Bake the pork neck in the oven. Marinated pork neck, baked in the oven with a whole piece - foil to help us. Pork neck in the oven in foil - recipe

If you didn’t think of a buffet, but a full-fledged festive table with cold appetizers, salads and dessert, then in this scenario it’s hard to imagine treats without a real hot dish. Pork baked in the oven, garnished with herbs and vegetables, exuding heat and an unsurpassed aroma of spices and meat, will become a truly central dish on the table. All attention will be riveted on him until all the guests and household members try and eat plenty of juicy delicious meat.

The art of cooking tender and fragrant pork baked in the oven is an indicator of the skill of a true culinary specialist.

Despite the fact that there are many options for cooking pork in the oven, even more types of meat and spices are used, all of them are united by the true love of the culinary creator himself for such a great hot dish.

If you are still wondering what hot dish will be festive enough for the New Year or Birthday, then cast away all your doubts. Oven-roasted pork easily aspires to be the number one favorite with our home cooks. This is especially true for the New Year. Boiled pork or meatloaf, juicy ham or stuffed neck, for us in the New Year this is a symbolic and festive dish, akin to Olivier salad.

Pork baked in the oven can be supplemented with vegetables that will be baked with it, mushrooms, spices and herbs, even other types of meat. There are so many different culinary secrets surrounding the recipes for cooking this meat that sometimes you don’t know which side to approach it. You can bake pork in foil or paper, in an open way or in a sleeve, in dough or a fur coat of vegetables. It can be a whole piece or an original sliced ​​​​accordion with tomatoes and cheese, it can even be a fragrant filling wrapped in meat. The limits are set by your imagination and skills.

For such a dish as pork baked in the oven, several main types of pork meat are traditionally used: neck, ham, shoulder and chop. Sometimes pieces are sold with the names "pork for roasting", but most often these are all the same parts of the body. The taste of the baked meat will depend on which part you use. A leaner chop may turn out to be dry, so it is advisable to marinate and stuff it; you can make excellent rolls from it, for example, with mushrooms. A more tender and fat neck is remarkably baked as a whole piece, dryness does not threaten it due to fatty streaks, but it also seriously decreases in size, although it remains very juicy. The ham is also quite lean meat and requires additional feeding with marinade or cooking in conditions where the meat's own juices are not allowed to evaporate freely. I'm talking about sealed dishes and all kinds of "wrappers" for meat.

In any case, to cook baked pork, you need to arm yourself with suitable utensils, since a festive piece of meat is usually large, with foil or a sleeve, spices and sauces, and there is also time for pre-preparing the meat, or rather for marinating.

It’s hard to argue with the fact that meat that has lain overnight in the marinade before getting into the oven will not be tastier than a piece that immediately goes to the roasting. Although there are also quick recipes. After all, it is not always possible to subjugate time, and guests are more than sudden. One thing is clear that you should have a couple of hours to prepare and the process of roasting pork itself.

Let's look at a variety of recipes to choose "the one" and cook it.

Pork roasted in the oven in a large piece with honey, barbecue sauce and Dijon mustard

Pork baked in the oven in fragrant spices is also called boiled pork. This is a very tasty and juicy meat that can be eaten hot, serving it on the table as a main course, or it can be used cold for sandwiches. Many people have probably seen that baked ham is sold in sausage departments in stores. So, it is also prepared by baking, the only thing is that it is still difficult to trust store options, because you don’t know exactly how fresh the meat is, how it was cooked, and whether any harmful additives were used. Homemade pork will of course be healthier and tastier because you will know exactly what you put in and when you cooked it. Such meat can completely replace ham and sausage for you.

As for the hot serving option, such pork baked in the oven is more of a festive dish for guests or family members when there are a lot of people at the table. Usually a very large piece of meat is baked, from a kilogram to two, so that it is enough for everyone. After all, many people may want supplements. Especially if it's pork according to this recipe.

For cooking you will need:

  • pork (carbonade, ham, neck) - 1.5 kg,
  • ground black pepper - 0.5 teaspoon,
  • garlic - 3-4 cloves,
  • paprika - 1 teaspoon without top,
  • barbecue sauce - 3 teaspoons,
  • honey - 2 teaspoons,
  • Dijon mustard - 1 tablespoon
  • salt - 2 tablespoons.


1. The secret to cooking pork in the oven according to this recipe is that the meat is marinated in advance in liquid brine. So it is better salted and saturated with moisture, which allows it to be tender and juicy, even if you use a fairly dry chop or ham.

First of all, wash a piece of fresh pork thoroughly and dry it with a paper towel. Now, in order for the meat to be salted not only outside, but also inside, it must be pierced. For this, a special tenderizer tool or a thin and long knife is suitable.

Make frequent vertical cuts from top to bottom, but not through.

2. Now you need to put the meat in a large bowl, in which it will be possible to fill it with marinade. Marinade recipe: 1 tablespoon of salt per liter of water. Put the meat in a container and fill with salt water so that it completely covers it. Now cover and refrigerate for 2-3 hours.

3. When you remove the meat from the brine, first wipe it well with paper towels so that there is no water left. Now you can rub it with spices.

4. In a separate bowl or bowl, mix honey, sauce and dry spices together. Squeeze the garlic there, you can grate it on a fine grater. Now mix everything well. Please note that mustard is not included in this sauce.

Coat the meat with the resulting mixture on all sides and rub well.

5. Now put the meat with a fatter layer down, and spread the top side with Dijon mustard. This will be the beautiful side of our roast pork.

6. Now place the pork in an oiled baking dish. In order for the pork baked in the oven to bake inside and not dry out on the outside, it must be baked closed. Therefore, cover the baking dish with a lid, if any. If there is no lid, then make it out of foil, tightly bending the edges.

7. Bake the meat in the oven at 180 degrees for about an hour. After an hour, take out the pork, open and pierce with a knife or skewer, if the juice is clear - the meat is ready, if pinkish, then put in the oven for another 20 minutes.

Now you need to brown the crust so that the meat looks appetizing. To do this, simply remove the lid or foil and put the meat back into the oven. Grilling or convection helps to quickly brown the meat. If your stove does not have this, then just turn up the temperature for a few minutes, but watch the meat carefully so that it does not burn.

As soon as the crust is browned, take out the pork. The finished pork baked in the oven should lie down a little under the lid, if you are going to serve it hot, the meat will cool down a bit and it will be possible to eat it and it will be better cut into slices.

Serve pork on the table, cut into slices and garnish with herbs. The guests will be delighted.

If you want to use such boiled pork as cold meat, then let it cool completely before cutting. It will become denser and cut much thinner, just right for sandwiches.

Bon appetit!

Juicy pork neck baked in the oven in the sleeve

Another simple way to make pork roasted in the oven juicy and tender is to cook it in a roasting sleeve. The sleeve perfectly retains all the meat juices inside the piece and does not allow the meat to dry out, all the flavors also remain inside and saturate the meat through and through.

To cook pork in the sleeve you will need:

  • pork neck - 1.5 kg,
  • garlic - 4 cloves,
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs,
  • ground coriander - 3 teaspoons,
  • Provencal herbs - 3 teaspoons,
  • salt - 3 teaspoons.


1. In order to keep the meat tender and juicy, we again use the wet salting method. It is quite justified in baked pork recipes when one large piece is cooked. Plus, it saves the meat from excessive dryness, which is sometimes inherent in pork.

Clean and towel-dried meat must be dipped in the marinade so that it completely covers it. The recipe for this marinade is simple: put 3 teaspoons of salt, two teaspoons of coriander and 2 teaspoons of Provence herbs in 1 liter of hot water. Add 2 bay leaves to the water and mix well. The main thing is that the water is hot, boiling water. This will bring out the flavor and aroma of the spices.

Immerse the meat in the brine only after it has cooled, it is not our goal to cook the meat. Let the msu soak for a few hours. Minimum - 3 hours, maximum - overnight.

2. After the meat has rested for its time, take it out and dry it well with towels. Then rub with a couple of pinches of salt, a teaspoon of coriander and a teaspoon of Provence herbs. This will give extra flavor when baked.

3. Now it's time for the garlic. Cut the peeled cloves lengthwise into 4 parts and stuff the pork with these sharp pieces. To do this, take a thin long knife and make punctures in the meat from top to bottom. Put a piece or two of garlic into each hole.

4. Now you need to tie a piece of meat with a thick thread. Pork roasted in the oven tends to shrink and deform a little depending on the streaks of fat. The neck is especially susceptible to this. Plus, when not tied, it tends to take on a flat look, because the meat is soft and not very dense, such as carbonade.

Take a thick undyed thread, preferably cotton, and tie a piece in the form of a net. This can be done by throwing loops on it, crossing the threads in the middle.

5. Next, take a baking sleeve large enough to leave a few centimeters from the meat to the film on all sides. Lay the meat inside, you can add bay leaves from the brine. Then tie off the ends of the sleeves.

To allow small amounts of steam to escape during baking, cut or poke 3-4 small holes in the top of the sleeve.

6. The oven must be preheated to 180 degrees. This is an important rule. which allows you to quickly bake the surface of the meat and lock all the juices inside.

Place the meat in the sleeve on a baking sheet or in a mold and bake for about 1 hour, it may take a little longer. Readiness can be checked by cutting the sleeve and piercing the meat with a toothpick or knife. The juice that flows out should be clear.

To make the meat look more appetizing, let it stand for another 10 minutes in the oven with the sleeve already open, until the top side is browned. After the meat is pulled out, let it rest wrapped in a sleeve and cool slightly. After about 15 minutes, you can put it on a dish and start cutting it to the table.

Serve the oven-baked pork in the sleeve with fresh vegetables, salads and other side dishes, for example.

Enjoy a wonderful hot meal with your family!

Tender baked pork - meatloaf with sweet pepper, garlic and pomegranate sauce

Pork roasted in the oven does not have to be an exceptionally large whole piece. How can you pass by another option for its preparation in the form of a roll. The same piece of pork neck is taken for 1.5-2 kg and cut in a spiral, the filling is added and the meat is rolled up. In this case, the meat is flavored not only by the spices in which you marinated it, but also by the filling. And the filling can be made from vegetables, mushrooms, bacon, cheese, spices and herbs. And much more can be put in a meatloaf.

Such a beautiful dish will decorate any holiday. And cooking it is not too difficult, as it might seem at first glance.

For cooking you will need:

  • pork neck - 2 kg,
  • bell pepper - 1 piece,
  • garlic - 6 cloves,
  • mayonnaise - 100 grams,
  • mustard - 2 teaspoons,
  • mustard seed - 1 teaspoon,
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs,
  • pomegranate sauce - 2 tablespoons,
  • pepper to taste
  • salt to taste.


1. Before we start rolling the meat roll, let's take care of the filling. In the filling we will go sweet bell pepper and garlic.

Cut the garlic with a knife into small pieces. Remove the seeds from the pepper and cut into small cubes.

2. Whatever meat you would not cook, be sure to wash it before. Dry the washed meat with paper towels or napkins. Now the large piece needs to be cut in a spiral so that it turns around and becomes flat.

3. Brush both sides of the flat piece of meat with pomegranate sauce. For example, Narsharab.

4. Salt and pepper the meat on both sides. Roll back into a roll and wrap in cling film or place in a bowl. Refrigerate for about 1 hour to marinate the meat.

5. In a separate cup, mix the sauce. To do this, put 2 teaspoons of mustard, 100 grams of mayonnaise, a teaspoon of mustard seeds and crush 2 bay leaves with your hands. Then mix it all up well.

6. Remove the meat from the refrigerator after an hour, unroll the roll and spread the prepared sauce on the inside.

7. Now spread the garlic and bell pepper evenly over the sauce layer. Then roll the roll with the stuffing inside, trying to make it tighter.

8. After rolling the roll, spread the sauce on the outside on all sides.

9. Now wrap the pork in two layers of foil. Place the bundle on a baking sheet or baking dish. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. And put the meat to bake for 1.5-2 hours.

10. After this time, check the meat for readiness by piercing it with a skewer or knife. If the juice is clear, then the pork baked in the oven is ready. Now you can cut off the top layer of foil and send the meat to the oven for another 10 minutes, so that the top layer is also browned.

The meat is now ready and ready to be served. Cut it into slices 1.5-2 centimeters thick and treat guests.

Bon appetit!

Pork baked in the oven in puff pastry

When your goal is to cook such a dish as a whole piece of pork baked in the oven, but in such a way as to make an indelible impression on the guests and make the holiday unforgettable, and your culinary skills are a legend, then you should pay attention to this original recipe. Straight from France, the traditional way to bake pork in puff pastry. Yes, not just like that, but with mozzarella and jamon, and aromatic herbs. The mere sight of him is salivating.

Pork baked with pear - an original holiday recipe

Perhaps you have tried cooking the classic spiced boiled pork, maybe you even cook a fragrant meatloaf with vegetables. Have you tried to cook pork baked in the oven with fresh sweet pears? Not? You should definitely try this dish.

Now it is no longer a problem to find fresh juicy pears in stores and on the market even in the middle of winter, for example, conference pears, beloved by everyone. And what if you cook pork baked with pears for the New Year. It will be very easy and will not require much time. But it takes a little preparation.

For pork with pears you will need:

  • pork neck or chop - 1.5 kg,
  • red sweet wine - 100 ml,
  • pear - 2 pcs,
  • sweet chili sauce - 2 tablespoons,
  • balsamic vinegar - 1 teaspoon,
  • curry - 1 teaspoon,
  • dry oregano - 1 teaspoon,
  • salt and pepper to taste.


1. Cut fresh, washed and well-dried pork in the form of an accordion. Make cuts from top to bottom so that the meat opens like a book.

2. Rub the meat with salt, ground black pepper and dried oregano on all sides and place in a deep container.

3. Pour the meat with 100 ml of red wine and leave to marinate for a while. Cover with a lid or cling film. Leave to marinate for at least an hour if you already have a holiday today, or you can even overnight if you prepare in advance.

5. Cut the pears into slices.

6. Prepare a baking dish. A mold or baking sheet will do. Put two layers of foil on the bottom, lay the meat on it. In the cuts made in the meat, put a few slices of pear to fill everything evenly. Then wrap the meat in foil and bake at 200 degrees for at least an hour.

7. Now it's time to prepare the sauce. To do this, in a cup, mix sweet chili sauce, balsamic vinegar and add curry. Mix everything well.

8. After an hour, remove the meat and check for readiness with a skewer or knife. If it’s ready, then it’s time to spread the sauce on the meat and put it back in the oven until the crust is browned. This may take about 20 minutes. Watch the meat.

9. Ready meat will have a sweetish and spicy taste at the same time. Curry will give him a peculiar flavor, and pears will set off the tender, well-baked pork in a stunning way.

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Prepare the pork marinade: to do this, put the laurel, peeled garlic cloves, black peppercorns and salt in a mortar. Grind them into a coarse powder (but not very fine, we don’t need a very fine “dust”). Bay leaf does not lend itself very well to abrasion, because. it's flat, so I suggest using coarse sea salt and peppercorns as an abrasive. Don't be surprised: the bay leaf is the main spice here. Only here we use it not in its usual form, but in the form of ground seasoning, which will rub a piece of meat. Now this is no longer news, but for some reason we use bay leaves only in their entirety and for one purpose. In vain)). If there is no mortar, it is quite possible to do without it: the bay leaf can be broken with your hands or chopped with a knife. But try to make it as small as possible. The "sticks" from the bay leaf - thick veins - can be removed, but it's okay if they remain: when baked, they will become brittle and brittle.

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Add olive oil to a mortar with ground spices and mix in all the herbs. The marinade is ready. As for oil, absolutely any vegetable oil will do. Its main function is to make a protective film on the carcass, which will prevent the loss of juices during baking. Experimenting in the kitchen is good, but in this case you can’t change the marinade for, say, red wine. If oil is removed from the marinade, then this method of baking, as described below, cannot be used. I like to use extra virgin olive oil because for a day of pickling, oil will also give its notes! About herbs: any herbs will do here, there should be a lot of them, because. they form a very tasty fragrant crust when baked.

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Take the pork neck. Remember that the pork neck is very fat and small, weighing up to 2, maximum 2.5 kilograms. If you are offered a neck weighing 3-4 kilograms - do not believe it, this is a neck with a significant part of the back, which is much cheaper and of a slightly different quality. It is not necessary to cut fat, because. It is the fat that melts during baking and makes the meat even juicier. Rub the pork well with the resulting marinade. Ideally, the meat should be marinated for a day (in a cool place or in the refrigerator), you can leave it overnight, but if you don’t have time for this at all, you can start baking after 30 minutes. In case of long pickling, cover with cling film.

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Roast the meat in the oven at 100°C for 4 hours for a 2kg piece +1 hour for each additional kilogram of weight. Again, don't be surprised! If you have a piece of 2.5 kg, then it should spend 4.5 hours in the oven at 100 ° C. At the same time, nothing will happen for the first two hours: i.e. You will not smell the fried meat, the meat will look absolutely raw in the oven. But at this time the meat is already cooked. Moreover, it is prepared in a special way, all juices are “sealed” inside, because. long cold roasting gives the same effect as instant roasting over high heat. The meat remains pink inside: in a piece of meat, the temperature will not exceed 80 ° C, i.e. there will be no change in the protein. Only after 2-2.5 hours will there be a slight smell and, perhaps, some juice will stand out. This is also unusual, but during the entire cooking time, no more than two or three tablespoons of juice will flow out of the meat, all the juices will remain inside, and you will feel it! After 4 hours, the meat also seems raw, but you can see that the fat has become transparent. Everything is going according to plan - let it be worth the allotted time! In the recipe for lamb, I somehow laid out the whole process “in dynamics” throughout the entire baking.

Pork in the oven cooks relatively quickly. Pork is remarkable in that you can experiment with it, try different cooking methods, temperature conditions, a set of spices, etc. And yet, this meat has its own laws, the secrets of cooking. According to the composition of the ingredients, the following dishes are distinguished: pork with potatoes in the oven, pork in the oven with cheese, pork with mushrooms in the oven, pork with tomatoes in the oven. Pork potatoes in the oven are used more often than other products. because this combination most fully meets our traditions and preferences. According to the method of heat treatment and heat preservation, the following options are possible: pork in foil in the oven, pork in pots in the oven, pork in the sleeve in the oven. Housewives use different ways of cutting and decorating meat and get: pork in a piece in the oven, pork chop in the oven, pork roll in the oven, pork pork in the oven, pork steaks in the oven, pork roast in the oven, French pork in the oven . The French-style pork recipe in the oven stands apart, because. is a favorite dish of many admirers of this meat. Just like pork skewers in the oven. Although it differs from barbecue cooked on coals and in the air, it is very good.

Pork baked in the oven retains juiciness and flavors. Even a beginner can bake pork in the oven. Roasting pork in the oven is not such a laborious process. And a very appetizing dish is obtained at the exit: juicy and tasty pork in the oven. It's impossible to resist!

Pork dishes in the oven are varied. How to cook pork in the oven will tell recipes with photos. For example, "pork in the oven" - a photo of the cooking process will help you get an excellent result. If you are planning to make some original pork in the oven, a recipe with a photo of such a dish is all the more useful. Often looking for a simple recipe for pork in the oven. But if you carefully read our recipes, you will understand that they are not complicated and quite suitable for quick cooking. Such, for example, is the recipe for pork with potatoes in the oven and others.

If you have prepared your own versions of the “pork in the oven” dish, be sure to post the recipes with photos on our website. Your experience will be useful to others. Using photos in recipes helps housewives. The recipe for pork in the oven with a photo will be remembered faster, you will immediately want to cook it. Pork meat in the oven acquires such an unforgettable and irreplaceable taste that you want to cook it all the time. I would like to experiment. By the way, this is how new versions of this dish appeared: meat in French in the oven from pork, pork in foil baked in the oven, pork marinated in the oven. Oven pork recipes are expanding and multiplying thanks to the delights of home cooks.

Many people know how to cook pork in the oven deliciously, how to properly bake pork in the oven or bake pork in foil in the oven, but it’s still worth checking out our recipes. There you will find a lot of interesting things, and for sure you will find something new for yourself.

Let also some tips for cooking pork in the oven help you:

Be sure to rinse the meat from the store, but do not soak. It is best to quickly pour over a piece of pork with hot water, then also with cold running water. Be sure to dry the meat before cooking. If there is water on the meat, it will simply be stewed;

If you want to get the taste of meat in the end, and not spices, it is better to use only salt, black pepper. You can gradually add bay leaves, onions, cloves, allspice, lemon zest to pork;

Frozen meat is best thawed naturally. It is desirable that the thawing process takes place slowly in the refrigerator, in the lower compartment. It is undesirable to accelerate this process in the microwave or under running water, this will negatively affect the juiciness and taste of the dish. Remember that the cooking time of thawed meat is reduced. Fresh takes a little longer to cook.

After seasoning the meat with spices, coat it with vegetable oil on both sides. This will help keep the juices in the meat.

step by step recipe with photo

The neck is the most tender and juicy part of the pork, which is ideal for barbecue and for baking in the oven. Especially juicy and fragrant is the pork neck in the sleeve, stuffed with carrots and garlic.

Due to the fact that pork is baked in a sleeve, it cooks in its own juice and does not dry out. The meat is juicy and incredibly tasty both hot and cold, especially suitable for making sandwiches. Be sure to try out the pork neck recipe in your sleeve - it's very tasty!


  • pork neck - 1 kg
  • salt - 1 tbsp. l. without a slide
  • garlic - 4 teeth
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • a mixture of ground peppers - 0.5 tsp.
  • French mustard - 2 tsp

How to bake a pork neck in a sleeve

1. Rub the pork neck on all sides with a mixture of ground peppers and salt - you will need 1 tablespoon without a top, you can use iodized or ordinary rock salt (finely ground "extra" salt is not suitable!). We leave the meat to marinate in the refrigerator all night, covering it with cling film.

2. Peel the garlic and carrots, cut into small pieces, which will need to stuff the marinated meat.

3. We make deep cuts over the entire surface of the pork neck with a thin sharp knife. We put carrots and garlic in the resulting recesses, you can put several pieces at once.

4. Lubricate the meat on all sides with fragrant French mustard.

5. We place the neck in the sleeve and tightly tie it on both sides. The perforation on the sleeve must be in the upper part to ensure the release of air from the bag during baking. If there is no perforated tape on the sleeve, make sure to make several holes at the top with a toothpick.

6. We send the pork neck in the sleeve to the oven, heated to 180 degrees, for 1 hour 30 minutes. There is no need to turn the meat or open the oven door during roasting! After 1.5 hours, carefully cut the sleeve and send the pork neck back into the oven to bake for another 10 minutes until a beautiful golden brown.

Pork neck is a small piece of 2-3 kilograms with very tender meat, but a lot of fatty layers, so not everyone may like it. If you like less fatty meat - use the sirloin (in other words - loin), but always with lard on the outside. Fat will be almost completely melted and you will get a wonderful result.

There are several subtleties of cooking meat in the oven. I mean precisely pork, beef or lamb, which is baked in a large piece.
1. In order for the meat to turn out tender and juicy, it must be covered with a small layer of fat on top - up to 1 centimeter thick. For this, it is best to buy a piece of meat along with the skin. Firstly, it is difficult to find a piece with bacon (at least with us), secondly, a piece with skin will cost you much less, and thirdly, you can then use the skin in cooking, for example, jelly.
2. Not all cuts of meat are suitable for large cuts. In particular, the following are best suited for roasting pork: hind leg, sirloin and neck (a separate topic is ribs). If you're using a sirloin, it's best to keep the ribs for flavor while removing the backbone (the butcher will help you do this).
3. The layer of fat should not be thicker than a centimeter, cut off all excess. Try not to make through holes, otherwise the juice will flow out.
4. If the piece is without fat, the latter can be bought separately, cut into sheets, put on top and tied with twine.
5. The meat is marinated in a dry marinade consisting of coarse non-iodized salt, black pepper and spices. It is best to marinate overnight. In addition, you can stuff the meat with garlic. Fine salt can stick together from the juices and prevent the meat from marinating. Iodized salt - will spoil the taste after heating (and its "usefulness" is greatly exaggerated).
6. First, the meat is baked for 20 minutes at 210 degrees, then the temperature is reduced to 180 degrees.
7. The meat is laid out on a baking sheet with fat up so that the melted fat envelops the piece. Every half an hour, a piece should be watered with the allocated juice. If everything goes well, the fat will almost completely melt and turn into a delicious thin crust (see photo).
8. It is best to measure the temperature with a special meat thermometer, which sticks into the thickest part of the piece. The temperature of the finished meat should be at least 75 degrees (in the thickest place), but the meat must be taken out at a temperature of 72-73 degrees.
9. At the end of baking, the meat should rest for 20 minutes. During this time, the temperature inside will just rise to 75 degrees (the meat will be ready, but not overdried), the juices will be absorbed into the fibers and the meat will become more tender.
10. The remaining juices in the pan are the basis for a wonderful meat sauce. To prepare the sauce, you need to remove all the fat from the pan (required, otherwise the taste of the sauce will be terrible) and evaporate the sauce to a syrup state. The sauce can be very salty and sour at the same time, but it goes great with cooked meat.
Well, actually, I practically described the recipe. Now a few clarifications.

Pork neck with a layer of fat in 1 cm - one piece - 2 kilograms
Garlic - 8 small cloves for stuffing a piece of meat
Thyme (thyme), oregano (oregano), savory (sature) - a teaspoon without a slide
Freshly ground black pepper - a pinch
Coarse non-iodized salt - two heaped teaspoons
Quality dry red wine - half a bottle (I have Escher's Abkhaz semi-dry wine)

Take a piece of meat. If the fat layer is more than one centimeter, cut it off, leaving a thin layer. If you bought a piece of meat with the skin on, the skin is pretty easy to separate from the fat with your fingers.
Pat the meat dry with a kitchen towel.
Mix all spices and spices.
If you are using garlic, make deep cuts on top (but not through) and put the garlic inside. You can also add spice mix to it.
Coat the piece with spices from all sides. Leave the meat to marinate in a cool dry place, you can in the refrigerator.
Preheat oven to 210 degrees.
It is better to put the meat on a refractory dish slightly larger than the piece. In this case, there will always be liquid in the dish and the juices will not burn.
Put the meat in the oven and bake for 20 minutes. Reduce heat to 180 degrees.
Bake for 10 more minutes. Then pour a piece of meat with rendered fat with juices that stand out. Do this procedure carefully to get a "beautiful" result.
Bake the meat, periodically basting it with juices for at least an hour and a half.
Pour the wine over the meat during the next juicing.
Now pour the juices to which the wine has been added more often - about once every ten minutes. If you have a meat thermometer, keep the meat in the oven until the temperature is 72-73 degrees, remembering to pour the juices over the meat.
Remove meat and set aside on a warm platter. While it will stand for 20 minutes, the temperature inside will reach 75 degrees, which, in accordance with medical regulations, is a guarantee of the safety of cooking meat.
Now go juice. Scoop out all the fat from the dish (pan), leaving the juices there. Scrape off any sticky juices with a wooden spatula. Pour the juices into a saucepan and put on fire so that the juices boil only on half of the surface.
In the part where the juices do not boil, fat will form. Bail it out until it stops gathering. Now evaporate the liquid to a thick syrup. The sauce should be very concentrated and dark.
Cut the meat into fairly thick portions (discs) and lightly brush with the sauce (because it is very concentrated)

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Today's conversation with the Chairman of the Supreme Court Valentin SUKALO can be called significant without exaggeration - it concerns...
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The world's oceans are home to a wide variety of predators. Some wait for their prey in hiding and surprise attack when...