Perelman, Alexander Ilyich - Geochemistry of the biosphere. Perelman, Alexander Ilyich - Geochemistry of the biosphere Perelman geochemistry

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Language(s) Russian

The manual outlines the fundamentals of modern geochemistry. The characteristics of theoretical issues are linked to practical applications of geochemistry in solving problems of the environment, mineral raw materials, medicine and agriculture. For the first time, technogenic migration and technogenic systems are characterized in detail. An idea of ​​the noosphere, the technophile nature of chemical elements, the geochemistry of cultural landscapes, and technogenesis in the ocean is given. Issues of regional geochemistry, problems of regional geochemical differentiation and geochemical mapping, issues of geochemistry of ore deposits and geochemistry of individual elements, geochemical features of individual eras, as well as patterns of geochemical development of the earth's crust are highlighted.

The book may be useful to geologists and other specialists interested in geochemistry.

Edition 2

Language(s) Russian

Chemically similar phenomena are observed in various natural bodies of the hypergenesis zone. Weathering of feldspars with the formation of kaolinite, gleying, gypsum, oxidation of sulfides and many other processes occur in soils, in the weathering crust, in continental sediments, and in aquifers. Therefore, we can talk about geochemical types of epigenetic processes that are common to different formations of hypergenesis. Hence, the inevitable conclusion is about the need to study epigenetic processes in general, as a special group of phenomena, and to involve the ideas and methods of geochemistry in such a study. Such a consideration of supergene processes is the task of the proposed book, which is based on lectures given by the author for researchers at the Institute of Geology of Ore Deposits, Petrography, Mineralogy and Geochemistry (IGEM) of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

Language(s) Russian

The book, for the first time, fully describes the theory of the formation of hydrogenous uranium deposits, which are of great industrial importance, developed in the USSR. Based on a generalization of literature data and the results of personal research, the authors provide a comprehensive description of the conditions for the formation of hydrogenous deposits. The methodological foundations of the theory, types of ore deposits, geological, landscape-geochemical and lithologic-geochemical factors in the formation of hydrogenous deposits, the genesis of ores and the practical significance of the developed theory for forecasting, prospecting, exploration and exploitation of uranium deposits are covered.

For geologists who specialize in nuclear raw materials and ore deposits. Can be used by students and graduate students of geological and geophysical specialties.

Edition 2

Language(s) Russian

The book examines the geochemistry of uranium and some natural radioactive isotopes in various systems of the hypergenesis zone: landscapes, surface and groundwater, oxidation zones of deposits, weathering crust and the catagenesis subzone. The behavior of uranium is considered based on an analysis of its physicochemical properties, migration ability and characteristics of the processes of leaching, transfer and deposition. The forms of occurrence of uranium in rocks and natural waters are described, its clarke in rocks and clarke concentrations are given. The patterns of formation of halos and scattering fluxes of uranium near deposits are shown.

Based on an analysis of the patterns of uranium behavior in the catagenesis subzone, the processes of exogenous ore formation are considered: geochemistry of deposits, epigenetic (geochemical and hydrochemical) zoning, hydrogeological and physicochemical conditions of uranium accumulation, associations of minerals and elements, radioactive isotopes. The historical geochemistry of uranium in the hypergenesis zone and its migration in the noosphere are discussed.

Language(s) Russian

The book, for the first time in Soviet and foreign literature, outlines the epigenetic theory of the formation of a group of uranium deposits of great industrial importance. The authors used extensive published materials from Soviet and foreign researchers and data from their own research.

The book is intended for specialists in the geology of ore deposits, especially those working in the field of nuclear raw materials, as well as for university students.

In recent years, an epigenetic theory of the formation of exogenous uranium deposits has been developed. Geologists from many countries, scientists and practitioners participated in its creation. It was born from the experience of prospecting and exploration, and this primarily determines the practical significance of this theory, which helps to search for ore and correctly assess the prospects of territories. A systematic presentation of this theory forms the content of this book.

Some of the issues presented in this book are covered for the first time in the literature; some are considered in more detail than in other publications, and sometimes from different positions; less significant or well-known, repeatedly described problems of ore formation are not presented in such detail. In some cases, the authors limited themselves to only citing literature. When writing the book, literary sources and personal research materials were used, some of which are being published for the first time.

Language(s) Russian

The methods and techniques of geochemical surveys of various depths during the search and exploration of ore deposits, oil, gas and other types of mineral raw materials are covered. The principles of quantitative interpretation of prospecting (geochemical data and calculation of predicted resources, including the use of computers) are considered in detail. The parameters of the geochemical field and its local anomalies are characterized, the necessary information on general geochemistry is given, and the analytical methods and equipment used in geochemical prospecting are briefly considered

For geochemists, geologists and geophysicists conducting searches and exploration of mineral deposits.

Language(s) Russian

The book by a famous geochemist, author of many popular science books, talks about the behavior of chemical elements in the lithosphere, hydrosphere, and landscapes. Particular attention is paid to the joint migration of many elements, i.e. their associations, which is reflected in the title of the book. The geochemistry of all 89 elements known in nature, the conditions for the formation of deposits, and geochemical methods of searching for them are considered. Another question of interest is the role of elements in the life activity of animal, plant and human organisms; Many practical problems of agriculture and medicine are closely related to it. For readers interested in geology, geochemistry and environmental issues.

Language(s) Russian

Geochemical studies of ore deposits are becoming increasingly important every year. This especially applies to deposits of energetically migrating metals with variable valence, the behavior of which is highly dependent on the alkaline-acid, redox and other properties of the environment. Uranium is one of these metals. The migration of uranium is most diverse in the upper part of the earth's crust, in the so-called hypergenesis zone, where water, living organisms and solar energy create conditions favorable for both dispersion and concentration. It was in the hypergenesis zone that large industrial deposits of uranium were formed, constituting the majority of the atomic raw material resources of many countries.

A clear understanding of the conditions for the formation of such deposits, the conditions for their search and exploration is impossible without a significant amount of knowledge on the geochemistry of uranium in the supergenesis zone. In the last 10-15 years, these issues have attracted the attention of geologists, geochemists and hydrogeologists; Numerous studies were carried out, some of which were highlighted in reports at the First (1955) and Second (1958) Geneva conferences on the peaceful uses of atomic energy, as well as at the 21st session of the International Geological Congress in Copenhagen (1960). Unfortunately, information on the geochemistry of uranium in the supergenesis zone contained in the literature is not systematized. Some important issues of the geochemistry of uranium, such as the intensity of its water migration, biogenic migration and others, are not generally found in the literature.

The textbook may also be useful to specialist geographers, geologists, soil scientists, biologists and doctors who encounter this science in their practice.

Language(s) Russian

After a series of brilliant articles in the 40s and 50s by B.B. Polynov formulated the basic ideas and principles of landscape geochemistry; its further development largely depended on the systematic presentation of the foundations of this new science and the success of its practical application.

A feature of the development of landscape geochemistry in our country was that its theory and methods were presented in university textbooks and teaching aids. One of the authors (A.I. Perelman) taught landscape geochemistry at the Faculty of Geography of Moscow University since 1951 (at the Faculty of Geology - since 1992). In 1955, the first monographic presentation of the foundations of the new science appeared (“Essays on Landscape Geochemistry”). At this time, advances in landscape geochemistry were associated with the search for minerals. In several editions of the textbook “Landscape Geochemistry” (1961, 1966, 1975), the main concepts of science were formulated, based on the ideas of V.I. Vernadsky and B.B. Polynova: the leading role of living matter in the migration of atoms in the natural landscape and the biosphere as a whole, the connection between the geochemistry of elements and their clarkes, historicism, the idea of ​​cycles, ideas about landscape-geochemical systems and geochemical barriers, new principles of geochemical classification of elements. The works of M.A. were of fundamental importance for the development of landscape geochemistry. Glazovskaya on key problems of methodology and methods of science: on the classification of elementary and local landscapes (1964), the development of ideas about landscape-geochemical processes, the development of the foundations of landscape-geochemical zoning, the theory of geochemistry of technogenic landscapes (1988), etc.

Edition: Higher School, Moscow, 1989, 528 pp., UDC: 550.4, ISBN: 5-06-000472-4

Language(s) Russian

The textbook covers the main sections of modern geochemistry. The presentation is based on ideas about four types of migration of chemical elements - mechanical, physicochemical, biogenic and technogenic. Particular attention is paid to the teachings of V.I. Vernadsky about biogenic migration and the biosphere, as a theoretical basis for solving environmental problems. In the second edition (1st - 1979), the characteristics of a number of sections are expanded, including geochemical methods for searching for minerals.

The textbook may be useful to geologists, geographers, soil scientists and other specialists interested in geochemistry.

The two most important problems of our era are closely related to geochemistry. These are problems of raw materials and the environment. For more than 50 years, the main attention of geochemists has been directed to the first problem, especially to the questions of the genesis of mineral deposits. This largely determined the structure of geochemistry textbooks and the predominance of material on the physicochemical migration of elements in them. In the middle of the 20th century, geochemical methods for searching for minerals acquired great importance. To develop their theoretical foundations, along with the study of physicochemical migration, an analysis of biogenic migration became necessary. Finally, in the 60s, environmental problems became particularly urgent, the solution of which also requires the study of technogenic migration. Consequently, practical needs dictate the need for detailed coverage in a textbook on geochemistry of both physicochemical, biogenic and technogenic migrations. This is the task the author set himself. The textbook is primarily intended for students of geochemistry and geologists of various profiles. It may be useful to geographers and representatives of other specialties where geochemistry is used or its use is promising.

For over 30 years, the author has been teaching geochemical disciplines at Moscow University and at advanced training courses for geochemists - specialists in the search for ore deposits. This experience prompted me to begin work on the proposed book. The main difficulty was the need to isolate the main thing from a larger body of knowledge. It was necessary to establish several central provisions that would unite the complex of issues under consideration into a coherent logical system. In accordance with the principles established in geochemistry (V.I. Vernadsky, A.E. Fersman, A.A. Saukov, etc.), the author based the presentation on the problem of migration of chemical elements in the earth’s crust. The importance of the clarification problem is also emphasized.

The author shares the views of A. A. Saukov and other geochemists on the important role of the historical principle in geochemistry, which is used in the presentation of many issues. Important importance is also attached to the systems approach - the characterization of the geochemistry of magmatic, hydrothermal, biological, bioinert and technogenic systems.

The stated methodological principles made it possible to identify three main areas of geochemistry—geochemistry of processes, systems and elements. This determined the structure of the book, its division into parts and chapters.

Geochemistry is based on modern ideas about the structure of the atom, crystal chemistry, chemical thermodynamics and other branches of physics and chemistry. This circumstance, obviously, led to the inclusion in many manuals on geochemistry of a brief description of the relevant issues. This undoubtedly has its advantages, since it allows us to present these sections from the perspective that a geochemist needs. However, the author abandoned such a plan for constructing the book. The inclusion of sections of other sciences inevitably leads to a narrowing of the actual geochemical information. The fundamental aspect of the issue is also important: material on related sciences disrupts the coherence of the presentation and does not create in the reader a clear idea of ​​the subject and internal logic of geochemistry. The author attaches great importance to the connection of geochemistry with other geological sciences, considering geochemistry in the system of earth sciences. Geochemistry has the closest contacts with the sciences that study the substance of the Earth - mineralogy, lithology, petrography, the science of ore deposits, hydrogeology, etc. The connection with tectonics, historical and regional geology, geomorphology, Quaternary geology and other sciences of the geological cycle is also important . In other words, to master geochemistry, a broad general geological base is necessary, and the author does not imagine teaching geochemistry outside of this base. The foregoing in no way detracts from the enormous importance of chemistry, which a geochemist must know. However, just as the use of mathematical statistics in the social sciences does not make them a branch of probability theory, so the use of chemistry does not make geochemistry a chemical science. The boundary between geochemistry and other geological sciences is not always sufficiently defined. Thus, many textbooks on geochemistry cover magmatic differentiation, which is presented in the same aspect in petrology courses as the subject of this science. Leaving aside the general scientific question of whether one and the same position (for example, Bowen's reactionary principle) can be the subject of different sciences, we note that here we are undoubtedly faced with the objective reality that has developed in the Earth sciences. There are often no clear criteria that allow one to attribute a particular issue to a particular geological science. Therefore, when determining the content of the book, the author proceeded primarily from the definition of geochemistry as the science of atoms, which is characterized by the “atomic level of research.” The historical situation in science and other criteria were also taken into account. We believe that all important geochemical problems are covered on the pages of the book. A question also arose about the order of presentation of the material of applied geochemistry: to separate it into an independent part and present it after theoretical questions, or to combine the characteristics of theoretical principles with their practical application. The author took the second path, believing that this makes it possible to show the unity of theory and practice. The second edition of the book is published 10 years after the first. Geochemistry was developing rapidly at this time, many publications appeared, among which special mention should be made of the materials of the XXVII session of the International Geological Congress, held in Moscow in August 1984. Not only did an independent geochemical section work at the Congress, but this topic was widely reflected in the work of many other sections. All this required a significant revision of the content of the book and the introduction of new sections. The bibliography has also been updated. However, the general structure of the book and its volume remained unchanged. The difficult work of familiarizing with the manuscript of the first edition of the book was undertaken by employees of the Department of Mineralogy and Geochemistry of the Faculty of Geology of Kyiv University - Assoc. O. V. Zinchenko, prof. Yu. A. Rusko and Assoc. V. T. Latysh, as well as Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences A. V. Shcherbakov. Their valuable comments helped improve the book. The publication was also helped by a positive attitude from academicians E. M. Sergeev and N. P. Laverov, corresponding member. USSR Academy of Sciences L.N. Ovchinnikov, professors S.V. Grigoryan and V.V. Shcherbina. Reviews of the first edition of the book (1979) were published in the journals “News of Higher Educational Institutions. Geology and exploration" (A.V. Shcherbakov, S.I. Smirnov, S.R. Krainov, V.M. Shvets), "News of the North Caucasus Scientific Center of Higher School. Natural Sciences" (V.I. Sedletsky), "Izvestia of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Geological series" (G.V. Voitkevich, A.V. Kokin), "Geological Journal" (S.L. Shvartsev, I.F. Vovk, N.M. Rasskazov), "Izvestia of the Academy of Sciences of the Moldavian USSR" (N. K. Burgel), “Uzbek Geological Journal” (A. S. Khasanov, V. G. Samoilenko, B. A. Beder), “Geography and Natural Resources” (T. T. Taisaev). Valuable comments were sent to the author by V. I. Lebedev and Ya. E. Yudovich. The review of the manuscript of the second edition, owned by Professor D. A. Mineev, also contains very valuable recommendations. Along with a positive assessment of the book as a whole, the reviewers also expressed critical comments and wishes for the future. All this helped the author in his work on the second edition. As always, with an abundance of ratings, sometimes what one reviewer liked provoked comments from another. Therefore, and also due to limited space, the author was not able to implement all the recommendations, but still he took into account a significant part of them. The author expresses his most sincere gratitude to all persons who took part in the publication and discussion of Geochemistry.

Prof. A.I.Perelman

CONTENTS Preface to the second edition.................... 3 1 SUBJECT, HISTORY, METHODOLOGY AND BASIC CONCEPTS OF GEOCHEMISTRY I Subject, history, methodology and practical significance of geochemistry... 6 History of Geochemistry......................... & Methodology of Geochemistry.................... ... 14 Practical application of geochemistry (applied geochemistry). ... 21 2 The prevalence of chemical elements in the Earth's shells..... 27 The Earth's crust................, . 27 The mantle and core of the Earth......... .............. Zy 3 Geochemistry of terrestrial planets and cosmochemistry. . .......... 44 Geochemistry of the Moon and planets....................... 44 Cosmochemistry......... ....,...... 51 4 Factors and general characteristics of the migration of chemical elements. - 54 2 MECHANICAL MIGRATION..................... 72 5 Main features of mechanical migration (mechanogenesis")..... 72 6 Systems of mechanogenesis..... ..................... 78 3 PHYSICAL-CHEMICAL MIGRATION.................. 83 7 General laws of physical- chemical migration......... 81 Ions in the earth's crust.................................... 83 Radiation electron-hole centers in minerals (free radicals CP)......................... 94 Nonionic forms of elements in the earth's crust, ...... 95 Oxidation and recovery.................. 96 Thermodynamics of physico-chemical migration...... 98 Kinetics and dynamics of physico-chemical migration.. ........ 110 Mechanism of mass transfer: diffusion and convection.......... 112 Radioactive processes and nuclear physical research methods in geochemistry........ ............114 529 8 Migration of gases......... ..........., . 121 General features of gas migration.. ............. 121 Above-ground atmosphere ........................ 124 Gases of the underground atmosphere and hydrosphere... .......... . ,126 Atmochemical methods of searching and solving other geological problems.................................. 129 9 General patterns of water migration.... ............132 Water as a migration medium...................132 Decomposition and synthesis of water in the earth's crust..... .........136 Intensity of water migration and concentration of elements.... 137 Geochemical classification of water....... . ...........14! Colloidal migration and sorption... ............... 161 Concentration of elements at physicochemical barriers...... 169 Hydrogeochemical methods for mineral exploration and earthquake prediction..... .......... ,.......172 10 Magmatic systems............................175 General features of magmatic migration.........,177 Ultramafic and basic rocks. ........................... 190 Granitoids and other acidic rocks. . , . . ..... ...... 193 Alkaline rocks........................ 196 Pegmatites......... ....................199 II Metamorphic and catagenetic (epigenetic) systems, . . , . . 202 12 Hydrothermal systems..................... 207 Modern hydrothermal systems.................................... ..207 Hydrothermal metasomatism...................21l Structure of hydrothermal systems................218 Basic geochemical Features of hydrothermal ore formation....................................222 Geochemical barriers of hydrothermal systems..... .....22^ Sources of water, gases and ore elements in hydrothermal systems...................................230 13 Hypergene physicochemical systems...... . 239 4 BIOGENIC MIGRATION. . . . ...... ......244 14 General features of biogenic migration................244 Formation of living matter. . . . ..............245 Decomposition of organic substances................251 Biological cycle of elements (BIC). . . ,......257 Vernadsky's Law.................................261 Geochemical classification of elements according to the conditions of migration in the biosphere...... .....................264 530 15 Biological systems...............,...... ..265 16 Bio-inert systems. . . ...................., . 271 Soils.........................273 Silts............... .................280 Sedimentary rocks and sedimentary formations...... ........ 284 Weathering crusts......... ...............289 Aquifers. .......... ............ 298 Biogenic landscapes....................... 315 Surface water....................... . 322 Biosphere......... ......... ........... 334 5 TECHNICAL MIGRATION. ..................... 338 17 General features of technogenic migration...... ...... 338 18 Technogenic systems...... .................355 6 REGIONAL GEOCHEMISTRY 370 Factors of regional geochemical differentiation...... b, . 370 20 Geochemical zoning and mapping 379 7 GEOCHEMISTRY OF ORE DEPOSITS......388 21 General issues of geochemistry of ore deposits........ 388 22 Geochemical systematics of ore deposits . V....... . 398 B GEOCHEMISTRY OF INDIVIDUAL ELEMENTS 408 23 Geochemical classification of elements of the earth’s crust.....„,. Elements of I and I groups.................................... 408 Geochemical classification of elements „, 408 Elements of I group. . . . . .,..,.........,.

Perelman Alexander Ilyich

Outstanding geochemist and soil scientist. Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Professor. He studied at the Faculty of Soil Geology of Moscow State University. In 1941 he defended his candidate's dissertation on the topic "Experience in the energy characteristics of some reactions of chemical weathering." During the Great Patriotic War, he worked as a military geological engineer as part of a detachment to draw up defense maps of cross-country ability and water supply. After the war, he worked in the system of the USSR Academy of Sciences: first at the Geological Institute, then at the Institute of Geology of Ore Deposits, Petrography, Mineralogy and Geochemistry (IGEM), where he worked until the end of his life. At Moscow University in 1951, he first began to lecture on the course he developed “Landscape Geochemistry”. In 1954 he defended his doctoral dissertation “Accumulation of uranium in fossil and relict soils of Eastern Turkmenistan and Western Uzbekistan.” Since 1967 - professor at Moscow State University.

Since the 1950s A.I. Perelman actively developed the fundamental principles of landscape geochemistry. He became one of the founders of this science. He created the doctrine of geochemical barriers and geochemical classification of landscapes. The concepts he proposed are currently among the fundamental ones in geochemistry and provide an explanation for many anomalous concentrations of elements in landscapes and the hypergenesis zone as a whole. Laureate of the USSR State Prize in the field of science and technology for the monograph “Fundamentals of Hydrogeology” (1986; as part of the author’s team) and the Russian Government Prize for the work “Scientific foundations and methods for ensuring radioecological safety based on bioindication and geochemistry of landscapes” (1997; as part of the author’s team) team). Honorary member of the Russian Geographical Society. Author of about 250 scientific papers and several dozen books.

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