods for carrying out maintenance activities, during which there is no threat of violating the safety of structures and (or) engineering and technical support systems or unacceptable deterioration of human habitat parameters.
The design documentation should indicate the minimum frequency of inspections, inspections and surveys of the condition of structures, foundations and life support systems of buildings or structures.

The design documentation should also provide information for users and operating services on the values ​​of operational loads on structures and engineering support systems that must not be exceeded during the operation of a building or structure.
The location of hidden electrical wiring and pipelines and other devices, the damage of which may lead to a threat of harm to life and health of people, property and (or) the environment, must be indicated.

9. The developer (customer) has the right to provide for the inclusion in the design documentation of the passport of the building or structure, which contains data for its identification during conformity assessment, as well as data necessary to ensure safe operation, including those specified in part 7 of this article.

Article 15. Requirements for ensuring mechanical safety

1. Compliance with mechanical safety requirements in the design documentation for a building or structure must be justified by calculations or by other methods specified in Part 6 of Article 14 of this Federal Law, confirming that during the construction and operation of the building or structure, its structure and foundation will not reach the limit state in terms of strength and stability, taking into account in accordance with part 4 of this article the options for the simultaneous action of loads and impacts.

For the limiting state of structures and foundations in terms of strength and stability, a state characterized by:

  • destruction of any nature;
  • loss of shape stability;
  • loss of position stability;
  • serviceability violations and other phenomena associated with a threat to life or health of people, property, or the environment.

2. In the calculations of structures and foundations, all types of loads corresponding to the functional purpose and design solution of a building or structure, climatic effects, and, if necessary, also technological temperature and humidity effects, must be taken into account.
For structural elements, the characteristics of which, taken into account in the calculations of the strength and stability of a building or structure, may change during operation under the influence of climatic factors or aggressive factors of the external and internal environment, including under the influence of technological processes that can cause fatigue phenomena in the material of structures , parameters characterizing the resistance to such impacts, or measures to protect against them, should be additionally indicated.

3. Calculation models (including calculation schemes, basic calculation prerequisites) of structures and foundations must reflect the actual operating conditions of buildings or structures that correspond to the considered design situation. In this case, the following should be taken into account: the factors that determine the stress and strain states; features of the interaction of structural elements with each other and with the base; spatial work of structures; geometric and physical nonlinearities; plastic and rheological properties of materials and soils; the possibility of cracking; possible deviations of geometric parameters from their nominal values.

4. In the process of justification, the following design situations should be taken into account:

  • established, having a duration of the same order as the service life of a building or structure (for example, operation between two major repairs or process changes);
  • transitional, having a short duration compared to the service life of a building or structure (for example, the construction of a building, major repairs, reconstruction).

In the cases provided for in the design assignment, an emergency design situation should also be taken into account, which has a low probability of occurrence and a short duration, but is very important in terms of the consequences of reaching the limit states that may occur in this situation (for example, limit states in a situation arising in connection with an explosion, collision, equipment failure, fire, as well as immediately after the failure of any structural element).

5. Calculations substantiating the safety of the adopted structural solutions of a building or structure must be carried out taking into account the level of responsibility of the building or structure being designed.

Article 16. Fire safety requirements

In order to ensure the fire safety of a building or structure, one of the methods specified in Part 6 of Article 14 of this Federal Law must substantiate in the design documentation:

  • the distance from the building or structure being designed to the nearest building, structure or outdoor installation (for linear structures - the distance from the axis of the route to settlements, industrial and agricultural facilities, forest areas, the distance between the routes of linear structures laid parallel to each other, the size of security zones);
  • design values ​​of the characteristics of fire resistance and fire hazard of structural elements and networks of engineering and technical support;
  • accepted division of a building or structure into fire compartments and sections;
  • the location, dimensions and length of evacuation routes for people (including the disabled) in the event of a fire, providing smoke protection for evacuation routes, the number, location and dimensions of evacuation exits;
  • characteristics or parameters of systems for automatic fire detection, notification and management of people evacuation in case of fire, as well as automatic fire extinguishing and smoke protection;
  • measures to ensure the passage and access of fire equipment, the security of access for personnel of fire departments and the supply of fire extinguishing agents to the fire, the parameters of fire extinguishing systems, including external and internal fire water supply;
  • organizational and technical measures to ensure the fire safety of a building or structure at the stages of construction and operation.

Article 17. Requirements for ensuring the safety of buildings and structures under difficult natural conditions

1. To ensure the safety of buildings and structures to be built and operated in difficult natural conditions, the design documentation must provide for:

  • measures for engineering protection of the territory and (or) construction site from the action of hazardous natural processes and (or) man-made impacts;
  • constructive measures that reduce the sensitivity of building structures and foundations to hazardous effects caused by these processes and effects;
  • performance of construction works in ways that do not lead to the manifestation of new and (or) intensification of existing hazardous processes.

2. In cases where engineering protection measures and a building or structure being designed can lead to the activation of hazardous processes in adjacent territories, the project must provide for appropriate compensation and restoration measures.

3. When substantiating the adopted design decisions, the level of responsibility of engineering protection structures must be taken in accordance with the level of responsibility of the protected buildings or structures.

4. The results of the design of a building or structure, including engineering protection structures, must contain the limits of permissible changes in parameters characterizing the safety of objects and the geological environment during construction and operation. For the period of construction and operation of the designed building or structure, the design documentation should provide for monitoring of the environment, the state of structures and engineering systems of the designed building or structure, engineering protection structures, as well as surrounding buildings and structures falling within the zone of influence of the construction and operation of the designed building or structures.

Article 18. Measures to ensure the fulfillment of sanitary and epidemiological requirements

To meet sanitary and epidemiological requirements, the project documentation should provide for:

  • placement of the designed building or structure on the ground in accordance with the town-planning plan of the land plot approved in accordance with the established procedure; at the same time, the requirements of the current legislation of the Russian Federation for sanitary protection zones and gaps must be observed, as well as data on the background level of physical, biological, chemical impacts in the development area, which may pose a threat of harm to the life and health of people, animals and plants;
  • device in a building or structure with premises for permanent residence of people of life support systems (water supply, sewerage, heating, ventilation, air conditioning, power supply);
  • conditions for ensuring hygiene and sanitation, including for the removal of waste, the collection and removal of waste, their placement or disposal, both during construction and during the operation of a building or structure.

Article 19. Ensuring clean air

2. Ventilation and air conditioning systems must ensure the supply of air to the premises with the content of harmful substances not exceeding the maximum permissible concentrations for such premises or for the working area of ​​industrial premises.

3. In the design documentation for buildings and structures with premises for the stay of people, measures must be provided for:

  • limiting the penetration of dust, moisture, harmful and unpleasantly smelling substances from the atmospheric air into the premises;
  • ensuring air exchange sufficient for the timely removal of harmful substances from the air and maintaining the chemical composition of the air (oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, water vapor) in proportions favorable for human life;
  • preventing the penetration of harmful and unpleasantly smelling substances into premises with people staying from pipelines of sewerage systems and devices, heating, ventilation, from air ducts and technological pipelines, as well as exhaust gases from built-in parking lots;
  • preventing the penetration of soil gases (radon, methane) into the premises, if in the course of engineering surveys their presence is found at the construction site.

Article 20. Ensuring the purity of drinking water and water for household needs

The project documentation for external and internal networks for supplying building structures and adjacent territories with water that can be used as drinking water and for household needs should provide for measures to ensure the supply of the required amount of water and prevent its pollution.
In the absence of a centralized water supply, a building or structure in which drinking water is consumed must be located in such a way that it is possible to ensure the supply of usable water through the construction of local networks or individual water intakes. At the same time, the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of water resources protection must be observed.

Article 21. Ensuring insolation and sun protection

1. In the design documentation for buildings and structures, in the premises of which, in accordance with the laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population, a sufficient duration of insolation or protection from excessive insolation must be provided.
Compliance with the relevant requirements should be ensured by measures to orient the premises to the cardinal points, as well as measures of a constructive and planning nature, and improvement of the adjacent territory.

2. The placement of buildings and structures in the existing development should not violate the favorable living conditions in existing buildings, including the normalized duration of insolation.

Article 22. Providing lighting

In rooms with a permanent stay of people located on the above-ground floors, natural or combined, as well as artificial lighting must be provided, and in the underground floors - artificial lighting sufficient to prevent the threat of harm to people's health.
In the premises of the above-ground floors of buildings and structures, in which, according to the conditions for the implementation of technological processes, the possibility of natural lighting is excluded, artificial lighting must be provided that is sufficient to prevent the threat of harm to human health.

Article 23. Ensuring noise protection

1. The design values ​​of the characteristics of building structures, the characteristics of the types of engineering equipment adopted in the design documentation, the measures for the improvement of the adjacent territory provided for in the design documentation should ensure the protection of people from:

  • airborne noise generated by external sources (outside the building);
  • airborne noise generated in other rooms of the building or structure;
  • impact noise;
  • noise generated by the equipment;
  • excessive reverberant noise in the room.

In the cases provided for in the design assignment, the project documentation must also provide for measures to reduce the noise level, the source of which is the building or structure being designed.

2. Noise protection must be provided:

  • at workplaces in industrial buildings;
  • in the premises of residential and public buildings;
  • in residential area.

In cases stipulated by the building design assignment, measures must also be taken to ensure sound absorption in individual rooms and (or) reduce the level of reverberation.

3. In rooms and open areas where a large number of people can be at the same time and where the safety of people may depend on the intelligibility of the sound generated by radio warning means, measures must be taken to ensure the optimal volume level and the intelligibility of sound.

Article 24. Protection against moisture

The design documentation for a building or structure should provide for design solutions that provide:

  • drainage from the outer surfaces of the enclosing structures, including the roof, and from the underground structures of the structure;
  • water resistance of the roof, external walls, ceilings, as well as walls of underground floors and floors on the ground;
  • preventing the formation of condensate on the inner surface of the enclosing structures (with the exception of the translucent parts of windows and stained-glass windows).

Article 25 Vibration protection

The design documentation for the building should provide for measures to ensure that the calculated values ​​of the parameters of the general vibration at workplaces in the premises of industrial buildings, in the premises of residential and public buildings and in the adjacent territory do not exceed the limit values ​​established on the basis of the need to ensure sanitary and epidemiological well-being population of the Russian Federation.

Article 26

In the project documentation for a building or structure to be built on a territory where the level of electric field strength created by an industrial frequency alternating current power line and (or) transmitting radio engineering facilities exceeds the maximum allowable, based on the need to ensure the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population of the Russian Federation, Measures should be taken to reduce this level in rooms where people stay and in the adjacent territory by complying with the requirements for sanitary protection zones and shielding from the electromagnetic field.

Article 27. Protection from ionizing radiation

1. In the design documentation for a building or structure to be built on a territory that, in accordance with the results of engineering surveys, is radon-hazardous, measures must be provided for decontamination of the territory and for ensuring ventilation of rooms whose structures are in contact with the ground.

2. The design documentation for a building or structure should provide for the use in construction of materials and products with an indicator of the specific effective activity of natural radionuclides that does not exceed the limit value established based on the need to ensure the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population of the Russian Federation.

Article 28. Ensuring the required microclimate

1. In the design documentation for a building or structure, the required values ​​​​of the characteristics of the external enclosing structures of the building that affect the microclimate inside the premises must be determined, and design solutions must be taken to ensure that the calculated values ​​​​of the following thermal characteristics correspond to the required values ​​\u200b\u200bestablished based on the need to create favorable sanitary and hygienic conditions:

  • resistance to heat transfer of building envelopes;
  • temperature difference on the inner surface of the enclosing structures and internal air during the heating season;
  • heat resistance of enclosing structures in the warm season and building premises in the cold season;
  • resistance to air penetration of enclosing structures;
  • resistance to vapor permeability of enclosing structures;
  • heat absorption of the floor surface.

Measures should also be taken to prevent waterlogging of the enclosing structures, the accumulation of moisture on their surfaces and to ensure the durability of these structures.

2. Heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems and the requirements for the mode of their operation established in the design documentation should ensure, with the accepted design values ​​of the thermal characteristics of enclosing structures, that the calculated values ​​of the following parameters of the indoor microclimate correspond to the required values ​​for the warm, cold and transitional periods of the year, established on the basis of the need to create favorable sanitary and hygienic conditions:

  • indoor air temperature;
  • resulting temperature;
  • air speed;
  • relative humidity.

Design values ​​should be determined taking into account the purpose of buildings, living conditions or activities of people in the premises. Excess heat in industrial premises is also subject to accounting.

3. At permanent workplaces characterized by increased exposure to radiant heat on workers, special measures should be taken to create the required microclimate.

Article 29. Ensuring the safety of using a building or structure, its systems and elements

1. The values ​​of the following parameters of structural elements in the design documentation should be taken so as to minimize the likelihood of injury to people when moving around the building, structure, adjacent territory as a result of slipping, falling or impact:

  • the height of the fencing of roofs, balconies, loggias, terraces, outdoor galleries, flights of stairs, platforms and open pits near a building or structure, open pedestrian crossings, including over bridges and overpasses, as well as differences in floor level or ground level in the adjacent territory;
  • the slope of the stairs and ramps, the width of the treads and the height of the steps on the stairs, the height of the rise along one continuous flight of stairs and the ramp; it is unacceptable to use steps of different heights within the same flight of stairs; railings and handrails on the railings of stairs and landings must be continuous;
  • the height of doorways and unfilled openings in the walls on the ways of moving people, the height of the passage along the stairs, the basement, the attic, the height of the passages under the elements of structures or equipment protruding from above and along the sides of the way people move.

The design of fences under this article should limit the possibility of accidental falling from a height (including from the roofs of buildings) of objects that can injure people under the protected structural element.

2. To ensure the free movement of people, as well as the possibility of evacuating patients on stretchers, sufficient width of door and unfilled openings in the walls, the width of flights of stairs and landings, the width of corridors, passages between stationary elements of technological equipment of industrial buildings and elements of equipping public buildings should be provided.

3. The ways of movement of people inside the building or structure and on the adjacent territory must be separated from the ways of movement of vehicles and other moving equipment.

4. The design documentation must provide for:

  • devices for preventing accidental movement of moving elements of equipment of a building or structure (including in the event of failure of automatic braking devices), which can lead to injury to people;
  • window design that ensures their safe operation, including washing and cleaning of external surfaces;
  • devices for preventing people from accidentally falling out of window openings (in cases where the bottom of the opening is below the height of the center of gravity in most adults);
  • sufficient lighting of the ways of movement of people and vehicles;
  • placement of clearly visible warning signs on transparent door panels.

5. At buildings and structures with a height of more than 40 m, protective devices must be provided in the pedestrian zone to ensure the safety of people staying in these zones when exposed to wind.

6. Design solutions for buildings and structures accessible to the disabled and other people with limited mobility should provide:

  • reachability of targeted places by them and unhindered movement inside buildings and structures;
  • safety of traffic routes (including evacuation routes), as well as places of residence, service and labor application.

The parameters of the routes of movement, equipping with special devices and the dimensions of the premises for such groups of the population, adopted in the design documentation, must be justified in accordance with the requirements of Part 6 of Article 14 of this Federal Law.

7. To prevent burns when using elements of engineering and technical support systems and their terminal devices, the design documentation must provide for:

  • limiting the temperature of the surfaces of accessible parts of heating appliances and heating supply pipelines or installing fences that prevent people from coming into contact with these parts;
  • limiting the temperature of hot air from the outlet of air heating devices,
  • limiting the temperature of hot water in the hot water supply system.

8. To prevent electric shock to people, design solutions must provide for measures to ensure the safety of people in accordance with the requirements of technical regulations in the field of safety of electrical installations.

9. The design documentation should provide for measures to prevent accidents and injuries resulting from explosions, including:

  • compliance with the safety rules for the installation of heating systems, chimneys, chimneys, tanks and pipelines for flammable liquids and gases;
  • compliance with the rules for the safe installation of heat generators and installations for liquefied gases;
  • regulation of heating temperature and pressure in hot water and heating systems;
  • prevention of excessive accumulation of explosive substances in indoor air, including through the use of gas control devices.

10. To ensure safety in emergency and other emergencies, the design documentation must provide for emergency and evacuation lighting.

Emergency lighting should be provided for cases where the shutdown of working lighting and the associated violation of the maintenance of equipment and mechanisms can cause an explosion, fire, poisoning of people, failure of life support systems, violation of the regime of children's and medical institutions.
Evacuation lighting should be provided in rooms without natural light, in places dangerous for the passage of people, and in other cases with a large number of evacuees.

Emergency and evacuation lighting should be provided by autonomous power sources that automatically turn on when the working lighting is turned off.

11. To ensure protection against unauthorized intrusion, it is necessary:

  • in buildings with a large number of visitors (spectators), as well as in educational, medical, banking institutions, in buildings and structures of transport terminals, measures should be taken to reduce the possibility of criminal manifestations and their consequences;
  • in cases stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation, television surveillance systems, alarm systems and other systems aimed at ensuring protection against terrorist manifestations and unauthorized intrusion must be installed in buildings and structures.

Article 30. Ensuring environmental protection

Environmental protection measures provided for in the design documentation for a building or structure in accordance with federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation must be justified by one of the methods specified in Part 5 of Article 13 of this Federal Law.


Article 31

1. A person carrying out construction, in accordance with the legislation on urban planning activities, must monitor the compliance of building materials, products, structures and equipment used in the construction process with the requirements of design and working documentation throughout the entire construction process.

2. The person carrying out the construction must ensure the warehousing and storage of materials and products in accordance with the requirements of the construction organization project. At the same time, measures must be taken to prevent the deterioration of the quality of materials and products during their storage.

3. The replacement by the person carrying out the construction of the types, types, brands of materials and products used, as well as the introduction of any other changes to the project documentation, provided for in the project documentation, can be carried out only with the consent of the developer (customer) in agreement with the developer of the project documentation , must be documented, and the adopted changes must be included in the project documentation. Such replacements or changes are allowed only in cases where they do not lead to a violation of the adopted design scheme and the decisions laid down to ensure the safe operation of this building (structure).

Article 32. Requirements for control during construction

1. In the process of construction, the person carrying out the construction (the person carrying out the construction and the developer or the customer when carrying out construction on the basis of a contract) must exercise construction control, as provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation on urban planning activities.

2. When carrying out construction on the basis of a contract, the developer (customer), in accordance with the current legislation, has the right to check, during the construction of a building or structure, the compliance of the work performed with the requirements of project documentation, the timeliness, completeness and reliability of the results of control performed by the contractor, compliance with the rules for maintaining and reliability of the executive documentation, compliance with the rules of warehousing and storage of materials, products, structures and equipment.
The comments of the representative of the builder (customer) are documented with his signature. The facts of the elimination of defects by the contractor according to the comments of the representative of the developer (customer) are documented by both parties.

3. The person carrying out construction is obliged to provide access to the construction site for representatives of the developer (customer) and state construction supervision bodies, to provide them with the necessary documentation.

Article 33

The person carrying out the construction must ensure the maintenance of as-built documentation - a set of working drawings with inscriptions on the compliance of the work performed in kind with these drawings or on the changes made to them in agreement with the developer of the project documentation, geodetic executive schemes, and in the cases provided for in the project documentation - also monitoring results during the construction process. behind buildings and structures that fall within the zone of influence of construction.

Article 34

If it is necessary to stop or suspend construction for a period of more than 6 months, the developer (customer) or, at his request, the person carrying out the construction, must carry out conservation of the object - bringing it and the construction site into a condition that ensures the strength, stability and safety of the main structures and safety for citizens and the environment. Conservation measures must be agreed upon by the design organization - the author of the project. Information about the conservation of the object must be sent by the developer (customer) to the state supervision body for a decision to suspend or terminate the implementation of supervisory measures in relation to the object.

Chapter 5

Article 35. Requirements for ensuring the safety of a building or structure during operation

1. The parameters and other characteristics of structures and engineering support systems during the operation of a building or structure must comply with the requirements of the design documentation for the operation stage, given in Article 14 of this technical regulation.
The specified compliance must be confirmed during periodic inspections and control checks or monitoring carried out according to the program developed by the owner of the building or structure or, on his behalf, by the managing organization, taking into account the requirements of the project documentation.
The owner or managing organization, on its own initiative, can order the development of operational documentation, including a facility passport containing specific rules for monitoring the compliance of parameters and other characteristics of structures and engineering support systems with the requirements of design documentation.

2. If it is detected that the parameters and (or) other characteristics of structures and (or) engineering support systems go beyond the limits established in the design documentation for the operation stage, the corresponding defects must be qualified as critical (i.e., requiring repair with suspension of operation or complete cessation of operation) or as non-critical, which can be eliminated during the current repair without stopping operation.

3. Compliance with the requirements of the design documentation of parameters and other characteristics of structures and engineering support systems of a building or structure of a high level of responsibility may be the object of automated monitoring carried out directly in the building or structure. The decision to conduct monitoring is made by the owner of the building or structure, unless the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation or the authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation provide for mandatory monitoring for such buildings or structures.
If the defects identified during the monitoring process are classified as critical, information about them should be transferred to the day-to-day management bodies (duty services) of the unified state system for preventing and eliminating emergencies.
The procedure for making decisions based on the results of monitoring should be established by the owner of the building or structure or, on his behalf, by the managing organization.

4. The decision to suspend operation to eliminate the identified defects, or to completely stop operation, or to eliminate the identified defects through current repairs, must be made by the owner of the building or structure or, on his behalf, by the managing organization in the manner prescribed by law and other legal and regulatory acts of the Russian Federation

5. The owner of the building or structure is responsible for the safe operation.

Article 36

1. Upon termination of operation, the owner of a building or structure must take measures to prevent harm to the population and the environment, including measures to prevent unauthorized access to the building of people and animals, as well as measures to dispose of construction waste and recycle materials obtained from from demolition of a building or structure.

2. In case of demolition of a building or structure in preparation for construction on the liberated territory, the person carrying out the construction must take measures in accordance with the design documentation for new construction.
The owner of a building or structure (with the exception of those specified in Article 40 of this technical regulation) subject to demolition in a territory where development is not planned must order the development of a demolition project, which should include technical demolition solutions that ensure the safety of the population, the environment, existing buildings and structures and engineering infrastructure, including existing underground utilities. The project should provide for measures to ensure the removal and disposal of materials and debris left after the demolition of a building or structure, and also, if new construction is not planned on the site of the demolished building or structure, for landscaping and, if necessary, for land reclamation.

3. The safety of technical solutions for the demolition of a building or structure using explosions, burning or other dangerous methods must be justified by one of the methods specified in Article 14 of this technical regulation.

4. The owner of the demolished building or structure is obliged to provide the relevant information services with documentation about the communications, premises, structures remaining in the ground or under water after the demolition of the building or structure.


Article 37. General provisions

1. Conformity assessment is carried out in order to:

  • certification of the compliance of the characteristics of a building or structure, established in the design and working documentation, with safety requirements before starting the construction of this building or structure;
  • certification of compliance of the characteristics of the building or structure, the construction of which is completed, with safety requirements before putting it into operation;
  • periodic certification of the compliance of the characteristics of the operated building or structure with safety requirements to confirm the possibility of its further operation.

2. The conformity assessment of design and working documentation should determine its compliance with the results of engineering surveys and mandatory requirements:

2) urban planning plan of the land plot, red lines;
3) permission to deviate from the limiting parameters of permitted construction (if granted);
4) technical conditions for connection to external networks (if any);
5) standardization documents included in the list of national standards and (or) codes of practice approved by the national standardization body, to which there are links in the project and working documentation.

3. Compliance assessment of buildings and structures during their construction and at its completion should determine compliance with the mandatory requirements:

1) of this Federal Law, as well as other technical regulations applicable to buildings and structures or parts thereof, elements and materials used (hereinafter referred to as technical regulations);
2) design and working documentation;
3) town-planning plan of the land plot;
4) permission to deviate from the limit parameters of permitted construction (if granted);
5) technical conditions for connection to external networks (if any).

4. The conformity assessment of buildings and structures during their operation should determine compliance with the mandatory requirements established in the design documentation for the operation stage in accordance with Parts 7 and 8 of Article 14 of this Federal Law, and (or) established in the operational documentation in accordance with Part 1 of Article 35 of this Federal Law.

Article 38. Forms for assessing the compliance of buildings and structures with safety requirements

1. In order to assess compliance with the requirements of this Federal Law, buildings and structures are divided into:

1) capital construction projects, in respect of which, in accordance with the legislation on urban planning, a state examination of project documentation and state construction supervision is carried out;
2) capital construction projects, in respect of which, in accordance with the legislation on urban planning activities, the state examination of project documentation and state construction supervision is not carried out;
3) objects of individual housing construction - detached residential buildings with the number of floors not more than three, intended for the residence of one family, as well as garages, baths and other buildings and structures of auxiliary use.

2. The assessment of the conformity of buildings and structures during their design and construction with the requirements listed in Parts 2 and 3 of Article 37 of this Federal Law is carried out in accordance with the legislation on technical regulation and on urban planning activities in the following forms:

  • state expertise of project documentation and engineering survey results;
  • statements of the developer of project documentation on its compliance;
  • building permits;
  • non-state expertise of project documentation and engineering survey results;
  • construction control;
  • testing of structures, building structures;
  • testing of networks and systems of engineering and technical support (in cases where they are provided);
  • technical supervision of the developer (customer);
  • architectural supervision of the person who prepared the project documentation (in cases where such supervision is provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation);
  • statements of the person carrying out the construction on the conformity of the completed building (structure);

The need to apply certain forms of conformity assessment at different stages of the creation of a particular building or structure is established by this federal law, depending on the group of buildings or structures under Part 1 of this Article to which this building or structure belongs.

Article 39

1. Compliance assessment of project documentation and engineering survey results for buildings and structures related to capital construction projects specified in paragraph 1 of part 1 of Article 38 of this Federal Law is carried out in the form of state examination of project documentation and engineering survey results, as well as building permits .

The procedure for performing state expertise is established by the legislation on urban planning.

When reviewing project documentation and the results of engineering surveys, the provisions of Part 5 of Article 14 of this Federal Law must be taken into account.
Documents certifying the compliance of the project documentation with the requirements of technical regulations and the results of engineering surveys and the results of engineering surveys with the requirements of technical regulations are the positive conclusions of the state expertise on the compliance of the project documentation and on the compliance of the results of engineering surveys.

2. Assessment of compliance of project documentation and results of engineering surveys for buildings and structures related to capital construction projects specified in clause 2 of part 1 of article 38 of this Federal Law with the requirements established by part 2 of article 37 of this Federal law is carried out in the application forms of the developer of the design documentation of its compliance and building permits.
Conformity assessment certifies the compliance of design documentation and engineering survey results with the requirements established by Part 2 of Article 37 of this Federal Law.

Assessment of compliance of project documentation with the requirements of technical regulations and the results of engineering surveys and the results of engineering surveys with the requirements of technical regulations is carried out by persons carrying out engineering surveys and development of project documentation, and is certified by a document signed by them confirming the compliance of project documentation with the results of engineering surveys, as well as the requirements of technical regulations at the time issuance of a building permit and a document confirming the compliance of the results of engineering surveys with the requirements of technical regulations.

When design documentation and engineering surveys are carried out by one person, a document confirming the compliance of the design documentation and engineering survey results shall be signed by this person.

3. The developer (customer) may, at its own discretion, in accordance with the legislation on urban planning, send the design documentation and the results of engineering surveys performed for the preparation of this design documentation for non-state expertise. A positive conclusion of a non-state examination is the developer's (customer's) own evidentiary material.

4. For the purpose of constructing a building or structure related to capital construction projects specified in paragraphs 1 and 2 of part 1 of Article 38 of this Federal Law, the developer (customer) sends an application for issuing a building permit to the authority or local government authorized to issue building permits, attaching the documents provided for by the legislation on urban planning, including documents confirming the compliance of the results of engineering surveys and project documentation (parts 1 and 2 of this article), as well as the conclusion of a non-state examination of project documentation and engineering survey results, if any (part 5 of this articles).

7. The authority or local self-government checks the compliance of project documentation with the requirements of the town-planning plan of the land plot, red lines, the requirements established in the permit for deviation from the limiting parameters of permitted construction (if it was provided), checks the documents submitted by the developer (customer) in accordance with according to the legislation on town-planning activity of documents and on the basis of the results of the performed checks, issues, in the manner established by the legislation on town-planning activity, a permit for the construction of a capital construction object in accordance with the submitted project documentation.

Article 40

1. Assessment of the conformity of buildings and structures related to capital construction projects at the stage of their construction is carried out in the following forms:

State construction supervision;
- construction control;
- author's supervision of the person who prepared the project documentation;
- technical supervision of the developer (customer);
- testing of engineering and technical support systems;
- testing of individual structures and (or) the structure as a whole (if these tests are provided for by the design documentation).

2. State construction supervision is carried out during the construction of buildings and structures related to capital construction projects specified in paragraph 1 of part 1 of Article 38 of this Federal Law, in accordance with the legislation on urban planning and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

State construction supervision during the construction of buildings and structures is carried out in the form of verification of compliance of the work performed with the requirements of technical regulations, design and working documentation, as well as the requirements of standardization documents included in the List of national standards and (or) sets of rules approved by the national standardization body, to which there are references in the design and (or) working documentation.
The program of inspections during the construction of a certain building or structure is developed by the state construction supervision body, taking into account the design and other features of this building or structure and the performance of work on its construction, the presence of a certified quality management system in the person carrying out the construction, and (or) the presence of supervision of an insurance company behind construction.

3. Construction control, provided for by the legislation on urban planning, is carried out in order to assess the compliance of construction and installation works, structures under construction and engineering and technical support networks with the requirements of design and working documentation. Construction control is carried out in the following forms:

Input control of project documentation provided by the developer (customer);
- input control of applied building materials, products, structures and equipment;
- operational control in the process of implementation and upon completion of construction and installation operations;
- assessment of the conformity of the work performed, the results of which become unavailable for control after the start of the subsequent work, including the intermediate acceptance of individual structures and sections of utility networks.

4. The input control of project documentation checks its completeness, the presence in it of a list of works and structures, the indicators of which affect the safety of a building or structure and are subject to conformity assessment during the construction process, the presence of limit values ​​​​of parameters controlled by the specified list, the presence of instructions on methods of control and measurement these parameters, including in the form of links to standardization documents included in the list of national standards and (or) codes of practice approved by the national standardization body. The developer (customer) must be notified of the shortcomings of the design documentation identified by the input control in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

5. The input control of the applied building materials, products, structures and equipment checks their compliance with the requirements of design and working documentation, as well as the requirements of standardization documents included in the list of national standards and (or) codes of rules approved by the national standardization body, to which there are links in this documentation.

The person carrying out the construction certifies the results of the input control with logs of input control, laboratory tests signed by his authorized representatives, as well as quality documents and certificates of conformity provided by suppliers of building materials, products, structures and equipment.

Materials, products, structures and equipment, the non-compliance of which is revealed by the input control, must be separated from the suitable ones before the developer, and, if necessary, also the designer and the representative of the state building supervision body decide on the possibility of their use.

6. By operational control, the person carrying out the construction checks the compliance of the composition and sequence of technological operations performed with the technological documentation and the requirements of standardization documents included in the list of national standards and (or) codes of rules approved by the national standardization body, which are referenced in the design or working documentation, compliance with established technological regimes, compliance of indicators obtained as a result of operations with the requirements of working documentation.
The results of operational control should be documented.

7. conformity assessment of the work performed, the results of which become unavailable for control after the start of subsequent work, including the intermediate acceptance of individual structures and sections of engineering and technical support networks, is performed and documented by the person carrying out the construction, as well as the developer or customer in cases of construction on the basis of an agreement in accordance with the legislation in the field of urban planning.

8. Architectural supervision of the person who prepared the design documentation (designer) for the construction of a capital construction facility is carried out in cases established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Author's supervision of the designer must be carried out under an agreement with the developer (customer) on his behalf. The instructions of the designer's supervisor must be documented and binding on the person carrying out the construction.
Author's supervision checks compliance with the requirements of design and working documentation established from the condition of ensuring the safety of the building (structure).

9. technical supervision of the developer (customer) in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation is carried out at the discretion of the developer (customer).
The subject of the developer's (customer's) technical supervision is monitoring compliance by the person carrying out the construction with the requirements of design and working documentation, the timeliness and completeness of the input control of the building materials, products, structures, equipment and operational control performed by him, the reliability of the results of the input and operational control, as well as participation in the conformity assessment of the work performed, the results of which become inaccessible for control after the start of the implementation of subsequent work (part 7 of this article).
The remarks of the representative of the technical supervision of the developer (customer) are documented for execution by the person carrying out the construction.

10. Testing of individual structures and (or) the structure as a whole is organized by the person carrying out the construction, if these tests are provided for by the design documentation. Tests must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the design and (or) working documentation and the requirements of standardization documents included in the list of national standards and (or) codes of rules approved by the national standardization body, to which there is a link in this documentation. The person carrying out the construction must notify the representatives of the state construction supervision body, architectural supervision (if it is carried out), as well as the developer (customer) about the timing of the tests in the case when the construction was carried out on the basis of a contract.
The test results must be documented in the relevant acts certifying the compliance of the completed installation structures and (or) the structure as a whole with the requirements of technical regulations, design and working documentation, and signed by authorized representatives of the person carrying out the construction, the developer (customer) in the case when the construction was carried out on the basis of a contract , and architectural supervision (if it is carried out).

11. Testing of the completed installation systems of engineering and technical support shall be organized by the person carrying out the construction. Tests must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the project documentation and the requirements of the standardization documents included in the List of national standards and (or) codes of practice approved by the national standardization body, which are referenced in the project documentation. The person carrying out the construction must notify the representatives of the organizations operating the engineering and technical support networks (if any), field supervision (if any), technical supervision of the developer (customer), as well as the state construction supervision authority about the timing of the tests.
The test results must be documented in the relevant acts certifying the compliance of the completed installation of engineering and technical support systems with the requirements of technical regulations, design and working documentation and signed by a representative of the person carrying out the construction, representatives of organizations operating engineering and technical support networks (if any), a representative of the author's supervision (if applicable).

In cases where construction was carried out on the basis of a contract, authorized representatives of the person carrying out the construction (contractor), the developer (customer) and organizations that operate engineering and technical support networks (if any) participate in the tests. The acts certifying the compliance of the engineering and technical support systems completed with the installation with the requirements of technical regulations, design and working documentation, are signed in these cases by all participants in the tests.
Organizations operating utility networks, based on the test results, issue a conclusion to the person carrying out the construction on the compliance of the engineering and technical support systems of the facility with the technical conditions for their connection to external networks.

Article 41

1. Compliance assessment of completed buildings and structures related to capital construction projects is carried out in the following forms:

  • acceptance of a building or structure, the construction of which is completed, or part thereof, in cases where the commissioning of a part of this building or structure is provided for by the project (in cases where the construction was carried out on the basis of a contract);
  • state construction supervision;
  • statements of the developer (customer) on the conformity of the completed building (structure);
  • permission to commission a building or structure.

2. Upon completion of the construction of a building or structure, testing of individual structures and (or) structures as a whole (if these tests are provided for by the design documentation) and testing of engineering and technical support systems for this building or structure, the person carrying out the construction must prepare documented results of conformity assessment procedures performed during the construction of a building or structure related to capital construction projects:

  • documents certifying the compliance of materials, products, structures and equipment used in construction with the requirements of design and working documentation (Part 5 of Article 40 of this Federal Law);
  • documents certifying the compliance of the results of operational control (Part 6 of Article 40 of this Federal Law);
  • documents certifying the compliance of construction and installation works, structures under construction and engineering and technical support networks with the requirements of design and working documentation (Part 7 of Article 40 of this Federal Law);
  • Executive documentation (Article 33 of this Federal Law);
  • documented observations of author's supervision with notes on their execution (in cases where author's supervision is carried out);
  • certificates of testing completed installation of structures and (or) the structure as a whole to the requirements of technical regulations, design and working documentation in cases where such tests are provided for by the design documentation (part 10 of Article 40 of this Federal Law);
  • certificates of testing completed installation systems of engineering and technical support to the requirements of technical regulations, design and working documentation (Part 11 of Article 40 of this Federal Law);
  • conclusions of organizations that operate engineering and technical support networks on the compliance of engineering and technical support networks of a building or structure with the specifications for their connection to external networks (Part 11 of Article 40 of this Federal Law).

3. In cases where the construction of a building or structure was carried out on the basis of a contract, the customer, the developer (customer), in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, shall accept the completed building or structure from the person carrying out the construction (contractor). The person carrying out the construction (contractor) shall present to the developer (customer) the documents specified in paragraph 2 of this article.
Based on the results of acceptance, the customer (developer) and the contractor (the person carrying out the construction) certify the compliance of the completed facility with the requirements of the design documentation by a bilateral act of acceptance of the facility in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

4. Upon completion of the construction of a building or structure related to capital construction projects specified in clause 1 of part 1 of article 38 of this Federal Law, and its acceptance in the cases provided for in part 3 of this article, the developer (customer) shall apply to the state construction supervision body for conducting a final inspection, attaching the documents listed in paragraph 2 of this article, as well as the act of acceptance of the building or structure in cases where the construction was carried out on the basis of a contract.
Based on the results of its own inspections, submitted documents and the results of the final inspection, the state construction supervision body issues a conclusion to the developer (customer) on the compliance of the building or structure with the requirements of technical regulations, design and working documentation.

5. Upon completion of the construction of a building or structure related to the capital construction facilities specified in clause 2 of part 1 of article 38 of this Federal Law, and its acceptance in the cases provided for in part 3 of this article, the developer (customer) declares that the constructed building or structure , accepting a document confirming the compliance of the building (structure) with the requirements of technical regulations and project documentation. The said document must be accompanied by the documents referred to in paragraph 2 of this article and the act of acceptance of the building or structure (when performing work under the contract).

6. In order to obtain a permit to put into operation a building or structure related to capital construction projects, the developer (customer) shall apply with a relevant application to the authority that issued the permit for the construction of this building or structure. The developer shall attach to the application the documents stipulated by the legislation on urban planning activities.

The authority that issued the building permit shall ensure the existence and correctness of the execution of the said documents, inspect the building or structure, after which, if the results of the verification and inspection are positive, issue the developer (customer) with a permit to put the building or structure into operation, which certifies its compliance with the requirements of Article 37 of this Federal Law on the basis of the submitted documents and their own checks.

Article 42

1. Conformity assessment of individual housing construction objects (Item 3 of Part 1 of Article 38 of this Federal Law) is carried out in the following forms:

  • building permits;
  • statements of the person carrying out the construction on the conformity of the completed construction object;
  • permission to put the facility into operation.

2. When evaluating the conformity of objects of individual housing construction, compliance with the mandatory requirements is determined:

  • town-planning plan of the land plot;
  • permission to deviate from the limit parameters of permitted construction (if granted);
  • technical conditions for connection to external networks (if any).
  • In the absence of a town-planning plan for a land plot, compliance with the requirements for fire-prevention and sanitary gaps between the individual housing construction object under construction and the nearest building or structure, requirements for distances from this object to engineering communications passing nearby, as well as requirements for sewage disposal are determined.

3. A permit for the construction of an individual housing construction facility in accordance with the legislation on urban planning is issued to the developer by the body authorized to issue a construction permit, after checking the compliance of the land plot planning organization scheme prepared by the developer, indicating the purpose and size of the object, its position on the land plot with the requirements urban planning plan of the land plot, as well as permission to deviate from the limiting parameters of permitted construction (if it is granted). In the absence of the specified town-planning plan, the body authorized to issue a building permit checks the compliance of the specified scheme with the requirements for fire and sanitary gaps between the facility under construction and the nearest building or structure, the requirements for distances from the facility to engineering communications passing nearby, as well as the requirements for the removal Wastewater.

6. In the presence of external networks of engineering and technical support, the developer receives technical conditions for connecting an object of individual housing construction to external networks in organizations operating these networks.
Upon completion of the construction of the object, the developer notifies the organizations that issued the technical conditions for connecting the individual housing construction object to external networks. Representatives of these organizations check the compliance of the engineering and technical support systems of the completed facility with the technical conditions for their connection to external networks and issue certificates of compliance to the developer.

7. Upon completion of the construction of individual housing construction objects erected by the developer for sale upon completion of construction, the developer declares the compliance of the completed objects by accepting and signing a document confirming the compliance of the completed objects with the requirements of technical regulations.

8. In order to obtain a permit to put an individual housing construction project completed by construction into operation, the developer submits to the body that issued the permit for the construction of this object an application for issuing such a permit, attaching to it the documents provided for by the legislation on urban planning.
In order to obtain a permit for the commissioning of individual housing construction objects erected by the developer for sale upon completion of construction, the developer shall attach to the application for issuing a commissioning permit a document adopted by him confirming the compliance of the completed construction with the requirements of technical regulations.

9. The body that issued the building permit shall inspect the constructed object of individual housing construction and verify the compliance of the location of this object on the land plot with the town-planning plan of this land plot, and in its absence, with the requirements for fire and sanitary gaps between the constructed object and the nearest building or construction, requirements for distances from the constructed object to nearby utilities, requirements for wastewater disposal, as well as requirements for permission to deviate from the limit parameters of permitted construction (if granted).

Based on the results of the inspection and verification performed, as well as certificates of compliance of the engineering equipment networks of the constructed facility with the technical conditions for connection to external networks (if these networks are available), the authority that issued the construction permit certifies the compliance of the constructed facility with the mandatory requirements of part 2 of this article, issuing to the developer in accordance with the legislation on urban planning activities a permit to put the constructed facility into operation.

10. Conformity assessment of the operated object of individual housing construction is carried out by order of its owner by the executive authority authorized to exercise state control (supervision) over such objects in the course of their operation.

Article 43

1. Forms of conformity assessment of buildings and structures in the process of their operation are:

  • operational control;
  • state control (supervision).

2. Operational control is carried out during the operation of a building or structure in order to assess the compliance of maintenance work performed during the operation of a building or structure with the requirements of technical regulations, operational documentation. Operational control is carried out by the managing organization that operates the building or structure. Operational control is carried out in the form of inspections and surveys at the intervals provided for in the design documentation for a building or structure, as well as in cases of manifestations of structural failures and engineering support systems of a building or structure. Compliance of a building or structure with the requirements of technical regulations and operational documentation, established by operational control, is certified by a representative of the managing organization with the appropriate entries in the operation logs.
The managing organization, on its own initiative, may order the development of operational documentation - a building or structure passport (if it is not included in the project documentation), containing specific rules for assessing compliance with the requirements established by technical regulations, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

3. The operational control of the technical condition of especially dangerous, technically complex and unique objects is carried out by the managing organization with the help of automated monitoring systems for the state of engineering structures and systems of the building and structure provided for by the design documentation.

4. Instrumental control is carried out by means of a technical inspection of operated facilities in order to identify defects and damage to structural elements and engineering equipment, resulting in non-compliance with the requirements of this technical regulation.
The managing organization must carry out scheduled instrumental control of capital construction projects specified in Clause 1 of Part 1 of Article 38 of this Federal Law at least once every two years.
The managing organization may order the performance of instrumental control of the technical condition of objects by testing laboratories (centers) accredited in the relevant field of conformity assessment of operated objects.

5. State control (supervision) in the process of operation of buildings and structures is carried out by the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation authorized to exercise state control (supervision), if state control (supervision) is provided for during the operation of facilities.
Conformity assessment in the form of state control (supervision) over objects during their operation is carried out in accordance with the rules and forms established by administrative legislation and legislation in the field of consumer protection, as well as legislation in the field of protection of the rights of individuals and legal entities and individual entrepreneurs during state control (supervision).

Based on the results of the inspection, the state control (supervision) body draws up an act that is the basis for issuing an order to the owner of the building or structure or the managing organization involved by him to decommission the facility and / or to eliminate the identified violations. The instruction indicates the type of violation, a reference to the normative legal act, technical regulations, operational documentation, the requirements of which have been violated.


Article 44. Transitional provisions

1. This Federal Law shall enter into force 12 months after its official publication.
2. The requirements for buildings and structures at the stages of construction, operation and demolition, established by this Federal Law, apply to buildings and structures erected according to design documentation approved after its entry into force.
3. Documents confirming the compliance with the safety requirements of buildings and structures put into operation before the entry into force of this Federal Law shall continue to be valid until the end of the operation of these buildings and structures or until the reconstruction or major repairs of these buildings and structures, if structural and other safety features.

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Technical regulation on the safety of buildings and structures (as amended on July 2, 2013)

Technical regulation on the safety of buildings and structures (articles 1 - 44)



Technical regulation on the safety of buildings and structures

Document as amended by:
(Official Internet portal of legal information, 07/08/2013) (for the procedure for entry into force, see).

Lists of national standards and other documents,
ensuring compliance
of this Technical Regulation

Chapter 1. General Provisions (Articles 1 - 6)

Article 1

This Federal Law is adopted for the purposes of:

1) protection of life and health of citizens, property of individuals or legal entities, state or municipal property;

2) protection of the environment, life and health of animals and plants;

3) prevention of actions that mislead purchasers;

4) ensuring the energy efficiency of buildings and structures.

Article 2. Basic concepts

1. For the purposes of this Federal Law, the basic concepts established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on technical regulation, the legislation of the Russian Federation on urban planning and the legislation of the Russian Federation on fire safety are used.

2. For the purposes of this Federal Law, the following basic concepts are also used:

1) emergency lighting - lighting on escape routes, having power supply from autonomous sources, functioning in case of fire, accident and other emergencies, switched on automatically when the corresponding alarm is triggered or manually if there is no alarm or it did not work;

2) accident - a dangerous man-made incident that creates a threat to life and health of people at an object, a certain territory or water area and leads to the destruction or damage to buildings, structures, equipment and vehicles, disruption of the production or transport process, causing damage to the environment;

4) impact - a phenomenon that causes a change in the stress-strain state of building structures and (or) the foundation of a building or structure;

5) life cycle of a building or structure - the period during which engineering surveys, design, construction (including conservation), operation (including current repairs), reconstruction, overhaul, demolition of a building or structure are carried out;

6) building - the result of construction, which is a three-dimensional building system that has above-ground and (or) underground parts, including premises, engineering networks and engineering support systems and intended for living and (or) activities of people, accommodation production, storage of products or keeping animals;

7) engineering protection - a complex of structures aimed at protecting people, a building or structure, the territory on which the construction, reconstruction and operation of a building or structure will be carried out, from the impact of hazardous natural processes and phenomena and (or) man-made impact, threats of a terrorist nature, as well as to prevent and (or) reduce the consequences of the impact of hazardous natural processes and phenomena and (or) man-made impact, threats of a terrorist nature;

8) mechanical safety - the state of building structures and the foundation of a building or structure, in which there is no unacceptable risk associated with causing harm to the life or health of citizens, property of individuals or legal entities, state or municipal property, the environment, life and health of animals and plants due to destruction or loss of stability of a building, structure or part thereof;

9) the microclimate of the premises - the climatic conditions of the internal environment of the premises, which are determined by the combinations of temperature, humidity and air velocity acting on the human body;

10) load - a mechanical force applied to building structures and (or) the foundation of a building or structure and determining their stress-strain state;

11) normal operating conditions - the condition of a building or structure taken into account during the design, in which there are no factors that impede the implementation of functional or technological processes;

12) hazardous natural processes and phenomena - earthquakes, mudflows, landslides, avalanches, flooding of the territory, hurricanes, tornadoes, soil erosion and other similar processes and phenomena that have negative or destructive effects on buildings and structures;

13) the foundation of a building or structure (hereinafter also referred to as the foundation) - a soil mass that receives loads and impacts from a building or structure and transmits to the building or structure the effects of natural and man-made processes occurring in the soil mass;

14) premises - a part of the volume of a building or structure, which has a specific purpose and is limited by building structures;

15) premises with permanent stay of people - premises in which the stay of people is provided continuously for more than two hours;

16) limit state of building structures - the state of the building structures of a building or structure, beyond which the further operation of the building or structure is dangerous, unacceptable, difficult or impractical, or the restoration of the working condition of the building or structure is impossible or impractical;

17) emergency protection of engineering and technical support systems - a set of devices that provide protection, prevention and (or) reduction of dangerous consequences of emergency situations during the operation of engineering and technical support systems and increase the service life (service life) of these systems;

18) design situation - a set of possible conditions taken into account in the calculation that determine the design requirements for building structures, engineering and technical support systems and parts of these structures and systems;

19) rheological property of materials - the manifestation of irreversible residual deformations and fluidity or creep under the influence of a load and (or) impact;

20) engineering and technical support network - a set of pipelines, communications and other structures intended for engineering and technical support of buildings and structures;

21) engineering and technical support system - one of the systems of a building or structure designed to perform the functions of water supply, sewerage, heating, ventilation, air conditioning, gas supply, electricity, communications, informatization, dispatching, waste disposal, vertical transport (elevators, escalators) or security features;

22) difficult natural conditions - the presence of soils specific in composition and condition and (or) the risk of occurrence (development) of hazardous natural processes and phenomena and (or) man-made impacts in the territory where the construction, reconstruction and operation of a building or structure will be carried out;

23) structure - the result of construction, which is a three-dimensional, planar or linear building system, having ground, above-ground and (or) underground parts, consisting of load-bearing, and in some cases, enclosing building structures and designed to perform production processes of various types, storage products, temporary stay of people, movement of people and goods;

24) building structure - a part of a building or structure that performs certain load-bearing, enclosing and (or) aesthetic functions;

25) technogenic impacts - dangerous impacts resulting from accidents in buildings, structures or transport, fires, explosions or release of various types of energy, as well as impacts resulting from construction activities in the adjacent territory;

26) level of responsibility - a characteristic of a building or structure, determined in accordance with the volume of economic, social and environmental consequences of its destruction;

27) fatigue phenomena in the material - a change in the mechanical and physical properties of the material under the long-term action of stresses and deformations cyclically changing in time;

28) safety characteristics of a building or structure - quantitative and qualitative indicators of the properties of building structures, foundations, materials, elements of engineering networks and engineering support systems, through compliance with which the compliance of a building or structure with safety requirements is ensured.

Article 3. Scope of application of this Federal Law

1. The object of technical regulation in this Federal Law are buildings and structures for any purpose (including the engineering networks and engineering support systems included in them), as well as the design processes associated with buildings and structures (including surveys) , construction, installation, adjustment, operation and disposal (demolition).

2. This Federal Law applies to all stages of the life cycle of a building or structure.

3. This Federal Law does not apply to the safety of technological processes corresponding to the functional purpose of buildings and structures. Only possible hazardous effects of these processes on the state of the building, structure or their parts are subject to accounting.

4. With respect to the objects of the military infrastructure of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, objects, information about which constitutes a state secret, objects of production, processing, storage of radioactive and explosive substances and materials, objects for the storage and destruction of chemical weapons and explosives, other objects for which establishes requirements related to ensuring nuclear and radiation safety in the field of the use of atomic energy, as well as in relation to the processes of design (including surveys), construction, installation, commissioning, operation and disposal (demolition) associated with these facilities, along with compliance with the requirements of this Federal Law the requirements established by state customers, federal executive authorities authorized in the field of security, defense, foreign intelligence, countering technical intelligence and technical protection of information, public administration must be observed use of atomic energy, state regulation of safety in the use of atomic energy, and (or) government contracts (agreements).

5. Additional safety requirements for buildings and structures (including their constituent networks of engineering and technical support and systems of engineering and technical support), as well as to the design processes associated with buildings and structures (including surveys), construction, installation , adjustment, operation and disposal (demolition) may be established by other technical regulations. At the same time, these requirements cannot contradict the requirements of this Federal Law.

6. This Federal Law establishes the minimum required requirements for buildings and structures (including the engineering networks and engineering support systems included in them), as well as for the design processes associated with buildings and structures (including surveys) , construction, installation, adjustment, operation and disposal (demolition), including the requirements:

1) mechanical safety;

2) fire safety;

3) safety in hazardous natural processes and phenomena and (or) man-made impacts;

4) safe for human health living conditions and stay in buildings and structures;

5) safety for users of buildings and structures;

6) accessibility of buildings and structures for the disabled and other groups of the population with limited mobility;

7) energy efficiency of buildings and structures;

8) a safe level of impact of buildings and structures on the environment.

Article 4. Identification of buildings and structures

1. For the application of this Federal Law, buildings and structures are identified in the manner prescribed by this article, according to the following features:

1) appointment;

2) belonging to transport infrastructure facilities and other facilities, the functional and technological features of which affect their safety;

3) the possibility of hazardous natural processes and phenomena and man-made impacts on the territory where the construction, reconstruction and operation of a building or structure will be carried out;

4) belonging to hazardous production facilities;

5) fire and explosion hazard;

6) availability of premises with permanent residence of people;

7) the level of responsibility.

2. Identification of a building or structure on the grounds provided for in clauses 1 and 2 of part 1 of this article must be carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. In the absence of all-Russian classifiers of technical, economic and social information provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the developer (customer) has the right to use classifiers included in regulatory legal acts approved by federal executive authorities to identify a building or structure on the basis of the indicated characteristics.

3. Identification of a building or structure on the grounds provided for in clause 3 of part 1 of this article must be carried out in accordance with the zoning of the territory of the Russian Federation in terms of the level of danger of natural processes and phenomena, approved by the authorized federal executive body, the data of long-term observations of natural processes and phenomena, carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as the results of engineering surveys in the territory where the construction, reconstruction and operation of a building or structure will be carried out.

4. Identification of a building or structure on the grounds provided for in clause 4 of part 1 of this article must be carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of industrial safety.

5. Identification of a building or structure on the grounds provided for in clause 5 of part 1 of this article must be carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of fire safety.

6. Identification of a building or structure on the grounds provided for in clause 6 of part 1 of this article must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the developer (customer).

7. As a result of the identification of a building or structure on the basis provided for in clause 7 of part 1 of this article, the building or structure must be assigned to one of the following levels of responsibility:

1) elevated;

2) normal;

3) reduced.

8. Buildings and structures of a higher level of responsibility include buildings and structures classified in accordance with the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation as especially dangerous, technically complex or unique objects.

9. Buildings and structures of a normal level of responsibility include all buildings and structures, with the exception of buildings and structures of increased and reduced levels of responsibility.

10. Buildings and structures of a reduced level of responsibility include buildings and structures of temporary (seasonal) purpose, as well as buildings and structures of auxiliary use associated with the construction or reconstruction of a building or structure, or located on land plots provided for individual housing construction.

11. Identification features provided for by paragraph 1 of this article shall be indicated:

1) by the developer (customer) - in the task for the performance of engineering surveys for the construction of a building or structure and in the design task;

2) by the person who prepares the project documentation - in text materials as part of the project documentation, transferred after the completion of construction for storage to the owner of the building or structure.

Article 5

1. The safety of buildings and structures, as well as the processes of design (including surveys), construction, installation, adjustment, operation and disposal (demolition) associated with buildings and structures, is ensured by establishing the design values ​​of the parameters of buildings and structures and quality characteristics that meet safety requirements during the entire life cycle of a building or structure, the implementation of the specified values ​​and characteristics during construction, reconstruction, overhaul (hereinafter also referred to as construction) and maintaining the state of such parameters and characteristics at the required level during operation, conservation and demolition.

2. The safety of buildings and structures, as well as the processes of design (including surveys), construction, installation, commissioning, operation and disposal (demolition) associated with buildings and structures, is ensured by complying with the requirements of this Federal Law and the requirements of standards and sets of rules included in the lists specified in Parts 1 and 7 of Article 6 of this Federal Law, or the requirements of special technical specifications.

Article 6

1. The Government of the Russian Federation approves a list of national standards and sets of rules (parts of such standards and sets of rules), as a result of which, on a mandatory basis, compliance with the requirements of this Federal Law is ensured.

2. The list of national standards and codes of rules specified in part 1 of this article may include national standards and codes of rules (parts of such standards and codes of rules) containing the minimum necessary requirements to ensure the safety of buildings and structures (including those included in their composition of engineering and technical support networks and engineering support systems), as well as processes of design (including surveys), construction, installation, adjustment, operation and disposal (demolition) related to buildings and structures.

3. The list of national standards and codes of rules specified in Part 1 of this Article may include national standards and codes of rules containing various requirements for buildings and structures, as well as for design processes related to buildings and structures (including surveys), construction , installation, adjustment, operation and disposal (demolition) in one subject, to one section of project documentation, various approaches to ensuring the safety of buildings and structures. At the same time, the specified list of national standards and codes of practice should contain an indication of the possibility of complying with such requirements, approaches on an alternative basis. In this case, the developer (customer) has the right to independently determine in accordance with which of the specified requirements, approaches the design (including engineering surveys), construction, reconstruction, overhaul and demolition (dismantling) of a building or structure will be carried out.

4. National standards and codes of practice included in the list specified in part 1 of this article are mandatory for application, except for cases of design and construction in accordance with special technical conditions.

5. The national body of the Russian Federation for standardization provides free access to the national standards and codes of rules included in the list specified in part 1 of this article in the public information system.

6. National standards and codes of practice included in the list specified in part 1 of this article are subject to revision and, if necessary, revision and (or) updating at least every five years.

7. The national body of the Russian Federation for standardization, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on technical regulation, approves, publishes in the print edition of the federal executive body for technical regulation and places in the public information system in electronic digital form a list of documents in the field of standardization, as a result application of which on a voluntary basis ensures compliance with the requirements of this Federal Law.

8. If the preparation of project documentation requires a deviation from the requirements established by the national standards and codes of practice included in the list specified in Part 1 of this Article, the reliability and safety requirements established by these standards and codes of practice are insufficient, or such requirements are not established , preparation of design documentation and construction of a building or structure are carried out in accordance with special technical specifications developed and agreed upon in the manner established by the authorized federal executive body.

9. Special technical conditions agreed in the established manner may be the basis for including the requirements for buildings and structures contained in such special technical conditions, as well as for the processes of design (including surveys), construction, installation, commissioning related to buildings and structures in national standards. and sets of rules, the application of which ensures compliance with the requirements of this Federal Law.

Chapter 2

Article 7 Mechanical safety requirements

Building structures and the foundation of a building or structure must have such strength and stability that during construction and operation there is no threat of harm to human life or health, property of individuals or legal entities, state or municipal property, the environment, life and health of animals and plants as a result:

1) destruction of individual load-bearing building structures or parts thereof;

2) destruction of the entire building, structure or part thereof;

3) deformations of the unacceptable size of building structures, the foundation of a building or structure and geological massifs of the adjacent territory;

4) damage to a part of a building or structure, engineering and technical support networks or engineering and technical support systems as a result of deformation, displacement or loss of stability of load-bearing building structures, including deviations from verticality.

Article 8. Fire safety requirements

The building or structure must be designed and built in such a way that during the operation of the building or structure the possibility of a fire is excluded, the danger of smoke in the building or structure in case of fire and the impact of fire hazards on people and property is prevented or limited, people and property are protected from exposure to fire hazards and (or) limiting the consequences of exposure to fire hazards on a building or structure, and that in the event of a fire, the following requirements are met:

1) maintaining the stability of a building or structure, as well as the strength of load-bearing building structures for the time necessary to evacuate people and perform other actions aimed at reducing damage from a fire;

2) limiting the formation and spread of dangerous fire factors within the fire seat;

3) non-spread of fire to neighboring buildings and structures;

4) evacuation of people (taking into account the characteristics of the disabled and other groups of the population with limited mobility) to a safe area before harming their life and health due to exposure to fire hazards;

5) the possibility of access to the personnel of fire departments and the delivery of fire extinguishing equipment to any room of a building or structure;

6) the possibility of supplying fire extinguishing agents to the fire;

7) the possibility of taking measures to save people and reduce damage caused by fire to the property of individuals or legal entities, state or municipal property, the environment, life and health of animals and plants.

Article 9. Safety requirements for hazardous natural processes and phenomena and (or) man-made impacts

A building or structure in a territory where hazardous natural processes and phenomena and (or) man-made impacts are possible must be designed and constructed in such a way that during the operation of a building or structure, hazardous natural processes and phenomena and (or) man-made impacts do not cause the consequences specified in Article 7 of this Federal Law, and (or) other events that create a threat of harm to human life or health, property of individuals or legal entities, state or municipal property, the environment, life and health of animals and plants.

Article 10

1. A building or structure must be designed and built in such a way that during the residence and stay of a person in a building or structure, there is no harmful effect on a person as a result of physical, biological, chemical, radiation and other effects.

2. A building or structure must be designed and constructed in such a way that during the operation of the building or structure, safe conditions are provided for the residence and stay of a person in buildings and structures according to the following indicators:

1) air quality in industrial, residential and other premises of buildings and structures and in working areas of industrial buildings and structures;

2) the quality of water used as drinking water and for household needs;

3) insolation and sun protection of premises of residential, public and industrial buildings;

4) natural and artificial lighting of premises;

5) protection against noise in the premises of residential and public buildings and in the working areas of industrial buildings and structures;

6) indoor microclimate;

7) regulation of humidity on the surface and inside building structures;

8) the level of vibration in the premises of residential and public buildings and the level of technological vibration in the working areas of industrial buildings and structures;

9) the level of electromagnetic field strength in the premises of residential and public buildings and in the working areas of industrial buildings and structures, as well as in the adjacent territories;

10) the level of ionizing radiation in the premises of residential and public buildings and in the working areas of industrial buildings and structures, as well as in the adjacent territories.

Article 11. Safety requirements for users of buildings and structures

The building or structure must be designed and constructed, and the area necessary for the use of the building or structure must be landscaped in such a way that during the operation of the building or structure there is no threat of accidents and injury to people - users of buildings and structures as a result of slipping , falling, collision, burn, electric shock, or explosion.

Article 12. Requirements for the accessibility of buildings and structures for the disabled and other population groups with limited mobility

1. Residential buildings, engineering, transport and social infrastructure facilities must be designed and built in such a way as to ensure their accessibility for the disabled and other groups of the population with limited mobility.

2. Transport infrastructure facilities must be equipped with special devices that allow disabled people and other groups of the population with limited mobility to freely use the services provided at transport infrastructure facilities.

Article 13. Requirements for the energy efficiency of buildings and structures

Buildings and structures must be designed and built in such a way that during their operation the efficient use of energy resources is ensured and the irrational consumption of such resources is excluded.

Article 14. Requirements for a safe level of impact of buildings and structures on the environment

Buildings and structures should be designed in such a way that during their construction and operation there is no threat of negative impact on the environment.

Chapter 3

Article 15. General requirements for the results of engineering surveys and project documentation

1. The results of engineering surveys must be reliable and sufficient to establish the design values ​​of the parameters and other design characteristics of a building or structure, as well as the planned measures to ensure its safety. The calculated data as part of the results of engineering surveys must be substantiated by the person performing the engineering surveys and contain a forecast of changes in their values ​​during the construction and operation of a building or structure.

2. In the design documentation of a building or structure, the person preparing the design documentation must take into account the initial data transmitted by the developer (customer) in accordance with the legislation on urban planning. As part of the initial data for design, the level of responsibility of the designed building or structure, established in accordance with Parts 7-10 of Article 4 of this Federal Law, must be indicated.

3. The assignment for the performance of engineering surveys for the construction, reconstruction of buildings and structures of an increased level of responsibility and the assignment for the design of such buildings and structures may provide for the need for scientific support of engineering surveys and (or) the design and construction of a building or structure. The design documentation of hazardous production facilities that, in accordance with Part 8 of Article 4 of this Federal Law, belong to buildings or structures of a high level of responsibility, must provide for constructive and organizational and technical measures to protect the life and health of people and the environment from the dangerous consequences of accidents in the process construction, operation, conservation and demolition (dismantling) of such facilities.

4. The design documentation of a building or structure may provide for the need to monitor the components of the environment, the state of the foundation, building structures and engineering support systems in the process of construction and (or) operation of the building or structure.

5. In the project documentation, the design values ​​of the parameters and other design characteristics of a building or structure, as well as the planned measures to ensure its safety, must be established in such a way that during construction and operation the building or structure is safe for the life and health of citizens (including the disabled and other population groups with limited mobility), property of individuals or legal entities, state or municipal property, environment, life and health of animals and plants.

6. Compliance of the design values ​​of the parameters and other design characteristics of a building or structure with safety requirements, as well as the planned measures to ensure its safety, must be justified by references to the requirements of this Federal Law and references to the requirements of the standards and codes of practice included in those specified in Parts 1 and 7 Article 6 of this Federal Law lists, or to the requirements of special technical conditions. In the absence of these requirements, the compliance of the design values ​​and characteristics of a building or structure with safety requirements, as well as the designed measures to ensure its safety, must be justified by one or more of the following methods:

1) research results;

2) calculations and (or) tests performed according to certified or otherwise approved methods;

3) modeling of scenarios for the occurrence of hazardous natural processes and phenomena and (or) man-made impacts, including in case of an unfavorable combination of hazardous natural processes and phenomena and (or) man-made impacts;

4) assessment of the risk of occurrence of hazardous natural processes and phenomena and (or) man-made impacts.

7. In the justification provided for by part 6 of this article, the initial data for design, including the results of engineering surveys, must be taken into account.

8. The design documentation must provide, to the extent necessary to ensure the safety of a building or structure, the availability of elements of building structures, engineering networks and engineering support systems to determine the actual values ​​of their parameters and other characteristics, as well as the parameters of materials, products and devices that affect the safety of a building or structure during its construction and operation.

9. In the project documentation, the person preparing the project documentation must provide for:

1) the possibility of safe operation of the designed building or structure and the requirements for methods of carrying out maintenance activities, during which there is no threat of compromising the safety of building structures, engineering and technical support networks and engineering support systems or unacceptable deterioration of human habitat parameters;

2) the minimum frequency of inspections, inspections and surveys of the condition of building structures, foundations, engineering and technical support networks and engineering and technical support systems of a building or structure and (or) the need to monitor environmental components, the condition of the foundation, building structures and engineering systems technical support during the operation of a building or structure;

3) information for users and operating services on the values ​​of operational loads on building structures, engineering networks and engineering support systems, which must not be exceeded during the operation of a building or structure;

4) information on the location of hidden electrical wiring, pipelines and other devices, damage to which may lead to a threat of harm to human life and health, property of individuals or legal entities, state or municipal property, the environment, life and health of animals and plants.

10. Design documentation of a building or structure should be used as the main document when making decisions on ensuring the safety of a building or structure at all subsequent stages of the life cycle of a building or structure.

Article 16. Requirements for ensuring the mechanical safety of a building or structure

1. Compliance with mechanical safety requirements in the design documentation of a building or structure must be justified by calculations and other methods specified in Part 6 of Article 15 of this Federal Law, confirming that during the construction and operation of the building or structure, its building structures and foundation will not reach the limit state in terms of strength and stability in the cases of simultaneous action of loads and impacts taken into account in accordance with parts 5 and 6 of this article.

2. For the limiting state of building structures and foundations in terms of strength and stability, a state characterized by:

1) destruction of any nature;

2) loss of form stability;

3) loss of position stability;

4) violation of operational suitability and other phenomena associated with the threat of harm to life and health of people, property of individuals or legal entities, state or municipal property, environment, life and health of animals and plants.

3. In the calculations of building structures and foundations, all types of loads corresponding to the functional purpose and structural design of the building or structure, climatic, and, if necessary, technological impacts, as well as forces caused by deformation of building structures and foundations, must be taken into account. For elements of building structures, the characteristics of which, taken into account in the calculations of the strength and stability of a building or structure, may change during operation under the influence of climatic factors or aggressive factors of the external and internal environment, including under the influence of technological processes that can cause fatigue phenomena in the material building structures, the design documentation should additionally indicate the parameters characterizing the resistance to such impacts, or measures to protect against them.

4. Calculation models (including calculation schemes, basic calculation prerequisites) of building structures and foundations must reflect the actual operating conditions of the building or structure that correspond to the considered design situation. In doing so, the following must be taken into account:

1) factors that determine the stress-strain state;

2) features of the interaction of elements of building structures with each other and with the base;

3) spatial work of building structures;

4) geometric and physical non-linearity;

5) plastic and rheological properties of materials and soils;

6) the possibility of cracking;

7) possible deviations of geometric parameters from their nominal values.

5. In the process of substantiating the fulfillment of mechanical safety requirements, the following design situations should be taken into account:

1) an established situation that has a duration of the same order as the life of a building or structure, including operation between two overhauls or changes in the technological process;

2) a transitional situation that has a short duration compared to the life of a building or structure, including construction, reconstruction, major repairs of a building or structure.

6. When designing a building or structure with an increased level of responsibility, an emergency design situation should also be taken into account, which has a low probability of occurrence and a short duration, but is important from the point of view of the consequences of reaching the limit states that may arise in this situation (including limit states at situations arising in connection with an explosion, collision, accident, fire, as well as immediately after the failure of one of the load-bearing building structures).

7. Calculations justifying the safety of the adopted structural solutions of a building or structure must be carried out taking into account the level of responsibility of the building or structure being designed. For this purpose, the design values ​​of forces in the elements of building structures and the foundation of a building or structure must be determined taking into account the reliability factor for responsibility, the accepted value of which should not be lower than:

1) 1.1 - in relation to the building and structure of an increased level of responsibility;

2) 1.0 - in relation to the building and structure of the normal level of responsibility;

3) 0.8 - in relation to the building and structure of a reduced level of responsibility.

Article 17. Requirements for ensuring fire safety of a building or structure

To ensure the fire safety of a building or structure, the project documentation must substantiate by one of the methods specified in Part 6 of Article 15 of this Federal Law:

1) fire gap or distance from the building or structure being designed to the nearest building, structure or outdoor installation (for linear structures - the distance from the axis of the route to settlements, industrial and agricultural facilities, forest areas, the distance between the routes of linear structures laid parallel to each other, sizes of security zones);

2) the accepted values ​​of the characteristics of fire resistance and fire hazard of elements of building structures and systems of engineering and technical support;

3) the accepted division of the building or structure into fire compartments;

4) the location, dimensions and length of evacuation routes for people (including disabled people and other groups of the population with limited mobility) in the event of a fire, providing smoke protection for evacuation routes, fire hazard characteristics of materials for finishing walls, floors and ceilings on evacuation routes, number, location and dimensions of emergency exits;

5) characteristics or parameters of fire detection, warning and evacuation control systems in case of fire (taking into account the characteristics of disabled people and other groups of the population with limited mobility), as well as automatic fire extinguishing and smoke protection systems;

6) measures to ensure the passage and access of fire equipment, the security of access for personnel of fire departments and the supply of fire extinguishing agents to the fire, the parameters of fire extinguishing systems, including external and internal fire water supply;

7) organizational and technical measures to ensure the fire safety of a building or structure during their construction and operation.

Article 18

1. To ensure the safety of buildings and structures, the construction and operation of which are planned in difficult natural conditions, in the cases provided for in the assignment for designing a building or structure, the design documentation must provide for:

1) measures aimed at protecting people, a building or structure, the territory on which the construction, reconstruction and operation of a building or structure will be carried out, from the impact of hazardous natural processes and phenomena and man-made impacts, as well as measures aimed at preventing and (or) reduction of the consequences of the impact of hazardous natural processes and phenomena and man-made impacts;

2) constructive measures that reduce the sensitivity of building structures and foundations to the effects of hazardous natural processes and phenomena and man-made impacts;

3) measures to improve the properties of foundation soils;

4) conducting construction work in ways that do not lead to the manifestation of new and (or) intensification of existing hazardous natural processes and phenomena.

2. In cases where measures aimed at protecting people, a building or structure, the territory on which the construction, reconstruction and operation of a building or structure will be carried out, from the impact of hazardous natural processes and phenomena and man-made impacts, as well as measures aimed at preventing and (or) reduction of the consequences of the impact of hazardous natural processes and phenomena and man-made impacts, including the engineering protection device, and the construction of a building or structure can lead to the activation of hazardous natural processes and phenomena in the adjacent territories, the design documentation should provide for appropriate compensation recovery activities.

3. To ensure the safety of buildings and structures, the design documentation must provide for emergency protection of engineering and technical support systems.

4. When substantiating the adopted design decisions, the level of responsibility of engineering and emergency protection structures must be taken in accordance with the level of responsibility of the protected buildings or structures.

5. Design documentation of a building or structure, including engineering protection structures, must contain the limits of permissible changes in parameters characterizing the safety of objects and the geological environment during construction and operation. The project documentation may provide for the need to monitor environmental components during the construction and operation of the designed building or structure (including the state of surrounding buildings and structures that fall within the zone of influence of the construction and operation of the designed building or structure), the state of the foundation, building structures and engineering and technical support systems of the designed building or structure, engineering protection structures.

6. The design documentation of residential buildings should provide for the equipment of such buildings with technical devices for automatically shutting off the water supply in case of emergencies.

Article 19. Requirements to ensure the implementation of sanitary and epidemiological requirements

To ensure the fulfillment of sanitary and epidemiological requirements, the design documentation of buildings and structures with premises with permanent residence of people, with the exception of individual housing construction, must provide for the installation of water supply, sewerage, heating, ventilation, and power supply systems.

Article 20. Requirements for ensuring air quality

1. The design documentation of buildings and structures must provide for the equipment of buildings and structures with a ventilation system. The design documentation of buildings and structures may provide for the equipment of premises with an air conditioning system. Ventilation and air conditioning systems must ensure the supply of air to the premises with a content of harmful substances not exceeding the maximum permissible concentrations for such premises or for the working area of ​​industrial premises.

2. In the design documentation of buildings and structures with premises for the stay of people, measures must be provided for:

1) limiting the penetration of dust, moisture, harmful and unpleasantly smelling substances from the atmospheric air into the premises;

2) ensuring air exchange sufficient for the timely removal of harmful substances from the air and maintaining the chemical composition of the air in proportions favorable for human life;

3) preventing the penetration of harmful and unpleasantly smelling substances into premises with permanent residence of people from pipelines of sewerage systems and devices, heating, ventilation, air conditioning, from air ducts and technological pipelines, as well as exhaust gases from built-in car parks;

4) preventing the penetration of soil gases (radon, methane) into the premises, if in the process of engineering surveys their presence is found in the territory where the construction and operation of the building or structure will be carried out.

Article 21. Requirements for ensuring the quality of water used for drinking and domestic needs

The design documentation of external and internal networks for supplying buildings and structures with water used as drinking and (or) for household needs should provide for measures to ensure the supply of the required amount of water and prevent its pollution.

Article 22. Requirements for ensuring insolation and sun protection

1. Buildings must be designed in such a way that sufficient duration of insolation or sun protection is provided in residential premises in order to create safe living conditions, regardless of its duration.

2. Compliance with the requirements provided for by paragraph 1 of this article must be ensured by measures to orient residential premises to the cardinal points, as well as constructive and planning measures, including the improvement of the adjacent territory.

Article 23

1. In the premises located in the above-ground floors of buildings and structures with a permanent stay of people, natural or combined, as well as artificial lighting, and in the underground floors - artificial lighting sufficient to prevent the threat of harm to people's health must be provided.

2. In the premises located on the above-ground floors of buildings and structures, in which, under the conditions of the implementation of technological processes, the possibility of natural lighting is excluded, artificial lighting must be provided that is sufficient to prevent the threat of harm to human health.

3. In the cases provided for in the design assignment, the design documentation of a building or structure must provide for devices for outdoor lighting.

Article 24

1. The placement of a building or structure on the ground, the design values ​​of the characteristics of building structures, the characteristics of the types of engineering equipment adopted in the design documentation, the measures for the improvement of the adjacent territory provided for in the design documentation should ensure the protection of people from:

1) airborne noise generated by external sources (outside the building);

2) airborne noise generated in other rooms of the building or structure;

3) impact noise;

4) noise generated by equipment;

5) excessive reverberant noise in the room.

2. In a building or structure, which may be a source of noise, leading to an unacceptable excess of the level of airborne noise in the territory where the construction and operation of the building or structure will be carried out, measures must be provided to reduce the noise level, the source of which is this building or building.

3. Noise protection must be provided:

1) in the premises of residential, public and industrial buildings;

2) within the boundaries of the territory on which the construction and operation of the building or structure will be carried out.

4. In rooms and open areas, where the safety of people may depend on the intelligibility of the sound generated by radio warning means, measures must be taken to ensure the optimal volume level and the intelligibility of sound.

Article 25. Requirements for ensuring protection against moisture

1. In the design documentation of the building and structures, design solutions must be provided that provide:

1) drainage from the outer surfaces of the enclosing building structures, including the roof, and from the underground building structures of the building and structure;

2) water resistance of the roof, external walls, ceilings, as well as walls of underground floors and floors on the ground;

3) preventing the formation of condensate on the inner surface of the enclosing building structures, with the exception of the translucent parts of windows and stained-glass windows.

2. If it is established in the design assignment, the design documentation must also provide for measures to prevent flooding of premises and building structures in case of accidents on water supply systems.

Article 26. Requirements for providing protection against vibration

The design documentation of a building and structure must provide for measures to ensure that vibration in the building and structure does not cause harm to human health.

Article 27

In the design documentation of buildings and structures, the construction of which is planned in the territory where the level of the electromagnetic field strength created by the power frequency alternating current line of industrial frequency and (or) transmitting radio engineering facilities exceeds the maximum permissible level, measures should be provided to reduce this level in rooms with a stay people and in the adjacent territory by complying with the requirements for sanitary protection zones and shielding from the electromagnetic field.

Article 28. Requirements for ensuring protection against ionizing radiation

1. In the project documentation of buildings and structures, the construction of which is planned in the territory, which, in accordance with the results of engineering surveys, is radon-hazardous, measures must be provided for decontamination of the territory and for ensuring ventilation of rooms, the structures of which are in contact with the ground.

2. The project documentation should provide for the use in the construction process of materials and products with an indicator of the specific effective activity of natural radionuclides that does not exceed the limit value established based on the need to ensure the requirements of the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population of the Russian Federation.

Article 29

1. In the design documentation of a building or structure, the values ​​of the characteristics of the enclosing structures must be determined and constructive decisions taken to ensure that the calculated values ​​of the following thermal characteristics correspond to the required values ​​established based on the need to create favorable sanitary and hygienic conditions in the premises:

1) resistance to heat transfer of enclosing building structures of a building or structure;

2) the temperature difference on the inner surface of the building envelope and the air temperature inside the building or structure during the heating season;

3) heat resistance of enclosing building structures in the warm season and premises of a building or structure in the cold season;

4) resistance to air penetration of enclosing building structures;

5) resistance to vapor permeability of enclosing building structures;

6) heat absorption of the floor surface.

2. Along with the requirements provided for by part 1 of this article, the design documentation of a building or structure must provide for measures to prevent waterlogging of enclosing building structures, accumulation of moisture on their surface and to ensure the durability of these structures.

3. Heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems and the requirements for the mode of their operation established in the design documentation must ensure, with the design values ​​of the thermal characteristics of building envelopes adopted taking into account the requirements of Article 30 of this Federal Law, that the calculated values ​​of the following parameters of the indoor microclimate correspond to the required values ​​for warm, cold and transitional periods of the year, established on the basis of the need to create favorable sanitary and hygienic conditions:

1) air temperature inside the building or structure;

2) resulting temperature;

3) air speed;

4) relative air humidity.

4. Design values ​​should be determined taking into account the purpose of buildings or structures, living conditions or activities of people in the premises. Excess heat in industrial premises is also subject to accounting.

5. In the technical solutions of heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems, the possibility of autonomous control of the parameters of the microclimate of the premises should be provided.

6. The design documentation of a building or structure must also provide for technical solutions to ensure the thermal and hydraulic stability of heating systems in case of changes in the external and internal operating conditions of the building or structure during all periods of the year.

Article 30. Safety requirements for users of buildings and structures

1. Parameters of elements of building structures, the values ​​of which in the design documentation should be provided in such a way as to minimize the likelihood of accidents and injuries to people (taking into account the disabled and other groups of the population with limited mobility) when moving around the building or structure and the surrounding area as a result of a slip, fall or collision are:

1) the height of the fencing of roofs, balconies, loggias, terraces, outdoor galleries, flights of stairs, platforms and open pits near a building or structure, open pedestrian crossings, including bridges and overpasses, as well as differences in the floor level or ground level on the adjacent territories;

2) the slope of the stairs and ramps, the width of the treads and the height of the steps on the stairs, the height of the rise along one continuous flight of stairs and the ramp. It is unacceptable to use steps of different heights within the same flight of stairs. Railings and handrails on the railings of stairs, ramps and landings must be continuous;

3) the height of thresholds, doorways and unfilled openings in the walls on the ways of moving people, the height of the passage along the stairs, the basement, the attic, the height of the passages under the elements of building structures or equipment protruding from above and along the sides of the way people move.

2. The design of fences in accordance with the requirements provided for by this article must limit the possibility of accidental falling from a height (including from the roofs of buildings) of objects that can injure people under the protected structural element.

3. To ensure the free movement of people, as well as the possibility of evacuating patients on stretchers, disabled people using wheelchairs, and other groups of the population with limited mobility, a sufficient width of door and unfilled openings in the walls, flights of stairs and landings, ramps and turntables, corridors, passages between stationary elements of the technological equipment of industrial buildings and elements of equipping public buildings.

4. On the ways of movement of vehicles inside a building or structure and on the adjacent territory, measures must be provided to ensure the safety of movement of people.

5. The design documentation of buildings and structures must provide for:

1) devices for preventing accidental movement of moving elements of equipment of a building or structure (including in the event of failure of automatic braking devices), which can lead to accidents and injury to people;

2) the design of windows, ensuring their safe operation, including washing and cleaning of external surfaces;

3) devices to prevent people from accidentally falling out of window openings (in cases where the bottom of the opening is below the height of the center of gravity of most adults);

4) sufficient lighting of the ways of movement of people and vehicles;

5) placement of clearly visible warning signs on transparent door panels and partitions.

6. In the pedestrian zones of buildings and structures with a height of more than forty meters, protective devices must be provided to ensure the safety of people staying in these zones under the influence of wind.

7. Design solutions for buildings and structures in order to ensure the accessibility of buildings and structures for the disabled and other groups of the population with limited mobility should provide:

1) the reach of their places of visit and the unhindered movement inside buildings and structures;

2) safety of traffic routes (including evacuation routes), as well as places of residence, places of service and places of application of labor for these groups of the population.

8. The parameters of the routes of movement, equipping with special devices and the dimensions of the premises for the population groups indicated in Part 7 of this Article, provided for in the project documentation, must be justified in accordance with Part 6 of Article 15 of this Federal Law.

9. To prevent burns when using elements of engineering and technical support networks or engineering and technical support systems, the design documentation must provide for:

1) limiting the temperature of the surfaces of accessible parts of heating appliances and heating supply pipelines or installing fences that prevent people from coming into contact with these parts;

2) limiting the temperature of hot air from the outlet of air heating devices;

3) limiting the temperature of hot water in the hot water supply system.

10. To prevent electric shock to people, design solutions must provide for measures to ensure the safety of electrical installations.

11. The design documentation must provide for measures to prevent accidents and injuries to people as a result of explosions, including:

1) compliance with the safety rules for the installation of heating systems, hot water supply, gas-using equipment, chimneys, chimneys, tanks and pipelines for flammable liquids and gases;

2) compliance with the rules for the safe installation of heat generators and installations for liquefied gases;

3) regulation of heating temperature and pressure in hot water and heating systems;

4) prevention of excessive accumulation of explosive substances in indoor air, including through the use of gas control devices.

12. To ensure safety in emergency situations, emergency lighting should be provided in the project documentation.

13. To ensure protection against unauthorized intrusion into buildings and structures, the following requirements must be met:

1) in buildings with a large number of visitors (spectators), as well as in buildings of educational, medical, banking organizations, at transport infrastructure facilities, measures should be taken to reduce the possibility of criminal manifestations and their consequences;
(Paragraph as amended, entered into force on September 1, 2013 by the Federal Law of July 2, 2013 N 185-FZ.

2) in the cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, television surveillance systems, alarm systems and other systems aimed at ensuring protection against threats of a terrorist nature and unauthorized intrusion must be installed in buildings and structures.

14. The design documentation of residential buildings, engineering, transport and social infrastructure facilities should provide for measures to ensure unimpeded access for disabled people and other groups of the population with limited mobility to such facilities.

Article 31

1. If it is provided for in the design assignment, the design documentation must provide solutions for individual elements, building structures of buildings and structures, properties of such elements and building structures, as well as devices, technologies and materials used in buildings and structures , allowing to exclude the irrational consumption of energy resources during the operation of buildings and structures.

2. If it is provided for in the design assignment, the design documentation must provide for equipping buildings and structures with metering devices for the energy resources used.

3. Compliance of buildings and structures with the requirements of the energy efficiency of buildings and structures and the requirements for equipping buildings and structures with metering devices for the energy resources used must be ensured by selecting the optimal architectural, functional-technological, structural and engineering solutions in the design documentation.

Article 32. Requirements for Ensuring Environmental Protection

Environmental protection measures provided for in the design documentation of a building or structure in accordance with federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation must ensure the prevention or minimization of negative environmental impacts.

Article 33

In order to prevent actions that mislead purchasers, the design documentation of a building or structure should contain the following information:

1) identification features of a building or structure in accordance with Part 1 of Article 4 of this Federal Law;

2) the service life of the building or structure and its parts;

3) indicators of the energy efficiency of the building or structure;

4) the degree of fire resistance of a building or structure.

Chapter 4. Ensuring the safety of buildings and structures in the process of construction, reconstruction, major and current repairs (Articles 34 - 35)

Article 34. Requirements for building materials and products used in the process of construction of buildings and structures

1. The construction of a building or structure must be carried out using building materials and products that ensure the compliance of the building or structure with the requirements of this Federal Law and project documentation.

2. Building materials and products must comply with the requirements established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on technical regulation.

3. The person carrying out the construction of a building or structure, in accordance with the legislation on urban planning, must monitor the compliance of the building materials and products used, including building materials produced in the territory where construction is carried out, with the requirements of project documentation throughout the entire process construction.

Article 35

Construction, reconstruction, major and current repairs of a building or structure, conservation of an object whose construction has not been completed must be carried out in such a way that the negative impact on the environment is minimal and there is no threat to the life and health of citizens, property of individuals or legal entities, public or municipal property, life and health of animals and plants.

Chapter 5

Article 36. Requirements for ensuring the safety of buildings and structures during operation

1. The safety of a building or structure during operation must be ensured through maintenance, periodic inspections and control checks and (or) monitoring of the state of the foundation, building structures and engineering and technical support systems, as well as through current repairs of the building or structure.

2. The parameters and other characteristics of building structures and engineering and technical support systems during the operation of a building or structure must comply with the requirements of design documentation. This compliance must be maintained through maintenance and confirmed during periodic inspections and control checks and (or) monitoring of the condition of the base, building structures and engineering support systems, carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. The operation of buildings and structures must be organized in such a way as to ensure that buildings and structures meet the requirements for the energy efficiency of buildings and structures and the requirements for equipping buildings and structures with metering devices for the energy resources used throughout the entire life of buildings and structures.

Article 37

1. Upon termination of the operation of a building or structure, the owner of the building or structure must take measures to prevent harm to the population and the environment, including measures to prevent unauthorized access of people to the building or structure, as well as take measures to dispose of construction waste.

2. The safety of technical solutions for the demolition (dismantling) of a building or structure using explosions, burning or other hazardous methods must be justified by one of the methods specified in Part 6 of Article 15 of this Federal Law.

Chapter 6. Conformity assessment of buildings and structures, as well as processes of design (including surveys), construction, installation, adjustment, operation and disposal (demolition) related to buildings and structures (Articles 38-41)

Article 38

1. The assessment of the conformity of buildings and structures, as well as the processes of design (including surveys), construction, installation, adjustment, operation and disposal (demolition) related to buildings and structures, is carried out in order to:

1) certification of compliance of the results of engineering surveys with the requirements of this Federal Law;

2) certification of the compliance of the characteristics of the building or structure, established in the design documentation, with the requirements of this Federal Law before the construction of the building or structure begins;

3) certification of the compliance of the characteristics of the building or structure, the construction of which is completed, with the requirements of this Federal Law before putting the building or structure into operation;

4) periodic certification of the compliance of the characteristics of the operated building or structure with the requirements of this Federal Law and project documentation to confirm the possibility of further operation of the building or structure.

2. Conformity assessment of the results of engineering surveys should determine the compliance of such results with the requirements of this Federal Law.

3. Compliance assessment of design documentation should determine the compliance of design documentation with the requirements of this Federal Law and the results of engineering surveys.

4. Compliance assessment of a building or structure during the construction process and at its completion should determine the compliance of the work performed during the construction process, the results of their implementation and the building materials and products used with the requirements of this Federal Law and project documentation.

5. Conformity assessment of a building or structure during operation must determine the compliance of a building or structure with the requirements of this Federal Law and project documentation.

Article 39

1. Mandatory assessment of the conformity of buildings and structures, as well as the processes of design (including surveys), construction, installation, adjustment and disposal (demolition) related to buildings and structures, is carried out in the form of:

1) statements on the compliance of project documentation with the requirements of this Federal Law;

2) state expertise of the results of engineering surveys and project documentation;

3) construction control;

4) state construction supervision;

5) statements on the conformity of the constructed, reconstructed or repaired building or structure with the design documentation;

6) statements on the compliance of the constructed, reconstructed or repaired building or structure with the requirements of this Federal Law;

7) putting the facility into operation.

2. Mandatory conformity assessment of buildings and structures, as well as design processes related to buildings and structures (including surveys) in the form specified in clause 1 of part 1 of this article, is carried out by the person who prepared the project documentation, by drawing up an assurance that the design the documentation was developed in accordance with the design assignment and the requirements of this Federal Law.

3. Mandatory assessment of the conformity of buildings and structures, as well as the processes of design (including surveys), construction, installation, adjustment and disposal (demolition) related to buildings and structures, in the forms specified in paragraphs 2 and 4 of part 1 of this article, is carried out only in cases stipulated by the legislation on urban planning activities.

4. Mandatory conformity assessment of buildings and structures, as well as construction, installation, adjustment processes related to buildings and structures in the form provided for in clause 5 of part 1 of this article, is carried out by the person who carried out the construction (the person who carried out the construction, and the developer (customer) in the case of construction on the basis of a contract), by signing a document confirming the compliance of the constructed, reconstructed or repaired building or structure with the design documentation. Compliance assessment of buildings and structures, as well as construction, installation, adjustment processes related to buildings and structures in the specified form is not carried out in relation to individual housing construction objects.

5. Mandatory assessment of the conformity of buildings and structures, as well as construction, installation, adjustment processes related to buildings and structures in the form provided for in clause 6 of part 1 of this article, is carried out by the person who carried out the construction by signing a document confirming the compliance of the constructed, reconstructed or repaired building or structure to the requirements of this Federal Law.

6. Assessment of the conformity of buildings and structures, as well as design processes related to buildings and structures (including surveys) in the form specified in paragraph 1 of part 1 of this article, is carried out before the approval of the project documentation in accordance with the legislation on urban planning.

7. The assessment of the conformity of buildings and structures, as well as the processes of design (including surveys), construction, installation, adjustment and disposal (demolition) related to buildings and structures, in the forms specified in clauses 2-4 and 7 of part 1 of this article, is carried out in accordance with the rules and within the time limits established by the legislation on urban planning.

8. Conformity assessment of buildings and structures, as well as construction, installation, adjustment and disposal (demolition) processes related to buildings and structures in the forms specified in paragraphs 5 and 6 of part 1 of this article, is carried out after the completion of construction, reconstruction, major repairs building or structure before the building or structure is put into operation.

Article 40

1. Mandatory assessment of the compliance of buildings and structures, as well as the operation processes associated with buildings and structures with the requirements of this Federal Law and the requirements established in the design documentation, is carried out in the form of:

1) operational control;

2) state control (supervision).

2. Assessment of the conformity of buildings and structures, as well as operation processes related to buildings and structures in the form of operational control, is carried out by the person responsible for the operation of the building or structure, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. Compliance assessment of buildings and structures, as well as operation processes related to buildings and structures in the form of state control (supervision) is carried out by authorized federal executive bodies, executive bodies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation in cases and in the manner established by federal laws.

Article 41

1. Voluntary assessment of the conformity of buildings and structures, as well as processes of design (including surveys), construction, installation, adjustment, operation and disposal (demolition) related to buildings and structures, is carried out in the form of a non-state examination of the results of engineering surveys and project documentation, architectural supervision , surveys of buildings and structures, the condition of their foundations, building structures and engineering and technical support systems and in other forms provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. Voluntary assessment of the conformity of buildings and structures, as well as processes of design (including surveys), construction, installation, adjustment, operation and disposal (demolition) related to buildings and structures, is carried out in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Chapter 7. Final Provisions (Articles 42 - 44)

Article 42. Final provisions

1. The requirements for buildings and structures, as well as for the processes of design (including surveys), construction, installation, adjustment, operation and disposal (demolition) associated with buildings and structures, established by this Federal Law, do not apply until reconstruction or major repairs buildings or structures to the following buildings and structures:

1) to buildings and structures put into operation before the entry into force of such requirements;

2) to buildings and structures, the construction, reconstruction and overhaul of which are carried out in accordance with the design documentation approved or sent for state examination before the entry into force of such requirements;

3) to buildings and structures, the design documentation of which is not subject to state expertise and an application for issuing a building permit for which was submitted before the entry into force of such requirements.

2. For the purposes of this Federal Law, construction norms and rules approved prior to the day this Federal Law enters into force are recognized as codes of rules.

3. The Government of the Russian Federation no later than thirty days prior to the date of entry into force of this Federal Law approves a list of national standards and sets of rules, as a result of which, on a mandatory basis, compliance with the requirements of this Federal Law is ensured.

4. The national body of the Russian Federation for standardization, no later than thirty days before the date of entry into force of this Federal Law, approves, publishes and places, in accordance with Part 7 of Article 6 of this Federal Law, a list of documents in the field of standardization, as a result of which, on a voluntary basis, compliance with the requirements of this Federal Law is ensured.

5. Not later than July 1, 2012, the authorized federal executive body shall update building codes and regulations recognized in accordance with this Federal Law as codes of rules and included in the list of national standards approved by the Government of the Russian Federation and specified in Part 1 of Article 6 of this Federal Law and sets of rules.

Article 43

Chapter 1 of the Federal Law of December 27, 2002 N 184-FZ "On Technical Regulation" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2002, N 52, Art. 5140; 2007, N 19, Art. 2293; N 49, Art. 6070; 2009 , N 29, Art. 3626) supplement with Article 5_1 as follows:

"Article 5_1. Features of technical regulation in the field of ensuring the safety of buildings and structures

Features of technical regulation in the field of ensuring the safety of buildings and structures are established by the Federal Law "Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Structures."

Article 44. Entry into force of this Federal Law

1. This Federal Law shall enter into force six months after its official publication, with the exception of Article 43 of this Federal Law.

2. Article 43 of this Federal Law shall enter into force on the day of the official publication of this Federal Law.

The president
Russian Federation
D. Medvedev

Revision of the document, taking into account
changes and additions prepared
JSC "Kodeks"

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