How to make tea from amaranth. Tea made from amaranth leaves. Treasure for health

For eight thousand years, amaranth was a valuable food crop in the lands of South America - it is called the “bread of the Incas” and the “wheat of the Aztecs.”

In Russia, wild amaranth (shiritsa) has long been considered a garden weed, but now the situation is changing. And the UN Food Commission recently named amaranth a plant of the 21st century. What are the beneficial properties of this plant?

What is amaranth?

Amaranth is an annual herbaceous plant of the amaranth family, with small flowers collected in lush panicle inflorescences. And although it is not a grain crop, the seeds are often called grain and are put on a par with wheat, rye, and barley.

Amaranth is an excellent green manure; it enriches the soil with nitrogen and stimulates the activity of soil microorganisms.

The plant is very unpretentious: it survives drought and adapts to any type of soil. Obviously, this is why some species, for example, blue amaranth, upturned amaranth, are very aggressive cosmopolitan weeds.

Amaranth is also loved by flower growers: bright and elegant flowers will decorate any area, and tall “hedges” made of amaranth look very impressive.

Today, amaranth is used everywhere: fodder, ornamental, grain and vegetable varieties of the plant have been bred.

Useful properties of amaranth

  1. Amaranth can rightfully be considered a storehouse of vitamins and microelements. Its grains contain unsaturated fatty acids, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, vitamins B1, B2, C, E, D.
  2. In 1972, Australian physiologist John Downton discovered the essential amino acid lysine in amaranth grains, which is part of many proteins. In particular, without lysine, collagen cannot be synthesized, thanks to which the skin maintains elasticity and blood vessels maintain elasticity.
  3. Moreover, in terms of the content of this amino acid, amaranth is 2 times higher than wheat and 3 times higher than corn.
  4. And in terms of the nutritional value of protein, which amaranth grain is rich in, it is far ahead of all traditional grain crops, and is comparable to cow’s milk.
  5. Another undeniable advantage of the plant is the presence in its composition of the unsaturated hydrocarbon squalene, which, in the process of chemical reactions with water, saturates the body’s tissues with oxygen.
  6. Squalene fights cancer cells, improves immunity, and preserves youth. Moreover, it is non-toxic and safe in any concentration.
  7. Until recently, the main source of squalene was shark liver. It is much more profitable to obtain a valuable substance from amaranth - virgin oil contains as much as 8% of it! (the concentration of squalene in shark liver is only 2%).
  8. Amaranth can also be used as an additional source of pectin. This substance lowers cholesterol levels in the blood, protects the liver from toxins, and helps eliminate heavy metals and radionuclides from the body.

Use of amaranth in food

  • In Russia, 17 species of amaranth are cultivated for various purposes.
    Of the vegetable varieties, the most popular are “Valentina”, “Krepysh”, “In Memory of Kvasov”. Almost all parts of the plant are edible: leaves, stems and seeds.
  • And the dwarf vegetable variety White Leaf (White Leaf) can be grown at home, in a box on the windowsill, even in winter. Its light leaves and stems, very juicy, tender and tasty, are cut at a plant height of only 18-20 cm.
  • Young amaranth leaves are very similar to spinach. They are added to salads and hot dishes, soups. A protein-vitamin paste is prepared from the green mass.
  • And fresh or dried leaves and seeds make excellent tea. Dried and crushed amaranth leaves are mixed with fireweed tea in a 2:1 ratio and then brewed.
  • The seeds make a delicious porridge, but the cooking process takes quite a long time.

  • The oil that is pressed from amaranth seeds using a special technology is highly valued. By the way, it is 1.5-3 times more than in other grain crops.
  • Cold pressed oil is an excellent salad dressing. In addition, it can be fried, added to first and second courses, as well as baked goods.
  • The cake and meal that are formed during the oil extraction process are also used.
  • Cake is used as an additive to dishes to increase their nutritional value. It can be safely added to breading, as well as to sauces, soups, and cereals.
  • Meal - also known as fiber from amaranth seeds - is recommended to be taken daily, 1-2 tablespoons per day.
  • Natural pigments from the peel of amaranth grains are added to soy sauce and drinks to give a pleasant taste and a beautiful dark color.
  • Amaranth flour is especially beneficial for people with celiac disease because it is gluten-free. This flour is added to baked goods and various dishes as a vitamin and protein supplement, and is also used to thicken sauces and breading.
  • Very often it is mixed with other types of flour in a 1:1 ratio. If you add amaranth flour to wheat dough, the pastry will not go stale for a long time.

  • Amaranth sprouts are very useful. They have a bitter, nutty taste and go well in porridges, salads, soups, and sandwiches. And for long-term storage, they can be fermented like cabbage.
  • To obtain amaranth sprouts at home, the seeds are evenly placed on the surface of the germination jar and excess moisture is removed.
  • After soaking for a day, the seeds begin to hatch, after about another day they are put in the refrigerator, where they continue to germinate.
  • On the shelves of our stores you can increasingly see bread and cookies made from amaranth. And Indians and Mexicans prepare healthy candies - they roast grains with honey and molasses. Amaranth grain products taste like nuts.
  • Caution should be exercised when consuming amaranth products in case of cholelithiasis and urolithiasis, inflammation of the pancreas, gallbladder and bile ducts.

Recipe: Amaranth leaf cutlets


  • Boiled and crushed amaranth leaves – 200 grams;
  • Eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • Onion – 1 pc.;
  • Garlic – 2 cloves;
  • Grated cheese – 2 tablespoons;
  • Crushed bread – 2 tablespoons;
  • Sifted wheat flour – 2 tablespoons;
  • Black pepper - to taste;
  • Salt - to taste.


  • Mix all ingredients into a homogeneous mass, add spices.
  • Form cutlets, roll in bread crumbs, fry in vegetable oil.
  • Serve with lemon juice.

Bon appetit!

There are a huge number of teas, the beneficial properties of which are unfairly underestimated. These can easily include amaranth tea. Not many people even know about its existence, but its beneficial properties have been scientifically proven. The drink is good for strengthening the immune system in children. In the article you will find information about tea and brewing recipes.

Amaranth tea – what is it good for and how to brew it?

Undoubtedly, there is no person who does not know about the beneficial properties of this or that plant. It often even happens that teas and decoctions are much more beneficial for orgasm and help cope with the problem much more effectively than some medications. And today we will talk about amaranth tea. You will learn all its beneficial properties, the harmful effects of the plant on the body, its use in cooking, and also a recipe for brewing tea.

Medicinal properties of tea

Amaranth tea has a very rich chemical composition, so it has various medicinal properties. High-quality protein, easily digestible, serotonin, bile acids, choline, steroids, various vitamins, tocopherols, pantothenic acid, squalene, trace elements of iron, manganese, copper, selenium and zinc - all this, as well as many other useful elements, are contained in the green mass of amaranth.

  • In practice, tea made from amaranth leaves is used for various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • It is capable of neutralizing various toxic substances
  • It nourishes lacto- and bifidobacteria, and this leads to increased immunity.

Amaranth tea also has a positive effect in baby food. Many mothers even specifically drink tea during breastfeeding. Well, later, when the baby has grown up, you can give him a special mixture of amaranth juice. The recipe is simple:

  • fresh amaranth juice – 1 tsp;
  • a few drops of natural honey.

Thanks to this natural mixture, your baby will develop correctly and grow strong and healthy.

Also, amaranth flowers and leaves are often used for the treatment and prevention of respiratory diseases. So, if used correctly, you can cure anemia, chronic bronchitis, emphysema, asthma and other more serious diseases.

Contraindications to the use of amaranth

Like any medicine, amaranth tea, as well as its seeds, flowers, etc., has a number of contraindications for use. It is worth noting that you will not cause any direct harm to yourself when using the plant. But there is a category of people for whom this culture is simply contraindicated:

  • if a person suffers from urolithiasis;
  • if there are chronic diseases of the pancreas;
  • with greatly increased cholesterol levels in the blood vessels;
  • if a person is diagnosed with a duodenal ulcer;
  • if chronic pancreatitis is observed;
  • if a person has too frequent diarrhea, stomach upsets.

In any case, before consuming the seeds, leaves or flowers of the plant for food purposes, treatment and prophylactic action, you should definitely consult your doctor. Only a doctor can prescribe you a truly effective treatment that will not harm your health.

How to brew tea?

You should remember that amaranth tea is not a panacea for all diseases. Most often, people use it for prevention, to boost immunity or solve some problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Much less often, tea is prescribed as a treatment.

Amaranth tea has a very pleasant taste and aroma. Now we will tell you how to brew it and what you can add. In principle, there are no special differences in brewing this tea from ordinary black tea, for example. Just take 1 teaspoon of dry tea mixture per glass of boiling water. It is worth insisting for 10-20 minutes. It is best to drink the infusion half an hour before meals. If you don’t like the taste of amaranth tea without anything, then feel free to add honey and lemon to taste. It can even be brewed with other teas or herbal infusions - the main thing is to let it steep for at least 20 minutes. Drinking a cup of this infusion on an empty stomach will clear the stomach of mucus and have a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

If you drink this tea regularly, then every 2 months you should take a break for at least a week.

Use in cooking

The leaves and seeds are used in cooking. By the way, very aromatic baked goods are usually prepared from the seeds. But this culture is, for the most part, popular only in Indian cuisine. The seeds and leaves have a very specific taste when cooked. This is why they have great value in cooking.

If you decide to use fresh green leaves when cooking at home, be very careful with heat treatment. During intense heat, the nitrates found in a green plant can easily turn into nitrites. And they can already harm your health. So be extremely careful with culinary experiments.

Amaranth (schiritsa) is a herbaceous plant with unusual spike-shaped inflorescences. There are more than 100 types of it. Amaranth is considered one of the oldest plants that began to be cultivated by humans. It blooms for more than two months, hence its name, which translates as “unfading.” The homeland of amaranth is South America, from there it spread throughout the world. The Spaniards brought the seeds of the plant to Europe in the 16th century, but no one knew about its healing properties then, and amaranth was grown as an ornamental flower.

Currently, in Pakistan, India and China, amaranth is considered a cereal plant. Amaranth also grows in Russia. The plant has large, elongated and oval leaves, red flowers, and fruit capsules contain up to 2000 seeds.

Composition of amaranth leaves

All parts of amaranth contain a lot of useful elements. Leaves contain:

  • B vitamins,
  • vitamin C,
  • vitamin E,
  • flavonoids,
  • carotenoids,
  • simple phenolic compounds,
  • hydroxycinnamic acids,
  • pectins,
  • sterols,
  • methionine,
  • betacyanin,
  • selenium.

Many useful substances are contained in the seeds of the plant, from which amaranth oil is obtained. 35% of seed protein consists of amino acids. In terms of the content of lysine, threonine, and tyrosine, amaranth is superior to many grains and legumes.

Application of amaranth

Amaranth is effective as a diuretic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and wound-healing agent. Amaranth is added to food and used in cooking. Amaranth tea is brewed.

Amaranth has been proven effective in treating the following diseases:

  • blood vessels and heart;
  • nervous diseases;
  • vitamin deficiency, diabetes mellitus, anemia and other metabolic and endocrine disorders;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • allergies, diathesis, dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema and other skin diseases;
  • pleurisy, laryngitis, pneumonia, respiratory tract diseases;
  • inflammation of the appendages, colpitis, erosion, female ailments;
  • arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis;
  • impotence and infertility.

Harvesting amaranth

The collection and preparation of raw materials should begin in June, when the plant begins to bloom. Plants with a height of about 20 cm are selected. It is necessary to carefully cut off the branches without damaging the leaves and inflorescences. There are several ways to help properly dry and preserve amaranth raw materials.

1. The leaves are cut and laid out in a thin layer in a well-ventilated or ventilated area. The raw materials are regularly mixed and shaken so that they do not stagnate and mold does not appear.

2. You can collect the twigs and, without chopping them, tie them into bundles. Hang in a ventilated area. Readiness is easy to check. If the leaves and flowers crumble, you can put them away for storage. Raw materials dried by any method are stored in a dark place, in paper bags or canvas bags.

Some people prepare pickled amaranth for the winter. To do this, make a brine from water, sugar and salt, the crushed plant is poured with the prepared brine. Keep refrigerated. You can simply sprinkle the crushed acorn leaves with salt, put them in a jar and store them in the refrigerator. By putting the crushed fresh plant in bags, you can put them in the freezer, you will get frozen amaranth raw materials.

Preparation of medicinal infusions from amaranth

Amaranth can be used in the form of a decoction, hot and cold infusions, alcohol tincture, oil, extract. Crushed fresh leaves and juice are used for compresses.

Amaranth leaf tea

The “Valentina” variety is best suited for making tea. It is distinguished by the red color of its leaves. To prepare amaranth tea with five liters of water, you will need half a glass of dry amaranth leaves. Adults are recommended to drink 750 ml of the drink per day, dividing the dose into three times.

Amaranth decoction

For 2 cups of boiling water, take 2 tbsp. l. prepared agarica raw materials (roots, leaves, inflorescences). Keep the decoction in a water bath for 15 minutes. After cooling and filtering, take 120 ml of the decoction before each meal.

Cold infusion of amaranth

This drink helps with gastrointestinal diseases. To obtain it, 1 part of dried leaves is poured with 10 parts of water at room temperature. Leave for 20 minutes, then filter. Take 120 ml before meals.

Hot infusion of amaranth

Fresh leaves chopped, 4 tbsp. l. The leaves of the plant are poured with a glass of boiling water. They insist for half an hour. Then filter and drink 100-120 ml throughout the day.

Amaranth juice

Fresh juice squeezed from the leaves is suitable for gargling the throat and mouth for sore throat, stomatitis, and inflammation of the mucous membranes. To do this, it is diluted in a ratio of 1:5 in warm water. To prepare the juice, the leaves are washed, crushed, and passed through a juicer. To improve liver function, for diabetes and gastritis, drink the juice, mixing in equal proportions with cream three times a day, one tablespoon after meals. The juice also perfectly heals any wounds.

Alcohol tincture of leaves and seeds

20 g of leaves with seeds are poured into 200 ml of high-quality vodka. Leave to infuse in a dark place for a week. The resulting tincture is taken 10 drops, adding it to water or tea.

Amaranth infusion for external use

Pour half a glass of raw material into a liter of boiling water and leave for a day. Strain. The liquid can be used to treat wounds and burns, and the grounds can be used for compresses and masks.

Traditional medicine recipes

For inflammation of the genitourinary system. 3 tbsp. l. Finely chopped leaves are poured into 1 liter of boiling water. The drink is infused for six hours (can be in a thermos). Drink the infusion before going to bed, 1 glass.

With enuresis. Crushed inflorescences are mixed with seeds. 1 tbsp. l. The mixture is brewed with a glass of boiling water, and the container is placed in a water bath. After twenty minutes, remove and cool. A two-week appointment is required. Before taking, dilute 1 tsp in 1/4 glass of water. infusion and drink. This is done three times a day.

To rejuvenate the body. A complex herbal collection is effective:

Amaranth (leaves)

St. John's wort (herb)

Chamomile (flowers)

Birch (buds)

Herbs are taken in equal proportions, after mixing 2 tbsp. l. pour 500 ml of boiling water. The mixture should infuse for three hours. After filtering, drink the infusion one glass at night and before breakfast. If desired, you can add a spoonful of fresh honey to the tea drink.

To improve stomach function. A decoction of crushed roots is prepared. Pour 15 g of roots with a glass of boiling water and place in a water bath for half an hour. Strain and drink with the addition of a spoonful of natural honey.

For conjunctivitis. Pour a glass of boiling water over crushed amaranth leaves (2 tbsp), keep on low heat for 6 minutes, then leave for an hour and filter. Wash your eyes with the resulting decoction, and also apply lotions to your eyelids.

Amaranth contraindications

  • Individual intolerance to the plant.
  • Gluten enteropathy.
  • Cholecystitis.
  • Pancreatitis.
  • Urolithiasis disease.
  • Childhood.

For any chronic diseases or exacerbations of illnesses, before starting treatment, it is worth enlisting the support of your doctor. This will avoid unpleasant consequences.

It is unlikely that every summer resident knows that amaranth, which adorns flower beds on plots and city parks, is a unique plant with an incredible legend. Moreover, its beneficial properties place amaranth among the most useful medicinal plants.

Amaranth plant of the future

The Aztecs and Incas cultivated the plant as an agricultural crop and called amaranth “the golden grain sent by God” or “the food of immortality.”

Along with corn, it was the mainstay of the diet. But the Spanish conquistadors consigned the “bread of the Incas” to oblivion and brought the wrath of the Catholic Church upon the poor plant. And all because the Aztec sacrificial figurines were made of amaranth flour. Growing the unfortunate plant was punishable by death, both in America and Europe.

Amaranth owes its second birth to US scientists in the last century and to Academician Vavilov in Russia. Modern scientific research has confirmed the usefulness of “Inca bread” and recommended this plant for nutrition and treatment.

Amaranth tea

Do you want to get rid of headaches, strengthen your nerves and immune system? Drink tea, adding a couple of leaves of the “miracle plant”. Moreover, this herbal tea is recommended for patients with diabetes and serves as an excellent prevention against cancer.

But tea can also be brewed from amaranth flowers. It turns out to be a bright, rich color and with the same beneficial properties.

Beauty from the garden.

An incredible amount of lotions, tonics and creams can be prepared using dry or fresh amaranth raw materials. Warm compresses-masks incredibly nourish the skin and smooth out wrinkles. Ladies who know a lot about natural cosmetics use a decoction of the “miracle plant” to rinse their hair; rub the infusion into the hair roots, which promotes hair growth and shine.

Amaranth's answer to Viagra

The recipe is quite simple: the pulp of ripe tomatoes is mixed with a fermented milk drink like “Ayran”; crushed amaranth leaves and a little ground pepper are added. This well-whipped cocktail is offered to men as a “strength” drink.

Oil treats fungus.

Traditional medicine uses amaranth oil for almost all skin diseases. Even the fungus is afraid of it. They successfully treat eczema, herpes, acne and burns.

Toning salad

For vegetable salad, it is better to use young stems and leaves of amaranth. This summer dish miraculously gives the desired tone and rejuvenates the body's cells. The greens taste like spinach, although in Japan amaranth is identified with squid and even mussels. It is advisable to use sour cream or kefir as a dressing. Due to the fact that the plant belongs to a culture of intensive growth, you can eat such a salad directly “from the garden”, plucking the leaves directly from the flowerbed. When the plant reaches 30 cm, it can be harvested.

The recipe is quite simple and the products needed for this salad are also very simple:

  1. amaranth leaves
  2. lettuce leaves (or Chinese cabbage)
  3. feta cheese (or feta cheese)
  4. herbs (basil or parsley)
  5. avocado (if your avocado is expensive, you can skip the avocado)

The salad is dressed with either mayonnaise or olive oil (mayonnaise in a bowl in the photo).

It is very tasty and very healthy.

Not everyone knows about the miraculous properties of the magnificent plant with the beautiful name amaranth, but many already do.
Today it is becoming in demand, because many potions are prepared from amaranth, flour and oil are obtained, used in cooking, cosmetology and medicine.

Even just regular consumption of amaranth tea will help you overcome certain diseases, and also become an excellent preventive measure for a number of ailments, help keep your body in good shape, and give you strength.

In addition, making amaranth tea does not require any special skills or complex ingredients. It is brewed simply - all you need are leaves or seeds of the plant.

Let us remind you! Amaranth and products obtained from it are rich in vitamins, microelements and other beneficial substances that are well absorbed by the body. But the main, most important element of amaranth is squalene. Initially, it was extracted from the liver of a shark, and not so long ago it was established that it is also present in amaranth, which determines its miraculous properties, known for a long time, but then they did not yet know about squalene, although they used the plant in cooking.

Amaranth tea will defeat the disease!

Tea or infusion prepared from amaranth seeds/leaves is recommended for the treatment and prevention of many diseases:

  • of cardio-vascular system;
  • genitourinary system;
  • digestive system and so on.

In addition, the infusion/tea will be incredibly useful in the fight against such dangerous and unpleasant diseases as inflammation of the respiratory system (both acute and chronic), including:

  • anemia;
  • diabetes;
  • avitaminosis;
  • and even banal but unpleasant obesity.

The tea will help combat bleeding that occurs due to menstrual irregularities, hemorrhoids and hemoptysis.

It will alleviate the conditions of patients suffering from severe pain in bones and joints due to such common ailments as:

  • arthritis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • arthrosis, etc.

note . You should not use tea as the only means of treatment - do not refuse medications prescribed by your doctor unless he has given permission to do so. Also, be sure to consult with your doctor first before drinking the infusion regularly - although amaranth does not have acute, pronounced side effects, it is still worth informing your doctor!

In some cases, amaranth tea is used as one of the elements of complex therapy for identified tumors of various types - both benign and malignant.

Among other positive effects of the amaranth drink, its assistance in the following situations should be highlighted:

  • with a lack of milk in nursing mothers;
  • for disorders of the nervous system;
  • for insomnia;
  • with impotence;
  • with frigidity.

As you can see, tea can really be incredibly beneficial. Moreover, you can prepare it at your own discretion, taking amaranth leaves and seeds in any proportions, combining them with other medicinal herbs, choosing the optimal combination of taste for yourself.

Proven recipes for amaranth tea and decoctions

If you are afraid to experiment or don’t have time for it, we have prepared for you several proven and effective recipes that have been tried by thousands of people. The taste of the tea is pleasant, it has a slightly sweet, slightly astringent, but not cloying aftertaste.

Delicious tea

To prepare delicious and healthy tea you need:

  • a large spoonful of fresh or dried leaves and flowers;
  • half a small spoon of mint or lemon balm;
  • approximately 100 grams of water at a temperature of about 75-80 degrees.

Everything is mixed and infused for about 7 minutes in a closed teapot. Then add another 100 grams of boiling water. To make the taste of tea even richer, add a little honey. If there is no honey, sugar will do.

Infusion recipes from Valentin Sokolyansky

Valentin Sokolyansky's recipes saved his wife's life. Today many people use them and thank the author for his resourcefulness. Valentin has even become a kind of guru for those who are just learning about the healing properties of amaranth tea.

History of recipe creation . Valentin Sokolyansky met amaranth by accident. His wife was given a terrible diagnosis (for ethical reasons we will not talk about it), and therefore they moved to the village, where she could live for a few more weeks. There, local residents suggested that he prepare a decoction of dried amaranth leaves for his wife. And as a result, the woman has been living for several years, has forgotten about the disease, is successfully involved in athletics, breaking records in her age category.

For first recipe You need:

  • take half a glass of dry and pre-crushed leaves of the plant;
  • pour five liters of boiling water;
  • leave for 24 hours;
  • strain.

You need to drink the resulting infusion three times a day, 250 milliliters, about half an hour before meals. If you are going to give tea to children, the indicated dose should be halved.

Second recipe The infusion is prepared for external use:

  • pour half a glass of crushed and dried amaranth leaves with a liter of boiling water;
  • leave for 24 hours;
  • strain without discarding the sediment.

The sediment or grounds are ideal for creating various masks. But the resulting liquid will help heal various wounds, including burns.

Note. The plants are characterized by excellent wound-healing properties and effectively resist bacteria. So, juice from fresh leaves will speed up the wound healing process and disinfect it. If inflammation of the mucous membranes and skin is observed, you can use an infusion of amaranth seeds or its inflorescences.

Treatment of conjunctivitis

An unpleasant illness that can bring a lot of inconvenience and trouble can be cured with an infusion of amaranth leaves:

  • two large spoons of leaves;
  • a glass of boiling water;
  • mix and simmer over low heat for about five minutes;
  • remove from heat and leave covered for one hour;
  • strain.

Use the resulting cooled broth to rinse your eyes or make cotton pads. It is enough to treat the site of conjunctivitis with such a solution 3-4 times a day to forget about the disease.

Treatment of liver and kidney diseases

To prepare this infusion you should take:

  • about 700 milliliters of boiling water;
  • 15 grams of crushed leaves;
  • leave for about 20 minutes;
  • strain.

You need to drink the tincture for 15 days, 50 milliliters. It is also possible to take the tincture for just one week.

The taste of the broth will be slightly sugary, but it can be improved by adding a little (literally a few drops) of fresh lemon juice.

To prevent colds and flu

This is not tea, but a full-fledged tincture! Also helps strengthen the immune system. It is especially good to take it during the off-season, with the onset of cold weather.

To prepare the tincture, you need:

  • approximately 20 grams of dried leaves;
  • 200 grams of vodka;
  • leave for 7 days in a dark place.

The resulting tincture should be added to tea or coffee, 10 drops each. This will be enough to boost immunity and resist colds.

Psoriasis and eczema

To prepare this decoction you need:

  • take two small spoons of plant seeds;
  • pour three glasses of boiling water over them;
  • insist for twenty minutes;
  • strain.

The resulting decoction is ideal for compresses applied to the skin.

Bath infusion

You need to take baths with amaranth infusion twice a week for about half an hour. To prepare the infusion:

  • 300 grams of any amaranth raw material (leaves, inflorescences, seeds);
  • pour two liters of boiling water;
  • boil for fifteen minutes;
  • cool slightly;
  • add to a bathtub half filled with water.


We have prepared for you several proven and effective recipes for making tea, decoction or infusion from amaranth, a miraculous plant that can resist many diseases.

However, we would like to remind you that although amaranth has no obvious contraindications, people who have been diagnosed with acute pancreatitis, acute severe diseases of the digestive system, as well as urolithiasis and cholelithiasis should avoid taking it in any form.

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