Composition based on "The Tale of a Real Man" by B. Polevoy. Analysis of the work and reviews: "The Tale of a Real Man" The Tale of a Real Man The problems raised

1. The story of the war.

2. A story about a real person

2.1. In love with the sky

2.2. Fight for survival.

3. Real hero.

The Tale of a Real Man is a work by Boris Polevoy dedicated to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War. It describes the hard everyday life of the front, the brutal deeds of the Nazis and, most importantly, depicts people who risked their lives every hour, every minute.

One of these heroes is the pilot Meresyev. He is a cheerful young man, sincerely in love with the sky. The speed of flight, the clouds underfoot, the feeling of height - all this delights Alexei, he lives this, he is happy sitting at the helm. With the same ardor and enthusiasm, the hero uses his profession for the good of his homeland.

He is a fearless combat pilot, destroying a cruel enemy. At home, a devoted bride and a loving mother await him, whose lives he protects in the sky. But one day a young man finds himself in a terrible situation - a German bomber shoots down his plane. The aircraft crashes in the forest, and the wounded Meresyev is forced to fight for his own survival.

Hungry, cold, tired and sick, Alexey literally crawls along the ground to his own. Polevoi colorfully and realistically describes the suffering of the hero in an unfamiliar forest, how he was afraid of the Germans and wild animals, how he gradually lost strength and faith in himself, how he starved and fainted from pain. Once he ate a hedgehog: "...with pleasure he began to tear with his teeth still warm, gray-colored, sinewy meat, tightly adherent to the bones." How much suffering is behind these simple words.

All the way the pilot thinks about his mother and beloved, as well as about his struggle with the cruel invaders: “Fight, fight with them as long as you have strength ...” Such thoughts and memories give the unfortunate inspiration and good spirits. Having reached his own, Meresyev experienced great joy and peace. The whole village looked after Alexei. Ruined by the German robbery, the inhabitants shared their last with him, they took care of him and encouraged him.

The most terrible test for the surviving hero turned out to be the diagnosis of doctors - amputation of the legs was necessary. Meresyev did not want to believe it, every day he put off a terrible operation in the hope of another way out. After announcing the inevitable, he "sobbed loudly and silently, buried in the pillow, shaking and twitching all over."

Alexei was afraid of becoming disabled, he was afraid that he would no longer be able to do his favorite job, that he would become an unnecessary cripple. But the support of true friends in the ward, as well as the devotion of his beloved girl, prompted Meresyev not to give up. He learned to walk on prosthetic legs and managed to prove to himself and others that he was capable of becoming a pilot again. Gradually, Alexey began to fly again and continued the fight against the Nazi invaders. The story is based on real events. The prototype of Meresyev was the Soviet pilot Maresyev, whose feat continues to inspire with his courage and heroism.

An example of this feat is relevant for all ages. Courage and courage, love for the Motherland and one's work is not for everyone in strength. Having endured pain and suffering, Alexei was able to recover and sit at the helm of the aircraft. I admire this man.

A heroic deed must be told in such a way that it arouses pride in people for belonging to the human race. Boris Polevoy undertook to tell about a pilot who lost his legs and decided to return to service. The glorification of the act of the protagonist of the work is visible from every page: from the unwillingness to surrender to the fight against their own prejudices. It is necessary to believe with caution in the scenario proposed by the author - he always approaches from a personal point of view, trying to imagine himself in the place of the hero, as if in this way a similarity close to the original can be obtained. Here Polevoy is wrecked in the occupied territory, what to tell the reader next?

And then the struggle for existence begins. Boris shows the horrors of the German military, destroying settlements and shooting civilians. There is nothing human in the enemy, which means that such an enemy must be beaten, but so far there is no opportunity for this - you need to crawl with broken legs to your own. Polevoi proceeds from the fact that the hero of the work presented to my attention grew up in urban conditions and has no idea how to survive in the forest. In addition, he never encountered the enemy directly on the ground, fighting with him only in the air. Similarly, one can notice about Polevoy himself, who perceived the war more from the standpoint of its eyewitnesses, later giving colors to the exploits of the war participants in publications.

The struggle for life is the main purpose of man. You need to live for the evil of the enemy and for the evil of yourself. Suffer and benefit from it, trying in any way to help. Mental suffering will have to be humbled, no matter how restless they are. The reader understands that it is difficult to realize the need for leg amputation, after trying to find a place among healthy people and finally feel the burden of responsibility as a full-fledged member of society. The protagonist of Polevoy's work will go through everything in order to return what was lost. In any case, he will have to come to terms with his lost legs, as well as accept a possible refusal to continue the relationship from his girlfriend. Boris overdramatizes the events, as if a sufficient number of healthy and whole men will remain in the country, and the crippled hero husband will disgust Soviet women.

And yet Polevoy tells about a real person. And so it turns out that in his work all the characters are just real people. Everyone who fights the enemy and does not give up is the real one. Whoever makes a sacrifice and is not afraid to give his life for another is just as real. Whoever is able to help others, sparing nothing for them, is also real. Who believes in people and allows them to gain faith in themselves is real. But is it possible to call a real person someone who tries to talk about them, focusing purely on glorification? Certainly. Who does not spare paper, extolling the merits of worthy people - is a real one. Even if he embellishes what happened, he still believes in what he is trying to convey to the reader.

The protagonist of "The Tale of a Real Man" will definitely get on his feet and rise into the sky. Actually it's not that important. Flying in the plot is secondary. In the first place, Polevoy put the desire of people to fight against circumstances. And when they are against, you have to win over them. Steel is always tempered, if the heart is on fire - it remains to forge the character and give it the required shape. The rest will go and be forgotten.

Look for heroes, exalt them, compose works in their honor. Otherwise, why bother with empty worries? It is better to embellish reality than to paint it black.

Boris Polevoy wrote his famous story in 1946, during the difficult post-war period. The work, widely known in the USSR and Russia, was based on the feat of the real pilot Alexei Meresyev, who was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union for his feat.

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What is this book about

Boris Polevoy wrote about a strong man with an unbending will, about true friendship, love for the motherland and true patriotism. Reading "The Tale of a Real Man", everyone is imbued with the strength of Meresyev's spirit, who managed to overcome a huge personal tragedy, get back on his feet and return to the ranks of pilots to continue defending the Motherland.

In his work, Polevoy sings of such personality traits as:

  • strength of will
  • love to motherland
  • decency
  • honesty
  • perseverance in achieving the goal

Main heroes

In his work, Boris Polevoy describes several characters, each of which is a bright, self-sufficient personality and plays a significant role in the events.

At present, Polevoy's work is one of the recognized masterpieces of classical Soviet literature. The sequence of events in the book is as follows:

  • Fight with the enemy.
  • Hospital treatment.
  • Treatment in a sanatorium. Meresyev convinces the doctors to send him to a retraining school for pilots.
  • And again in battle.

If we analyze the plot of the work, then it can be divided into several main parts, each of which can be described as an independent story. But in each of them, the intertwining of the fates of both the main characters of the work and new faces, with whom the author introduces the reader, can be traced. In all parts, one can trace the willpower of the protagonist, his long, full of pain and obstacles, the path to achieving his main goal - returning to the sky, to flying, to fighting with the enemy for his homeland, for loved ones, for his love.

Fight with the enemy

Escorting attack aircraft, Meresyev's fighter hit the "Double Pincers" and was shot down by an enemy fighter. When the plane crashed, Alexei was thrown out of the cockpit, but the blow was softened by soft spruce branches, on which the pilot fell. Waking up, the pilot found a bear nearby. Shot him with a service pistol, which ended up in the pocket of his overalls, the pilot tries to get to his feet in order to start the path to his own.

Having oriented himself on the ground, Meresyev realizes that he is not far from the Black Forest, 35 kilometers from the front line. When he tries to get up, he feels a strong pain in his legs and, pulling off his high boots, finds that his feet are crushed. There was nowhere for the pilot to get help. Therefore, the only salvation in this difficult and dangerous situation was to get up and go towards the front line.

On the first day of his journey, he finds a knife and a can of stew, which was his only food supply for the whole trip. On the third day, chilled to the bone, he finds a homemade lighter in his pocket and for the first time warms himself by the fire. After the food runs out, the exhausted pilot moves on his feet, rolling from side to side and eating the found cranberry leaves.

As a result, the half-dead pilot is found by the inhabitants of the village burned by the Germans and transported to his native squadron for subsequent transfer to the hospital.

Hospital treatment

Meresyev ends up in a Moscow hospital. One day, a famous professor of medicine, walking along the corridor, learns that the pilot lying there for 18 days tried to crawl out of German captivity on his own with broken legs. After that, Meresyev is transferred to the ward intended for senior officers.

There are three other people in this room with him. One of them is a tanker, Hero of the Soviet Union Grigory Gvozdev, who was badly burned in battle with the enemy. Gvozdev was seriously ill, not interested in absolutely anything. He simply waited for the onset of death and desired it. The nurse, a pretty woman Klavdia Mikhailovna, looked after the wounded.

The professor did everything possible, tried various methods of treatment, but Meresyev did not go to the mandrel. On the contrary, the pilot's toes turned black and gangrene began. Then, to save the life of the pilot, the doctors make the only correct decision - to amputate the legs to the middle of the calf. Aleksey steadfastly struggles with such a heavy blow of fate, rereading letters from his mother and fiancee Olga, to which he does not find the strength to admit that he no longer has legs.

Another patient is placed in Meresyev's ward - the commissar of the Red Army Semyon Vorobyov. Despite the severe concussion, this strong-willed man managed to stir up his neighbors, restore their desire to live. With the advent of spring, the burnt tanker Gvozdev also comes to life and turns out to be a merry fellow and a joker. Vorobyov arranges for Grigory to correspond with a young student at the medical university, Anna Gribova, with whom the tanker then falls in love.

For Meresyev, aviation was the meaning of life, and without legs he felt lost and useless. And when the Commissar showed him the article about the pilot World War I Karpov, who was able to fly a plane without a foot, Alexei at first doubted his own abilities. But over time, convinced by the Commissar and believing in his own strength, the pilot begins to actively prepare for his return to aviation. But the Commissar himself is getting worse - every movement gives him severe pain, but he tries not to show it. A nurse, Klavdiya Mikhailovna, is on duty at his bedside at night, having managed to fall in love with the Commissar.

On the first of May the Commissar dies. And it was his death that prompted Meresyev to make the final decision to get on his feet and return to his squadron. He began to do gymnastics and master prostheses with even greater persistence. And after Anyuta began looking for the discharged tanker Gvozdev, Meresyev decided, after the first plane he shot down in battle, to inform Olga in a letter about what had happened to him.

Treatment in a sanatorium

In the summer of 1942, Meresyev was discharged from the hospital and sent to the Air Force sanatorium to heal his wounds. In the sanatorium, Aleksey asks the nurse Zinochka to teach him to dance the waltz and diligently attends dance lessons every day. After some time, the pilot already danced well and participated in all dance evenings. And it was not noticeable to anyone - what pain is hidden behind the light smile of the dancing Meresyev.

Alexey receives a letter from Olga, where the girl writes to him that she is offended by Alexei's distrust and that he would not have been forgiven if not for the war. Olga also reports that she is busy digging anti-tank ditches near Stalingrad. At that time, the situation near Stalingrad worried each of the vacationers in the sanatorium, and as a result, the military demanded an urgent discharge and sending to the front.

On the commission of the recruitment department of the Air Force, Meresyev was at first going to be categorically refused, but he managed to persuade the military doctor Mirovolsky to attend the dances organized in the sanatorium. There, the military doctor was surprised to see how the legless pilot was dancing and gave Meresyev an opinion on the possibility of retraining and further sending to the front.

Arriving in Moscow, Meresyev, by perseverance and long walks around the offices, managed to be sent to a flight school. After a five-month training, Meresyev brilliantly passed the exam for the head of the flight school and went to the flight personnel retraining school, where Alexei was trained until early spring to perfectly control the most modern LA-5 fighter at that time.

And again into battle

After Meresyev arrived at the headquarters of the regiment, he was registered in the squadron of Captain Cheslov. And on the very first night, the pilot Meresyev already took part in the legendary battle on the Kursk Bulge.

Now Aleksey flew the new LA-5 fighter and took part in battles with the fascist single-engine dive bombers Yu-87. On the day, Meresyev had several sorties and he read letters from Olga occasionally, at night. But Meresyev was in no hurry to reveal the truth to Olga - he did not consider the Yu-87 a worthy opponent.

Finally, during one of the sorties to Alexei managed to shoot down three modern Foke-Wulf fighters and save his wingman. After this battle, he was appointed squadron commander and wrote Olga the truth about the amputated legs.

In the epilogue of his work, Polevoy also talks about how the fate of the heroic pilot developed in the future: he received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, married Olga, and they had a son.

A brief retelling of "The Tale of a Real Man" will not be able to convey the wide range of feelings that embrace anyone when reading this work. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you read the book itself.

Often, reviews left about it help to understand the meaning, meaning and ideological intent of a work. "The Tale of a Real Man" is a book written by the famous Soviet writer B. Polev in 1946. The story is based on a real story that happened to the pilot Alexei Maresyev. This book tells about the difficult struggle of the hero not only for his physical survival, but also for moral dignity, the honor of a soldier and the right to fight in the army, despite terrible injuries. The work was so popular that the following year, the film adaptation of the same name was released on the screens of the country, which doubled the interest in this amazing story.

About entry

Reviews testify to how much the essay was to the liking of the readers. "The Tale of a Real Man" is a detailed canvas about the formation of a personality, overcoming obstacles, about an unbending will and a stubborn desire to achieve the goal in the name of justice. This is how lovers of the writer's work characterize the ideological concept of the book. In their opinion, the first part, describing the inhuman efforts made by the pilot to save his life in an enemy environment in a wild forest, turned out to be especially vital and at the same time terrible in its persuasiveness. This chapter, according to some users, strikes with the cruel truth and a frightening picture of the war.

Opinions on the struggle of the hero

Reviews will help prepare a school lesson on the work in question. "The Tale of a Real Man" is a book, half of which is devoted to Meresyev's stubborn struggle for life after his plane was shot down, and he found himself alone in the forest, not far from the front line, risking being noticed by enemies every minute. All readers claim that the author managed to convey not only the physical suffering of the character, but also his moral experiences.

Some readers pay attention to Meresyev's resemblance to the hero of J. London's story "Love of Life", who also, with his last strength, literally wrested victory from death. The Soviet pilot showed remarkable courage and great when, literally turning into a half-corpse, he managed to crawl to the hut of Soviet partisans. The fans of this work were most impressed by those scenes that show the specific actions taken by the hero to save himself, as evidenced by the reviews. "The Tale of a Real Man" is a book dedicated to the pilot's struggle with nature and himself, which is its enduring significance.

About the second part

Those who have read the work in question agree that the author was especially good at conveying the state of mind of the pilot during the recovery period. He was greatly influenced by his comrades in the hospital ward. Their fate turned out to be inextricably linked with Meresyev, who found solace in communicating with them. The work “The Tale of a Real Man”, reviews of which show the continued interest of readers in this story, shows the difficult psychological struggle that the hero had to endure in order to find the desire to live again. In this part, we learn about his experiences because of the bride Olga, to whom he is afraid to confess his tragedy. The fact is that his legs were cut off, as the doctors could not stop the gangrene. In the end, Meresyev, under the influence of his new comrades, begins to gradually learn to walk again. According to readers, this detailed psychological analysis of the stubborn internal struggle with oneself is the key scene in the entire work.

About the fourth part

A review of the book "The Tale of a Real Man" shows that this work has not lost its significance even today. Users claim that the author was able to convincingly and believably show the new formation of his hero not so much physically as spiritually. Readers especially liked those scenes in which Meresyev, already without legs and using prostheses, learned to dance in order to finally get rid of stiffness. According to them, it was in this episode that he showed the real character of the pilot Polevoy. "The Tale of a Real Man", reviews of which testify to how much the author managed to touch the feelings of his readers, ends with a description of the character's heroic deeds after he returned to aviation.

About war

According to users, an indicator of the full return of the hero to life was his letters to Olga. It is from the correspondence with her that we learn about his state of mind and mood. Love for her inspires him to engage in new and new battles with opponents. In one such battle, he not only managed to get away from a terrible chase, but also saved his wingman. Readers note the touchingness of the moment when the pilot felt like a full-fledged fighter again and finally decided to write the whole truth to his bride, which he did not dare to do before.

Analysis of the work and reviews: "The Tale of a Real Man" The reviews left about him often help to understand the meaning, meaning and ideological intent of the work. "The Tale of a Real Man" is a book written by the famous Soviet writer B. Polev in 1946. The story is based on a real story that happened to the pilot Alexei Maresyev. This book tells about the difficult struggle of the hero not only for his physical survival, but also for moral dignity, the honor of a soldier and the right to fight in the army, despite terrible injuries. The work was so popular that the following year, the film adaptation of the same name was released on the screens of the country, which doubled the interest in this amazing story. About the introduction About how much the essay was to the liking of the readers, testify to the reviews. "The Tale of a Real Man" is a detailed canvas about the formation of a personality, overcoming obstacles, about an unbending will and a stubborn desire to achieve the goal in the name of justice. This is how lovers of the writer's work characterize the ideological concept of the book. In their opinion, the first part, describing the inhuman efforts made by the pilot to save his life in an enemy environment in a wild forest, turned out to be especially vital and at the same time terrible in its persuasiveness. This chapter, according to some users, strikes with the cruel truth and a frightening picture of the war.

Opinions about the struggle of the hero Reviews will help prepare a school lesson on the work in question. "The Tale of a Real Man" is a book, half of which is devoted to Meresyev's stubborn struggle for life after his plane was shot down, and he found himself alone in the forest, not far from the front line, risking being noticed by enemies every minute. All readers claim that the author managed to convey not only the physical suffering of the character, but also his moral experiences. Some readers pay attention to Meresyev's resemblance to the hero of J. London's story "Love of Life", who also, with his last strength, literally wrested victory from death. The Soviet pilot showed remarkable courage and great fortitude when, literally turning into a half-corpse, he managed to crawl to the hut of Soviet partisans. The fans of this work were most impressed by those scenes that show the specific actions taken by the hero to save himself, as evidenced by the reviews. "The Tale of a Real Man" is a book dedicated to the pilot's struggle with nature and himself, which is its enduring significance.

About the second part Those who have read the work in question agree that the author was especially good at conveying the state of mind of the pilot during the recovery period. He was greatly influenced by his comrades in the hospital ward. Their fate turned out to be inextricably linked with Meresyev, who found solace in communicating with them. The work “The Tale of a Real Man”, reviews of which show the continued interest of readers in this story, shows the difficult psychological struggle that the hero had to endure in order to find the desire to live again. In this part, we learn about his experiences because of the bride Olga, to whom he is afraid to confess his tragedy. The fact is that his legs were cut off, as the doctors could not stop the gangrene. In the end, Meresyev, under the influence of his new comrades, begins to gradually learn to walk again. According to readers, this detailed psychological analysis of the stubborn internal struggle with oneself is the key scene in the entire work.

About the fourth part Review of the book "The Tale of a Real Man" shows that this work has not lost its significance in our days. Users claim that the author was able to convincingly and believably show the new formation of his hero not so much physically as spiritually. Readers especially liked those scenes in which Meresyev, already without legs and using prostheses, learned to dance in order to finally get rid of stiffness. According to them, it was in this episode that he showed the real character of the pilot Polevoy. "The Tale of a Real Man", reviews of which testify to how much the author managed to touch the feelings of his readers, ends with a description of the character's heroic deeds after he returned to aviation.

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