Way of the trader Cheryomushkin. The right "Way of the trader" from Dmitry Cheremushkin. Guess what's going on

A trader works in harsh conditions that require special skills and specific knowledge of the theory of exchange trading. He can get knowledge from different sources, and he will have to develop skills on his own.

Conditions for entry by Sell:

  1. The blue line (MACD Combo) is crossed by the red line above the level with a zero mark.
  2. The dotted Parabolic curve is above the price (signal of a trend change).

For various reasons, the same trading strategy leaves some with a profit, while others are reset to a loss. Do not flatter yourself about intuitive trading as a system - this does not exist. Look for your strategy that matches your psychology.

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The best in the line of analytical trading systems and easy to use, in 1 month it will increase your deposit by more than 57%. Remember that the market is a dynamic organism. You need to change your trading strategies regularly to keep up with the successes and financial victories of other market players.

5. Technical analysis

To conduct technical analysis, a trader has a huge number of indicators in his arsenal. In combination and on their own, they are used to determine or confirm various market conditions.

In his Dmitry Cheremushkin, he is convinced that technical analysis is a method of qualitative research of the market situation in order to identify entry points. He warns that trading with complex indicators is best left to robots. A lot of the material in the book is devoted to technical analysis, its classic figures and testing their signals on "historical data" - old charts.

As the simplest trading method, the author recommends trading “with the trend”. The trade entry point is considered to be a rebound of the chart curve from the trend line or its breakthrough:

Uptrend – buy (“Buy”) until the trend is broken. If the curve breaks through the resistance line, we buy the predicted number of points. In case of a rebound from the support line, we continue to hold open Buy positions or open new, short-term ones. Breaking through the support line signals a likely trend change. If the market reversal is confirmed, you can open positions for sale (“Sell”).

Cheryomushkin introduces the reader to the types of markets, their features and their main players. He tells how to choose a market, decide on leverage and starting capital. From the book you will learn more about trading strategies, risk management system, diversification, and much more useful information.

Summing up

The market reacts to new technologies, and its movement reflects the activity of its participants. A trader should not be afraid to master new trading technologies, methods and approaches in market analysis. Robots replace a person in various areas of his activity, displacing him in stock trading. Robots are devoid of emotions, they calculate the market with lightning speed and instantly react to its changes. The task of a person is to understand the entire system of exchange trading and write new efficient robots.

Dmitry Cheremushkin

The Trader's Way: How to Become a Millionaire Trading the Financial Markets

Project Manager A. Efimov

Corrector I. Astapkina

Computer layout A. Abramov

© Dmitry Cheremushkin, 2015


All rights reserved. The work is intended solely for private use. No part of the electronic copy of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including posting on the Internet and in corporate networks, for public or collective use without the written permission of the copyright owner. For copyright infringement, the legislation provides for the payment of compensation to the copyright holder in the amount of up to 5 million rubles (Article 49 of the LOAP), as well as criminal liability in the form of imprisonment for up to 6 years (Article 146 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

Dedicated to my mother who always believed in me and helped me become who I am today

Instead of an introduction

Every person has the opportunity to change their life beyond recognition. Stock trading is a great way to do this. I chose the path of a trader. And he leads me from one goal to another, helps me turn dreams into reality. But do not rush to flatter yourself. Trading is hard work that requires time, money, perseverance and faith.

The book you hold in your hands is my attempt to turn the tally of financial wins and losses in favor of private traders. According to various experts, about 97% of stock players eventually lose money in the market. Sometimes they lack the patience and perseverance to become successful, but more often than not, the path in the world of trading ends due to a lack of basic knowledge in the field of exchange trading.

I have been teaching traders for over seven years. During this time, more than a thousand people have passed through me, and I can definitely name the reasons why this or that trader works in the red. This book is written specifically to help you avoid most mistakes and achieve success with minimal losses. I tried to make the presentation easy and simple so that even a beginner can understand the fundamental rules that build professional trading in the financial markets.

At one time, I dreamed of such a book, but successful traders do not want to share their experience with others. Often books are written by loser traders. And as a result, their trading advice is just as bad. As for me, there have been ups and downs in my career, each of which has enriched with valuable experience. And today I earn in the financial markets! I make good and stable money. I think I have the right to give advice.

In this book, I will tell you how to make trading a job that your friends and acquaintances will dream about. I have already passed this way, and now I am ready to show it to you.

Deceived expectations

Why do you need an exchange

Let's ask ourselves: why do people come to the financial markets? Most novice traders believe that this is the easiest way to achieve wealth. You do not need to come up with new marketing tricks to attract customers, negotiate with counterparties, keep accounting records, control your employees - nothing that an ordinary entrepreneur has to worry about. At first glance, the life of a trader is like a fairy tale: by pressing one key on your computer, you buy any assets cheaper, and after a while you sell them more expensive, earning tens, hundreds and even millions of dollars! However, you are not tied to a specific place. Today you trade from Moscow, and tomorrow from Paris. Tired of big cities? And here you are, somewhere in the paradise islands, conducting multimillion-dollar transactions using a brand new ultra-thin MacBook. Not life, but a fairy tale! And what is most surprising, for some very rare market participants, this is a reality. I have a good friend who lives exactly as I have just described. Often when I call him to arrange lunch in one of the cozy Moscow cafes, it turns out that he is now with his family in Singapore or crosses the American continent from east to west. In general, he lives where he wants and makes financial transactions when he finds time for this. However, people who live such a life, I personally know a little - you can count on the fingers of one hand.

We often hear names like George Soros and Warren Buffett. They made fabulous fortunes in the financial markets. For example, in 1992, George Soros made several billion dollars by shorting the British pound. This financial transaction has gone down in history, but there have been other large, albeit less public transactions. Most of George Soros's deals were speculative, which is not the case with one of the greatest investors of our time, Warren Buffett. At one time I studied his biography. 800 pages of fine print describing his journey into the world of investing. What surprised me the most was that he still doesn't use a computer. He does not need access to the World Wide Web to view financial statements. The famous investor analyzes it on paper and makes his own calculations using a calculator and an ordinary ballpoint pen.

When people start looking for information about these two prominent personalities on the Internet, they are faced with a huge stream of advertising that promises easy and quick money trading currency pairs or stocks. And now, tempted by one of the offers, a person opens his first brokerage account, makes the first operations in the market. Internet trading really makes stock trading accessible to everyone. But who are these "all"?

I have extensive experience in training traders. Over the past years, I have clearly defined my clients. As a rule, these are men over 30. All of them can be divided into two categories. The first is people who are already making good money. These are either businessmen or top managers. They have enough money to deny themselves almost nothing. They drive expensive cars, fly to warm countries three or four times a year. Their children study in the best schools and universities. Why do they need trading? Usually these people come to the market because they are terribly tired of their usual work. Yes, dear reader, not everything is measured by money. Sometimes a person wants variety, more emotions, excitement, a sense of life! And stock trading gives it all. Sometimes, however, you can meet those who want to diversify their sources of income. A good idea, but you just need to understand from the very beginning what exactly should bring alternative income: investing or trading. Can you afford to follow quotes for 8-10 hours a day? If yes, then welcome to the traders. Otherwise, only the path of the investor opens before you. Of course, you can try long-term trading, making transactions once a week or a month, but according to my observations, if a person does not strive to become a professional, then he has nothing to catch on the stock exchange. As in any business, amateurs are quickly washed out of the market. Only those who really invest time and money in trading are able to earn them.

But I have not described the second category of my disciples. These are people with modest incomes, which are brought to them by disgusting and time-consuming work. By the age of 35, they had achieved a low position. Further growth seems unlikely. Youth is in the past, grayness and despondency are ahead. Someone puts up with the fact that until the end of his life he will have to live such a life, and someone begins to fight. He wants to live a completely different life full of colors and happiness! And the only way is to make a quantum leap! Someone opens a business, and someone goes into the world of trading.

If you belong to this category of people, then you should not make the following mistakes.

The first mistake. Never quit your job until you have a stable income. Try to combine work and trading in the financial markets. So I did in due time, when I got a job in a brokerage company. I killed two birds with one stone - I had a regular salary, which allowed me to pay my bills and not be in need. At the same time, I could trade and improve in the financial markets in peace, because my job was precisely to follow these markets.

Second error. Don't lose more than 10% of your monthly income in the market. I knew a trader who consistently lost more than 50% of his income from his main activity in the market. He took the rest of the money home to his wife and children. Since he earned little, the family barely made ends meet. Remember: until there are stable positive results, you cannot bring a lot of money to the market. I started trading with $100 early in my career. And my main mistake was that I took $10 from my parents and lost half! Then I went back to the $100 deposit and turned it into $500,000 in two years!

Dmitry Cheremushkin

The Trader's Way: How to Become a Millionaire Trading the Financial Markets

Project Manager A. Efimov

Corrector I. Astapkina

Computer layout A. Abramov

© Dmitry Cheremushkin, 2015


All rights reserved. The work is intended solely for private use. No part of the electronic copy of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including posting on the Internet and in corporate networks, for public or collective use without the written permission of the copyright owner. For copyright infringement, the legislation provides for the payment of compensation to the copyright holder in the amount of up to 5 million rubles (Article 49 of the LOAP), as well as criminal liability in the form of imprisonment for up to 6 years (Article 146 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

Dedicated to my mother who always believed in me and helped me become who I am today

Instead of an introduction

Every person has the opportunity to change their life beyond recognition. Stock trading is a great way to do this. I chose the path of a trader. And he leads me from one goal to another, helps me turn dreams into reality. But do not rush to flatter yourself. Trading is hard work that requires time, money, perseverance and faith.

The book you hold in your hands is my attempt to turn the tally of financial wins and losses in favor of private traders. According to various experts, about 97% of stock players eventually lose money in the market. Sometimes they lack the patience and perseverance to become successful, but more often than not, the path in the world of trading ends due to a lack of basic knowledge in the field of exchange trading.

I have been teaching traders for over seven years. During this time, more than a thousand people have passed through me, and I can definitely name the reasons why this or that trader works in the red. This book is written specifically to help you avoid most mistakes and achieve success with minimal losses. I tried to make the presentation easy and simple so that even a beginner can understand the fundamental rules that build professional trading in the financial markets.

At one time, I dreamed of such a book, but successful traders do not want to share their experience with others. Often books are written by loser traders. And as a result, their trading advice is just as bad. As for me, there have been ups and downs in my career, each of which has enriched with valuable experience. And today I earn in the financial markets! I make good and stable money. I think I have the right to give advice.

In this book, I will tell you how to make trading a job that your friends and acquaintances will dream about. I have already passed this way, and now I am ready to show it to you.

Deceived expectations

Why do you need an exchange

Let's ask ourselves: why do people come to the financial markets? Most novice traders believe that this is the easiest way to achieve wealth. You do not need to come up with new marketing tricks to attract customers, negotiate with counterparties, keep accounting records, control your employees - nothing that an ordinary entrepreneur has to worry about. At first glance, the life of a trader is like a fairy tale: by pressing one key on your computer, you buy any assets cheaper, and after a while you sell them more expensive, earning tens, hundreds and even millions of dollars! However, you are not tied to a specific place. Today you trade from Moscow, and tomorrow from Paris. Tired of big cities? And here you are, somewhere in the paradise islands, conducting multimillion-dollar transactions using a brand new ultra-thin MacBook. Not life, but a fairy tale! And what is most surprising, for some very rare market participants, this is a reality. I have a good friend who lives exactly as I have just described. Often when I call him to arrange lunch in one of the cozy Moscow cafes, it turns out that he is now with his family in Singapore or crosses the American continent from east to west. In general, he lives where he wants and makes financial transactions when he finds time for this. However, people who live such a life, I personally know a little - you can count on the fingers of one hand.

We often hear names like George Soros and Warren Buffett. They made fabulous fortunes in the financial markets. For example, in 1992, George Soros made several billion dollars by shorting the British pound. This financial transaction has gone down in history, but there have been other large, albeit less public transactions. Most of George Soros's deals were speculative, which is not the case with one of the greatest investors of our time, Warren Buffett. At one time I studied his biography. 800 pages of fine print describing his journey into the world of investing. What surprised me the most was that he still doesn't use a computer. He does not need access to the World Wide Web to view financial statements. The famous investor analyzes it on paper and makes his own calculations using a calculator and an ordinary ballpoint pen.

We discussed the question of a competent choice of a trading strategy, based on the psychotype of a trader. Now, in continuation of the topic, let's see what happens if you do nothing of this, but trade everything and everyone in a row, not taking into account your own psychological characteristics.

The typical beginner's path

It is a little sad to write about this because the majority goes this way. And this despite the fact that tons of materials have already been written on this topic. Probably, many of you also went down this path, being firmly convinced that this time everything will be different. If you are just starting out as a trader, I hope that after reading this article, you will be able to achieve success in an easier way.

So, you hate your job, you've been sleeping for a long time and you see an opportunity to get rid of the need to work from dawn to dusk, and suddenly you discover the stock exchange.

Office. Monday morning. You are sitting at your workplace. “My life sucks,” you say to yourself, and start surfing the Internet in search of an opportunity to break this vicious circle of routine. What options do people usually consider in such a situation?

  • real estate investment,
  • stock trading,
  • Forex,
  • online marketing,
  • Futures,
  • Creating videos on YouTube,
  • Launching your own channel in Telegram
  • etc.

However, if you are reading this text now, then most likely you have chosen stock trading, that is, you have decided to become a trader. You are excited, very eager to start your “journey into trading” as soon as possible, so you are in a hurry.

Here's what's next

You register on a bunch of trading forums or join groups of traders on social networks. More often than not, both at the same time. Now that you are determined to become a billionaire, you are starting to learn the basics of the profession in these free communities. These are really great places to start.. You can learn trading jargon and get help setting up the software. Most importantly, it's free!

You follow some of the most active groups of forum members and try out some trading systems. Forums help get you started, but they're also really confusing. For the most part, the blind here work as guides for the blind.

Some say one thing, others say the exact opposite. And it's starting to get annoying. You begin to realize that you are slowly degrading along with the whole crowd.

You start looking for opportunities to learn something new and move forward and decide to buy your first trading course. Next, you start to google for a reputable mentor, choose a course based on how profitable it is financially, how famous the author of the methodology is, whether he trades professionally himself, and, if so, how successfully.

Selected and purchased. For a while everything goes well. You are glad that you managed to learn this proven trading system. Learning the system is easy enough and you start applying it to the live account you just opened.

You earn the first money

The trading system works pretty well and you have your first profitable week! You think that this is it - happiness and life is a success! Everything turned out to be much simpler than they wrote on the forums and said different, wiser uncles.

So instead of risking 1% on a trade like your mentor recommends, you start risking more volume. Maybe 5% on some deals. But you only risk 10% on trades that you are really sure about. Turning 500 dollars into 100,000 is only a matter of time for you, and the very next!

The Big Bang Theory"

And then THIS happens. You open a trade that is too risky, you forget to set a stop loss. At the same time, you are at work, and you do not have the opportunity to continuously follow what is happening on the monitor. But you are sure that now your trading account is systematically increasing there, and you will soon get rid of the need to deal with all sorts of stupid nonsense in the office every day.

You are returned to reality by the received SMS-message from the broker that you urgently need to replenish the trading deposit in order to avoid closing the account. All your trading capital is drained. It is not necessary here to describe in detail the whole gamut of experiences. Those who have gone through it will understand this way, and those who have not gone through it will understand later, when they experience it in their own skin.

And now what? After getting out of the experience, the search for a trading robot or an automatic trading system begins.

You replenish your trading account again, but this time you will definitely be "smarter".

Since, being at work, you cannot control your transactions, you will entrust this mission to the trading robot.

Thus, you again dive into the Internet in search of a couple of advisers that look extremely promising. You buy and install them in full accordance with the attached instructions.

Guess what's going on?

They actually start making money. First week. Now that your trading is on auto-pilot thanks to trading robots, you are thinking about where you can invest your excess profits. At this point, you tell your friends and family that you have finally mastered this damn trading.

But you are doing something else. Remember those earning opportunities that you considered in the office? Why not explore them too! You start going to real estate investment meetings and even try your hand at internet marketing. It distracts you from trading and you lose focus.

I call these actions "diamond smoke hovering in the janitor's room", by analogy with the wonderful novel by I. Ilf and E. Petrov. It tends to dissipate as suddenly as it formed. For around this very time, your advisers unanimously drain your deposit. This usually starts when the market goes flat. A few trades in a small minus, then a few trades in a small plus, then again a minus. Gradually, the losses become more and more.

Now you finally understand that if you did not write the robot and do not know how it works, then you will never understand why it stopped working. Thus, you come to the understanding that automated trading is also not an option, and again you begin to consider options with learning to trade for yourself.

Welcome to the search team

Thus begins a new stage in your professional development, which I conventionally call the “search for the Grail”. You move from course to course, trading system to trading system, in search of your "holy grail". This phase can last for months or even years.

Every time you lose money using another trading system, you think it's a trading system error. You keep paying for courses, hoping that the next one will finally lead you to the promised land.

the very bottom

After a while, the endless jumps tire you out. At this moment, you understand that you have come to complete stupidity, you have sunk to the bottom. And what can not be done when you hit the bottom? That's right, you can't dig. The thought comes that trading is not your path. It is at this stage that most people fall out of the race. From start to finish, this journey typically takes nine months to two years, and takes one to three deposits with it.

Now you are faced with a difficult choice: admit defeat and accept the office routine for the rest of your life, or continue to fight and go for your dream? You remember that you are not used to retreat and always succeed. Therefore, you need to keep moving forward.

Financial Manager

But what if you use the experience and knowledge of a professional trader? He will supply you with his trading signals, and you will just need to copy them. And that's the thing! Instead of trusting your hard-earned money to a soulless machine, some kind of robot, isn't it better to find a person? Yes, this is definitely the solution!

Thus, you have divided your fairly battered, but still existing risk capital between two traders - Vasya and Petya. Literally immediately it turned out that Vasya turned out to be a swindler, about whom they had already written on the Internet, but for some reason you did not stumble upon this information in time.

But Petya is actually a really good trader. But the technology that copies his trades to your terminal for some reason does not work well, constantly crashes, and as a result, you lose money, instead of making 10%, which Petya did last month. You decide that the practice of following other people's trading signals also does not always work and not for everyone.

Return. You find a mentor again

Having decided to understand everything thoroughly, you sit down to sum up. You have tried many different things so far and have come a long way. If by this time you still have free funds for trading, and, most importantly, the desire to become a trader, then congratulations. You become a trader.

So what's left? Start learning again. Now you look around for the most successful trader you can find and book a private mentoring session. It costs a lot of money, but you think it's worth it.

The first mentor does not help, so you try to look for another one. Then more. You are back on the path of searching for the Grail, only this time the search is much more expensive. What else is left for you? At this moment, sometimes there may be a feeling of complete impotence and moral devastation.

But, according to some unknown laws and rules, it is at this moment that a miracle happens. You understand that the notorious "Grail" actually was with you all this time. Or rather, within you.

You turn to face yourself and begin to learn to understand yourself so that this magic cup can finally be used for its intended purpose. So you come to the definition of your psychotype, and start trading what is comfortable for you. Just at the very moment when you almost gave up, it's like you get an electric shock. It works. Do you understand? It just works and that's it. Sometimes you are not even able to explain how it works.

You suddenly realize that there are trading systems that you absolutely hate to trade, and there are others that you have confidence in and that you can understand if you spend enough time. Now you are re-reading all the records that you have collected over the years. Review training courses and mentors' lessons. Which of them did you like the most? You start learning and testing trading systems again. You figure out which ones fit your personality and lifestyle.

This is also a search for the "Grail", but this is a completely different search! If only you knew this sooner! How much time, nerves, effort and money (this is especially a pity for money) could be saved!


As you have probably figured out by now, if you start by understanding your personality, and not just learning trading systems, there is a huge bonus to be had. But most traders don't. But I hope that now that you have read all of this, it will help you reach your dream of freedom faster.

The Trader's Way was written by a very young author. Is it worth listening to his opinion and attempts to teach trading? In order to find out whether the reader will find something useful in this work of literary and trading art, it is worth carefully studying its content.

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A graduate in the field of the global economy, since 2007 he worked in the Otkritie brokerage structure as a consultant, and by the end of 2008 he became the head of the trader education department. In 2010, Dmitry became the founder of one of the largest organizations of this kind, the Helius Group company, which actively provides training and investment services.

The main motivating factor for reading his book was the information that Cheremushkin was able to achieve a yield of 1200% in just three months in 2008, and in 2013 one of Dmitry's students managed to earn 18 million rubles. So, the author can still teach something.

For reference! Cheryomushkin, by the age of 30, is known as the winner of the "Best Private Investor" contest and the silver medalist of the "Battle of Traders".

How useful is a textbook for traders?

The textbook was published in 2015 by Alpina, but it appeared in the public domain only at the beginning of 2017. Contains 110 pages, including 10 illustrations.

The full title of the book is The Trader's Way. How to Become a Millionaire Trading the Financial Markets” encourages you to read it cover to cover. Who doesn't want to be financially independent? Indeed, beginners who are just about to become traders will learn a lot of useful things from the textbook. This is not just a description of the thorny path from a student to a successful merchant from Dmitry Cheremushkin, but also an explanation in simple terms of the most common terms.

Throughout the narrative, the thought slips that you should never give up, and even more so in trading. As an example, Dmitry describes the first 2 years of his history, in which he suffered significant losses.

After a short introduction about how trading is a good livelihood option, the reader is waiting for 8 chapters on the market economy. They will help you learn the basics of trading, choose a specific, optimal strategy for each person personally.

Chapter Description
Deceived expectations The number of attempts to change the financial situation with the help of Forex is amazing. However, only 3% of novice traders achieve success, because after many failures they do not give up and work on a strategy, do not spend all their savings for an unverified trade.
How do people come and go from trading? Beginners, mostly young people who are hungry for money and fame, soon realize that without serious training, trading will never bring income. At this stage, more than 90% of customers are weeded out. But someone is lucky right away, they get into a team where there are already professionals.
Market Philosophy Here, modern trading systems are described and some modernizing of old, income-generating strategies is proposed. Cyclical markets, rules for choosing the best option.
Risk management system This chapter will teach you how to compare possible profits and losses, as well as limit transactions, depending on the likely risks.
Trading system This includes the concept of a trading system, its foundations and elements, a tutorial on building your own strategy.
Psychology in trading Self-discipline is the basis of success in trading.
Robotization of trading Pros and cons of automation (autopilot) trading. Attempts to create your own strategy program, testing rules and bug fixes.

Each chapter ends with some list of practical tasks for the trainee. And the textbook ends with Cheryomushkin's motivating monologue that one should never stop learning.

Where to buy the book?

It is difficult to find a textbook on trading in bookstores, but sometimes sellers agree to order a publication. In this case, its cost will be an average of 700 rubles.

It is much easier to order home delivery of a book in one of the online stores. In addition, there is an option to purchase a textbook autographed by Cheryomushkin himself on the Helius Group service, but then the cost will be twice as much, from 1200 rubles.

You can download the electronic version of the book for a certain price in the following formats:

  • word;
  • Epub.

There are also archived files and versions adapted for small gadget screens.

Some stores provide the opportunity to read the textbook even from a push-button phone using the java program.

There is an option to study the book for free - some services offer to read The Trader's Way online.

The Way of the Trader is hardly suitable for experienced users: everything that is presented in the book is already known to them. But for beginners, the textbook is a godsend, it will allow you not only to learn the basics of trading, choose the best strategies for successful trading, but also find the strength not to give up when you fail.

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