Why does not pass the check in rsa. Didn't pass the PCA test. What to do? The result of a manual check in the company

During the change of license, the driver may lose MBM (bonus-malus coefficient). After obtaining new rights, it is necessary that they appear in the PCA database. This is important, since at a certain time it will be necessary to renew the OSAGO, while certain difficulties may arise in obtaining a discount if the changes have not been correctly entered into this register.

Why does the discount disappear when changing rights?

As soon as the rights have been changed, you must not forget to visit the insurance company to make changes to the insurance policy. If this is done, the driver will not have any issues with the KBM during the renewal of the policy.

If the owner of the new rights does not notify his insurance company, the discount may disappear. To return this discount, you need to write an application, take it to the UK that issued the policy that was in force at the time when the rights were replaced.

Throughout the entire period of operation of CMTPL policies, drivers accumulated the bonus-malus coefficient. Discount for those who have a long accident-free driving experience, during this time the discount could reach 50%.

Every year, in accordance with the OSAGO law, if there were no accidents, the policyholder receives a 5% discount, which grows every year. And if, when reissuing an insurance contract, it turns out that there is no discount, there may be several reasons for this.

  1. The discount could have disappeared due to an error of the operator or insurance agent who started the policy in the past year. When entering the client's policy into the PCA database, an employee of the insurance company could enter incorrect numbers - make a mistake in the date of birth of the buyer of the policy, in the driver's license, when writing the client's full name.
  2. If the driver, for example, was entered into his policy for a new car by relatives, acquaintances who assume that he can ever drive their car. In this case, when the data of this driver from his driver's license is entered into the new policy, the amount of the discount indicated in the last, new policy is automatically entered into the database with a coefficient equal to 1, that is, there is no discount. You can find this fact when reissuing rights or your policy. You can correct such an unpleasant inaccuracy if you take a certificate from the UK showing the break-even of insurance and refer to the policy that has ended.
  3. Most often, the disappearance of the discount is fixed during the replacement of a driver's license. Regardless of the reason for the change of a driver's license - loss or usual replacement due to the expiration of its validity, the data on the new document must be entered into the PCA database. Upon arrival in the UK to renew the policy, it may be found that when the agent enters the data of the updated VU into the program for obtaining a new insurance, there is no information in the database for this driver, so he was assigned a coefficient equal to 1.
  4. There are times when the break-even driving discount mysteriously disappears. This happens when the insurance company is unwilling to provide it. Such a position of the UK is understandable, since OSAGO today is unprofitable at face value, not to mention the fact that with a discount, insurance will be half the price.

How to restore KBM when changing a driver's license?

In the application, the driver who changed his license must indicate the series and number that the old driver's documents had.

Where to apply?

There are several options for restoring the discount. Each of them is based on an appeal to the appropriate authorities. Before you go to solve this issue, you need to prepare all the necessary documents, as well as establish what caused the disappearance of the discount.

To restore KBM, you can contact the PCA, the insurance company that issued the OSAGO policy, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, contact private brokers, use the services of Internet companies that provide services for the restoration of KBM.

Contacting the insurer

In order to restore the discount due to the driver after changing the rights, you must first contact the insurance company that issued the insurance, they must make changes to the PCA database for each driver. This method is most suitable if the VU was changed under a valid policy.

In this case, the operator is obliged to enter new VU data into the insurance and into the database. Some insurance companies provide the opportunity to apply to restore the bonus via the Internet. On the official website of the insurer, you need to enter your appeal in a special form. Attach documentation confirming the change of rights in electronic form to the application. You can send your application to the UK by e-mail, addressing it to the director of the company.

Contacting the Central Bank

If the issue of restoring the discount within 30 days has not been resolved in the UK, you can contact the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. But you need to understand that the Central Bank considers complaints regarding policies that were terminated no later than a year ago. A request from this organization will be considered in relation to all contracts that were concluded by the applicant in this UK.

Contacting the RSA

The possibility of contacting the PCA is additional if it was not possible to solve the problem in the UK or the Central Bank. You need to know that the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, despite the entry under the jurisdiction of this organization of the AIS base, is not authorized to make changes to it. But she has effective leverage over the UK, so she can force her to fulfill her obligations to the client.

Especially for citizens' appeals, the RSA website has a page that contains all the necessary information. You need to send a complaint to the mail indicated on this page. Here are the current application forms.

Procedure for filing a complaint

With copies of documents and an application, you need to go to the authority in which you will have to resolve this issue of restoring the bonus (SC, Central Bank, PCA). Recovery of KBM should be carried out according to the following scheme:

  • register the application with the secretary;
  • write an application for recalculation and for the return of money overpaid for the policy (if this fact took place);
  • wait 30 days for a response from the UK;
  • if a negative decision is received, file an application with the court;
  • if the answer is yes, the necessary changes will be made to the PCA database by the employees of the SC.


To restore the KBM, you need to collect the following documents:

  • insurance policy, incl. old;
  • certificates confirming the absence of unprofitable driving;
  • a copy of the VU;
  • a policy in which other drivers who have the right to drive a car are entered.

After collecting these documents and writing an application, you can go to the UK, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation or the RSA to restore the KBM. The main thing is not to waste time and act quickly.

The main problem that motorists face when trying to issue an OSAGO online on the website of an insurance company is an error that occurs that information “ did not pass the test in the AIS RSA”(she is also -“ No acknowledgment received from centralized PCA systems”). This means that the data entered somewhere (at least in some comma, at least in one digit) differs from what is recorded in the database of the Union of Insurers.

There can be three reasons:

  • You just made a mistake somewhere, check all the fields again for typos. The websites of some insurance companies (for example, Rosgosstrakh) highlight in yellow those fields that have not passed the test, or directly list where the errors are (for example, HOSKA). Others (for example, RESO) do not specify what exactly the system did not like.

By the way, that is why it is better to first “catch” errors on such a site, even if you plan to buy OSAGO not from this company, and then register it on your insurance company’s website. Just because the CGS website is made more convenient and highlights errors (on some monitors, a low-contrast yellow backlight is poorly visible, in this case, try looking at the screen “from below”, so the colors will be more contrast and you will see where the error is):

  • Perhaps there are discrepancies in the spelling of the model, or your address, or some other parameter in reality and in the TCP. Therefore, be sure to check the data with the PTS and COP (Certificate of Registration - a card that you carry with you).

And it is even better to check all the fields according to last year's policy - it is these data that "lie" in the AIS RSA. Please note that if there is a choice between the TCP number and the COP number, you must write what was indicated to you in the last OSAGO policy in clause 2

  • The mistake could have been made not by you, but by an agent or an employee of the insurance company when you last issued an OSAGO. You can’t do anything here, you need to find out exactly where the discrepancy is and what it consists of. If you have the time and desire to issue OSAGO via the Internet, then write to the technical support of one (and preferably several) insurance companies on the site that you are trying to buy OSAGO. Usually, they respond within 1-2 days with a specification of the error.

Also, the problem may not be in the data on the machine itself, but in third-party documents:

  • that the diagnostic inspection card issued to you is entered into the EAISTO, check the data with this database.
  • Check your registration address. In this case, if the number of the new registration certificate does not pass, try to indicate the TCP (and vice versa).
  • new! Thanks to the comments and user reviews on the site, I discovered another common cause of the “PTS / Certificate” error. It is not uncommon for the database in the TCP field to contain the certificate number or vice versa, that is, the type of document is confused. Therefore, try to select the document “certificate of registration of the vehicle”, but dial the number of the vehicle. And vice versa. Helps a lot!
  • new! More and more companies are starting to offer eOSAGO, but most of the “newcomers” do it only in the renewal mode. That is, you can only prolong their last year's policy, but not become a new client of this insurance. If your insurance last year was concluded in one of the companies, then first of all try to renew with them, because only on their website you can automatically download last year's data and thereby eliminate the root of the “PCA problem”.

Where does this error even come from? The fact is that when buying a policy through an agent, the agent is allowed to enter any information into the database. It is believed that he is a qualified employee. And when the question arose of selling insurance online, no one can give drivers the opportunity to indicate horsepower and other important characteristics themselves - otherwise everyone will immediately have 99 hp! Therefore, we made this check - its meaning is that the entered data coincide with the latest data from the AIS SAR database. In other words, they must be the same as they were entered by the agent when you purchased the previous policy.

But agents are not always perfect, besides, a small inaccuracy in the policy did not really matter before. Some agent, for example, wrote by default 99 hp for all small cars, instead of the exact 95, 85 or 91 - anyway, the price is the same. Or another example - in one insurance company in their internal program it was customary to write Hyundai, and in another - Hyundai. Some rounded numbers, others did not. And now the driver will have to “guess” how all the data was recorded in the last insurance.

What else can be done?

  1. If you understand that the error is in the PCA database and “guessed” the error, then you can enter again the data with an error or a typo “as in the database”. This is the case when the online filling service allows you to enter arbitrary data, and not choose from the proposed list (try different insurance companies, everyone has different “interfaces”). Formally, in this way you concluded an insurance contract with incorrect data, but most insurance companies treat this with understanding, even if an insured event occurs (at least I clarified this issue with a representative of HOSKA SG and I was assured that they recognize such an agreement, but they will ask you to come to the office and renew the contract for up-to-date data). But in order to be 100% sure of the legitimacy of the policy, at any time after purchasing e-OSAGO you can contact the office of your insurance company and ask to update the data. The opportunity to change the data on the concluded electronic OSAGO during a personal visit to the sales office was confirmed to me by representatives of Rosgosstrakh, adding that it is planned in the near future (in 2016?) to implement the ability to change the data of the OSAGO e-policy via the Internet. In general, the method is not 100% correct, but in practice there will most likely be no problems.
  2. If your current OSAGO insurance has not ended yet, then you can contact the company where you are currently insured and ask to update the information by changing the data to the correct ones. If possible, check to the letter everything that the office manager will enter into the computer. After that, we wait a couple of days until the data in the PCA database is updated and try again! In addition, some insurance companies are ready to double-check the data even by phone, it is not very clear how they identify the client. But, for example, a reader of the site, Vadim from Samara, said that he simply managed to update the data in the PCA over the phone at the ZHASO insurance company, in which he was insured. This is a much more correct way, however, and it does not always work. An example is in the review of Vitaly from the city of Volzhsky, which he sent to me by mail:

I started punching a month before the end of the policy, errors appeared, then a street with grammatical errors, then the letters in the name of the car were not correct (I have a Suzuki SX4 according to the documents, but SX-4 was entered in the database). I went to the central office in Volgograd, corrected everything, but I still could not get eOSAGO, because. the site gave an error MarkModelCarRsaCode before paying. This mistake is the problem of the notorious “-” in the brand of the car, but as it turned out, it is SX4 that passes through all the bases of all insurers, and only Zetta Insurance LLC (I personally saw it on the monitor) selects only SX-4. So in a month I could not solve all the problems, but after debugging my data through visiting the office (except for the brand of the car), I kind of prepared for the next insurance in a year.

Tips will be updated.

I would love to hear your opinion in the comments.

The PCA database check is launched after you have filled out an application for insurance for an electronic OSAGO policy in your personal account on the website of the insurance company.

Without a positive verification, you will not be able to proceed to pay for the policy.

You can do an online PCA check in the following way:

  1. The site of the Russian Union of Motor Insurers is in full free access, so it is not a problem to carry out a check.
  2. To check the validity of the policy, it is enough to enter all the necessary data in the appropriate form. So, for example, if a ready-made OSAGO policy is checked, then its number will be required, and if it is about the driver, then personal data will be required.

What to do when the PCA test fails?

Naturally, this is a completely logical question that arises for any motorist who encounters this problem.

It is worth knowing the following:

  1. If an actual error is found, you can enter the data again. At the same time repeating a typo from the database.
  2. In the event that an error is detected with a still valid insurance policy, then you need to contact the insurers as soon as possible and you need to put things in order.
  3. It is worth noting that the driver has the full right to be present directly when entering data into the database, which means that it is possible to fully control the correction procedure. At the same time, the updated data appears in the database only after a few days, and it is then that you can try to pass the test on a new one.

Consider the procedure individually, in the event of each problem.

If for some reason the system issues a warning that the form is filled out incorrectly, you should do the following:

  1. First of all. You will need to pay close attention to the entered data, it is likely that the mistake was made by you. Carefully study the vehicle passport and registration certificate. If an error is found, it should be corrected by re-filling the form.
  2. Also, do not forget that the insurance company employs real people who tend to make mistakes, and therefore deliberately incorrect information was entered into the database. In this case, you should contact the technical support of the insurance company and determine the source of the problem.
  3. In theory, when the problem is established, you can simply fill out the form with the necessary data, but you also need to remember that although the insurance will be valid, from the point of view of the law, such an action is not correct.

Since 2013, the Union of Motor Insurers of the Russian Federation (RUA) has put into operation a database used to check the bonus-malus coefficient (BMI). The specified parameter must be used by insurance companies when calculating the insurance tariff (OSAGO).

Considering their own insurance history, drivers can count on a reduction in the tariff due to bonuses (5% per year) for accident-free driving in the previous insurance year. If during the last two years there has been an accident due to the fault of the client, then the amount of the tariff increases (malus).

What are the advantages of the method?

For the client, the benefit of a single database is that the cost of the policy should be announced to him by an employee of the Insurance Company only after completing a request to the PCA database and identifying the right to receive a discount on the cost. Previously, the calculation was often made at the base rate without taking into account the existing bonus.

For an insurance company, a positive moment is the possibility of obtaining a real picture of the client's driving history. Previously, the driver, having learned about the increase in the tariff due to an accident, switched to service in another insurance company, which was not aware of the incident, and was insured at the usual cost. Now in any organization its history will be visible, so the tariff will be the same everywhere, that is, increased due to violations of traffic rules and accidents.

Why is there no information in the database?

Personal data in a single insurance database may be missing for several reasons:

  • when the insurance company, for various reasons, did not provide information about the client's driving history;
  • when incorrect data is transmitted to the PCA , but with errors, so they are not tied to a specific driver in the database;
  • when there was a technical failure in the program and some parts of the data were damaged;
  • when the client exchanged a driver's license, but the information in the database remained tied to outdated data;
  • when the client has just received the rights and draws up the very first insurance contract.

What to do if there is no information in the RSA database?

To make sure that there really is no data in the PCA about KBM, you should send a written request to the Union of Motor Insurers. If there is no confirmation of the facts of the transfer of information by insurers for previous periods, the driver must take the following actions:

  • Prepare old OSAGO insurance policies. In their absence, contact the UK, where the contracts were previously drawn up, and find out the document numbers, their validity period and the date of issue.
  • At the place of registration of the previous policy, obtain a certificate for transferring to another insurance company indicating data on the client's insurance experience and insured events (if any).
  • Take the received certificate to the insurance company, where it is planned to draw up a new insurance agreement.

If the contract has already been executed, then on the basis of the certificate provided, the cost of the policy must be recalculated, and a part of the paid premium should be returned if there is a right to discounts (for KBM).

In 2002, several major players in the Russian insurance market initiated the organization of the Russian Union of Auto Insurers, which created an automated information system in order to ensure transparency of operations carried out by participants in the auto insurance market.

The RSA AIS database in real-time mode provides access to the necessary information on all road users, allows you to calculate the bonus-malus coefficient, on the basis of which insurance organizations provide car owners with a discount for accident-free driving on compulsory motor third party liability insurance policies.

What is AIS RSA for OSAGO

AIS RSA website

On the union's corporate Internet resource in the OSAGO tab, at any time of the day, you can access a free information library developed in 2013 and containing data on:

  • each road user who drives a vehicle;
  • the main characteristics of cars;
  • registration of insured events and payments made on them;
  • registration and sale of insurance policies.

AIS PCA for OSAGO provides insurance companies with data that allows them to calculate the cost of the policy. Using this system, vehicle owners can calculate the CBM, make sure that their policy is registered in the system, and issue an electronic insurance policy.

Now it should be clear to every person what AIS is - it is an effective, high-quality information tool that accumulates data arrays in its database, which in the current time mode can be available to both insurance companies and car owners.

Official website of the AIS RSA base

When concluding an auto civil liability agreement, an insurance company specialist is obliged to make a request to the RSA AIS on the official website of the auto insurers union, which is located at: autoins.ru. This operation is necessary to obtain data that will allow you to calculate the bonus-malus coefficient and correctly determine the cost of an OSAGO policy.

The AIS database is updated annually. Each insurance company that sells auto insurance policies, according to the law of the Russian Federation, is obliged to provide data to the general information base.

Registration in the AIS RSA

Since 2017, it is possible to draw up an auto third party liability insurance contract in electronic form at any time on the Internet portal of the insurance company.

The use of AIS PCA in OSAGO provides a person with the opportunity to quickly and without a queue receive a car insurance policy through an electronic service. To do this, on the official Internet portal of the union of insurers in the E-OSAGO section, select an insurance company that provides such a service. You need to register in your personal account on the electronic page of the insurance organization by filling out the proposed form and order an electronic policy.

When drawing up a contract, technical failures in the AIS often occur, registration through the official website of insurers in your personal account in this case is the only way to get auto insurance.

In case of failure, the information system automatically transfers the client to the registration web page in the personal account on the official portal of the association of insurers.

During registration in the AIS on the website of the parent organization, you must fill out all the proposed forms and go through the authorization procedure for your personal account. To do this, you will need a vehicle passport or its equivalent. At the end of the registration, the information system will prompt the user to go to the website of the insurance company and continue to issue an electronic auto insurance policy there.

Personal account - what is and how to use

Login page

When registering in a personal account on the official website of the association of insurers, the user is guaranteed to receive an electronic insurance policy in one of the companies that are members of the association of insurers. In this case, a person receives confidence that even in the event of various force majeure in the insurer's company, the union will cover all the client's expenses.

If you lose your password from your AIS personal account, you must go through a simple procedure for recovering it. The system will send a new password to the user's e-mail.

How to check the driver or car data in the database

On the main page of the portal of the association of insurers, when opening the OSAGO menu item, a list of queries to the database available without user registration in the system appears. Here you can check the data online, which will help solve many problems with car insurance and compensation.

In this section of the menu of the Internet portal there is a KBM calculator, based on the value of which the cost of the policy is set. With a long history of accident-free driving, the maximum discount is 50% of the insurance price. For each year of operation of the vehicle without incidents on the road, the driver can save 5% of the cost on the policy.

To check the authenticity of the OSAGO policy through the official AIS website, open the menu on the main page of the portal and go to the OSAGO section. Then you need to go to the "OSAGO Authentication" tab. A form will appear on the page in which the series and policy number should be entered. At the bottom of the screen, check the security check box and click the "Search" button.

You can check the data on a car in the AIS of the union of insurance organizations, having information about the VIN, Goznak of the car, body and chassis numbers. After sending the request, the system will find information about the participation of the car in traffic accidents and the presence of a valid insurance policy.

When issuing an electronic insurance document on the Internet resource of the insurance organization, the client can receive a notification about the failure to pass the check in the AIS. The main reason for such a system message is the difference between the data entered in the information base of the association of insurers and the information that a person enters into forms on the portal of the insurance company.

In this situation, it is best to go to the portals of the organizations "Rosgosstrakh" or "HOSKA" and identify errors there (they are highlighted by light), and then purchase an insurance policy from the company you like. It is also possible to check the data on the driver and the correctness of filling in all the fields according to the information from last year's insurance document.

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