How can you make cakes from oatmeal. HLS! Oatmeal for breakfast, snacks and as an alternative to store-bought cookies. Oatmeal for every day

Cooking dough. To do this, take the deepest possible bowl and put in it ingredients such as oatmeal, soda and butter. Then add ¾ cup hot water and mix thoroughly. After that, leave the mass for a while so that it can brew.

We divide the resulting dough into six parts of equal size and form oatmeal cakes of the desired size. Then heat the pan and add vegetable oil. After that, lightly fry our cakes over a fairly strong fire on both sides.

In order to prepare a baking sheet for baking oatmeal cakes, you need to cover it with high-quality parchment. Then sprinkle the parchment with wheat flour and lay out the formed cakes on a baking sheet. After distributing the cakes on a baking sheet, carefully sprinkle with flour and the upper surface of future baking. The oven should be preheated to about one hundred and eighty degrees. In order for the cakes to turn out tasty and baked, you should bake them in the oven for about forty minutes. Do not forget that five minutes before the end of baking, sprinkle our cakes with prepared oatmeal in order to get the desired result. After cooking, we take the cakes out of the oven, let them cool and put them in a beautiful container. Bon appetit!

The flour used is of great importance in the preparation of this recipe. In order to get truly tasty and soft oatmeal cakes, it is recommended to use home-made flour. We are talking, of course, about oatmeal, which is quite easy and simple to prepare at home. To do this, take ordinary oatmeal and carefully grind them in a coffee grinder. The result should be in the form of the finest possible grinding. Such flour, moreover, is also more useful for the human body compared to the usual wheat-type flour. But to create such flour, high-quality flakes should be used.

Oatmeal is perhaps the most popular breakfast in the world. It is customary to start the day with this simple dish not only among people suffering from diseases of the stomach or intestines, but also among athletes, adherents of the Dukan diet and others. As an alternative to porridge, this article suggests making healthy oatmeal cakes. They may well replace wheat bread or cookies for tea.

The idea of ​​baking bread from oatmeal first came to the mind of the British. Historians found confirmation of this fact in the ancient chronicles of the 18th century. They not only described delicious oatmeal cakes, but also presented a step-by-step recipe for their preparation. That is why it is not surprising that the inhabitants of Scotland, Ireland and Wales, along with porridge, prefer to eat this dish for breakfast today.

Oat cakes have a nutritional composition and help to saturate the body with vigor and energy. They are especially beneficial for digestion because:

  • rich in fiber, which is necessary for cleansing the body, removing toxins, toxins;
  • help to cope with constipation and establish normal bowel function;
  • contribute to the acceleration of metabolic processes in the body;
  • contain dietary fiber that absorbs all harmful substances and helps to cope with the symptoms of toxic poisoning.

In addition, oatmeal is rich in vegetable protein, which is easily absorbed by the body. This product has a low glycemic index, so it will be useful, including those with diabetes.

How to choose oatmeal for tortillas?

Before proceeding with the cooking process, it should be noted that this product has several varieties. Depending on the degree of grinding, oatmeal can be:

  • whole grain - the most useful, it looks more like a slightly crushed grain;
  • medium grinding - contains a large amount of fiber;
  • fine grinding - a very fine flour, which is obtained after the complete purification of oats from the shell and bran.

Which type of flour to choose for cakes depends on the recipe and on personal preferences. At home, ordinary oatmeal is quite suitable for its preparation. To grind them into flour, you should use a food processor, blender or coffee grinder. It can be used immediately or stored in a glass container with a tight lid.

Tired of the usual porridge in the morning? So, it's time to make oatmeal cakes. Oatmeal is not needed in this recipe. It will take only 50 g of oatmeal (4 tbsp), 1 egg and a little sugar (1 tsp). You can add a banana or chopped apple to the dough. The number of ingredients corresponds to one serving of porridge for a person of average build.

The sequence for making oatmeal cakes will be as follows:

  1. Break the egg into a bowl.
  2. Add sugar and crushed banana (½ pcs.).
  3. Add oatmeal and stir.
  4. Place the bowl of dough in the refrigerator overnight or at least 6 hours. This is necessary in order for the oatmeal to swell.
  5. After the specified time, form cakes with your hands or a spoon and put them in a pan with a non-stick coating. Cover and cook over low heat for 3 minutes on each side.

Recipe for cakes on kefir

If the weather is bad outside, and the house has run out of bread, the cakes will just come to the rescue. Preparing them is easy:

  1. In the recipe for oatmeal, flakes are the main ingredient. They need to be measured (7 tablespoons) and poured into a deep bowl.
  2. Pour oatmeal with 200 ml of kefir.
  3. Add 1 egg beaten with a fork, vegetable oil (2 tablespoons), wheat flour (3 tablespoons), salt (¼ teaspoon) and soda (½ teaspoon).
  4. Knead the dough until the consistency of sour cream.
  5. Bake cakes in a dry frying pan without oil, pouring 2 tablespoons of dough each time onto a well-heated surface.
  6. As soon as the cake is browned on one side, it must be turned over to the other. From this number of products should be 6 pieces.

Oatmeal pancakes with zucchini

So that the cakes do not turn out dry, when kneading the dough, it is recommended to add one ingredient with juicy pulp to it. The zucchini will make the pancakes soft and they will stay that way for several days. If, of course, they survive until then.

The recipe for oatmeal is quite simple:

  1. Coarsely grate a small zucchini or cut into cubes. Put in a bowl, salt and leave for half an hour on the table. During this time, liquid will stand out from the zucchini, which must be drained before adding the vegetable filling to the dough.
  2. In a separate container, mix oatmeal (1.5 tablespoons), cereal (1.5 tablespoons), salt (1 tsp) and baking powder (2 tsp).
  3. Add zucchini, a glass of milk and vegetable oil (2 tbsp.)
  4. Knead the dough. Divide it into small "koloboks" and form them into round cakes on a baking sheet lined with paper. Top with beaten egg yolk and sprinkle with pumpkin seeds.
  5. Send a baking sheet with preheated to a temperature of 220 °, for 10 minutes.

Lenten flatbread stuffed with herbs and garlic

The following recipe uses oatmeal along with wheat flour. The cakes are soft and juicy thanks to the filling inside. The cooking process consists of the following steps:

  1. Greens (100 g) finely chopped and combined with garlic (2 cloves). Optionally, you can use dill, parsley, sorrel, spinach, beet tops, etc. as a filling.
  2. Pour 50 ml of water into a bowl. Dilute dry yeast (1 tsp) and sugar (1 tbsp) in it.
  3. Pour oatmeal (100 g) with warm water (250 ml) and leave on the table for 7 minutes to swell.
  4. Add soaked flakes, a pinch of salt, vegetable oil (2 tablespoons), 130 g of wheat flour to the dough.
  5. Leave the dough for 30 minutes in a warm place.
  6. Divide the increased dough into 7 parts. Roll out thin cakes. Place a filling inside each. Raise the edges of the cake and pinch the top. Roll out the pie with a rolling pin so that it becomes thin and flat.
  7. You need to fry oatmeal cakes in vegetable oil. Put the finished products on a paper towel.

Scottish oatmeal in the oven

The traditional breakfast of the Scots, Irish and British is prepared as follows:

  1. Melt butter (100 g) and cool to room temperature.
  2. Combine dry ingredients for the dough together: oatmeal (2 tablespoons) and oatmeal (1.5 tablespoons), baking powder (1 teaspoon), sugar (2 tablespoons), salt (½ teaspoon) ).
  3. Beat the egg with a mixer. Add milk (1/3 cup) and melted butter to it.
  4. Knead the dough from the egg-cream mixture and dry ingredients. Roll it out with a rolling pin and cut out shapes with a glass.
  5. Lay the items out on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.
  6. Bake oatmeal at 200° for 10 minutes. Without removing the products from the oven, let them cool slightly. Serve warm to the table.

Bran tortilla on the Dukan diet

Those who want to lose weight will like the following recipe:

  1. In a bowl, beat 1 egg with a pinch of salt.
  2. Add a tablespoon of fat-free kefir, yogurt or cottage cheese. Mix ingredients.
  3. Pour oat bran (1.5 tablespoons) and wheat (1 tablespoon) into the egg mass. The latter can be replaced with rye bran. Then the taste of the cake will strongly resemble Borodino bread.
  4. Pour the batter into the preheated Teflon-coated pan.
  5. Allow the oat bran tortilla to brown on one side, then flip it over to the other side. You can use tortillas as the basis for sandwiches.

This recipe is notable for the fact that it does not contain any yeast or soda. In appearance and taste, the cakes are very similar to thin pita bread. Great (healthier) alternative to yeast bread.


Half cup oatmeal

Glass of cold boiled water

Half a teaspoon of salt

Wheat flour(about two glasses + for dusting)

Oatmeal cakes, a recipe without yeast and soda

First of all, fill the flakes with water (you can immediately add salt, I did so). Stir and leave for a few hours (cover with a lid and send to the refrigerator, though you can all night).

We add flour. Add slowly, so that the dough comes together in a ball, but it is not too tight.

We hide our lump in a bag or wrap it with a film and put it in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours. The process can be accelerated if you leave the dough on the table, then 30-40 minutes is enough.

We divide the dough into five to seven pieces - it all depends on what diameter you want your "bread" to be.

Roll out thinly, up to two mm in thickness.

We heat the pan, make moderate heat (even less), and cook our cakes. While frying, I pressed down each cake with a fork. We fry until light ruddy, or rather, until ruddy spots appear.

Ready, still hot, sprinkle with boiled water.

Bon appetit!

Everyone has heard about the benefits of oatmeal for weight loss, that's right, this cereal:

  1. Contains a lot of fiber and keeps you feeling full for a long time.
  2. Perfectly cleanses the body and removes free radicals from it.
  3. Contains B vitamins and minerals.
  4. Contributes to the normalization of the gastrointestinal tract.
  5. Reduces cholesterol and sugar levels when consumed regularly.

Advice! Be sure to choose unprocessed oatmeal, it is in it that all the beneficial properties are preserved.

Diet cakes in a pan


  • Oatmeal - 4 tablespoons.
  • Chicken eggs - 1 yolk and 3 proteins.
  • Milk - 4 tablespoons.
  • Salt to taste.


  1. Grind oatmeal into flour, mix with eggs and milk. Salt.
  2. Fry without oil in a pan, turning over.
It turned out very tasty…..

I think if you add a sweetener, then you can make a sweet version of the cakes. Or you can add some fruit)))

And they say that proper nutrition is tasteless (and I said so before). Well no - it is very tasty and healthy!!!

Bon appetit

Alenchik, once again bravo, smart girl! Oatmeal pancakes - a great way to diversify your diet menu.

I could not resist and baked yesterday, just SUPER! We just ran out of them oh-oh-oh-very quickly, so next time I'll make a double portion.

Friends and guests of our blog, who also want Alena to decrease in volume while eating delicious food! Write, we will help, we will tell, we will advise!

No, my journal has not been hacked by a novice food blogger) I'm just trying to bring some goodness into it, diluting critical and hater posts with positive :)

Like many modern women, I do not like and do not really know how to cook. Although I don’t eat semi-finished products and cope with simple second courses), especially since this is more than enough for a person who adheres to the principles of PP (proper nutrition). Porridge or scrambled eggs for breakfast, a piece of meat, poultry or fish with a side dish for lunch, and the same thing, but with a vegetable salad for dinner - that's all cooking. For the past few months, I have been “fascinated” by these simple healthy flat cakes, which can be sharpened instead of high-calorie cookies, however, without getting carried away, and even replace morning oatmeal with them, since their main ingredient is oatmeal flakes. I spied this recipe on the Instagram of a young fitness lover @hengreyd.

To make oatmeal you will need:
- a frying pan with a non-stick coating, because we will fry the cakes without oil (!);
- a small bowl for mixing food;
- oatmeal and eggs in the proportion of 1 egg per 50g of cereal, or 4 tablespoons. You will get 4 small tortillas, but keep in mind when eating them that 50g of cereal is a full serving of oatmeal for a medium-sized person, that is, do not get carried away eating tortillas. Otherwise, turn into a horse :) I usually make cakes from 100g of cereal;
- ideally, you do not need to add sugar, but the cakes will turn out to be completely fresh. I add 1 tsp to the "dough". sugar per 100g cereal. Who uses a sweetener in baking - add to taste. Feel free to add any spices and/or fruits you like. For example, cinnamon or cocoa (I haven't tried it yet). I add 1/2 small or 1/3 large banana, mashing it with a fork into a pulp. Experiment :)

Cooking method:
- break the desired number of eggs into a bowl, stir with a whisk or fork until smooth. If necessary, add sugar, spices, banana to taste;
- pour the required number of flakes, mix;
- put the resulting "dough" in the refrigerator for the night (or half a day);
- take the "dough" out of the refrigerator, knead. We spread the lumps with a spoon or hand in a pan with a non-stick coating, flatten with a spoon. The thinner the cakes are, the better and faster they will bake. It is better to lay out one lump at a time to see how much space remains in the pan for the next cakes.

- close the pan with a lid and fry over medium or low heat (depending on your stove and pan) 2-3 minutes on each side. I fry for 3 minutes, I like it to be ruddy.

There are such cakes that are tastier already cooled down. In the basic version (only eggs and cereal), they are bland and dryish. But they can be used as a base for a sandwich, for example, with cheese or even caviar;) With the addition of a banana, oatmeal cakes become softer.

Bon appetit!:)
If you have a signature super-simple and super-tasty recipe - share it in the comments!

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