When can a child be given adult tea. Can children have black tea? The impact of tea components on the children's body

Tonic drinks were used from Ancient Russia to Ancient Egypt. Decoctions that differ in taste were drunk by Slavs, Incas, Indians, Vikings, pharaohs, shamans, samurai and monks, endowing tea with truly magical and healing properties.

There were legends and myths about him.

And what about in the modern world: at what age can tea be given to a child? How to introduce tea into complementary foods? We will talk about this in today's article.

The benefits of tea

Tea is a drink with a huge list of healing qualities. It has more than 300 chemical compounds, such as: alkaloids, tannins and organic substances, vitamins, esters and amino acids.

Some of them are found only in tea.

Drinking a properly brewed drink in moderation:

  • normalizes the work of the heart, blood pressure, digestion and has a beneficial effect on the work of the gastrointestinal tract in general;
  • treats typhoid fever and intestinal disorders;
  • has bactericidal and adsorbing properties;
  • strengthens blood vessels and capillaries;
  • improves blood quality;
  • restores the liver;
  • reduces bad cholesterol;
  • acts as a tonic and diaphoretic for colds;
  • stimulates the genitourinary, nervous system and kidneys;
  • removes radioactive substances;
  • improves metabolism;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • relieves migraines and fatigue, improves thinking.

The list is endless, but what effect does tea have on the child's body and at what age can it be given to a child.

Harm of tea for children

The benefits of this drink for an adult are obvious, but up to a year the body is hypersensitive to any new foods and liquids, so it is recommended to be careful with juices up to a year, but what about tea?

Substances that make up tea can adversely affect children's health:

  1. Tannin prevents the formation of vitamin D and the absorption of iron, which in turn leads to a decrease in hemoglobin and rickets;
  2. Oxalic acid provokes the development of caries on fragile children's enamel and leads to darkening of milk teeth;
  3. Purine is involved in the formation of uric acid, which affects the increased work of the kidneys and the accumulation of harmful salts.

In addition, tonic drinks, which include tea:

  • may cause allergic reactions;
  • disrupts sleep, up to nightmares (read the article on this issue: Why do children sleep poorly?>>>);
  • acts too exciting and leads to hyperactivity;
  • speeds up the heartbeat;
  • impairs memory.

Up to a year, it is better to refrain from introducing tea into complementary foods. The main drink for a child up to a year is ordinary clean water.

A sense of proportion is the key to success

A tonic drink is useful for both adults and children, but everything needs a reasonable approach and a sense of proportion.

Until now, tea, whether black, green, red or yellow, is drunk all over the world, but the statements at what age a child can tea are different.

  1. If the older generations began to introduce any complementary foods very early, now the introduction of complementary foods to children is scientifically justified only after 6 months. And tonic drinks are recommended to be introduced as late as possible;
  1. In the region of 1 year, you can give tea to a child, slightly diluted. This means that the drink should be light golden in color, but not dark and odorous;
  2. Green tea has a huge content of tannin and theine, so it is better to postpone acquaintance with it until 3-4 years;
  3. Black tea should be given no later than 5 p.m.
  4. In any case, you should start with 1 teaspoon, observing the reaction of the body. If there is no allergy and other negative consequences, the dose can be increased to:
  • 50 ml up to 4 times a week from 2 years;
  • 100 ml every other day after 3 years;
  • 200 ml of drink brewed in the usual way after 6 years.

Teas with additives

In folk medicine, teas with honey, mint, and lemon are also widely used. However, there are limitations here too:

  1. From a well-known sedative, mint can easily turn into an exciting drink;
  2. Honey and citrus fruits are considered strong allergens;
  3. Herbs, such as chamomile, are also not suitable for all children.

Moreover, this also applies to the well-known granular instant teas. The same fennel tea, recommended since the month and the common "Hippo" teas, which many people buy from birth.

Remember! A baby up to 6 months does not need additional supplementation with water or teas.

Any tea offered to an infant can adversely affect the formation of the gastrointestinal microflora and lead to allergic reactions.

  • Children older than a year can be given tea, teas with additives quench their thirst and have a healing effect;
  • Tea with honey can be used for children with colds and to boost immunity;
  • Chamomile teas are excellent at fighting dysbacteriosis and throat infections (by the way, read the article How to protect your child from colds >>>);
  • Tea with lemon can be given to a child after two years to replenish vitamin C. Lemon tea is also indicated for the treatment and prevention of influenza and SARS;

The lemon itself can be introduced into complementary foods from 9-11 months (read the useful article

Article last updated: 04/24/2018

The first year of life is the most important stage in the development of the baby. During this period, he receives everything he needs with breast milk. After six months, parents ask themselves questions about what else to introduce to children in the diet, how to properly introduce new foods into the daily menu. What else can you drink? Today we will talk about ordinary tea, which is present daily in the life of every family. When can I give my child tea, how much, can the baby drink this drink with sugar? These and many questions will be discussed in our article.

Pediatrician, pediatric cardiologist

  • The main ingredient in tea is tannin. Has tannic properties. Important! Tannin binds iron and prevents it from being absorbed, which, in turn, leads to a decrease in hemoglobin, and accordingly, the risk of anemia increases. Also, one of the negative properties of this substance is an obstacle to the formation of vitamin D, which is fraught with the development of rickets;
  • theine has a stimulating effect, has a beneficial effect on intestinal motility;
  • oxalic acid, which is part of the composition, binds calcium, which provokes the development of caries on delicate milk teeth.

    Dentist Natalya Yuryevna: “Recently, cases of caries in young children have become more frequent. It is important to understand that the enamel of the teeth of babies is very vulnerable to the action of external factors, and tea is no exception”;

  • One of the important components of tea drinks is purine bases, which lead to the formation of uric acid. Accordingly, there is a huge load on the baby's kidneys;
  • flavonoids are excellent antioxidants that remove salts of heavy metals;
  • methionine is a substance that can normalize the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates in the body.

Many adults cannot imagine their life without tea. But, it should be borne in mind that for a child, drinking a large amount of tea is a huge burden on the body.

From how many months can you give tea to babies?

The optimal age when you can give tea to children is from one and a half to two years.

Many mothers do not comply with this age criterion. Children are soldered with tea from the age of 6 months, which is wrong. And tea is absolutely contraindicated for newborn children.

It is better to brew tea for a baby in leaf form. Tea bags contain a lot of harmful impurities that can cause allergies.

Use freshly brewed tea. When boiled again, the beneficial properties of the tea drink disappear, and it can even be harmful.

When can you give your child tea? It is better to do this before five o'clock in the evening. This is due to the fact that tea has an invigorating effect, and if you give it later, it will be difficult for the child to fall asleep.

Tea can only be given not too strong, as excessive strength has an aggressive effect on the delicate gastric mucosa. It is advisable to drink this drink warm.

The child can be given tea with milk or sugar. Milk has a neutralizing effect on some of the harmful properties of tea. And you can drink such a drink by half diluting the tea with milk.

Dairy supplement is capable of:

Sugar is best used in minimal quantities. If there is no allergy, then sugar can be replaced with honey.

Impurities in the form of herb thyme, mint, lemon balm and chamomile are perfect for tea. They have a calming effect and a wonderful aroma.

Black tea or green

Green tea should not be given to children. This is due to the fact that it has a higher content of tannin and theine, compared to black.

Is it possible for children to have green tea at all, parents will ask? Drinking green tea is recommended from school age.

Komarovsky O. E .: “Certainly, tea is good for the child's body, but everywhere you need to know when to stop. At the beginning of the first complementary foods, it is not forbidden to give a teaspoon of tea, this is somewhere from 6 months. It is better, of course, to start with a black variety. In the presence of allergic reactions, tea should be discontinued. At 2 years old, you can again try to introduce a tea drink.

It is important to know that the main source of nutrition in children under 6 months is. A small children's body does not need daily use of tea drinks. A few times a week is enough.

The early introduction of tea into the child's menu can harm the development of neurons in the cerebral cortex, which can later manifest itself in a tendency to lie and excessive fantasy in the baby.

Also, pharmacies sell special children's teas that can be used to supplement children up to a year old. Some have a mild sedative effect.

Mother of twins Olga, 28 years old:“My daughters had trouble sleeping. I began to give in the evening a little tea with mint, lemon balm, fennel. The effect was already visible after three days. Children began to fall asleep faster, wake up less at night.

It is better to choose leaf tea in stores, or in proven markets. You should also pay attention to expiration dates.

At the end of the article, you can safely answer the question, can children have tea? Can. But you should take into account the measure and age limits.

Can a child have tea? - parents ask themselves, brewing another cup of aromatic drink. After all, tea gives us warmth, cheerfulness, taste. Of course, no one talks about black tea, it can be given in a weak dilution only after a year. But herbal teas have a lot of useful properties and often help to cope with diseases without drugs.

For example:

  • We drink chamomile, linden, raspberry tea for colds, for prevention during epidemics of viral infections;
  • Tea with lemon balm or mint helps to calm down and cope with sleep disorders;
  • Fennel, chamomile, anise are used for digestive disorders.

When and what kind of tea can be given to a child?

So from how many months can you give your child tea and what kind? Preference is given to special children's herbal tea. One-component tea, such as fennel, can be given from the 1st month, this is an excellent remedy for colic. Tea, which contains several herbs, is offered to children from 4 months. One of the conditions for the use of such tea is the absence of an allergy to any component of the drink.

At what age can you give tea to a child, the pediatrician will tell you. It depends on what problem you want to solve.

  • If the baby has colic or digestive problems, it is suitable, which you can drink from a month.
  • If the child has a reddened throat, a cough has begun, you can give chamomile tea from 1 month. First give half a teaspoon to observe the reaction. Then you can give 1-2 teaspoons, and for children from one to five years old - half a cup 2-3 times a day. Make sure the drink is slightly yellow.
  • When sleep is disturbed, the child falls asleep badly or wakes up often, useful children's tea "" will come in handy, which contains fennel, chamomile, and lemon balm. This is a good prevention of many problems and a way to deal with ailments, which in turn contributes to a calm sleep of the baby. You can give such tea 2-3 teaspoons when the baby is 4 months old. Tea has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, improves digestion, and is an excellent prevention of colds.

It can be advised to drink children's tea and nursing mothers. Through breast milk, nutrients will reach the baby.

The best tea for children.

You can find out which children's tea is better by the following criteria:

  • Good tea is made from natural raw materials grown in ecologically clean areas (the environs of Moscow and other large cities, unfortunately, do not belong to them);
  • Preservatives, flavors, granules and other chemicals should not be used in its production;
  • Tea must comply with all norms and requirements for the quality of baby food established by the legislation of Russia.

Now you know what kind of tea you can give children to drink. Herbal children's tea is the best solution for those who are trying to protect their child from unnecessary drugs, preferring natural remedies.

Since tea contains caffeine, which stimulates the nervous system and tannin, which has astringent properties, it is recommended to introduce it into the diet of a child after 1 year. If you overdo it with caffeine, the child will be very excited, if with tannin, the absorption of iron will worsen. A m

When a child is older than a year, tea will only benefit him, as it contains many biologically active substances.

Tea composition

  • Caffeine. Most in green and hibiscus - 60-120 mg per cup. In black tea, there is much less caffeine - only 40-70, and in white - 5 mg.
  • Essential oils that give a unique aroma.
  • Tannins with astringent, hemostatic, antidiarrheal properties.
  • Amino acids, especially glutamine.
  • Vitamins A, groups B, PP, C, K.
  • A small amount of trace elements.

To answer the question of how many months you can give tea to a child, you must first understand that tea is different, and, accordingly, has a different effect on the body. Pediatricians recommend giving children black tea, as green and hibiscus contain high levels of caffeine, and white is difficult for digestion.

Other types of tea

But there are other varieties of tea, what to do with them? Can children have mint or herbal tea? What useful properties do they have? In this regard, pediatricians warn parents. Despite the fact that mint has a sedative property and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, this only applies to the adult body. Substances contained in mint are potent and can cause allergies or intolerances in children. At what age it is possible to give such tea to children, it is difficult to answer, since the effect of mint on the body of children under one year old has not been fully studied. The same applies to linden tea, chamomile, St. John's wort, etc. Herbs must be treated very carefully, it is allowed to buy teas only in a pharmacy, where it is indicated that they are allowed for monthly babies.

How to give tea to a child?

Each type of tea must be brewed correctly so that it retains a maximum of useful properties and aroma. Brew for the baby 50 mg of a leaf in 150-200 ml of hot water (important - not boiling water!). The child should be given tea 1-2 times a day. Do not give it before bedtime, otherwise the baby will not fall asleep. Lemon or honey can be added for flavor if the child is not allergic.

For newborns, herbal teas are suitable, these are sold in pharmacies. For example, teas based on chamomile, lemon balm, fennel and anise help with colic.

With the birth of a child, a young mother is always worried about the introduction of new products into the baby's diet. What foods can and can't be given? And if so, in what quantities? Often this question arises in relation to such a popular drink as tea.

Consider at what age appears tea in children's diet, which types of tea are useful, and which ones should be postponed.

1. Children under one year old

Everyone knows that the best drink and food for very young children is breast milk. Therefore, if you still decide to diversify the child’s menu and give him tea (for example, in extreme heat), then it is better to give preference special children's teas. Such teas are made, in most cases, by pharmaceutical companies that make sure that their teas are as healthy and harmless as possible for children.

In addition, there are now children's herbal teas, which can help your baby with some of the problems of infants, such as colic. Such teas are infused mainly with chamomile or fennel, and, as you know, it is these plants that can relieve spasms in young children.

Also, herbal teas promote sound sleep, improve digestion and appetite in infants.

Like any other product, tea should be introduced gradually to the baby to avoid an allergic reaction.

Teas allowed to drink babies from 1 month(according to indications) - fennel, chamomile.

Teas to drink children from 4 months(according to indications) - single-component teas, with a therapeutic effect.

Multi-component medicinal teas after consultation with a doctor - after 6 months.

Types of tea for babies:

- in sachets(in special bags there are tea leaves and herbs, fruit additives, inflorescences);

- in granules(a dry powder that dissolves well in water. Such teas almost always contain sucrose or dextrose to improve the taste)

2. Children over one year old

Most children drink plenty of fluids, so tea can also be given to expand the drinking ration.

What tea is healthier for a child?

Preference should be given green tea or herbal, they contain fewer substances that adversely affect the nervous system. Green tea contains vitamins, phenolic derivatives, zinc, fluorine, which have a positive effect on the child's body.

Green tea has recently become a very popular drink, a wide selection of tea varieties is presented in specialized stores, in the online tea store.

The main criterion when buying tea for a child- this is the absence of flavors, dyes and preservatives. Therefore, before buying tea for a child, carefully read the composition indicated on the box, most often cheap, with a strong smell of fruits or herbs, teas contain artificial flavors.

If you want to get fragrant tea., use natural ingredients prepared in advance - sprigs and leaves of black currant, cherry, mint leaves, oregano, linden blossoms, chamomile flowers.

When and how much to give?

It is better to give tea to a child in the morning, no more than one or two cups a day.

Tea should be necessarily weak, freshly brewed and warm, and not hot or cold.

The use of strong tea in large quantities causes excitation of the nervous system in children, increases the heart rate, causes insomnia, and can lead to disruption of the intestines.

How useful is tea?
Tea is very useful to drink for children suffering from excessive appetite and weight, as tea is able to break down fats, normalize bowel function, and improve the separation of gastric juice.
The high fluoride content will help strengthen bones, nails and teeth. Sometimes green tea It is recommended to rinse your mouth to strengthen tooth enamel. Therefore, moderate consumption of weak tea is good for the child.

Original tea recipe from Chef Artyom 🙂

(All hot summer Artyom delighted us with a delicious refreshing drink, the recipe of which is simple):

Fresh peppermint leaves are poured with boiling water.

For 2 liters of drink, add a lemon cut with a peel (half).

Sugar to taste.

Let stand and cool.


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