Would onion skins help? Onion peel. Useful properties of onion peel. What is included in the onion peel and makes it so useful

The benefits of onions have long been disputed by no one. They eat the vegetable, treat it and “bring beauty” (masks for the face and hair from onion gruel or onion juice). But you can and should also use the beneficial properties of onion peel. Onion peel in its composition contains many useful substances. It includes:

  • trace elements (calcium, iron, potassium, sulfur);
  • vitamins (A, group B, E, PP, C);
  • substances that neutralize bacteria, fungi, viruses (phytoncides);
  • antioxidants (carotene, flavonoids, quercetin, which relieves swelling, pain, spasms, inflammation, and kills worms).

The composition of onion peel, so rich and beneficial to any living organism, simply obliges us to use it in our lives and activities.

How to prepare onion peel

To use the husk with maximum health benefits, peelings must be harvested from onions harvested in their own garden, or bought from grandmothers on the market, so that it does not contain harmful insecticides or growth accelerators, nitrates and other "bad" components. Everyone knows that these chemicals accumulate in the upper layers of vegetables (peel, peel, husk).

After drying the dug out bulbs, wipe them with a dry cloth and remove the upper, easily detachable scales from them, put them in a dry container and store them in a ventilated dry room.


Onion peel in the fight against diseases

It turns out that many millennia ago, mankind already knew and used the healing properties of all plants of the bulb family (all their species and garlic), using them to neutralize viruses, treat colds, and relieve inflammation.

It is interesting

Juice and gruel of garlic and onions during the period of Genghis Khan's activity were applied to purulent wounds, this disinfected them, prevented inflammation and accelerated healing. The same method was practiced during World War II - onion paste relieved pain and accelerated wound healing.

Yes, people themselves have been using onions and garlic for a long time, but they started talking about onion peel quite recently - just a few decades ago, after thoroughly analyzing its composition, and came to the conclusion about the unconditional benefits of this "food waste" for human health .

onion peel

Bulb cleaning can be infused with alcohol or water and used as a drug in the fight and prevention of:

  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • joint diseases;
  • viral and colds;
  • with renal colic;
  • skin problems (dermatitis, nail fungus, eczema, furunculosis and others).

Onion peel acts as an expectorant and anti-inflammatory, it perfectly drives bile and flushes the kidneys and urinary tract, removes toxins, relieves spasms and pain.


onion tea

A drink made from onion peel has a healing effect. Drinking such a seagull every morning, which retains all the healing substances, literally “before our eyes” noticeably improves the appearance: the skin becomes clean and healthy, hair and nails become strong, mood improves, and efficiency increases.


Onion peel drink is easy to prepare: 1 tbsp. l. Steam raw materials in a glass of boiling water, wrap with a towel and leave for half an hour. Strain, drink with honey.

rinses onion tea, infusion or decoction - an excellent remedy for colds, gum disease, pain in the teeth.

It is interesting

Mesopotamian clay tablets are stored at Yale University - a kind of cookbook containing recipes for dishes that widely use onion plants: onions, leeks, shallots, garlic.

Onion peel tea

We treat diseases with onion tea

Bronchitis it is treated with compresses: husks steamed with boiling water, infused for several minutes and squeezed. Put in the form of a compress on the bronchial area for half an hour (three times a day).

Coughing removed with onion tea: drink five to six times a day, two tbsp. l.

Warts, skin rashes and irritations, fungal problems disappear from crumbled husks (two parts), mixed with neutral (children's) cream, or petroleum jelly, glycerin (3 parts). The problem areas are lubricated with the prepared mass twice a day, the composition is stored in a cold place.

Varicose veins and leg pain can be treated by rubbing boiled onion peel and chamomile into problem areas. According to 2 tbsp. l. components pour 2 tbsp. water, hold on fire in a boiling state for 10-20 minutes, leave for several hours, put in a water bath to evaporate to half the volume.

Fatigue and pain in the legs will disappear if you massage your feet with onion oil. Crushed husk (handful) mixed with 2 tbsp. l. oil, better than olive oil, but you can use any available oil, and infuse for 10 days.

Allergic manifestations removes, removing toxins from the body, onion tea, consumed in 2 tbsp. l. several times a day.

To improve hair growth, it is necessary to rinse them with infusion of husks (1: 2) after washing.

Diabetes also treated with onion tea, taking half a glass of it twice after meals. The trace element sulfur contained in onion husks lowers blood sugar levels.

Chronic prostatitis and adenoma goes into remission if you drink half a glass of onion tea four times a day, after eating.

Joint pain effectively removes onion peels “soaked” in vinegar. The infusion is prepared as follows: a couple of handfuls of onion flakes are poured into a glass of 9% vinegar, hermetically sealed and left to infuse, periodically shaking the mixture, for half a month. Then filter and make compresses at night. With the help of the husk remaining after straining, you can get rid of corns by applying a compress of "acetic husk" to them at night.


The use of onion peel in everyday life and in the garden

  1. When cooking of the broth, the onion peel added to it brings all its useful substances to the finished dish, and also improves its taste and tints it with a delicious golden hue.
  2. Laid on the bottom of the pan in which the fish will be stewed, a layer of onion peel will give the dish an exquisite taste and appetizing delicate aroma.
  3. A decoction of onion peel, as ideal and environmentally friendly natural dye, paint eggs for Easter, give a reddish tint, shine and natural beauty to the hair.
  4. Fertilize with infusion of onion peel houseplants and also protect them from pests and fungal diseases. You can water the plants under the root and spraying the leaves.
  5. In the garden use onion peel in the form of decoctions and infusions to combat harmful insects and diseases of cultivated plants.
  6. The husks placed in the holes in which the seedlings will be planted disinfect the soil and fertilize her.
  7. A decoction of onion peel is good water garden plants (carrots, tomatoes), spray cucumbers from yellowing leaves.


Onion ... Most of us somehow use this useful product. Many dishes that have won the hearts of modern culinary specialists have this appetizing plant in their composition. It can be fried, boiled, baked, grilled, pickled, or simply eaten raw. In addition to the pleasant taste, onions have a number of useful properties. Each of us has repeatedly heard about it, but, as it turned out, the most useful part is that part of it that is customary to simply throw it away.

onion peel

The part of the onion that most people think is useless actually has amazing properties. able to fight many diseases, due to its unique composition. It contains organic acids, salts, phytoncides, flavonoids, all kinds of B, E, C, PP vitamins and many other useful trace elements. Onion peel as a medicine has been valued since ancient times. Healers and sorcerers of the past widely used this remedy for the treatment of a number of diseases. Modern medicine has long ignored what can not be said about traditional medicine.

People have always used onion skins extensively. She found a use not only in the treatment of ailments, but also as a dye. Brown eggs, which are ubiquitous at Easter, are dyed with onion skins. In addition, it can tint and strengthen hair, put in order problematic skin.

Beneficial features

The people know a lot of useful properties that onion peel possesses. Treatment, reviews of which are usually purely positive, is a great example of this. It turns out that what we throw away as unnecessary garbage can bring huge benefits to our health. Onion peel has an antioxidant, antispasmodic, choleretic, tonic, and sometimes even laxative effect.

Also, this amazing tool can effectively fight cancer. Substances contained in onion skins can slow down, if not completely stop the development of cancer cells. With its help, you can successfully remove sodium and chlorine salts from the body. You can be sure that such compounds in the body of a modern layman are simply deposits. For blood vessels, onion peel is an extremely useful tool that will help to avoid strokes and generally improve the condition of the entire circulatory system.

Cosmetic properties

It is difficult to list all the useful properties that onion peel is famous for. Treatment for 100 diseases implies help not only from internal ailments, but also from external manifestations of an unhealthy lifestyle. Onion peel can once and for all solve skin problems against which expensive pharmaceutical preparations are powerless. Properly prepared onion broth can save you from acne, fungus, warts, dry corns and other skin diseases. Often, ointments and creams are made from onion peel for these purposes, allowing you to get the maximum effect.

Hair can also become stronger and healthier if the medicine is used wisely. Onion peel decoctions will help get rid of dandruff, make hair healthy and improve its structure. In addition, they can be used as a natural dye. Unlike chemical analogues, such hair coloring will not only not harm your health, but will also make your curls healthier.

Immunity and colds

Onion peel is also famous for its positive effect on the immune system. It has a general strengthening effect on the human body, protecting it from onion peel decoctions can be helpful in increasing immunity, which will help to avoid health problems in the winter. Onion peel as a cure for flu or sore throat has proven its effectiveness over many centuries of its use.

Against a runny nose, colds or an allergic reaction, this recipe is suitable: 4 tablespoons of chopped husks are poured into 1.5 liters of boiling water. Then you need to breathe in the vapors of this solution for five minutes. Another useful onion decoction will help strengthen the immune system and prevent viral diseases. To prepare it, you need to take 1 tablespoon of onion peel and a teaspoon of chopped licorice root. Then add about 50 g of needles to the mixture, after which you should pour all this with two liters of hot water. The resulting liquid must be put on a small fire for 20 minutes, then add 2 tablespoons of ground rose hips to it and boil for another couple of minutes. After that, the broth is poured into a thermos, where it is infused for at least 10 hours. Over the next 2-3 days, you need to drink from 1 to 4 liters of this broth (depending on how you feel).

Treatment of varicose veins and edema

Varicose veins and swelling of the legs haunt many women, and some men too. Onion peel will help get rid of this problem. Treatment, reviews of which are filled with delight and positive, will help restore the legs to their former youth and beauty. A small effect will be observed even from a regular bath with onion broth, but for best results you need to make onion oil.

To prepare it, you need to finely chop a handful of onion peels and add 2 tablespoons of olive oil or grape seed oil, if any, to it. The resulting substance is poured into a ceramic or glass vessel, in which it will be infused for the next 10 days. The resulting oil can be rubbed into the legs or massaged with it. It is best to do this 2 times a week, then the positive effect that onions and onion peels have will be noticeable.

Oral treatment

With stomatitis or periodontal disease, the same onion peel will help you. The benefits of its use will not be long in coming if you rinse your mouth with diluted onion broth twice a day. A full course of such rinses lasts 10 days, after which problems with the oral cavity should completely stop. How to make a treasured decoction? To make it, you need to pour 3 teaspoons of onion peel with 0.5 liters of water and bring the liquid to a boil. Then the broth is infused for three hours. A wonderful remedy for the treatment of the oral cavity is ready!

Onion peel for diabetes

Onion peel, as well as the onion itself, are an indispensable product for diabetes. Vitamins and microelements included in their composition significantly alleviate this ailment. This vegetable is almost completely free of proteins and fats, so diabetics do not need to worry once again when eating onions. Another benefit of onion skins is a substance called allicin. He is responsible for the ability of this folk remedy to lower the amount of sugar in the blood, as a result of which the need for insulin decreases. Also, the beneficial effect that onion peel has on blood vessels avoids the complications inherent in diabetes.

The prescription for diabetes is quite simple. It is necessary to pour a small handful of crushed husks with hot water and insist the resulting solution in a thermos. The optimal infusion time is about 8 hours. The resulting broth should be drunk in a third of a glass half an hour before meals. It is difficult to find a drug safer than it is almost absent, which allows even seriously ill people to use it.

Onion peel for hair

So, how can onion peel help hair? Treatment, reviews of which exceed even the wildest expectations, promotes rapid hair growth and helps get rid of dandruff. make it very easy. To do this, pour onion peel with warm water in a ratio of 1: 2 and leave to infuse for 10 hours. The resulting tincture can be washed hair, but the course should not be more than three weeks. After such procedures, the hair will become much stronger and healthier and slightly change its shade, absorbing the pleasant color of the onion peel.

Onion peel ointment

For external use of onion peel, an ointment is best suited. It can be an excellent remedy for wounds and boils. Onion ointment helps with dermatitis and fungal diseases, helps to eliminate corns and warts. And most importantly, when applied externally, the harm of onion peel is negated. To prepare the ointment, you need to grind the husk into dust. After that, mix the resulting powder with any neutral cream or petroleum jelly. Fat is also suitable for this purpose. Store the ointment in a cool dark place, preferably in a glass container. You can use this effective remedy against any skin diseases, especially if you combine it with drug treatment. There are no restrictions on the duration of the course.

Onion peel: contraindications

Like most other herbal remedies, onion peel is relatively safe, but it also has contraindications. Just like with any other medicine, dosages must be observed here. Naturally, it is very difficult to get poisoned by onion peel, but it is better not to arrange such extreme checks on your body. This applies to the intake of decoctions and tinctures, with external use of onion ointments, an overdose is excluded.

There are those who absolutely cannot take onion peel. These are people suffering from increased blood clotting. Onion peel contains quercetin, a substance that promotes blood clotting. This can aggravate the problem, lead to the formation of blood clots and other troubles. In any case, you should not think that onion peel will help you from any illness. Treatment, reviews of which can be found everywhere, is not a panacea. It would be wiser to consult with your doctor before using traditional medicine recipes.

An undeservedly forgotten tool

To date, people have plunged headlong into the modern worldview, discarding most of the knowledge obtained by their ancestors. This led to the fact that many folk remedies that have helped people for centuries have been forgotten. Instead, pills, drops, pills and syringes flooded homes. But our ancestors lived without all these quirks of civilization and did not complain.

What can onion skins offer you? Treatment for 100 diseases! It does not just relieve some of the symptoms of one particular disease, like expensive drugs from a pharmacy. The beneficial substances contained in the onion peel have a complex effect on the body, benefiting all its components. The same is true with most other medicinal plants - taking them for any particular ailment, you get a bunch of additional beneficial effects as a gift. The benefits and harms of this folk remedy are described in most detail in the book "Onion peel. Treatment for 100 diseases." It presents the most effective methods of treatment with onions, as well as delicious dishes from this unusual vegetable.

You used to throw away onion skins as useless trash. Now you have a chance to reconsider your views on this wonderful remedy. Perhaps it is the onion peel that will help you solve the problem that has prevented you from living a full life for many years.

Onion skins are rich in many beneficial chemicals. It contains flavonoids, phytoncides, antioxidants, carotenoids.

Vitamins C, P, E, PP, group B, organic acids, quercetin. Trace elements (zinc, iodine, potassium, iron, sulfur, calcium, phosphorus and others).

The benefits of onion peel in the content of fibers that lower the risk of heart disease, cancer, gastrointestinal tract.

Onion husks are the integumentary scales of the bulb that have undergone aging. It contains natural antioxidants, these are beneficial substances that protect the body from the negative effects of the environment.

The benefit of the husk is that it can have a positive effect on all organs and systems of the body.

For what diseases is it used?

Beneficial features:

  • cardioprotective;
  • tones up cardiac activity;
  • expectorant properties;
  • immunomodulating;
  • antiseptic;
  • antimicrobial;
  • antitumor properties;
  • regenerating;
  • choleretic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • slows down aging;
  • laxative properties;
  • antispasmodic;
  • anticonvulsant;
  • removes chlorine and sodium from the body;
  • antihistamine properties;
  • antioxidant;
  • vasodilators;
  • lowers the release rate of histamine and other biological substances;
  • hemostatic properties;
  • diuretic;
  • increases vascular tone;
  • membrane stabilizing;
  • antiatherosclerotic.

Also, which have a positive effect on the functioning of many organs and systems.


Onion peel infusion is used to treat the following pathological conditions:

  • with painful periods;
  • arthritis, rheumatism;
  • systemic;
  • in the absence of menstruation;
  • ulcerative colitis;
  • hay fever;
  • from dry, productive cough;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • skin diseases (psoriasis, atopic dermatitis);
  • viral infections, SARS, influenza;
  • angina;
  • neoplasms in the mammary glands;
  • diseases of the heart, blood vessels;
  • allergic reactions;
  • pyelonephritis, cystitis;
  • convulsive syndrome;
  • hypertension;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • stroke, heart attack;
  • retinopathy;
  • thrombosis, varicose veins;
  • erosive and ulcerative diseases of the oral mucosa and upper digestive tract;
  • ovarian cancer, colon cancer;
  • endometriosis;
  • burns, frostbite;
  • wrinkles;
  • hair loss, dandruff.


Some alternative medicine recipes:

  • decoction of onion peel in the absence of menstruation (amenorrhea).

    Prepare 2-3 tbsp. brew spoons of crushed onion peel with a liter of boiling water. Bring the infusion to a boil and turn off the heat, leaving it on the stove for another 15 minutes. Cool, filter, drink ½ cup, twice a day, 30 minutes before meals. This decoction is also used for delaying menstruation. If during menstruation scanty discharge. The resulting decoction for menstruation can act a day after ingestion;

  • rhinitis.

    In boiling water, pour 4 tbsp. spoons of crumbled husks, breathe in fumes for 3-5 minutes;

  • with painful periods.

    Prepare the husk with 2 kg of onion, brew with 3 liters of hot water, put on a quiet fire and boil until the broth becomes a rich red color. Cool, filter, consume ½ cup twice a day (morning, evening) on ​​an empty stomach. The course of therapeutic treatment is 1-2 weeks, such a decoction for menstruation begins its “work” 24 after administration. You need to be careful when taking it, as a decoction for menstruation can be harmful to health, cause bleeding;

  • decoction of onion peel for dry cough.

    Prepare 2 tbsp. spoons of crushed husks brew 400 ml of boiling water, boil over low heat for 15 minutes. Cool, filter, consume warm ¼ cup, three times a day 30 minutes before meals;

  • angina.

    Prepare 2 tbsp. spoons of crumbled husks, 5 tbsp. spoons of spruce or pine needles, 3 tbsp. spoons of crushed rose hips. Brew the finished mixture with 700 ml of boiling water, put on a quiet fire for 15 minutes. Filter, drink instead of water throughout the day;

  • from a productive cough.

    Boil the husks from 10 onions with a liter of boiling water, put on a slow fire and boil until ½ of the volume remains. Cool, filter. From a strong cough ─ consume 2/3 cups, three times a day, supplement the cough solution with honey. From a wet cough, with sputum discharge, you will need to consume half the volume of the decoction than for a strong cough. You can also consume onion tea for cough, for this, the prepared decoction is added to black tea, you should drink it throughout the day. Infusions are consumed until the cough disappears completely;

  • onion peel decoction for fungal infections.

    For these purposes, prepare a tincture. You need 8 tbsp. spoons of husk pour ½ liter of vodka or medical alcohol, defend for a week in a cool, hopeless place. After that, filter, lubricate the affected areas 2-3 times a day. Another recipe, you need to soar your legs in a strong, hot onion solution, for 20-30 minutes;

  • benefit in stomatitis.

    3 art. brew spoons of crushed raw materials with ½ liter of water, boil over low heat for 15 minutes. Cool, filter, rinse the mouth every 2-3 hours. The broth should be in a warm form;

  • cystitis, pyelonephritis.

    Brew 3 teaspoons of husk with 2 cups of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes. filter, consume 1 tbsp. spoons at least 4 times a day;

  • prostatitis, adenoma.

    Brew a mug of crushed raw materials with a liter of boiling water, boil over low heat for 15-30 minutes. cool, filter, consume 1 mug, twice a day, for 30 days;

  • dry, old corns.

    Fill a glass container with 200 gr. crushed raw materials, pour 9% table vinegar. To defend for 14 days in a hopeless, cool place. Filter, apply the resulting mixture to the calluses, fix on top with a plaster and bandage. Such a compress is left for the whole night, in the morning, steam your legs in hot water and remove rough skin;

  • for vascular elasticity.

    Rinse a handful of husks under running water, brew ½ liter of boiling water, boil over low heat for 15 minutes. Filter, mix with weakly brewed black tea, drink ¼ cup, three times a day;

  • phlebeurysm.

    3 art. brew spoons of crushed raw materials with a mug of hot water, defend for 6-8 hours. Filter, consume ¼ cup, 3-4 times a day for 10 days, after a week you can repeat the course. With such a decoction, it is possible to treat the disease locally, for this, the affected areas are wiped several times daily;

  • abscess.

    Take 2 tbsp. spoons of onion peel and fresh plantain leaves, crumble everything, mix, brew 1.5 cups of boiling water. Boil over low heat for 5 minutes, squeeze out the leaves and husks. Add 1 teaspoon of flour and natural honey to the chilled infusion. Moisten sterile gauze, bandage in the resulting composition, apply to the affected area for 5-6 hours. Perform manipulation daily to improve the condition;

  • warts.

    Take 2 tbsp. spoons of crushed raw materials and brew a mug of boiling water, stand for 4-6 hours. Filter, use topically to wipe the growths.


Despite the fact that there are benefits in the husk, there are contraindications to its use. Harm from taking it can bring people with the following conditions:

  • harm in the use of onion peel is applied to persons with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • harm in use for persons with allergic reactions;
  • it is not recommended to use onion decoction for treatment for people who are on a strict diet;
  • contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to one of the components;
  • harm to use with increased blood clotting, since the quercetin contained in onions is able to thicken the blood;
  • harm in the use of onion peel in combination with potent drugs.

It is worth noting that during the gestation of the fetus, onion broth may be consumed, but it is better to consult a specialist. The benefits are replaced by negative consequences if you consume a decoction
along with alcohol.

The benefits and harms of onion peels are an interesting question, since onion skins are often not thrown away, but are used in everyday life and to treat ailments. It is important to understand in detail what properties onion peels have.

The chemical composition of onion peel

The benefits of onion peel for human health are easily explained - it is determined by a wide chemical composition. The peel includes:

  • subgroup B vitamins;
  • carotene;
  • routine;
  • vitamins C and E;
  • quercetin is an important antioxidant;
  • flavonoids;
  • cellulose;
  • sulfur compounds and fructans;
  • mineral components - calcium, magnesium;
  • phosphorus and iodine;
  • iron and zinc;
  • organic acids.

It is interesting to note that in terms of the number and concentration of nutrients, the husk even surpasses the onion itself. It becomes obvious that throwing it away is quite wasteful.

Useful properties of onion peel

Studies show that the properties of onion peel for the human body affect many systems and internal organs. In particular, the husk:

  • has a pronounced laxative effect and helps to get rid of constipation without problems;
  • has a choleretic effect - onion peel benefits the liver;
  • acts as a natural antispasmodic - with the help of the product, you can relieve pain in case of gastric and intestinal ailments;
  • promotes coughing for colds and flu - the husk is often used for bronchitis and SARS;
  • has anti-inflammatory properties, therefore it does not harm when used internally and externally as an antiseptic;
  • demonstrates a tonic effect, helps replenish energy reserves, regulates mood;
  • removes salt deposits from the joints.

Antioxidants in the composition of useful skins help in the fight against oncology, the product prevents the spread of malignant cells in the body. The medicinal properties of onion peel in diabetes are widely known, it is a product that does not harm, but helps to reduce glucose levels.

What helps onion peel

The use of onion peel is beneficial for the following ailments:

  • with allergies and asthma;
  • with diabetes;
  • with kidney ailments - nephritis, pyelonephritis and others;
  • with diseases of the oral cavity - gingivitis, stomatitis, periodontal disease;
  • with hemorrhoids and varicose veins;
  • with atherosclerosis, the use of onion peel for blood vessels is great;
  • with inflammatory gynecological diseases - cystitis and prostatitis;
  • with skin ailments - fungus, eczema, dermatitis.

The anti-cold healing properties of onion peel are highly valued, and it also benefits digestive system ailments.

Onion peel for weight loss

Home remedies made from useful onion skins have a cleansing effect and remove toxins from the body. Therefore, the product is often used for weight loss, for example, a little decoction based on skins is added to tea. To avoid harm, you need to drink a drink no more than 3 times a day - kilograms will go away faster.

Advice! Husk goes well with natural honey. If the natural taste of the product seems too specific, the drink can be sweetened, there will be no harm from this.

Traditional medicine recipes based on onion peel

Drinking onion peel is useful for a wide variety of ailments. Home medicine knows many effective recipes for the preparation of this product.

Infusion of onion peel

A very simple useful remedy is a common infusion on water. It's easy to prepare:

  • a couple of large spoons of washed cleanings are poured into 400 ml of boiled water;
  • the dishes are covered with a lid and the product is allowed to brew for about 2 hours, until the drink has completely cooled.

The infusion is filtered and consumed a couple of large spoons a day until the symptoms of the disease subside. The benefits of infusion of onion peel are manifested in gastric and cold ailments.

There is a recipe for a more concentrated infusion, it is used mainly externally so as not to harm yourself. The husk is poured with water in the same way, only 1 part of onion skins should account for 3 parts of water.

Onion peel tincture

With heart and vascular ailments, tincture on onion peel is of particular benefit. To prepare it, you will need the skins themselves and alcohol, and the recipe is as follows:

  • a large spoonful of chopped husk is placed in a glass container;
  • from above, the raw material is poured with vodka or pure alcohol in a volume of 500 ml;
  • the container is clogged and cleaned for a week in a dry, dark place.

After the tincture is ready, in strained form it will need to be poured into another container.

With atherosclerosis, the remedy is taken only 20 drops per 1 large spoonful of vegetable oil and no more than three times a day, otherwise there will be harm. You can use the remedy externally - the tincture helps well against fungal diseases and inflammations on the skin.

Attention! It is impossible to abuse strong homemade tincture, alcohol is present in its composition, and in large quantities it will only harm the body.

Decoction of onion peel

The benefits and harms of onion peel decoction are widely known. The tool contains a powerful concentration of valuable substances, its beneficial properties help with a wide variety of ailments. For example, they use onion peel for coughing for children - as rinses.

To prepare a decoction, you need:

  • rinse and dry the raw materials in the amount of 3 teaspoons;
  • boil for 20 minutes in 200 ml of water;
  • in a closed form, insist for 8 hours, and then strain.

The benefits of a decoction of onion peels when taken orally are usually manifested in a diluted form, too concentrated a remedy can be harmful.

Tea with onion peel

With colds, pressure drops and heart ailments, onion peel tea is of great benefit. In order to brew it, just put a couple of small spoons of clean husks into the teapot. Then the onion peel tea leaves are poured with boiling water and kept under the lid for a standard time, no more than a quarter of an hour.

In addition, some skins can be mixed with regular tea leaves. Such tea will have no less useful properties, but a milder taste.

The benefits of onion tea are manifested in nervous disorders and weakened immunity. In addition, the drink will not harm heart and vascular ailments - tea will improve the condition of the vascular walls and eliminate the symptoms of atherosclerosis.

Onion peel oil

In addition to drinks, products for external use are prepared on the basis of the product. For example, oil has a lot of useful properties. They lubricate the affected skin with various ailments, add to baths for general strengthening of the body.

To prepare the composition, you need to take a large spoonful of raw materials and mix it with grape or olive oil, they need to be taken twice as much. The drug is closed and removed to infuse for 10 days, and then the oil is used for varicose veins, dermatitis or for cosmetic purposes.

Ointment based on onion peel

Another useful recipe for external use is onion ointment. To get it, you need to properly grind the clean husk, take a small handful of raw materials and mix with 3 large spoons of petroleum jelly or natural animal fat.

The mass is mixed until completely homogeneous, and then applied to the skin with inflammation, damage or painful swelling. Store the product in the refrigerator in a closed container.

How to use onion peel for medicinal purposes

The range of application of the product is very wide. Useful husks help eliminate the symptoms of a wide variety of disease conditions, but in order for it to really benefit, and not harm, you need to know proven home recipes.

Prevention of colds

The properties of the product effectively help strengthen weakened immunity and protect the body from seasonal colds. In the cold season, it is recommended to use a tincture based on the product twice a day for a week, but no more, so as not to get harm.

A single dose should be only 20 drops, and it is recommended to dilute the tincture in vegetable oil or water.

With angina

Brewed onion peel will benefit from sore throat - it will relieve pain and inflammation in the throat. Thoroughly washed raw materials should be placed in 500 ml of water and boiled for 7 minutes. When the broth is infused and cools down a bit, it will need to be filtered.

The properties of onion peel decoction are applied to gargle every few hours.

With bronchitis

The benefits of onion water will help get rid of dry cough and promote sputum discharge in bronchitis. A large spoonful of husks should be mixed with medicinal marshmallow and oregano - these ingredients are taken in the amount of half a large spoon. Useful herbs are poured with boiling water, kept closed for about 3 hours, and then drunk on an empty stomach twice a day - half a large spoon.

From a cold

Onion oil will help relieve nasal congestion. It is necessary to mix the agent in the amount of 10 drops with 2 drops of eucalyptus oil and breathe the resulting mixture for 10 minutes twice a day. The second inhalation is preferably carried out before bedtime.

As an antipyretic

In combination with medicinal herbs, onion skin helps to get rid of high fever. For this you need:

  • mix 2 large spoons of onion peel and linden flowers;
  • add a large spoonful of dry coltsfoot;
  • pour boiling water over raw materials and insist a quarter of an hour or a little more.

The naturally cooled infusion will need to be filtered. Drink the drug three times a day for 1 glass until the condition normalizes.

From edema and varicose veins

The properties of onion peel are extremely effective in improving the condition of blood vessels. It is recommended to regularly lubricate the areas affected by varicose veins with oil based on the product, the remedy will relieve discomfort and slow down the development of the disease.

Onion infusion helps well from puffiness. A third of a glass of it is taken on an empty stomach three times a day, you need to continue the course of therapy for a week. Then they take a short break for another 7 days, so as not to get harm, and repeat the treatment.

For chronic gastritis

With pain in the stomach, nausea and digestive problems with gastritis, onion infusion will help. A small amount of cleaning is mixed with half a glass of aloe juice and the same amount of natural honey is added.

Take the remedy in a teaspoon before eating. To avoid harm from the treatment, it should be continued for no longer than 25 days.

To normalize the menstrual cycle

The husk improves blood circulation and helps to improve the functioning of internal organs. The benefits of onion peel for a woman's health will manifest itself when the monthly cycle fails. For treatment, you will need to prepare a weak decoction:

  • 4 large spoons of husks are poured with water in a volume of a liter;
  • after boiling, for another quarter of an hour they “languish” on low heat;
  • remove from the stove and insist until completely cooled.

When the broth is infused, it will need to be not only filtered, but also diluted with fresh water to the initial volume, thereby reducing the concentration in order to avoid harm. Take half a large spoonful before meals.

For constipation

The product has a mild laxative effect, so it helps well with sluggish intestines. For constipation, it is recommended to mix 2 large spoons of husks with 1 large spoon of senna leaves, pour freshly boiled water and keep closed for half an hour.

When the useful infusion has cooled, it will need to be filtered and drunk in the morning on an empty stomach, 50 ml daily. It is necessary to continue treatment until the stool finally returns to normal.

With prostatitis

The beneficial properties of onion peel for men are expressed in the fact that the product relieves inflammation and pain in case of prostate ailments. A handful of onion skins should be mixed with a spoonful of hazel leaves, poured with water and boiled for half an hour on fire.

The finished broth is closed with a lid and allowed to cool, then filtered and diluted with cold water to its original volume. They drink a useful remedy for a quarter cup four times a day, you need to continue therapy for 2 weeks.

With a tendency to prostatitis, the treatment course is recommended to be repeated regularly, at least twice a year.

From cystitis

The properties of the product also benefit the female reproductive system. So, with cystitis, it is necessary to boil 20 g of husk in 150 ml of water for half an hour, cool and filter. You need to take a useful infusion in a quarter cup, after diluting the medicine with water, four times a day.

Treatment of oral diseases

With stomatitis, periodontal disease and other dental ailments, it is recommended to rinse your mouth with strong onion broth. To prepare it, take 4 large spoons of raw materials, boil them for about 10 minutes, wait for cooling and filter before use.

Rinse your mouth at least 5 times a day. The tool will bring even greater benefit if you add a little soda or ordinary iodine to it, they will not cause harm.

With hypertension

The beneficial properties of the product are very effective at elevated pressure. A handful of onion skins are kept in a steam bath for about 7 minutes, and then the product is poured into a thermos and insisted for 2 hours.

When the infusion is ready, you will need to drink it twice a day, 150 ml each. It is better to do this on a full stomach, so as not to get harm from a concentrated remedy.

From atherosclerosis

To clean the vessels in folk medicine, such a useful tool is used:

  • a large spoonful of onion peel is mixed with the same amount of hawthorn flowers;
  • add dry periwinkle leaves and chestnut flowers in half a large spoon;
  • the collection is poured with boiled water, wrapped with the lid closed and insisted for 2 hours.

A completely finished product is filtered. Take herbal infusion with onion peel three times a day, only a quarter cup. After 2 weeks of treatment, it is important to take a break for a week, and then repeat the course.

Fight against various skin diseases

Means from onion skins are used not only inside. There are proven recipes for the treatment of external inflammation and irritation. Decoctions and infusions based on the product wipe the skin with eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis - the products work as natural antiseptics and contribute to a quick cure.

From fungus and calluses

To soften the skin and eliminate the fungus, homemade ointment is used. Useful husks are cut as small as possible, then rubbed with a mortar and mixed with a little more ordinary petroleum jelly. The resulting ointment is rubbed with coarsened areas and fungal infections twice a day.

From barley

The anti-inflammatory properties of the product help to get rid of barley that jumped up on the eye. In the usual infusion of onion skins, a cotton pad is moistened and applied to the affected eye for 5 minutes. Repeat the useful procedure twice a day for 4 days.

Onion peel in home cosmetology

The valuable properties of the product are in demand in the cosmetology field. At home, onion skins can improve the condition of your hair and skin if you follow proven recipes.

For facial skin

The properties of the husk qualitatively regulate the fat content of the skin and relieve any irritation. For example, to eliminate acne, you can use the following recipe:

  • a large spoonful of husks is mixed with chamomile and calendula flowers - herbs are taken in the amount of half a spoon;
  • the collection is poured with boiling water and left to infuse for an hour;
  • the finished product is filtered and cooled.

With a useful infusion, you need to wipe the skin of the face three times a day. In total, the course takes 10 days, after its passage, acne becomes much less.

For the beauty and health of hair

The benefit of onion peel for hair is that it quickly strengthens curls. The usual infusion based on the product should be rubbed into the scalp for 40 minutes, and then washed off with warm water. It is recommended to repeat the procedure every 2 weeks.

Another useful property of onion peel for hair is the coloring ability of the product. If you boil onion skins in water for 10 minutes, and then wash your hair with this decoction, your hair will acquire a beautiful golden hue.

The use of onion peel as a fertilizer

Benefits of onion peel for the garden. Its properties are excellent for pest control.

  1. If you fill the husk in a bucket to the brim, pour hot water and leave for 2 days under the lid, it will be useful to spray the plants from green aphids with a ready-made solution. Before use, the solution will need to be filtered and diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 2.
  2. If desired, the husk can simply be scattered on the ground in a dense layer, usually this is done in the spring before planting vegetables. The properties of onions disinfect the soil, and the pungent smell of such a mulch repels garden pests.

The benefits of onion peel for plants are also used at home - solutions based on the product help rid the flowers of insects and improve the composition of the soil.

Harm of onion peel and contraindications

For most people, the properties of the product will only benefit. But sometimes onion skins can be harmful. Contraindications for them are:

  • allergy;
  • severe ailments of the intestines and stomach;
  • exacerbation of gastritis, pancreatitis and ulcers;
  • increased blood clotting;
  • the use of strong drugs;
  • simultaneous intake of alcohol.

Do not exceed small dosages when using the product - in this case, the husk will also cause harm.


The benefits and harms of onion peel depend on the individual state of the body. If there are no strict contraindications, then the properties of the skins will have a beneficial effect and eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of ailments.

In almost every home, onions are the most important product in most dishes. Many people know that in the process of cooking some dishes it is beneficial to use the husk, which saturates with vitamins and gives an appetizing color to soups.

The beneficial properties of onion peel have made it especially popular and widely used in folk medicine. Many therapeutic effects of this product have received scientific justification and confirmation of effectiveness.

Today we will talk about the composition, harm and benefits of onion peel, as well as the use of the product for various purposes.

Onion peel is a good source of vitamins: groups B, C, E, PP, carotene, fiber, sulfur compounds, fructans, the antioxidant quercetin and other flavonoids.

Sulfur compounds in the composition of onion scales improve blood flow and heal the cardiovascular system. And fructans act as prebiotics, that is, they selectively stimulate the growth and activity of beneficial bacteria that inhabit the colon. About the healing power of quercetin - a little later.

Also available is a large number of trace elements from the periodic table: calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iodine and many others.

Healing effects

Such a variety of useful substances explains the benefits of onion peel and its decoction in the prevention and treatment of cancers. Other therapeutic effects:

  • laxative;
  • tonic;
  • choleretic;
  • anesthetic;
  • antispasmodic;
  • expectorant;
  • anti-cancer;
  • antiseptic, etc.

A decoction of onion peel does an excellent job of removing sodium and chloride salts from the body, which has a positive effect on the condition of people with diseases of the cardiovascular system.

For those who regularly suffer from pain in the lower extremities after a hard day's work, the compounds contained in the husk will also help. Since the main cause of such pain is salt deposits.

The key ingredient in the product is quercetin, classified as a vitamin of a fairly large group P (includes about 150 bioflavonoids).

It has primarily anti-allergic and antihistamine effect. It is recommended for taking cores, as it is a prophylactic against stroke, heart attack and blood clots. Relieves depression and nervous tension.

The medical sector is conducting a series of studies on quercetin with the aim of unlocking its therapeutic potential, in particular the anti-cancer effect on the body.

Much attention is paid to the peel of onion heads as an excellent tool for stimulating the immune system. Surely you have repeatedly heard the phrase: "Eat onions and garlic - and you are not afraid of any flu." There is an element of truth in the statement.

The healing properties of the onion "fur coat" do not end there. It can be noted a good effect on the following groups of patients:

  • allergy sufferers;
  • asthmatics;
  • diabetics;
  • with kidney diseases (nephritis, etc.);
  • with hemorrhoids (the product is used for baths and lotions);
  • problems of the urinary system (including cystitis);
  • with stomatitis and other infections of the oral cavity;
  • with fungal skin lesions and corns.

Benefits for Women

Additionally, for women, the benefits of onion scales are the analgesic effect during menstruation, reducing the intensity of symptoms of premenstrual syndrome and menopause.

The effectiveness of this herbal remedy has also been proven for amenorrhea (absence of menstruation in women of reproductive age).

A decoction of the husk has a wonderful effect on the scalp, nourishes and improves the physical characteristics of each hair.

Precautionary measures

When taken intensively for medical purposes, a decoction of onion skins can be harmful to health. The remedy, surprisingly, has few contraindications, despite the extremely powerful composition.

The use is unacceptable with a high level of blood clotting, since quercetin thickens the blood and can aggravate the patient's condition.

It must be understood that this herbal remedy does not give guarantees and is not a panacea. Therefore, it should only be used as an adjunct to medications prescribed by your doctor.

onion vs garlic

Not only onion is a supplier of nutrients, but also its closest relative - garlic. considered more effective in the treatment of diseases that respond to high doses of quercetin. In particular, it copes better with the removal of heavy metals, cholesterol and radiation from the body.

In the absence of contraindications, the husks of both food crops can be used for medical purposes - together or separately. In many cases, these tools are interchangeable.

But garlic husks have an order of magnitude more contraindications. It cannot be used:

  • children under 12;
  • diabetics;
  • with poor metabolism;
  • under reduced pressure;
  • with gastric ulcers and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Traditional medicine recipes

Given the historical age of the onion, a huge number of recipes have accumulated among the people. Consider the most popular of them.

Tincture from atherosclerosis

With atherosclerosis, it is necessary to use 20 drops of alcohol tincture 3 times a day, dissolved in 1 tbsp. l. sunflower oil, half an hour before meals.

This tincture also treats fungal infections of the nails.

The preparation process is quite simple: chopped onion peel is insisted on alcohol or vodka (in a ratio of 1: 7) for 1 week, after which it is poured into a dark glass container.

Oil for edema and varicose veins

The benefits of creams and oils with onion peel are undeniable. They can be applied to the skin or added to bath water.

Mix the grated husk with olive or grape seed oil (2 tablespoons). Further, the resulting composition is insisted for 10 days. Store in the refrigerator for 3 months.

Hair infusion

The product is an excellent strengthening preparation for hair, which causes an improvement in their characteristics and active growth. The resulting infusion does not have an unpleasant onion smell, so it can be used as often as needed.

For cooking, onion peel is poured with warm boiled water in a ratio of 1: 2 and tightly corked. Insist this mixture for 10 hours.

Hair infusion, as well as a classic decoction, is used to wash your hair for 2-3 weeks. In addition to accelerating hair growth, this remedy effectively fights seborrhea, preventing the appearance of dandruff.

onion tea

Don't want to waste time decoction? Then make some tea. Just place a small amount of washed husk in a special tea strainer and pour boiling water over it. This is perhaps the easiest way to use, preserving the maximum amount of useful substances of the original product.

For muscle cramps, it is recommended to drink a cup of onion tea before bed. This drink will also help the cores. In the case of regular intake, the strengthening of the heart muscle, the cleansing of the vascular walls from atherosclerotic plaques and other cardiological benefits are guaranteed.

Recently, a Japanese firm launched a "Health Tea" containing fermented onion skins with a high concentration of quercetin. In addition to the husks, the tea contains 9 other healthy herbal ingredients, including green tea and turmeric.

Decoction of stomatitis and periodontal disease

  1. 3 tsp boil pre-washed and dried husks in a small amount of water
  2. Let stand for 7-8 hours.
  3. Strain the decoction and use as a rinse several times a day.

Application in cosmetology

  1. Natural dye, actively used for dyeing hair and obtaining a beautiful golden sheen. For this, 2 tbsp. l. the husks are boiled for 10 minutes in water. And the resulting liquid is used to wash the hair.
  2. Works great for acne. In addition to eliminating foci of inflammation on the skin of the face, it creates the effect of prolonged action. As a result, the general condition of the epidermis improves and the normal state of the sebaceous glands is restored.
  3. Fights boils and various types of dermatitis. Importantly, a decoction of the husk successfully copes with itching, relieving the patient from discomfort.

Onion peel is an excellent remedy against many diseases, both superficial and localized in the internal organs. The availability and ease of preparation of medicinal recipes also speak in favor of this remedy.

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