Calcium in the cells of living organisms. Importance of calcium in the human body. What causes an excess of a macronutrient

A sufficient amount of calcium in the body is a guarantee that in old age such a disaster as osteoporosis will not happen to us. At the same time, it is recommended to carefully monitor the calcium content in food and blood at any other age, starting from the earliest.

What is calcium responsible for in the human body?

  • Maintaining healthy, strong bones
  • Normal functioning of nerves and muscles
  • Blood clotting

When does the need for calcium-rich foods increase?

  • Frequent bone fractures
  • Muscle pain or spasms
  • Tingling or numbness in the hands and feet
  • Bone deformities and growth retardation in children

What foods contain the most calcium?

  • Foods rich in calcium are .
  • Very good molasses, chard, yogurt, broccoli, cheese, cottage cheese and milk- cow and goat.
  • They are also excellent sources of calcium.
  • Contains a large amount of minerals dried fish.

And now - in more detail:

Symptoms of calcium deficiency in the body

Calcium is one of the most abundant minerals in the human body, accounting for approximately 1.5% of total body weight. At 99% it is concentrated in the bones and teeth, and 1% is distributed in other areas.

Insufficient intake of calcium-rich foods, poor absorption or excessive losses in the urine and faeces cause a deficiency of the mineral. What are the most dangerous symptoms of calcium deficiency.

In children, calcium deficiency can lead to impaired bone mineralization - rickets - a condition characterized by bone deformity and growth retardation. In adults, calcium deficiency can lead to osteomalacia, or softening of the bones. Osteoporosis is also a symptom of calcium deficiency. (fragility, fragility of bones).

What is the cause of these diseases, osteoporosis in particular?

Calcium plays an important role in many physiological processes, it affects blood clotting, nerve conduction, muscle contraction, regulation of enzyme activity and cell membrane function. If you are not drinking enough foods rich in calcium, the body, in order to maintain a normal concentration of the mineral in the blood, will rely on the calcium that has already been accumulated in the bones. This leads to osteoporosis, although the lack, lack of calcium may lead to other symptoms and bone problems.

Low levels of calcium in the blood (especially one particular form of calcium called free ionized calcium) can cause a condition called tetany, in which nerve activity becomes excessive. Manifestations of tetany are muscle spasms, muscle pain, tingling and numbness in the arms and legs.

Too much calcium symptoms

Meanwhile, excessive intake of calcium (more than 3,000 mg per day) can lead to a condition known as hypercalcemia. If the blood levels of phosphorus are low and there is an excess of calcium, hypercalcemia promotes soft tissue calcification (accumulation of calcium in cells other than bones), which is highly undesirable.

Factors affecting the function of calcium in the human body

Hyperchlorhydria. This condition, characterized by insufficient secretion of stomach acid, is especially true in old age. Hyperchlorhydria impairs the absorption of calcium.

Adequate intake of vitamin D is essential for the absorption and utilization of calcium by the human body.. If there is a deficiency of vitamin D, or if there is a failure in the mechanism of converting it from a passive to an active form, then calcium is not absorbed well.

Interaction of calcium in the body with other nutrients

The absorption, utilization and/or excretion of calcium is affected by the following substances:

1. Vitamin D accelerates the absorption of calcium from the gastrointestinal tract.

2. High consumption potassium reduces the excretion (excretion) of calcium.

3. High consumption sodium, caffeine, or protein increase calcium excretion.

4. Dietary fiber found in wheat and oat bran can interfere with normal calcium absorption by reducing the time it takes for food to pass through the intestines. Dietary fiber also stimulates "friendly" bacteria in the gut that bind calcium, making it less available for absorption.

5. Phytic acid- found in whole grains, nuts and legumes - also reduces (slightly) calcium absorption.

6. Oxalic acid, found in spinach, beets, celery, pecans, peanuts, tea and cocoa, can bind to calcium to form an insoluble complex that is excreted from the body.

7. Calcium in foods and supplements reduces the absorption of heme and non-heme iron.

8. Magnesium and calcium compete with each other for intestinal absorption. Therefore, calcium supplements should not be taken at the same time as magnesium supplements.

What health problems require more calcium-rich foods?

Calcium may play a role in the prevention and/or treatment of the following conditions:

  • Cataract
  • colon cancer
  • High blood pressure
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease
  • Stones in the kidneys
  • Osteoporosis
  • polycystic ovary syndrome
  • Pregnancy (for hypertension and preeclampsia)
  • Premenstrual syndrome

However, calcium is such a mineral, the appointment of which must be agreed with the doctor.

Foods rich in calcium

For most people, a balanced diet is sufficient and they will not experience symptoms of calcium deficiency even without taking supplements. Foods rich in calcium are green vegetables (especially spinach), turnips, mustard and tofu. Very good molasses, chard, broccoli, cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt and milk- cow and goat. Basil, thyme, dill seeds, sesame, oregano, cinnamon, dried fruits (dried apricots, figs, raisins) and almonds are also excellent sources of calcium. Contains a large amount of calcium dried fish and eggs.

The champion in calcium content is sesame seeds. Recommendations: 15-20 g of sesame seeds daily to cover the body's need for a mineral, or products sprinkled with sesame seeds and sesame oil to season food.

To prevent the symptoms of calcium deficiency, nutritionists recommend the following intake levels of the mineral:

  • 0-6 months: 200 mg
  • 6-12 months: 260 mg
  • 1-3 years: 700 mg
  • 4-8 years: 1000 mg
  • 9-13 years old: 1300 mg
  • 14-18 years old: 1300 mg
  • 19-30 years old: 1000 mg
  • 31-50 years old: 1000 mg
  • 51-70 years (men): 1000 mg
  • 51-70 years (women): 1200 mg
  • 70+ years: 1200 mg
  • Pregnant and lactating women (under 18): 1300 mg
  • Pregnant and lactating women (over 18): 1000 mg

Tolerable Upper Intake Levels for Calcium

However, when consuming calcium from food and especially supplements, you need to do it wisely so as not to create excess calcium in blood.

  • 0-6 months: 1000 mg
  • 6-12 months: 1500 mg
  • 1-3 years: 2500 mg
  • 4-8 years: 2500 mg
  • 9-13 years old: 3000 mg
  • 14-18 years old: 3000 mg
  • 19-30 years old: 2500 mg
  • 31-50 years old: 2500 mg
  • 51+ years: 2000 mg
  • Pregnant and lactating women (under 18): 3000 mg
  • Pregnant and lactating women (over 18): 2500 mg

Calcium (Calcium, Ca)- one of the most common in the human body, which is a building material for human or animal bones.

In addition, calcium in combination with maintains the health of cell membranes, is involved in the transmission of nerve impulses, and also has anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory and detoxifying effects.


The name of the substance (“calx”, “calcis” - from the Latin “lime”) was proposed to be introduced by its discoverer, the English chemist Humphrey Davy, who in 1808 derived the metallic form of calcium using the electrolytic method. True, long before G. Davy, burnt lime in the form of limestone, gypsum and marble was used in the construction business by the inhabitants of the Earth 3 and more thousand years ago.

general information

Location in the periodic table of D.I. Mendeleev: in the old version - period IV, row IV, group II, in the new version of the table - group 2, period 4.

  • Atomic number - 20
  • Atomic mass - 40.078
  • Electronic configuration - 4s2
  • Melting point (°C) - 839
  • Boiling point (°C) - 1487
  • CAS: 7440-70-2

Physicochemical characteristics. Calcium is a soft, reactive, silver-white metal. Upon contact with oxygen (O) and carbon dioxide (CO2), the surface of the metal begins to tarnish.

The biological role of calcium in the body

Calcium performs a number of useful functions in almost all living organisms - human, animals and even plants.

According to the data, only in the bones of an average person is from 1 to 1.7 kg of calcium! In the cell fluid, the concentration of Ca ≈ 10−4 mmol/l, in the intercellular fluid ≈ 2.5 mmol/l.

In the human body, in particular in the bones, calcium is contained in the form of hydroxyapatite, and calcium ions carry out most of the various biological processes.

The bones of most invertebrates, such as corals, molluscs, etc., are composed of calcium carbonate (lime). Also, this substance is one of the main components of eggshells and shells.

Among the main functions of calcium in the human body and animals can be identified:

  • It is a building material for bone tissue, incl. teeth, thanks to which the bones are maximally resistant to the effects of various adverse factors on them - trauma, fractures, caries, increased porosity (osteoporosis) and others. It is also part of the cell nucleus, membrane, intracellular and intercellular fluid.
  • Participates in the transmission of nerve impulses, due to which the nervous system controls other organs and systems, incl. muscle tissues. Directly supports the ability of the muscles to contract, which is especially important in the case of the heart muscle (myocardium). Supports the functioning of the nervous system.
  • Participates in the regulation of blood clotting, insulin and glucose levels.
  • Together with sodium, only in the opposite way, calcium is involved in the regulation of cell membrane permeability - exocytosis.
  • It has antioxidant, anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory, anti-stress activity.
  • Helps the body in cleansing from heavy metals, radionuclides and other poisonous substances.
  • Acts as an activator of certain enzymes, hormones and neurotransmitters.
  • Participates in maintaining the body's acid-base balance (pH), preventing the appearance of acidosis (increased acidity).
  • Necessary for the normal formation of nails and hair.

The use of calcium in other areas of human life

  • Obtaining uranium using metal-thermal methods;
  • Production of building materials - gypsum, cement;
  • Use as a basis for the manufacture of gypsum (in traumatology, surgery);
  • Included in some disinfectants, such as bleach.

daily requirement

Children 1 to 3 years 600 mg
4 to 10 years 800-1000 mg
10 to 13 years old 1000-1300 mg
The youth 13 to 16 years old 1200 mg
from 16 to 25 years old 1000 mg
adults from 25 to 50 years 800-1200 mg
Pregnant and breastfeeding 1500-2000 mg

Important! The intake of calcium into the body should be combined with the intake, in a proportion of 1 (Ca) to 1.5 (P).

With a balanced diet, most of the daily intake of calcium enters the body with food, in particular - dairy products, cereals, herbs, nuts and other products, which will be discussed later in the article.

calcium deficiency

Lack of calcium in the body can cause a number of health complications, among which are:

  • Decrease in bone mineralization and density (), which makes them more vulnerable to mechanical damage (fractures);
  • Slow growth of children, rickets;
  • There are diseases of the teeth -, and others;
  • Feeling of numbness in the limbs;
  • Muscle cramps in various parts of the body, as well as other disorders of the nervous system - increased nervousness, anxiety, increased susceptibility to, drowsiness, mental impairment (dementia);
  • Seizures (rapid heartbeat);
  • Stratification and increased fragility of nails;
  • , development and even attacks of hypertensive crisis;
  • Abundant blood loss during menstruation;
  • Elevated levels of "bad" cholesterol in the blood and the development of related diseases -,;

Causes of calcium deficiency

The main reason for the lack of calcium is an unbalanced diet (strict diets, starvation, irregular meals, etc.).

There are also products that interfere with the normal absorption of Ca - beef fat, cow's milk fat, palm oil. The palmitic and stearic fatty acids contained in these products have Ca-binding activity, converting it into their derivatives, palmitate and calcium stearate. Further, the calcium necessary for health is simply excreted from the body in the process of defecation. If you eat these foods on an ongoing basis, especially from childhood, a person will have a number of health problems due to a lack of calcium.

Among other causes that can cause calcium deficiency are smoking, alcohol, lack of vitamin D, increased consumption of coffee and other caffeinated products, pregnancy, lactation and menopause, various diseases of the thyroid and urinary system.

The use of calcium for therapeutic purposes is advisable in the following cases:

  • Pregnancy, lactation, menopause, menstruation, long-term use of diuretics or antiepileptic drugs, glucocorticosteroids and other conditions in which Ca is heavily excreted from the body;
  • Diseases that are characterized by a violation of the transport of nerve impulses - with numbness, convulsions, as well as increased permeability of cell membranes;
  • Decrease in bone density (osteoporosis), impaired growth and formation of the skeleton (rickets);
  • Profuse bleeding;
  • and related conditions;
  • Body poisoning - with heavy metals, magnesium salts (Mg 2+);
  • Diseases of the liver (parenchymal hepatitis), kidney (), skin ();
  • Metabolic disorders, hypocalcemia.

Excess calcium

An excess of calcium in the body, as well as a shortage, can cause a number of health complications, among which are:

If we talk about Ca as a mineral, then due to its high chemical activity in its pure form, it is practically not found. The highest capacity of calcium in nature is observed in such formations as chalk and other varieties of limestone, feldspar, and granite.

Chemical Sources (Ca):"Calcium gluconate", "Calcemin", "Calcium-D3 Nycomed", vitamin complexes.

Synthesis in the body: -.

Interaction of calcium with other substances

The best absorption of Ca by the intestines occurs when it is taken simultaneously with vitamin D.

In order for calcium to perform its functions in the body as much as possible, its intake must be combined with - in the proportion of 1 (Ca) to 0.7 (Mg) 1, as well as phosphorus (P) - 1 (Ca) to 1.5 ( R).



Thanks to the skeleton, we are endowed with strength, our body has a shape. Calcium in the human body is the main component of bones - this is a well-known fact. But few people realize what other important functions are assigned to it. And a decrease in Ca stores leads to much more serious problems than thin nails or split ends.

The human body contains about 1 kilogram of Ca. Less than 1 gram perform a number of operations while in intercellular fluids and tissues. Due to this, a biological signal is transmitted and also implemented in tissues of various types at the cellular level. What is 1 gram of a mineral for, outside of bone tissue:

  • are conductors of nerve impulses;
  • responsible for specialization and cell division;
  • contraction and relaxation of muscles;
  • provides blood clotting function;
  • participates in the synthesis of certain enzymes and hormones, and so on;
  • regulates water exchange;
  • maintains acid-base balance;
  • reduces vascular permeability;
  • has anti-inflammatory properties;
  • contributes to the proper metabolism of carbohydrates.

How is Ca absorbed?

Calcium is an inorganic substance that is ubiquitous and is of inestimable importance for all living things.

The human body absorbs calcium with food. In turn, the plants draw the mineral from the soil, and then the cow's milk is saturated. Ca is absorbed, mineral exchange occurs in the bone tissue, and the kidneys are responsible for excretion from the body. The necessary balance between all these processes is provided by a certain concentration of Ca in the blood.

Important! The required level of calcium is 2.16-2.5 mmol per liter of blood.

The blood contains:

  • Ca ions - 50%;
  • combined with albumin - 45%;
  • Phosphate and citrate - 5% (anions).

Vitamin D3 (calcitriol) is the "conductor" of calcium in our body. His role is no less important. Thanks to the vitamin, the balance of calcium and phosphorus is maintained, substances are produced that regulate calcium metabolism in the body, and support muscle function. The vitamin is synthesized by the body itself under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. It is recommended to walk on a sunny day for at least 20 minutes. May come with quality seafood, liver and eggs.

Important! Physical activity also affects the compensation of mineral reserves. For the growth of strong bones, exercises with a barbell or dumbbells, easy running, regular walking are useful.

Alarming symptoms and consequences

People who are prone to fatigue, anxiety or irritability do not always think about a possible lack of minerals. More obvious signs will be stratification of the nails and white patches on the nail plate, dull, dry, falling out or graying hair.

Important! The daily norm of the mineral supplied with food should reach 840-1200 mg and not exceed 2500 mg.

The lack of both Ca and vitamin D will equally affect the functioning of the muscles, nervous system, vascular condition and blood pressure. A person may complain about the following phenomena:

  • frequent convulsions, moreover, with the deepening of the deficit, convulsions appear in other parts of the body (epistome, femoral muscles);
  • hypertension;
  • tingling or hardening of the muscles with a long interruption in one position, painful sensations;
  • paralysis of the facial nerve;
  • the fragility of the vessels leads to severe bruising and bruising due to minor bruises, while the person often cannot remember what caused them.

Even if many symptoms of deficiency are on the face, they think about how to replenish its reserves, more often after unexpected fractures “out of the blue”. According to experts, a low concentration of the mineral leads to the development of more than 150 diseases in different body systems. Osteoporosis is recognized as the most common disease - thinning of bone tissue, resulting in:

  • bones lose strength, become more porous and brittle;
  • microcracks and fractures grow poorly;
  • sore bones and joints;
  • movement is accompanied by a characteristic crunch and discomfort;
  • frivolous falls turn into bone displacement or crushing into several parts.

It is generally accepted that bone problems overtake people in old age. But such problems overtake the younger generation as well. Initially, due to soil depletion, the use of numerous growth stimulants and pesticides, supermarket foods, which were recently considered a storehouse of minerals, contain much less nutrients, including calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus. The impact of pollution is also detrimental to seafood.

Ca reserves also become scarce if:

  • adhere to strict low-calorie diets, starve;
  • disrupted bowel function due to allergies to any foods or dysbacteriosis (read how to treat this disease);
  • often work in dusty rooms or with phosphates;
  • there is an excess of iron, cobalt, zinc, magnesium, lead, sodium;
  • During breastfeeding and pregnancy;
  • Constantly take diuretics and laxatives;
  • there is chronic, kidney, dysfunction of the parathyroid glands.

More severe effects are observed in children. Based on the above functions of calcium, a lack of a mineral inhibits the development of a child's body as a whole:

  • disorders of the nervous system;
  • abnormal structure of the eye lens, vision problems;
  • teeth and bones are formed incorrectly;
  • convulsions are observed;
  • bad blood clotting.

Important! Calcium starvation from an early age leads to multiple sclerosis in adulthood.

When there is too much Ca

An excess of this substance may not manifest itself in any way. Causes of oversaturation include:

  • the use of dairy products in large doses;
  • against the background of a malignant tumor of the breast (in women), lungs, prostate (in men);
  • a long course of nutritional supplements with calcium and vitamin D;
  • excess vitamin D;
  • hormonal disruptions;
  • after a long or bowel;
  • radiation therapy.

In some cases, hypercalcification masquerades as a deficiency: severe weakness, psychological disorders, impaired renal function. Distinguishing features include: nausea with vomiting; constipation; arrhythmia; poor appetite.

The consequences of calcium accumulation take a serious form over time: kidney stones; ; deposits of calcium salts on the walls of blood vessels and their narrowing; heart valve calcification; dehydration; pancreatitis; spinal tuberculosis; oncological diseases and so on.

You can remove excess reserves with the help of diuretics and a diet without foods high in calcium. Distilled water is quite effective. There are no minerals in the chemical composition.

Important! You can drink distilled water for no more than 2 months. Since it actively dissolves and removes minerals, the body may lose strategic reserves. Next, you should switch to boiled or filtered water.

How to determine the amount of calcium in the body? People who are susceptible to such diseases should periodically monitor their performance. You can take a blood or urine test.

How to eat right to accumulate Ca

How is calcium absorbed? The mineral was retained in the body with the participation of magnesium (Mg) and phosphorus (P). Due to the deficiency of such minerals, calcium passes through the body in "transit" without being absorbed.

Important! Lack of magnesium provokes leaching of calcium.

The optimal balance of all 3 minerals contains cottage cheese. Also, the diet should include eggs, beans, fresh herbs, fish. Whole grain bread or cocoa will help fill the lack of magnesium.

Calcium is present in dairy products as lactate. The substance is almost completely absorbed. 20-30% less absorption of Ca from kale and greens, turnips, broccoli and almonds. In these products, the mineral is represented by citrate. Sesame is very useful and rich in Ca. 100g of grains per day or 1 tablespoon of sesame oil in the morning before meals is a good addition to the daily allowance.

Important! Dried apricots, due to the high content of potassium, prevents the leaching of calcium.

Fun fact: Contrary to popular belief, much more calcium is found in non-dairy products, as you can see from the table below.

What flushes out calcium? Do not abuse foods such as rhubarb, spinach, beets. It is recommended not to consume such foods along with calcium-containing foods. That is, cottage cheese - in the morning, and salad with beets - in the evenings. Oxalic acid and phosphates in their composition prevent the absorption of calcium. Salt, nicotine, excess coffee and fatty foods increase the loss of the mineral.

Important! With vigorous long-term training or visiting the sauna, calcium is excreted in the composition of sweat. It is important to make up for losses. A glass of kefir with greens is well suited.

Calcium tablets

Mankind has long been asking the question: how to make up for the loss of Ca in an unbalanced diet. So a lot of products artificially enriched with various minerals appeared.

Also, the pharmacy industry annually supplies customers with a huge amount of calcium preparations. There is a misconception that it is better not to consume foods high in calcium and tablets at the same time. Since there is a risk of oversaturation of the body with this mineral.

Firstly, tablets labeled "daily dose" are not able to fully provide the norm, since artificial additives are much less absorbed. Secondly, by combining natural and tableting sources of calcium, the natural mineral is first absorbed and helps to better absorb dietary supplements. Third, calculate your calcium dose with your doctor.

Basically, Ca exists in three forms:

  • Phosphate Ca - more expensive, quickly absorbed, does not cause difficulties with stools and flatulence;
  • Ca carbonate is the most readily available and widespread form of the mineral, containing 40% of the mineral, but can cause complications such as constipation and/or bloating;
  • Ca citrate - a plus is that the drug can be taken regardless of the nutrition schedule, it is equally well absorbed, contains 20% of the mineral; minus: can cause constipation and bloating, flatulence, but to a lesser extent.

Choose vitamin D supplements to better treat Ca deficiency. With long-term use of such drugs, calcium levels should be periodically monitored.

Anton Palaznikov

Gastroenterologist, therapist

Work experience more than 7 years.

Professional skills: diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and biliary system.

Calcium is essential for strong, healthy bones. This is the first thing that comes to mind when the role of calcium in the human body is mentioned. However, this is not the only purpose of this mineral, which must always be maintained at an optimal level. It is closely related to vitamin D. It is a key mineral for maintaining healthy bones.

Characterization of calcium

Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the human body. Its share in general is about 2 percent of body weight. It performs many basic functions, ensuring the normal functioning of the entire human body, including the prevention of diseases and the absorption of other nutrients.

Calcium as a chemical element ranks fifth in the periodic table of Mendeleev and is the third most abundant in nature. Its compounds make up approximately 3.6 percent of the earth's crust. This mineral is essential for plant and animal life. It is found everywhere: in bones, teeth, eggshells, corals, water, and so on.

Calcium is present in every plant and is essential for its growth. It is found in the tissues, the fluid around the cells, the bones of every animal.

Thus, it is a natural component of soil, water, flora and fauna. A person, using grown plants, animal meat, water, receives calcium from food.

Nearly all of the calcium in the body is found in the bones, and its main role is to keep bones strong and strong in order to support body weight. If necessary, the body can take calcium from bones and use it, for example, in soft tissues.

How calcium is useful for the human body

Calcium is a mineral needed to build and maintain strong bones and teeth, which also helps a number of other bodily processes such as

blood clotting;

Muscle contraction;

Enzyme production;

secretion of hormones;

Proper functioning of the nervous system and so on.

The baby begins to accumulate calcium in the bone tissue during the third trimester of pregnancy. The accumulation of bone tissue continues until a certain age. The most intense process occurs in childhood. For most people, bone building can continue until the mid-30s.

But after the age of 35, a person begins to lose bone tissue. On average, a person can lose up to one percent per year of total body calcium. This is a natural aging process of the body. Especially quickly calcium is lost in women after the onset of menopause. This can lead to depletion of calcium in the bones, a process that can take several years.

Therefore, children and adolescents should eat in such a way as to accumulate enough calcium in the bone tissue. This will help reduce the risk of fractures and osteoporosis in the future.

Exercises aimed at strengthening bones will also help strengthen bone tissue, can increase its density.

The picture is not so sad when you consider that although the building of new bone tissue after 35 years is impossible, but including calcium supplements in your diet, you can significantly slow down the process of bone loss.

Functions of calcium in the human body

The largest amount of calcium, more than 99 percent (about 1.2-1.4 kg) is found in the bones and teeth. Less than one percent - in the blood serum. On average, calcium absorption rate is about 30 percent. But there are cases when this indicator can increase, for example, pregnancy. At this time, more calcium is required for the formation of the skeletal system of the fetus. Accordingly, the rate of calcium absorption increases.

The level of calcium in the blood is constantly maintained in the body. A decrease in this level causes the body to immediately take it from other organs to prevent hypocalcemia.

Although only one percent of calcium is found outside the skeletal system, this form of calcium is critical to many functions in the human body. Therefore, it is maintained at a constant level and performs the following main functions:

Regulation of blood clotting;

Stabilization of blood pressure;

Normal functioning of the brain;

Exchange of information between cells.

As a rule, intracellular calcium content is very low compared to blood serum. But it performs a number of important functions:

Maintenance of hormones and other chemicals;

Promotes the promotion of spermatozoa into the egg for fertilization of the egg;

Regulates muscle contraction;

Maintaining a normal heart rhythm.

Calcium, which is found in bone tissue, performs only two important functions:

Formation and maintenance of bones:

Formation and maintenance of strong teeth.

The role of calcium in the body

While performing its main functions in the body, calcium can also affect the absorption and assimilation of other nutrients. In nature, calcium has a small electrical charge. Since our body only absorbs a certain amount of charged particles at a time, the presence of calcium can cause a slower temporal rate of absorption of other charged minerals such as iron, magnesium, and zinc.

Decreased absorption of these minerals may not seriously affect the body and cause nutritional deficiencies, but some nutritionists recommend taking them separately, with a gap of at least two hours before or after taking calcium supplements or eating calcium-rich foods. mineral.

Getting enough calcium can also reduce the risk of certain diseases, such as

colon cancer;

Decreased systolic blood pressure;

Risk of developing osteoporosis;

Obesity and overweight.

An excess of calcium can be just as harmful as a deficiency. Eating too much calcium can lead to kidney stones and constipation. Some studies have linked excess calcium to an increased risk of prostate cancer and almost doubles the risk of heart failure.

daily intake of calcium

Calcium is a mineral and cannot be produced by the body. The necessary content of this element is crucial for health.


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