Capital letter u lesson summary Goretsky presentation. Lesson summary writing capital and lowercase letters u, u. I. Organizational moment

lowercase and capital

letter combinations

cha-cha, cha-cha.

Target: create conditions for repeating and consolidating the skill of using letter combinations zhi-shi, cha-cha, chu-shu, check the strength of mastering the skill.

Tasks: to promote the development of students' curiosity, logical thinking, to teach them to apply their knowledge in different situations, to intensify cognitive activity, to cultivate communication skills, the ability to evaluate their own and classmates' learning activities, to instill healthy lifestyle skills.


Understand the learning task and look for ways to solve it using spelling rules;


a) general education:

b) informational:

c) logical:

3. Communicative -

initiative cooperation:

pair work,

in a micro group.

Be able to distribute work and mutual checks



peer control.

During the classes:

I . Organizing time.

The flooding school bell called 1 "a" to the lesson.

Be careful and diligent.

II . Gymnastics for the eyes.

(Presentation "Flower-seven-flower")

III .Checking the psychological mood of students.

Color test.

Draw your mood (Draw a smiley in the color that matches the mood at the moment).

IY .Updating knowledge.

1. Repetition of knowledge about letters and sounds

You need to convert letters written in chalk to other letters using

colored chalk,

Wet rags.


YETybyp (LEPiog)

2. The game "Guessing" ( elements of letters are written on the board, you need to guess the letter )

3. The game "What is superfluous?"




What other letters always represent soft consonants?

V .Lesson topic message

On the board the letters H SH Y

-What can you say about the letters? What unites them?

What letter is missing and why?

-Today we will practice in a more beautiful spelling of the letters “h” and “u”. We will also get acquainted with the new spelling rule for difficult words.

VI .Finger gymnastics

This finger is the thickest, strongest and largest.

This finger is for showing it off.

This finger is the strongest and it stands in the middle.

This finger is nameless, he is the most spoiled.

This finger, though small, is dexterous and daring.

Let's remember the rules of writing

We took a pen, sit straight, turn the notebook at an angle.

Write beautifully and cleanly in a notebook:

Obey the tilt, don't rush anywhere.

VII .Work in a notebook on a printed basis p.22

1. Letter of lowercase and capital letters u, u

2. Work with diagrams (one student at the blackboard)

The game "Pick the word scheme"

VIII .Working with letter combinations cha-scha, chu-shu.

Game "Put the words"

( 1,2 and 3 row - work in groups of 4 students. On the table are cards with parts of words. Students in groups make up words.)

sha-vel chu-chelo

hare chat tentacle

cha-cha shu-ka

cracked miraculously

Examination: go to the board with cards and read the words.

What did you notice? (in these words, combinations of cha-scha, chu-shu)

What do you think the topic of our lesson is?

What will we learn in the lesson?

What poem do we already know about these combinations?

I know for sure:ZhI YesSHI write only with a letterAnd !

CA andSCHA , my friends, I'll write them with a letterBUT !

I know one rule, it is very true:

BC andSC , BC andSC write only with a letterAt !

-I want to be smart!

And if you all know, do we need to work on this topic?

Y .Securing.

Today a wise owl came to your lesson - our old friend. But look what she has instead of a pointer? (tea leaf)

The wise owl offers you the following proposal (on the board):

I want to treat you to tea

Children, what rule is not followed? (Words in a sentence are written separately from each other.)

Let's read. How many words are there? Let's pronounce this sentence, slapping each uttered word. What is the first word? What is the second? Last thing?

Let's make a diagram of this proposal.

One of the students completes the diagram on the board.: |__ ____ _____ ____ _____.

Write down the sentence, comparing it with the diagram.

Which word corresponds to the topic of our lesson? (tea, cha write with the letter a)

We were invited to tea.

Guys, is tea a healthy drink?

Tea contains a lot of vitamins. Drink only freshly brewed tea. Eastern wisdom says: “Fresh tea is like a balm. Tea that has stood overnight is like a snake.”

IX . Linguistic warm-up.

And who among you knows where the custom of drinking tea came from?

(This word is Chinese. The Chinese were the first tea producers and carefully guarded the secret of its preparation.)

Guys, which one of you likes to drink tea?

Since you like to drink tea, it means you are healthy, as tea has healing properties, cleanses the blood, relieves drowsiness and lethargy.

Now I'll see how active you are.

Find in the class and read the proverb about tea and explain.

(Proverbs are hidden under the children's chairs. Students bend over and look. Thus, there is a change of position and a warm-up.):

You don't drink tea, where do you get strength?

Tea will remove all fatigue, lift your mood.

Cold - drink tea, hot - drink tea, tired - drink tea.

Drinking tea is not chopping wood. Drinking tea is a pleasure to live.

Have a cup of tea - forget the longing.

Look at the magic screen.

What words are hidden on the teapot?

Compose and write while speaking. But first stretch your fingers


One, two, three, four, five,

Strong, friendly

All so necessary.

On the other hand again:

One, two, three, four, five!

Fingers are fast

Do all of them have ... clean ones?

Let's wash our hands before drinking tea. (We rub our palms)

What will we remember as we write these words?

Verification - compare the words that Misha composed with the words that the children wrote down

We made tea. He is very hot. Let's cool it down.

We blow hot tea.

(Pull out your lips with a wide “tube” (inhale), blow on hot tea (exhale

X .Work in pairs.

It is customary to serve dryers and bagels with tea. We have them too.

Drying lay in a plate without a lid,

And at night they were all gnawed by mice.

Bitten off letters from words

They dragged them into their burrow.

You need to restore them. We work in pairs. If you don't understand, skip

Ch..shka, peep...,, h...lan,, m...shka, mach...on, h...ynik.

(Learners write words in a notebook)

What did you notice? (1 word extra)

Why do you think so?

Verification: on individual screens

They drank tea. Now let's rest.

Eyelashes fall...

The eyes are closing...

We rest in peace...

We fall asleep with a magical dream ...

Breathe easily...evenly...


Our hands rest...

Resting... falling asleep...

The neck is not tense...

And relax...


We are relaxing...

We fall asleep with a magical dream ...

(louder, faster, more energetic)

It's good for us to rest! But it's time to get up!

We squeeze our fists tighter. We raise them higher.

Stretched! Smiled!Everyone open your eyes and stand up

Up and down hand jerks,

It's like we're waving flags.

Stretching our shoulders.

Hands move forward. (One hand up, the other down, hands change jerkily.)

Hands to the sides. Smile.

Lean left and right. (Tilts to the side.)

Squats start.

Don't rush, don't lag behind. (Squats.)

And at the end - walking in place,

Everyone has known this for a long time

. (Walking in place.)

XI . Let's complete the task of the wise owl on the magic screen.

(Distribute words into trees according to combinations of zhi-shi, cha-cha, chu-shu)

Who noticed the word - a trap?

XII . Test Individual task.

(Your choice of difficulty level)

1 level

1. Underline (or circle) the correct statement

chu-schu is spelled with the letter u

chu-shu is written with the letter y

2. Underline (or circle) the extra word

3. Underline (or circle) the misspelled word

4. Insert missing letters

sh_vel, good, machine, puddle_

Once again, remember the rule, finishing sentences:

Combinations chu-shu only .... (I write with the letter y)

A thicket.dacha and a seal - you need .... (with the letter a to write)

XIII . Summarizing.


I studied...

I found out …

I can…

XI . Reflection.

Draw your mood now.

Class: 1 "A"

Lesson topic: « Letter letters u, u».

Lesson type : assimilation of new knowledge

The purpose of the lesson: Introduce students to the algorithm for writing capital and lowercase letters S.

Lesson objectives.


    Create conditions for the formation of the concept of "letter of capital and lowercase letters u".

    Improve your writing technique.

    To develop the skill of writing words with the studied letters, to enrich the vocabulary of students.


    To develop phonemic hearing, attention, memory, speech, the ability to compare, analyze, draw conclusions.

    Develop cognitive interest by attracting entertaining material, creating problem situations.


    To cultivate interest and love for the Russian language based on the success of the educationalactivities.

    Cultivate a desire to learn and make discoveries.

    Cultivate the ability to listen to others.

Formed UUD.

Personal UUD :

    Raise love for the native language, native land onthe basis of the success of the educationalactivities.

    To interest students in the acquisition, expansion of knowledge and methods of action.

Regulatory UUD:

    Volitional self-regulation.

    Developing the capacity for self-esteem and self-control.

    Conducting student self-assessment, self-control

Cognitive UUD:

    Solving a grammar and spelling problem; mastering the logical actions of analysis and comparison.

    Ability to structure knowledge.

Communicative UUD:

    The ability to express your thoughts.

Used textbooks and tutorials: Copybook 1 class (4), author of the recipe N.S. Kuzmenko, N.M. Betenkova, demonstration card: writing the letters "Sch, sch"

1.Org. moment

The bell rang for us.
Everyone walked quietly into the classroom.
Everyone got up at their desks beautifully,
Greeted politely.
Sit quietly, back straight.
I see: your class is anywhere,
We will start the writing lesson.

- Hello, my name is Inna Sergeevna. Today I will teach you a writing lesson.

Getting ready for the lesson.

Regulatory UUD: volitional self-regulation.

Personal UUD: development of motives for learning activities and the formation of the personal meaning of learning.

2. Actualization of basic knowledge.

Game "Divide into groups"

y G I M i Rk g U m RH in K x S

What groups can these letters be divided into?

How to recognize a vowel?

How to recognize a consonant?

What other groups are all letters divided into?

Which printed letter does not have a written pair here?

At the letter Щ, we still do not know how to write it.

Lesson topic:

- Letter of lowercase and capital letters Shch

Today we must learn how to write a lowercase and uppercase letter SH.

Uppercase - lowercase, vowels - consonants

Written - printed

Communicative UUD : the ability to participate in an educational dialogue, consciously and voluntarily build a speech statement.

Cognitive UUD : the ability to structure knowledge.

Regulatory UUD: developing the capacity for self-assessment and self-control.)

3. Skill building

New material.

Finger workout.

Solve the riddle.

He plays, barks loudly,

He does not know boredom at all.

On the way knocks down

Nimble, small ...... (puppy)

Let's say together the first sound in this word. (Sch)

What does the letter "W" mean?

Open the copybook on page 16 and denote the sound in the upper left corner with the icon.

What should we learn in today's lesson?

+ Open the copybook, look at the letter that we have to learn to write today. And in order for us to get such a letter as in the recipe, we need to learn how to write it correctly.

+ But in order to write beautifully, first we need to stretch our fingers.

This little finger

(bend pinky)

This finger is weak

(bend the ring finger)

This finger is long

(bend middle finger)

This finger is strong

(bend index finger)

Well, this is a fat man

(bend thumb)

And all together - a fist!

(twist fist)

To start writing the lowercase letter "u", we must

    work on the elements , which make up the lowercase letter "u".

    Name these elements .()

    Letter elements of the letter u (line 1)

What letters does the letter "sha" resemble?

+ Conversation on the picture. How do children feel about their puppy? How did you guess about it?

The letter of the letters Щ and Щ according to the samples.

The letter W will consist of the elements W and C

Writing a lowercase letter

- I start writing a letter from the top line of the working line, draw a straight line down, round off, rise to the top line, again draw a straight line to the bottom line, rise again, lead down again and the most difficult element - write a loop)

See how I write under the score. We write under the score 1- and 2- and 3- and a loop.

Now you are in the air counting.

+After we have practiced writing a letter in the air, we will move on to writing in a notebook.

Find the first working line.

Circle 3 letters, write 3 letters on the dotted lines and 2 on your own.

On the second working line, write 5 lowercase letters "u".

Underline the correct letter with a pencil.

Working on connections .

Read the syllables written in the 4th working line. Page 16

What connections are used. Let's add the letters: the upper connection will add the letter y and the letter a.


The letter Щ denotes a consonant, soft, deaf.

Learn to write lowercase and uppercase letters

Do the exercise with the teacher

(w, c)



Top and bottom

Cognitive UUD: mastering the logical actions of analysis and comparison.

Communicative UUD:

the ability to express one's thoughts.

the ability to participate in an educational dialogue, consciously and voluntarily build a speech statement.

4. Phys. Minute.

Here is a tall pine, it reaches for the sun!

(Sipping, hands up.)

Over the clearing, an old oak branch spread out to the sides.

(Sipping, hands to the sides.)

It's good to walk in the woods!

But learning is fun!(Children sit at their desks.)

Perform exercises.

5. Formation of skills.

A game. Put words from syllables: cards on the board

Puppy , sorrel, shu-ka, kle-schi .

We write down what happened on the last working line. page 16

- Put the stress on the words.

    Written work p. 17.

    Letter capital letter Щ (when do we need this letter?)

    The letter of the syllables Scha Schu Schu Sche (rules for connecting letters).

Look at the picture of the fish.

What fish did Emelya catch in a fairy tale?

What letter escaped?

And what other fish loves the letter u?

Guess what sentence is written on the board and what letters are missing. Why is the pike called a predatory fish?

enok ... saw .. ate ... pike.

This is a hi ... naya fish.

Proposal work. Recipe No. 4, page 17

Copy the sentence from the printed text. Mark dangerous places.

Pike catches bream, perch.

Puppy , sorrel, pike, ticks .



Cognitive UUD: solving a grammar and spelling problem; mastering the logical actions of analysis and comparison.

Communicative UUD:

the ability to express one's thoughts.

the ability to participate in an educational dialogue, consciously and voluntarily build a speech statement.

6. Fixing.

What elements does the letter u consist of?

What sound does it represent?

Straight sloping line with a rounding to the right, a loop.

Cognitive UUD: the ability to structure knowledge.

7. The result of the lesson. Reflection.

What letter were you working on?

If you worked in the lesson with desire, were confident in yourself, you were interested in cleanliness and order in your copybooks, then draw a little man in the corner of the page with a cheerful smile. Well, if you were bored, then sad.

I was glad to work with you. The lesson is over.

Capital and lower case S.

Communicative UUD : the ability to express one's thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy;

Cognitive UUD: reflection;

Personal UUD: meaning formation.

Sections: elementary School


  1. To promote the formation of reading skills, the ability to work with text.
  2. To develop phonemic hearing, students' speech, the desire and ability to take part in a conversation.
  3. Cultivate a sense of discipline.


  • letters
  • syllables,
  • cards with written letters Щ and Щ,
  • attention cards,
  • Cheburashka toy.
  • textbook "Russian alphabet", author V.G. Goretsky
  • writing on the board
  • cards with balls of different colors
  • notebooks

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

Look out the window. How brightly the sun shines! It smiles at us! Let's smile at each other and wish good luck!

2. Phenominutka.

Who wants to continue the story of today?

3. Patter. On the desk.

The pike tickled the goldfinch with its brush,
The brush was ticklish with bristles.\\

Reading with the teacher. Printing in a notebook. Pause setting. Isolation of logical stress. Speaking in pairs.

4. Setting the topic of the lesson. Goal setting.

What new letters did you learn? Tell all about them. What are the spellings? In what words? What will we do in class?

Read the words: Shchigrev, Schukin, Shcherbakov. What do they have in common? (capital letter). What is the capital letter for?

5. Actualization of knowledge.

I will now read to you a story written by a hero from a fairy tale by Eduard Uspensky. Guess who it is?

He has a friend who plays the harmonica

He lived in a box of oranges

He and his friend like to help friends,

He is the emblem of Russia at the Olympics in Turin.

Cheburashka also studied at school, but has recently been very busy at the Olympics, so he can make a mistake when talking about letters. Listen carefully and if you hear something wrong, correct it.

There were letters. They lived together, did not quarrel. 10 of them are vowels. Very interesting letters. Half are cunning. Why were they named like that? Well, probably because with the help of a magic wand they can turn a lion into a mouse, and a letter into a carriage.

And consonants are generally eccentrics! Some speak loudly, loudly, for example, P, T, X .. And others can only whisper, hiss, rustle. These are dull sounds. But I forgot what letters stand for deaf sounds. Tell!

The letters H, U are very friendly with the letters I, Yu. They just can’t part with them! But Zh and Sh are not found with the letter Y, but are friends only with Y, and it makes them soft, soft.

And there are two strange letters. They are always silent. Maybe dumb? You don't know them?

(Children correct mistakes as the story progresses.)

6. Warm-up for hands.

One, two, three, four, five -
Let's count fingers.
Strong, friendly, all so necessary,
On the other hand again one, two, three, four, five.

(children perform movements)

7. Letter in "Recipe" letters Щ and syllables.

Let's show Cheburashka how to write letters. (the teacher is on the blackboard, and the children feel the letters on the cards, then write in the air, on tracing paper.)

Read the syllables. What words are hidden here? (Come up with words with these syllables).

8. Physical education.

Cheburashka prepared exercises for you that helped him at the Olympics.

9. Working with text.

Read the words on the board, they will appear in the text.

(read the text in sentences, then reading the text by one student.)

Text analysis by questions.

Who lashed out at the kids?

How did they react to the danger?

How did the bear do?

Which boy was wrong? Why?

Can any of you tell me what this story is about?

10. Work in "Recipe".

Cheburashka asks to speak to him the tongue twister that we studied today.

Read the sentence in the "Recipe".

How did the puppy feel?

("The puppy squealed with joy")

What spelling did you hear? (sha).

Write down this sentence yourself.

11. Development of memory, attention, thinking.

Cheburashka has prepared a task for you. A card is posted on the board.

Use the numbers to guess the words.

What unites these words?

Find the extra word. Why is it redundant?

12. Independent work.

On the board are the words: LIVES, PIKE, IN, RIVER.

Make and write a proposal.

Remember the rules of the offer.

13. Opening the "house" of the letter Sh.

(Children tell what they learned about the letter: what sound does it mean, call words with it. The teacher makes riddles.

14. Reflection.

What did you like? What seemed difficult?

You have balls of different colors on your desks. If you liked the lesson, it was interesting for you, give Cheburashka a red balloon. If you don't like something - a ball of a different color. (Children gave red balloons)

15. Bottom line.

Cheburashka is very grateful to you for the lesson and the gift. He prepared a surprise. Words are hidden among the syllables, find them. One of them is thanks for the lesson.

Purpose: to teach the spelling of the capital letter Щ, to consolidate the spelling skills of words with the studied letters.

During the classes:

Organizational moment.

Repetition of what has been learned.

1. Clap your hands if you hear [u "] in the words: silk, whisper, tickle, honest, nutcracker, heron, chocolate, pinch, sliver, hat, tongs.

2. Writing words in an additional notebook:

grove, pike, sorrel, I clean.

What syllables should you memorize? (Shcha, shu.)

3. Work on the topic of the lesson.

1. The teacher shows on the board how to write the capital letter Щ, compare it with the printed one.

2. Work according to prescription.

Outlining letter and pattern elements in a wide line.

3. Analysis of syllables, recording them.

4. Writing off sentences after spelling analysis:

I brush my puppy. The puppy squealed with joy.

4. Physical education.

The sun lifts us up to recharge.

We raise our hands on the command "One!".

And above us the leaves rustle cheerfully.

We lower our hands on the command "Two!".

Consolidation of what has been learned.

1. Drawing up a proposal and writing it down.

The pike lives in the river.

2. Give answers to questions. Write your answers in an additional notebook.

Where do mice live? ( Mice live in a closet.)

Where do ruffs live? (Ruffs live in the river.)

Underline the letters after w, w, h.

3. Vocabulary work. The children write down the answers. Dense dense forest. (Thicket.)

Hole punching tool. (Awl.) Wild rose with bright red berries. ( Rose hip.) Predatory fish with sharp teeth. (Pike.)

A vessel with a handle and spout for boiling water. (Teapot.)

Repeat again how the combinations are written zhi, shi, cha, shcha, chu, shu.

Summary of the lesson.


Subject: Lowercase f.

Purpose: to introduce the writing of the lowercase letter f, improving the calligraphic skills of students.

During the classes:

Organizational moment.

Introduction to a new letter.

1. Find the same sound in words:

apron, camera, jacket, flashlight, flag, fruits.

2. Think of as many words as possible starting with: fa ( factory, apron, pheasant, facts)

fi (physicist, owl, ficus, firm).

Who is in front of us? ( Footballer.)

3. Children outline the elements of the letter and pattern in a wide line.

Letter elements and letters in working lines.

4. Analysis of syllables, compounds and recording them.

Analysis of schemes and words, writing them.

5. Writing off the offer.

Every ship has a flag.


We walk, we walk

We raise our hands higher.

(Walking in place with arms raised).

Suddenly we see: by the bush

The chick fell out of the nest.

Quietly we take a chick

And put it back in the nest.

(Tilts forward, touch the floor with your hands, straighten up, raise your hands).

Consolidation of the studied

1. Make a word from letters : ground meat.

2. - Say a word.

From me thin dishes

Pale white and loud

Burning since ancient times

I am called ... porcelain.

Holiday, holiday at the gate.

Who will meet him?

Me and my faithful friend

Red, small... flag.

Writing the words "porcelain", "flag" in an additional notebook.

The teacher dictates the words.

If the sound [f] in the word is solid, the boys get up,

[f"] soft - girls.

Focus, ficus, driver, football, factory, traffic light, Fedya, eagle owl, company, farm, window, poster, asphalt.

Well done! You are very attentive!

Summary of the lesson.


Subject: Capital letter F.

Purpose: to learn to write a capital letter F, words and sentences with this letter.

During the classes:

Organizational moment.

Repetition of what has been learned.

1. Clap your hands if you hear the sound [f] or [f"] in the word: jacket, vase, scarf, Vasya, screen, farm, wagon, pheasant, fork, asphalt, fantasy.

2. The letter is lost.

Abrika, co. that, sho. er, .u. aika, .hands.

Introduction to a new letter.

1. - Guess the name of the boy by the first sounds of the names.

The teacher demonstrates drawings: an owl, a spruce, a house, an apple. Answer: Fedya

How do we write the boy's name?

That's right, with a capital letter, but first you need to learn how to write capital F.

The teacher gives an example of writing a capital F on the blackboard.

2. Work in copybook.

Children outline the elements of the letters and the pattern in a wide line.

What is the person's profession? (Fakir.).

The teacher explains the meaning of this word.

What other professions do you know in f? (football player, photographer, fencer.)

3. The letter of the elements and the letter f in cursive in the working lines.

Analysis of syllables, schemes and words. Their letter.

Particular attention is paid to connections


The cuckoos flew through three huts.

They were in such a hurry, they were in such a hurry.

They turned their heads, flapped their wings.

And where they flew, they did not say!

5. Consolidation of the studied.

1. Writing off sentences in writing:

Faina is knitting a jacket.

Fedya has a warm scarf.

2. Copying from printed text.

Traffic lights have three colors.

Remember what each color of the traffic light means.

Listen to the rhyme:

Traffic lights.

- Where have you been so far?

- Stopped the traffic light.

Red - clear: the path is dangerous.

Yellow is the same as red

And the green is ahead - come on in!

3. Writing words with the letter f.

Summary of the lesson.


Theme: Dividing b.

Capital Letter W

Goals: learn to write capital letter


Write a capital letter Щ according to the model

Write syllables and words with learned letters under dictation

Write down words with mergers ЩА, ЩУ

Complete the sentence with meaning

Drafting a proposal.

Repair a broken sentence

Rewrite the printed sentence in written letters

Learn to see spelling in written words

During the classes

  1. Look at page 29 in the copybook. Guess what we'll be doing.

Consider the elements that make up the capital letter W.

How much?


Where to start writing all the elements?

In what letters did these elements meet?

  1. Finger gymnastics. Landing control

We circle the elements of the letter in a wide line, a pattern.

  1. Determine the place of the letter on the working line.

We circle the gray letter, write another one, compare with the sample, write to the end of the line,evaluate (circle with a green pen the letter you wrote that is most similar to the sample).

  1. We read the syllables on the next working line. How are they written? (capitalized)

Read the confluences that have familiar spellings (SCHA, SHU). Let's remember the rule.

We write down these syllables, we write the third.We evaluate (circle with a green pen the syllable you wrote that is most similar to the sample).

Physical education minute

  1. We read the sentence "I brush the puppy with a brush."

Find words with the letter S.

We play detectives. And now everything is grown-up. We will train our puppy so that he grows into a real search dog. And he will look for the most dangerous places in the words that are called ....... (we are looking for spellings, we circle them).

We draw up a proposal scheme side by side.

How do you think the puppy feels? (he tickles)

words on the board I TICKLE, SIDES, HIM (all words are printed in lowercase letters).

Try to continue the phrase from these words so that it turns into a rhyme (smoothly). Children rearrange cards with words to make a continuation of the tongue twister “I’m brushing a puppy with a brush. I tickle his sides."

We consider the proposal received, check how our puppy learned to look for spellings (we are looking for spellings, we correct the error (capital letter))

We write the received proposal under dictation.

Circle the spelling. We check with a neighbor on the desk,we evaluate according to the criteria CAREFULLY, CORRECTLY. (green plus sign in margin)

Physical education for the eyes

  1. Suggest what can be done in the next task? (insert a missing word, circle a gray word, rewrite the sentence, find and mark spellings, draw up its diagram).
  1. We read the words of the last task, we suggest what we will do. (make a sentence out of words, write it in written letters).

From the words on the board we make up options for sentences, we stop at the option "The pike lives in the river."

Looking for spellingI write from dictation.

We check with a neighbor on the desk, evaluate according to the criteria CAREFULLY, CORRECTLY.


What did you do in class today?

Continue the phrases:

Today in class:

I found out how….

I learned….

I remembered…

I like it…

It was difficult for me...

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Alexander Lukashenko on August 18 appointed Sergei Rumas head of government. Rumas is already the eighth prime minister during the reign of the leader ...

From the ancient inhabitants of America, the Mayans, Aztecs and Incas, amazing monuments have come down to us. And although only a few books from the time of the Spanish ...

Viber is a multi-platform application for communication over the world wide web. Users can send and receive...

Gran Turismo Sport is the third and most anticipated racing game of this fall. At the moment, this series is actually the most famous in ...
Nadezhda and Pavel have been married for many years, got married at the age of 20 and are still together, although, like everyone else, there are periods in family life ...
("Post office"). In the recent past, people most often used mail services, since not everyone had a telephone. What should I say...
Today's conversation with the Chairman of the Supreme Court Valentin SUKALO can be called significant without exaggeration - it concerns...
Dimensions and weights. The sizes of the planets are determined by measuring the angle at which their diameter is visible from the Earth. This method is not applicable to asteroids: they ...
The world's oceans are home to a wide variety of predators. Some wait for their prey in hiding and surprise attack when...