False red caviar from herring. False red caviar - from herring with carrots and melted cheese. Burbot caviar recipe

The taste is very reminiscent of red caviar, it always goes with a bang!
The recipe mom "Brought" from the guests many years ago, and now we have this pate very often!
Herring - 1 pc.
Butter - 150 g.
Processed cheese - 2 pcs.
Carrots (small) - 3 pcs.
Preparation: clean the herring from the insides, skin and bones. Boil carrots until ready. Herring, carrots, butter, cheese twist through a meat grinder and stir. The spreader is ready. Store in the refrigerator for up to 5 days (I don’t know for sure, it has never stood that much. You can spread it on bread, a loaf, on slices of boiled or baked potatoes, stuff eggs, cucumbers, tomatoes. Bon appetit! I experimented several times, gave me a bite of a piece of a sandwich and asked me to tell you what it was with, everyone unanimously spoke, of course, with red caviar! So cheap and cheerful, but tasty. Try it!

It is customary in my family to always have something “delicious” in the refrigerator. Naturally, the family always has both the first course and the second, and for sure, there is often a dessert. But my relatives by the word “delicious” mean something that cannot be called a full-fledged meal, but what you can have a quick bite to eat, something to chew on. And still enjoy this food. I agree that sometimes you want some kind of fiction, well, you just don’t feel like eating something in detail.

In such a case, I have a very interesting recipe for herring pate, carrots, processed cheese. We call this pate red caviar because it really tastes like this delicacy. Delicate taste, light texture - very tasty and extremely simple. But such a paste should not be abused by those who watch their figure, because if there is this paste in the house, the bread flies away at breakneck speed, and this does not reflect very well on the figure. Intrigued? Let's cook and try!


  • Butter - 1 pack
  • Herring fillet - 2 pcs.
  • Processed cheese - 2 pcs.
  • Carrots - 2 large


  • Even the most novice housewife will cope with the preparation of this pate. So, wash the carrots well and boil them.
  • Pour cold water over and let cool.
  • Separate the herring fillet from the skin and cut into medium-sized pieces.
  • If there is no fillet, then we cut the carcass of the fish, carefully select the bones.
  • Cooking carrots - peel and cut the vegetables into several parts.
  • We prepare a meat grinder and pass processed cheese, herring, butter and carrots through it.
  • It is best to put several pieces of each ingredient into the meat grinder at a time, then the mass will be more homogeneous.
  • When everything is crushed, mix the mass in a large bowl.
  • As a rule, there is no need to salt the pate, since the herring is quite salty, however, try it, you may need to add a little salt to your taste.

Our miracle pate is ready.

If you have a blender at your disposal, then everything will turn out much easier. Only the consistency will be more homogeneous and airy.

  • Herring bones (head, tail, ridge) 250 - 300 grams,
  • Optionally, you can add salted milk, caviar, fillet,
  • Tomato paste (good) - 200 grams,
  • Semolina - 1 cup,
  • Salt and ground black pepper to taste
  • Vinegar (table 9%) - 2 tbsp. spoons,
  • Vegetable oil (refined) - 50 grams,
  • Water - 3 glasses.

Cooking process:

I pour water into the cauldron and send salted fish remains (head, tail, parts of the ridge) there. I close the lid and cook over medium heat after boiling for 20 - 30 minutes.

We filter the fish broth, throw away the fish trimmings, put it on the fire again and pour the semolina in a thin stream, stirring constantly. Salt semolina to taste. Since the fish leftovers are already salty, vary the amount of salt to your liking.
Cook semolina porridge until cooked, just stir it constantly so that there are no lumps.

When the porridge is ready, reduce the heat to a minimum and add tomato paste to the mass (you can replace it with homemade tomato juice), table vinegar, ground black pepper and vegetable oil. Mix everything thoroughly, boil for a couple more minutes, and remove from heat.

We cool the false caviar. For serving, I use onions, preferably red or white onions, they are not as bitter as regular onions. I cut the onion into small cubes and add it to the mass of semolina, mix, add vegetable oil to taste. If you decide to cook an appetizer with herring fillets, milk and caviar, then we pass them through a meat grinder and add them to the main mass at this stage.

We serve caviar from semolina porridge to the table, spreading it on bread.

We store a semolina snack in the refrigerator in a closed jar for no more than a week.

As they say, everything is banal and quite simple, so it’s all the same with me. Why invent something complicated when it is enough to rummage through the notebooks of our mothers or grandmothers and find a lot of delicious and easy-to-cook dishes there! Don't forget your family's traditional dishes, cook and share with us!

Thank you Slavyana for the recipe and photo.

Bon appetit and good recipes.

Sincerely, Anyuta.

I don’t know who and when came up with a recipe for false caviar, but it is definitely in demand among many hostesses. Well, why be surprised if the simplest and most affordable products make a delicious cold appetizer, which actually resembles the taste of fish caviar.

In fact, why not be similar if there is a salted herring in the snack? Of course, our dish is far from real red caviar, but this quite budget option is perfect for a cozy family dinner. Yes, and false caviar can also be served on the festive table (you definitely won’t be ashamed!) - just serve it accordingly.

As a rule, it is customary to cook red caviar sandwiches with butter (I have a homemade recipe) - it is also on the list of ingredients. The color of red caviar will give us ... boiled carrots! And for satiety, we also add processed cheese - it will definitely be delicious.

Personally, I like the so-called false caviar most of all on a slice of dried baguette or toast, and certainly with a mug of sweet black tea. But today I offer a buffet option for serving this wonderful spread. Let's serve it in the form of profiteroles - why not a festive snack for the New Year?

Herring and carrot spreader. false caviar

The snack that I will talk about today may be known to you under different names: “false caviar” spread, student caviar, caviar oil or forshmak. I know her like false caviar from herring and carrots. The recipe with a photo, although simple, still has its own subtleties. So, for example, it is better to take herring for caviar not very salty, because in combination with salty processed cheese, the snack can turn out to be excessively salty. And carrots are not enough just to boil. It must be cooled down after cooking. This simple procedure will give the carrot a light crunch, and in the finished caviar it will crunch a little, just like real eggs, except that they do not burst. In general, you should definitely familiarize yourself with the recipe. The taste of false caviar really resembles real red caviar. And thanks to the availability of ingredients, you can pamper yourself with a snack not only on holidays!


  • slightly salted herring - 1 pc. large, 200-250 g;
  • carrots - 1 pc. per 150 g;
  • butter 72.5% - 100 g;
  • processed cheese (like "Friendship", "Orbita") - 2 briquettes of 70 g each.

How to cook caviar from herring and carrots

We start with cheese. We determine them in the freezer and proceed to the preparation of carrots.

We clean it to speed up the cooking process, cut it into several pieces and lower it into boiling unsalted water. Close the lid and boil for 15-20 minutes. During this time, the carrots will fully reach readiness. Immediately after cooking, we send the finished carrots under cold running water until it is completely cooled.

We put the carrots on the stove and you can disassemble the herring into fillets. We take out the insides and bones, remove the thin skin. All. It is important to choose a delicious herring, because the taste of caviar depends on it. It is better to take the usual salting, without spices, Salted herring is also suitable, but in this case, so that the appetizer does not come out too salty, it makes sense to soak it in water or milk beforehand.

With the preparation of the components finished, we begin to grind everything. To do this, we arm ourselves with a meat grinder with a fine grate and twist all the components of the caviar in turn. In what sequence to do this is not particularly important, the main thing is that you feel comfortable. I have worked out such a scheme for myself. First, I twist the butter. In order for everything to go smoothly and without problems, it must be cold, i.e. let it wait in the fridge for its time.

Next, I take out the cheese from the freezer and twist them after the butter. During the time they spent in the freezer (I have it for 10-15 minutes), the curds have time to freeze so much that they twist without any troubles, such as sticking to the walls of the meat grinder.

Next in line is herring. We lower the fillets into the compartment for loading products and grind the herring. If you previously soaked the herring, be sure to wring it out well - the extra liquid is useless to the caviar.

And the last chilled carrot is sent to the meat grinder. It must also be dried from water and only then twisted. Since the carrots are chopped last, it “cleans” adhering curds and butter from the walls of the meat grinder well (sometimes they still stick a little).

We mix all the twisted ingredients and the false caviar is ready. When using a meat grinder, the consistency of the snack is obtained just like that of caviar - grainy. If desired, you can give it a homogeneous pasty consistency, using not a meat grinder, but a blender for grinding.

You can serve caviar by spreading it on a piece of bread or toast. Fill it with tartlets or profiteroles or stuff, say, eggs. Such caviar looks original and fresh on slices of fresh cucumber. We have the most popular option - on crackers (unsalted and unflavored).

Store false caviar from herring and carrots in the refrigerator in a closed container for 3-5 days.

Video "False" herring caviar in a new way - super snack / NEW YEAR

Red caviar is a popular delicacy, but not everyone can afford such a product. It is not surprising, because real caviar is quite difficult to get - there is relatively little of it in each individual fish, and fish are usually caught far in the North, where industrialists agree to go only for big money, and even then not all. However, even if you don’t have enough money to feed absolutely everyone with this gourmet treat, you can try to cheat by serving a skillful imitation on the table, which will cost much less.


You can’t even hide that it’s just a fake - then the guests will surely admire the skill of the hostess, who managed to cook such an exquisite appetizer from such simple things. The advantage of this solution lies in the fact that there are at least three recipes that involve different ingredients.

Option one

We will consider this recipe first of all as the one that requires the least number of ingredients - only four:

  • salted herring - 200 grams;
  • 150 grams of carrots;
  • butter (preferably not margarine);
  • good melted cheese.

It is assumed that the resulting snack with a head is enough for six people.

It is better to choose salted fish, but without an excessive amount of spices. Some reviews indicate that it is better to choose it whole - not in pieces, however, it is also possible to buy ready-made fillets, which no longer have to be specially de-boned. If possible, try herring - if it is too salty, soak it in water for a while so that it is not so pungent. If the choice fell on a whole carcass, do not forget to clean it from both the skin and the bones.

Carrots are boiled directly with the skin, it will take about 20-25 minutes. After it has cooked, it is allowed to cool and only then it is cleaned. This completes the entire preparatory stage, since the rest of the ingredients - butter and cheese - do not require any preparation.

There are two most common cooking recipes. One recipe for caviar from semolina and herring is based on the use of fish fillets, the other on the use of chopped fish bones. Yes, don't be surprised. This recipe may sound scary, but judging by the reviews, the dish turns out to be tasty and healthy. As you know, fish bones contain a huge amount of calcium and phosphorus, which is so necessary for our body. First, we will tell you how to cook fish caviar from semolina and herring fillet.

Required Ingredients

  • 500 grams of peeled herring fillet.
  • 300 milliliters of tomato juice.
  • 200 grams of semolina.
  • 250 grams of vegetable oil.
  • One large onion.

Cooking process

  1. First you will need to cook semolina. Only we will do this not with milk or water, as is customary, but with tomato juice. It is thanks to him that the red color of the caviar is obtained. Pour the juice into the pan, then add vegetable oil to it and wait until the juice boils. Then add semolina in a thin stream. Make sure that during the cooking process you do not form unpleasant cereal lumps.
  2. Once all the cereal has been added, stir and reduce the heat under the saucepan. It remains to cook semolina. As it thickens, you can turn it off and remove it from the stove.
  3. Now let's cook the herring fillet. In a meat grinder (choose the finest grinding), grind the fish fillet. We also add the onion head. I grind herring with onions and pepper. Salting is optional, as the herring is already salty.
  4. It remains only to connect the two components. Caviar from semolina and herring, the recipe of which has just been considered, is ready for use in two to three hours. But it must be kept in the refrigerator for this time.

Herring caviar for sandwiches. False caviar from herring and carrots: photo recipe at home

This appetizer, like herring caviar for sandwiches, will definitely be appreciated by many hostesses for its simple recipe and budget. Of course, this dish is far from the original red caviar, but the tastes are very similar. The base is slightly salted herring, butter and processed cheese make the spread elastic, which easily allows it to lie on a loaf. The desired color is obtained thanks to boiled carrots.

False caviar from herring and carrots: a recipe for a festive table

This caviar is perfect for a family feast, and if served properly, then it can brighten up a festive table.

Products for cooking

What is necessary:

  • 1 small herring;
  • 1 processed cheese;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 100 grams of butter;
  • 1 sliced ​​wheat loaf for spreading;
  • salt;
  • greens for decorating sandwiches.

How to cook false caviar from herring and carrots

Step-by-step recipe for sandwiches with false herring caviar:

In advance of the cooking process, put the carrots to boil, it will take about 30-40 minutes. At this time, take care of cutting a whole herring. First, cut off the tail, head and fins, then remove the top film, eliminate the spine and internal waste. After these manipulations, you should get two halves of the fillet. Be sure to remove small bones with kitchen tweezers.

After the fillet, cut into small pieces of arbitrary shape.

Place fish segments in blender or food processor container. Release the soft cheese from the wrapper, divide it into several parts, and also throw it into a container for the herring. Mix the contents on high power until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. To get the right consistency, you may have to do this in several approaches. A meat grinder is also suitable for these purposes, only the components will have to be twisted several times for greater homogeneity.

To achieve a smooth and elastic mass at this stage, add butter to the main composition, mix the products by turning on the blender again. The butter should be soft, so take it out of the cold first.

Cool the boiled carrots, then remove the top layer, grate it on a grater with small holes.

Finally, mix the carrots with the resulting fish mass. If you used lightly salted herring, then you may have to season the finished dish with salt, you can even sprinkle with a little ground pepper.

Put the false caviar in the cold for 1 hour to reveal the taste, then apply a thick layer on a sliced ​​​​slice of a loaf, lay it beautifully on a large dish, add fresh herbs.

Salted or spicy salted herring is very tasty in itself. And you can cook it in a variety of ways, use it in salads (what only one fur coat is worth!), Serve as an additive to various side dishes.

You will not believe it, but in Asia such a herring is even fried (albeit on the street, because the smell is still the same) or boiled in beer. And it turns out very tasty. And another very popular dish among many peoples is herring spread for sandwiches, a selection of recipes for which we have collected in this collection.

The most famous recipe is, of course, forshmak. This dish is from Jewish cuisine and is often prepared by housewives - on weekends and all holidays. There are several options for mincemeat, three of which are below.

1. Classic Jewish mincemeat

Such mincemeat is being prepared in large quantities, because it is impossible to break away from it. Take only a whole herring, from a barrel or a jar - the real taste will never come out of the fillet.


  • 2 large fat herrings;
  • 4 hard boiled eggs;
  • 2 sour green apples;
  • 2 crackers of a white loaf or one dried horn;
  • 1 medium sized onion;
  • mustard;
  • vinegar;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt.


  1. To remove the sharpness from the onion, you must first peel it, cut it crosswise, sprinkle salt there, wrap it in cloth and beat it on all sides with a chop hammer, then mash it with your hands. Then cut into pieces and sprinkle with 1 tbsp. vinegar, mix and leave at least an hour or two.
  2. Pour slices of dry loaf with warm water to swell (as an option - milk).
  3. Carefully clean the herring from the bones and finely chop with a knife or pass through a meat grinder. Together with it, chop the squeezed soft bread and pickled onions (drain the juice).
  4. Also chop the eggs, peel the apples and grate on a coarse grater or also through a meat grinder.
  5. Combine all ingredients, add 1 tbsp. mustard and 1 tbsp. vegetable oil, mix gently, add salt if necessary (it all depends on the herring).
  6. Place in refrigerator for 3-4 hours and serve.

2. Forshmak in Odessa

A slightly modified recipe with potatoes. So cunning Odessa housewives manage to feed more people, this mincemeat is more satisfying.


  • 3 herrings;
  • 1 boiled potatoes in their skins;
  • 3 hard boiled eggs;
  • 3 apples;
  • 3 onions;
  • 200 g butter;
  • 2 tbsp lemon juice;
  • Cooking:

  1. Chop the onion very finely and fry in melted butter until golden.
  2. Peel and chop the herring.
  3. Peel and chop potatoes, eggs and apples as well. You can use a meat grinder, and if you take an electric meat grinder or a blender, then the mincemeat will be like a paste. But with chopped ingredients, the recipe is much tastier.
  4. Mix all ingredients with fried onions in oil. Pepper the mixture, add juice and mix well.
  5. The mass should be cooled for at least 6 hours. This mincemeat spreads very well and the appetizer is best combined with garlic croutons.

3. Forshmak festive, according to the recipe of the chef of the SOVA restaurant in Odessa

The spread is spicy and very fragrant. Herring for her is taken very fatty, barrel or from large cans

Ingredients for 2 servings:

  • 1 carcass of herring;
  • 1 large sour green apple;
  • 1 shallot or small Yalta onion;
  • 5 g of ginger root;
  • 1 boiled egg;
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice;
  • 70 g butter;
  • 1 pickled onion;
  • salt, ground pepper;
  • for serving - slices of gray or black bread, red bell pepper or a slice of pickled ginger, a circle of lemon (lime), fresh herbs (onion pen).


  1. Onions must be marinated in advance - a day before cooking. Cut it into thin half rings, pour boiling water through a sieve, then salt a little, mash with your hands, add lemon juice, mix, tamp and put in the refrigerator.
  2. Peel the herring from bones and skins, cut into pieces.
  3. Soften butter at room temperature.
  4. Peel the apples from the peel and the seed chamber and cut into cubes.
  5. Shallot or Yalta onion also cut.
  6. Pass everything through a meat grinder, including pre-pickled onions, add oil, mix until smooth and place in a container in the refrigerator for 8-12 hours.
  7. Serve on slices of bread, garnished with pepper, ginger and herbs

4. Herring oil

Everything is very simple - herring fillet and softened butter are taken in equal quantities, driven in with a blender, formed into a sausage and cooled or even frozen in cling film. For food, a circle is cut off and placed on a loaf or bread. You can also add chopped green onions to the composition - it will be more beautiful.

5. Herring spread like caviar

A very tasty option, the ingredients must be passed through a meat grinder - the mixture should be textured. There are generally three recipes for such an appetizer, everything is taken in the same way, except for one ingredient: in the simplest recipe, it is boiled carrots, in more sophisticated ones, the same amount (about 100 g) of boiled shrimp or salted red fish.


  • 2 herrings;
  • 2 quality processed cheeses;
  • 1 carrot weighing about 100 g (shrimp, red fish);
  • 2 onions;
  • 400 g butter.


  1. Cut the onion and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water for 10 minutes, then put it on a sieve.
  2. Peel and cut herring.
  3. Boil the carrots, remove the skin.
  4. Cheese put in the freezer for 15 minutes, then grate.
  5. Pass herring, carrots and onions through a meat grinder.
  6. Mix with melted cheese and softened butter, refrigerate overnight. This paste can be stored for up to a week.

6. Hot sandwiches with herring spread Kalakulo (Finland)

This wonderful appetizer is made very simply.

  1. 500 g of boned herring fillet finely chopped.
  2. Also very finely chop 150 g of smoked bacon or bacon.
  3. Mix these two ingredients, spread on triangular slices of bread (any - white, gray, black). You can also take flat tartlets and fill with mass.
  4. Whisk an egg and brush over the top of the sandwiches.
  5. Place in hot oven for 10-12 minutes.
  6. Serve hot, sprinkled with green onions.
Recently, at parties, receptions, outdoor events, you can often find false caviar among snack dishes. Many call it differently - caviar oil or spread, student caviar, forshmak. In fact, false caviar from herring and carrots is one dish, and the traditional Jewish mincemeat is completely different, do not confuse them. But student false caviar can very well be called, because it is a budget option for a delicious snack and any student can afford such a dish.


  • herring - 600 g;
  • carrot - 300 g;
  • butter - 100 g;
  • processed cheese - 2 packs.


First of all, wash the carrots, peel them and boil them.

While the carrots are cooking, take care of the herring. Rinse it thoroughly under running cool water, let it drain and put it on a cutting board.

Cut off the head. From this place where the head was, to the tail, make a deep incision of the entire abdomen. Remove the innards, as well as the anal and pelvic fins. From what was inside, everything should be thrown away. The only exception is caviar if the fish was a female (it can be used for sandwiches). Gutted fish should be washed again under running water.

Make a deep incision along the entire carcass, only now from the back side, remove the dorsal fin along with small bones, which are very numerous in the place where it is located. Carefully pry the skin off with a knife and remove it from both sides of the carcass.

Cut off the tail. With a sharp movement, separate the fillet from the ridge, and pull out the remaining bones. On the side where the abdomen was, on both halves of the fillet, cut off a strip approximately 0.5-1 cm wide. In this place there are many small bones that cannot be pulled out in a different way.

By this time, the carrots should already be cooked, remove it from the water and cool.

Pass processed cheese through a meat grinder or chop in a blender. You can also rub them on a fine grater, but in this case, you first need to freeze the curds slightly in the freezer, so they will not stick to the grater and rub easier. Transfer the curds to a deep bowl, in which it will be convenient for you to mix all the ingredients later.

Do the same with butter, that is, grind it in the same way that you have chosen for yourself (grater, blender or meat grinder). Send the butter to the cheeses.

Add the minced herring to the bowl. If you do not have a meat grinder, then rubbing the herring on a grater, of course, will be problematic. In this case, just cut it with a sharp knife into very small pieces. You can also grind herring in a blender bowl.

It remains to chop the cooled carrots and add it to the rest of the products (also scroll it in a meat grinder, in a blender or rub it on a grater).

Now carefully mix together all the components until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Caviar from herring and carrots should be infused for another hour in the refrigerator.

You can serve it on toast, sandwiches, it goes well with herbs and fresh cucumber.

  • For the preparation of such caviar, it is better to choose ordinary salted herring, and not spicy.
  • To scroll through the products in a meat grinder, use a fine grate, so the caviar will turn out more tender.
  • Although this is false red caviar from herring and carrots, it should be served beautifully - on fried croutons or toast, in tartlets or profiteroles, on unsalted crackers or slices of fresh French baguette. You can stuff halves of eggs with caviar mass.
  • Store such caviar in the refrigerator in a tightly closed glass jar for no more than 5 days.

Red caviar is a popular delicacy, but not everyone can afford such a product. It is not surprising, because real caviar is quite difficult to get - there is relatively little of it in each individual fish, and fish are usually caught far in the North, where industrialists agree to go only for big money, and even then not all. However, even if you don’t have enough money to feed absolutely everyone with this gourmet treat, you can try to cheat by serving a skillful imitation on the table, which will cost much less.


You can’t even hide that it’s just a fake - then the guests will surely admire the skill of the hostess, who managed to cook such an exquisite appetizer from such simple things. The advantage of this solution lies in the fact that there are at least three recipes that involve different ingredients.

Option one

It is assumed that the resulting snack with a head is enough for six people.

It is better to choose salted fish, but without an excessive amount of spices. Some reviews indicate that it is better to choose it whole - not in pieces, however, it is also possible to buy ready-made fillets, which no longer have to be specially de-boned. If possible, try herring - if it is too salty, soak it in water for a while so that it is not so pungent. If the choice fell on a whole carcass, do not forget to clean it from both the skin and the bones.

Carrots are boiled directly with the skin, it will take about 20-25 minutes. After it has cooked, it is allowed to cool and only then it is cleaned. This completes the entire preparatory stage, since the rest of the ingredients - butter and cheese - do not require any preparation.

Further, the point is to simply pass all the ingredients through a meat grinder - you need a meat grinder, and not a blender, say, because only it gives the necessary consistency. You can find recommendations regarding this or that order of grinding the ingredients, but in fact the only really relevant advice is not to leave the oil in the end so that the products following it help clean the meat grinder, and carrots are best for the last cleaning. At the end, all the resulting minced meat is thoroughly mixed until smooth - this is our snack.

Option two

The following recipe will surely appeal to those housewives who believe that none of the products for which money is paid should be thrown away. In this case, the herring marinade will become the basis for the caviar imitation - using brine at home, you can make something like what is sold in stores under the special name "caviar for spreading on bread."

To prepare false caviar, you will need quite a lot of ingredients:

  • 200 ml of brine;
  • 100 ml of refined vegetable oil;
  • 200 ml of water;
  • 150 g semolina;
  • 2 tablespoons of ketchup;
  • 1 small onion (optional)
  • 2 boiled eggs;
  • if the soul desires, a little greenery (any).

Marinade, water and oil are placed in a saucepan and kept on fire until they boil, after which ketchup is added to the boiling liquid. Having kneaded the seething brew, the fire is reduced, after which, without stopping stirring, they begin to gradually add semolina. On low heat, the mass continues to be cooked until the groats noticeably increase in volume.

After that, the pan is removed from the heat and the resulting porridge is allowed to cool. Meanwhile, eggs, onions and greens are finely chopped and added to the resulting mass, stirring thoroughly. At this point, the imitation caviar is ready - it is assumed that individual particles of cereal will create a feeling of eggs, while the marinade will give them a characteristic fishy flavor.

Option three

In order not to completely deceive people, you can act by analogy with how many unscrupulous manufacturers do - prepare "red" caviar from herring caviar, adding some other, cheaper ingredients to significantly increase the volume. In general, this recipe is very similar to the previous one, but because of the increased plausibility, it is often prepared not for everyday use, but for the festive table, so do not be surprised at the large amount of each ingredient.

To prepare a dish for a large company you will need:

  • 500-600 grams of real herring caviar;
  • 200 ml of tomato juice;
  • the same amount of refined oil;
  • 200 g of semolina;
  • one pre-pickled onion.

As in the recipe above, the liquids are mixed and boiled, and then semolina is added there and cooked until tender. While the cereal is being cooked, you need to pass the herring and onion through the meat grinder. When the brew is cooked and cooled, all the ingredients are mixed together - and the gourmet dish is ready.

Serving and storage

In terms of serving, false caviar is no different from the real one - many people think that you can only eat it with a spoon, but in fact there are many recipes for dishes with it. Moreover, if the imitation turned out to be imperfect, it is even desirable to prepare something more complex from it - it will be more difficult to determine the fake.

The easiest solution for caviar is, of course, to spread it on fresh or lightly toasted bread. A more aesthetic solution is the preparation of tartlets or profiteroles, and even eggs stuffed with caviar, albeit not real, will seem to many just a masterpiece. A somewhat unusual solution would be a kind of “sandwich”, in which a cucumber slice is used instead of bread.

False caviar does not belong to the most perishable products, therefore it can be prepared in advance, and it does not matter if it is not eaten all at once. In the refrigerator, such a product can be stored for three or even five days, but with a prerequisite - the container must be airtight.

If the mass is overexposed or simply not sealed, the smell provided by a relatively small proportion of the product may simply disappear, and then the caviar will turn into an incomprehensible porridge.

For more information on how to cook "false caviar" from herring, see the following video.

Such an original snack will be appreciated by many housewives for its budget and ease of preparation. Everyone has “not a lot” in the refrigerator, and guests are on the doorstep. The taste of false caviar is very similar to the taste of real caviar with butter. And if sandwiches with false caviar from herring and carrots are beautifully decorated when serving, then you get a wonderful festive dish.

After cooking, let it brew for 30 minutes in the cold to reveal the taste, but you can also eat the next day if left.

To prepare false caviar from herring and carrots, you will need such ingredients.

Cut the herring into fillets, remove the bones and skin. If the fish is with caviar, it can also be used in the dish.

Boil the carrots until half cooked so that they do not fall apart, cool and peel.

Pass the finished herring fillet through a meat grinder 2 times, a blender will not work here.

Processed cheese and butter are also twisted in a meat grinder, 1 time is enough. Butter must be frozen. Add to twisted herring.

Skip the carrots through a meat grinder, combine with the mixture.

Mix the whole mixture thoroughly, I did not add salt, you - to your taste. Leave to cool.

Serve false caviar from herring and carrots on sandwiches or as an independent dish.

Bon appetit!

Fake caviar (recipe #1)

The recipe is very old, even my mother gave me these sandwiches to school with her! great appetizer and absolutely delicious!

Here the main thing is that the fish was with caviar! This is the secret of the recipe. We sell caviar from herring separately .. but in my case - 1 herring with caviar,
half a glass of semolina,
1 small onion
1 tablespoon red pepper
3 tablespoons of olive oil,
2 tablespoons of vinegar.
I put the finished caviar in an airtight jar, and it is stored for a week without problems, instead of pate for a sweet soul!
We cook the semolina until the consistency "so that the spoon stands" on the water, add a little salt, it is very important that it COOL FULLY!

We clean the herring, separate it from the skin, I also cut off the bellies with bones .. I don’t like them .... ;) and wash them well along with caviar

Then caviar, herring and onion are passed through a meat grinder 2!! times

We combine all the ingredients, semolina, a mass of herring and onions, pepper, vinegar and oil ... and mix thoroughly. The finished mass can be decomposed into jars and eat on bread.

Delicious! I advise you to try! And caviar crunches on your teeth, it feels like you are eating real caviar .. hence the name, fake! :)))))

Author bastet
Snack "False caviar" (recipe No. 2)

This is the most delicious buttercream I have ever tried. The taste is very reminiscent of red caviar, it always goes with a bang! Mom "brought" the recipe from the guests many years ago, and now we have this pate very often !!

* 1 herring
* 100-150 g butter
* 2 processed cheese
* 3 small carrots
Clean the herring from the insides, skin and bones. Boil carrots until tender.
Herring, carrots, butter, cheese twist through a meat grinder and stir. The spreader is ready.
Store in the refrigerator for up to 5 days (I don’t know for sure, I have never stood that much).
You can spread it on bread, a loaf, on slices of boiled or baked potatoes, stuff eggs, cucumbers, tomatoes.
I experimented several times, gave me a bite of a sandwich and asked me to tell you what it was, everyone unanimously said, of course, with red caviar !!
So cheap and cheerful, but delicious.... Try it!!
Recipe author nikulj Photographer Nadinka
False caviar 2 (recipe No. 3)

And another interesting and tasty putty for sandwiches

2-3 boiled carrots
1 herring
100 gr. butter,
2 processed cheese
two hard boiled eggs.

I don’t have a meat grinder by definition, I always use a combine with knives. Who is more comfortable here.
So, we put all our ingredients in a bowl

and grind until smooth

You can salt to taste if the herring is lightly salted.
We smear on a bun and drink tea :)

We put the rest in the refrigerator, for the future :)

Bon appetit!

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