Treatment with silicon water. Flint and its healing properties Water infused with silicon properties

Silicon water, or rather flint, is ordinary water that has been infused on a stone called flint. Such water has a huge number of positive and healing properties, it is very useful to take it as a medicine and simply for the prevention of a large number of ailments.

Flint is a mineral substance that belongs to chalcedony and quartz. By the way, this family also includes the following minerals: carnelian, jasper, rock crystal, amethyst, opal and agate. That is why all of the listed substances have almost the same structure - the so-called "silica", that is, silicon dioxide. However, the color and density of the substance they differ.

Our distant ancestors who lived in the Neolithic era were familiar with the beneficial properties of this stone. Its first use was the manufacture of tips for hunting tools. With his help, they first learned how to make fire. People did not abandon it even in later times. Them:

They laid out the walls of cellars and basements to prevent spoilage and extend the shelf life of products, including meat;

Lined the walls of wells;

They were used for the manufacture of various devices, in particular, the millstones of the mills were made of this stone.

Medicine at that time did not know any antibiotics or other medicines, except for those that nature gave. Stone powder was used to treat wounds and scratches to prevent infections. They insisted on it and water, which was also used for medicinal purposes.

Scientists began to pay attention to the healing properties of this ancient stone only in the seventies of the last century and discovered a lot of interesting things. Today it is used, ranging from medicine to the food industry and everyday life. Silicon filters are considered among the best.

Silicon is one of the important minerals in the human body. It is worth recalling that silicon is found in our nails, hair, adrenal glands and other organs. That is why the content of silicon greatly affects our health. The lack of this substance can reduce the absorption of useful elements up to thirty percent. In addition, a lack of silicon can lead to a number of serious diseases:







development of cancer cells.

He is responsible for ridding a person of harmful salts and metals. Poor immunity, insomnia, hormonal disruptions and many other health conditions can cause a lack of this element in the body.

The normal intake of silicon for an adult is considered to be ten to twenty milligrams of the substance, while the usual intake is only three. And this is considering the fact that every day we lose as many as nine! We can't always get it from food. Therefore, the use of silicon water can become one of the sources of replenishment of such an important mineral substance.

Silicon water is useful

Water infused with flint stone has certain benefits for the human body. When silicon enters the water, it greatly changes its structure: softens, makes the taste very pleasant and deprives any visual impurities. In addition, it “sends” heavy metals to the sediment, rids the water and us of harmful microorganisms and bacteria that lead to fermentation and rotting of the liquid. By the way, if water is chlorinated in your area, silicon will help rid it of this far from tasty component. All radionuclides will also disappear in silicon water.

The water becomes clean and clear, it can stay fresh longer.

Many people in private homes, summer residents use such filters or put flint on the bottom of the wells.

The healing properties of silicon water

This water also has medicinal properties. It is not for nothing that natural silicon sources, which are called the sources of youth and love, are popular. The water in them is so soft that after bathing in it or washing it, no moisturizing or nourishing cream is needed.

As for the effect on the body, it is as follows: the process of formation of amino acids, hormones and enzymes is enhanced. If you have problems with blood clotting, water in which silicon has stayed for five days will relieve you of them.

The positive qualities of silicon water include:

Improving immunity;

Restoration of vascular walls;

Normalization of the intestinal tract;

Dissolution of stones (in the kidneys, in the gall and bladder, on the teeth);

Accelerating the healing of skin lesions;

Help with diabetes (reducing blood sugar levels);

Reducing the amount of cholesterol;

Normalization of the functions of the kidneys, heart and liver;

Improving the metabolic process.

In addition to internal use, treatment is also possible in the form of:

rinsing the mouth and throat;

In the form of lotions;


It is very useful to wash your face with such water - you can improve the condition of the skin of the face, slow down skin aging, get rid of acne and blackheads. Washing your head and hair with silicon water has an extremely positive effect on the health of your hair and scalp.

With regular use of water infused with flint:

You can cleanse the body of toxins and toxins;

Salt deposits in the joints;

Improve joint mobility;

Normalize hormonal background;

Normalize the functioning of the thyroid gland;

Improve the functioning of the pancreas;

Clear the walls of blood vessels from cholesterol deposits;

Improve blood flow and blood circulation;

Normalize blood pressure;

Improve and normalize the functioning of the digestive tract;

Reduce weight due to the normalization of metabolic processes;

Improve the functioning of the prostate gland.

Who benefits from silicon water

Such water will be useful to everyone. Especially for those who live in ecologically unfavorable areas, who have hard water, as silicon helps to soften it. It is recommended for use by those who have:

Diseases of the heart and blood vessels: arrhythmia, atherosclerosis, angina pectoris, etc.;

High blood pressure;

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, including disorders of the intestinal microflora (water contributes to the development and growth of beneficial microflora);

Stones in the kidneys, gallbladder and bladder;

Chronic constipation or often suffering from them;

Liver disease;

Frequent heartburn;

Diseases of the stomach and pancreas;

Diseases of the gallbladder;

skin diseases;

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system: rheumatism, arthritis, arthrosis and others.

Soft flint water will well moisturize and soften dry and irritated skin, will promote healing and cleansing of the skin from acne.

As you know, with age, all processes in the body, including metabolic ones, slow down. Water infused with silicon will be useful for older people whose body, due to age, cannot fully use all the nutrients from food.

How to make silicon water

As already mentioned at the very beginning of the article, silicon or flint water is water that has been infused with a stone called flint. You can buy it at any pharmacy. The cost of the stone is not very high, within 100 rubles. Packed in bags weighing 150 grams. This amount is enough to infuse 6-8 liters of water.

To get silicon water, you need to insist it on stones in enamel or glassware for 2-3 days.

Then it must be carefully poured into another bowl, and the layer of water that is at the bottom on the stones must be poured out, since it contains a precipitate of heavy metals, it is advisable to rinse the stones well with cold boiled water.

You can leave a layer of water and add a new one, insisting it for 8-12 hours already. After a week of use, the stones are thoroughly washed.

The same stones can be used for 5-8 months. Depends on the degree of contamination of the water and its hardness. According to the manufacturers, the activity of flint is enhanced by mountain quartz, which can also be purchased at a pharmacy. Agree, water will not cost so much.

How to use flint water

This water can be used in the same way as regular water. On it you can cook, brew tea, herbs, wash your face, water flowers, make masks and wash your hair.

Application in everyday life

In everyday life, water can be used for:

Filling aquariums;

Watering indoor and garden plants;

Soaking seeds before growing seedlings;

Watering seedlings.

According to gardeners, seeds soaked in flint water not only give friendly shoots, but get sick less, take root better and bear fruit.

Many housewives add it when canning. In total, you need to add 1-2 tablespoons to a three-liter jar to protect food from spoilage.

Aquarists are well aware that their inhabitants are healthy, the water in the aquarium must always be clean. Silicon water will keep the water clean and fresh for a longer time, and will protect the water from blooming.

Flint purification of water in a well

Once upon a time, wells were laid out with this stone. Buying silicon for disinfection of well water is also not a problem today. You can lay out the walls of the well with stone or make a filter.

For wells today you can buy both stone and quartz sand. Suppliers recommend 25 kilograms of stone and sand for 1 concrete ring. Consultation on the technology of the device of the well can be obtained from any manufacturer and supplier of this stone.

The use of silicon water in cosmetology

Silicon water is called “the water of youth and the source of love” for a reason. Silicon is one of the main elements responsible for the condition of the skin, nails and hair. Not without its participation, collagen is produced in our skin - a substance responsible for maintaining connective tissue, preventing it from sagging.

Such water will make the skin supple, elastic, smooth fine wrinkles, relieve inflammation and irritation.

Regular washing or rinsing with flint water will make your hair strong and give it a healthy shine. In addition, it is useful for those who suffer from dandruff and no means help to get rid of it.

Prepare your cosmetic masks on it, make baths for nails and feet.

Contraindications and harm

Flint water is very soft and will not harm anyone. Those who have been to resorts where there are sources of silicon water, such as Truskavets and others, know from their own experience how such water affects the body and skin. Therefore, silicon water has no contraindications.

A traditional healer tells about the benefits of flint stone and flint water

Mankind has known silicon for a long time. What is flint? This is a mineral that laid, in fact, the beginning of human civilization. There are references to the healing properties of silicon in the treatises of ancient scientists and philosophers.

Silicon then found application for wall decoration in buildings where meat and meat products were stored, for cutting out warts, for powdering wounds in the form of a powder, which made it possible to prevent gangrene; flint millstones produced flour with excellent taste and baking qualities.

From ancient times, people lined the inner surface and bottom of the wells with silicon, since it was noticed that the use of water from such wells ensured the prevention of somatic and infectious diseases, and the water turned out to be unusually tasty, clear and healing. The fact is that flint, in contact with water, changes its properties.

The healing properties of silicon and the causes of deficiency in the body

Clinical observations of modern scientists have proven that silicon in water produces silicic acid. Doses of this compound very small, but quite sufficient for silicic acid to dissolve salt deposits and slags, and also remove them from the body.

Water under the influence of silicon becomes "alive" and renewed. Biologically active substances of silicon in our body, together with protein fractions, contribute to the formation of hormones, amino acids, enzymes; note that about 70 types of vitamins and minerals are not absorbed when the body lacks silicon.


Causes of Silicon Deficiency

» Insufficient consumption of mineral water and fiber.

» Too much aluminum (usually seen in people who have cooked in aluminum cookware).

»Intensive body growth in childhood.

» Increased physical and mental stress every day.

What happens when there is a lack of silicon

» Progress for .

» In the kidneys, liver and gallbladder, there is a tendency to.

» The patient begins, and teeth, brittle nails.

» Eye diseases occur: in the elderly - farsightedness, glaucoma and cataracts, in children -.

» All blood vessels are affected with the development of early, increase.

» Due to a violation of the state of the connective tissue, periodontal disease occurs, deforming and.

Silicon is the source of good health

It is now known that silicon water increases the body's defenses, normalizes metabolism, prevents the occurrence of many diseases and helps to cure them, and slows down the aging of the body.

With the external use of silicon water, the skin is rejuvenated, the condition and growth of hair improves, wrinkles disappear, the color of the hands and face improves.

How to drink silicon water. It can be used without restrictions. Usually silicon water is drunk from one to three glasses at room temperature, but you need to drink in small sips. As noted above, silicon changes the properties of water when in contact with it.

Activated silica water has a detrimental effect on pathogenic microorganisms, reduces the growth of bacteria that contribute to fermentation and decay. At the same time, the water becomes pleasant to the taste and perfectly clean, for a long time it does not deteriorate, acquiring many other medicinal properties. Silicon displaces salts of heavy and harmful metals, they settle to the bottom, and pure water remains on top.

Everyone knows how much water is necessary for the human body. It contains about 70% water and it is impossible to imagine life without it. Given that all metabolic processes occur in the presence of an aqueous medium, it can be said with certainty that it is water that plays the role of a conductor of a large number of physiological processes, without which the vital activity of cells and tissues is impossible.

How to prepare silicon water

It is recommended to infuse silicon in enameled or glassware. Personally, I prepare silicon water at home in a three-liter glass jar. I put silicon pebbles in a jar, pour clean well water (if you live in a city, it is better to filter it through a regular home filter before that).

I put the jar in a room where direct sunlight does not fall and cover it with an ordinary gauze napkin (a piece of gauze) to ensure free gas exchange. Silicon water, used for making tea, food or infusions of medicinal plants, insist two or three days. In this case, the following requirements must be observed:

  1. After each draining of the water, the silicon and the container are thoroughly rinsed with running water.
  2. The sediment remaining at the bottom must be poured into the sink.
  3. It is allowed to boil water infused with flint, but not the flint itself, because in this case the water is oversaturated with biologically active substances. Such water can only be used externally.
  4. It is not recommended to store water in the refrigerator together with silicon.
  5. It has been established that silicon water retains its healing properties for several months.
  6. After repeated use (3-5 times), silicon should be washed under running water and exposed to fresh air for 2 hours for ventilation.
  7. After a certain time, deposits or layers may appear on the surface of the minerals. In this case, the pebbles should be placed for two hours in salted water or a 2% solution of acetic acid, and then rinsed with running water. Then lower the stones again for two hours in a solution of baking soda and rinse again under the tap.
  8. After 8-12 months, it is desirable to split the stones in order to strengthen (renew) their properties, but it is better to acquire a new mineral.
  9. Silicon infusion is carried out at room temperature.

Be healthy, my dear readers. God bless you!

Silicon water brings considerable benefits to the human body, strengthening the immune system and restoring the correct course of vital processes. There is a use for it in the economy.

Water plays an important role in human life. Without it, existence is impossible, it must be present in the daily diet. Minerals contained in the water bring undoubted benefits to the body. Recently, silicon water is gaining popularity. It has a lot of useful and medicinal properties, and is often used as a preventive measure for various diseases.

The benefits of silicon for the human body

Silicon is a chemical element that is part of the stone flint and other minerals, as well as silica. Flint is widely distributed in nature. It has a color from black, dark gray to light and belongs to the family of quartz and chalcedony, to which also belong: jasper, opal, carnelian, agate, amethyst, rock crystal.

Since ancient times, people have known about the benefits of silicon for the body, studied its medicinal properties and applied the knowledge gained in practice. They knew how to properly prepare a remedy with it.

Powder made from flint was sprinkled on wounds to avoid blood poisoning. The walls and bottom of the wells were trimmed with this stone to obtain clean, healing water.

Silicon plays an indispensable role in the human body. It is observed in the composition of hair, nails, bones, cartilage and blood vessels. It is found in the tissues of the thyroid gland, lymph nodes and pituitary gland. Participates in metabolism, the formation of hormones, enzymes. Thanks to him, the body is able to absorb more than seventy different vitamins, and silicon is involved in the immune system and helps fight viruses.

The lack of silicon in the body can lead to the following disorders:

  • softening of the bones;
  • wear of cartilage in the joints;
  • diseases of the eyes, skin, hair, nails and teeth;
  • the appearance of kidney stones;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • erysipelas.

It is also impossible to exclude in view of the lack of silicon and the development of diabetes, hepatitis, tuberculosis, cardiovascular, oncological and a number of other diseases. The body needs at least 10mg of silicon per day to function properly, but unfortunately most people don't get half that, given that the loss of such an important element is about 9mg daily.

Silicon water and its healing qualities

When interacting with water, silicon is able to change its properties, purify and saturate it with useful qualities. At the same time, the taste of water also changes, it becomes much more pleasant. Silicon water promotes the production of hormones and enzymes, and also increases blood clotting.

Also, water containing silicon can bring the following benefits:

  • increase immunity;
  • strengthen and restore the vascular wall, as well as its functions;
  • restore intestinal microflora;
  • dissolve stones and rid them of the kidneys, gallbladder and bladder;
  • heal bruises, cuts and burns;
  • lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels;
  • improve kidney function;
  • relieve inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract and gastritis;
  • normalize metabolism.

And this is not a complete list of useful properties that water containing silicon and other minerals can bring to the body.

There is a myth that silicon completely purifies and filters water. This is not true. Silicon perfectly enriches water, and even partially enriches it.
But first you need.

In addition to drinking the liquid inside, it can also be used externally, which contributes to the following positive processes:

  • strengthens the gums, treats a runny nose and sore throat (when gargling, mouth and washing the nose);
  • reduces the risk of stomatitis and gingivitis;
  • eliminates or reduces various inflammatory processes on the skin: diathesis, allergies, dermatitis, etc.
  • helps with conjunctivitis;
  • used for cosmetic purposes: eliminates wrinkles, acne, acne, tones the skin;
  • strengthens hair, improves its quality, promotes growth (when rinsing).

In everyday life, silicon water is no less useful. For example, it is used to water plants and flowers and prolong their flowering period. Increases the yield of trees and vegetable crops, and seeds soaked in silicon water germinate better. To protect plants from rot, mold and fungus that are harmful, they should be sprayed with such water. If flint is placed in an aquarium, it will prevent the water from blooming.

In addition to useful properties, silicon water also has contraindications. For example, people prone to cancer should stop drinking such a liquid, it can be harmful. In general, the properties of this water have not yet been fully studied, and therefore, you should not be zealous with taking it inside without the recommendations of your doctor. But externally, as well as for economic purposes, it can be used as much as you like.

Cooking method

The recipe for making such water is quite simple, it does not take much effort. The first step is to find a glass or enamel container and pour water into it. Then stones should be placed inside (purchased at a pharmacy or on the Internet), cover the container with gauze and put in a bright place, but not under direct sunlight.

It is necessary to insist such water for two or three days, after which it can be used for drinking or cooking. If the preparation of water takes more than five days, then it will become not only purified, but also acquire medicinal properties. Ready water should be poured into another container and tightly closed with a lid. The liquid remaining at the bottom in the vessel with stones must be drained, since all the heavy metals purified with flint accumulate there.

Silicon is one of the most important elements for our body. Silicon water is called water infused on silicon stone. It has a lot of healing properties and can be used for the prevention and treatment of many diseases. And silicon water itself does not deteriorate for a long time. Washing with silicon water, masks, herbal infusions prepared on its basis are very useful and effective. For cooking, water is usually infused for 2 days. For treatment 5-7 days. When used externally, silicon water stimulates the body's recovery processes in: the treatment of sore throats, runny nose, gum inflammation (gargling of the throat and mouth after eating). Cooking at home does not take much time. Infusion of water on flint is one of the oldest methods of water purification. It is necessary to lower the silicon into a glass or enamel container with raw or boiled water. Cover with gauze, put in a bright place, but away from direct sunlight for 2-3 days.

Silicon- this is an element of the main subgroup of the fourth group of the third period of the periodic system of chemical elements of D. I. Mendeleev, with atomic number 14. It is designated by the symbol Si (lat. Silicium).
rightly called the element of youth, since aging is largely due to a decrease in the silicon content in the body. It is silicon that provides us with smooth skin, beautiful teeth and nails, lush hair, and healthy blood vessels.

It's no secret that our body contains almost the entire periodic table of elements. And silicon is no exception: it is present in the connective tissue of almost all internal organs. Silicon determines the aging of our body. If silicon is not enough in the body, then other elements are practically not absorbed. Almost all of us lack it - the quality of life, water and food affects. Silicon deficiency is manifested in chronic fatigue, depression, nervousness, visual impairment, etc.
With age, silicon deficiency increases, which leads to the development of "diseases of civilization": atherosclerosis, heart attacks, strokes, diabetes, cataracts, polyarthritis, impotence. Silicon deficiency is faced not only by the elderly, pregnant and lactating women, but also by people who have increased nervous stress, lead a sedentary lifestyle, and consume unfiltered water.
Studies have found that in order for the body to function normally, you need to consume 10 to 20 mg of silicon daily, but on average we consume only 3.5 mg of silicon per day, while losing about 9 mg of a valuable element.
Of course, you can replenish the content of silicon in the body with the help of purchased vitamins. But we must not forget that nature, and completely free of charge, can help us in this. Silicon stones can help us in strengthening the body.

How to prepare silicon water?

Making silicon water at home. Put 20-25 g of silicon in a three-liter jar, fill it with tap water. Cover with gauze, put in a bright place, but away from direct sunlight.
For daily drinking and cooking, it is enough to infuse water for 2-3 days, for medicinal purposes - 5-7.

The infused water must be drunk, and the sediment - 3-4 cm of the lower layer of water - should be thrown away. After use, the silicon itself must be washed with running water and held in the sun for a couple of hours to recharge. Next, the pebbles can be filled with water again and insisted. Thus, silicon is practically not a consumable material.
In no case should you boil water in which silicon lies. But ready-made silicon water can be boiled.

Silicon water is stored in a sealed container at room temperature.

Interacting with water, silicon changes its properties, such water becomes clean and pleasant to the taste. Silicon kills microorganisms, inhibits bacteria that cause putrefaction and fermentation, neutralizes chlorine and adsorbs radionuclides. When used internally, this water has a lot of healing properties and helps to make up for the lack of silicon in the body:

  • Strengthens and restores the walls of blood vessels
  • Helps prevent atherosclerosis
  • Restores normal intestinal microflora
  • Dissolves and removes stones and sand in cholelithiasis and urolithiasis
  • Reduces blood sugar levels and weight in overweight diabetics
  • Reduces blood cholesterol levels
  • Improves the condition of people with liver diseases due to the outflow of bile
  • Normalizes metabolism
  • Relieves fatigue

When used externally, silicon water well treats bedsores, burns, wounds, diaper rash, trophic ulcers. In the form of lotions and washes, it helps in the treatment of diathesis and skin irritations. Rinsing the hair and rubbing this water into the scalp improves hair growth.
How much silicon water you need to drink, there are no specific prescriptions. Some researchers argue that you can drink silicon water without restrictions (normally 1.5-2 liters per day). If it is not possible, then at least 3-5 times a day for half a glass and always in small sips in a cool form. But there is an opinion that for medicinal purposes this kind of water cannot be drunk all the time, it is better to conduct courses one at a time, for a maximum of two months in a row, then take a break. Silicon water has contraindications and must be handled with care. Before use, you should consult a doctor who is well acquainted with its action. Doctors have noticed that those who have a predisposition to cancer, it is better to completely abandon it.

Useful properties of silicon people have noticed for a long time. But scientific confirmation was received in the 70s of the twentieth century. This story is connected with the name of a simple Minsk engineer A.D. Malyarchikov, who gained fame as a folk healer. He noticed the amazing healing properties of water from a lake in the vicinity of St. Petersburg.

Locals said that it rejuvenates the skin and quickly heals scratches and cuts. Scientists have confirmed that these properties are associated with a high concentration of silicon. In the course of research, it turned out that silicon-activated water has a healing effect on the entire body.

The role of silicon in the human body

Silicon is essential for the body to function properly. It is present in teeth, nails and hair, is part of the adrenal glands and the thyroid gland. Without his participation, the formation of bone and cartilage tissue is not complete. It is found in collagen, which is responsible for skin elasticity.

The daily dose of this substance should not be less than 10 mg. Many people have a deficiency in the body. Therefore, flint water should be consumed to fill this need.

Silicon performs several important tasks:

  • strengthens bones and connective tissues;
  • preserves youth and elasticity of the skin;
  • promotes better absorption of iron and fluorine;
  • strengthens blood vessels and increases their elasticity;
  • takes part in the synthesis of hormones and enzymes;
  • improves metabolism;
  • has a wound healing effect;
  • reduces sugar levels.

The following symptoms signal a lack of this substance:

  • chronic fatigue and apathy;
  • frequent colds;
  • violation of the digestive tract;
  • the appearance of sand and kidney stones;
  • brittle bones and joint pain;
  • dry skin;
  • fragility of hair.

Silicon deficiency is especially acute in young children. They begin to literally eat the earth. It is urgent to revise their nutrition system.

In addition to drinking liquids saturated with silicon, it is worth introducing foods with a high content of this substance into the diet. These are: rice, buckwheat, oats, oatmeal, bananas, lentils.

You can purchase special mineral complexes, which include silicon. They will help nourish the body.

Benefits of silicon water

The benefits of silicon water have been known for a long time. After all, it is no coincidence that earlier the bottom of the wells was laid out with this stone. It was noticed that the liquid becomes clear and especially tasty.

In addition to filling the lack of a substance in the body, silicon improves the properties of the liquid, cleanses it of harmful impurities and neutralizes the effect of chlorine. Due to the impact of this stone, heavy metals settle to the bottom, which must be taken into account when preparing water yourself.

It has the following positive effect on the body:

  • has a beneficial effect on blood vessels, increasing their elasticity;
  • reduces sugar levels and eliminates excess cholesterol;
  • promotes weight loss and speeds up metabolism;
  • normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract, eliminates inflammation and increases the absorption of other useful substances;
  • strengthens bones, nails and hair.

In addition to its direct purpose, such water is used for external use. Lotions and rinses are made from it. It relieves sore throats, relieves inflammation of the gums, eliminates skin imperfections, and also produces a rejuvenating effect. Wounds heal much faster.

Silicon water is good for all representatives of flora and fauna. Seeds soaked in it germinate much faster. Watering fruit crops increases yield. Plants become less susceptible to disease. Pets improve immunity, the condition of teeth and bones.

In order for silicon water to bring the maximum benefit, you should follow a few simple rules:

  1. Do not boil it;
  2. Use only stones of light shades;
  3. Do not replace all the fluid that enters the body with only silicon.

Silicon water is easy to prepare at home:

  1. Buy flint in a pharmacy or order it in a specialized store. You can not buy a stone from the hands. There is a high probability of stumbling upon a fake.
  2. Take a 3-liter vessel, at the bottom of which place a stone.
  3. Fill it with clean water, cover with a breathable cloth and put it in a dark place for three days.
  4. Pour the activated water into another container. A stone and a small layer of liquid, equal in level to the height of the mineral, should remain at the bottom of the vessel.

The stone does not lose its properties. It must be thoroughly washed and dried, and then used for re-preparation of healing water.

Harm and contraindications

It is believed that silicon water can bring both benefit and harm. It is not recommended for people who are prone to cancer.

The produced effect largely depends on the stone itself, with the help of which the liquid is enriched. This rock absorbs radioactive substances. Therefore, it is necessary to check before use. If this is not possible, then you should at least choose a breed of light colors. Dark shades signal a high concentration of harmful substances.

Not many people know that the service life of a stone is about 8 months. After this time, it must be replaced with a new one.

There are no direct contraindications to the use of silicon water. In most cases, it is beneficial. Harm is noted only when foreign impurities enter, which adversely affect the properties of the liquid.

Making silicon water is extremely simple. This process will not take much time and effort. But the benefits of such a drink will be enormous. The absence of side effects allows it to be used by all family members and even pets.

A doctor's consultation will also not be superfluous, especially if there is a predisposition to oncology.

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