We all learned little by little the meaning of idioms. We all learned a little. The general concept of circulation and the basic rule for its selection

We all learned a little, / Something and somehow
From the novel in verse "Eugene Onegin" (1823-1831) by A. S. Pushkin (1799-1837), ch. 1, stanza 5:
We all learned a little
Something and somehow
So education, thank God,
It's easy for us to shine.

Jokingly ironic: about dilentatism, shallow, superficial knowledge in any area.

Encyclopedic Dictionary of winged words and expressions. - M.: "Lokid-Press". Vadim Serov. 2003 .

See what "We all learned a little, / Something and somehow" in other dictionaries:

    Quote from Eugene Onegin A.S. Pushkin, ch. 1, stanza 5 (1825). ... people who ... boast of their learning ... turn out to be very bad students in reality ... Imaginary great scientists can say about themselves if they are frank: We all studied ... ... Dictionary of winged words and expressions

    We all learned little by little, something and somehow- wing. sl. Quote from "Eugene Onegin A. S. Pushkin, ch. 1, stanza 5 (1825). ... people who ... boast of their learning ... turn out to be very bad students in reality ... Imaginary great scientists can say about themselves if they are frank: We all studied ... ... Universal additional practical explanatory dictionary by I. Mostitsky

    We all learned little by little, Something and somehow, So education, thank God, It is not surprising for us to shine. A. S. Pushkin. Evg. Onig. 1, 5. Cf. Aliquis in omnibus, nullus in singulis. See Not without sin. See the deserted people and Thomas the nobleman ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    For something and somehow, So education, thank God, It’s not surprising for us to shine. A.S. Pushkin. Evg. Oneg. 1, 5. Cf. Aliquis in omnibus, nullus in singulis. See not without sin. Look at the desertedness and Thomas the nobleman ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary

    somehow- I ka / to something = like nibu / d 1) In any way, in any way; anyway. In the village, he will somehow settle down. 2) unfold Not good enough, somehow, carelessly. * We all learned little by little Something and somehow (Pushkin) 3) colloquial. When… … Dictionary of many expressions

    AS SOMETHING, AS SOMETHING, adv. 1. In any way, in any way; anyway. In the village, he will somehow settle down. 2. Expand. Not good enough, somehow, carelessly. * We all learned little by little Something and somehow (Pushkin). 3. Unfold… … encyclopedic Dictionary

    And somehow, adv. 1. In any way, in any way; anyway. There is nothing to worry about me. My friends will somehow attach me. Saltykov Shchedrin, Poshekhonskaya antiquity. Arseniy Romanovich was in a hurry to somehow adjust the brace. Fedin, ... ... Small Academic Dictionary

    Something, etc. (see what 1), places. indefinite. Some object, phenomenon, etc. from a number of similar ones, or it doesn’t matter what object, phenomenon, etc. We all learned little by little Something and somehow, So we will educate, thank God, With us ... ... Small Academic Dictionary

    Aphorisms can be divided into two categories: some catch our eye, are remembered and sometimes used when we want to show off wisdom, while others become an integral part of our speech and go into the category of catchphrases. About authorship ... ...

    - (1799 1837) Russian poet, writer. Aphorisms, quotes Pushkin Alexander Sergeevich. Biography It is not difficult to despise the court of people, it is impossible to despise one's own court. Backbiting, even without evidence, leaves eternal traces. Critics... ... Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

Pushkin said. He learned a little. And now they are learning a lot. But they leave from there, well, from these same educational institutions, well, these ... Well, okay, I won’t. You yourself know.

Pushkin, he at least learned something, but who can say what they are learning now?

To knock all the cards out of your hands, I’ll say right away that the ability to read, write, count, use an encyclopedia and geographical maps - each parent is quite capable of teaching his child himself. What will be taught next? And most importantly - why?

Well, it is clear that they finish school in order to get a matriculation certificate. And without it, they don’t take to the university. They graduate from the university in order to get a diploma - and without it, the employer will not take a job. True, many of these employers do not have a diploma of higher education. A misunderstanding turns out.

Let's figure it out. Who is higher in status - the owner of the company or an ordinary office worker ... manager? Well, of course, the owner of the company.

But to become the owner of the company - a diploma is not needed. And to become a manager - you need. Again we are thrown somewhere here, don't you think?

What is so attractive for a non-diploma holder in the holders of diplomas - especially red ones. Knowledge?

It would be nice if this were the case, but in practice you know that people very often work outside their profile. But red diplomas are still appreciated. For what?

Now I will tell you this terrible secret. She's really scary. And insulting for the owners of these very red diplomas.

Remember that the master of himself is the one who sets goals himself. Does he set goals himself - well, at least some, - an excellent student? Of course not.

He has no choice, he does not have the right to study one subject (favorite) and, one might say, ignore the second - pass it with C grades. The excellent student does EVERYTHING that is said.

He is the perfect office ... ra ... well, a slave, so be it, I will say. Excellent student OBEYED! He gets used to for many years of study at school and institute to dutifully do everything they say, and never ask - WHY!

If an excellent student starts asking (why?), then this question can lead him to deadly conclusions.

What if an excellent student decides that he will need some items and some not? What then? Then he will cease to be an EXCELLENT! And what could be worse for an excellent student?

Therefore, he never asks the question - why? Just does what they say. And that's it! This is why the holders of red diplomas are valued.

And among entrepreneurs there are quite a lot of C students and very few excellent students. Why? Yes, because in business, ingenuity is more important than knowledge.

You never know in advance what will come in handy, so it’s better to rely on ingenuity, rather than knowledge.

And given that the three-year-olds did not have answers in their memory, then in the classroom, exams and control three-year-olds had to demonstrate miracles of resourcefulness and ingenuity.

What happens to an excellent student if, for example, a tax inspector says to him: you have made a gross mistake here and will pay a large fine? Stupor.

An excellent student has no experience of behavior in a situation where there is a mistake and you need to get out along the way. For a troechnik, this, one might say, is a standard situation.

You will say that, on the other hand, an excellent student will have all the documents in order. And here you are clearly impersonating an amateur. An entrepreneur cannot have all the documents in order - because this is not supposed to be !!!

It is not for this that so many laws are issued and so many instructions are written so that an entrepreneur can feel independent and free.

No, they are written in such a way that there is always something to complain about.

And how will an excellent student feel in such a situation? Yes, he will be depressed! He is used to doing everything so that the mosquito does not undermine his nose - but here you will not have such a freebie. You can die in pieces of paper - you can still find fault, and they will definitely find fault.

Well, then. Who will praise an excellent student? After all, he just needs praise! He received them almost from birth and long after reaching puberty.

Who will praise, well, who?

The tax inspector will praise him - never! Fireman - no way! Sanitary and epidemiological station - do not hope. A labor inspectorate that checks the condition of work premises is ridiculous to count. Customs officers are the deepest delusion. Ecological militia - why would they need it? Maybe the valiant tax cops? Well, in those black masks, you know? Only a person who does not know life can count on it.

Maybe the employees will praise him? Where did you see such employees? Well, who? The last hope for relatives - so they prefer entrepreneurs to envy rather than admire them.

And why the hell does an excellent student need such a life?

Another thing is a good host. This one is sure to say something encouraging. What does he feel sorry for? It is better to praise three times than to pay a premium once. Is not it so?

So, according to common sense - there is no better place for an excellent student - than an office pa - that is, a manager.

But for a C student who is not used to working systematically and prefers to come up with something, instead of working and then achieving fives, there is no other way than to become entrepreneurs.

He is at the workplace, you understand, - it will be terribly tormented. It is difficult to be a hired employee without diligence - almost impossible.

So, hardworking - to get hired, - lazy to entrepreneurs. Here is our schedule.

Conclusions should be drawn in conclusion. What is the best way for your child to learn? Is it great or are there alternatives?

Why go to school then, you say? Uh, no. I ask you, why do you send your children to school? What do you want them to learn there? Do not know?

I think you know your music CD library better than your school curriculum. Yes, and that's right. You (!) listen to disks. And the school curriculum is not you!

But there's nothing to worry about here. In order to decide what your children need, there are specially trained people. They make the program.

You have the right to decide what kind of music you listen to - but what your child will be taught at school and what they taught you is none of your business. We have not matured enough to solve such issues.

The Ministry of Education knows better what a citizen of our country needs to know and be able to do.

Question. What is the Department of Education worried about? About you, so that the child loves his parents and is generally a good son or daughter? Or that he should be the kind of person the state needs?

I do not think that you will argue that the state is not interested in your child being a good son. The state will pay you a pension. Here, rejoice.

And in return, your son will pay taxes to the state, so that the state has something to pay you a pension when you are already retired.

Don't worry. In order to pay you a pension, your son or daughter will be taken as much as you need. They will not be able to leave you without food. They will send, if necessary, tax policemen and take them away. So, the state will take care of you!

And at school your child will be taught for a long time and painfully that without the state - well, nothing, well, you just can’t get by.

And they will teach that it is right. And it’s even more correct to sit for no one knows why for many years at school, then at the institute, and then sit in the office and then receive a pension. And the state will already take away from your grandchildren as much as is necessary for your son or your daughter to receive a pension.

It is not in vain that I return to this pension all the time. All same sake of pension is done!

True, the average life expectancy of men in Russia is already equal to the time of retirement, but what does it matter?

If you don't go to work, you won't get paid!!! True, there is one incomprehensible place here. And what, would your son help you in old age only on the condition that you would go to work? But for the state it is important!

You say: how else can you live? Well, that's another question. We will solve it with you. In the meantime, let's decide: are you working for your pension or for what? What is the purpose of these decades of work??? What is the purpose? Survival is not the goal. The goal is achieved. Well, like a pension, for example. And survival is a process.

Without an answer to the question: what is the purpose of decades of work - it is impossible to understand what it is and why. If you don’t have such a goal, then look for who benefits from the fact that you have been working for these decades. And by the way, look for who and how you formed this goal. Is the task clear?

They formed, - I suggest, - at school and at the institute - constantly saying that without a certificate of secondary education or without a diploma, they will not be hired. Ah… Understood. Getting a job is a big blessing! Not everyone is accepted!

And in order to be hired, you need to study for a long time. Now everything is clear, right?

Another small touch. Why do first-graders have sparkling eyes - they are so happy when they go to school, but high school students do not. And they are not happy with the school. And the freshmen's eyes sparkle, but the seniors don't. And for those who just went to work - their eyes shine, but after they have worked for several years - there is already boredom in their eyes. But that's petty, right?

And at the beginning, they also rejoice at retirement. And then something already this pension does not please. What does this mean? This means that expectations were not met. That's what it means!

Yes, and here's more. 99% of all jobs, in my opinion, require on-the-job training, well, a maximum of two to three weeks. Why all so many years at school to teach? If then, anyway, go to work. And the work is usually simple. No special knowledge is required.

So, what is taught in school, let's leave the question open. Some kind of mystery of nature.


What happened? Ahh... That ended the FIRST ROUND. We, with you, my dear reader, will have several rounds. How many, I will not say, in order to intrigue more.

And, accordingly, there will be an end to the fight, and then - a victory on points, by knockout, or due to the fact that one of the rivals-friends, :) cannot continue the fight for medical reasons or simply surrendered.

Well, I won't give up. This time. :) For medical reasons, you can't wait either. :)

I removed all the doctors from the hall. I will tell you more about my attitude to medicine.

Thus, you can either refuse the fight (that is, quit the book without reading it to the end), or ... I'll be honest - you have no chance of winning.

How many years have I been preparing! I'm in great shape. And learned a lot. So many training fights and sparring held. I have received more than ten thousand letters in the last two years alone! And there most often objected to me. :) Unsuccessfully. :)

Are you ready? Of course not! The routine has got you. The turnover does not let you tear off your head. Life takes away the last remnants of free time ... Relatives ... Well, let's not talk about sad things. :)

So, let's not be distracted and let's find out everything about the summing up. Or, more precisely, about how refereeing is organized here.

Well, drowning man, help yourself, of course. You will be the judge. I trust you completely. But a few conditions. Which, of course, you can not accept if they seem wrong to you and you can refute them.

What conditions?

Remember what I have already said about truth. Which one. I'll add one more thing...

Freedom of speech is one of the greatest achievements... Uh, where has this gotten me

... Well, freedom of speech is what fools demand to protect their right to express their opinion with impunity.

Well, let's say that a decision is adopted: if you said an opinion and it turned out to be erroneous, then pay, well, let's say, in favor of nature conservation - one rupee.

Imagine how much, I think, just a thousand times, the amount of meaningless, unnecessary, incorrect, stupid and even idiotic chatter would decrease.

But instead, under the guise of some kind of achievement, the right of every idiot to carry anything is promoted, he only needs to add at the end of the statement: this is just my opinion.

And if you say: well, a stupid statement, they say, they will gently correct you. Like, you need to respect other people's opinions. Hinting that otherwise your opinion will not be respected.

Did you pay attention to where we were all thrown here? Didn't notice - I know for sure.

And they threw us in the very place - where they equated the statement TRUE - with the statement INCORRECT. The words of a wise man - bearing the truth - in a democratic society are EQUAL to the delirium of an idiot. Both must be respected.

Have you forgotten what we're talking about yet? We're talking about refereeing here.

Let us not follow this vicious path and either speak the truth or remain silent - which is wise. Remember after all: the word is silver - silence is golden.

But how to distinguish truth from error - you ask? Well, firstly, you need to TRY TO DIFFERENTIATE, with this, I think you will not argue?

Secondly, if you want to convince someone of something, well, for example, me, you need to act correctly. What is it like?

I'll start with how wrong. For example, you say: AS KNOWN, this is the situation in such and such a way and this follows from this, and therefore, they say, you Yura, are wrong!

Do you think this approach is ok? Nothing like this! And all this is destroyed by one single question. Who knows??? Let me remind you that three question marks means a question asked with great expression. :)

I know, you think? No. Unknown. More precisely, I heard about something similar, but I do not agree, and that's why ... And then I can give three or more arguments why I do not agree. With this most supposedly known to everyone.

Am I being too hard? So, it seems, the logical chain here I have no more than two links, and at school, when proving the theorem, there are logical chains with ten or more links. :)

Ah, ... you learned theorems at school by heart, right? :) And they DID NOT UNDERSTAND the logic of the evidence? Well, I understand that you can't teach an old dog new tricks, but let's strain.

I am making a titanic effort to explain everything as simply as possible, and you should make an effort to reach out to the simplest explanation that I am capable of. :)

But what about that, you ask, thinking deeply. How can one argue about something or agree on something if one does not refer to the known? How did they teach at school? He said that SO is written in the textbook and everything is proved!

Well, we're not at school. And then, what do I need links to other books? I am a writer myself. :) You never know what is written in another book, but OTHER is written in mine. :)

Obviously, not the best are elected. But by majority vote. Thus - by the example of elections IT IS PROVEN - that the majority of votes does not guarantee the choice of the best politician or the best solution from a set of alternatives.

Do you agree with me on this? Agree, I think. It's hard to argue with that. You see, I just showed you how we can argue. If you agree with this thesis, then this thesis is something like one of the axioms. On which we then rely.

Remember geometry? Bad, right? :) Ah, ... it was you who wanted to prove the usefulness of school education to me, right? :) Well, it did not bring any benefit to you. As seen. :)

Okay, if you don't remember, I'll tell you. First, Euclid came up with a set of axioms, five, I think. One of them, remember, yes, that parallel lines never, never, well, never (!) intersect.

And then, taking these axioms as a foundation, based on them, Euclid proved everything else. Lots of different theories. And Pythagoras later proved that Pythagorean pants are equal in all directions. That is, the sum of the squares of the legs is equal to the square of the hypotenuse. Do you remember?

So, and Lobachevsky, there was such a Russian mathematician, he took and created ANOTHER geometry - the geometry of Lobachevsky.

And he did it - just changing one axiom of Euclid. He accepted that parallel lines DO intersect! And he got a completely different geometry. Quite another. Completely different theorems and completely different pants. Everything is different.

What does this have to do with us? The most direct. If you prove to me theorems from the geometry of Euclid or, even worse, refer to theorems already proven by Euclid, and I study Lobachevsky's geometry, then we will have a bazaar-station. And we will not understand each other and refer to DIFFERENT BOOKS!

Therefore, you and I, dear reader, need to deal with the axioms. With a set of axioms. Whether they match or not. And only then on private issues to argue. Is it logical?

Well, whose axioms are better, let me ask this question? I'm a writer, thanks to my axioms, I enjoy clicking on the keyboard, and who are you? :)

Well, maybe you're even an entrepreneur - which is very commendable. And what do you say that it’s better to run to the office every day to force stupid employees to work, or to click the keys for your own pleasure, huh?

Well, I haven't convinced yet, I see, I see ... and okay, I'll convince you again. :) For now, let's dwell on the question that there is a well-known, usual set of axioms that are shared by the majority of the population.

The same majority who work hard and hard - earn little and in general all the joy in life - a day off, yes a vacation. And you can't quit your job - you'll die of hunger. And without a master, there are only numerous troubles for this very majority. It cannot feed itself.

The owner has his own problems: either the tax office sharpens a hole punch on him, or some kind of sanitary and epidemiological station strives to find Koch's wand. Life is not sugar either.

I suggest something. I propose to do what is called a feint with the ears and generally go beyond these two difficult alternatives.

Of course, the life of the owner of his own business is easier. I am my own boss and have more income. And again, the air of freedom. Apart from the hole punch, of course. :)

Specifically, I suggest you: through the intermediate point - "entrepreneurial activity" - break through to the next point - the "kingdom of freedom", where there is no tax, no lazy employees, no work from 9 to 5.

Just keep in mind, in Euclid's geometry, this feint is impossible. Here we need ANOTHER GEOMETRY!

Well, what axiom are we going to change? In my opinion, enough - ONE! And then you will be convinced that wherever you poke, we will always stumble upon her dear. THE ONE.

What is this axiom? Let's start with this thesis. Do you know how to distinguish a great person from a small person? And it's easy to distinguish.

A small person is trying in every possible way to smear and smear EVERYTHING (pay attention to the word everything) that he sees, which differs from the average level. As the Japanese said: "Protruding nails are hammered." Probably in my head :)

Of course, there is no way for this little man to go to great people, and here he is sitting in his kitchen or at the TV saying all sorts of nasty things about everyone who is above him.

Yes, they bought everything for grandmas.

Yes, she did it all through the bed.

Yes, he stole it.

Yes, he threw someone ...

Yes, I would, if I had such grandmothers, then I would

Yes, pay me that much, I would too ...

I remember that even Ostap Bender repeated the words of Marx, it seems: "All large fortunes are acquired dishonestly."

Yes, I agree, dishonest. Especially large ones. Only now, do you know a lot of those who would refuse to get a job as a deputy (or president) to this very owner of a large fortune? For a very, very decent salary?

This little man simply agrees to any shame to be hired for such a job. That's why they don't take it.

Nobody needs people who are ready for everything for the sake of money. They will betray instantly if someone offers them more.

And, as you know, the one who is ready for anything for the sake of money considers EVERYONE corrupt. And he refuses to admit that there is at least one person for whom money is NOT THE MAIN THING.

So. We digress. Anyone who surrounds, especially those who have achieved MORE than he, considers himself worse, - ATTENTION AXIOM - what is called, happiness cannot be seen.

Look around you - look how many people are around you, powerlessly jealous of those who have achieved more, and, envying, they are trying to discredit everything that they managed to achieve.

Such envious people can count on nothing. It's better not to have anything to do with them at all. Extremely unreliable and extremely harmful people for any business. What is called - neither steal nor guard.

I think if you are reading this book, then you do not fall into this category - but nevertheless, carefully observe yourself: do such phrases slip through your mind?

And who is a great person or just a good master in some business? This is a person who carefully observes everyone who has achieved more and tries to understand how he achieved this and will definitely ASK and ATTENTION AXIOM - and in fact he will receive an answer!

It is incorrect to refer to myself - but after all, I received more than ten (or even fifteen) thousand letters and answered almost all of them!

Do you know who only I did not answer, although sometimes I answered them too? The same little people - who spewed out anger in letters addressed to me - who tried ... well, you yourself understand that they wrote to me approximately, and you ... and you ... so-and-so ...

Well, what can be achieved with this approach (what did they even want to achieve?) And what provoked them to write such letters? Of course, the most acute complex of one's own inferiority or simply dissatisfaction with oneself.

Well, if you are dissatisfied with YOURSELF - why write letters to me that you are dissatisfied with ME? Where is the logic, where is the reason?

You must have heard this joke? I'll tell you just in case. This is my favorite, so to speak, conceptual anecdote.

Little Johnny walks down the corridor at school and mutters under his breath: "Where is the logic, where is the mind, where is the logic, where is the mind ... ???

The director goes and asks Vovochka: "Vovochka, why aren't you in class?"

Little Johnny replies: "Well, here I am saying: where is the logic, where is the mind?"

I, - says Vovochka, - farted in the class and they kicked me out of the class, but they themselves remained. Where is the logic, where is the reason!?

So, let's get back to our rams and to ... A big man is looking for reasons that someone has achieved more, IN HIMSELF! The little man is looking for reasons IN OTHERS!

He apparently does not have a single flaw and has a host of virtues, his conscience is clear and his skill in his work exceeds all reasonable limits.

Whereas these "stars" are just the latest bastards!!! Well, he thinks so. And he's just a very clean and conscientious person.

Firstly, if you are so pure and conscientious, why call others scum, and secondly ...

It is said: ... do not point your brother to a twig if you yourself have a log in your own eye.

Or you can remember: "He who is without sin, let him throw the first stone" Or: "Do not judge - so that you will not be judged."

These are just statements that, indeed, intuitively and immediately, seem to be true, and no one usually argues with them.

This is the property of truth or a true statement: after pronouncing the truth, the argument ends.

So, a small person tries to bring everyone down to himself, and then below, a great person tries to raise everyone to his level, and himself, having outlined someone as an ideal for himself, strives to reach the level of this ideal.

Do you understand a simple and easy-to-apply axiom? If you see how someone does not strive to rise higher, but seeks to lower others in one way or another - know that this is a small person.

A well-known variant of this approach is the example of pessimists and optimists.

The pessimist says - this (and nothing at all) will not work for you. Just like he doesn't get anything.

The optimist says: you will succeed, you see, how I did it, and this and that, it’s true that there are failures, but I overcome them, and you will overcome them.

Just? Elementary! I may be long, but I think it's good and clear :) I explained that thesis - how we will sum up the results in our battle between two worldviews. :)

What is your worldview - a pessimist? And you are still going to defend the gray and black flag of this club?

Does our bright yellow sunny optimist flag make you want to smear it with roadside mud? We'll wash nothing :) We'll manage.)

And then, the sunbeam does not get dirty. :)

So, the thesis is very simple: you will succeed! Everything you dream of! And no one can stop you. On one condition, really.

If you achieve what you dream of, not at someone else's expense. Otherwise, those at whose expense you will achieve everything will begin to interfere with you.

True, even if you are the most noble person in the world, there are a lot of people who will envy you and tell all sorts of nasty things about you - but these people are completely helpless, and why be afraid of them?

To be honest, I don’t understand what you can argue with here? Is a second round even necessary? Maybe it's time to declare a clear victory? Ippon, as the Japanese say. :)

Are you going to argue that you will succeed? :) Really, are you going? What for? What benefits will you get if you argue with this? Well, what? :)

It is only worth warning you that if you try to tell some of your acquaintances that he will also succeed, then I am sure you will learn a lot of new and interesting things about yourself. :) Try it, try it. Get a very rewarding experience.

And suppose, you say, I am also an optimist and I believe that everything will work out for me. And what will it give me?

How is it, did the coach give you the last instructions? :) Did you stretch your shoulders well? Are you ready for the second round?

I understand that you have already conceived such a hook on the left for me - they say that it will give me this, so what? Answer please.

I have an answer. :) I'm just suggesting for the last time to throw away the white towel. :)

Or are you determined to go all out and put your best arguments into action? If so, then I ask you to the ring!

We all learned little by little, Something and somehow

Quote from "Eugene Onegin A.S. Pushkin, ch. 1, stanza 5 (1825).

People who... boast of their learning... actually turn out to be very bad students... Imaginary great scientists can say about themselves if they are frank: We all learned little by little, Something and somehow.

Dictionary of winged words. Plutex. 2004

See what "We all learned a little, Something and somehow" in other dictionaries:

    From the novel in verse "Eugene Onegin" (1823 1831) by A. S. Pushkin (1799 1837), ch. 1, stanza 5: We all learned little by little, Something and somehow, So education, thank God, It is not surprising for us to shine. Jokingly ironic: about dilenty, shallow ... Dictionary of winged words and expressions

    We all learned little by little, something and somehow- wing. sl. Quote from "Eugene Onegin A. S. Pushkin, ch. 1, stanza 5 (1825). ... people who ... boast of their learning ... turn out to be very bad students in reality ... Imaginary great scientists can say about themselves if they are frank: We all studied ... ... Universal additional practical explanatory dictionary by I. Mostitsky

    We all learned little by little, Something and somehow, So education, thank God, It is not surprising for us to shine. A. S. Pushkin. Evg. Onig. 1, 5. Cf. Aliquis in omnibus, nullus in singulis. See Not without sin. See the deserted people and Thomas the nobleman ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    For something and somehow, So education, thank God, It’s not surprising for us to shine. A.S. Pushkin. Evg. Oneg. 1, 5. Cf. Aliquis in omnibus, nullus in singulis. See not without sin. Look at the desertedness and Thomas the nobleman ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary

    somehow- I ka / to something = like nibu / d 1) In any way, in any way; anyway. In the village, he will somehow settle down. 2) unfold Not good enough, somehow, carelessly. * We all learned little by little Something and somehow (Pushkin) 3) colloquial. When… … Dictionary of many expressions

    AS SOMETHING, AS SOMETHING, adv. 1. In any way, in any way; anyway. In the village, he will somehow settle down. 2. Expand. Not good enough, somehow, carelessly. * We all learned little by little Something and somehow (Pushkin). 3. Unfold… … encyclopedic Dictionary

    And somehow, adv. 1. In any way, in any way; anyway. There is nothing to worry about me. My friends will somehow attach me. Saltykov Shchedrin, Poshekhonskaya antiquity. Arseniy Romanovich was in a hurry to somehow adjust the brace. Fedin, ... ... Small Academic Dictionary

    Something, etc. (see what 1), places. indefinite. Some object, phenomenon, etc. from a number of similar ones, or it doesn’t matter what object, phenomenon, etc. We all learned little by little Something and somehow, So we will educate, thank God, With us ... ... Small Academic Dictionary

    Aphorisms can be divided into two categories: some catch our eye, are remembered and sometimes used when we want to show off wisdom, while others become an integral part of our speech and go into the category of catchphrases. About authorship ... ...

    - (1799 1837) Russian poet, writer. Aphorisms, quotes Pushkin Alexander Sergeevich. Biography It is not difficult to despise the court of people, it is impossible to despise one's own court. Backbiting, even without evidence, leaves eternal traces. Critics... ... Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms


  • Winged words, quotes, aphorisms, Pushkin Alexander Sergeevich. The work of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin accompanies us all our lives. Quotes from his works and winged expressions, from the textbook "At the seashore the green oak", crafty" We all studied ...

Yes, in the nineteenth century, according to Pushkin, they learned something and somehow.

And we in the Soviet Union, our pioneering twentieth century, learned little by little what is needed and what is not needed. And now ... What horrible and it is not clear why.

I listened to the radio today. And there again about the same as yesterday. What homework the whole family does with children from dusk to dawn. From dawn to dusk. And they remembered the children because one of the deputies, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Education and Science, Boris Chernyshov, made a statement that homework should be abolished! In his opinion, it is better for children to spend this time on walks in the fresh air. How can you not agree with this...

Yesterday I remembered that Vladimir Vladimirovich has a wonderful video on this subject "Why do we torture children". And of course I watched it again. And now I remembered again that I didn’t put a like. I got carried away ... But now I have corrected this defect. Oh, why not like a good person on a wonderful video!

But Vladimir Vladimirovich Shakhidzhanyan is not a member of the State Duma. And who knows, maybe this is the very video that they will watch in the State Duma and finally do the right thing.

Although, all this is so superficial, all these homework in the era of the Internet ... I remember the tale of G.Kh. Andersen's "The King's New Dress" and the key quote in the denouement "Why, the king is naked! - suddenly said some child." It is not clear how this will all end, maybe they will talk again and calm down ... But we, the pioneers of the twentieth century, still believe in a brighter future. And here, in my debut article on the Internet, I want to talk about my views, memories of my studies at school during the decline of the USSR.

Fortunately, I completed the course "SOLO on the keyboard". And now I can write freely at the speed of thought.

I remember how my parents bought me such a beautiful leather satchel back then in Kharkov. With what happiness in the eyes I went to school for the first time. And then - the school was a whole world, mysterious, fantastic, magical. Of course, there were also bitter days, as it seemed to me then. But it was school. School of life, the ability to make friends, forgive, ask for forgiveness, love, admire, resent, get out of difficult situations, look for approaches to teachers. But somewhere in between there was a work process. With textbooks, teachers and of course homework.

On homework, I remember mostly - these are poems. Everyone learned poetry. Pushkin from the first class. I remember "Let's drink from grief, where is the mug" - it was probably about tea. In addition to poetry - I remember the extension. In the middle classes. Extension - we walk a lot, then we do a little homework. At the same time, we had a samovar in the class. And for tea with bagels and cheerful conversations without any psychological stress, with musical pauses - they played vinyl records. Yes, we had so much fun. I had great teachers!

For the last two years, I studied at a new school. New team. And already one country was dying, a new country was being born. Yes, in 1990 I went to the 10th grade. And I got lucky again. Good luck with the teachers. And above all with a literature teacher Lyudmila Nikolaevna Rumyantseva. It should be noted that I was predisposed to mathematics and the exact sciences. But she taught me a lot. Taught me to love books and reading. During those two years I read so many books, learned so many new things. What a pity that those wonderful school years have passed.

When we were walking through Dostoevsky, Lyudmila Nikolaevna said that "Crime and Punishment" was too hard to master. She said, "I don't think anyone will read it." But I read. When she asked if anyone in the class had read, everyone raised their hands.

Not so long ago I met Lyudmila Nikolaevna on the street. I read my poem, remembered the old days.

And at school I read poetry.
So with the expression, everyone is envious!
That's why they all loved
I, like Yesenin, walked according to suit.

But it was all just in childhood,
of my past youth,
And I became a programmer.
And now I write poetry myself! ...

When I moved to another school
In the teacher's room, we read poems one at a time.
Well, my turn has come.
Come on, she tells me like this, with a sigh ... uuu ...

Well, like, very badly I can ...
Then, how now I remember this case!
Nekrasov. Memory of Dobrolyubov.
And in silence then she looked at me for such a long time...

I read so that everything in the teacher's room rattled,
Souls of my impulses, lines of verse,
And with amazement, she looked so bewildered ...
That there was no edge or end!

She apologized and swore that it was a bad thing.
That I just read to her. Like an orchestra
It was in that closet, and only her whole body shuddered.
I enjoyed it from the bottom of my heart ... well, the reader's career went on !!!

And I expressed the opinion that a professional teacher can accustom someone like me to literature. Great is the teacher who has developed both the capable and the unpredisposed from the outset to the subject. The lessons of which are expressive, contagious, magical. Great is the teacher who is surpassed by his students. Great is the teacher who has prepared a worthy replacement.

Varvara Ivanovna taught mathematics in the last year, she incredibly developed my abilities. But even Vitalik, who was very far from mathematics, was taught to take the derivative of any complex function.

When my daughter finished school, Varvara Ivanovna was known as a good tutor. But it was hard to get to her. You have to pass the exam. The wife tried several times to persuade her to take her daughter to study. But Varvara Ivanovna was adamant. Then I called her. She remembered me, said that she would prepare her daughter in full. And so it happened. It's good when you are remembered and met halfway.

But physics was much more difficult for me. Oh, this physics, physical!

Naira Surenovna, my physicist.
I've had it for the last two years.
That new school that in the year ninetieth
We came into it, I'm not fully grown.

They taught me how to make a nuclear bomb
And how to turn nothing into gilding.
Yes, only a bad student was with me,
At first, I did not delve into science at all.

But you called to the meeting of your father,
I told him that your son is gop swell.
My dad answered, not at all embarrassed
Tolik told me that the result would be five!

What are there five, she screamed for a long time !!!
I can only put a three for lard!
And Tolik said that in physics FIVE!
My son can't lie to me for anything!

And then dad and the physicist said,
She betrayed the whole class.
Why are you daddy so stressed me,
I had to correct my grades.

I walked long and tedious to this five,
Naira stubbornly gave me deuces.
But soon the answers were given at once,
Her eye glittered from the calculation formulas.

And now, in the last quarter, five,
I corrected the year for four,
I chose physics as an exam again.
And he kept his word, certificate five.

Now my daughter is grown up. And my son is already 15 years old, but we do not go to a regular school. A little special. My beloved son has autism. He doesn't talk. Unfortunately, such is our fate, unenviable. Therefore, about my children, about homework, about the lawlessness that goes on during school years, I hear wonderful modern times only from stories on the radio.

I can’t say that in our time, in my childhood, there was no overload with tasks. It was. But we knew how to study for triples, those who did not chase marks. I didn't chase marks. If I know the subject. then excellent. Well, if not, then no.

At the last chemistry lesson, when the annual marks were already given to everyone, it turned out that only I was able to solve one of the problems from the whole class. The teacher was ready to give me an A. But I refused. Let me have three. If I knew the subject, then five. And here the abilities in mathematics and physics helped. After grade 11, there were eight fives and eight threes in the certificate. I am not a child prodigy and could not afford to teach biology at the expense of mathematics, at the expense of football. But I still showed character even after the ninth grade.

I studied biology at school
So, by the way, I didn’t like her at all.
These lymph nodes, white blood cells, my pestle
I could not stand this horror, here's a true cross for you.

And the geographer who ate the globe was our director,
I was finishing the ninth grade, my brother was the eleventh grade.
That crazy year of the ninetieth, deuces right in the certificate.
I'm not very happy about that, but my brother was not happy either.

My brother and I grabbed B's in Biology...
Brother and blurted out in the lesson, "There are no enemies in my family."
Not bad, said the geographer, nothing, not the first time.
I will help you, my friend, I will be your first enemy.

And to correct only the exam, so his brother passes it ...
And then the director comes in and asks questions.
Of course, the brother did not answer, he only wrote off the cheat sheet.
They put a deuce in the certificate and that's how he walked.

Tomorrow I have an exam, there is no time to argue with fate
I put a table in the apartment and a textbook in front of me.
Day and night, already four, I teach biology.
I've already read the textbook, at least I'll sleep for an hour now ...

Here's ticket number one, I'm writing a treatise on it.
I answer without hesitation and the teacher is very happy.
Then our geographer comes in, says "Did he answer?".
He answered the first ticket perfectly, champion ...

He said "I didn't hear anything, come on, let's get the second ticket."
I answer without hesitation, our director is not himself.
Ticket eighty-third, the third hour has already gone,
But he couldn’t find fault with it and didn’t find any mistakes.

They conferred, were amazed, "He's a candidate of science!"
And the geographer is our director from the spider's web of tears.
Well, they put four, but in the end it came out three.
It was a state assessment, I will go through life with it ...

But I, both then and now, believe that it is not necessary to teach all subjects. But if you teach, then do it with interest, brightly, beautifully, as Lyudmila Nikolaevna and Varvara Ivanovna did. Then there will be no inability. There was at one time a teacher, she called everyone "stupid". But most likely, they are not incapable tupars. You have to learn right. Yes, a lot is said about this in the video of Vladimir Vladimirovich Shakhidzhanyan "Why do we torture children". And I completely agree with him.

Well, in the end I will offer you a couple of poems about love. About school love. First confession. First kiss.

Love, my love,
The world opened up a new one.
repeat your name
I won't get tired again.

On the extension between the desks
The village is not far away.
Your sweet look on me
Like a bird singing

Dropped, lured
And she was holding a pencil case.
Your tender soul
Everything about you was trembling.

Your charm
All the soul let in.
I was then ready for anything
That's what strength.

First "G", our first class,
The first pains.
Girls, pigtail, bow,
Darling, doubts.

All portals and worlds
new consciousness,
I love your first
First confession...

I went to school in the first grade!
Everything was there for the first time.
There were also girls in the class.
Ira is mischievous with brown eyes.

After school everyone went home
He went out next to Ira, called with her.
I followed her, she was good
It just sounded very weird.

Will you kiss? I'm numb!
Well, you go, my Tolya. Her spirit sang.
I didn't know what to do, but she keeps saying!
Will you kiss? Lip pattern beckons.

My heart suddenly began to beat, it would jump out of my chest!
Will you kiss? Irochka echoes!
I looked at Ira, bright brown eyes.
What did this word come out of you?

For me, Irina from the girl at once,
Became a queen, light for brown eyes.
Looked into her eyes, passion burns inside!
We're only eight! Conscience speaks!

What are you, Irina, how did I live before?
You are mine forever, the voice spoke!
Will you kiss? Come on, Tol, let's go!
I went after her, girl, my dream!

And there was a friend walking by. As it is,
Ira told her to stop here.
And we went with her to a quiet corner,
Says kiss, Tolya, my flower!

I tell her Irochka, my dear, my light
How to kiss, ashamed at eight years old.
And Irochka closed her brown eyes,
And a thunderstorm broke from my lips to Irochka!

And I closed my eyes, oh heavens,
And we met lips, girlish beauty!
And immediately your heavens opened up!
And dreams and joys have become all mine!

We kissed for a long time, the heavens came together,
We kissed passionately, lips parted!
The discharge from the lips was shocking, my Irochka!
For a long time I still remember the feelings of the first.

And then he walked you home for a long time,
Every day he wore a briefcase, he bared joy.
You loved, I loved, it was like in a movie.
And it seemed that there was only one joy in life!

But the guys in the class began to notice
And various chants began to shout.
Bride and groom, I don't care!
Well, it’s as if Ira wasn’t given a place.

And Ira said, you defame me!
You find another, let them laugh at her.
How did I fade. After all, with you on the grass
We looked at the sun, dreamed of happiness!

But Ira said, you forget the road.
Everything that is dear to the heart is now touchy.
She ordered harshly, get out, to the other.
And I was left alone. Year eight the second.

We were eight. Say it's childhood.
I looked for love in others, it turned out in vain.
Ah, my Soviet Union fell apart early,
But he did not take Irochkin's wounds with him.

You left ... You were there, desk after another.
A boy abused you in the third grade.
You were looking for love in the wrong place, shame on you as a bride.
Has received for such a hepatitis known.

That boy, he was bad, he's a bad boy,
You try love early, I was waiting for you too much.
I never came close to you.
All the same, I loved you in my heart, sorry for you silly.

My first kiss was passionate and hot.
My lips still remember the burning heat.
Where are you, my Irochka, you are my bride,
Oh, guys, why, shamed childhood.

Fill in all the missing punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) that should be replaced by a comma(s) in the sentence.

We all learned a little

Something and somehow

So (1) education (2) thank God (3)

It's easy for us to shine.

Onegin was (4) according to many (5)

(Judges decisive and strict) (6)

A small scientist, but a pedant.

He had a lucky talent

No compulsion in conversation (7)

Touch (8) to everything lightly,

With a learned air of a connoisseur

And make the ladies smile

The fire of unexpected epigrams.

(Alexander Pushkin)

Explanation (see also Rule below).

Here is the correct spelling.

We all learned a little

Something and somehow

So educate Thank God,

It's easy for us to shine.

Onegin was according to many

(Judges resolute and strict),

A small scientist, but a pedant.

He had a lucky talent

No compulsion to speak

Touch everything lightly

With a learned air of a connoisseur

Keep silent in an important dispute

And make the ladies smile

The fire of unexpected epigrams.

“So” is not an introductory word in this text, it is an adverb.

Commas 2 and 3 for the introductory word; 4 and 6 also for the introductory word.

Notice why there is no number: 5 inserted in brackets sentence followed by a comma.

Answer: 2346

Answer: 2346

Relevance: Current academic year

Difficulty: normal

Codifier section: Punctuation marks in sentences with words and constructions not grammatically related to sentence members

Rule: Task 18. Introductory words and appeal

Task 18 tests the ability to punctuate words that are not grammatically related to the sentence. These include introductory words (constructions, phrases, sentences), plug-in constructions and appeals.

In the USE 2016-2017, one part of tasks 18 will be presented in the form of a narrative sentence with introductory words

Dacha (1) can be (2) called the cradle from which for each of us began to comprehend the world, at first limited to a garden, then a huge street, then plots and (3) finally (4) the entire country side.

The other part (judging by the demo and the book by I.P. Tsybulko Model Exam Materials 2017) will look like this:

Put punctuation marks: indicate the number (s) in the place of which (s) in the sentence should (s) be a comma (s).

Listen (1) maybe (2) when we leave

Forever this world, where the soul is so cold,

Perhaps (3) in a country where they do not know deceit,

You (4) will be an angel, I will become a demon!

Swear then to forget (5) dear (6)

For a former friend, all the happiness of paradise!

May (7) the gloomy exile, condemned by fate,

You will be paradise, and you will be the universe to me!

(M.Yu. Lermontov)

Consider the rules and concepts necessary to perform this type of task.

17.1 The general concept of introductory words and the basic rule for their selection.

Introductory words are words (or phrases) that are not grammatically related to the sentence and introduce additional semantic shades. For example: Obviously communication with children develops many good qualities in a person; Fortunately the secret remains a secret.

These meanings are conveyed not only by introductory words, but also introductory sentences. For example: evening, Do you remember, the blizzard was angry ... (Pushkin).

Adjoining the input units insert structures which contain various additional remarks, amendments and clarifications. Plug-in constructions, like introductory ones, are not connected with other words in the sentence. They abruptly tear up the offer. For example: Journals of foreign literature (two) I ordered to send to Yalta ; Masha talked to him about Rossini (Rossini was just coming into fashion) about Mozart.

The main mistake of most writers is associated with inaccurate knowledge of the list of introductory words. Therefore, first of all, you should learn which words can be introductory, which groups of introductory words can be distinguished and which words are never introductory.


1. introductory words expressing the speaker's feelings in connection with what was said: fortunately, unfortunately, unfortunately, to annoyance, to horror, to misfortune, what good ...

2. introductory words expressing the speaker's assessment of the degree of reliability of what he said: of course, undoubtedly, of course, indisputably, obviously, certainly, probably, probably, probably, probably, probably, probably, apparently, apparently, in essence, in fact, I think ... This group of introductory words is the most numerous.

3. introductory words indicating the sequence of thoughts presented and their connection with each other: firstly, so, therefore, in general, means, by the way, further, however, finally, on the one hand This group is also quite large and treacherous.

4. introductory words indicating the techniques and ways of formulating thoughts: in a word, in other words, in other words, rather, more precisely, so to speak ...

5. introductory words indicating the source of the message: they say, in my opinion, according to ..., according to rumors, according to information ..., according to ..., in my opinion, I remember ...

6. introductory words, which are the speaker's appeal to the interlocutor: you see (whether), you know, understand, forgive, please, agree ...

7. introductory words indicating an assessment of the measure of what is being said: at the most, at least...

8. introductory words showing the degree of commonness of what was said: happens, happens, as usual...

9. introductory words expressing the expressiveness of the statement: joking aside, it's funny to say, to be honest, between us...

17.1. 1 ARE NOT INTRODUCTORY WORDS and therefore the following words are not separated by commas in the letter:

literally, as if, in addition, suddenly, after all, here, there, hardly, after all, ultimately, hardly, even, precisely, exclusively, as if, as if, just, meanwhile, almost, therefore, therefore, approximately, approximately, moreover, moreover, simply, decisively, as if ... - this group includes particles and adverbs, which most often turn out to be erroneously isolated as introductory.

according to tradition, according to the advice ..., according to the instructions ..., according to the demand ..., according to the order ..., according to the plan ... - these combinations act as non-separated (not separated by commas) members of the sentence:

On the advice of her older sister, she decided to enter Moscow State University.

By order of the doctor, the patient was put on a strict diet.

17.1. 2 Depending on the context, the same words can act either as introductory words or as members of a sentence.

MAY and MAY BE, SHOULD BE, SEEMS (seemed) act as introductory if they indicate the degree of reliability of the reported:

Maybe, I will come tomorrow? Our teacher has been gone for two days; may be, he is ill. You, should be, for the first time you meet with such a phenomenon. I, seems, I saw him somewhere.

The same words can be used as predicates:

What can a meeting with you bring me? How can a person be so optional! This should be your own decision. All this seems very suspicious to me. Note: you can never throw out its predicate from a sentence, but the introductory word can.

OBVIOUSLY, POSSIBLY, VISIBLY turn out to be introductory if they indicate the degree of reliability of the statement:

You, obviously Do you want to apologize for what you did? Next month I possibly I'm going to rest. You, it is seen Would you like to tell us the whole truth?

The same words can be included in the predicates:

It became obvious to everyone that another way to solve the problem had to be found. This was made possible thanks to the coordinated actions of the fire brigade. The sun is not visible because of the clouds.

PROBABLY, TRUE, EXACTLY, NATURALLY turn out to be introductory when indicating the degree of reliability of the reported (in this case they are interchangeable or can be replaced by words of this group that are close in meaning) - You, probably (=must be) and you don't understand how important it is to do it on time. You, right, and there is the same Sidorov? She is, exactly, was a beauty. All these arguments naturally So far, only our guesses.

The same words turn out to be members of the sentence (circumstances) - He correctly (=correctly, the circumstance of the mode of action) translated the text. I don't know for sure (=probably a modus operandi), but he must have done it to spite me. The student accurately (=correctly) solved the problem. This naturally (=in a natural way) led us to the only correct answer.

BTW is an introductory word if it indicates a connection of thoughts:

He is a good sportsman. By the way He also studies well.

The same word does not act as an introductory word in the meaning of "at the same time":

I'll go for a walk, by the way I'll buy some bread.

BY THE WAY turns out to be an introductory word, indicating the connection of thoughts:

Her parents, friends and, by the way, best friend against the trip.

This word can be used as a non-introductory word in the context:

He made a long speech, in which, among other things, he noted that he would soon become our boss.

FIRST of all, as an introductory word, it indicates the connection of thoughts:

Primarily(= firstly), is it even necessary to raise such a sensitive topic?

The same word can act as a circumstance of time (=first):

First of all, I want to say hello from your parents.

It must be said that in the same phrase "first of all" can be considered as an introductory, or not, depending on the will of the author.

REALLY, DEFINITELY, DEFINITELY, ACTUALLY will be introductory if they indicate the degree of reliability of the reported:

From this hill really(=exactly, in fact, without any doubt), the view was the best. Undoubtedly(=really, really), your child is capable of music. He, undoubtedly read this novel. - or at the reception of the formulation of thoughts - Here, actually and the whole story.

The same words are not introductory if they appear in other meanings:

I really am what you imagined me to be (=really, actually). He was undoubtedly a talented composer (= no doubt, actually). She is certainly right in offering us such a simple way to solve the problem (=very, quite right). I didn't really have anything against the school, but I didn't want to go to this one (= in general, exactly). The words "really" and "unconditionally", depending on the intonation proposed by the speaker, may in the same context be either introductory or not.

AND, after she turned out to be a celebrity. Further, we will talk about our findings. Thus(=so), our results do not contradict those obtained by other scientists. She is smart, beautiful and, finally she is very kind to me. What, eventually you want from me? Usually sentences containing the above words complete a series of enumerations, the words themselves have the meaning "and more". In the context above, the words "firstly", "secondly", "on the one hand", etc. may occur. "Thus" in the meaning of the introductory word turns out to be not only the completion of the enumeration, but also the conclusion.

The same words are not distinguished as introductory in the meanings: "in this way" = "in this way":

Thus he was able to move the heavy cabinet.

Usually in the previous context there are circumstances of time, for example "at first". "then" = "then, after that":

And then he became a famous scientist.

"Finally" = "in the end, finally, after all, as a result of everything":

Finally, all cases were successfully completed. Usually, in this sense, the particle "-something" can be added to the word "finally", which cannot be done if "finally" is an introductory word. In the same meanings as indicated above for "finally", the combination "in the end" is not an introductory combination:

In the end (=as a result) an agreement was reached.

HOWEVER is introductory if it is in the middle or at the end of a sentence:

Rain, but, has been going on for the second week, despite the forecasts of weather forecasters. How I deftly do it, but!

"However" does not turn out to be introductory at the beginning of a sentence and at the beginning of a part of a complex sentence, when it acts as an adversative conjunction (= but): However, people did not want to believe in his good intentions. We did not hope to meet, but we were lucky.

We draw attention to the fact that sometimes the word “however” can also be at the beginning of a sentence, but does not perform the function of a union: However, it's incredibly difficult.

IN GENERAL is introductory in the sense of "generally speaking" when it indicates the way thoughts are framed:

His works, generally, is of interest only to a narrow circle of specialists. In other senses, the word "in general" is an adverb in the sense of "in general, completely, in all respects, under all conditions, always":

Ostrovsky is to the Russian theater what Pushkin is to literature in general. Under the new law, smoking in the workplace is generally prohibited.

MY, YOUR, OUR, YOUR are introductory, indicating the source of the message:

Your child, to my mind, caught a cold. This is, In your, proves something? The word "in his own way" is not introductory: He is right in his own way.

OF COURSE is most often introductory, indicating the degree of reliability of the statement:

We, certainly ready to help you with everything.

Sometimes this word is not isolated if intonation is distinguished by a tone of confidence, conviction. In this case, the word "of course" is considered an amplifying particle: I certainly would agree if you warned me in advance.

In any case, it is more often introductory and is used to evaluate:

I, anyway I don't want to be reminded of it. These words, anyway testify to the seriousness of his attitude to life.

In the meaning of "always, under any circumstances" this combination is not introductory:

I anyway was supposed to meet him today and talk to him.

IN REALLY, it is NOT introductory more often, speaking in the meaning of "really" - Petya is really well versed in computers. I really don't belong here. Less often, this phrase turns out to be introductory if it serves to express bewilderment, indignation - What are you, Indeed, are you making a smart guy out of yourself?

In turn, it can be introductory when it indicates the connection of thoughts or the way the thought is formed:

Among many modern writers, Vladimir Sorokin is of interest, and among his books, in its turn, you can highlight the "Roman". Asking me to help him with his work, he, in its turn, also did not mess around. The same phrase can be non-introductory in the meanings "in response", "on my part" (= when the turn comes) - Masha, in turn, told about how she spent the summer.

MEAN is introductory if it can be replaced by the words "therefore", "therefore":

The message is complex means, it must be submitted today. The rain has already stopped means we can go for a walk. If she fights us so hard means she feels right.

This word may turn out to be a predicate, close in meaning to "means":

The dog means more to him than the wife. When you are truly friends with a person, it means that you trust him in everything. "So" can be between the subject and the predicate, especially when they are expressed in infinitives. In this case, the "mean" is preceded by a dash:

To be offended means to recognize oneself as weak. To be friends means to trust your friend.

ON the contrary, it is introductory if it indicates a connection of thoughts:

He didn't mean to hurt her, uh vice versa tried to ask her forgiveness. Instead of playing sports, she, vice versa sitting at home all day.

The combination "and vice versa" is not an introductory combination, which can act as a homogeneous member of a sentence, it is used as a word that replaces the whole sentence or part of it:

In the spring, girls change: brunettes become blondes and vice versa (i.e. blondes become brunettes). The more you study, the higher marks you get, and vice versa (i.e. if you study a little, the marks will be bad; the comma before "and" appears at the end of the sentence part - it turns out, as it were, a compound sentence, where "on the contrary" replaces its second part). I know that he will fulfill my request and vice versa (i.e. I will fulfill it, there is no comma before "and", since "vice versa" replaces a homogeneous clause).

It is AT LEAST introductory if the score matters:

Misha, at least, knows how to behave, and does not pick his teeth with a fork.

This phrase can be used in the meanings "not less than", "the least", then it is not isolated:

At least she would know that her father did not live in vain. At least five of the class must take part in cross-country skiing.

FROM THE POINT OF VIEW is introductory in the sense of "according to":

From my grandmother's point of view, the girl should not wear pants. her answer, from the point of view of the examiners worthy of the highest praise.

The same turnover can have the meaning "in relation to" and then it is not introductory:

Work is progressing according to plan in terms of timelines. If we evaluate the behavior of the heroes of some literary works from the point of view of modern morality, then it should be considered immoral.

IN PARTICULAR, it stands out as introductory if it indicates the connection of thoughts in the statement: She is interested, in particular, the question of the contribution of this scientist to the development of the theory of relativity. The firm is actively involved in charitable activities and, in particular, helps orphanage No. 187.

If the combination IN PARTICULAR turned out to be at the beginning or at the end of the connecting structure, then it is not separated from this structure (this will be discussed in more detail in the next section):

I love books about animals, especially about dogs. My friends, in particular Masha and Vadim, vacationed this summer in Spain. The indicated combination is not distinguished as an introductory one if it is connected by the union "and" with the word "generally":

The conversation turned to politics in general and the latest government decisions in particular.

MAINLY it is introductory, when it serves to evaluate some fact, highlight it in the statement: The textbook should be rewritten and, mainly, add such chapters to it ... The room was used on special occasions and, mainly for the organization of ceremonial dinners.

This combination may be part of the connecting construction, in which case, if it is at its beginning or end, it is not separated from the construction itself by a comma:

Many Russian people mainly intellectuals did not believe the promises of the government.

In the meaning of "first of all", "most of all", this combination is not introductory and is not isolated:

He was afraid of writing mainly because of his illiteracy. What I like most about him is his relationship with his parents.

FOR EXAMPLE will always be introductory, but is formatted differently. It can be separated by commas on both sides:

Pavel Petrovich is a person who is extremely attentive to his appearance, For example He takes good care of his nails. If "for example" appears at the beginning or at the end of an already isolated member, then it is not separated from this turnover by a comma:

In many big cities, For example in Moscow, there is an unfavorable ecological situation. Some works of Russian writers, For example"Eugene Onegin" or "War and Peace" served as the basis for the creation of feature films not only in Russia, but also in other countries. In addition, after "for example" there can be a colon, if "for example" is after the generalizing word before a number of homogeneous members:

Some fruits can cause allergies, For example: oranges, tangerines, pineapple, red berries.

17.1.3 There are special cases of punctuation in introductory words.

To highlight introductory words and sentences, not only commas, but also dashes, as well as combinations of dashes and commas, can be used.

These cases are not included in the secondary school course and are not used in the USE assignments. But some turns, often used, need to be remembered. Here are some examples from Rosenthal's Punctuation Guide.

So, if the introductory combination forms an incomplete construction (any word restored from the context is missing), then it is highlighted with a comma and a dash: Makarenko repeatedly emphasized that pedagogy is based one side, on boundless trust in a person, and with another- on high requirements to it; Chichikov ordered to stop for two reasons: one side to give the horses a rest, with another- to relax and refresh yourself(the comma before the subordinate clause is "absorbed" by the dash); One side, it was important to make an urgent decision, but caution was required - with another.

17.2 The general concept of treatment and the basic rule for its selection.

For the first time included in the tasks of the exam in 2016-2017. Students will have to look for appeals in poetic works, which greatly complicates the task.

Addresses are words that name the person to whom the speech is addressed. The appeal has the form of the nominative case and is pronounced with a special intonation: Tatiana, dear Tatiana! With you now I shed tears. Addresses are usually expressed by animate nouns, as well as adjectives and participles in the meaning of nouns. For example: Use life living . In artistic speech, inanimate nouns can also be addresses. For example: Noise, noise obedient sail ; Don't make noise rye, ripe ear.

Personal pronouns you and you, as a rule, act not in the role of appeal, and as a subject: Sorry, peaceful valleys, and you , familiar mountain peaks, and you , familiar woods!

17.1.2. There are also more complex rules for selecting hits.

1. If the appeal at the beginning of the sentence is pronounced with an exclamatory intonation, then an exclamation mark is placed after it (the word following the appeal is capitalized): Old man! Forget about the past; A young native of Naples! What did you leave on the field in Russia?

2. If the appeal is at the end of the sentence, then a comma is placed before it, and after it - the punctuation mark that is required by the content and intonation of the sentence: Think master of culture; hello to you people of peaceful labor!; Are you here, cute?; You are a pig brother

3.Duplicate calls are separated by a comma or an exclamation mark: The steppe is wide, the steppe is deserted Why are you looking so cloudy?; Hello, wind, formidable wind, tailwind of world history!; Vaska! Vaska! Vaska! Great!

4. Homogeneous appeals connected by a union and or Yes, do not separate with a comma: sing along people, cities and rivers! sing along mountains, steppes and fields!; Hello, sunshine and happy morning!

5. If there are several appeals to one person, located in different places of the sentence, each of them is separated by commas: Ivan Ilyich, dispose, brother, about snacks; ... I therefore Thomas, isn't it better brother, breake down?

6. If the common appeal is “broken” by other words - members of the sentence, then each part of the appeal is separated by commas according to the general rule: Stronger equine, bey, hoof, chasing a step! ; For blood and tears, thirsting for retribution we see you forty one year.

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