Banking regulation and banking supervision of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. The concept and main directions of control and supervision in the field of banking. methods of regulatory action aimed at reducing banking risks, including written recommendations of the regulator

The Bank of Russia is the body of banking regulation and banking supervision. Regulation and supervision are interrelated concepts.

Regulation is the issuance of legal acts by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation that are binding on all credit institutions, and also, due to the presence of authority, the commission of legally significant actions that may affect the composition and structure of the banking system.

banking supervision- this is an activity to ensure the compliance of credit institutions with the requirements applicable to them in the banking sector.

In its structure, the Russian system of regulation and supervision of banking activity has much in common with the banking systems of Great Britain and Italy, in which banking supervision is the exclusive competence of central banks. At the same time, in such countries as the USA, Germany, France, Japan, there are mixed systems of banking supervision.

Their specificity is that the central bank shares supervision responsibilities with other government agencies (in the United States - with the Ministry of Finance through the Comptroller of the Currency, 50 banking departments under state governments, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), in France - with the banking commission , in Germany - with the Federal Office for the Supervision of Credit, in Japan - with the Bureau of Banks under the Ministry of Finance.

Goals of banking regulation and supervision:

  • development and strengthening of the banking system of the Russian Federation;
  • ensuring efficient and uninterrupted functioning of the payment system;
  • protecting and ensuring the interests of individuals and legal entities - depositors and creditors of credit institutions.

But there are statutory limits to banking regulation and supervision. Thus, the Bank of Russia is not entitled to interfere in the operational activities of credit institutions, except in cases provided for by federal law.

The Bank of Russia performs regulatory and supervisory functions through the Banking Supervision Committee specially created on a permanent basis. It unites all structural subdivisions of the Bank of Russia that ensure the performance of supervisory functions. The composition of the committee is approved by the Board of Directors. Its head is appointed by the Chairman of the Bank of Russia from among the members of the Board of Directors. The Regulations on the Banking Supervision Committee and its structure are approved by the Board of Directors.

All methods of banking regulation can be conditionally divided:

  • for administrative (based on the unilateral will of the Bank of Russia);
  • market (by agreement of the parties) methods.

To administrative methods regulation should include the following:

a) state registration of credit organizations. The entry of a credit institution into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities is carried out by the authorized registering body on the basis of a decision of the Bank of Russia on the relevant state registration. The Bank of Russia maintains the Book of State Registration of Credit Institutions;

b) licensing of banking activities. A credit institution has the right to carry out banking operations from the moment it receives a special permit (license) issued by the Bank of Russia;

c) establishing qualification requirements for managers and chief accountants, their deputies of credit institutions, their branches;

d) setting norms for required reserves deposited with the Bank of Russia, including the terms, volumes and types of funds raised (reserve requirements);

e) establishing the rules for conducting banking operations, as well as the rules for accounting, that are binding on credit institutions;

f) the establishment of mandatory standards, among which one can highlight the fixing of the minimum amount of authorized capital for newly created credit institutions, the maximum amount of property (non-monetary) contributions to the authorized capital of a credit institution, the maximum amount of large credit risks, the establishment of a standard for the adequacy of own funds (capital), the maximum amount loans, bank guarantees and guarantees provided by a credit institution (banking group) to its participants (shareholders);

g) conducting scheduled and unscheduled, comprehensive and thematic inspections of credit institutions;

h) prior written approval for the acquisition of more than 20% stakes (shares) in a credit institution. If the Bank of Russia has not informed about the decision taken within 30 calendar days from the date of receipt of the application, the transaction is considered resolved. When acquiring more than 1% of shares (shares) by a credit institution, the Bank of Russia must be notified in writing by the buyer within 30 calendar days from the date of this acquisition;

i) the introduction of direct quantitative restrictions by the Bank of Russia by setting limits on the refinancing of credit institutions and the conduct of certain banking operations. The use of this method is possible only after consultation with the Government of the Russian Federation;

j) setting interest rates on loans, official foreign exchange rates;

k) appointment of curators in credit institutions.

To market methods, which do not include the use of power by the Bank of Russia, can include the following operations:

a) to maintain liquidity in the market for government debt and lending, the Bank of Russia conducts operations on the open market, namely, the Bank of Russia issues bonds, buys and sells treasury bills, government bonds, and other government securities. The Bank of Russia is entitled to buy and sell shares only if a late reverse transaction is made, as well as if they are sold if the counterparty refuses to fulfill obligations under such a reverse transaction;

b) in order to influence the exchange rate of the Russian ruble, the total demand and supply of money, the Bank of Russia carries out foreign exchange interventions by buying and selling foreign currency on the foreign exchange market;

c) to provide credit institutions with liquid resources (cash), the Bank of Russia lends (refinances) them for up to one year, but does not have the right to prolong loan agreements without the permission of the Board of Directors.

In addition to these market methods that affect monetary policy, the Bank of Russia has the right to carry out operations with precious metals, issue guarantees and bank guarantees, conduct settlement, cash and deposit operations, which can also influence the corresponding segment of the financial market, contribute to the further development of enterprises branches of the national economy.

As a supervisory body, the Bank of Russia has the right to apply certain measures of influence on credit institutions. Thus, in case of violation by credit institutions of federal laws, regulations and instructions of the Bank of Russia, as well as in case of failure to provide information or provision of incomplete or inaccurate information, the Bank of Russia has the right to require the credit institution to eliminate the identified violations and collect a fine of up to 0.1% the minimum amount of the authorized capital or limit the conduct of individual operations by the credit institution for a period of up to six months.

In the event of non-execution, within the period set by the Bank of Russia, of the Bank of Russia’s instructions to eliminate violations identified in the activities of a credit institution, and also if these violations or the activities carried out by a credit institution created a real threat to the interests of its creditors (depositors), the Bank of Russia is vested with the following powers:

  1. collect from the credit institution a fine in the amount of up to 1% of the amount of the paid-in authorized capital, but not more than 1% of the minimum amount of the authorized capital;
  2. require the credit institution to take measures for the financial rehabilitation of the credit institution, including changing the structure of its assets, replacing the heads of the credit institution, reorganizing the credit institution;
  3. change for a period of up to six months the mandatory ratios established for a credit institution;
  4. introduce a ban on the performance by a credit institution of certain banking operations provided for by the license issued to it for a period of up to one year, as well as on the opening of branches by it for a period of up to one year;
  5. appoint an interim administration to manage the credit institution for a term of up to six months;
  6. introduce a ban on the reorganization of a credit institution if, as a result of it, grounds arise for the application of measures to prevent the bankruptcy of a credit institution, provided for by the Federal Law "On the Insolvency (Bankruptcy) of Credit Institutions";
  7. invite the founders (participants) of the credit institution to take actions aimed at increasing the own funds (capital) of the credit institution to an amount that ensures its compliance with mandatory ratios;
  8. revoke banking license.

The Bank of Russia has the right to apply to the court with a statement of claim for the recovery of fines or other sanctions from a credit institution no later than six months from the date of drawing up an act on the discovery of a violation. At the same time, a credit institution cannot be held liable if more than five years have passed since the date of the offense.

Thus, a ban on the performance by credit institutions of certain banking operations provided for by issued licenses is introduced by an order and applies to all their branches. The order to impose a ban on certain banking operations should also contain recommendations on limiting (terminating) the payment and receipt of income (dividends), refraining from withdrawing from the founders (members) of the credit institution.

But the most serious measure of influence for credit institutions is license revocation for banking operations. The application of this measure of influence means for a commercial organization a ban on further banking activities.

The grounds for revoking a banking license are divided into two groups.

The first group includes the grounds under which the Bank of Russia is obliged to revoke the license. This list of grounds is exhaustive and is not subject to broad interpretation.

The Bank of Russia is obliged to revoke a banking license if:

  • the capital adequacy of the credit institution falls below 2%;
  • the amount of own funds (capital) of the credit institution is below the minimum value of the authorized capital established by the Bank of Russia as of the date of state registration of the credit institution;
  • the credit institution fails to comply with the requirements of the Bank of Russia on bringing the amount of the authorized capital and the amount of own funds (capital) into line;
  • the credit institution is not able to satisfy the claims of creditors for monetary obligations and (or) fulfill the obligation to make mandatory payments in the amount of at least 1,000 times the minimum wage within 14 days from the date of their satisfaction and (or) execution.

A separate special group of grounds, in the presence of which the Bank of Russia is obliged to revoke a license for banking operations, are grounds related to the failure by banks to meet the requirements to ensure the required amount of own funds (capital):

  • if a bank whose own funds (capital) as of January 1, 2007 is equal to 180 million rubles. or higher than this amount, for three consecutive months allows a decrease in the amount of own funds (capital) below 180 million rubles, except for a decrease due to a change in the methodology for determining the amount of own funds (capital), and does not submit petitions to the Bank of Russia to change its status to the status of a non-bank credit organization;
  • if the bank, the amount of own funds (capital) of which as of January 1, 2007 is less than 180 million rubles, has not reached, as of January 1, 2010, the amount of own funds (capital) - 90 million rubles. and January 1, 2012 - 180 million rubles. - or if this bank for three consecutive months allows a decrease in the amount of own funds (capital) (except for cases of such a decrease due to the application of a modified methodology for determining the amount of own funds (capital) of the bank) of the smaller of the two values: the amount of own funds (capital) achieved them as of January 1, 2007, or the amount of own funds (capital) on January 1, 2010 - 90 million rubles. and January 1, 2012 - 180 million rubles. - and does not submit petitions to the Bank of Russia to change its status to the status of a non-bank credit institution;
  • if a bank that had, as of January 1, 2007, own funds (capital) in the amount equal to 180 million rubles. and above, and allowed a decrease in the amount of own funds (capital) below 180 million rubles. due to a change in the methodology for determining the amount of own funds (capital), has not reached the specified minimum amount of own funds (capital) within 12 months and has not submitted an application to the Bank of Russia to change its status to the status of a non-bank credit institution;
  • if a bank that, as of January 1, 2007, had own funds (capital) in the amount of less than 180 million rubles. and allowed a decrease in the amount of own funds (capital) in comparison with the level achieved on January 1, 2007 or set on the corresponding date - January 1, 2010 - 90 million rubles. and January 1, 2012 - 180 million rubles. - due to the application of a modified methodology for determining the amount of the bank's own funds (capital), within 12 months did not reach the greater of the two values: the amount of own funds (capital) it had as of January 1, 2007, or the amount of own funds (capital), established on the corresponding date - January 1, 2010 - 90 million rubles. and January 1, 2012 - 180 million rubles - and did not file a petition with the Bank of Russia to change its status to the status of a non-bank credit institution.

The second group includes grounds under which the Bank of Russia has the right to revoke a license.

The Bank of Russia has the right to revoke a license in the following cases:

  • establishing the unreliability of information on the basis of which a license for banking operations was issued;
  • delays in the commencement of banking operations provided for by the license for more than one year from the date of its issuance;
  • establishing the facts of significant unreliability of reporting data;
  • delays of more than 15 days in the submission of monthly reports (reporting documentation);
  • single execution of a banking operation not provided for by the issued license;
  • failure to comply with federal laws regulating banking activities, as well as Bank of Russia regulations, if the measures provided for by the Law on the Bank of Russia were repeatedly applied to a credit institution within one year, as well as repeated violations within one year of the requirements provided for in Art. Art. 6 and 7 (with the exception of clause 3, article 7) of the Federal Law "On counteracting the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism";
  • repeated within one year guilty non-execution of the requirements contained in the executive documents of the courts, arbitration courts for the recovery of funds from the accounts (in deposits) of customers of credit institutions in the presence of funds in the accounts (in deposits) of these persons;
  • there are petitions of the provisional administration, if by the end of the term of the administration there are grounds provided for by the Law on the Insolvency of Credit Institutions;
  • repeated failure by the credit institution to provide the Bank of Russia with updated information required to make changes to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, with the exception of information on licenses obtained;
  • non-compliance by a credit institution that is a manager of mortgage coverage with the requirements of Federal Law No. 152-FZ dated November 11, 2003 “On Mortgage Securities” and regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation issued in accordance with it, as well as failure to eliminate violations within the established time limits, if in within one year, measures provided for by the Law on the Bank of Russia were repeatedly applied to the credit institution.

Thus, unlike the first group, the revocation of a license on the grounds of the second group is not an obligation, but the right of the Bank of Russia.

The notice of license revocation is published in the Bulletin of the Bank of Russia within a week from the date of the relevant decision. The decision of the Bank of Russia to withdraw can be appealed within 30 days from the date of publication. An appeal against the decision of the Bank of Russia does not suspend the validity of the decision. Not later than the next day from the date of revocation of a license to a credit institution, the Bank of Russia shall appoint a provisional administration.

One of the components of banking supervision is an analysis of the activities of credit institutions (banking groups) carried out by the Bank of Russia on the basis of the reports of credit institutions in order to identify situations that threaten the legitimate interests of their depositors and creditors, the stability of the banking system of the Russian Federation. If they arise, the Bank of Russia is entitled to take a list of measures identical to the measures taken in case of violations by credit institutions of the current legislation of the Russian Federation. The main form of banking supervision is inspection checks by the Bank of Russia of credit institutions.

  • 6. Financial legal relations: their features and types.
  • 7. Financial activity of the state.
  • 8. The concept and meaning of financial control.
  • 9. The concept and types of methods of financial control.
  • 10. State financial control.
  • 11. Auditor (independent) financial control.
  • 14. Concept, role and functions of the budget.
  • 15. Budget structure of the Russian Federation: organization principles of construction.
  • 16. Characteristics of the revenue and expenditure part of the feder. RF budget.
  • 17. The concept and meaning of the budget classification.
  • 18. The concept and stages of the budget process.
  • 19. Budget financing.
  • 20. Extrabudgetary funds.
  • 22. Characteristics of tax legal relations.
  • 23. Rights and obligations of taxpayers.
  • 24. Rights and obligations of tax authorities.
  • 25. Characteristics of taxes and fees in the Russian Federation.
  • 26. Characteristics of excises.
  • 28. The concept and types of credit organizations.
  • 29. The structure of the banking system of the Russian Federation. Banking group, banking holding.
  • 30. Banking operations and other transactions of a credit institution.
  • 31. Management bodies of a credit institution.
  • 32. Registration and licensing of a credit institution.
  • Chapter II. Procedure for registration of credit organizations and licensing of banking operations.
  • 33. Liquidation and reorganization of a credit organization. Forced liquidation of a credit institution.
  • 34. Measures to ensure the stability of the banking system.
  • 35. Seizure and foreclosure of funds held by a credit institution.
  • 36. Organizational and legal status of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.
  • 37. Goals and functions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.
  • 38. Instructions, provisions and instructions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.
  • 39. Principles of organization of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Management bodies of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.
  • 40. Legal regulation of cash and non-cash payments in the territory of the Russian Federation. Characteristics of the forms of non-cash payments.
  • 41. Organization of money. Appeals. Monetary policy of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.
  • 42. Banking operations and transactions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.
  • 43. Banking regulation and banking supervision of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.
  • 44. Currency regulation in the Russian Federation.
  • Chapter 4 of the Federal Law of December 10, 2003 No. 173-FZ (as amended on December 30, 2006) "on currency regulation and currency control" regulates the issues of currency control in the Russian Federation:
  • 45. Legal regulation of enterprise finance.
  • 46. ​​General features of dispute resolution in the field of financial relations.
  • 47. Features of dispute resolution in the field of taxes and fees.
  • 48. General characteristics of offenses in the sphere of circulation of finance.
  • 49. Types of offenses in the field of budgetary law.
  • 50. Types of offenses in the field of banking.
  • 43. Banking regulation and banking supervision of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

    The Central Bank of the Russian Federation exercises constant supervision over the observance by credit institutions and banking groups of the banking legislation, regulations of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, and the mandatory ratios established by them.

    The main objectives of banking regulation and banking supervision are:

    Maintaining the stability of the banking system of the Russian Federation;

    Protecting the interests of depositors and creditors.

    Therefore, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation does not interfere in the operational activities of credit institutions, with the exception of cases provided for by federal laws.

    To carry out its functions of banking regulation and banking supervision, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation conducts:

    Checks of credit institutions (their branches);

    Sends them binding instructions to eliminate the violations identified in their activities and applies the sanctions provided for by law in relation to violators.

    As part of banking regulation and banking supervision, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation establishes the rules that are mandatory for credit institutions and banking groups:

    Carrying out banking operations;

    Accounting and reporting;

    Organizations of internal control;

    Preparation and presentation of accounting and statistical reporting. At the same time, the rules established by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation apply to accounting and statistical reporting, which is compiled for a period starting no earlier than the date of publication of these rules.

    In order to perform its functions, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, in accordance with the list established by the Board of Directors, has the right to:

    Request and receive from credit institutions the necessary information about their activities, demand clarifications on the information received;

    Establish for members of the banking group the procedure for providing information on their activities, which is necessary for the preparation of consolidated financial statements;

    Request and receive the necessary information free of charge from the federal executive authorities, their territorial bodies, legal entities - to compile banking and monetary statistics, the balance of payments of the Russian Federation, to analyze the economic situation.

    The regulatory and supervisory functions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation are carried out through a body acting on a permanent basis - the Banking Supervision Committee, which unites the structural divisions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation that ensure the performance of its supervisory functions. The structure of the Banking Supervision Committee is approved by the Board of Directors, and its head is appointed by the Chairman of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation from among the members of the Board of Directors.

    In order to ensure the sustainability of credit institutions, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation may establish the following mandatory ratios:

    The minimum amount of the authorized capital for the created credit institutions",

    The amount of own funds (capital) for operating credit institutions as a condition for establishing their subsidiaries in the territory of a foreign state and (or) opening their branches, for a non-bank credit institution to obtain the status of a bank, and also for a credit institution to obtain the status of a subsidiary bank of a foreign bank;

    The maximum amount of property (non-monetary) contributions to the charter capital of a credit institution;

    The maximum amount of risk per borrower or a group of related borrowers (which are related to each other or parent and subsidiary);

    Maximum size of large credit risks;

    Liquidity ratios of a credit institution;

    Capital adequacy ratios;

    Size of currency, interest and other financial risks;

    The minimum amount of reserves created for risks;

    Standards for the use of own funds (capital) of a credit institution for the acquisition of shares (stakes) in other legal entities;

    The maximum amount of loans, bank guarantees and guarantees provided by a credit institution (banking group) to its participants (shareholders).

    A set of measures implemented by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation to control the activities of commercial credit institutions.

    In the course of regulation, the authorized person checks:

    • compliance by financial institutions with the provisions of the law;
    • fulfillment of economic standards;
    • the correctness of the reflection of information about the financial situation in accounting and reporting.

    Legislative provisions for supervision

    According to Art. 56 FZ-86, adopted in 2002, banking supervision in Russia is the responsibility of the Central Bank. The regulator analyzes the work of credit institutions, monitors their compliance with the provisions of the law and mandatory standards.

    The control functions of the regulator are implemented through a specially created body - the Banking Supervision Committee. The head is chosen from the members of the Board of Directors of the Central Bank.

    Banking supervision monitors:

    • compliance with the rules of banking operations;
    • compliance with the standards for the formation of reserves, loans issued and equity capital adequacy;
    • compliance with restrictions on the amount of accepted financial risks.
    According to the provisions of 86-FZ, the Bank of Russia does not have the authority to interfere in the activities of commercial credit institutions, manage them or evaluate the appropriateness of transactions. Its task is to monitor compliance with the law, identify violations and establish responsibility for them.

    Types of banking supervision

    Depending on the direction of the regulator's work, supervision is divided into two categories:
    • Legal - this is control over the implementation by banks of the provisions of existing laws, instructions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.
    • Prudential - verification of compliance with mandatory standards. Algorithms for their calculation are described in detail in the instructions of the Central Bank.
    Depending on the place of implementation, supervision can be of two types:
    • Remote - the Central Bank performs control functions by remotely requesting financial statements, documents confirming the legality of certain transactions.
    • Contact - employees of the Central Bank go to the audited credit institution to study the documentation on the spot.
    Depending on the direction of activity of the financial institution, supervision is carried out by:
    • checking the fulfillment of liquidity indicators;
    • control over operations with foreign currency;
    • supervision over the maintenance of budgetary funds;
    • balance analysis.
    Different types of control are used to achieve a single goal - risk management in the country's banking system, prevention of abuse and fraud.

    Methods of banking supervision

    There are the following methods of supervision of the Central Bank over commercial banks:
    • Rule-making activity is the development of by-laws, the provisions of which are mandatory for compliance with financial structures.
    • Administrative method - making decisions on issuing licenses for banking activities or revoking them for violations.
    • Conducting monetary policy – ​​for example, setting a key rate that affects the cost of borrowing.
    • Implementation of supervisory activities - analysis of bank statements, checking the legitimacy of operations, requesting documents.
    • Regulatory activities — preparation of written recommendations for problem banks, consultations on the application of legislation in practice.
    In relation to credit institutions that do not comply with legislative norms, the Central Bank has the right to use sanctions. This is a ban on certain types of transactions, the imposition of a fine (up to 1% of the authorized capital), a change in standards for a six-month period, a decision to reorganize a financial institution, and in some cases, a license revocation.

    24. Banking supervision and its types

    Body of banking regulation and banking supervision in accordance with the Federal Law "On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation" is Bank of Russia. The Bank of Russia exercises constant supervision over the observance by credit institutions and banking groups of the banking legislation and regulations of the Bank of Russia, and the mandatory ratios established by them. Banking system is an object of supervision for the Bank of Russia. Supervision is a means of ensuring prudential regulation. This is supervision in the narrow sense of the word, i.e. supervision of individual credit institutions as part of the banking system.

    Each individual credit institution is subject to specific supervision by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Strengthening supervision of a particular credit institution may be dictated by the general interests of strengthening the banking system, in particular, the management of systemic risks. However, there is a downside to this: a credit institution is losing its advantages in the system of competitive relations. The knowledge that a certain credit institution is subject to intensive supervision may raise doubts among its customers.

    Type of banking supervision- this is the specific activity of the Bank of Russia to verify the activities of a credit institution, determined by the object and subject of banking supervision.

    Banking supervision can be classified according to several criteria.

    1. General classification of banking supervision. Depending on the subject of supervision, it is necessary to distinguish functional types of supervision, and depending on the subject - institutional.

    2. Subject classification of banking supervision (functional). Banking supervision is classified in accordance with the specifics of the regulatory, economic and financial content of the banking activity, which is the subject of supervision.

    3. Normative classification of banking supervision. There are two types: general(legal) and prudential(financial).

    4. Depending on the development of the banking activity of a credit institution, it is necessary to distinguish between the types of banking supervision:

    1) licensing of banking activities;

    2) current supervision for compliance with laws, financial regulations and regulations of the Bank of Russia.

    5. Depending on the economic and financial content of banking activities, there are currency supervision and supervision related to the maintenance of budgetary accounts by banks.

    6. Depending on the place of supervision, current control is divided into two types: remote and contact.

    Remote supervision- this is monitoring the activities of credit institutions on the basis of banking and, in particular, accounting documents submitted by it.

    Contact supervision are inspections of the activities of credit institutions carried out by representatives of the Bank of Russia directly at the credit institution. For these purposes, special subdivisions are created in the structure of the Bank of Russia - the Department for Inspection of Credit Institutions and the corresponding structures in its territorial branches.

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    39. Bank deposit Bank deposit is money in the currency of the Russian Federation or foreign currency placed by individuals in credit institutions for the purpose of keeping and generating income. Income on the deposit is paid in cash in the form of interest.

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    Supervision and regulation Central Bank. Most normally operating banks strive to maintain their place in the banking services market, the first and indispensable condition of which is to ensure financial stability. Despite this desire of the bank itself

    Banking regulation and banking supervision

    Banking regulation and banking supervision- functions of the Bank of Russia. The tasks of regulation and supervision in the banking sector are to maintain the stability of the banking system and protect the interests of depositors and creditors.

    To perform these functions, the Banking Supervision Committee has been established in the Central Bank. Its head is appointed by the chairman of the Bank of Russia. Since September 2011, this position has been held by Aleksey Simanovsky, who replaced Gennady Melikyan, who, in turn, headed the committee after the murder of Andrei Kozlov.

    The Bank of Russia determines in accordance with Federal Law No. 86-FZ dated July 10, 2002 "On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)":

    Mandatory rules for conducting banking operations for credit institutions and banking groups;

    Accounting and reporting standards;

    Rules for organizing internal control, compiling and presenting accounting and statistical reporting, as well as other information.

    In addition, the Central Bank sets the following financial standards for credit institutions:

    The maximum amount of property (non-monetary) contributions to the authorized capital of a credit institution, as well as a list of types of property in non-monetary form that may be contributed as payment for the authorized capital;

    The maximum amount of risk per borrower or group of related ones;

    Maximum size of large credit risks;

    Liquidity ratios of a credit institution;

    Size of currency, interest and other financial risks;

    The minimum amount of reserves created for risks;

    Standards for the use of own funds (capital) of a credit institution for the acquisition of shares (stakes) in other legal entities (no more than 25% of own funds);

    The maximum amount of loans, bank guarantees and guarantees provided by a credit institution or a banking group to its participants (shareholders).

    The basic standards are set out in federal law: the maximum amount of risk per borrower cannot exceed 25% of the bank's own funds. The maximum amount of large credit risks (the amount of loans, guarantees and guarantees in favor of one borrower, which is more than 5% of the funds) should not exceed 800% of the capital. The Bank may not invest more than 25% of its own funds in shares and shares of other legal entities. The maximum amount of loans, bank guarantees and sureties provided by a credit institution to its members (shareholders) is limited to 50%. Other regulatory indicators are determined by the Bank of Russia independently.

    To control compliance with laws and regulations, the Central Bank has the right to conduct inspections of credit institutions, based on the results of which it can apply the following sanctions:

    Collect from the credit institution a fine of up to 1% of the authorized capital;

    Demand the implementation of measures for its financial recovery, including changes in the structure of assets, replacement of managers, reorganization;

    Change for a period of up to six months the mandatory ratios established for a credit institution;

    Introduce a ban on certain banking operations by a credit institution, as well as on the opening of branches for a period of up to one year;

    Appoint an interim administration for up to six months;

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