Acting classes for children exercises. Approximate structure of an acting class. Selfishness and selfishness

Lesson summary

in acting


Subject: "Acting training is an integral component of the creative self-development of the individual"

Target: development of the creative component of the personality through psychophysical exercises



  1. to get acquainted with the basic theoretical concepts on the topic« Acting training” and their significance in practical work


  1. develop the ability to improvise;
  2. develop the ability to analyze and synthesize your feelings;
  3. develop the speech apparatus;
  4. develop the plastic capabilities of the body;
  5. develop the ability to interact with a partner;

Educational:develop CTD skills.

Expected Result:relieve pupils from complexes, teach them to think creatively and not be afraid to express themselves, applycreative approach to any business.

Teaching methods:use of personality-oriented technologies with elements of gaming technologies

Forms of organization of the lesson:individual, group, collective

Equipment: music Center

Lesson progress

  1. Greeting "Complement"(greeting, as well as reflection, mandatory structural components of the beginning and end of the lesson, a kind of ritual of success and a positive attitude towards what is happening).

Target: establishing contact; creating a positive attitude to work.

Pupils stand (sit) in a circle holding hands and clockwise compliment each other.

  1. Theoretical part. Psychophysical training

Target: introduce the concept of psychophysical training

Teacher: Today our lesson will be somewhat unusual and at the same time common for subsequent classes. Since today we will get acquainted with an integral part of every acting class. And we will start with a very simple question: where do you think feelings, emotions, desires come from, how they work and how to manage them, and what is inspiration?

Expected responses:

Teacher: Psychophysical exercises will help us understand this, how? Now we will find out.

First of all , exercises in psychophysical training (training) will help us: get rid of muscle tension (from the so-called "clamps"), since bodily tension will prevent us from stirring up our emotions and imagination.

Secondly, active psychophysics is unthinkable without exercises for attention (on the "here and now"), switching attention, drawing attention to yourself, etc., which will be useful in partner work, etc.

Thirdly , exercises will help to awaken imagination and fantasy, which are a necessary link in creative search, fill similar human movements with diverse and, most importantly, meaningful content.

And finally, fourthly, proper communication and interaction with the study of non-verbal means of communication (intonation, facial expressions, movements, etc.) and its content (context, subtext, atmosphere).

  1. Practical part. Psycho-gymnastics

Target: release from muscle tension

Exercise "Suitcase"

All group members stand up straight, raise their hands up, raise their heads, look at their hands. Then they rise on their toes, stretch strongly, as if they should throw a heavy suitcase onto the top shelf. Tense the whole body. Hold this position for a few seconds, then relax. Fix the state of a relaxed body. (repeat exercise 3-5 times)

Goals: development of empathy (the ability to empathize); activation of imagination and figurative representation;

Exercise "On command" 3-15 "

The exercise is performed while sitting in a circle.

Instruction: “I will show you this or that number of fingers. Sometimes - on one hand, sometimes - on two. Immediately after I raise my hand (or hands), exactly as many participants as I show (no more and no less) should stand up. For example, if I raise my hand and show four fingers (raises and shows), then four of you should stand up as quickly as possible. They will only be able to sit down after I put my hand(s) down.”

Exercise can take place in different ways. Sometimes a group needs up to thirty repetitions before the problem is solved, sometimes four or five is enough.

Exercise "Sea Knot"

The exercise is performed standing in a circle.

Instruction: “Let's stand closer to each other, form a tighter circle and all stretch out our hands to the middle of the circle. At my command, we all join hands at the same time and do it so that each of us has one hand in each of us. At the same time, we will try not to join hands with those who are standing next to you. So let's get started. One two Three".

After the teacher makes sure that all hands are connected in pairs, he invites the group members to “unravel” without separating their hands. During the exercise in a group, very often the participants cannot cope with the task.

Teacher: As I understand it, you could not cope with the task, but the task is solvable, you can always unravel. The exercise can end in one of three ways:

1. All members of the group will be in the same circle (at the same time, someone can stand facing in a circle, someone with their back, it doesn’t matter, the main thing is that everyone consistently forms a circle).

2. Group members form two or more independent circles.

3. Group members form circles that are connected to each other like links in a chain.

Teacher's question:

  1. “What helped us to cope with the task?”
  2. “What could be done differently in order to complete the task faster?”

Teacher: I hope you all appreciateactive influence of this kind of exercises aimed at developing attention, imagination, non-standard thinking ... necessary both in the development of individual creative abilities and in collective work.

3. Speech technique

The connection between the development of movements and the formation of speech skills has long been proven. The combination of working on the technique of speech with the rhythmic movements of the body gives a good effect and helps to relieve tension and stiffness.

Exercise "Speak and show"

To begin with, let's learn the plastic drawing on the example of the first quatrain of the famous poem by M. Lermontov "Sail".

A plastic drawing for the second and third quatrains can be offered for mastering independent work

White sail lonely(foot movements: forward-backward, arm movements: up-down)
In the fog of the blue sea! ..(leg movements: forward and backward, arm movements: alternately to the sides - alternately down)
What is he looking for in a distant country?(leg movements: forward-backward, arm movements: forward with palms up-up-side-down)
What did he throw in his native land? ..?(leg movements: back and forth, arm movements: to the sides - up - forward with palms up and down)

Waves play - the wind whistles,
And the mast bends and hides...
Alas! he is not looking for happiness
And not from happiness runs!

Under it, a stream of lighter azure,
Above him is a golden ray of sunshine...
And he, rebellious, asks for a storm,
As if there is peace in the storms!

Exercise "Broken bike"

Inflate the bicycle tire with an imaginary pump, making habitual movements with your hands and pronouncing C-C-C-C, C-C-C-C, C-C-C-C ...;

Exercise "Komarik"

Long, smooth movements catch a mosquito, accompanying the movements with the sounds Z! Z! Z! Z!...;

Exercise "Carpenter"

Imagine that you are planing a board with a planer: F-F-F-F! J-J-J-J!...;

Exercise "Kosari"

Show how you mow the grass: S-S-S-S! S-S-S-S!...;

Exercise "Cinderella"

Scrub the floor with a brush: Sh-sh-sh-sh! Sh-sh-sh-sh! Sh-sh-sh-sh!

4. The game "Riddles-situations"

Goals: development of non-standard thinking

Rules of the game: the host tells the players a certain situation that needs to be clarified. Next, the players try to restore the course of events, find out the missing information and, in the end, solve the riddle. To do this, the players ask the host questions, to which he answers “Yes”. "Not". "Irrelevant"

1. From vanity she lost her food. (crow)

2. Five pieces of coal, a carrot, an old bucket lie in the middle of the yard. Nobody put them there. Explain how they got there.

(parts of a snowman that melted)

3. I met her by chance. I tried to get it, but it went further and further away. I brought it home in my hand. (splinter)

5. Reflection

Goals: development of the sensory basis; organization of feedback; development of self-esteem

Questions of the teacher to the participants of the training:

  1. in what emotional states did you arrive in different exercises, games?
  2. What unusual things did you see in the logic, actions, plasticity of partners?
  3. how would you rate your condition after the lesson on a five-point system, for example, if a member of the group feels great, then he raises his hand and shows 5 fingers; if the condition is good - 4 fingers; if something bothers - 3 fingers; if you feel really bad, then 2 fingers.?

Comprehensive training for a theater group of primary school age (the basis of acting, plasticity and stage speech)

Training objectives : Development of creative abilities of students.

Training objectives : Education of attention, beautiful speech, proper breathing, stage justification (motivation), truthfulness in performance, the ability to establish and change one's attitudes to the subject, the development of imagination.




Conditional "greeting" of all those present.

Greeting ritual - sit on chairs in a semicircle. Using the “Clap-name” at the pace-rhythm, all the names of the sitting children are pronounced.

Missing are noted. The topic of the lesson is announced.


Set the working tempo-rhythm

Warm up.

For warm-up, an exercise is used, aimed at inclusion in the desired tempo-rhythm. All participants stand in a circle and start walking one after another in a given tempo-rhythm. After completing the task, the exercise is complicated by adding words by 8 (you can use the tongue twister “I drove the Greek ...”. After completing this task, the exercise is again complicated by additional body movements.

Main part

Stage speech block.

Facial exercises and tension relief in the neck muscles (from the facial muscles)

Work rhythmically: - raise your eyebrows up, tensing your muscles as much as possible, hold the tension for a while (surprise mask). Relax your muscles. Remember this feeling. "Raising" the eyebrows is an extremely common mistake in stage speech and singing. The trouble is that at the same time the larynx and speech sound “lift up”; - bring your eyebrows over the bridge of your nose, frown your forehead (mask of anger). Relax; - squinting mask. The circular muscles of the eyes are tense. Relax; - gradually tighten your lips (trumpeter's ear pads). Kiss mask. Relax.

Language exercises.

Tongue Twisters: The bull is stupid ..., Clara at Karl ..., The clatter of hooves ... On Thursday the fourth ...

Vowel training.



Acting block.

Theatrical game "Pass the pose" . Develops memory, attention, observation, endurance. (Children sit on chairs in a semicircle and on the floor in Turkish with their eyes closed. The leading child invents and fixes a pose, showing it to the first child. He remembers and shows it to the next. As a result, the pose of the last child is compared with the pose of the driver. performers and spectators.

“Flying, not flying. Growing - not growing The teacher calls the object, if it flies, the children wave their arms like wings; if it doesn't fly, put your hands down. If it grows, they raise their hands up, if it doesn’t grow, they cover themselves with their hands.

We put a chair on the stage, and ask the children to come up with sketches on the theme “A chair is not a chair, but ...”, the audience determines what kind of object it is. If you can’t guess, you need to ask the child to remember some other characteristic features of the invented object and play the etude in a different way.

The following plastic exercises, they bring up muscular freedom, relieve muscle clamp.


Children are invited to raise their hand up, imagine themselves as a stretched rope. The leader's command indicates that the "rope" has begun to be lowered to the floor. The movements of children should be smooth, the muscle clamp is removed gradually starting from the lower extremities and ending with the fingertips of the outstretched hand.
"I'm taking your energy."

To complete the exercise, it is necessary to divide the children into pairs. One of the children stretches his hand forward, straining it, and directing it to the area of ​​​​the partner's face - he seems to take energy from him. The partner is relaxed, as if he loses willpower and moves after the hand. For the exercise, we select smooth, slow music.


Farewell ritual - sit on chairs in a semicircle. Using the “Clap-name” at the pace-rhythm, all the names of the sitting children are pronounced.

Achievements and failures are celebrated. Farewell to the children ("The lesson is over, thank you for your attention")

Sample lesson plan for acting.

Target: development of creative abilities of students.
Task: education of attention, beautiful speech, proper breathing, stage justification (motivation), truthfulness in performance, the ability to establish and change one's attitudes to the subject, the development of imagination.

Students sit in a creative semicircle. From the props you need rugs, chairs, a tape recorder.
You need to start the lesson with exercises that develop internal and external attention, switching attention (5 min.)
1. One of the students is called to the center of the semicircle, his task is to remember the order of those sitting, then the teacher asks him to turn away, and everyone else to change seats, turning around, the student restores the original version.
2. Exercise "Pass the clap", hitting the palms in a certain way, the children pass the clap to each other in the rhythm set by the teacher. Exercise develops not only attention, but also a sense of rhythm.
The next group of exercises is designed to develop the vocal apparatus, beautiful and correct speech, breathing (5 min.)
1. We start with speech training. We knead and warm up the articulatory apparatus. This series of exercises can be performed to music.
2. Next, an exercise to develop diaphragmatic breathing.
Imagine that we hold a flower in one hand and a candle in the other. We smell the flower (light breath, without raising the shoulders), and blow out the candle (active exhalation with noise), while making sure that the air slightly expands our ribs when inhaling.

3. The following exercises are aimed at freeing the voice.
We set a task for the children: you are sick, you cannot get out of bed, but you need to call your mother. We ask the children to lie down on the mat, relax and say the phrase "Mom, and mom, give me milk, mom." Mom does not hear, we call more insistently, and then for the third time we call mom from another room. We achieve deep sounding, follow the breath.
We hold the palm in front of us, this is a flower, open it and close it, pronouncing the following vowels: U, O, A, E, S, follow the articulation, round the lips, close the palm by the end of the exhalation.
4. Exercise for the education of sound support.
"Badminton". We beat off an imaginary ball, saying the following combinations: BU! BO! BA! BE! WOULD!
5. Exercises for the education of speech in motion.

We pronounce the poem by S. Marshak “The lady checked in the luggage ...”, jumping on his every word, while it is necessary to monitor not only speech, but also breathing.

Next, we include in the lesson the exercises of "Actor's training" (20 min.).
We put a chair on the stage, and ask the children to come up with sketches on the theme “A chair is not a chair, but ...”, the audience determines what kind of object it is. If you can’t guess, you need to ask the child to remember some other characteristic features of the invented object and play the etude in a different way.
"Where we were, we won't say where we were, we'll show." Children are invited to come up with various places of action, and play sketches, from which it would be clear where this or that action takes place. You can not repeat, the rest guess.
The following plastic exercises, they bring up muscular freedom, relieve muscle clamp.
"Ropes". Children are invited to raise their hand up, imagine themselves as a stretched rope. The leader's command indicates that the "rope" has begun to be lowered to the floor. The movements of children should be smooth, the muscle clamp is removed gradually starting from the lower extremities and ending with the fingertips of the outstretched hand.

"I'm taking your energy." To complete the exercise, it is necessary to divide the children into pairs. One of the children stretches his hand forward, straining it, and directing it to the area of ​​​​the partner's face - he seems to take energy from him. The partner is relaxed, as if he loses willpower and moves after the hand. For the exercise, we select smooth, slow music.
"Ceiling". Children should raise their hands up, supporting an impromptu ceiling, at the command of the teacher, the ceiling begins to fall, at this time the children should follow their hands and lower them at the same level. This is a team exercise, performed slowly, you can use music.
"Depict noise by action." According to the teacher's clap, the children must come up with and stand in a pose that, in their opinion, depicts noise. There may be several of these poses, then we ask you to portray silence. You can ask the children to change the positions of noise and the positions of silence.

Teacher's words. (for yourself)

1. Hello guys! Please go to your seats. (sit down). my name is m.n. Your names are on the badges, but I would like to get to know each of you better, which I will do during our lesson. Since you people are already old enough, I want to ask how should I address you, on you or on you?

the main objective our today's meeting is an acquaintance with the basics of theatrical art.

I am sure that you all performed on stage, played skits, read poetry. Think back to your very first stage appearance. Was it scary? (children answer) (if they answer that it’s not scary, I say - you are either very good artists, or you are cunning) Do you know the popular presenter and actor Dmitry Nagiyev? When I went on stage for the first time at school, I got so excited that I forgot all the words of my poem and burst into tears and ran away ...

And even many prof. Actors are always nervous before going on stage.

Therefore, each actor is preparing to go on stage both physically and mentally.

Of course, not every one of you will connect your life with the theater, but after all, each of our exits to the street, to the blackboard, is also a kind of game. They look at us, they evaluate us, they communicate with us. In any situation, we must feel free and dignified. And like every actor, getting ready to go on stage, we will start with a physical warm-up.

2. warm up. So, join hands. You have noticed that We have made a circle in order to see and feel each other. First of all, we need to get to know each other better and recharge with positive energy. exercise. Pay attention to the neighbor on the right, what one adjective could you describe him? An exercise. Well, in order to continue to be charged with positive energy, you need to finally get rid of the negative, so I offer you one very effective exercise. Let's imagine that we sat on an anthill. So! Get rid of ants and negative energy.

Well, now, there are no ants, we just have to restore our breath. At exercise. Imagine that we are eating a hot potato. Let's depict. You and I have thrown off fatigue, recharged with energy, and now we will add a little grace. Imagine that we are all cats and cats exercise. And on soft paws we return to our places. We are physically ready. But the actor has not only beautiful plasticity, but also the speech must be legible, and the voice pleasant. For this, there are special exercises. Do you love candy? (pointing) Uh, no. Imagine that you have a handful of delicious sweets in your mouth. (They said the names, chew) exercise. Well done! Refreshed, refreshed. Let's praise ourselves for this. (Applause) exercise. Guys, have you been sitting up? I suggest you take a trip! By the way, who will tell me what the upcoming 2017 is dedicated to? That's right, ecology, poetmu, we will go on a journey through the beauties of our Russian nature!

Main part 3. exercise. Suitcase. We pack our bags together. (we get it, heavy. Unassembled. We sit down, we ram)

An exercise. The airport. So, the Suitcase is packed, we go to the airport, let's depict the chaotic movement of people who are there (1 - slowly, 5 - fast)

An exercise. So we arrived, what do you hear, the sea, we are sailing, and now we are making our way through the forest, sands, blizzards, iron pipes, rain, an abyss on a hike)

We've had a great trip, we'll add grace and, like kitties, we'll return to our seats.

Did you know that a whole team helps an actor to create an image. Let's open the curtain and see who's working behind the scenes. Who makes an actor tanned, or vice versa, a very pale face? Thanks to whom do we see castles and forests on the stage? Who makes the stage night or day? Etc. We got acquainted with the basics of acting and the secrets of preparing a performance. 2016 was declared the year of cinema, so I would like to know what kind of films you like, your favorite characters. Do you know such a character as Ostap Bender, Charlie Chaplin? Guys, do you want to feel like actors right here and now? Everyone chooses a role without looking. (pulls out cards) Have you read? Now pick up your costume elements and props. You are ready? We listen to the main director. (explanation of actions and bow). (to the jury) - Dear audience, please turn off cell phones so as not to interfere with the performance of the actors. Thank you! Let's start! (Orases to the music)

After each performance, of course, the actors get tired. Gentlemen actors, go to your dressing rooms and rest. I liked being actors. And now the most important question, which of you felt confident and ready to go on the big stage? Let him take the mask with a smile. Those who do not want to perform on stage will take a sad mask, those who have not yet decided on any mask do not take.

I am very pleased that among you there are those who want to continue to study the secrets of theatrical art. There are those who are going to make a thoughtful, balanced decision and those who have already set other priorities for themselves. Thank you for your help and cooperation. Thank you guests for your attention. Guys! May I take a photo of you as a memento? Thanks again, goodbye!

Outline plan open lesson. (for the jury)

Subject: "Introduction to the educational program "Playing for Life"".

Target: To introduce the basics of theatrical art.





Lesson plan:

1. Organizational moment introductory word - 3 min.

3. Main part - 15 minutes.

4. Summing up- 5 minutes.

Lesson type: introductory.

Equipment and didactic material: script text, props, costume elements, chairs;


Organizing time

BUT) Greetings, introductory speech.

B) Message about the topic and purpose of the lesson.

I .General warm-up: plastic, vocal, ligament massage and acting training.

Main part. Playing out a skit

    Summing up the lesson, reflection.

Self-analysis of the introductory training session.

(to report to the jury)

The introductory training session was conducted in a group of children aged 13-14 years of the 1st year

training, 15 people attended.

Topic of the lesson, purpose and tasks.

The topic of the lesson is "Introduction to the educational program "Theatre - Creativity - Children".

In preparing the training session, I determined its purpose and objectives.

The purpose of the lesson is to familiarize with the content of the program "Theatre - Creativity - Children".

Objectives: to interest and involve children in classes on the basics of theatrical art in order to

realization of one's own potentialities.


Get to know theater

Learn the basics of acting


develop imagination, flexibility of thinking, the ability to orientate in the proposed circumstances, speed of reaction, skills of self-control of behavior and emotions, proper breathing, the ability to relieve muscle tension and psychophysical clamps;


to form independence and activity, purposefulness, creative individuality.


The training session is adequately provided with equipment and

visual aids.

Teaching methods.

Formation of a positive emotional mood of students

contributed to the following teaching methods:

Verbal method (story, conversation, explanation);

Visual method (show);

practical method.

The educational material was attractive to students, because the complexity of its

corresponded to their age characteristics, and he was for them

personally significant. Alternating tasks that required different

methods, I was able to make the lesson rich, varied, avoid boredom

and tightness. In this lesson, the basic principles of training are implemented:

accessibility, relevance, theoretical knowledge associated with


Forms of cognitive activity:




Health-saving technologies were included: physical culture -

game moments.

Tasks aimed at children of different levels were used

preparation. The structure of the lesson.

The result of using a variety of methods in the classroom is:

quality performance of practical tasks, efficiency and

optimal use of study time, development of motivation for


All stages of the lesson were followed.

amount of knowledge on the topic. The volume of educational material in the lesson

distributed rationally.

The logic of building a lesson ensured a high interest of children in the topic

classes and intensified their activities.

The results of independent work in the classroom are also quite


At the end of the lesson, I organized a conversation with the guys.

I summed up the results of the lesson, gave an assessment of the work of students.

The children in this group were open, active, interested,

attentive: answered questions, actively participated in the conversation with the teacher,

completed tasks carefully. The activity was quite interesting. Plus

classes - all the children got involved in the work and completed it with pleasure.

The results of the training session.

The purpose of the lesson is fully realized.

The lesson plan was completed in full.

The main outcomes of the course are:

Development of motivation for classes in the children's association "Theater - creativity - children";

The lesson of the assigned tasks has been achieved.

The world we live in is huge.

Forests rustle and rivers roll water.

The whole globe is one beautiful home

For man and nature.

What the maple whispers, what the spring murmurs about,

And why does the blizzard cry at night?

Love language, the only language

To understand each other.

Puppies and kittens, dragonflies and birds,

Flowers and trees, elephants and foxes,

We live in the same house.

Only one condition must be met -

Talk to your friends more often

Words warmed by love.

The world we live in is huge.

Forests rustle and rivers roll water.

The whole earthly world is one beautiful home

For man and nature.

Puppies and kittens, elephants and foxes,

We must learn to love each other.

Flowers and trees, people and birds,

We live in the same house.

Sections: Extracurricular work

Lesson topic:"Interaction on stage in various proposed circumstances".

Purpose of the lesson: Through the liberation of the physical and mental, develop and reveal the spiritual potential of students, improving their creative abilities.

Lesson objectives:

  • Educational
    • consolidate knowledge about the interaction of actors, types and methods of stage communication;
    • form the concept of "Proposed circumstances";
    • develop stage interaction skills;
    • create conditions for independent creative work in small groups on the preparation of sketches on this topic.
  • Educational
    • activation of cognitive interests of students;
    • formation of partnership relations in the group;
    • education in the student of self-discipline;
    • formation and support of adequate self-assessment.


1. Organizational moment(4 min.)

The phonogram of the musical greeting "Play - the city" presents! Children with a teacher in a circle. Performed warm-up "It's good to live in the world!" After charging is completed, teacher :

- Hello my dear! Hope your school day was great!? And after our charging, you again have the strength for creativity. Please sit down. (We sit in a creative circle).

2. Theoretical part - repetition of the material(5 minutes.)

Teacher: We continue to improve our acting skills with you within the framework of the topic ...? (Student answers)
Teacher: Right. Interaction and communication of actors on stage. In the last lesson, we found out that when performing a chain of stage tasks and acting in some way in relation to a partner, the actor himself is inevitably exposed to the influence of the partner.
Question: What is the result?
Answer: There is an interaction, a struggle.
Question: What are the features of acting communication?

  • You have to accept your partner's actions.
  • Make yourself dependent on your partner
  • Be sensitive, supple and responsive to everything that comes from a partner,
  • Rejoice in the surprises that come with real communication.

Question Q: What is the communication like?
Answer: In the interdependence of actor's adaptations: in the change of intonations, in the musical connection of replicas, in the interconnection of facial expressions, gestures, plasticity and movements.
Question: What "kills acting communication?"
Answer: Pretense, artificiality and "appearance" of assessments; if the organics of behavior are violated, at least by one of the partners.
Question: What creates real interaction?
Answer: Genuine attention and organic action from both.

3. Theoretical part - new material(6 min.)

Teacher: The topic of today's lesson is "Interaction in various proposed circumstances." We figured out the interaction, but the proposed circumstances, what is it?
Answer: Place and time of action, mise-en-scenes, scenery, costumes, etc.
Teacher: You're right! Listen to how the great Russian theater figure K.S. Stanislavsky:
"suggested circumstances - the circumstances of the life of the character, proposed by the author, found by the director and created by the imagination of the actor. “These are events, epoch, time and place of action, living conditions, actor’s and director’s understanding of the play, mise-en-scene, scenery and costumes of the artist, props, lighting, noises and sounds, all that the actors are invited to take into account in their work”…
Complicated?! I propose to start studying the topic in practice!

4. Practical part - warm-up training(5 minutes.)

Suggested circumstances:
1. Each of you is a coachman who fell asleep at the workplace! (Relaxation exercise)
2. Each of you is a participant in a bodybuilding contest! (Exercise to warm up the muscles)
3. You are singers preparing for a solo performance! (Articulation exercises: brush, needle, snout-smile, jalopy, swing; and breathing support exercises)

5. Practice on stage(25 min.)

Teacher: Fine! But it's time for us to go on stage! The proposed circumstance is the following! You can only get to the stage through an imaginary door, which is located right here! ( shows) The door is closed. You will take turns entering the stage, opening the door in a different way than the others.

Exercise "One Hundred Ways to Open the Door" trains imagination and sensory perception.

Teacher: We welcome all newcomers to the stage with applause! (Exercise completed - children on stage).
The following are five exercises on interaction in various proposed circumstances:
Attention Exercise "Catch the Cotton" I clap my hands, I ask the guys to catch the cotton on the fly, like a butterfly, like a ball, like a key. I'm looking for flowy cotton.
"Invisible thread" - a complicated version of the previous exercise I propose to imagine that between me and each of the guys, from chest to chest, a thread is stretched by which we are connected. It should not tear or sag with further movements. Moving, complicating and accelerating movements, I do not forget about cotton.
Muscle release exercise "Explosion" Starting position "at the point": on your knees, hands hugging your knees, head down. This is the germ of a new star or universe. From the point you need to "explode" on cotton - to throw out energy from yourself as much as possible. The body at the same time takes the most unexpected poses. The more varied they are, the better.
Exercise "Vanity" We occupy the stage space, constantly moving at different speeds so that there are no voids anywhere. “Switching” speeds from 1st to 10th (background music). Then the movement occurs with the transformation, for example, into the letter "zu" or "kukaryamba", and after that - with the association in groups of 2, 3, 4, 5 people (the so-called molecules - 2, 3, 4, 5)
Exercise "In the summer cinema". We sit on the stage in a checkerboard pattern. I offer circumstances to which everyone reacts in their own way:

  • watching a comedy, watching a horror movie
  • suddenly it started to rain or mosquitoes bite us
  • the sun burns strongly: it blinds and interferes with viewing
  • someone's (your) cell phone rang
  • someone (you) dropped an item to be found in the dark.

Break 10 minutes.

6. Interaction training(10 minutes.)

Students on stage.

Teacher: We continue to interact in various proposed circumstances. I ask you to stand in pairs facing each other.
"Ball and Pump" forms the skills of interaction in a pair, and a long and sharp exhalation. One student is a ball, the other is a pump. The pump inflates the ball until it bursts. Then role reversal.
"Simple pair tasks" I call the proposed circumstances for simple interaction. The guys create "life pictures". (Cutting firewood, training a dog, listening to music through headphones alone, doing a friend's hair, bandaging an arm / leg, etc.). Show in sequence.
Exercise "Organ". Goal: developing communication skills and freeing the voice. Relaxing and closing their eyes, the children lie on the floor. Touching each one, I “open” the pipes of the organ, which begin to sound. All the children sound - the whole organ sounds. Then, in turn, by touching, I “close” the pipes, as a result, the instrument falls silent.
Machine exercise. Development of teamwork skills. Goal: to find imaginary but logical ways to tie together movement and sound and create together a "machine" / machine / fantastic machine. To rhythmic music, the 1st student performs one movement, characteristic, in his opinion, for the operation of some mechanism. Then the 2nd participant of the “project” connects to it and adds his “mechanical movement”. Further, in a fantastic "aggregate" there are more and more new mechanisms ( all participants join).
Teacher: Our amazing machine works smoothly and rhythmically. All its mechanisms are connected with each other by invisible gears. Here is the result!!! Great job! But things don't always go smoothly. Sometimes someone whose mood is not so joyful and upbeat is bound to ruin our day. Surprised? This is the name of a new game that trains actor communication and makes you clearly imagine the circumstances that determine the actions of the actors.

7. Creative game "Spoil my day"(10 minutes.)

Teacher: I ask everyone to go to the chairs, there is only one on the stage. This is… Vova. He sits at the bus stop and waits for the bus... Alina's task is to come to this bus stop and do something that will make Vova get up and leave. If everything worked out, Alina remains to wait for the bus, and the next member of the team approaches her with the same task. Everyone will be at the stop! Let's start! (Game in progress)

Teacher: Fine! That was great! And in order to consolidate knowledge and skills on the topic, we proceed to sketch work! I ask you to unite in groups of 3-4 people and draw out cards that determine the content of the sketches.

8. Etude work on interaction in the proposed circumstances on cards(20 minutes.)

Cards for staging etude works:

  • determining the place of action: a school class, a disco, a bus, a seashore ...
  • defining the initiating event: birthday, injury, call to the director, flood, deceit ...
  • defining the subject of the struggle: love, money, friendship, cake, leadership, microphone ...

Independent work in groups - 10 minutes, showing sketches - 10 minutes.

Summary of the lesson(5 minutes.)

1) Generalization on the topic.
2) Evaluation of the work of each (activity, fantasy, imaginative thinking, game).
3) Homework (we observe the interaction of our family members).

Thanks for the creative collaboration!

Asel Mursalimova
Open acting class

KGKP "House of children's creativity"

Open lesson

acting studios


"Attention, perception - as an auxiliary means of an actor for the development of creative abilities"

additional teacher

education Mursalimova

Assel Sarsenbaevna.

February 2012

Topic: "Attention, perception - as an auxiliary means of an actor for the development of creative abilities"

1. developing and I: mastering the ability to focus on one or more objects; do not let the situation get out of control; perceive information with all senses.

2. educational and I: Acquaintance with additional expressive means of the actor.

3. educational and I: developing the ability to work in a group, treat each other with respect.

Lesson Plan

1. Greeting.

2. Plastic warm-up.

3. Emotional relief.

5. Warm-up "Snowflakes".

7. Auditory attention:

- "Bird, squeak!";

- "Flies - does not fly."

8. Exercise for attention and reaction "Crows-Sparrows".

10. Breathing workout.

15. Reflection.

16. Farewell.

Lesson progress

1. Greeting.

Lunge with the right foot, air kiss, arms open in an embrace, a wide smile.

2. Plastic warm-up.

Passes to rhythmic music and counting:

Head tilts to the sides;

Rolling the head to the sides, imagining that it is a ball;


- "Harlequin" - we bend our arms like a puppet and twist to the sides;

- "Snake" - arms shoulder-width apart, bend to the shoulder with eversion to the starting position;

- “Wave” - hands shoulder-width apart, we make a wave-like movement from the right hand to the left, then from the right foot to the left;

Body tilts to the sides;

- "Motorcycle" - we sit behind the wheel of an imaginary motorcycle and pretend to ride, first we eat alone, then in twos, threes, etc. until the whole group is on the same motorcycle;

- “Race” - we start running quickly, gradually slow down the run, stomp our feet loudly, then quietly, we see the finish line ahead, speed up the pace and “win”.

3. Emotional relief.

*Children stand in a circle.

First, we remove the physical clamp by successively tensing the muscle group, and then sharply relaxing them. We strain:


Whole leg;


Pull up.

On the count of "three!" exhale sharply and relax the muscles.

* We turn to emotional unloading.

Children turn away from the teacher, close their eyes and imagine that they are lions - predatory, aggressive, masters in their own territory, and the teacher is a stranger who has entered their territory. The task of the "lions" at the command of the teacher is to turn around and scare with a growl, a cry of a "stranger".

Then the children turn away again, close their eyes and imagine that they are small, newly born kittens; the teacher is their master. The task of the “kittens” is to turn around on command and meow so that the “owner” takes pity on them and gives them milk to drink.

In the first case, children are freed from the negative emotions that have accumulated in them. In the second case, we replace aggression with goodwill, so as not to leave children overexcited and aggressive. In the third case, we are freed from emotional stress by screaming, for no reason.

Now we have a difficult work to do on the development of memory and such mental processes as attention, perception and imagination, that is, everything that makes it possible to reveal the creative abilities of the individual.

It is not necessary to talk for a long time about the fact that it is necessary to develop one's abilities not only for actors, but for all of us, especially for you, children. Therefore, the topic of today's lesson sounds like this: "Attention, perception - as an auxiliary means of an actor for the development of creative abilities." We are starting training for attention.

4. Exercise for visual attention.

Children stand in a circle. One person turns away, another makes one or more changes on someone. The rest clap their hands so that the turned away child does not hear who they are approaching and what they are doing. Then the child who turned away should find a change in a short time.

Repeat the exercise until all the children have participated.

5. Change of activity. Warm-up "Snowflakes".

Children turn into snowflakes and fly around the hall in a chaotic manner. If the teacher calls the number "3", then the children stand up in threes; "5" - five people each. As a result, in conclusion, the teacher must name the number corresponding to the number of children, and thus a large ball of snowflakes is obtained.

6. Exercise for tactile attention.

Children sit in a semicircle. One child is blindfolded, the rest stretch one arm forward and roll up the sleeve of their clothes. The teacher brings the “leader” to someone, the “leader” can touch the hand to the wrist. The task of the “leader” is to recognize the owner of the hand by touch. If the child finds it difficult, then he is allowed to touch the hand above, hair, face, etc.

7. Auditory attention.

* Exercise "Bird, squeak!"

The teacher chooses a “leader”, blindfolds, puts him on his knees to one of the participants. The “leader” must ask “Bird, squeak” and the participant must squeak so that the “leader” does not recognize who is sitting on his knees.

* Exercise "Flies - does not fly"

The teacher names a number of nouns. Reacting to the words denoting objects that fly, the participants clap their hands, and those that do not fly, lower their hands at the seams. The teacher constantly claps his hands, confusing the child so that he does not lose attention. You should prepare a varied list of everything that can fly and not fly:

crocodile, airplane, cow, phone, dragonfly, fly, dog, elephant, wardrobe, mosquito, TV, eagle, pen, dolphin, airplane, woodpecker, bullfinch, giraffe, cat, sheep, helicopter, butterfly, ladybug, mouse, cockroach , sausage, rocket, tape recorder, sparrow, pencils, piglet, ant, spider, grasshopper, lion, panda, mosquito, hummingbird, bear, parrot.

Other options for this task are also offered, such as: “Growing - not growing”, “Living - not living”.

Further, in order to complicate the exercise, combine several tasks at once, such as: "Flies - grows - alive." As a result, there may be several correct answers. For example: a rook that both flies and grows, and a living being. Accordingly, the participants will make different movements: clap, wave or wrap their arms around themselves, while there are no movements for the word “log”.

8. Exercise for attention and reaction "Crows - sparrows."

Children are divided into two teams, lining up in two lines facing each other. One team is called "Sparrows", the other - "Crows". The team that the teacher calls - catches; and the team that is not mentioned runs away. The host says slowly: “Wo-o-ro-o.” And at this moment, both teams are ready to catch and run away. It is he who is this moment of readiness, and is important in the game-exercise.

9. Exercise for attention and memory "Alphabet".

Semicircle. The teacher asks the children to say the letters of the alphabet one at a time and in order. Whoever uttered which letter becomes the owner of this letter. Then the teacher calls a word, for example, theater. The owners of the letters t, e, a, p should take turns and clap their hands without breaking the spelling.

To complicate the exercise, the teacher suggests slapping the sentence first, then the poem, etc.

10. Breathing workout.

Children sit in a creative semicircle. The backs are kept straight, sitting on the edge of the chair:

Inhale air through one nostril, exhale through the other;

Inhale through the mouth, exhale through the nose, tapping the nostrils;

Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth, tapping on the cheeks;

Take a deep breath (we don’t lift our shoulders, exhale with the sound “m”, tapping on the chest.

There are three types of breathing:

The first type is calm, smooth-sounding speech. Children do:

The wind whistles - s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s.

The trees are noisy - sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh.

A bee is flying - w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w.

A mosquito squeaks -z-z-z-z-z-

The second type is strong-willed, but restrained speech:

The pump is working - s-s-s-s! s-s-s-s! s-s-s-s!

A blizzard is sweeping -sh-sh-sh-sh! sh-sh-sh-sh! sh-sh-sh-sh!

Drill drill - z-z-z-z! z-z-z-z! z-z-z-z!

The third type is emotional speech at a fast pace:

The cat is angry - F! F! F! F! F!

Sawing saw -S! WITH! WITH! WITH! WITH!

The engine starts - R! R! R! R! R!

We complete the breathing warm-up: we take air into the lungs and gradually exhale with the sound “s” and inclination.

11. Articulation gymnastics.

Semicircle. The backs are straight, sitting on the edge of the chair:

The mouth is closed, we lick the teeth with the tongue from the outside and inside;

We extend the sponges into the proboscis, move it clockwise and vice versa;

Sponges in the proboscis, then a smile;

The mouth is closed, we move the tongue up, down, to the sides;

The jaw is motionless, we push the tongue to the sides so that the movement of the tongue can be seen;

We pull the tongue to the chin, then to the tip of the nose;

We tease each other "fuck", "fuck";

The teeth are closed, we lower the lower lip, exposing the teeth;

The teeth are closed, we raise the upper lip up, exposing the teeth;

We move the jaw to the sides, then we raise the lower jaw up, the lower jaw down;

First, we pronounce the sounds mi, me, ma, mo, mu, we are quiet - loud - quiet;

Chu-do-le-sen-coy sha-ga-yu,

You-so-tu I na-bi-ra-yu:

Step on the mountains, step on the tu-chi ...

And we will rise all the above, cool ...

Do not ro-be-yu, sing ho-chu,

Directly to the sun I fly!

Children pronounce each subsequent phrase, raising their tone of voice. The training is repeated in a circle.

13. Speaking tongue twisters.

Let's speak a short sentence:

The caramel ship was carrying. The first participant gets up.

The ship ran aground. We get up the second participant.

Sailors already three weeks The third participant gets up.

They ate caramel aground. The fourth person gets up.

They say the tongue twister until everyone stands up, then they say it in unison.

14. Warm-up "Burning palms".

Children stand in a circle, on a signal they begin to clap their hands with all their might. On a signal, stop clapping. They show their hands to the teacher, who checks how hot they are. The owners of hot palms take their seats. The owners of cool or cold palms remain on the stage and perform any action that the teacher calls. Naturally, improvisations of situations are offered for the development of acting skills.

15. Reflection.

Today we played with you, learned something new. What do you remember most from today's lesson? What helps an actor to develop his creative abilities? That's right, attention and perception. Today we have discussed several types of attention, but the topic does not end there. We still have a lot to learn about attention, perception and imagination.

Our lesson is over for today.

16. Farewell.

Children stand in one line or in a checkerboard pattern and perform one movement with sound at the signal:

Lunge with the right foot, air kiss, arms open in an embrace, a wide smile.

The teacher schedules the next lesson.

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