Interesting tasks in English for children All about me (book). English for Kids: Online Resources to Bookmark! Simple tasks for children in English

The use of games in English classes with preschoolers in kindergarten

Description: This development is intended for English teachers working with preschool children. This material can be used by teachers in English classes in kindergarten.
The game, as you know, is the main activity of a preschool child. It serves as a kind of common language for all children. The use of the game as one of the methods of teaching a foreign language greatly facilitates the learning process, makes it closer and more accessible to children.
At every minute of the lesson, it is necessary to maintain children's interest, to cause joy, delight, admiration through outdoor games, toys, magical transformations.
The game is suitable for any type of lesson and type of learning, allows you to optimize the process of memorizing educational material, creates a genuine situation of communication, and contributes to the development of children's communicative competence.
The game is not an end in itself, but is used in combination with other learning technologies.
Practice shows a positive impact on the educational process of all types of games: didactic, mobile, creative. Each game performs its function, contributing to the accumulation of language material in the child, the consolidation of previously acquired knowledge, the formation of speech skills and abilities. Games are one of the methods of health-saving technologies.
Games are used for various purposes:
when introducing and consolidating knowledge of vocabulary and models of a foreign language;
for the formation of skills and abilities of oral speech;
as a form of independent communication of children in a foreign language.
Practice shows that the formation of communication skills in preschoolers through the study of English in the form of a game contributes to the development of the ability to cooperate with each other, actively listen, develop auditory perception, obey the rules

1. Game activity as the main component of English classes
"When a child plays, he always strives to go forward, not backward. In games, children seem to do everything together: their subconscious, their mind, their fantasy" work "synchronously."
(A.N. Simonova)

I, like every teacher, want my children to successfully learn English, to study with interest and desire in the classroom. Parents of children are also interested in this.
And I set myself the goal of promoting the formation of cognitive interest among preschoolers in English classes by using game methods as a means of enhancing cognitive activity in English classes.
At preschool age, the leading activity is play, in which the child learns the world around him. With the help of gaming technologies in English classes, you can achieve several goals at once:
expand and consolidate the studied lexical and grammatical material;
develop children's speech skills;
develop memory, attention, intelligence, imagination of children;
create an atmosphere of search and creativity in the classroom;
to develop creative activity, initiative, creativity of children;
learn to cooperate in diverse groups;
relieve emotional stress, monotony.
The game forms a steady interest in the further study of the English language, as well as confidence in the successful mastery of it. But I want to note that the game has not only motivational functions.
A game is a kind of social practice, an effective reproduction of life phenomena outside of a real practical setting. Game activity in the English class not only organizes the process of communication, but also brings it as close as possible to natural communication. The task of the teacher, according to the statement of Anatole France, is "to awaken the curiosity of children in order to further satisfy it."
Games should correspond to the level of preparation of children and be necessary for the passage of certain lexical material. With the help of the game, pronunciation is well practiced, lexical material is activated, listening and speaking skills are developed. With its help, you can relieve psychological fatigue; it can be used to mobilize the mental efforts of children, to develop their organizational skills, instill self-discipline skills, and create an atmosphere of joy in the classroom.
The use of gaming moments in the classroom contributes to the activation of the cognitive and creative activities of preschoolers, develops their thinking, memory, fosters initiative, and allows you to overcome boredom in teaching a foreign language. Games develop intelligence and attention, enrich the language and consolidate the vocabulary of children, focus on the shades of their meaning. The game can make the child remember the past, replenish their knowledge.
At the beginning of the lesson, I conduct phonetic games “Tongue for a walk”, “Pass the sound”, “Breeze”, “Last sound”, “Sound”, “Words” or role-playing games - when a guest comes to class and the children get to know him using previously studied speech patterns “Hello! How are you?
In the middle of the lesson, I also use a selection of games that are appropriate for the topic of the lesson and the age of the children. There can be any games here - both didactic and role-playing, mobile, business, etc.
A large place in the piggy bank of games is occupied by phonetic games. And the first place here is given to fairy tale exercises for articulatory gymnastics. Everyone in the piggy bank has one, or even more than one. The heroes of such fairy tales are the Tongue, the Bee, the Snake, the Wind and just magical animals. What these fairy tales have in common is that they are all excellent helpers for practicing the pronunciation of difficult sounds, and their indisputable advantages are the ability to compose a fairy tale based on the characteristics of the group as a whole and taking into account the individual characteristics of children, as well as the ability to take into account the urgent needs of learning. Gradually, the role of the storyteller can be transferred to those children who make difficult sounds better, to include an element of competition.

Games for the senior group

The game “Let’s lay the table” on the topic “Food. Meals»
Children are offered: "Let's lay the table." A table with toy fruits, vegetables, food, etc. is placed in front of the children, an assistant is selected. The assistant follows the teacher's commands:
Take a banana. Put the banana on the table.
Take a cheese. Put the cheese on the table.

The game “What can you do?” on the topic "Animals. Animals»
Children are invited to imagine themselves as some kind of animal and to the question “What can you do?” they should reply: "I can run/jump/swim/fly"

Game "Fox" on the topic "Animals. Animals»
(rooster runs out)
Cockerel: Hello! I am a cock.

Cockerel: I am a cock! Who are you?
Children (calling cockerel): Run away! (Run!)
Cockerel (running away in fear): Goodbye!
(A bunny appears in the clearing)
Bunny: Hello! I am a cock.
Children (greeting him): Hello!
Fox (sneaking up to the cockerel): Hello! Who are you?
Bunny: I am a cock! Who are you?
Fox (in a sly voice): I am a fox.
Children (calling cockerel): Run away! (Run!)
Bunny (running away in fear): Goodbye!

(If the fox catches a cockerel or a bunny, the game continues with other characters)

The game “Hey, Mr. Snowman” on the topic “Parts of the body. Parts of the body” and “New Year in England. New Year's Day in England
Children collect a snowman to the song.
I went walking
through a winter wonderland
and spied a frosty snowman
who needed a hand.
Hey, Mr. Snowman, what do you need?
"I need BLACK EYES. Put them on me."
Hey, Mr. Snowman, what do you see?
"I see an ORANGE CARROT. Put it on me."
"I see a BLACK TOP HAT. Put it on me."
Hey, Mr. Snowman, now what do you see?
"I see some BROWN STICKS. Put them on me."
Hey, Mr. Snowman, now what do you see?
"I see a GREEN SCARF. Put it on me."
Hey, Mr. Snowman, now what do you see?
"I see some PINK MITTENS. Put them on me."
Hey, Mr. Snowman, now what do you see?
"I see some BLUE BUTTONS. Put them on me."
Hey, Mr. Snowman, now what do you see?
"I see some YELLOW BOOTS. Put them on me."
Hey, Mr. Snowman, now what do you see?
"I see the coolest snowman ever. Me!"

Game "Find a baby for mom and dad" on the topic “My family. My Family" or "Animals. Animals»
The teacher draws the attention of the children to the car that brought the guests, and tells: once a calf, a kitten, a puppy and a foal ran away from their mother and got lost; the alarmed mothers went by car to look for them. Kitten, he was the smallest, stumbled and meowed. How did he meow? (Choral and individual answers). Cat-Cat heard him and called: "Meow-meow."
The teacher invites one of the children to take a cat from the back of the car (find it among other "moms" and "dads"), together with this toy, go to the table on which there are pictures of a kitten, foal, calf and puppy, and choose baby cat. During the assignment, children learn the words -Mother (mother), Father (dad)
Similarly, children perform three other tasks - to choose the right picture.

Game Feathers. Feathers” on the topic “Colors. Colors»
Children attach colored feathers to the bird, naming the color.
"White feather, white feather, what do you see?" (place the white feather on the turkey's back)
"I see a gold feather next to me." (place the gold feather on the turkey's back)
"Gold feather, gold feather, what do you see?"
… and it goes on from there with which ever color feathers you would like to use.

Running, running, running. Running, running, running (we run). Now let's stop. Now let "s stop (take any position).

Game "Steam Train"
The teacher will need a train (or any other machine with a body). The teacher is a machinist (driver). The letters are passengers. At each station, the teacher announces the number of the platform and the number of passengers who must board the car. The child puts letters.
Ask the child to imagine himself as this letter: “Now you are the letter Z, show which one you are.”

The game "Let's get acquainted - yellow -yellow" on the topic "Colors. Colors»
Purpose: to introduce children to color. Learn to find a color by pattern and name.
Equipment: a sheet of white paper, size A 4, yellow objects (flat and voluminous), a dwarf in yellow clothes ("Yellow"), yellow pencils.
Game progress: a gnome comes to visit. The teacher introduces the children to the gnome, says that his name is "yellow". He lives in the yellow country. The gnome brings only yellow items to the children. Children lay out objects on white sheets, examine them and circle them with a yellow pencil. The teacher conducts the game "Find the same" with the children, where the children choose yellow objects according to the model.
Exercise "One, two, three, bring yellow" - children in the surrounding space find yellow objects according to verbal instructions.
Similarly, familiarization with all the primary colors takes place.

The game "Treat the gnomes with fruits and vegetables" on the topic "Colors. Colors»
Purpose: to consolidate knowledge of the color spectrum in children.
Equipment: gnomes - yellow, red, green, blue, purple, orange.
A set of fruits: plum, orange, lemon, banana, red and green apple, pear, grapes:
A set of vegetables: eggplant, red pepper, yellow, green; carrot, tomato, cucumber.
Game progress: the gnomes came to visit. Children are offered to treat the gnomes with fruits (vegetables). What fruits and vegetables do you think gnomes like? For example, a yellow gnome loves a banana, a red gnome loves a red apple. Why do you think? Children treat the gnomes, call the colors in English.

The game "Who lives in the house?" on the topic "Colors. Colors»
Purpose: to fix the name of the flowers in English; develop logical thinking.
Equipment: pink, blue, gray houses; gnomes of the corresponding color.
Children are offered houses in which gnomes in colored clothes should be settled.
Pink house - pink gnomes,
Blue house - blue gnomes,
Gray gnome - gray gnomes.
Settling the gnomes, the children name the color in English.

Game "What has changed?"
Pictures on the topic or objects are laid out on the table, all the children look and remember, then 1 child turns away, and the rest of the children change the pictures (objects) in places. When the guesser calls what has changed, he translates the word into English.

Game "What is it?"
The box contains images of various items. The host distributes one picture to each participant in the game, and it is hidden from the rest. Each player (in turn) must tell about the object (or animal) depicted in him, without naming it. It is only allowed to characterize its properties and qualities (color, size, where it occurs, where it is used). The winner is the one who guesses the most images and names them in English.

Puzzle game
First, the baby is shown what should be the result. After that, the pieces of the puzzle are separated, mixed and offered to the child to be assembled into a whole. There are different types of such puzzles that you can make yourself. In this case, any postcard with a rather complex pattern is taken, or a picture from a magazine (it is better to stick it on thick paper first), cut along broken lines into parts, which are offered to the child to assemble the whole image. If possible, you can arrange a simultaneous competition between several children for the fastest assembly. After the child has collected the picture, he calls what is shown there in English.

The game "Who has a bear?" practicing phrases“Do you have…? No, I don't have. I have a..”
All the guys stand in a circle tightly shoulder to shoulder, everyone has their hands behind their backs, on command they will begin to pass a bear (or other toy) until the leader (his eyes are closed) in the center of the circle says “stop”. The toy remains with 1 person, the leader must find out where it is from 3 attempts.
- Do you have a bear (a ball)?
- No, I don't have (Yes, I have)

Game "What is missing?"
Pictures on the topic or objects are laid out on the table, all the children look and remember, then 1 child turns away, and the rest of the children remove 1 object that will need to be guessed and translated into English.

Zoo game
Children sit in a circle, receiving a picture without showing them to each other. Everyone should describe their animal, without naming it, according to this plan:
1. Appearance.
2. What does it eat.
3. What can do.
Having guessed the animal, the children call it in English: a cat, a dog, a mouse.

The game "Traffic light" on the topic "Colors. Colors»
Purpose: to fix the names of colors, to develop attention.
It is necessary to indicate the place of the start, beyond the line, all the guys are at the start, the leader (traffic light) is at the finish line. He shouts "Green color" (green light) - you can go, "Red color" (red light) - you need to freeze, whoever moves - drops out, the winner becomes the leader.

The game "Recognize the animal by description" on the topic "Animals. Animals»
Material: subject pictures with pets.
The teacher invites the children to find the animal that he will describe.
Teacher: this animal has a head, ears, sharp teeth, torso, legs, tail. She guards the house, likes to gnaw bones.
The child goes out and finds a picture with a dog, shows it to the children, calling it in English.

The game “Three little chicken” on the topic “Animals. Animals»
1 little chicken with yellow feet
1 little chicken with tail so neat
1 little chicken stands up tall
Mummy hen does love them all. (the hen hugs the chicks).
(the poem is repeated with movements).

The game “Snowball” on the theme “Animals. Animals»
The teacher throws the ball to the children and says the word in English.
1) they translate
2) depict this animal

Game "Translator"
The teacher throws the ball to the child, calls the word in English or Russian, he translates it and throws the ball back to the teacher.

Game “Snowmen and Sun”
Children are snowmen in masks, the teacher is the sun. On command - Run! -snowmen run away from the sun on the chairs.
Snow, snow
Snowmen grow! (snowmen grow - get up from their haunches, pull their hands up)
sun, sun
Snowmen run! (snowmen run away).

Ball game “Hello! Goodbye!” on the topic "Acquaintance"
Children throw the ball, say to each other - Hello!\Good-bye!

The game "Show me where the nose is?" on the topic "Parts of the body. Parts of the Body"
The teacher calls the children in turn to the toy, asks questions. The child shows and names the part of the body in English.
-show me, please, nose.

The game “Wolf and hares” on the topic “Numbers. numbers"
The wolf is sitting in the center, sleeping. Hares sing: What's time, Mr.Wolf? Wolf, calls the number. Hares, counting, approach the wolf. Having counted to the named number in English, the wolf jumps up and begins to catch hares.

The game "Journalist" on the topic "Acquaintance" or "Numbers. numbers"
One child becomes a journalist, interviews other children:
-how old are you?
-I'm 5.

Game "Labyrinth"
The teacher draws a labyrinth in advance, in which children will meet drawn animals, numbers, etc. Children lead along the path with a pencil, count or name the objects that they met in the maze.

Let's jump game
The teacher calls the number to the children and tells them what to do. For example:
-jump 3 times! (jump 5 times!)
-sit down 3 times! (squat 3 times).

Game "Name the number"
The teacher draws some numbers on the board. Then they are called in Russian and English. Children close their eyes, the teacher erases the number, the children guess and call in English.

Broken phone game
Children say to each other in the ear the English word that the teacher called.

The game "Who is the oldest?" on the topic “My family. My Family"
Children arrange pictures in circles in ascending order (which depict family members). The largest circle is grandfather and grandmother, a smaller circle is mom and dad, etc. then called in English.

The game "Tell me a word" on the topic "Parts of the body. Parts of the Body»
The teacher names a part of the body, the children say what they are doing with this part of the body. For example: hand- hand- clap, take objects. Leg - foot - walk, jump, etc.

Games for middle and senior group

These games can be used both in the middle and in the senior group. The teacher, adding additional words to these games, can complicate it for the older group.

The game “1,1,1,” on the topic “Numbers. numbers"
One, one, one
I can run - run in place
Two, two, two
I can jump two - jump
Three, three, three
Look at me - everyone gets into a funny pose.

The game "Feed the beast" on the topic "Animals. Animals” and on the topic “Food. Meals»
Faces of animals are glued to the paper baskets. Children throw balls or toy fruits into their mouths (name food in English), products and name the animal in English that they fed.

The game "Smilies" on the topic "Food. Meals»
Photos of fruits are printed on the page, next to each photo there is an empty column, the children draw happy or dissatisfied emoticons in it, and say I like ... I don’t like ....

Game song:“Walking, walking” fits any topic
Walking, walking. Walking, walking (we go in a circle) - Hop, hop, hop. Hop, hop, hop (jump).

Game: “Guess, who? on the topic “Animals. Animals»
The teacher shows the children the house. Children take turns opening the windows, calling the animals they see there. Similarly, such a game can be played on any topic of the lesson by changing the pictures in the windows.

The game "Glue a monster" on the topic "Parts of the body. Parts of the body" or "Numbers. numbers"
The teacher presents the children with a lot of paper legs, arms, heads and torsos, glue the monster, name the parts of the body, count the number of limbs.

Ball game “Touch” on the topic “Parts of the body. Parts of the body»
The teacher names a part of the body and throws the ball to the child, and he must touch this part of the body to the ball.

The game "What can you see?"
Prepare a card with a small hole in the middle. Cover a picture with the image of various objects with this card, leading a hole through the picture, give the children the opportunity to answer the question: “What is it?”

Game "Sound"
The teacher will need a chair or chairs, depending on how many children are playing the game. The teacher announces the main sound, such as S. The children begin to walk around the chairs, while the teacher slowly says any words in English. As soon as the teacher calls out a word beginning with the sound S, the children should take their place in the chairs. If the child sits most recently 3 times, he is out.

Game "Words"
The teacher pronounces Russian and English words. Children clap their hands when they hear an English word.

Word game "Last sound"
The teacher throws a ball to the child with any word, for example, CAT (cat). The child catches the ball, calls the last sound in this word and returns the ball to the teacher.

Wonderful suck game “Wonderful suck”
Organizing the game, the teacher selects objects familiar to the children. Having seated the children in a semicircle, so that all objects are clearly visible to them, the teacher conducts a short conversation. Then he asks several kids to repeat the names of objects, answer what they are for.
-Now we'll play. The person I call must guess what I will put in the bag. Masha, look carefully at the items that are on the table. Remember? Now turn away! I'll put the toy in the bag, and then you can guess what I put in. Put your hand in the bag. "What is it?" What is it? (Child's answer: This is a ...) You correctly named the object.
Other children can be called in this way.
In order to increase the complexity of the game, another rule is proposed: several toys are placed in a bag. None of the children know about them. The called child, putting his hand into the bag and feeling for one of the toys, talks about it. The bag will open if the children recognize the toy from the description.

The game "What is the object?"
Purpose: to learn to name an object and describe it.
At first, the teacher describes the toy: “It is round, blue, with a yellow stripe, etc.” The child takes out an object, a toy, from a wonderful bag, calls it (this is a ball).

Game “Shopping” on the theme “Food. Meals" or "Toys. toys»
The teacher invites the children to play in the store: “Let’s play shop!”. The seller and buyers are selected by the counting room. A dialogue takes place between them:
- May I come in? – Come in, please.
- Good morning! – Good morning!
- Give me, please a cat. – Here you are.
- Thank you. goodbye. - Goodbye.

The game “At the zoo” on the topic “Animals. Animals»
The teacher invites the children to go to the zoo. On the way to the zoo, the children sing a song together with the teacher:
We go, go, go
to the zoo,
to see brown bear
A big gray kangaroo!
At the zoo, the teacher, pointing to the animals, asks the children questions:
- What is this? – This is a crocodile.
Is this a little crocodile? – No, this is a big crocodile.
- There are dolphins, bears, lions.

Game "Tell me what?"
Purpose: To teach children to highlight the signs of an object.
The teacher (or child) takes objects out of the box, names them, and the children point to any sign of this object.
If the children find it difficult, the teacher helps: “This is a ball. What is he?

Game "Collect a snowman"
Purpose: development of the ability to perform actions with objects of different sizes, training of fine motor skills of the hand.
Move: the game uses balls of different sizes (can be replaced with planar images). The teacher invites the child to examine the details laid out in front of them, touch them, press them against each other. Then show the kid the finished snowman. It draws attention to the fact that the snowman consists of balls of different sizes: at the bottom - large, then - medium, at the top - the smallest. Invites the child to collect the same snowman from the balls.
The kid acts independently, the adult, if necessary, helps with advice. Having collected a snowman, the child calls him Snowman in English. You can arrange competitions between several children.

Game "What is missing?"
Pictures on the topic or objects are laid out on the table, all the children look and remember, then 1 child turns away, and the rest of the children remove 1 object that will need to be guessed and called in English.

Game "Wake up the cat"
Target. Activate the name of animal cubs in the speech of children.
Material. Animal costume elements (hat)
Game progress: One of the children gets the role of a cat. He sits down, closing his eyes (as if sleeping), on a chair in the center of the circle, and the rest, choosing the role of any animal cub at will, form a circle. The one whom the teacher points out with a gesture gives a voice (makes an onomatopoeia corresponding to the character). The task of the cat is to name who woke him up (cockerel, frog, etc.). If the character is named correctly, the performers switch places and the game continues.

The game "Wind"
Target. Development of phonemic hearing.
Game progress. Children stand in a circle. The teacher makes different sounds. If the children hear a sound, for example, y, raise their hands and slowly spin.
Sounds are pronounced y, and, a, o, y, and, y, a. Children, having heard the sound y, make the appropriate movements.

Little Frogs game.
Little frog, little frog (sing a song)
Hop! Hop! Hop! (frogs jump around the heron)
Little frog, little frog
Stop! Stop! Stop! (the frogs run away from the heron)

Owl game
Day-day-mice run around the clearing, the owl sleeps.
Night-night- the owl wakes up and catches mice.

“Show me, please” game

Game “What is missing?”
Children close their eyes on the command “Close your eyes”.
“Open your eyes” open your eyes and guess which toy is missing by calling it in English.

Yes-No game
The teacher or the child shows the children a toy, calls it incorrectly/correctly in English. Children do not / agree - Yes / No - yes / no.
-this is a cat
-no! This is a dog.

Big-Little Game
The teacher calls phrases, the children stand up or squat down, depicting how big or small this object is, pronounce phrases.
-big elephant (children stand up, stretch their arms to the sides)
-little mouse (children squat down)

Guess game
One child comes out, takes a card with a picture, the children ask in chorus: What do you have? He replies: I have a ...

Game "Who came?" on the topic "Animals. Animals»
Material: rope and bell.
Children sit on chairs. At some distance from them, ropes are stretched, to which a bell is suspended at the height of the children. The teacher calls two or three children to him and agrees: which of them will be who.
The first child runs up to the rope, jumps up and calls three times.
Children. Who's come?
Child. Woof woof woof!
Children guess that the dog has come, calling it in English. The child pretending to be a dog sits down. Another child runs up to the bell - the game continues.

The game “My animals” on the topic “Animals. Animals»
The teacher shows and calls the children pictures with animals, and they repeat. Then the children take out one picture and say: My cat, dog, frog, etc.).

Game "Following"
There are paper marks on the floor. Children step on footprints, count them in English from 1 to 5 or from 1-10.

Game “Grumble Box”
Children take out pictures of animals from the box, call them in English. If the children find it difficult, the box begins to “grumble” and close.

Game "Guess who"
The child is tied a scarf over his eyes, he takes a toy, calls it in English. Children disagree- Yes/no.

Game “How many?” on the topic "Numbers. numbers"
On the table are toys from 1-10 or 1-5. Children close their eyes on the command -close your eyes. I'm removing the toy. Open your eyes- open- count in English how much is left.
-how many?

Game "Cheerful little man"
The teacher draws on the blackboard a man with many eyes, arms or legs. Children count in English, erase the excess.

Game "Pass the Sound"
Children pass the ball to each other and say the sound that the teacher called.

Game "Across the river"
Children cross the painted river over pebbles, count them in English from 1 to 5 or 1-10.

The game "Helpers" on the topic "My family. My Family"
The teacher distributes pictures of family members to the children. Children call them in English and tell how they help them at home.

Touch game
The teacher calls the part of the body in English, the children touch.
-touch your nose/ear/head/etc.

The game “I will freeze” on the topic “Parts of the body. Parts of the Body"
The teacher shows the children Santa Claus mittens.
These are Santa's mittens. They can freeze anything they touch. Now I will name the part of the body in English, and you hide it, otherwise I will freeze it!
I say: freeze your nose! (Children hide their noses). Froze your ears! (Hide ears).

4. Games for the middle and 2nd junior group

These games are suitable for classes in the 2nd junior group, but can also be used in the middle group to consolidate lexical material and practice phonetics.

Game Go! Go! Go!"
Go! Go! Go! (we walk)
Quick and slow (we walk quickly, slowly)
Quick and slow
Tip-toe, tip-toe (on tiptoe)
Stop! (not moving, standing still).

The game “Bug” on the topic “Toys. toys»
On the table of toys, the teacher lays out a circle. In the center lies a toy ladybug. The teacher spins it. He stops at whom he points to, then the animal is called in English.

Game “The Cube”
Children roll a dice with animals, numbers, colors, etc. call what fell out.
-this is a cow/blue/etc.

“Show me, please” game
Children show a toy that the teacher calls in English, repeat its name in English.
-show me, please a monkey/cat/frog/etc.

Cat and mouse game
I am a mouse, (mice stroke the cat)
You are a cat
One, two, three
Catch me! (cat catches running mice).

Game "Pass the toy"
Children pass toys to each other, naming them in English.

Finger game “My family” on the topic “My family. My Family"
Mom - mother (bends her fingers)
Brother Brother
This is a Family - family, mom, dad, brother, sister and me!

The educational goal of the program "Entertaining English" for preschool age is to teach children the basics of English phonetics, the initial skills of English speaking to solve elementary communicative tasks in English within the framework of the topics proposed by the program. Games are a great help in achieving this goal. Their use gives good results, increases the interest of the children in the lesson, allows them to concentrate their attention on the main thing - mastering speech skills in the process of a natural situation, communication during the game.
The use of game moments in the English language classes contributes to the activation of the cognitive and creative activities of children, develops their thinking, memory, fosters initiative, and allows you to overcome boredom in teaching a foreign language. Games develop intelligence and attention, enrich the language and consolidate the vocabulary of preschoolers, focus on the shades of their meaning. The game can make the child remember the past, replenish their knowledge.
The game is characterized by an atmosphere of enthusiasm and joy, a sense of the feasibility of tasks - all this helps children overcome shyness that prevents them from freely using the words of a foreign language in speech, and has a beneficial effect on learning outcomes. At the same time, the language material is easier to assimilate - and at the same time a feeling of satisfaction arises - "it turns out that I can already speak on an equal footing with everyone."
For the teacher, the main thing to remember is that the game is only an element of the lesson, and it should serve to achieve the didactic goals of the lesson. Therefore, it is necessary to know exactly what kind of skill, skills are trained in this game, what the child did not know how to do before the game, and what he learned during the game.

Kids are a special people, requiring sensitive attention and constant interaction. We have already noted many times that learning a foreign language for children from 3 to 12 years old should be more like an exciting game than a strict school lesson. But many parents are wondering: how to combine English lessons and fun activities? In today's material, we will tell you several ways to help teach English to children in a playful way. But first, let us explain what is remarkable about this particular method of working with children.

There are quite a few approaches to learning English for children, but all of them, one way or another, contain game elements. This is due to the fact that children first of all need to be involved in foreign language classes. Not a single child will show a desire to sit behind boring books and notebooks.

In addition to the fact that the gaming method of teaching causes a desire to learn, it also develops:

  • memory and logical thinking;
  • fantasy and imagination;
  • conversational skills;
  • correct pronunciation;
  • teamwork skills.

And also a fun learning English will help you learn new vocabulary and grammar rules more easily.

But at the same time, a number of teachers and parents echoing them express concerns that the kid will not take the whole English language for a frivolous lesson and another toy? Not at all, especially if you show by your own example that knowing another language is an interesting and useful thing.

Now that the doubts about the effectiveness of the methodology have been dispelled, we will consider interesting ways in which such training is carried out.

How to teach English to children in a playful way?

Entertaining English training for children can take place in a wide variety of forms.

Educational cards

An excellent developmental method for babies who are only 3-4 years old.

The cards are distinguished by a wide variety of thematic vocabulary. They help to learn the names of animals, and weather phenomena, and the designations of food and drinks, and popular verbs, and geometric shapes and toys in English. The list is endless. Moreover, you can independently make cards with any pictures and words.

To spend fun English for children, use a variety of card games. For example, the easy game "Track". The cards are laid out in the path along which the baby will go. The task of the child is to name the depicted pictures, symbols or figures in English.

Effectively develops mindfulness and memory unpretentious "Guess". Several cards are laid out on the table, which must be memorized in a certain time. At the end of the specified period, the kids turn away, and the leader removes one card. The task of the players is to correctly name the loss.

Another popular card entertainment is Bingo. It can be played both with one child and with a group of kids from 4 to 7 years old. The children are given prepared cards with pictures or words. The host calls the words, and the task of the players is to cross them out on their card. Whoever gets the crossed out row first wins.

Interactive material

All kids love active interaction with objects: feel, touch, disassemble. Take advantage of this curiosity.

For kids, you can buy voiced posters with the alphabet and numbers. As a rule, they sometimes also contain a small task to test knowledge and additional information, for example, the names of colors.

Other English topics: Writing a story about your favorite toy in English - vocabulary, examples

Older children can include a computer course. In such games, children, along with the main characters, get acquainted with new topics and perform interactive exercises in English. The computer program is something like a cartoon, but the user performs the main actions for the characters. Interesting plots and colorful design will attract children's interest in English lessons.

Songs and poems

What kid doesn't like to sing funny songs or learn folding rhymes? So show your child that this can be easily done in English too!

Rhymes help to get acquainted with new vocabulary and repeat already memorized words. And melodic songs can be used as a small exercise. Let the baby perform various movements and at the same time repeat English words. Such physical education sessions will appeal to all inquisitive fidgets.

It is noteworthy that there are a great many educational English songs for beginners in learning the language. They use the simplest grammatical constructions and thematic vocabulary. The number of topics is uncountable. In this form, the names of professions, and descriptions of people, and the names of interior items are presented. There are even songs in which the guys master geometric shapes, gaining the first knowledge of what geometry is.

As a rule, most of the songs are accompanied by colorful animation, which even more attracts the attention of the children and makes it easier for them to learn unfamiliar words. Many compositions also call for making various movements, repeating an already memorized verse, which contributes to the rapid memorization of new vocabulary.

In general, such entertainment will not only appeal to children of different ages, but will also become an effective assistant in learning English.


We already touched on this topic a little when we talked about flashcards and interactive material, but in this section we are interested in board games for learning English. Today on sale you can find many different options, but we will give the most popular and already trusted games by parents and children.


Make up a word and pronounce it. A game for young English lovers who are not yet 5 years old. It is accompanied by a set of letters, by which, by the way, you can learn the alphabet, and plates with pictures. The task of the children is to make a word from the letters that denotes this image.


A traditional game of independently compiling new words from the received letters. Suitable for older students.

The rules of this game are known to us from an adapted Russian version called "Erudite". The goal of the player is to make a word that will give as many points as possible. It is necessary to take into account not only the designations indicated on the letters, but also the bonus cells located on the field. Look in stores for the scrabble game in English.


Another game known to the Russian public. Alias, or “Say Different”, allows you to develop a large vocabulary of synonyms, adjectives and verbs. After all, the main task of the players in this game is to explain the word to a partner or team without naming its main designation.

For example, take the word cat. To let the player guess it, you can show the sounds “meow-meow”, describe the appearance of “fluffy ( fluffy), white ( white), tail ( tail)", call the actions "catches mice ( catches mice), walks in the garden ( walks in garden), sleeps on the chair ( sleeping on the chair).

Both individual players and whole teams can play. A limited time limit is given for explaining and guessing words. Such a game will allow you to conduct a very fun, dynamic and reckless English lesson.


The title translates as "tell a story". Actually, this is the essence of the game.

The set includes dozens of colorful double-sided cards. Each player gets his own picture, according to which he must come up with a plot and tell his story.

There is a simplified version of this fun - the players pass the card in a circle, coming up with sentences for the story in turn.

Choose the way that suits you and play with the whole family!


And this exciting game is suitable only for those who are already well versed in English.

The essence of the game is the correct compilation of sentences of various types: statements, questions, denials. At the same time, all tenses of the Simple aspect, as well as Present Continuous and Present Perfect are worked out. In fact, the entire basis that you need to know to achieve an average level of knowledge.

So that the game does not seem too complicated, variants of subjects and predicates have already been added to the field, which you just need to put in the correct form. And special pointer words will help determine the time. A very good game for practicing the studied grammar.

It is also worth noting other board games in English, which are a traditional set: a field and chips. In such sets, you should pay attention to the content of the field. Often it uses thematic questions, and the task of the player who got to this cell is to answer them in detail. Such mini-games also help to develop communication skills.

Riddles and puzzles

All children are different. Someone likes to move more and have fun, while someone likes to delve into the meaning of tasks and guess the answers using logical connections. Young intellectuals can be offered to solve riddles and puzzles in English as fun activities.

With this, everything is simple. Ready-made puzzles for kids of different ages can be found in the adjacent material. And pictures with puzzles are located right in this article.

In addition, you can always easily come up with your own puzzles for your kids. It is enough to take 2-3 simple words with pictures and combine one new expression from all the letters received. Such an intellectual game will not only develop the children's logical thinking, but also teach new vocabulary.


And, of course, not a single English lesson for children in a playful way is complete without educational videos and cartoons.

With kids, you can watch colorful videos with songs and rhymes, as well as simple thematic stories on various topics: at the zoo, my schedule, family, days of the week and months, etc.

With older kids, you should switch to watching small cartoons. You can use videos with already familiar characters. So, several series of such famous cartoons as "Fixies", "Masha and the Bear", "Prostokvashino" and others have been translated into English.

And with very experienced guys, you can try to watch famous American animated series in the original: Batman, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Princess Sofia, Mickey Mouse Adventures, DuckTales, etc.

That's how many different ways the game method of teaching English involves. Choose methods that interest you and alternate their use in your classes. Most importantly, do not forget to pay attention to the reaction of the child: whether he likes this form of work or not. Then the kids will not get bored, and the parents will be satisfied with the effectiveness of the lessons.

Good luck in improving your knowledge and see you soon!

It is known that the best motivation for successful learning is interest. It is especially important to maintain interest in the subject among modern schoolchildren, who, with the advent of the Internet, have unlimited access to entertainment resources. In addition to monotonous tasks in grammar, reading texts and performing standard exercises, the process of teaching a foreign language must necessarily include game elements that can arouse students' interest in the subject. Interesting tasks in English help students to focus, tune in to learning a foreign language and better remember new material.

Task for grade 1 (6-7 years). hand puppet

The level of socialization of first-graders may vary. Some of them attended preschool institutions, while others were preparing for school at home with their mother or grandmother. At first, communication with the teacher may be shy and afraid of making a mistake.

Interesting tasks in English for children help to quickly adapt to the school environment. The puppet that the teacher puts on his hand and communicates with the students is also an excellent psychological technique. Shy children are more likely to make contact with a hand puppet than with a teacher. You can buy a puppet from a toy store or make your own. For example, it could be a Mr.Snowman snowman. Working with a puppet can be built according to the following scenario:

  1. At the beginning of the class, Mr.Snowman sleeps in a bag. To wake him up, each student must shout into the bag: “Wake up, Mr. Snowman!
  2. The puppet wakes up, greets each student personally and starts asking questions (what are their names, how are you today, how is the weather, etc.);
  3. Then Mr. Snowman sings a song with the students;
  4. Mr. Snowman says goodbye to each student and goes back to sleep in his bag.

In most cases, the study of English at school begins in the second grade. Therefore, the methodological materials offer numerous interesting tasks in English for grade 2.

Task for grade 2 (7-8 years). Stand up, children, stand in a circle!

This exercise will help you quickly learn the score from 1 to 50. All students, together with the teacher, stand in a circle, holding hands. The teacher starts counting - 1 (one), the student standing next to him continues - 2 (two) and so on. Students who incorrectly name or cannot remember the next number stand in the middle of the circle. The winners are the players who successfully reach the final number - 50. The winners receive additional points and stickers.

Interesting grade 2 English assignments should include repetition, encouragement and praise.

Task for grade 3 (8-9 years). Guess how?

Interesting tasks in English for grade 3 should be mobile, team-based, with many elements. You can use a variation of the Crocodile game, the purpose of which is to consolidate or repeat adverbs. The game is suitable for older students, 8-9 years old, who have already managed to get acquainted with the basic vocabulary related to the topic "Daily routine".

The teacher writes an action phrase on the board, such as eat your breakfast. Then he calls one student and shows him a card on which an adverb is written, for example, slowly. The student must show the action, and the rest of the students guess what adverb was written on the card. The one who first correctly calls the adverb gets a point and goes to the board to show the next action.

Interesting tasks in English for grade 3 help children gradually and organically expand their vocabulary.

Task for grade 4 (9-10 years). Cross the river

The teacher asks the students to line up at the blackboard and explains that a magical invisible river flows in front of them. To return to the school desk, you need to cross this river along the "pebbles". Each "pebble" is a sheet of paper with a task written on it (remember the meaning of the word, days of the week, count to 10, etc.).

The teacher divides the class into two teams, and one participant is selected from each team. If the student performs the task correctly, he can step on the pebble and continue moving on. Interesting tasks in English for grade 4 combine elements of the game and more complex lexical and grammatical content.

Tasks for grade 5 (10-11 years old). Grammar Marathon

A win-win mobile game for children who at this age can be so difficult to distract from the Internet and social networks. The main goal of the game is the repetition of vocabulary. Can be used when studying the table of irregular verbs.

The class is divided into two teams, each gets its own half of the board. The players of each team are assigned their own serial number. For example, team A (1-12) and team B (1-12). The teacher names one irregular verb in Present Simple and the player's number. The task of the players under the corresponding number is to run out to the blackboard and write the form of the verb named by the teacher in the past tense. Such interesting tasks in English help teenagers feel like part of a team, teach responsibility for a common cause.

Tasks for grade 6 (11-12 years old). Rhythmic reading

The task is suitable for students who already have the ability to read texts in English. With its help, students improve diction, increase reading speed and gain self-confidence.

For this task, the teacher prepares a text (the first half may be easier, the second half more difficult) and begins to tap the rhythm with a pencil or pen on the table. You can also search the Internet and download different types of musical rhythms to your smartphone. One of the students begins to read the first sentence, adhering to the rhythm set by the teacher. At the same time, he must follow the pronunciation and avoid mistakes. As soon as the sentence ends, the next student immediately continues, trying to get into the rhythm. The one who makes a mistake loses a point or leaves the game. Those who dropped out are given the task of tracking down mistakes or helping to tap out the rhythm.


Today I offer you tasks and exercises for the English alphabet for children. Fixing the English alphabet is not easy for children, so you need to do a lot of different exercises.

Alphabet exercises. Alphabet assignments.

Exercises to practice writing the letters of the English alphabet.

I suggest you print out the English alphabet. Click on the picture under the desired letter - the copy will open in its original size. Then, in order to print the recipe, just right-click on it and select print.

English alphabet exercises for children.

The current section presents exercises for those children who have already learned all the letters. The exercises are divided into two groups - alphabet exercises for grade 2 and tasks for the English alphabet for grade 3. The basic difference between the 2 groups of exercises for the English alphabet is that for the 2nd grade, tasks are presented exclusively for writing letters. For grade 3, the tasks are more difficult and are already connected with the spelling of words. Naturally, these exercises can also be used for preschoolers who have previously begun to study the alphabet.

English alphabet exercises for grade 2.

Tasks for the letters of the English alphabet, which children often confuse.

Exercise 1. Circle the letter b, underline the letter d. Count the number of letters.

b b d b b d d d b d b d d d b d b b d b d b

Quantity: b->___, d->___.

Exercise 2. Circle the p, underline the q. Count the number of letters.

q p p q q q p q q p q q p q p q p q q p p q q

Quantity: p->___, q->___.

Exercise 3. Circle the letter m, underline the letter n. Count the number of letters.

m n m n n m n n m m m n m n m m n m n m

Quantity: m->___, n->___.

Simple exercises for the English alphabet.

Exercise 1. Draw a line between uppercase and lowercase letters.

Exercise 2. Add the missing letters of the English alphabet:

Large letters of the alphabet.

Option 1.

A _ _ D E F _ H _ J K _ _ N O P _ R _ T U V _ X Y _

Option 2.

B _ D _ F G _ _ J _ L M _ O _ Q R S _ U _ _ X _ Z

Option 3.

A B C _ E _ G _ I J K _ M N _ _ _ R S _ U _ W _ Y Z

Small letters of the alphabet.

Option 1.

B c _ e f _ h _ j k l _ n o _ _ r s _ u v _ x y _

Option 2.

B _ d e _ g h _ j k _ m _ o _ q _ s t _ v _ x _ _

Option 3.

C _ e f g _ _ j _ l m n _ p q _ _ t _ v w _ y z

Exercise 3. Write the letters of the English alphabet that

Exercise 4 Circle all the vowels in the first table and all the consonants in the second.

Circle the vowels

Tasks for fixing the English alphabet.

Exercise 5. Add which letters come before and after the specified letter of the English alphabet.

S __, __ H __, __ K __, __ T __, __ B __, __ Y __

Exercise 6. Write down which letter is missing in each row.

  • __ J K L,
  • P __ R S,
  • U V __ X,
  • B C D __

Exercise 7. Write these words in small letters.

  1. FOX - _____________,
  2. DOG - _____________,
  3. BAG-_____________,
  4. HEN - ______________,
  5. PEN - ______________.

Write these words in capital letters:

  1. ball-_______________,
  2. lamp- _______________,
  3. frog-________________,
  4. six- _________________,
  5. seven - ______________.

Exercise 8. Write down all the vowels of the English alphabet that you know.

Exercise 9. Write down all the consonants of the English alphabet that you know.

Exercise 10. Complete the following tasks to repeat the English alphabet.

  1. Write all lowercase (small) letters from a to h.
  2. Write all capital letters from P to U.
  3. Write all the small letters in reverse order from k to e.
  4. Write all capital letters in reverse order from Z to U.

English alphabet exercises for grade 3.

Exercise 1. Write what letter the following words begin with.

  • ___ __ig, __retty, _iano;
  • ___ _nail, _wim, _tay;
  • ___ _pple, _nt, _unt;
  • ___ _at, _oat, _ome;
  • ___ _able, _ea, _rain;
  • ___ _ion, _amp, _emon.

Exercise 2. Use the alphabet code to read the secret message.

Use this code to decipher the secret message that contains the riddle. Write down the riddle. Translate the riddle into Russian and solve it.

16 1 5 23 _ _ _ _

19 5 14 10 _ _ _ _

1 5 8 6 15 _ _ _ _ _

5 11 20 15 _ _ _ _

17 10 24 15 _ _ _ _

Riddle: What has a face and two hands but no arms or legs? Answer: a clock

Exercise 3. Make ladders of words starting with the letters a, h, i, t and w according to the model.

Exercise 4 Write the words in each row in alphabetical order.

  1. ball, doll, fox, tiger, hare
  2. apple, lemon, orange, grapes, tomato
  3. green, yellow, pink, blue, black
  4. happy, silly, angry, mad, unhappy
  5. big, small, short, tall, high

Exercise 5. Write down the English alphabet. Follow the rule: write all vowels in lowercase and all consonants in capitals.

I hope you liked the presented exercises and tasks for the English alphabet for children and turned out to be useful for your children.

Interesting tasks in English for children are a guarantee of love for foreign languages ​​in a child.

All about me (book) are intended for children of different ages, from about 5 to 8 years old, depending on when the child began to learn the language. With the right approach and teaching, literally 2-3 months after the start of learning the language, the child will easily complete any of these 12 tasks. When working with kids 5-6 years old, I usually take the Oxford Happy House as a basis. Such concepts as numbers, colors, family - they are taken literally from the first lessons. True, I always also use additional tasks from other programs, especially since children do not like monotony.

To complete almost all tasks, the child will need a variety of school supplies, especially school stationery such as: an eraser, colored pencils, felt-tip pens, a ballpoint pen and a pencil. Almost all children love to draw and color, so by combining their favorite activities with learning English, you will achieve excellent results. When coloring any picture, you can always pronounce and memorize additionally. In this case, a lot depends on you.

These 12 great worksheets for kids learning English can be used singly or in combination. It is important to remember not to apply the school system to young children. Control, possible bad grades - this is still waiting for children at school, change tactics. Praise more, so you get a child who will try to do even better. Use colored pencils and felt-tip pens, even in tasks where colors are not mentioned, for example, in My house. All tasks are easily printed on the printer, the file is in pdf format.

So, this All about me book is a great helper for a teacher and a parent whose child is learning English. The very process of teaching English to children is very different from what we are used to seeing at school. Kids learn everything much better in a playful way, and the most important thing is to make classes look like a game. In this case, the child will not be bored, and, accordingly, tired. The second important point - be sure to alternate tasks. Variety is the second important key to success. It may seem complicated, but it's very simple. Good luck!


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