A project on why we are interested in going to. Project “Why are we interested in going to the library? in literary reading

Information technology is gradually replacing paper media. Any book can be downloaded, recorded, and viewed online. Is it good?

After all, the process of teaching our children is still happening with the help of books, right? And therefore, we simply need, well, at least for now, that they would not be strangers in the library, that they know what and how to find there, what can and cannot be done there, how to use the book.

Are you surprised? Well, yes, they are now more successfully able to understand a new computer game than a table of contents, and Wikipedia prompts the necessary information faster than a dictionary.

But while the book has not become obsolete, paper carriers of information exist, and our children should be able to use them. So, we understood why we need this project - to introduce children to the library, and try to show them the most beneficial aspects of such an acquaintance.

Now let's think about how we can do this.

It is quite simple to arrange all this: we will outline a brief travel plan for the library, what you need to pay attention to your child, what to show him first.

You can just take his hand and lead him through the library, taking pictures along the way. Then, using the drawn up plan and your photos, all that remains is to decorate your project beautifully.

General acquaintance

The library is the place where you can learn a lot of necessary and useful things. Communication with a book helps to develop memory and intelligence. The library room is bright, spacious, the atmosphere itself is conducive to reflection. Therefore, it is better not to make noise here, so as not to disturb other people.

Immediately at the entrance there is a table at which there is a library worker, she will answer all your questions, tell you where you can get this or that literature.

How to find the right book

Of course, the library has a general catalog, but the books themselves are very conveniently arranged in alphabetical order. Educational literature is separated from entertaining.
Both here and there have their own sections, most often delimited by cardboard inserts, or, well, inscriptions on bookcases.

So first we decide what we need to read? Well, for example, detective stories or adventures, we are looking for which bookcase these books are located in, and then alphabetically, we are looking for the right author. (Here you can see a photo of a cabinet, a cardboard insert, or what kind of search system is used in your library)

All books are arranged in certain departments, so that you can easily find out what exactly the student needs.

All books are bright colorful, educational literature is on one shelf, fiction - on the other, and are arranged according to interests: fantasy, historical literature, fairy tales. Here you can prepare for the lessons, there are all the books on each subject.

The arrangement of shelves with books is very convenient, you can come and see for yourself and choose what you are interested in.

How to use the book

Well, if you do not know the title of the book you need? Then you need to use the table of contents or summary of the book, which, as a rule, is on the second or third page.

What is a form

A form is created for each student and a library card is issued, books can be taken home for a certain time or sit in the reading room.

By visiting the library, many children eventually realize that reading is much more interesting than watching a movie or playing games. Well, at least parents should hope so :)

Moreover, books sometimes come across very rare old ones in a single copy.

Magazines and newspapers

And there is also a very interesting corner where newspapers and magazines are located, which also have a lot of interesting things. Therefore, they do not need to be bought, and then put into waste paper at home.

How to handle books

Books must be handled very carefully and with love, you can’t bend the pages, make any notes or draw, this is very disciplined, it teaches you to be neat, attentive and kind, and not only in relation to books, but also to people.

Gift to the library

You can bring books to the library that you do not need or are not interested in, maybe they will be needed or liked by other people?

in literary reading

In general, the emergence of libraries in Russia is associated with the emergence
on the territory of our country of the ancient Russian state - Kievan Rus.
The first information about the appearance of books in Russia dates back to about the 9th-10th centuries. All handwritten books, and they were also called “sources of wisdom”, “rivers that fill the universe”, “consolation in sorrow”, were highly valued. The culture itself was accessible to few, the books were expensive, as they were made from a very expensive material - parchment.

Greek, Slavic and Old Russian handwritten books in the late 10th and early 11th centuries were used to teach literacy, to acquire a certain range of knowledge. It is known from the annals that in 988 the Great Prince of Kyiv Vladimir Svyatoslavovich gathered the children of noble persons and gave them “for book teaching”. Later, the chronicle tells about Yaroslav the Wise, who ordered up to 300 children in Novgorod to “teach with books”. Books and other monuments of writing in the 10th-11th centuries were mainly collected in monasteries, church cathedrals of grand dukes and higher clergy. All this led to the emergence of the first libraries.
As for the first annalistic reference to libraries, it refers to 1037, when Yaroslav the Wise gathered scribes to translate Greek and correspond existing Slavic books, ordering them to be stored in St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv. The first library in Russia, created in this way, grew in subsequent years and was enriched with book treasures.
An extensive collection of books, not only Russian, but also Greek, was available in the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery. Some of the books were brought and left by the masters who painted the cathedral church. In addition, by the 12th century there were already book depositories in Vladimir, Ryazan, Chernigov, Rostov, Suzdal, Polotsk, Pskov and other cities.
Libraries served to continue and deepen education, as well as for self-education. They were introduced into Russian monasteries along with the studio monastic charter. Libraries were run by a brother librarian. The brethren, by his order, were to appear at certain hours to read books.” This is how the first monastic libraries began to appear on the territory of our country.
Assessing the historical and cultural significance of ancient Russian libraries, which were both educational institutions, and book workshops, and “book depositories”, it is enormous: they saved, preserved for us the most valuable monuments of antiquity.

Books are ships of thought
wandering the waves of time
and carefully carrying their precious cargo
from generation to generation.

We are familiar with the book from the earliest years and are so accustomed to the book that we rarely think of it as a miracle, as a treasure, and it happens that we do not always appreciate and cherish it. But think about it: after all, a book is a legacy that is passed down from generation to generation. This is the only “time machine” with which you can make an exciting journey. Ancient Rome, and old Russia, and a medieval castle, and a noisy modern city, the future of the planet Earth, rise before us from the pages of books. The book allows you to visit any part of the globe, get acquainted with the life of wonderful people.
It is said that the book is the source of knowledge. It really is. The book has faithfully served people for many centuries. She went a long and difficult way before she appeared before people in her modern form. It is this miracle of transformation that we will talk with you today.
Many, many years ago, there was no ink, no paper, let alone books. All stories about brave warriors, all fairy tales about the Moon and the Sun - everything was told aloud. And now we are talking about old stories - “traditions”. This means that they were passed from one person to another, from generation to generation.
But how difficult it is to remember the most varied and long stories. Therefore, people came up with the idea of ​​drawing pictures that helped them remember what they saw and heard. Draw a lake, next to a huge fish. The picture means the memory of successful fishing. They will draw a hill and a river, and among the trees and hills, along the river - a path. This is the memory of a long journey. And such pictures also helped a person to manage a household. “I took three bulls from a neighbor and am obliged to return them at the end of summer,” wrote an ancient man. “I got a good harvest, I have forty sacks of peas in my barn,” - all this could be depicted in pictures for memory.
However, even a simple drawing is not easy to draw. And over time, a person tried to make drawings easier and simpler. Instead of a bull, they began to draw only his head. Then the drawing was simplified and the head with horns turned into three lines, a sign BUT. The ancient people - the Sumerians called the bull - Aleph. That's where the letter came from BUT.
Man began to gradually invent letters that could be used to write about everything. After all, people think, love, get angry, indignant, laugh, swear, resent. And each person does it differently. Can you tell all this with pictures? The first books began to appear.

What did people write on before and how did they write? Imagine a clay slab. In the middle of the last century, archaeologists unearthed the remains of an ancient city. During excavations, they found clay tiles filled with small, even lines. These clay tiles turned out to be the pages of books and are 5,000 years old. The ancient library kept tens of thousands of tablet books. Even then, in those distant times, the first storage libraries existed, only they looked different, there were no high shelving, as they are now, but the clay tiles did not lie in a heap, but were neatly laid out in wicker baskets. Clay labels were attached to the baskets, for example: “Documents relating to the garden”, etc.

There were works on all the then known sciences: on astronomy, history, mathematics, medicine, as well as dictionaries, treaties, laws, reports on military operations. What is now written in the history books about Babylon, Assyria, scientists learned from clay tablets. In ancient Egypt, reeds grew on the swampy banks of the Nile. It was called papyrus. This plant is twice as tall as a man, its trunk is as thick as an arm, it has sweet juice. Sandals were made from its bark, from fabric fibers. Large ships were built from connected trunks. But most of all, papyrus became famous not for sweet juice, and not for ships. It is famous for the fact that the first books were written on it. It was over 6000 years ago. The core of the reed - papyrus was cut into strips, the strips were stacked on top of each other, pressed with weight, dried in the sun. There were sheets on which you could write. Then the sheets of papyrus were glued into a ribbon, and the ribbon was rolled up into a tube resembling a piece of wallpaper. And so the books-scrolls appeared. The length of such a scroll reached six meters.

But the Pergamians in the second century BC found another material for books, better than papyrus. It was made from the skins of calves and lambs. From the skins, a white, thin, extremely durable material was obtained - parchment. It could be written on both sides. Sheets of parchment were folded in the form of a notebook. The notebooks were stapled together and enclosed in wooden lids. They already then resembled the form of books to which we are accustomed. Parchment is good for everyone: it is strong, durable and convenient for writing.

But this manufacturing method has not received much, widespread use. He was very expensive. For just one book of 700 pages, a whole herd of animals had to be exterminated. Only very rich and wealthy people could purchase such books. In other countries, such as China, bamboo and silk were used for writing. In India, palm leaves.
And what was written in Ancient Russia? During excavations in Novgorod, archaeologists discovered a twisted strip of birch bark that had darkened with time. It was a birch bark. Since then, many more letters have been found. Their authors were peasants, artisans, students.

But the paper on which we now write first appeared in China, in the second century BC. But the Chinese for several centuries kept the method of making paper in the deepest secret. Divulging a secret was punishable by death. Only seven centuries later, the first paper workshop appeared outside of China - in Samarkand.
No writing material was as widely distributed as paper. The paper is light and handy, it can be produced in any country. Most importantly, it's cheap. After all, the raw material for it is rags, vegetable fibers, wood. But even with the acquisition of paper, it was difficult to make books. Letter by letter, line by line, the scribe wrote. It was very hard work. The books were very expensive.
In public libraries, they were chained to the shelves with iron chains. And the common people naturally could not use such expensive books. Only when printing appeared, instead of expensive and rare manuscripts, did relatively cheap books appear, published in large quantities.

In Russia, the beginning of book printing was laid by Ivan Fedorov. It was 400 years ago. On April 19, 1563, Ivan Fedorov set about typing the first printed book. In Russia, Tsar Ivan the Terrible followed his work with great interest. Four centuries have passed since the time when Ivan Fedorov lived. The art of book printing has changed beyond recognition during this time. Smart machines are now doing in a minute what Ivan Fedorov took months, or even years.
With great difficulty, Ivan Fedorov and his faithful assistant Pyotr Timofeev created the first printed book. And it was printed on March 1, 1564. Since then, people have learned to read and write, they have entrusted all their wisdom to books. They learned how to make books, and how to keep them.

Since time immemorial, libraries have appeared - storehouses of wisdom. The largest and most famous library of papyrus scrolls was the Alexandrian in Egypt. It existed for six centuries and had 700 thousand scrolls with records of the best works of sages, poets, playwrights. At the head of the library at all times there were prominent scientists. The library was called one of the seven wonders of the world.

Now the largest library in our country is located in Moscow and occupies a whole block. This is the Russian State Library. V.I. Lenin.

It first appeared in Moscow in the summer of 1862 and was called the Rumyantsev Library, as it was created by the largest political figure of the early 19th century, Count Nikolai Petrovich Rumyantsev. Possessing large funds, Rumyantsev spent them on the purchase of rare books and manuscripts, and even entire private libraries.

When he died, he left no will. But his close friends knew that he had long intended to make his meeting public. His brother donated all the collections and the library to the state. So the first public library was opened in Moscow, later it became known as the State Library. IN AND. Lenin.

Now every big city and small village must have its own library, within the walls of which the greatest treasures of the world are stored - books. Our school also has a library, it is not as big as we would like, but it contains the best, most beautiful, smartest books.

Modern books seem to us the most convenient, the most modern in form. This form of the book appeared a very long time ago, as early as the second century AD. Then the first corporation of scribes was organized in Rome. Publishers are beginning to staple sheets of manuscripts rather than folding them into scrolls. That's where it comes from, a modern book.

Our country is considered the most reading country in the world. We publish more books than in other countries. If we take all the books published in our country after the October Revolution and put them side by side, they could encircle the globe twice.

We go to the library

Today, - you will say, - when at any corner you can buy the necessary book for a moderate price, go to the library, and even more so take your child there, there is absolutely no need! And you will be wrong.

First, no home library, even the most luxurious one, can be richer than a public one. After all, you would not, for example, buy five different editions of Andersen's The Little Mermaid. And even if the kid has already read it, he will be able to choose a publication with other illustrations, which means he can take a fresh look at a familiar story, see his favorite characters in a different way. In addition, here you can find old, not published for a long time, but no less interesting books.

In any children's library, there are also many periodicals that you certainly will not keep at home. And a little curious "expert" will find here an encyclopedia and a reference book for every taste.

Secondly, having come to the library, the kid acquires a very important social experience: he enters the community of reading people, big and small: there are so many children here, and they all read, wander along the shelves, choosing books, turn in what they have read, rummage through reference books and catalogs … So, it’s not only in our house that people read books! So other people do it too! So that's right!

Thirdly, in the library, the child acquires a lot of skills that can only be obtained here: find the right book in the catalog or subject index, pick up books on a specific topic, correctly fill out the reader's requirement, in the end, just sensibly explain to the librarian what you want read.

Modern people still think that libraries have stopped in their development and are not able to bring anything new to the development of culture.
I don't want to disappoint you, but this is absolutely not true. Libraries have never stopped developing and improving. The 21st century, the century of the introduction of new technologies, has also affected libraries.
So what does a modern library look like and how can it please us?

We went to the city children's library and found out what funds it has, whether it has a subscription, a reading room, a room for reference literature and literature on art.

The librarian explained to us that the library is not a store, and the books here are not given forever, and after some time they will have to be returned.

Told how to behave to the reader in the library:

· keep quiet

· not to run

Not taking books off the shelf without the permission of the librarian

Do not tear or damage books.

For the first meeting, we chose subscription: room for issuing literature at home.

How many books are there! Probably, even a week is not enough to look at them all!.. There is a corner in the subscription room of the children's library where you can sit comfortably at a nice low table or right on the carpet, flip through the books.

How can the little reader understand here? They explained to us how books are arranged in the library and offered to try to find the right book by alphabetical index on our own.

So the books are selected. Now you need to comply with certain formalities and create a form for the reader of the children's library. Give your library card to the librarian to make a note of when the books need to be returned. It was great when we were allowed to put our own signature on the form.

When we got used to the subscription a little, we were offered to visit reading room. Rare, expensive, often requested publications, reference books are stored here.

Books from the reading room are not allowed to be taken home. They work with them in the library, sitting comfortably at the table.

The library is equipped with a computer connected to the Internet, where you can look at art albums with the works of great masters, find recordings of classical music and children's fairy tales, various musical collections for every taste.

In addition, a small district library, and even more so a city one, is not just a point for storing and exchanging books, but also a cultural center. Children's holidays and meetings with writers are held here, exhibitions of children's drawings and performances based on favorite books of kids are organized, circles work, one way or another connected with the book. In a word, if you want your kid to become a real reader, be sure to show him the way to the library!

Asya Stein

The library is a temple of knowledge and science.
This is the place where you can think and
of course, to learn a lot of new things.

The main tasks of the library:
- providing information and documentary support for the educational process and self-education of students and teachers;
- the formation of the humanitarian worldview of students;
- fostering interest in the national spiritual culture.

Goals of the library:

Education of a spiritual, harmonious personality, diligence, love for the family, respect for man and nature through a book and reading.

Priority areas of work:

-development of interest in the literary heritage, respect for the book and reading;

- acquisition of new knowledge with the help of modern technologies.

  • Make a plan for a story about books that were in antiquity. Use the textbook materials on pages 8-9.
  1. The first book in the history of mankind - cave paintings.
  2. However, even drawings are not easy to make, and over time, people began to simplify them to letters.
  3. The first books were not at all like the ones we read today.
  4. In the Middle Ages, books were made from wooden boards covered with leather or fabric. Some of them even had clasps.
  5. The Sumerians were the first to create schools where they made books from clay. The lesson began with kneading the clay for the tablets. Then, until the clay hardened, the text was written on it with wooden sticks.
  6. In addition, ancient people wrote on fragile papyri. Papyrus is a reed from which paper rolled into scrolls was obtained.
  7. Then people learned to make thin parchment from leather. They also wrote on birch bark.
  8. Now books are made from paper, but few people know that paper first appeared in China, and the Chinese have kept it a secret for centuries. Even the death penalty was introduced for divulging secrets.
  9. With the acquisition of paper, the creation of a book became no less time-consuming. Line by line, the scribe wrote it out by hand. Books were very expensive and in libraries they were chained to a shelf.
  10. Only with the advent of printing did books become accessible and inexpensive. Ivan Fedorov was the first book printer in Russia.
  11. Paper books are now being replaced by e-books. But we will treat printed books with care.
  • Ask friends, parents, acquaintances: do they go to the library? Put your survey data in a table. Specify the total number of people with whom you spoke.
  • Discuss with friends why going to the library is fun.
  • Choose the appropriate answers:

+ no home library can hold as many books as a children's library;

+ in the library you can meet friends, classmates, acquaintances;

+ the library hosts children's holidays, meetings with writers and poets;

+ in the library you can independently learn how to bind books, repair them;

+ The library has interesting magazines and newspapers.

  • Do you know how to behave in the reading room? Choose an answer:

+ quietly ask questions to the librarian, consult with him;

Project: Why are we interested in going to the library? Information technology is gradually replacing paper media. Any book can be downloaded, recorded, and viewed online. Is it good? After all, the process of teaching our children is still happening with the help of books, right? And therefore, we simply need, well, at least for now, that they would not be strangers in the library, that they know what and how to find there, what can and cannot be done there, how to use the book. Are you surprised? Well, yes, they are now more successfully able to understand a new computer game than a table of contents, and Wikipedia prompts the necessary information faster than a dictionary. But while the book has not become obsolete, paper carriers of information exist, and our children should be able to use them. So, we understood why we need this project - to introduce children to the library, and try to show them the most beneficial aspects of such an acquaintance. Now let's think about how we can do this. It is quite simple to arrange all this: we will outline a brief travel plan for the library, what you need to pay attention to your child, what to show him first. You can just take his hand and lead him through the library, taking pictures along the way. Then, using the drawn up plan and your photos, all that remains is to decorate your project beautifully. General acquaintance The library is the place where you can learn a lot of necessary and useful things. Communication with a book helps to develop memory and intelligence. The library room is bright, spacious, the atmosphere itself is conducive to reflection. Therefore, it is better not to make noise here, so as not to disturb other people. Librarian Immediately at the entrance there is a table at which there is a librarian, she will answer all your questions, tell you where you can get this or that literature. How to find the right book Of course, the library has a general catalog, but the books themselves are very conveniently arranged in alphabetical order. Educational literature is separated from entertaining. Both here and there have their own sections, most often delimited by cardboard inserts, or, well, inscriptions on bookcases. So first we decide what we need to read? Well, for example, detective stories or adventures, we are looking for which bookcase these books are located in, and then alphabetically, we are looking for the right author. (Here you can see a photo of a cabinet, a cardboard insert, or what kind of search system is used in your library) All books are located in certain departments so that you can easily figure out what exactly the student needs. All the books are bright and colorful, educational literature is on one shelf, fiction is on the other, and they are arranged according to their interests: fantasy, historical literature, fairy tales. Here you can prepare for the lessons, there are all the books on each subject. The arrangement of shelves with books is very convenient, you can come and see for yourself and choose what you are interested in. How to use the book But what if you don't know the name of the book you need? Then you need to use the table of contents or summary of the book, which, as a rule, is on the second or third page. What is a form For each student, a form is started and a library card is issued, books can be taken home for a certain time or sit in the reading room. By visiting the library, many children eventually realize that reading is much more interesting than watching a movie or playing games. Well, at least parents should hope for it :) Moreover, books sometimes come across very rare old ones in a single copy. Magazines and Newspapers There is also a very interesting corner where newspapers and magazines are located, which also have a lot of interesting things. Therefore, they do not need to be bought, and then put into waste paper at home. How to handle books Books should be handled very carefully and with love, you can’t bend the pages, make any notes or draw, it’s very disciplined, it teaches you to be neat, attentive and kind and not only in relation to books, but also to people. A gift to the library You can bring books to the library that you do not need or are not interested in, maybe they will be needed or liked by other people?

Elena Rozhkova
Essay "Why we are interested in going to the library"

Library- this place where you can learn a lot of things, e interesting and useful. Communication with a book helps to develop memory and intelligence.

A child sees the world differently than an adult. In other colors, in other dimensions.

But quite often it is children who are open and accessible to what they cannot notice with age.

Children are more sincere. honest, they do not know the fear, insecurity inherent in adults and their perception of the world is free, pure, like themselves.

Nowadays, children do not suffer from a lack of leisure. School of early development, various sections, studios, circles.

All this is great, but there is another institution where it makes sense for parents to enroll their child. It's children's library.

Children's library is beneficial.

Children's books are expensive. AT library they are provided free of charge. Children just need good interesting books, kind. And this in the library has enough. AT book library that can't be found in the store. Old books read by several generations, editions of respectable age with excellent illustrations by famous artists, which are no longer produced. Show the children the books that he himself read as a child. AT library freedom of choice. Children's library allows the child to feel independent. The child can freely rummage on the shelves to look for what he likes, to form his own preference. The child becomes an explorer of himself, a traveler in the world of literature. He can consult with his parents, librarian and get advice. AT library hold various cultural events, exhibitions, meetings with writers and interesting people, games, activities and holidays.

The world is wide and a child for whom every day brings new discoveries absorbs information from books like a sponge water. The book is the shortest way to the development of speech, imagination, thinking.

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