The bear is a symbol of the 1980 Olympics. The history of the Olympic Bear: legends and facts. What happened to the Olympic bear

On August 3, 1980, the closing ceremony of the Olympic Games took place in Moscow, during which the mascot of the 1980 Olympics, the Olympic Bear, was launched into the sky. Muscovites and guests of the capital accompanied him with tears in his eyes to the song performed by Lev Leshchenko and Tatyana Antsiferova from the center of the Luzhniki stadium.

The history of the creation of the talisman.
The history of creating the image of the Olympic Bear began in 1977, when a population survey was conducted in the country through the program "In the World of Animals" and the editors of the newspaper "Soviet Sport", where the audience was asked to choose the symbol of the Olympics. Almost unanimously, preference was given to the bear cub Misha. After the image of the mascot was approved, an order was made to the best artists of the country. The final version was made by the illustrator of children's books - Viktor Aleksandrovich Chizhikov. Among the 60 cubs that made it to the final, his version was also liked by the IOC President of that time, Lord Kilanin. The Organizing Committee of the Moscow Olympiad chose this animal as a symbol, since it has such qualities characteristic of an athlete as strength, perseverance and courage.

For the Olympic Games, a six-meter rubber mascot was created - the balloon "Olympic Bear". Initially, it was planned to be made in Moscow at the Research Institute of the Rubber Industry, but due to the large dimensions of Mishka, the manufacturing process was transferred to the institute's branch located in Zagorsk (now Sergiev Posad). For testing and in case of unforeseen circumstances, two duplicates were made.

Project Bear.
According to the plan of the organizers, the Olympic Bear was supposed to fly high into the sky during the closing ceremony. In April 1979, in the town of Zhukovsky near Moscow, work began on the Bear project at the Central Aero-Hydrodynamic Institute (TsAGI). A group of scientists was tasked with ensuring the rise of the talisman into the air. The bear was not just supposed to fly vertically upwards over the stadium. Having reached a certain height (3.5 m from the top of the stands), he had to leave the stadium as soon as possible without hitting the bowl with the Olympic flame.

At first, engineer Alexander Trusov suggested abandoning the doll and dressing a person in a bear costume, tying him to balloons filled with helium. The test took place at the Kubinka-2 airfield near Moscow. Trusov himself went to the test and put on a suit (it was made at a fur toy factory in the Ukrainian city of Zhovti Vody) and took off. The first flight was successful, after which it was decided to conduct the next experiment under conditions as close as possible to the required ones: twilight, climb 30 meters (the height of the Luzhniki stands). But this time, at a height of one hundred meters, the Olympic Bear suddenly turned around, flew 50 meters, and then began to sharply go up, disappearing from sight.

After that, the engineers developed a system of so-called "carrying balls". Its essence was as follows: moving in a certain way, the balls contributed to the displacement of the center of gravity of the object (Bear), which, in turn, made it possible to control the direction of flight with a sufficient degree of accuracy. Moving in a certain way, the balloons shifted the center of gravity of the object in the right direction. The operator in the cockpit in the right hind leg had to control the direction of flight. But on testing this option, the doll lost control, flew over the burning Olympic torch and flared up. Engineer Igor Artamonov, who was sitting in the cockpit, died from his burns. Then it was decided to fix the balls only on the upper paws and ears so that the bear would not roll over.

It is still not known for certain what happened to the Olympic Bear after he left the Luzhniki arena on an August evening in 1980 and disappeared into the sky. Whether he was a manned craft or just a huge rubber doll with balloons - no one knows for sure.

"The Olympic Bear is a symbol of the Moscow Olympics. How much more charming and humane he was than the monotonously beautiful and purposeful poster "builders of communism"! And how the story of the birth of the Olympic mascot and its further fate are characteristic of that time! soul to the song of Pakhmutova and Dobronravov, even the most inveterate cynics had tears in their eyes. Two billion people around the world watched the most touching closing ceremony in the history of the Olympics. And almost no one knew what happened next to such a cute Mishka. And he landed on the outskirts of Moscow, knocked down a beer booth, frightening two local "uncles" to death. Then he was exhibited for some time at VDNKh, next to other achievements of the Soviet national economy (record-breaking cows, the monstrous tractor "Kirovets" and the Olympic Mishka - there something for the national economy to be proud of!) At that time, a West German firm offered to buy a rubber Mishka for 100 thousand marks. Naive Germans! The Soviets have their own pride, which is not sold for despicable Deutschmarks! A bear from VDNKh was sent to one of the basements of the USSR Olympic Committee, where he stood until he was ... eaten by rats.
(A. Khoroshevsky. 100 famous symbols of the Soviet era.)

When the symbol of the Summer Olympic Games flew away, more than two billion people from all over the world simply cried sobs. It's hard to believe, but their eyes literally filled with tears the size of an apple! Then no one could even think where the Olympic, so beloved by everyone. It is curious that the versions of his "route" still differ.

Goodbye, our affectionate Misha!

According to one version, she took the Olympic bear to the outskirts of Moscow. There, he allegedly knocked down a Soviet beer booth and greatly frightened passers-by. Another version says that a huge balloon in the form of a mascot of the Summer Olympic Games, held in 1980 in Moscow, left the stadium in Luzhniki, landing on Sparrow (at that time - Lenin) Hills near Moscow University (today - Moscow State University) .

public property

After landing, the fate of the symbol of the 1980 Olympics becomes more or less clear. After some time, the Olympic bear was installed in one of the pavilions of the VDNKh metro station in Moscow. There, for some time, he stood along with other achievements of the "national economy": with a record-breaking cow and with a monstrous Kirovets tractor.

This year Russia once again hosted the Olympic Games. Only not summer, but winter. Everything went at a high level, except for one incident: during the opening ceremony, one of the Olympic rings did not immediately open.

Failed deal

After some time, a commercial offer was received from a certain German company to buy a rubber Olympic bear. The tax for the rubber talisman of the Olympic Games-80 was 100 thousand marks. But the sale and purchase transaction never took place. Soviet patriotism turned out to be higher than "commercial affairs"!

What happened to the Olympic bear?

When the export of the rubber symbol of the Olympics-80 did not take place, the cultural heritage of the Soviet era was hidden in one of the basements of the USSR Olympic Committee. No one then could have imagined what would happen to everyone's beloved "gentle Misha": in the basement, rats simply gnawed him! Apparently, being a "dinner" for rats is much more worthy than being exported abroad.

One of the current symbols of the Sochi 2014 Olympics is the polar bear. It is curious that he was christened the grandson of that same Soviet Olympic bear.

No matter how ridiculous the fate of the Soviet bear, he forever settled in the hearts of the older generation. As they say, he flew away, but promised to return!

April 7, 2014

The touching closing of the 1980 Olympics, which took place in the Soviet Union, is remembered by everyone who saw it. A flying bear accompanied by a symbolic song performed by Lev Leshchenko caused tears of emotion in hundreds of thousands of people. But few of those who sat in the stadium or watched the closing of the Games on TV at that moment thought about the future fate of this symbol and about where the Olympic bear landed.

Excursion into history

More than 30 years have passed since the 1980 Olympics, which were held in the capital of Russia, and its symbol - the Olympic bear, still remains one of the favorite and most famous folk heroes. It was created by Viktor Chizhikov, an illustrator of books. By the way, it was the author who gave him the name Toptygin Mikhail Potapovich. This drawing was approved as a symbol of the Olympics due to the fact that it felt athletic enthusiasm, strength, courage and perseverance. It was selected from over 40,000 options.

The 1980 Olympic bear received worldwide fame and recognition. The author of this symbol received letters from all over the world. Happy were those who could get an image of a bear, a pendant or a figurine. By the way, Chizhikov was supposed to become a millionaire for creating such a symbol. But a miracle did not happen in the Soviet Union, he was paid 2,000 rubles and forced to give up copyright on his offspring.

Closing of the Games

The farewell ceremony, of course, added popularity to the symbol of the Olympics. After all, it is still believed that the closing of the Games was especially touching. At that moment, when the Bear rose into the sky, many tears of tenderness flowed, the stadium waved to the mascot of the 1980 Games. But few people thought about where the Olympic bear landed. These questions came up a little later.

And at that moment everyone brushed away tears, listened to the heartfelt words of the song by Pakhmutova and Dobronravov with the title "Goodbye, our affectionate Misha." By the way, very few people knew that the flight of the symbol of the Olympics was initially rejected by the chairman of the sports committee, Grammov. On a related proposal, he wrote that teddy bears don't fly, so the idea of ​​flight was rejected. But the main director of the Olympics could not rest on this, he was able to realize this idea only thanks to his courage and perseverance. He addressed directly to the chairman of the Central Committee of the CPSU of that time - Suslov. They approved and supported this idea.

Where is Mishka?

So, the six-meter symbol of the 1980 Games soared over the stadium, and almost nothing is known about its future fate. Even today, there are two versions of where the Olympic bear landed. So, the most common is the following option. The symbol of the Olympics flew to the outskirts of Moscow, where it landed safely. True, according to the same version, he knocked down a beer booth and scared two local men very much. On this, his adventures ended, and he was exhibited at VDNKh. By the way, they say that at one time the Germans offered 100,000 marks for it, but the Union government did not even consider such an option. After the exhibition, the talisman was sent to one of the cellars, where rats eventually gnawed it.

But there is another version of how and where the Olympic bear landed. According to the second version, the talisman was blown away by wind currents in the Moscow region. To land it, test pilot Surov needed to open special valves. He successfully completed the task, after which Mishka collapsed to the ground on the Mozhaisk reservoir. But Surov died during this operation. The talisman itself also fell into disrepair and was burned. But at present it is no longer possible to find where the 1980 Olympic bear landed, as it was destroyed anyway.

How was the Bear created?

But many are interested not only in the further fate of the mascot of the Games. Not everyone understands how back in 1980 it was possible to send a six-meter figure into a controlled flight. And indeed, it was much easier to come up with an idea with a touching farewell to a bear than to bring it to life.

The bear was created at a special institute of the rubber industry. For him, rubberized fabric was first made. After that, the gluers of the balloon shop, together with the specialists of the institute, created the figure of a bear. In case of force majeure, two identical dolls were immediately made.

flight training

But the creation of the bear turned out to be far from the most problematic stage. It was much more difficult to teach the talisman to fly. The fact is that this figure is absolutely not aerodynamic, it seemed almost impossible to send it into a controlled flight. After all, according to the idea, he had to rise above the last stands to a height of about 3.5 meters and fly away from the stadium. At the same time, it was important not to touch the bowl with fire. At first, it was decided to abandon the idea of ​​a rubber doll altogether and send a person flying. Such tests were carried out at one of the airfields near Moscow, the engineer Trusov put on a specially prepared suit and soared sharply up with the help of balls to a great height. After that, he was never found.

Another inventor proposed to control the rubber doll using balls that could shift the weight of the object in the right direction. If everything worked out as planned, there would be no questions about where the Olympic bear is. Indeed, in his right paw, according to the idea, there should have been a person who would control the talisman. But the tests failed: the bear flew over the burning torch and flared up. The operator sitting in the doll died from burns.

After that, it was decided to fix the balls only on the ears and upper paws. Thanks to this, the bear did not roll over. As planned, he was supposed to land carefully in the Sparrow Hills area, but this plan was not fully implemented either.

On August 3, 1980, the closing ceremony of the Olympic Games took place in Moscow, during which the mascot of the 1980 Olympics, the Olympic Bear, was launched into the sky. Muscovites and guests of the capital accompanied him with tears in his eyes to the song performed by Lev Leshchenko and Tatyana Antsiferova from the center of the Luzhniki stadium.

The history of the creation of the mascot

The history of creating the image of the Olympic Bear began in 1977, when a population survey was conducted in the country through the program "In the World of Animals" and the editors of the newspaper "Soviet Sport", where the audience was asked to choose the symbol of the Olympics. Almost unanimously, preference was given to the bear cub Misha. After the image of the mascot was approved, an order was made to the best artists of the country. The final version was made by the illustrator of children's books - Viktor Aleksandrovich Chizhikov. Among the 60 cubs that made it to the final, his version was also liked by the IOC President of that time, Lord Kilanin. The Organizing Committee of the Moscow Olympiad chose this animal as a symbol, since it has such qualities characteristic of an athlete as strength, perseverance and courage.

For the Olympic Games, a six-meter rubber mascot was created - the balloon "Olympic Bear". Initially, it was planned to be made in Moscow at the Research Institute of the Rubber Industry, but due to the large dimensions of Mishka, the manufacturing process was transferred to the institute's branch located in Zagorsk (now Sergiev Posad). For testing and in case of unforeseen circumstances, two duplicates were made.

Project "Bear"

According to the plan of the organizers, the Olympic Bear was supposed to fly high into the sky during the closing ceremony. In April 1979, in the town of Zhukovsky near Moscow, work began on the Bear project at the Central Aero-Hydrodynamic Institute (TsAGI). A group of scientists was tasked with ensuring the rise of the talisman into the air. The bear was not just supposed to fly vertically upwards over the stadium. Having reached a certain height (3.5 m from the top of the stands), he had to leave the stadium as soon as possible without hitting the bowl with the Olympic flame.

At first, engineer Alexander Trusov suggested abandoning the doll and dressing a person in a bear costume, tying him to balloons filled with helium. The test took place at the Kubinka-2 airfield near Moscow. Trusov himself went to the test and put on a suit (it was made at a fur toy factory in the Ukrainian city of Zhovti Vody) and took off. The first flight was successful, after which it was decided to conduct the next experiment under conditions as close as possible to the required ones: twilight, climb 30 meters (the height of the Luzhniki stands). But this time, at a height of one hundred meters, the Olympic Bear suddenly turned around, flew 50 meters, and then began to sharply go up, disappearing from view.

After that, the engineers developed a system of so-called "carrying balls". Its essence was as follows: moving in a certain way, the balls contributed to the displacement of the center of gravity of the object (Bear), which, in turn, made it possible to control the direction of flight with a sufficient degree of accuracy. Moving in a certain way, the balloons shifted the center of gravity of the object in the right direction. The operator in the cockpit in the right hind leg had to control the direction of flight. But on testing this option, the doll lost control, flew over the burning Olympic torch and flared up. Engineer Igor Artamonov, who was sitting in the cockpit, died from his burns. Then it was decided to fix the balls only on the upper paws and ears so that the bear would not roll over.

It is still not known for certain what happened to the Olympic Bear after he left the Luzhniki arena on an August evening in 1980 and disappeared into the sky. Whether he was a manned craft or just a huge rubber doll with balloons - no one knows for sure.

It is only known that after the closing ceremony, a few hours later, the talisman doll was found on Sparrow Hills and taken to the warehouse. In the fall of 1980, a West German firm approached the Soviet government with an offer to buy rubber Misha for 100,000 German marks. However, the company was denied the purchase of a talisman. For some time, Mishka was exhibited in the Young Technician pavilion of VDNKh, and then was kept in the basement of the Olympic Committee, where rats ate him a few years later.

The full truth about the last flight of the Olympic Bear at the Olympics-80.

I want to tell you a real story about the Olympic Bear, about the one that took off on balloons from the Luzhniki stadium on the closing day of the 1980 Olympics. The fact is that this information is not disclosed to a wide range of the public, and the one that is there is some tales from the realm of fantasy, I mean information that can be gleaned from the media and the Internet. We will consider the final design of the Mishka, and we will omit the experiments preceding this project, which are also legendary.

I know this information from a friend of my father, who was associated in those years with the Olympic Committee, and one day, being a guest at our house in a state of good drunkenness, he divulged this secret covered in darkness and fantasy. I did not pay much attention to this topic, and I already forgot to think about it, until recently I accidentally saw a bunch of tales and legends on this topic on the Internet. I was offended by the fact that instead of the truth, which the people might already know, some low-grade nonsense is being served. In general, there is no special secret there, there is just some kind of technology for the project itself and how it all turned out, and where our affectionate Misha finally landed. I can't vouch for what I'll tell you, though, so that it's one hundred percent, but judging by the logic, that's how it was and could not be otherwise. And I have no doubts about the source of information, if this person said something, then only about what he really knows.

To complete the picture, consider the versions that are.

First and official. The bear took off from the Luzhniki stadium with the help of balloons and helium, which he himself was inflated with while being rubber, and landed 15 minutes later on Sparrow Hills. Everything. How he could do this is not explained. After all, it is so "simple" to take off and land in the planned place. I must say that this version is very true, with the exception of important details of the control of the Bear, the flight itself and the flight time. Only the question arises, how did Potapych manage to do everything smoothly himself? After all, the robotics of those times was hardly capable of such maneuvers with such a large and complex aircraft, which was called the Olympiyskiy Mishka balloon product. Well, then there was no such device that could be controlled from the remote control on the ground, or rather, there was no time for such serious work, and it was necessary to get by with a simpler option than remote control.

Second version. The bear was controlled by a pilot, a test pilot, who was located in his right leg and controlled him with the help of balls. It was ballast to the waist, then helium in a rubber sheath, plus the balls themselves, which the pilot manipulated. The balls were divided into two equal groups, the principle of control was that the pilot pulled that group of balls in the direction he needed to turn. Everything seems to be logical. One can imagine that by “rolling over” with the help of groups of balls from side to side (just by analogy with the bear’s gait), the Bear could be brought to the landing point, and then, having bled the helium, sit down. The version is beautiful, but its authors did not take into account the fact that there is such an atmospheric phenomenon as the wind, which could blow in a different direction, and given the high windage of the product, no manipulation of the balls would force Mishkin to change course back to the wind. Do you believe that the Soviet scientists and designers who worked on the project would not have taken into account such a factor as the wind?! Soviet scientists, not scientists from Papua New Guinea, those who sent autonomous modules to the moon, were the first to go into space, etc.

According to the third version, he fell down somewhere in Moscow, knocking down a beer stall (!) And two citizens. According to this version, it turns out that he could have attacked the Kremlin and the Kurchaty Institute, for example, or simply banged on the windows of some residential building, delighting citizens who had not departed from the sentimental ceremony of farewell and closing of the Olympic Games on TV. So to say: - Hello, here I am, Mikhail Potapych Toptygin - Olympic, in person, the same gouging as I look, flesh of your flesh, native to the board, uncontrollable Russian bear!

The fourth version is the most fantastic and no less beautiful. Misha flew right up to the Mozhaisk reservoir, also controlled by a pilot. The pilot, as it were, could not cope with the landing and, due to the strong wind, flew away from Moscow for a hundred kilometers (!), Where he undertook landing maneuvers, bleeding off helium, but gusts of wind strongly nailed him to the ground. The pilot is dead. Imagine the posthumous Order of the Hero of the Soviet Union, a test pilot who died on a secret mission while piloting the Olympic Bear! And it happened on the territory of the tourist center "Vympel". Versions that somewhere in the suburbs he was shot down by a valiant air defense, I think it is not worth considering. Although what the hell is not joking, if the German pilot Rust (who sat on a sports plane on Red Square) missed the mark in the future, why in the past such a serious structure as the Moscow Region Air Defense would not bother to mistake Mishka for an enemy bomber ...

These are actually all versions of Misha's flight. You can also come up with your own. For example, Misha fell into the Moskva River, swam to the South Port, taking a dozen buoys with him along the way, where he crashed into a tourist liner, which, after hitting Misha and the buoys, was thrown aground. The captain drowned himself from shame and fear (necessarily fatal victims, without them the version is rather dry).

Now about how everything really happened. But everything was not as smooth as the organizers would like, to say the least. But for the sake of order, let me remind you once again that it was, in principle, possible to make Mishka controlled completely from the ground, just as the moon rovers were controlled via satellite by operators on the ground. But there was neither time nor such colossal costs for this, given that they did not want to allow the project at all according to the wording that they say bears do not fly.

So. The bear was really rubber, filled with helium and with ballast from the waist to the bottom, the cockpit of the pilot-operator was also in the right lower paw, and there was also control using groups of balls to turn to the sides. But there was something that was not mentioned anywhere, and this is a very important detail of object management. Without what the airship will not fly? That's right - no engines. In the back, he was located, or rather straight on the soft spot, or the fifth point. It was an electric motor that turned a screw or propeller, almost like Carlson's. Both the screw and, of course, the engine were inside the product, the screw was hidden by a piece of durable matter, which at the same time let the outgoing flow from the blades through. So Mishka was not a product balloon, it was still a product airship. Batteries for the engine, the engine itself, the operator, and sand at the very bottom of the hind legs were used as ballast for cushioning when landing. In the cockpit, the operator had balloon control, altitude and flight direction sensors, a viewing slot disguised as a white stripe on the paw (you can see it in the photo) with a good view, and automatic and manual adjustment of helium bleed. Also, the pilot had a constant connection with the ground. There was no backup copy of Mishka. The reasons are different, from lack of money (millions of rubles went to the Olympics) to lack of time.

The flight was to be almost completely controlled from the ground by a special flight headquarters in terms of all the maneuvers of the object. The operator carried out commands, reported on instrument readings and controlled the flying object. The operator was a test pilot. The headquarters on the ground was located in the area of ​​​​the observation deck on Sparrow Hills, there were also three mobile groups in cars in case of force majeure, which were on duty on Vorobyovskaya Embankment, Kosygin Street, and Universitetsky Prospekt. The landing site was a closed area between Kosygin Street and Universitetsky Prospekt, there was just a lot of open space for landing. There, respectively, people from the flight group were also on duty.

The flight plan was simple. Misha takes off from Luzhniki to a certain height already facing the direction of flight (towards the University and Sparrow Hills). Further, having taken his height with the help of bleeding helium (this is exactly what the only automation at the facility did), the operator turned on the engine and began to move smoothly in a straight line to the landing site. In the event of a deviation from the course, the operator had to use a group of balls to correct. Upon reaching the landing site, release the gas and sit down. That was actually the flight plan. The test flight took place on the eve of the closing of the games, where the object landed without incident at a given location. The flight also took place late in the evening. After that, the Bear was deflated and taken back to the stadium. It is worth noting another important detail. The flight over the landscape ran along a descending height, since the object flew to a hill (Sparrow Hills) and, accordingly, having taken a certain height, came to the landing site without changing the altitude corridor already with a lower height from the ground. What was comfortable in terms of landing.

Now for the final flight. How it actually happened. The start of the flight is documented by television footage. The bear smoothly soars into the night sky of Moscow. After that, he occupied his high-altitude corridor and the operator turned on the engine at the slowest speed. Then Mishka leaves the field of view of people at the stadium and enters the zone of direct control of the headquarters by flight. Until the Moskva River itself, the flight was ideal in direction and height, however, when crossing the river, somewhere in the middle of it, Misha began to drift to the left of the flight direction, probably it was a gust of wind from the river. The operator began to level the course with balls, but Mishka did not react and continued to turn to the left. A command was received from the ground to increase engine thrust during maneuvering. Perhaps this command was a fatal mistake. From increased thrust, Misha did the opposite and instead of turning to the right - in the right direction, he spun even more to the left and now he was flying with his back in the direction of flight, that is, he turned 180 degrees. The pilot had no choice but to turn off the thrust completely. But not only did he fly with his back, he also began to circle around his own axis, as if in a corkscrew to the same left side. Probably, from here there are rumors about a strong wind that carried him over Mozhai. Nothing but a gust of wind can explain this behavior of the object, although the weather was not windy. There was a panic on the ground, the situation was clearly out of control. Moreover, Mishka changed course, now he was moving exactly in the direction of the river, just along its course, and at the same time spinning. The horror of the situation was that further in this direction there was a metro bridge with the Leninskiye Gory metro station, and there was a possibility of crashing into it. Also, the plans did not include flying over the bridge, where the object could be seen. Luckily, the operator was able to stop Mishka's rotation, but the bridge moved inexorably, and the landing site remained further and further away. On the ground, they decide on an emergency landing on the river bank, Vorobyovskaya embankment near the bridge towards the University. The operator is given the order to release the gas and go to the right. Here, everything depended on the flight skill of the operator, luck, and the air flow itself. And the air seemed to humble itself over Mishka, and he managed to turn around to face the shore. The operator opened the valves and began to release helium. And then a new bad luck, the gas began to go out too quickly, and Misha quickly descended, and it became clear that he would not make it to the shore and would crash into the water, and this was no good at all, because in this way he would swim to the South Port, the chickens would laugh . Earth gives the order to press a secret red button under the left ball control lever, about which the operator has not been told anything until now. The operator, without hesitation, presses it and then with a sharp push Mishka goes up. It was the jet nozzles of the secret jet engine in the soles of Mishka's paws that worked, and also in the paws of the upper ones they worked too. The overload was such, how much g is not clear, but the operator lost consciousness.

When he woke up, it was winter, and he crawled on his hands away from his burning plane. Black sky and white snow, the heat of fire and the frost of a winter forest. Then you yourself remember what happened. Hunger, cold, sounds of cannonade… I ate bark, frostbite, my own, hospital…. But the legs of the pilot-operator were never cut off. They cut off his hands. Why is history silent? Possibly as an experiment.

In the zone, Misha Olympiysky behaved obediently, was released ahead of schedule, and remained to live in Siberia. After all, it is closer there, kinder somehow, than in these semi-official, snuffy capitals. Again, nature, the green sea of ​​the taiga. And the war woman calls him none other than "my affectionate Misha." And then, you can’t squeeze the stumps into a fist ...

Here is such a story. This is what happens in real life. They say they found Mikhasya in the morning on the outskirts of the village, still alive, drunk went to a neighbor for more moonshine, but the rod bear met. I beat him up great, but strangely not to death. He got exhausted really quickly, kept raving about some kind of gas, shouting all the time: - The gas is leaving, the gas is leaving! Not enough helium, damn it! And so he left as the sun went down. Breathed out means...

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