Which apples are healthier red or green? Varieties of apples with red pulp - we will surprise the neighbors The apple is red inside

This fruit, familiar to our latitudes, loved by many, is greatly revered by followers of a healthy lifestyle. Many absolutely believed in the healing properties of apples, without thinking about how true certain statements about this fruit are. Of course, we do not question the beneficial properties of apples, especially when they are included in the daily diet, given the availability of this fruit in our country. However, it's time to dispel some of the most common myths about apples so that these misconceptions do not turn into disappointment.

Myth 1. Apples are high in iron.

This myth is based on the fact that the cut of an apple begins to darken after a few minutes. Many people believe that the brown tint in this case is due to the oxidation of iron, which is contained in the apple, and the more intense this "rust", the more iron is contained in the fruit. And this, in turn, makes the apple extremely useful for hematopoiesis and increasing hemoglobin in the blood.

This misconception is only partly wrong. The fact is that the darkening of the cut of an apple is indeed associated with the oxidation process, however, it is not iron that is oxidized at all, but organic substances polyphenols, clearly demonstrating the fermentation process. As for iron, there is very little of it in apples. Among plant products, much more of this trace element is found in dry, sunflower seeds, peaches and apricots. However, it is important to understand that the iron contained in plant foods is absorbed much worse than iron from animal products. Given all the above facts, it can be argued that the benefits of apples as hemoglobin nutrition are just a common misconception.

Myth 2. Green apples are healthier than red ones.

The organic composition of apples, depending on the variety, does not change very much. From this point of view, the benefits of a green, yellow or red apple for the human body will be approximately the same. Although the difference still exists and both red and green apples have their advantages.

Usually, green apples are less sweet, and therefore nominally more useful in terms of dietary nutrition. At the same time, fruits of yellow or red color contain carotene, which affects the color of fruits in yellow-orange color. This pigment is a precursor of vitamin A, is a powerful antioxidant and plays an immunostimulating role in the human body. However, this yellow-orange substance, as you might guess, is concentrated in the apple peel and therefore is contained in the apple in a relatively small amount. There is much more of it in orange vegetables and fruits: peaches, apricots, persimmons.

Myth 3. Apples help you lose weight.

A myriad of apple diets is based on this statement, as well as the misconception that apples can be used as a snack or a replacement for main meals at any time. As we have already found out, apples are a rather sweet fruit, which means that they can supply enough carbohydrates to the human body to cast doubt on the effectiveness of any diet.

Currently, nutritionists recommend limiting the consumption of any fruit, including apples, and long-term mono-diets are usually discouraged. For the effectiveness of dietary nutrition, experts advise eating an apple as a second breakfast or using this fruit for a snack until five in the afternoon. At the same time, it is better to include medium-sized apples of unsweetened varieties in your diet.

Myth 4. Apples have a laxative effect.

This is partly true, and in particular, the myth about the effectiveness of apples for weight loss is based on this statement. Like any other plant food with a high fiber content, apples stimulate intestinal motility, speed up metabolic processes,. Thus, eating one or two apples a day is indeed possible, but the same is true for almost any other plant food. The advantages of apples include the fact that the substances contained in this fruit have a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora, which generally improves digestion.

Selection does not stand still, and now in the garden you can plant or graft varieties of apples with red, raspberry, pink and even purple flesh. Such apples, red inside, are not only interesting and beautiful in twists, but also more useful than usual ones. They have more antioxidants and vitamins. When planting, it is desirable to take into account a number of features of red-meat apples.

1. All apple trees with red meat fruits, red flowers and leaves originated from the wild Nedzwiecki apple tree. Modern red varieties are superior to it in early maturity, fruit size, quality and quantity of the crop. Not to mention the taste.

2. Red meat apples should be planted in manured soil. In general, they prefer black soil, but a fertile layer with fertilizers will do. And in the summer you have to feed them more often.

3. It is necessary to plant these apple trees and bury them to the place of vaccination. After planting, water the trees once every two weeks.

4. In most red meat varieties, apples appear already in the second year, but the buds wake up with a long delay, which allows you to get away from spring frosts.

5. The lower branches begin to bloom earlier than the upper ones, which allows you to stretch the flowering within the tree and, if some of the flowers suffer or the weather is rainy, the top will help out.

6. The maximum yield from such trees is harvested when winters are not too frosty, and in spring there are no sudden changes in temperature.


Baya Marisa (Baya Marisa)- fruits are red with white dots. Apples are tasty, juicy, with dense red pulp. Harvest is stored only until January. The variety is frost-resistant, but is strongly affected by scab and powdery mildew. Fruit weight 170-190 g.

Pink Pearl (Pink Pearl)- fruits of an unusual light green color with a reddish tint. Inside pink, almost red. The pulp is juicy and dense. A very fragrant variety, the taste of apples is very sweet, with a slight astringency. It is considered the best red variety of apples with a sweet taste. Fruits weighing 180-200 g are stored for four months. It is affected by scab and powdery mildew.

Redlove Odysso (Redlove Odisso)- flowers, leaves and fruits are red, large, juicy, sweet and sour. The pulp does not oxidize during processing, retaining its red color. Store the crop at moderately low temperatures. The variety does not like too cold basements and cellars. Resistance to scab is high, and to powdery mildew is medium. The weight of apples is 190-210 g. The harvest is stored until February.

Redlove Era (Redlove Era)- fruits of dark crimson color. After harvesting, they acquire the best taste qualities only after three to four weeks. The variety is resistant to scab, but is affected by powdery mildew. Harvested in mid-September and stored until December.

Vinerpo (Vinerpo)- fruits are dark red with purple stripes. The flesh is pink, very tender, juicy. From different trees, coloring may be different. The foliage is green, which distinguishes the variety from most red meat varieties. Disease resistance is high. Fruit weight 120-150 g. Harvest at the end of September and store until February. Subscribe to our youtube video channel

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Most often, the variety is valued not even because of the size and taste, but because of the attractiveness of the presentation. Therefore, it is extremely disappointing if, instead of beautiful elegant apples, nondescript dullness grows. More often than not, apples of red-fruited varieties are “surprised” by this. In some years, they do not stain at all: they remain light even when overripe.

This phenomenon is associated with weather conditions and the physiological characteristics of trees. At the beginning of their development, the ovaries differ little in chemical composition from the leaves and are just as green, because they contain a lot of chlorophyll. Gradually, a change in the chemical composition occurs in them, the skin and pulp brighten when ripe, acquiring a yellowish or whitish hue.

This is the main color of the fruit, and on it there is also a cover - red-orange shades. Depending on varietal characteristics, the integumentary color can be continuous throughout the fruit, and then the apples are almost entirely red ( Iyulskoye Chernenko, Kloz, Jonathan, Orlik and others.). In most varieties, the integumentary coloration is in the form of a blush or bright stripes, which also give the fruits an elegant look ( Pear, Cinnamon striped, Summer striped, Melba, Superprekos, etc.).

But why do apples sometimes "strike" and refuse to blush? The fact is that the coloring pigments of the red-orange cover color are intensively formed only when changing high and low temperatures. This usually occurs when high daytime temperatures alternate with cool nighttime temperatures. If the heat lasts around the clock, the fruits ripen without blushing, as expected.

In the Middle lane, such hot weather usually lasts no longer than mid-August, which is why only early-summer and summer varieties that ripen during this period “strike”.

The “southern pallor” was explained simply: the daytime heat (35°C) remains almost the same at night (30°C).

A similar situation developed in the Middle lane last year's summer, when it was as hot at night as during the day. Therefore, some early summer varieties also remained unpainted.

A somewhat different picture was observed in the past season. At first, when hot July smoothly turned into the no less hot first decade of August, the early summer varieties also remained uncolored.

After the hot weather subsided, the apples remaining on the trees gradually began to turn red, acquiring an intense color characteristic of this variety.

Early pear varieties behave in a similar way. Especially noticeably change the color of varieties with non-simultaneous, long-term maturation on the tree. For example, in the summer pear variety Vidnaya, the entire crop should not be harvested immediately, since its fruits are not stored for a long time. And left on the tree, they allow you to extend the consumption period for a month. During this time, their color can change from green to yellowish with a bright blush.

At the same time, other characteristic features are preserved: an oblong pear-shaped shape and an uneven bumpy surface of the fruit, and most importantly, their very juicy, sour-sweet pulp, which is not inferior in taste to southern pears.

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In chapter Buying and choosing products What is the difference between a green apple and a red one? which one is more useful? given by the author Olmira Eduardovna the best answer is Which apple is healthier: red or green apple?
One of the most important "apple" signs is their color, which depends on the content of carotenoids, chlorophyll, flavone pigments and anthocyanins.
The skin of all apples has a basic color, and many varieties of apples also have an integumentary color in the form of stripes or a developed blush of varying intensity. The main color of apples is green. As it ripens, the color turns from green to yellow, but some varieties of apples retain a green, greenish-yellow color even when ripe.
The outer color of apples is due to the content of anthocyanins, which are formed in the cells of the skin under the influence of direct sunlight. The integumentary color is pink, bright red, dark red, cherry, brownish red.
9:0 in favor of green apples.
1. Green apples contain less sugar, so diabetics are advised to include them in the diet, while excluding red apples.
2. Green apples contain more iron than red apples.
3. Red apples mostly have a sweetish-sugary taste, "for an amateur".
4. A red ripe apple contains fewer vitamins than a green one.
5. A green apple, better than a red one, will help the body cope with fatty foods.
6. Green apples are mostly hypoallergenic. With a tendency to be allergic to apples, you need to choose not red, but green.
7. In the peel of green apples, as well as in the pulp, there are more vitamins than in the peel of red apples.
8. Green sour apples are good for people with low acidity.
9. Red sweet apples are bad for teeth because they cause tooth decay, unlike green apples.

Answer from 2 answers[guru]

Hey! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: what is the difference between a green apple and a red one? which one is more useful?

Answer from Shark Shy[guru]
color. utility is the same

Answer from @@@@@ [guru]
also interesting) now I eat big and red) hard and sweet))

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