Why do men leave overweight women. What kind of women are abandoned by men. The husband is rarely at home and does not take care of the family

You can often hear sad stories about how men, after a long relationship, leave women or, even worse, leave without saying goodbye. However, the initiative in the gap does not always come from men. There are situations when such a difficult decision falls on the fragile shoulders of the fair sex. It seems that the only reason for parting with a partner is the lack of love. But the female soul is filled with secrets and mysteries, and it is not uncommon for girls to say goodbye to the one they still love.

Why do women leave men? What is the reason for such an illogical at first glance act? Let's look at this issue together using the example of 5 main reasons why women leave their loved ones.

Why do women leave men?

Reason #1 - A woman feels lonely

A woman can feel lonely even if she is in a serious relationship. Moreover, this is not at all uncommon, because many men belong to the category of too active and purposeful people who put work and career above any other life values. Relations with such a man are like a solitary voyage in which you should not ask for help or hope for support. If a woman does not take a major role in a man's life, this tandem will sooner or later end in parting. No matter how much a woman loves her young man, she must know that he can be counted on even in the most difficult moment.

Reason #2 - A man is not ready for a serious relationship

Any relationship must develop, and one of the culminating moments of their development is the beginning of family life. However, not all men hold such views. There is a lot of evidence that men and women look at family life differently. For most of the fairer sex, the family is an essential attribute of happiness, but many men are in no hurry to burden themselves with a serious relationship. If a couple moves in different directions on such an important issue, even the strongest feeling cannot hold them. Moreover, the woman will make the decision to leave, because it is she who will not be able to find in the relationship what she needs so much.

Reason #3 - A man is not used to taking life seriously

Romantics say that love defies logical reasoning. And this is true, because often we fall in love with those who are by no means suitable for the role of a reliable life partner. There is a category of men who, in principle, are not created for a serious relationship. Their life consists of a series of endless parties, holidays and entertainment. You can fall in love with such a man, but you can’t live with him. And sooner or later every woman will come to this thought. It is impossible to remake a person, so you either have to accept him with all the shortcomings, or say a cold-blooded and decisive “Farewell”. Considering that every woman subconsciously looks for a protector in a man, the second option happens much more often than the first.

Reason #4 - Relationships have lost their edge

Love is a fickle feeling. At first, it takes possession of our mind and heart, and later inevitably loses its brightness. Absolutely all couples face a crisis in relationships, however, not everyone can overcome them. When a romance loses its original passion, it seems to many that they are no longer connected. At this time, the phase of getting used to each other begins, when the partner’s shortcomings become more noticeable, and the advantages less significant. If during this period a woman does not feel love and support from her beloved, she will not be able to pull the relationship out of the crisis alone, which will significantly increase the risk of separation.

Reason #5 - Different Interests

At first, “chemistry” dominates in relationships - partners are drawn to each other like a magnet, and love euphoria overshadows everything around. Unfortunately, this stage does not last long, after which the period of the so-called "lapping" begins. And it often turns out that, entering this period, the partners seem to look at each other anew, realizing that, in fact, they have completely different views on many things in life. This stage can be overcome, but for this it is necessary that both partners listen to each other's opinion and try to compromise. If only a woman tries to maintain a relationship, her efforts will inevitably fail. Just at one fine moment, she will realize that the one she loves is a complete stranger to her.

There are many more reasons why women leave the ones they love. But more often than not, relationships are destroyed precisely because of misunderstanding. Therefore, if you want to keep your love, learn to listen and respect each other.

Often we hear about how much women suffer because of frivolity of men and their inability to build long-term relationships. There are many stories about how much a man broke the heart of his beloved, after which she came to her senses for a very long time. But men also suffer. The fair sex also knows how to abruptly end relationships, trying to gain independence and freedom.

It doesn’t matter how she is determined to proceed, the most important thing is that she is at a loss and cannot understand why everything happened this way. Relatively recently, the institution of the family was the most valuable, so many women tried to find and keep a man who could provide for them and become an excellent father. Time passes, and the 21st century dictates other rules. The fair sex wants to achieve success in their careers and sometimes they are looking for a companion for a short period of time. Let's take a closer look at the reasons why women leave men.

1. She realizes that this man is not the man she needs. At the beginning of a relationship, many experience euphoria that overshadows everything around. She sees only good things in him, attributes character traits that he does not have, and cannot find any flaws in him. But this does not happen for long, soon the woman realizes that he is not at all the way she wants to see him, begins to rethink and decides that such a relationship makes absolutely no sense. A woman finds a lot of shortcomings in her chosen one, and the longer she meets him, the more these shortcomings grow like a snowball. In the end, she decides to leave, which she will never regret later. She will only regret that she did not see all his shortcomings in him earlier and wasted her time on him.

2. Lie. Men tend to believe that a loved one does not necessarily need to know everything, because sometimes this leads to unnecessary scandals and quarrels. Therefore, they make a choice in favor of untruth. Some manage to hide all the nuances, while others find themselves in an awkward situation when a woman finds out the truth. Almost all representatives of the fair sex believe that lying in a relationship is unacceptable, so they easily part with such a man. This reason is quite common in many couples, even when there is no question of cheating.

3. New love. It happens that a woman is in a relationship with a specific man for a long time, but then by chance in the subway or in the park, where she walks the dog every morning, she meets him. A new love breaks out unexpectedly, but no longer gives rest. A woman begins to think about another person, completely forgetting who she meets or lives with. After a while, she realizes that she cannot be happy with her current boyfriend or husband, so it’s better to leave. Of course, this news may shock someone who was faithful to her and loved with all his heart, but such a relationship has no future, so the couple will break up sooner or later.

4. She is determined to create a family and have children.. Sooner or later, any woman catches herself thinking that it's time to start a family and continue the race. But this desire does not always coincide with the desire of a man. Sometimes serious conflicts arise due to the fact that the representative of the stronger sex cannot decide on such an important step in his life. That is why a woman leaves, because she simply does not see a future with someone who does not support her. Men often emphasize that they need freedom, and marriage and children will limit them in everything. Not every woman will wait until he decides and gain courage, so he is looking for someone who appreciates her more than imaginary freedom.

5. Beloved did not justify her hopes. At the beginning of the relationship, everything was wonderful: she sincerely wanted to make him happy and dedicated the best years of her youth to him, and he did absolutely nothing for general happiness. There may be a lot of reasons for what exactly disappointed a woman in a particular representative of the stronger sex, because each pair has its own conflicts and misunderstandings. Perhaps he does not want to earn money and save for his own apartment, or maybe he cheated on her from another. It is never possible to say exactly what this or that act will lead to, but both partners must listen to each other and make decisions mutually. If a man insists on his own without listening to the opinion of his beloved, it is quite possible that after some time she will leave, loudly slamming the front door.

6. Indifference or humiliation. Both of these negative male character traits lead to collapse. It is quite possible that at the beginning of the relationship, the woman caught herself thinking that the indifference of her beloved would soon pass, and that he would be replaced by attention and respect, but you should not believe that the person will change, this is unlikely. An indifferent man can change his attitude towards a particular person only if he falls in love, and this happens just the same at the beginning of a relationship. The same goes for humiliation: some men are brought up in such a way that you can raise your voice at a woman and express your dissatisfaction in a rude manner. Some women are ready to put up with it, others leave, not wanting to lose their self-esteem.

7. male jealousy. If a man greatly values ​​his beloved and is afraid of losing her, it is likely that from time to time he will be jealous. In small doses, this quality is quite acceptable, but what if a loved one limits even leisure time with his beloved girlfriends and forces him to leave the social network? This is where the patience of many women ends, and they simply decide that such a rigid framework is not for them. Most often, excessive jealousy of a man leads to the fact that a woman leaves, because not everyone can live under tight control.

8. Bad habits of a loved one. Unfortunately, a huge number of women around the world are faced with such bad habits of men as alcoholism, gambling and drug addiction. All this gradually leads to the collapse of the relationship, so every man should stop and think: is his penchant for such things really more expensive than the woman who really loves him.

“We need to break up. No, it's not about you, you're wonderful. Here it’s more about me ... ”- a phrase that set the teeth on edge, to which, albeit once, but probably every man resorted. And already obviously crafty: well, do wonder women leave? Anyone can act short-sightedly - and then actively regret it - however, as a rule, if a woman does not suit a man in at least one of the common and generally accepted criteria, this can cause a break. For a man, the comfort, both mental and physical, that he feels next to his partner is incredibly important. Let's try to figure out what are typical female mistakes.

Lack of support and respect. Tuning into a serious relationship, a man a priori expects that his companion will appreciate, respect and support him. No union can be long-term if a woman does not take part in the life of her man, dissociates herself from her primary purpose. For a man, it is important that the chosen one supports any of his undertakings. And also admired him, saw him as a leader, laughed at his jokes, was sensitive and delicate, did not act against his will and did not move away. And if troubles come, she will be there both in grief and in joy, no matter how difficult it is. If this does not happen, the couple soon breaks up, and each goes on his own way.

different worlds. While two people get to know each other better, they discover character traits, worldview, opinions, considerations of their soulmate, which were not given out in any way initially. This is of great importance - people evaluate the partner’s already formed baggage and compare it with their own. Non-sharing of life views, different positions regarding fundamental (and sometimes not so) things can serve as a pretext for serious disagreements and, in the worst case, a break. Not being involved in a man's life is a very bad help for your relationship. Always be interested in his achievements, praise his ideas, ask about things at work, get carried away with his hobby (or at least show superficial curiosity towards him) - your chosen one will be pleased, and perhaps this will inspire him to further successes.

Excessive control. Are you monitoring his every move? Are you forced to account for every step? Trying to infiltrate wherever he starts? Or maybe you are checking for "traces of a crime"? It will drive any man crazy! If these actions are about you, immediately review your relationship policy with your lover. Dictating your own terms in everything and thereby undermining male authority is a bad idea. Demonstrate a lack of trust in a partner with constant suspicion and jealousy - too. Recall one very capacious phrase: “A wise woman never follows a man. She takes care of herself and the man takes care of her.”

Sexy "calm". Men and women are beings from other planets. And such a sacramental thing as sex is perceived by them in completely different ways: a man always wants, but not always can, and a woman, on the contrary, always can, but not always wants. Often does not want to because of the lack of feelings: the fair sex has them in priority. A woman needs to be in love in order for a relationship to be possible, while men are mostly more mundane creatures. Their language is the language of the flesh, the language of physical sensations. Men think about sex more than women - it's in their brain at the DNA level. Self-esteem depends on sex and its quality: a man needs to feel and know that he is wanted and wanted, to see a playful gleam in the eyes of a partner. Therefore, an inferior sex life often becomes the reason for parting. Lack of sex, a woman's focus on her career, children, hobbies or herself, as well as insipid and boring sex can push a man to leave or cheat. Diversify your sex life, become more liberated, reincarnate, allow your chosen one a little more than usual, surprise him - and then he is unlikely to exchange you for another.

Hypertrophied egocentrism. When a woman is convinced that she is the center of the universe and everything revolves around her, she does not listen to the opinion and feelings of her man, as if they do not exist at all. She fixes attention on herself and only on herself, does not admit her mistakes, thereby rejecting her partner from herself. After all, he, as a dominant by nature, does not need such a half at all, which calls into question his own male ego. Do not be too self-absorbed, focus not only on your own interests, understand the meaning of the concept of “self-criticism”, become more patient and loyal, learn to listen and hear.

"To Each Pillar". Men don't get jealous like women do. Their jealousy is deeper: it, like a poison, affects the most hidden particles of the soul. This is because male pride is a very vulnerable construct. The stronger sex, as you know, is not used to sharing their problems with anyone, stays face-to-face with them, so it is difficult to experience stress. Telling someone about your failure is akin to dropping dignity in men. Sexuality is an even more fragile and vulnerable substance. Rivalry is in the blood of men, which is why they cannot afford to lose. To imagine your beloved in someone else's arms, and even worse - to share her with another - for any man is an unthinkable insult and humiliation. As for the pathological jealous, and for the reacting reasonably.

A woman who, for the sake of self-affirmation and raising her own self-esteem, behaves defiantly in public, constantly flirts and flirts with others in order to draw the attention of a man to this, and also to fill her own worth, as a rule, fails, getting the exact opposite result. Her chosen one is not interested in such games. At first, he could buy into them a couple of times, but any patience is not unlimited. Therefore, one can only sympathize with women who have chosen this tactic: trying to awaken a wonderful feeling with the help of bitter and poisonous, putting yourself on a par with persons of “not particularly difficult behavior” is the greatest stupidity. You should never waste your trust.

commercialism. A woman who, in almost every conversation, reduces everything to money, income, wealth and the status of her partner, is unlikely to be considered by him as a life partner and potential spouse. After all, where is the guarantee that if a family boat gets into a storm, it will not hide, as cunning bilge animals usually do? Confidence in your beloved, her reliability and decency are paramount things in building future marital relations. And who wants to marry a tyrant who frowns at the sight of a silver bracelet instead of a gold one, indignant at one rose instead of the expected bouquet, or wrinkling her nose at the table of a simple cafe instead of a trendy restaurant? There are things more valuable than financial position. Know how to discern a winner in your man, and then, thanks to your love and faith, he will certainly become one.

A woman next to her chosen one has to be different all the time, to play dissimilar roles: a wise adviser, a naive girl in love, a best friend, a homemaker, a depraved temptress... Only at first glance it seems that this is not easy, but in reality everything turns out by itself. The ability to be different, to combine images that are different from each other is not acting, but the art of being a woman. Sexual relations are multifaceted and versatile, play each role with dignity in order to find the right key to the soul of your man. And then you can be sure - he will never prefer another to you.

It became clear why men leave women after several years of marriage. I was very surprised to see this study. My ideas about the causes of divorce have completely changed! Here is how the men answered the question: what "reasons for divorce do you consider valid"? Wow!

1. In the first place, of course, were repeated cheating wife. Who would doubt that. So the fervent heroine of the series "Treason" is not at all a worthy role model, but a clear candidate for divorce. So decided 97% men. However, history is silent about how things are with wives who change carefully. And women know how to do it ... So - change wisely and never burn!

2. “The husband realized that his wife married him only for the sake of money, registration (registration), an apartment, or for other selfish motives.” Having learned about this, you are ready to divorce your wife 90% respondents. So we conclude. Even if you married an elderly, fat and bald mole, he should never even think about the fact that there was a vested interest in your actions. More talk about love and less commercialism. And everything will be fine, you can continue to use your husband and his registration.

3. mentally ill wife ready to quit 62% of respondents. Interestingly, only 4% are ready to leave a wife who has received a disability due to any other disease. I think that even if the survey included not mental illness, but even ordinary tantrums, the numbers would be the same. Men can't stand tantrums! Do not get on their nerves and always be adequate!

4. One of the good reasons that men consider valid for divorce is the following. Wife interferes with the husband's communication with his child from his first marriage . So decided 44% of respondents. The figure is quite large, especially in comparison with other reasons. So, girls, it's better not to even try to wean a man from his children. It will come out more expensive. Better build bridges!

5. The same number of men - 44% - are ready to leave their wives who trying to change their appearance to suit their tastes. Therefore, we girls need to know that trying to turn our cute hippo into an athletic handsome man contains great risks. Even if you started a change for his own good. So, never let a man think that you want to change him. Let him always believe that he himself made this or that decision.

6. The sixth place on our list is the wife of the “saw” type. Throw a woman who constantly reproaches her husband with small earnings, 42% of respondents are ready. So, lovers of making a disgruntled face, you should know. Your grumbling can cost you your marriage with a 42% chance. Conclusion - earn yourself and live in peace. Inspire, do not saw, otherwise a divorce cannot be avoided!

7. The same number - 42% of the votes - was won by women who allow their parents to interfere in family life. Keep this in mind every time your mom calls or visits. Be especially careful if you live in the same area.
8. Again, 42% of men will leave a woman if she asks him to. quit the job of life and get a better job. Maybe the point is again in the hated "sawing" and imposing one's opinion on a man. A smart wife will always make it so that the necessary decision will come to the man's head.

9. By the way, with my wife, infected her husband with syphilis, only 39% of men are ready to leave. So think for yourself what is more profitable - constant daily eating of brains or a single syphilis. Men choose syphilis. It's less of a problem!

10. 35% of men will leave their wife, which began to receive more, and daily reproaches this circumstance. Big number! Yes, it's almost like syphilis! Think again before turning on the "saw"!

The conclusion from all these points is obvious. Do not let men doubt their love, do not saw them in vain and do not impose your decisions. Do not build obstacles for communication with children, do not let your mother-in-law into the family, and do not reproach with money. And everything will be fine. And if you really want to choose something from this list, then it’s better to infect men with syphilis. But don't drink.

Got it girls? Guys, do you agree?

Why do men leave their seemingly wonderful and beautiful girls, wives? The answer is “because they are all dirty pigs!” not very convincing. Men do not leave just like that, because something has come into their heads, men leave for good reasons for them.

It is useful for all girls to read this article: some to try to understand why they are being abandoned, others to “arm themselves with knowledge” and prevent the occurrence of one of the situations when a man decides to break off relations with his lady.

I’ll make a reservation right away that there can be a million reasons: she cheated, she changed, she kicked out because she drank, he never loved her (), he realized that he had become gay, his parents were blackmailing him, etc. etc. However, there 6 most common, most mundane reasons , which ends a greater percentage of serious relationships. So,

Why do men leave their women and girls?


This is perhaps the most obvious and most common reason. Even if a man has not yet met this other and leaves for one of the five reasons below, he still leaves in order to one day find another, with whom there will not be (at least at first) what he leaves.

Very often, girls, having been in a serious relationship for quite a long time, stop trying to be special for a man. Girls think like this: “We have love! I give him what no other can give, because love is the most valuable thing that every person has.

And there is no longer a desire to be the sexiest, most attractive, most attractive for your man. There is no longer a motive to develop, improve character, be better and more beautiful for his sake. Why? Because the goal has already been achieved: "He loves me."

Such a girl ceases to evoke emotions in a man, arouse passion in him. She becomes his friend and sister. And while she thinks that everything is in order, since they have love, around a man (we still live in society) there are bright, sexy girls who breathe femininity and those emotions that, as it seems to him, he will never will not test with his girlfriend.

He could if the girl wanted to, but the girl does not need it anymore, the girl thinks that they have come to something long and lasting, to something that will not break now. And a man thinks that he will never experience that passionate attraction, that desire to conquer and conquer, that satisfaction that he experienced before.

Everything becomes boring, mundane and unemotional. And he goes to another - to the one that will again let him feel it all.

To prevent this from happening, remember that you are not just a person, but a girl, attractive and cool. And remind your man of this. Just do not remind with words, they say, hey, at least look at what a treasure is next to you - but remind with yourself. Flirt with your man again, act like a woman, seduce him, fall in love with you all over again.

Sex is no longer the same or non-existent

And this is again a consequence of the fact that the girl "settled down". She seems to forget how and with what she knew how to turn on her man, what kind of voice she had when she flirted with him, what underwear she wore, what atmosphere she created.

Now the girl is waiting that since “they are in love”, a man will turn on even from one look of her in an old sweater and home sweats, unpainted and with a strange bump on her head. “Because now we are not having sex, but love, this is something much deeper and appearance is not important here.”

Try to always be the same for a man, attractive, sexy, interesting, tickling his instincts. Relationships depend very much on the sexual life of partners.

Life pressure

In a family, and even just in a serious relationship, life is somehow present, and this is normal. It is not normal for a relationship - this is when life overshadows everything else.

I foresee indignation: we both work, I get tired just the same, so I still have to spend time and energy on putting myself in order, on household chores, looking happy and ready for sex - but what the hell is necessary!

I agree - it's difficult. But: we know that the world is not perfect. And we have the right to refuse unnecessary efforts, but then we should not be surprised that a man decided to leave - this is also his right. Men will NEVER understand that even self-care takes time and effort. All they see is that the girl has stopped taking care of herself, which means she doesn’t want to like me, which means she doesn’t need it and she doesn’t respect me. I will find another who will want to like me and will always look great.

And one more important point: if you don’t have the strength left for yourself, then it’s very important to ask yourself the question: didn’t I take on too much and? And why did I choose a man who only works, and I work, and cook, wash, clean, and take care of yourself, and be kind to always be joyful and cheerful?

All the time together, in everything

Do you want to hang out with your friends at the club? I'm with you. Do you want to watch hockey? No, we will watch 50 shades of gray together. Do you want to go fishing? No, we'll go shopping to buy me new jeans and boots.

There is nothing wrong when a couple really wants to do everything together. But in most cases, girls force their men to do something that they would rather not do.

I had a friend who dragged her boyfriends to every meeting with her friends, to shopping, to dance classes, to girly films in the cinema. They left her, and every time she thought: why do all the guys leave me? And why did this guy leave me? After all, I gave him a new, interesting life ... After all, I want to be with my man all the time - is that bad?

Each person should have their own time. If a person does not need personal time, he is dependent on another, and this is scary.

But the trouble is not in this, but in the fact that we are all people, different, autonomous, we lived before meeting our loved ones and we had our own hobbies, interests, favorite things.

And if for the sake of a relationship you constantly have to give up all this in favor of the girl’s desires, this is not ice. Because it is violence against the existing personality. A man will leave to look for one that will respect his interests and his personal time.

No implementation

This is a consequence of the previous point. Girls who believe that a man “should” (must fulfill their every whim, must always give up his favorite activities for the sake of their favorite activities, must participate in absolutely everything, must be there every minute) lock the potential of their man.

A man is not a personal servant who should always help in everything. And if, because of a girl, a man does not have enough time for his own affairs, for the fulfillment of his desires, for the realization of his projects, the man will leave the girl and go free - because it is freedom that the outside world will represent to him - a world that allows him to direct his energy and strength for what he really wants.

Therefore, give a man the freedom to accomplish within your relationship, motivate him, support his undertakings and thank him for his efforts. And then he will dedicate his victories to you.

The girl shows another "I"

This may be the case when, after getting married, the girl stopped pretending to love a man, and let him know that she was with him for the money. Or the case when a girl, having conquered a man, hourly pours on him streams of jealousy, which she had previously restrained.

But more often than not, something else happens: the girl becomes either a capricious child (I don’t want it, I don’t want it, constant tantrums, tears and “you don’t love me”), or becomes a mommy (did you eat? Did you poop? what kind of cheeks we have ...).

As a life partner, real men do not need either mommy or baby doll. They need an adequate, equal girl who will - when it is appropriate! - support, cause a desire to help, will be a good companion or a passionate lover.

Remember: men don't just leave. Take care of yourself, develop, do not let everyday life absorb you. Together with you, your man will become better.

If you get thrown all the time

And if suddenly you are that girl who is constantly abandoned for reasons unknown to you, understand that some your habits, attitudes, attitudes and relationship building skills are not working or work very crookedly. And then they need to be changed for others so that you become the girl that only an idiot will leave, because you are a treasure.

You can change your habits, skills and attitudes by trial and error, spending years and years.

Or you can take a good course (and I, as a happy wife and as a girl who has taken 3 dozen different courses over the past five years (I have such a hobby), I advise the second option, because your time is more valuable than money, and you will get the result from the course very quickly, without spending years on various research).

There are a lot of relationship coaches out there. I can advise only four (the rest of those from whom I studied are either neither fish nor meat, or a waste of money and time).

It is in terms of building relationships from scratch, leading to a wedding, that I recommend Yulia Lanske. And if your personal life categorically does not suit you, and your skills and habits in relationships lead to the fact that relationships deteriorate over and over again, start by visiting these free lessons.

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