How many miles does a bear run per hour? What is the maximum running speed of a grizzly bear? The difference between the northern bear and the brown relative

The bear is a large and strong animal. It is believed that the hearing and vision of these animals are not the best. But, since bears belong to the canine order and, therefore, are related to dogs, they are distinguished by a developed sense of smell. It is a good sense of smell that helps them in finding food. Not without reason, scientists believe that bears have the best sense of smell among representatives of the mammal class.

When describing this animal, it is worth mentioning a large body, short, stocky legs, an elongated muzzle, thick hair, usually dark in color (if we are not talking about a polar bear), and five non-retractable claws on the paws.

This animal is able to move quite quickly. Below in the article we will talk about what is the speed of a bear when running.

It is believed that a bear rarely shows aggressiveness, and if it did, it means that it either protects its territory or cubs, or is thoroughly hungry.


The first bears on the planet appeared at least five million years ago. The oldest fossils of these animals were found in France. Today, scientists know four genera of this animal, of which the polar bear is considered the youngest in origin. Its total biological age is only two hundred thousand years.

The body length of a bear can reach 2 meters (white-breasted and black bears) and 3 meters (white and brown).

The maximum body weight is 750-800 kg. These dimensions, of course, are large, but they are not comparable with the dimensions of the giant short-faced bear that lived in Sulfur America back in the Pleistocene era and became extinct long ago. He, standing on his hind legs, could be almost three times higher than an ordinary person, and the mass of the largest representatives reached one and a half tons!

Where is found

The most common in terms of numbers and one of the largest predators is considered to be a brown, or ordinary, bear. Now its habitat, of course, is much smaller than in the old days. It is still found, in particular, in the Pyrenees, the Alps, in some places in the Scandinavian countries, in Asia - in Iran, Northern China, and Japan. Still quite numerous in Alaska and northern Canada. In Russia, the habitat roughly coincides with the forest zone, except for the southern regions and the tundra.

As habitats, bears (except polar ones, of course) prefer mountainous areas, dense forest thickets and windbreaks.

What does it eat

The bear, although considered a predator, is essentially omnivorous. Its diet consists of berries, roots and stems of herbs, nuts. Bears do an excellent job of catching fish in small rivers or in the shallow waters of large rivers. They destroy bird nests and beehives, catch insects. In the spring, when there is still little vegetation, a bear can attack a roe deer or even an elk. This beast is very strong - with one blow of its paw it is able to kill, for example, a deer ridge.

By autumn, the bear, having gained subcutaneous fat over the summer, arranges a den for himself in the pits and under the roots of trees, warming it with branches and moss. The winter sleep of a bear (depending on the region of habitat and the age of an individual) can last from 75 to 200 days. During one wintering, the animal, as a rule, loses up to 80 kg of weight.

Movement speed

It may seem that the bear is a large and clumsy beast. In fact, this beast is able to move quite briskly. What is the bear's running speed in km/h? The maximum is about 50. And this is when it comes to the running speed of a brown bear, a grizzly can "prancing" even faster - up to 56-60 kilometers per hour. Also, bears are excellent swimmers and climb trees with decent dexterity. True, the latter is more often done by young animals. In addition, the bear can withstand long distance running for quite a long time, although at a much lower speed.

Why, then, in this case, insects and fish on the shallows, and not small ungulates or, for example, hares, become the main prey of the bear-hunter? Without a doubt, at such a bear’s speed when running, he could more often feast on any of these animals - however, more often there are frames that show how this beast takes away the deer they have bullied from the wolves, and does not hunt on its own.


Probably the speed of the bear when running is not a decisive factor. Mishka, a large and, whatever you say, rather bulky beast, still needs to be accelerated, and it is desirable that nothing interferes with the run. That is, the terrain should be flat and not particularly wooded. There are other videos in which a bear is chasing a flock of roe deer across the field (for reference: the speed that a roe deer, elk or hare develops most often fluctuates within the same limits as that of a bear: it is 50-60 kilometers per hour) and catches up with the last one running only in the final minutes of the footage. Without a doubt, it is not easy for an adult, well-fed predator to do this. But if the victim fell within the bear's reach, write wasted - as already mentioned above, this predator is capable of knocking it to the ground with one blow.

In addition, creatures such as the hare are known to develop maximum speed as early as the fifth second of running. Long legs allow him to make the first jump of three to five meters, and upon landing, he bends his back like a spring, preparing for a new jump. Thus, to hunt while in ambush, even if the bear had more speed when running, he would hardly have been able to: for a predator that earns its own food in this way, the most important thing is dexterity and fast acceleration, both in forest thickets and in ravines and in mountainous areas.

The hunting instinct in a bear, like in most predators, is caused by a running (animal, human), therefore, experienced hunters and travelers are advised not to run away from the beast they meet. After all, then he will definitely rush after you in pursuit, and a bear runs faster than a man.

Above, we talked, in particular, about what speed a bear develops when running.

The cheetah is the fastest predator on the planet (from land animals). Its maximum speed can be 120 kilometers per hour. True, this speed is very short-lived. But at a speed of 80-90 km / h, he can run for several minutes. From standstill to a speed of one hundred kilometers per hour accelerates in three seconds, faster than sports cars!

2. Pronghorn antelope.

The maximum speed is 100 km/h. She must somehow escape from the cheetah! A large heart and lungs allow you to move at such a speed for much longer than a pursuing predator.

3. Wildebeest.

Another animal for which the only defense against a predator is its own speed. They live in the African savannas and are the favorite prey of lions. They live, by the way, up to 20 years or more. Maximum speed 80 km/h.

4. Lev.

The maximum speed is also 80 km/h. Lions do not often use their speed qualities, as lionesses do most of the work of corralling the prey. They prefer to show male ingenuity and cunning in order to complete the chase with a well-aimed jump at the right time.

5. Thompson's gazelle.

Named after explorer Joseph Thompson. Fleeing from its main enemy - the cheetah, it develops a speed of up to 80 km / h. It can withstand long distances, exhausting its pursuer.

6. Quarterhorse

The most popular horse breed in the USA. An excellent sprinter, he races at quarter-mile distances, for which he got his name. The maximum speed is 77 km/h.

7. Elk.

The maximum speed is 72 km/h. Many predators prefer not to mess with it. It's very big))

8 Cape Hunting Dog.

Unfortunately, I do not know how the name of these dogs in Russian sounds correctly. They hunt in packs. They attack mainly small animals, although sometimes they can overwhelm a zebra or wildebeest. Maximum speed 70 km/h. The usual capture scheme looks like this: one dog bites its teeth into the tail of the victim, the other into the upper lip. Everything. The others help finish the job.

9. Coyote.

American wolf develops speed up to 65 km/h. Coyote is omnivorous and extremely unpretentious in food. However, 90% of its diet is animal feed: hares, rabbits, prairie dogs, marmots and ground squirrels (in Canada), small rodents. Attacks raccoons, ferrets, opossums and beavers; eats birds (pheasants), insects. It swims well and catches aquatic animals - fish, frogs and newts. Rarely attacks domestic sheep, goats, wild deer and pronghorns. At the end of summer and autumn, it eats berries, fruits and peanuts with pleasure. In the northern regions, it switches to feeding on carrion in winter; follows herds of large ungulates, eating the fallen and cutting down the weakened animals. People do not touch, in the suburbs sometimes rummages through the garbage.

10. Gray fox.

A species of the wolf family that lives in northern Canada, throughout the territories of Lower and Central America, up to Venezuela. The gray fox is very agile and agile, for its family, it can climb trees (it was also called the Tree Fox). It hunts rabbits, small rodents and birds. Speed ​​- up to 65 km / h.


11. Hyena (60 km/h)

12. Zebra (60 km/h)

13. Greyhound (59 km/h)

14. Hound (56 km/h)

15. Hare (55 km/h)

16. Deer (55 km/h)

17. Jackal (55 km/h)

18. Reindeer (51 km/h)

19. Giraffe (51 km/h)

20 people

Donovan Bailey. At the Olympic Games, he ran at a speed of 43 km / h. In general, on average, a person can reach speeds of up to 30 km / h.

One of the largest predatory animals are polar and brown bears belonging to the bear family. Clubfoot handsome men live in almost all zones of Eurasia, North and Latin America. The only exception is the southern region of Russia. Depending on their habitat, their name, diet, and speed of movement vary.

Maximum running speed in km/h

So the usual brown bear, repeatedly shown in children's cartoons as a very good-natured animal, is actually one of the largest predators that inhabit the forests of central and northern Russia, the Apennine Peninsula; you can meet him both in the Alpine mountains and in China; he is quite comfortably located in Finland and the Carpathians, he feels great in the northwestern zone of the United States. This subspecies of bear representatives, with its rather large body with a large head and heavy, powerful paws, is decorated with small ears and eyes, as well as a slightly noticeable short tail. The bear is “dressed” in thick wool of brown, gray or reddish color.

Maximum speed of brown bear and grizzly bear

The clumsy toptygin runs rather quickly; its speed can reach up to 52-55 km / h, which significantly exceeds the speed of even a trained athlete. Its North American counterpart, the grizzly, runs even faster, which settled mainly in Alaska and in the Canadian forests. It can also be found in the Rocky Mountains. The speed develops up to 60 km / h or more.

Everything is eaten by a brown bear: fruits, berries, roots and stems of young grass; will not refuse to eat fish or the meat of some animal; likes to destroy termite mounds, and in search of honey often breaks into the hollows of wild bees. With its clumsiness, a brown bear with one stroke of its paw can kill the spinal bone of an elk or deer. Nevertheless, he rarely hunts, preferring to take the ready-filled game from the wolf.

A little smaller than the brown bear is the baribal - the black bear. It differs from the brown counterpart not only in the smaller size of the body (its height is approximately 2 m), but also in the color of the coat, which has a blue-black tint. It also has a sharper muzzle and long paws with small feet. The black bear lives on a fairly vast territory from Alaska to Canada. It is also found in all US states, except for the area near the river. Mississippi; in the central and western regions of Mexico.

The black bear is quite agile, fast and strong. It can run at speeds up to 50 km/h and easily overturn heavy rocks weighing more than 140 kg.

Black bear in nature

Baribal feeds in the same way as its brown accomplices. But unlike them, he goes fishing at night so that the salmon does not see his black fur. Arranging an ambush in the thickets, a black hunter can fill up an elk or a deer. Having climbed a tree or a rock, it will feast on bird eggs or chicks.

A distinctive feature of the next brother of the bear family - the Himalayan or white-breasted bear - is the presence on the chest, covered with silky dark brown or completely black hair, an attractive white or light yellow spot.

white-breasted bear

The habitat of this species is mainly hills and wooded slopes of the mountains of Iran, Afghanistan, the Himalayan mountains, Korea, Japan. In the northeast of Asia, they occupy the area of ​​Manchuria, Primorsky and the southern region of the Khabarovsk Territory, Yakutia; in the south - northern Vietnam, the islands of Taiwan and Hainan. In summer, he settles in the Himalayan mountains at an altitude of up to 4000 m; with the onset of cold weather, it moves lower to the foot of the mountains.

In Tibet, a handsome white-breasted man is respectfully called “meti” or “yeti”. Researchers do not exclude that due to the similarity of the footprint with the feet of “homo sapiens” and the local name of the bear, the legend of “Bigfoot” arose.

The diet of a handsome bear basically includes all the same plant foods as the rest of the brown bears, supplemented with pine nuts and acorns. He rarely hunts, but on occasion he will not disdain to try carrion. Can destroy anthills, find a mollusk or catch a frog. Mostly leads a semi-arboreal lifestyle; he climbs trees well, where he gets his food. For the winter, in the hollows of trees, he equips himself with a lair, in which he sleeps until the onset of heat.

Gubach - another brother of the bear kingdom - also belongs to the species of brown bears. A predator with a body length of just over 1.75 m and a height of approximately 85 cm differs from its accomplices primarily in the structure of the body. This is a heavy, powerful specimen with a large head and a flat forehead; the muzzle is extended forward, like a dog, on which there is practically no hair. The lips are protruded forward in the form of a tube, which makes it possible for him to immediately blow out the dust when hunting for insects, and then draw in the “victim”. The long black or dirty-brown hair of the bear in the neck area turns into a shaggy mane. There is a lighter spot on the chest.

Gubach - a type of brown bear

For his residence, the sloth robbed India, Pakistan, Bhutan, Nepal, Bangladesh, preferring tropical and subtropical forests. It feeds on everything that falls into its paws, as it is omnivorous. Insects, eggs or larvae, as well as fruits, which make up more than 45% of its diet, are eaten. But still prefers ants and termites. Hunts mainly at night. The bear is very strong and is not afraid of predators. For all his non-aggressiveness, he is able to repulse anyone who attacks him. Therefore, he never tries to hide from danger. He runs as fast as the rest of the bears.

The maximum speed of the polar bear.

This unique beautiful animal differs from its counterparts not only in coat color, but also in lifestyle and nutrition. These amazing snow-white bears live only in the northern part of the globe, in the Arctic, withstanding the strongest frosty and blizzard winters, suffering from global warming and poaching. This is the largest representative of the bear family; its height reaches more than 3 m, and its weight is about 1000 kg. At the same time, it is the slowest of its brethren - its speed is only 28 - 30 km / h. Since the polar bear lives mainly on ice, where there is no plant food, the basis of its diet is fish, northern species of birds and rodents, whales and walruses washed ashore. But their favorite food is seals. This northern beauty is an excellent swimmer; can jump out of the water to a height of up to 2.5 m. In the water, he is not afraid of anyone except killer whales, which can sometimes attack him.

In general, bears in a dream can have different meanings that are completely contradictory to each other. They can dream both in the form of friends and enemies; can represent both the forces of good and the forces of evil.

  • If you dreamed of a bear hunt, then in reality you will seek a benevolent attitude from a person who is absolutely indifferent to you. But that shouldn't bother you. The main thing - do not be aggressive, and you will succeed.
  • If in a dream you run away from a predator, you will find yourself in the wrong place at the wrong time. But do not be afraid, everything will end well for you.
  • Fighting toptygin in a dream - in reality you bring a lot of problems to your loved one.
  • A young girl has a pretty white bear dreaming of marriage; she should think about her wedding dress. But if you dream of an angry, embittered bear, then she herself decides to break off relations with her fiancé, leaving him to a more successful rival. To a married lady, a bear in a dream means a dangerous romance.
  • Meeting with a clubfoot in the forest warns you against rash acts that you are ready to commit as revenge. A bear in a circus dreams of winning a lottery or a game; in the zoo - you will incur losses by making an unprofitable operation.
  • If in a dream you are fighting with an angry beast, in reality this means that in reality you underestimated your opponent. If you defeat the bear, then you are destined to defeat your enemy. What if the bear beat you? Be prepared for defeat in the fight against the enemy. The skin of a polar bear dreams of overcoming difficulties and achieving unheard of success.
  • It is a dream that the bear wants to dine with you and you had to pretend to be dead - in reality you are very resourceful and quick-witted. And if you eat bear meat yourself, a fun party awaits you at a chic wedding celebration.

In nature, bears are divided into several subspecies, differing both in coat color and in lifestyle, diet, and speed of movement. The slowest runner is the largest specimen of the bear species - the white (polar, northern) bear.

Here are twenty-five of the fastest land animals living on our planet:

25. Giraffe

Giraffes are the tallest of the mammals that live on our planet and the largest ruminants. They are easily recognizable by their long necks, the patterns that adorn their skin, and their unusually long legs. But don't let their size and seeming sluggishness fool you, these gentle giants can reach speeds of up to 51 kilometers per hour.

24. Grizzly Bear

Bears are usually presented as gentle and sweet animals, but grizzlies have nothing to do with this image. In life, they can be incredibly ferocious and are ready to death to protect their young or food. Despite their size, they are capable of reaching speeds of up to 56 kilometers per hour.

23. Jackal

These canine predators are found in parts of Africa and southern central Eurasia. Jackals are closely related to wolves, dogs, and coyotes, and sometimes run at speeds of up to 56 kilometers per hour.

22. Black-tailed deer

These mammals live in the west of North America, but in recent years they have successfully taken root in Argentina. Deer usually serve as prey for cougars and lynxes, so running speed plays a vital role for them. Black-tailed deer are capable of accelerating up to 56 kilometers per hour, which allows them to sometimes successfully avoid early death.

21. Hounds

Hounds, or as they are also called, English Whippets, are the descendants of the fastest dogs on Earth. And although this is a rather small dog, it is able to cover a distance of 53 kilometers per hour.

20. Mongolian kulan

This endangered species of kulan lives in East Asia, in Mongolia and Northern China. It is capable of accelerating up to 64 kilometers per hour.

19. Zebra

The black and white stripes on a zebra's skin inspire not only fashionistas and art historians, even the Mbombela stadium in South Africa is painted in such colors. Zebras are also capable of reaching speeds of up to 64 kilometers per hour.

18. Hyena

Hyenas have always been known for their ability to produce sounds similar to laughter and giggles. But this does not mean that they are funny and cute little animals. These natural-born predators with powerful jaws are capable of developing breathtaking running speeds, reaching the mark of 64 kilometers per hour.

17. Thomson's Gazelle

Named after Joseph Thomson, a Scottish geologist and explorer, this gazelle is one of the most widely distributed subspecies, with a population of over 500,000 individuals. Thomson's gazelles live mainly in the Serengeti. These gazelles are capable of reaching speeds of up to 65 kilometers per hour, overtaking the most persistent predators.

16. Gray fox

The gray fox, once considered the most primitive of the canine family, is now considered a rare species due to the ruthless hunt for its fur. The gray fox is capable of reaching speeds of up to 67.5 kilometers per hour, as well as climbing trees to avoid larger predators.

15. Greyhound

The greyhound is the second domesticated animal on our list. Previously, this breed of dog was bred mainly for racing, but recently they have gained popularity as a pet. Borzoi is able to run at a speed of 69 kilometers per hour for 30 minutes and is able to accelerate to 32 kilometers per hour, running only 250 meters. This animal is the second on the planet (after the cheetah, of course) in accelerating over short distances.

14. Onager

Another representative of horses is the onager. This desert dweller is capable of accelerating up to 69 kilometers per hour.

13. Coyote

Also known as the American jackal, the coyote can reach speeds of up to 69 kilometers per hour and is capable of eating just about anything it finds, from insects to your pets.

12. Ostrich

This is the fastest and largest bird on the planet, the ostrich can accelerate to 70 kilometers per hour.

11. Red kangaroo

These guys can jump at speeds up to 71 kilometers per hour and maintain that pace for up to 2 kilometers. The further he jumps, the less energy he uses.

10. Hyena dog

It certainly looks like a hyena, but no, it's not a hyena. The hyena-like dog has many names, but this does not change the essence - these animals are capable of speeds up to 72 kilometers per hour.

9. Wapiti

Don't let its size fool you, this second largest deer in the world is capable of reaching speeds of up to 72 kilometers per hour.

8. Black-tailed hare

Remember the tale of the hare and the tortoise? Although this is just a fairy tale, there is some truth in it. These small animals are capable of reaching speeds of 72 kilometers per hour and jumping up to 3 meters in height.

7. Leo

These regal cats are considered the second largest of their kind and can reach speeds of up to 80 kilometers per hour.

6. Garna

These Indian antelopes are listed as endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature. Accelerating up to 80 kilometers per hour, these antelopes are thus saved from wild cats and wolves hunting them.

5 Wildebeest

Although wildebeests look large and clumsy, they are capable of speeding up to 80 kilometers per hour.

4. Racehorse

Well-trained racehorses can reach speeds of up to 88 kilometers per hour.

3. Springbok

These little antelopes can run up to 100 kilometers per hour.

2 Pronghorn Antelope

Unfortunately, we do not have sufficiently accurate measurements of the maximum speed of this antelope, but it has been recorded that it is able to run at a speed of 98 kilometers per hour. But we believe that she is capable of more.

1 Cheetah

The cheetah is the fastest land animal on our planet. It is capable of speeds up to 121 kilometers per hour. At this speed, it can run up to 500 meters and accelerate from 0 to 100 kilometers per hour in 5 seconds (a figure that surpasses most sports cars).

    All bears only seem clumsy in appearance, in fact they run quite briskly. And due to their strength, speed, unpredictability and aggressive nature, they are very dangerous. For them, man is prey. And grizzly bears are the largest, and they are not bad sprinters, they reach speeds of up to 55-60 km / h.

    As far as I know, American brown grizzly bears run quite fast, as they can run at speeds of up to 60 kilometers per hour. By the way, for comparison, at present in the Russian Federation such a speed is allowed for the movement of cars in various settlements.

    Don't underestimate the bears' speed due to their heavy weight. This 250-kilogram car can easily run at a speed of 40 kilometers per hour, and if he is very hungry and the terrain allows, a grizzly can accelerate to 56 km/h.

    Despite the obvious massive body of the grizzly bear, in fact, these bears are very nimble racers. During the hunt, a grizzly bear can develop truly space speed - before sixty kilometers at one o'clock. Compare with the speed of a car in the city. Pretty decent speed, right?

    Grizzlies are large and overweight animals. At first glance, it may seem that they are clumsy. But despite their mass and short legs, grizzly bears can reach high speeds (maximum - 60 kilometers per hour).

    By the way, grizzlies do not know how to climb trees - their claws are too long. It turns out that they do not interfere with running fast.

    The grizzly bear is very large compared to other members of its species. It has a top speed of about 60 kilometers per hour, it is even faster than a polar bear, which has about 40 kilometers per hour.

    The Grizzly bear, of course, is distinguished by its outstanding weight and dimensions. But these facts do not in the least prevent him from moving very quickly if necessary. So, on average, the running speed of such a bear is 40 kilometers per hour. However, to the maximum it can develop up to 60 kilometers per hour.

    The fastest bears are American grizzlies - they can run at a speed of 60 km / h, which is not inferior to the gallop speed of a good horse or the speed of a lion. Moreover, unlike these animals, which can maintain such a speed for a very short time, the grizzly bear is able to run chasing prey for several hours, and over the most rugged terrain characteristic of its habitats. So the beast is fast and agile, but it does not often use its speed. usually bears move slowly at the speed of an average human step - 5-6 km / h. But polar bears are slower - their speed is 30-40 km / h.

    Yes, the maximum speed that a grizzly can develop is - 60 kilometers per hour. Just wondering how long and far he will run at that speed? Straight or rough terrain? Usually they move much more slowly: 5-6 km / h, no more.

    But on the other hand, as biologists say, a grizzly can catch and eat up to 40 thousand butterflies per day. Again the question is, where does he take them in such quantity?

    Grizzly bears live mainly in Alaska, these bears weigh about 500 kilograms, and their height is 2.2-2.8 meters, with their huge weight they can run at a speed 60 km/h. Grizzlies are very similar to brown bears, only grizzly bears have very long nails, up to fifteen centimeters, which makes climbing trees impossible. He is also a little lighter than a brown bear, a little heavier and clumsier than a brown bear. For all their mass, they develop speed while running, like a racehorse, but they usually move slowly, all at a speed of only 6 km / h. These bears are very good swimmers and can swim 6 km.

    The grizzly bear's running speed is up to 60 km/h

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