Step by step instructions for beginners to embroider satin butterflies. Butterfly Ribbon Embroidery: Ideas and Workshops Butterfly Ribbon Embroidery for Beginners

Butterfly stitch embroidery schemes enable the embroiderer to reproduce the image of a beautiful insect on the fabric. The work is not difficult, but it brings maximum pleasure to the craftswoman and aesthetics to any product. On which this pattern will be embroidered.

Stitch embroidery is a very exciting activity that simply cannot but interest you. This article will be especially close to needlewomen. Smooth surface is an opportunity to convey all your feelings and emotions, only on the canvas. Having mastered the technique, you will learn how to make unusual and stylish things. For example, decorate home textiles, children's and adult clothes, as well as invent new decor elements with your own hands that cause amazement and delight among the guests who come to your home.

Base fabrics for satin stitch embroidery can be completely different. In this case, the fabric is not as important as, say, in cross-stitching. So, the craftswoman chooses the material based on what she is going to do. In the event that this is bed linen, then, as a rule, silk, coarse calico or satin will be most appropriate. At the time of purchase, carefully review the fabric on both sides and ask the seller for its exact composition. You will need this to know if special care is needed.

If you are going to sew, for example, outer spring clothes, then a drape will do. Before you start embroidering, you need to start straightening the fabric and steaming it. This is necessary so that after embroidery there is no distorted and uneven pattern.

When buying embroidery threads, as a rule, pay attention to the thickness of the fabric. If your choice is on a thin material, then cotton or silk threads will do. Muline threads are universal. They are suitable for absolutely any base, since their thickness can be adjusted at any time. In the event that you decide to decorate outerwear made of thick material, then woolen threads will suit you.

Embroidery needles do not have a specific size. Therefore, they can be completely different. Most importantly, when buying, do not forget to take into account the thickness of the fabric and threads.

Let's take into account thin materials, for example, silk, then needles of 1-3 numbers will do; cotton, wool - 4-8 numbers; drape - 9-12 numbers.

The main types of stitches that can be found most often:

straight stitch, lowercase and stalk stitches, back and forth needle stitches, knot stitch, fan stitch, top stitch.

Butterfly embroidery schemes.

You will need: a needle; threads of the thickness you need; the cloth; hoop; thimble.

This technique will allow you to play with colors, stitch sizes.

The main types of smooth surface: shady, flat, fan, and also, Vladimirskaya. Having mastered these types, you can easily complete this drawing.

In the diagram, you can see step by step how to embroider an insect wing.

The samples presented above can decorate absolutely any thing. It can be a tablecloth or kitchen napkin. Also, you can decorate any children's or women's thing. For example, a blouse, blouse or dress. Your wardrobe will be filled with new life, refreshed and become stylish and relevant again. Since folk motifs do not disappear from fashion catwalks for many seasons.

By slightly increasing the size of a butterfly or flower (they can be connected, as in the photo below), we will get a wonderful picture. It can decorate a room or prepare as a gift for people close to us.

By choosing the right material and technique, you can create a real work of art. But before embarking on a complex picture, it is worth learning how to embroider flowers and other plant elements.

"Children's" flower

This model can be the first step in learning the art of embroidery with silk ribbons.

Step 1

Calculate the length of the ribbon: multiply the double height of the petal by the number of petals.

Step 2

Cut the resulting segment into equal segments according to the number of petals.

Important: the cuts must be straight.

Step 3

Fold each individual petal in half and, with threads of a suitable color, gather both layers together along the bottom edge. Then, with the same threads, fix the assemblies along the bottom edge with a couple of stitches. Prepare the desired number of petals.

Step 4

Arrange the petals in a circle and sew them with threads of a suitable color. From above, sew a bead, a decorative button, or an ordinary flat button with holes, grabbing a few small beads along the top of the button. The flower is ready!

"Wheat Spike"

This stitch, made with silk ribbons, looks voluminous and is very different from the same motif embroidered with threads. Usually, the "spike of wheat" is embroidered in a straight line, but it can be embroidered along a slightly curved line.

Step 1

First, draw 3 parallel lines on the fabric (or take a structural fabric). Mark points on these lines at equal intervals parallel to each other, as shown in the photo.

Step 2

Pass the needle with the tape from point A to point B. Straighten the tape so that it lies with the front (more shiny) side up.

Step 3

From point B, pull the needle with the tape to the wrong side. Do not tighten the tape, it should lie freely on the surface of the fabric or, even better, slightly bend upwards. Using a blunt-tipped needle, a wooden stick, or your fingertips, carefully spread the ribbon so that it resembles a delicate flower petal.

Step 4

Pass the needle with the tape to point C, pull it to the front side so that the shape of the first petal remains the same (do not accidentally tighten the first petal!).

Step 5

Insert the needle with the tape at point B and pull the tape, without tightening it, to the wrong side. Make sure that the front side of the tape is on top. You have got a similarity of the Latin letter V from two petals.

Step 6

On the wrong side, pass the needle with the ribbon to point D and bring the ribbon to the front side of the embroidery.

Step 7

Without piercing the fabric, pass the ribbon needle from right to left under the base of the V-shaped ribbon stitch. Do not pierce the ribbons!

Step 8

And again bring the needle with the tape to the wrong side at point D. Straighten the tape so that you get two petals pressed against each other.

Step 9

We repeat the steps already performed: we draw the needle with the tape from point D to point E along the wrong side, at point E we bring the needle with the tape to the front side, straighten it with the right side up.

We bring the needle with the tape to the wrong side at point D.

Step 10

Similarly, we perform the adjacent stitch and get the next letter V.

Step 11

Again we draw the needle with the tape along the wrong side to the next lower point in the middle.

And once again, without piercing the fabric and ribbons, we pass the needle with the ribbon from right to left under the stitch in the shape of the letter V.

We bring the needle with the tape to the wrong side at the same point.

Step 12

Thus, we embroider a “wheat spikelet” of the desired length, if desired, we make a small stitch at the bottom (you can use a ribbon of a different shade) as a receptacle.

In conclusion, we sew 3 small stitches at the top of the spikelet - first two side stitches, then one at the top in the middle with a regular ribbon stitch.

Decoration of silk ribbons with beads

Beads most often decorate the core of the flower, and also fix long stems of flowers on the fabric. They also use round or oblong beads, glass beads and rhinestones.


Step 1

Embroider on the fabric first the torso of beads, and then the antennae. Cut a small piece from the ribbon for a pair of wings.

Step 2

Cut a square of ribbon in half diagonally and burn the edges on a candle or lighter flame to keep them from fraying.

Step 3

Gather the longest edge of the ribbon triangle with matching thread for straight stitch sewing.

Step 4

Sew one wing to the body with a gathered edge to the beads. Try to put the folds under the beads, and also hide the gathering threads. Now sew the second wing on the other side of the body. Butterfly is ready!

Tip: You can make a butterfly by gathering a bow folded from a ribbon in the middle, and then sewing a beaded butterfly body over it.


Step 1

Sew beads for the body to the fabric. Sew on each bead with two stitches.
Tip: fixing each next bead on the fabric, bring the needle to the front side exactly in the middle between the beads.

Step 2

For the eyes of the dragonfly, collect three beads of a different color on a thread and sew them in the shape of a circle on both sides of the head.

Step 4

Stitch the wings of the dragonfly with a regular ribbon stitch. To do this, bring the needle with the ribbon to the front side at the upper base of the dragonfly's body, lay it in the shape of a wing, wrap the upper edge of the wing up and over and pass the needle with the silk ribbon through both layers of the ribbon to the wrong side. Stitch the other three wings in the same way.

Photo 12

Remember to pull the tape all the way to the wrong side, laying the dragonfly wings flat enough.

Tip: Translucent rainbow organza ribbons work best for dragonfly wings. The body of the dragonfly can be embroidered with ordinary embroidery threads, and small round buttons or sequins can be used for the eyes.

Text: Elena Karpova
Photo: Elena Karpova,
The material was prepared by Anna Soboleva

Ribbons: red, black, white 2 mm wide.
Threads: black (for the body and antennae).

Trace the outlines and mark the outlines of the red zero of the wings.
Fill the insides of the wings with red ribbon embroidery.
Sew the outer parts of the wings with black ribbons in two rows with an overlap.
Run white details on black embroidery.
Embroider the front edge of the front wings with a basting stitch, sew the rest of the wings with a Palestrina stitch.
Embroider the body and antennae with black thread.

Danaid chrysippus

Ribbons: white, golden, beige width A mm; black 2 mm wide.
Threads: brown (for the body), black (for the antennae).

Outline the outlines.
Finish the insides of the front fenders with beige ribbons.
Embroider the hind wings with golden ribbons.
Embroider the outer edge of the front wings with black ribbons, embroider white details over them.
Sew the front edge with small, entwined basting stitches with black tape 2 mm wide, sheathe the edge of the remaining wings with a “palestrina” stitch.
Embroider the body with brown threads, the antennae with black.

Butterfly embroidery patterns

Below are patterns for embroidering small butterflies. The sizes of the schemes can be changed depending on the chosen fabric with a uniform weave.

Begin to embroider butterflies from the front edge of the front wings, you sew both front wings, then go to the back.
The body should be embroidered with single brown ribbons twisted with straight stitches or twisted knots with thin silk threads.
Embroider the antennae with thin black thread, a long straight stitch and a short stitch "back of the needle" at the top.

If you like to create beautiful things with your own hands, try this kind of needlework like embroidery. In this way, beautiful voluminous -embroideries on clothes-, a variety of paintings and crafts are created. Let's find out what ribbon embroidery is, what tools are needed for beginners and attach a video with step-by-step ribbon embroidery lessons.

Features of the technique of such embroidery

To get started, you need the following tools and materials:

  1. Tapes. They come in different widths. It is better to take satin ribbons with a width of 7 - 25 mm.
  2. Fabric for embroidery. Gabardine is the best.
  3. hoop(wood or plastic).
  4. Needles with a wide eye and a blunt end.
  5. Auxiliary tools: scissors, matches or a lighter, candles, glue, an awl, pliers and a special marker for drawing.

After buying the tools, we proceed to threading the ribbon into the needle. To do this, cut one end of the tape in a straight line and burn it with fire, and cut the other end at an oblique angle. Thread the ribbon with an oblique angle through the eye of the needle and pull the needle slightly down the ribbon. Then pull the needle to the same end of the tape, not reaching it 0.5 ml.

Now hold the needle by the sharp end and pull the tape down. Thus, a knot will be obtained that firmly holds the tape in the needle.

Now make a flat knot at the other end of the ribbon. To do this, bend the end of the ribbon and insert the needle with the resulting knot into the resulting bend. It turns out a loop that must be put on a finger, insert a needle instead of a finger and tighten the tape. We get a knot. Now you can start embroidering patterns.

Ideas for such embroidery with patterns

Consider a few ideas for embroidering with satin ribbons with a pattern for beginners step by step. We use a straight stitch. The needle passes from the wrong side to the front side, stretching the tape. Then, at the desired distance, it is displayed inside out.

Chamomile ribbon embroidery pattern for beginners with step by step photos

The stems are embroidered with floss threads folded several times. First, lay the thread along the line of the stem, fix with needles.

Then make a stitch with another thread, bringing the needle from the wrong side to the front side and grabbing the thread that lies on the canvas.

Sew all the stems of chamomile in the same way.

Chamomile petals are embroidered with a green ribbon and wider than the previous one. Focusing on the scheme, we embroider the petals, starting from the top.

We fill the middle of the chamomile with beads or -embroider with rhinestones-.

Ribbon embroidery roses with step by step photos for beginners

For "embroidering roses with ribbons", you need to create buds. Following the diagram in the photo, twist the desired number of colors. Sew them with thread and singe the ends with a lighter.
Rose leaves are made from ribbon cut into squares. After singeing the edges, fold them diagonally three times, getting a triangle.

Trim the edges and singe the cut ends, holding the triangle with tweezers. Pin the corner of the triangle with a needle and thread. Having created three petals, secure them with threads. Use glue to attach the petals to the rose.

Draw a pattern on the fabric and fix the resulting buds. By creating patterns using step-by-step photos and instructions for beginners, you can embroider poppies, asters, tulips, peonies, lilac buds and various other flowers with ribbons.


To create poppies, you will need a wide red ribbon, green for the core, black floss for creating stamens, a candle and glue.

  • Create a poppy petal template from cardboard and cut out 12 identical blanks.
  • Gather the petals with glue or thread.

  • Cut out the round pieces. The resulting petals will be attached to them.
  • Using hot glue, apply the petals in a circle, overlapping each subsequent one. The bottom layer will consist of 9 petals. The last one half covers the previous one and forms a circle.
  • The last three petals form the top layer. Glue them to the middle of the flower.

The core of the poppy is made from a circle of cloth.

Butterfly ribbon embroidery master class for beginners with step by step photos

We offer a simple master class on embroidering a butterfly. To do this, you will need tapes with a width of 5 and 12 mm and a needle.

Video with the lessons of the master class of such embroidery for beginners

Check out the video, which shows a step by step tutorial on embroidering roses with ribbons for beginners. You will need canvas, a hoop, a marker for drawing a pattern, scissors, a needle, ribbon and thread in the color of the ribbon. An easy way to create a beautiful bud.

Very beautiful embroidery with lilac ribbons. You will need ribbons in the color of lilac and petals, threads and yellow beads, a pencil, scissors and a lighter.

To embroider tulips with ribbons, you will need ribbons in the color of the bud and petals, threads, needles, scissors and a lighter. An easy way that you can do it yourself.

Master class on "embroidering pictures with ribbons". To work, you will need bright satin ribbons, a needle and floss threads. Ready - volumetric embroidery - is framed.

Such a beautiful fluttering insect like a butterfly, embroidered with ribbons, will look great on pillowcases, towels, handkerchiefs, and will also become a wonderful additional element in a picture with floral motifs. It is created easily and takes a little time like this, you will be convinced of this by studying the master classes offered below.

For embroidery, prepare ribbons with a width of five and twelve millimeters. When using other material parameters, the butterfly will take on a three-dimensional appearance than the one presented in the lesson.

Step by step:

  1. At the first stage, it is necessary to embroider a body of tape on the prepared fabric, five millimeters wide. For this, a “forward needle” seam is used. Please note that the distance among the stitches is small (only a few base threads), four and a half centimeters long.
  2. We lay a stitch of one cm, which will serve as a butterfly antenna. After that, the needle is passed to the outside.

  3. We wrap the tape around the needle several times and bring it to the wrong side near the previous puncture. We pull the tape tightly when passing the needle through the base. Follow the step-by-step photos, they illustrate the progress of the work.
  4. Thus, a knot is formed on the outside, as in the photo. The next mustache is done in a similar way.

  5. Butterfly wings are embroidered with a loop with an attachment. The second wing is embroidered with an overlap on the first.

  6. To create the lower wings, use a material with a larger width. Here, a “long stitch with a curl” seam is used. The tape adheres to the front part, after which it is bent to the wrong side. Further, in the opposite direction, we pierce with a needle at the top vertically in the center of the satin material relative to a certain length of the stitch. A sharp corner has formed, consisting of symmetrical curls in the center of the ribbon, as in the photo.

  7. The second lower wing is embroidered in the same way.
  8. This completes the master class. See how such a cute butterfly fit into the overall flower arrangement.

Original butterfly made of nylon ribbons

Prepare for work:

  • tapes;
  • a needle;
  • scissors;
  • beads;
  • lighter;
  • fabric for embroidery.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. We divide the tape into pieces that fold in half.
  2. Form a diagonal basting with threads and cut the ribbon into 2 parts.
  3. The next element is also typed on a thread using a running stitch.
  4. Be sure to singe the cut edges with a lighter so that the material does not crumble.

  5. By pulling the thread, you will get a pair of wings. Repeat the previous steps and create more wings.

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