Accounting policies are required by the following organizations. Accounting policy. The methodological section of the accounting policy reflects

Any company must draw up an accounting policy (AP), regardless of:

  • from types of activity;
  • the number of employees;
  • applied system of taxation;
  • scale of production;
  • other conditions.

The requirements for the need to form a UE are contained in:

  • Tax Code of the Russian Federation - in relation to tax accounting policy (Article 313);
  • Law on Accounting No. 402-FZ of 06.12.2011 (clauses 5-6 of Article 8) and PBU 1/2008 "Accounting Policy of the Organization" (approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia of 06.10.2008 No. 106n) - according to accounting UP.

In many companies, separate UEs are formed - for the purposes of tax (NU) and accounting (BU). However, the legislation does not contain such a strict requirement, therefore, the organization has the right to draw up one UE, providing for separate sections in it devoted to accounting moments for the purposes of NU and BU.

It should be noted that the aforementioned article of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation contains requirements on the need to establish in the UE the procedure for maintaining tax records and the approval of the UE for NU by order (instruction) of the head of the company.

At the same time, Law No. 402-FZ determines that it is necessary to concentrate the accounting methods used by the company in the AP for accounting. However, there are no clear instructions on what the structure of this document should be, by whom, when and in what form it should be approved. These issues are considered in PBU 1/2008, however, it does not mention the need for annual approval of the MP.

Do I need to approve an accounting policy every year?

Thus, in the normative documents listed in the previous section, containing requirements for accounting policies, there is no mention of the mandatory annual approval of the AP. There is no direct prohibition on this either.

How to be? The decision rests with the firm itself. Only she has the right to establish and consolidate the procedure for the annual (or with other frequency) approval of the UE.

However, when making such a decision, the following should be taken into account:

  • If the UE does not change from period to period, it is reasonable to apply the principle of rationality - instead of the annual approval of the accounting policy, during its initial registration, indicate the date from which the specified document is to be applied (instead of indicating the next year).
  • Make all changes and additions to the UE without reapproving the entire current UE, i.e. adding them when changing the accounting method - from the beginning of the year, with amendments to the legislation - from the moment they come into force.

In some cases, the need for frequent approval of the OP may arise, for example, if:

  • multiple minor nuances are constantly being adjusted in different points of the MP, which are formalized in separate additions to the MP - in such conditions it is difficult to fully understand the impact of these adjustments as a whole on the content of the accounting policy, and therefore there is a need to approve a new version of the MP;
  • the accounting methods used have fundamentally affected the type and composition of the current PM - here the approved accounting policy is replaced by adjustments and loses its purpose, therefore it is advisable to approve a new version of the PM taking into account all the amendments in a single text.

With the transition to market relations, approaches to the formulation of accounting in organizations have changed. From the strict regulation of the accounting process by the state in the past, they have now moved to a reasonable combination of state regulation and the independence of organizations in the formulation of accounting. The essence of new approaches to the formulation of accounting lies mainly in the fact that, on the basis of the general accounting rules established by the state, organizations independently develop an accounting policy to solve the tasks assigned to accounting.

The accounting policy chosen by the organization has a significant impact on the value of indicators of the cost of production, profit, value added taxes and property, indicators of the financial condition of the organization. Consequently, the accounting policy of the organization is an important means of forming the value of the main indicators of the organization, tax planning, pricing policy.

The accounting policy of an organization is the set of accounting methods adopted by it (primary observation, cost measurement, current grouping and final generalization of the facts of economic activity).

Accounting methods include methods of grouping and evaluating the facts of economic activity, paying off the value of assets, organizing document circulation, inventory, methods of using accounting accounts, systems of accounting registers, information processing and other relevant methods and techniques.

Formation of accounting policy

The accounting policy of the organization is formed by the chief accountant of the organization and approved by the head of the organization.

It affirms:

Chosen by the organization options for accounting and evaluation of accounting objects;

Working chart of accounting accounts containing synthetic and analytical accounts necessary for accounting in accordance with the requirements of timeliness and completeness of accounting and reporting;

Forms of primary accounting documents used to register the facts of economic activity, for which standard forms of primary accounting documents are not provided, as well as forms of documents for internal financial statements;

The procedure for conducting an inventory of the assets and liabilities of the organization;

Document flow rules and accounting information processing technology;

Procedure for control over business transactions;

Other solutions necessary for the organization of accounting.

When forming the accounting policy of an organization in a specific direction of maintaining and organizing accounting, one of the several methods allowed by the legislation and regulations on accounting is selected. If, on a specific issue, the regulatory documents do not establish accounting methods, then when forming an accounting policy, the organization develops an appropriate method based on accounting provisions.

The accounting policy adopted by the organization is subject to registration by the relevant organizational and administrative documentation (orders, instructions, etc.) of the organization.

The accounting methods chosen by the organization when forming the accounting policy are applied from January 1 of the year following the year of approval of the relevant organizational and administrative document. At the same time, they are applied by all branches, representative offices and other divisions of the organization (including those allocated to a separate balance sheet), regardless of their location.

The newly created organization draws up the chosen accounting policy before the first publication of financial statements, but no later than 90 days from the date of state registration. The accounting policy adopted by such an organization is considered applicable from the date of acquisition of the rights of a legal entity (state registration).

The procedure for changing accounting policies

A change in the accounting policy of an organization can be made in the following cases:

Changes in the legislation of the Russian Federation or accounting regulations;

Development by the organization of new methods of accounting;

The use of a new method of accounting implies a more reliable presentation of the facts of economic activity in the accounting and reporting of the organization or a lower labor intensity of the accounting process without reducing the degree of information reliability;

Significant change in operating conditions.

A significant change in the conditions of the organization's activities may be associated with a reorganization, a change of owners, a change in activities, a restructuring of production, a significant expansion or decrease in the volume of activities, etc. It is not considered a change in the accounting policy to approve the method of accounting for the facts of economic activity that differ in essence from the facts that took place earlier, or arose for the first time in the activities of the organization.

The change in accounting policy must be justified and executed in the manner prescribed for the accounting policy.

A change in accounting policy must be introduced from January 1 of the year (beginning of the financial year) following the year of its approval.

The effects of changes in accounting policies that have, or may have, a significant effect on the entity's financial position, cash flows or financial performance are measured in monetary terms. The assessment is made on the basis of data verified by the organization as of the date from which the changed method of accounting is applied.

The consequences of a change in accounting policy caused by a change in the legislation of the Russian Federation or regulatory acts on accounting are reflected in accounting in the reporting in the manner prescribed by the relevant legislation or regulation. If the relevant legislation or regulation does not provide for the procedure for reflecting the consequences of a change in accounting policy, then they are reflected in accounting and reporting based on the requirement to present numerical indicators for at least two years, unless the assessment in monetary terms of these consequences in relation to periods preceding the reporting , cannot be produced with sufficient accuracy.

Reflection of the consequences of a change in accounting policy consists in adjusting the relevant data included in the financial statements for the reporting period for the period preceding the reporting period.

These adjustments are reflected in the financial statements. In this case, no accounts are created.

Disclosure of information as part of an accounting policy

The following information is subject to disclosure as part of information on accounting policies for property, plant and equipment:

Selected depreciation methods;

The procedure for writing off the costs of repairing fixed assets;

Methods of valuation of fixed assets acquired in exchange for other property other than cash;

On changes in the value of fixed assets, in which they are accepted for accounting (including cases of completion, additional equipment, reconstruction and partial liquidation, revaluation of fixed assets);

Accepted useful life of objects;

On fixed assets, the cost of which is not redeemed;

On fixed assets provided and received under a lease agreement;

About real estate objects accepted for operation and actually used, which are in the process of registration.

For intangible assets, as part of information on the accounting policy of the organization in the financial statements, at least the following information is subject to disclosure:

Methods for calculating depreciation charges for certain groups of intangible assets;

Ways of reflection in accounting of depreciation deductions;

Methods for valuation of intangible assets acquired not for cash;

Useful lives of intangible assets adopted by the organization.

For expenditures on research, development and technological work (R&D), the elements of the accounting policy are:

Choice of the method of writing off R&D expenses;

Determination of the timing of the write-off of R&D expenses.

For inventories, the elements of the accounting policy are:

The choice of a synthetic inventory accounting option;

The choice of the method for assessing the MPZ;

Consequences of changes in the accounting policy of methods for estimating the inventory;

The cost of inventories pledged;

The value and movement of reserves under the depreciation of material assets;

The difference between the actual cost of inventories and the cost of their possible implementation, attribution to the financial results of the organization;

The procedure for documenting incoming materials.

For production costs and accounting for finished products, the elements of the accounting policy are:

Selecting a system of accounts to record expenses for ordinary activities;

The choice of the method of grouping and writing off the costs of production;

Choice of accounting method for finished products;

Choosing a method for evaluating finished products, goods shipped, work in progress;

Choice of the variant of the summary accounting of production costs;

Choice of method for determining the proceeds from the sale of products;

Recognition of the moment of sale for long-term works;

The choice of the method of distribution of indirect costs between individual objects of accounting and calculation;

The choice of the method of accounting for production costs and calculating the cost of production.

Choice of technique, form and organization of accounting

The organization independently develops a working chart of accounts based on the approved plan. It has the right to choose from the entire set of synthetic accounts really necessary for itself, to introduce (with the permission of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation) new synthetic accounts using free account codes.

Based on the system of sub-accounts provided for by the approved Chart of Accounts and the Instructions for the use of the Chart of Accounts, organizations determine the list of sub-accounts used, if necessary, combining, deleting or adding new sub-accounts, as well as the full range of analytical accounts and their codes.

The organization independently chooses the form of accounting (journal-order, memorial-order, simplified, machine-oriented), the list of accounting registers used, their construction, sequence and methods of recording in them.

The organization independently chooses the organizational structure of accounting. In addition, accounting and reporting can be carried out by a specialized organization or a relevant specialist on a contractual basis. The organization can allocate to a separate balance its production and farms, as well as branches, representative offices, departments and other separate divisions that are part of the enterprise. In small business organizations that do not have a cashier on staff, his duties may be performed by the chief accountant or other employee by written order of the head of the organization.

When conducting mandatory inventories for the preparation of annual reports, organizations are given the right to conduct an inventory of fixed assets once every three years, library funds - once every five years. In areas located in the Far North and areas equated to it, an inventory of goods, raw materials and materials can be carried out during the period of their least remaining. The number of fixed assets that are not mandatory for inventory in the reporting year, the dates of inventory, the list of property and liabilities checked during each of them, are established by the organization itself.

Organizations independently develop a system of intra-production accounting, reporting and control, based on the features of functioning and the requirements of managing production and sales of products.

Disclosure of accounting policies

The organization must disclose the accounting methods chosen in the formation of accounting policies that significantly affect the assessment and decision-making of users of financial statements.

Methods of accounting are recognized as essential, without knowledge of the application of which by interested users of financial statements it is impossible to reliably assess the financial position, cash flow or financial results of the organization.

The accounting methods adopted in the formation of the accounting policy of the organization and subject to disclosure in the financial statements include:

Methods of depreciation of fixed assets, intangible and other assets;

Estimates of inventories, goods, work in progress and finished products;

Recognition of profit from the sale of products, goods, works, services and other significant ways.

In case of publication of financial statements not in full, information on accounting policies is subject to disclosure at least in the part directly related to the published materials.

If the accounting policy of the organization is formed on the basis of the assumptions provided for by PBU 1/98, then these assumptions may not be disclosed in the financial statements.

If, when forming an accounting policy, an organization proceeds from assumptions other than those provided for in PBU 1/98, then such assumptions, together with the reasons for their application, should be disclosed in detail in the financial statements.

If, in preparing the financial statements, there is a significant uncertainty about events and conditions that may cast significant doubt on the applicability of the going concern assumption, then the entity should identify such uncertainty and unambiguously describe what it is associated with.

Significant methods of accounting are subject to disclosure in the explanatory note included in the financial statements of the organization for the reporting year.

Interim financial statements may not contain information about the accounting policy of the organization, if the latter has not changed since the preparation of the annual financial statements for the previous year, which disclosed the accounting policy.

The accounting policy of an organization is a fundamental document that reveals all the features of accounting (tax) accounting in a particular period. Accounting policy (with its correct formation) allows to ensure the most effective interaction of all structures of the organization involved in the accounting process, and minimize the costs (material, labor and time costs) to resolve emerging issues.

Changes in accounting policies that have had or may have a significant impact on the financial position, cash flows or financial results of the organization are subject to separate disclosure in the financial statements. Information about them should include the reason for the change in accounting policy; assessment of the consequences of changes in monetary terms (in relation to the reporting year and each other period, the data for which are included in the financial statements for the reporting year); an indication that the corresponding data of the periods preceding the reporting year included in the financial statements for the reporting year have been adjusted.

Changes in the accounting policy for the year following the reporting year are reflected in the explanatory note to the financial statements of the organization.

Most large commercial organizations maintain an accounting policy. This may be due to both the requirements of the law and the objective needs of firms, due to the specifics of doing business, its scale, and the peculiarities of business operations. The norms governing the maintenance can be fixed both at the level of the legislation of the Russian Federation and in the organization. What main sources of law regulate this area of ​​activity of Russian firms? What are their main provisions?

What is an accounting policy?

Under the accounting policy, it is customary to understand the activities of the organization, which is associated with the preparation of various documents reflecting significant events in the economic life of the company. In the Russian Federation, it is represented by 2 main types of accounting - accounting and tax. As a rule, the first type of reporting is more complicated, therefore, in order to regulate it, the state issues specialized regulations. The company's accounting policy, mainly related to its financial statements, must be stable, legal, and up-to-date. It is formed based on the priorities of a particular organization, but must comply with established rules of law. Consider what sources they can be recorded in.

Accounting policy of accounting: basic rules of law

The accounting policy of PBU in the Russian Federation is governed by the provisions of regulations at the federal level. The main regulatory legal act of the corresponding type is Order No. 106n of the Ministry of Finance of Russia, adopted on October 6, 2008. Through this source, the provision “Accounting policy of the organization PBU 1/2008”, as well as PBU 21/2008, which supplements the first document, was approved. Previously, the normative source PBU 1/98 was in force in the Russian Federation.

It can be noted that, along with the main regulatory legal act governing accounting - RAS 1/2008, sources have been adopted in accordance with which records should be kept for individual business transactions, payments to the budget of the Russian Federation. For example, if a company pays income tax, then the main NPA, in accordance with which its accounting policy should be built, is 18 RAS.

There are separate sources of norms that regulate accounting for various assets, loans, investments that the company deals with. But, one way or another, the main source of accounting standards is PBU 1/2008. It contains rules common to all firms that regulate accounting policies, regardless of the taxation system of the organization, the specifics of its business operations.

Consider the main provisions contained in the document PBU 1/2008 (“Accounting policy of the organization”). 2015 and 2016 were not characterized by significant legislative adjustments to the relevant legal acts. But they were. Thus, the current version of the Accounting Policy was adopted on April 6, 2015. So, let's study the main provisions of this NPA.

PBU 1/2008: general provisions

The considered source of law forms the rules for compiling the accounting policy of firms in the status of legal entities. The jurisdiction of this NLA does not apply to banking organizations, state and municipal structures. If business in the Russian Federation is conducted by a representative office of a foreign company, then it can adhere to the relevant norms or those rules that are established in their state, provided that they do not contradict the provisions of Russian legislation governing accounting.

PBU "Accounting policy of the organization" regulates the activities of enterprises that are associated with accounting, observation, measurement, grouping and subsequent generalization of the results of economic activities in the company. Accounting in accordance with the norms of the source of law under consideration can be carried out using different methods. For example:

Grouping, as well as assessment of the facts of activity;

Asset Compensation;

Document management support;

Implementation of inventory;

Use of accounting accounts;

Maintenance of specialized registers;

Processing various types of information.

The rules of PBU "Accounting Policy" apply to all Russian firms. But in terms of the actual disclosure of procedures within the framework of accounting policies - for those organizations that publish their statements in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, statutory documents, or by virtue of their own initiative.

How is the accounting policy formed?

Let us consider how, in accordance with the NLA under consideration, the PBU accounting policy is formed. This area of ​​activity of the company is carried out under the guidance of the chief accountant of the organization or other responsible employee of the organization.

As part of accounting, the following must be approved:

Working plan of accounts used by the company;

Forms of documents used in accounting, as well as registers;

Forms of sources used in internal reporting;

inventory rules;

Methods for valuation of the company's assets, as well as its liabilities;

Methods of document circulation and information analysis;

Rules for exercising control over various business transactions.

Employees of the firm responsible for the accounting policy may make other decisions within the framework of the considered direction of the firm's activities.

The PBU accounting policy also assumes that:

The resources and liabilities of the firm are considered separately from the assets and debts of the owners of the relevant organization and other companies;

The firm is running a stable business and its managers have no intention of liquidating the business or reducing economic activity, as a result of which the company's debts will be paid according to established schemes;

The accounting policy adopted in the company is characterized by stability, consistency and is carried out according to uniform principles in different years;

The facts of economic activities of the organization are correlated with specific reporting periods.

The legislator requires firms that implement accounting policies to ensure:

The correctness of fixing in the accounting of certain facts of economic activities;

The relevance of reflecting information about the company's activities in the reporting;

Preferential willingness to consider expenses and debts than revenues and assets without the formation of hidden resources;

Reflection of facts in accounting, primarily based on their real economic content, and not the legal form;

Equality of accounting indicators in terms of turnover and balances within reporting periods;

The priority of rational accounting methods used taking into account the conditions of the company's business activities, as well as the scale of the organization.

The legislation of the Russian Federation allows small enterprises to form an accounting policy in a simplified form.

The PBU accounting policy assumes that the company, having not found the necessary guidelines in the provisions of the regulatory acts of the Russian Federation, must use its own rules, as well as IFRS - international rules for preparing financial statements.

The company, having adopted an accounting policy, must formalize it through separate ones approved by the management of the organization. The accounting methods determined by the organization shall be applied from the beginning of the year following the one in which the corresponding methods were approved. If the company was established recently, then the accounting policy in it must be adopted within 90 days from the date of registration of the company.

Accounting policy adjustment

Document PBU 1/2008 (“Accounting policy of the organization”) regulates how the company should adjust the accepted accounting standards. Thus, appropriate changes can be made if the regulatory provisions have changed in the legislation of the Russian Federation. Adjustment of the accounting policy can be carried out if certain conditions of economic activity are changed in the company - for example, due to reorganization or due to changes in certain types of commercial activities. If the company has decided to change the accounting policy, the rules in question require this action to be carried out on the basis of the principle of reasonableness.

In general, accounting policy adjustments become effective from the beginning of the reporting year. Other terms may be due to the factors that caused the corresponding changes. Accounting policy (PBU 1/2008) requires firms to consider the consequences of adjusting the rules governing the line of business in question. So, if the relevant changes affect the financial stability of the company, the results of its activities or the movement of capital, they are evaluated in monetary terms on the basis of reliable data.

If the adjustment of the accounting policy is due to changes in the norms of the regulatory legal acts, then they are reflected in accounting in the manner prescribed by law. Companies that have the right to use simplified accounting methods may record adjustments in their accounting policies that may potentially affect financial results, unless otherwise prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

If the changes in question are capable of having a significant impact on the dynamics of capital turnover in the organization, then they should be separately disclosed in the financial statements. Let's consider this aspect in more detail.

Disclosure of adopted accounting policies

In accordance with the rules of accounting policy PBU 1-2008, firms are required to disclose their accounting policies through established methods. First of all, in such an aspect as accounting methods, which decisively influence the process of evaluation and practical application of solutions by reporting users.

The key in this case should be considered those methods that allow for the most reliable acquaintance of stakeholders with the financial results of the organization. The manner in which financial statements should be disclosed is determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation. If the company's accounting policy is created taking into account possible assumptions that are provided for by the rules of law, then disclosure of such approaches may not be carried out in the reporting. But if the assumptions made by the company are not provided for by law, then they, in turn, must be disclosed.

PBU "Accounting Policy" provides for an option in which, in the process of preparing reports, some uncertainty is formed in the aspect of considering events and factors that can cast doubt on the continuity of business activities, then the company must reflect in the accounting documents the circumstances related to such a problem. If an entity's accounting policy is changed, it must disclose information that reflects:

The reasons for adjusting the accounting policy, as well as the nature of the changes in it;

The order in which the consequences of innovations in accounting policies are reflected in the statements;

Financial indicators of adjustments reflecting the changes in question, relative to each line item.

If disclosure of data is impossible for one reason or another, then this fact should be taken into account, provided that the period within which the company begins to use the new accounting policy is indicated.

PBU "Accounting policy of the organization" contains rules under which firms are required to disclose information about the non-application of legal acts that are adopted, but are not valid until a certain period, as well as a prospective assessment of the consequences of applying this act in the period when it becomes legally effective. The way in which the company maintains accounting, as well as information about the adjustment of its accounting policy, must be disclosed in a special one that is attached to the accounting documents.

Along with PBU on accounting policy, by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 106n, another regulatory source was introduced - PBU 21/2008. Let's consider its features in more detail.

PBU 21/2008: basic norms

The document in question contains provisions that govern the procedure for recognition, as well as disclosure in accounting of information relating to the adjustment of estimated values ​​for certain accounting elements. As such, document PBU 21/2008 prescribes to understand changes in the price of an asset or a company's debt or a value that reflects compensation for the value of an asset due to the appearance of updated significant information. At the same time, the adjustment of the method of estimating the company's resources and liabilities is not classified as a change in estimated value. But if any innovation in accounting cannot be considered within a separate category that characterizes changes in accounting policies, then for reporting purposes it is recognized as a change in estimated value. Let us examine how it is recognized in practice.

Recognition of accounting adjustment

The NLA, which supplements the PBU-2008 document (“Accounting Policy of the Organization”), contains rules according to which changes in the estimated value should be recognized in accounting by including in the company’s revenue or costs:

Within the period in which this or that change is recorded, if it directly affects the accounting data;

Within the period in which the change was recorded, as well as future periods, if the adjustment affected the reporting for both intervals.

If the change affects the size of the firm's capital, then it should be recognized by adjusting the equity shares in the financial statements for the period in which the corresponding innovation was recorded.

IFRS accounting standards

Along with PBU-1 (“Accounting Policy of the Organization”), a Russian source of law, accounting can also be regulated by international standards. Let's study their specifics in more detail.

One of the main international documents that establish RAS is IFRS 8. In accordance with its provisions, accounting policies should be understood as the principles, foundations, contracts, rules, as well as practical actions that are carried out by the company in order to prepare financial statements. The main principle of international accounting regulation is the priority of reliability over formalities.

Another noteworthy nuance that characterizes IFRS is that in the original texts of the relevant sources of law, the phrase "accounting policy" is most often used in the plural. Experts explain this by the fact that abroad, this area of ​​activity of firms involves a combination of various actions. In turn, in Russia, even the latest version of PBU (“Accounting Policy of the Organization”) of 2015 suggests the use of this term in the singular.

Another noteworthy nuance of the IFRS is that international standards allow companies to independently determine how information related to accounting should be disclosed. So, it can be disclosed in the form of notes or as a separate reporting component.

An extremely important characteristic of IFRS is that the relevant rules of law do not require firms to use uniform charts of accounts in the accounting process. In principle, it is optional - although in practice it is rather difficult to do without it, since, as a rule, there is a need for conducting operations in firms. In turn, in Russia there is a single chart of accounts and should be applied in accordance with the norms established by law.

Quite superficially, IFRS rules regulate the compilation of appendices to the accounting policy. Firms, in accordance with international rules, do not have to draw up them - but, again, in practice, they usually have to develop such documents.


The main source of law, according to which Russian firms must accept various business transactions for accounting, is the Accounting Policy of the Organization PBU 1/2008. It can be supplemented by other legal acts that regulate certain aspects of accounting. Russian laws governing financial reporting may be applied along with international standards. There are a number of fundamental differences between them. IFRS rules can be applied in the Russian Federation, if they do not contradict the norms of Russian legal acts regulating accounting.

Sources of law, in accordance with which accounting should be kept in the Russian Federation, are mandatory for use, but contain rather general requirements for the implementation by firms of the area of ​​activity under consideration. A significant part of the work on creating a local accounting system should be carried out directly by the company - its chief accountant and other responsible employees. The accounting rules adopted in the organization are approved by its management and are binding on all financial divisions of the company.

With the transition to market relations, approaches to staging in organizations have changed. From the strict regulation of the accounting process by the state in the past, they have now moved to a reasonable combination of state regulation and the independence of organizations in the formulation of accounting. The essence of new approaches to the formulation of accounting lies mainly in the fact that, on the basis of the general accounting rules established by the state, organizations independently develop an accounting policy to solve the tasks assigned to accounting.

It should be noted that the importance of accounting policies is underestimated by many organizations, they treat the development of accounting policies formally, do not study the consequences of applying one or another of its elements.

Meanwhile, the accounting policy chosen by the organization has a significant impact on the value of indicators of production costs, profits, value added taxes and property taxes, indicators of the financial condition of the organization. Consequently, the accounting policy of the organization is an important means of forming the value of the main indicators of the organization, tax planning, pricing policy. Without familiarization with the accounting policy, it is impossible to carry out the performance indicators of the organization for various periods, and even more so, a comparative analysis of various organizations.

The accounting policy of an organization is the set of accounting methods adopted by it (primary observation, cost measurement, current grouping and final generalization of the facts of economic activity).

Accounting methods include methods of grouping and evaluating the facts of economic activity, paying off the value of assets, organizing document circulation, inventory, methods of using accounting accounts, systems of accounting registers, information processing and other relevant methods and techniques.

Formation of accounting policy

The accounting policy of the organization is formed by the chief accountant of the organization and approved by the head of the organization.

It affirms:

Chosen by the organization options for accounting and evaluation of accounting objects;
- accounting worker containing synthetic and necessary for accounting in accordance with the requirements of timeliness and completeness of accounting and reporting;
- forms of primary accounting documents used to formalize the facts of economic activity, for which standard forms of primary accounting documents are not provided, as well as forms of documents for internal accounting;
- the procedure for conducting an inventory of the assets and liabilities of the organization;
- rules of workflow and technology for processing accounting information;
- procedure for control over business operations;
- other solutions necessary for the organization of accounting.

When forming the accounting policy of an organization in a specific direction of maintaining and organizing accounting, one of the several methods allowed by the legislation and regulations on accounting is selected.

If, on a specific issue, the regulatory documents do not establish accounting methods, then when forming an accounting policy, the organization develops an appropriate method based on accounting provisions.

The accounting policy adopted by the organization is subject to registration by the relevant organizational and administrative documentation (orders, instructions, etc.) of the organization.

The accounting methods chosen by the organization when forming the accounting policy are applied from January 1 of the year following the year of approval of the relevant organizational and administrative document. At the same time, they are applied by all branches, representative offices and other divisions of the organization (including those allocated to a separate balance sheet), regardless of their location.

The newly created organization draws up the chosen accounting policy before the first publication of financial statements, but no later than 90 days from the date of state registration. The accounting policy adopted by such an organization is considered applicable from the date of acquisition of the rights of a legal entity (state registration).

The procedure for changing accounting policies

A change in the accounting policy of an organization can be made in the following cases:

Changes in the legislation of the Russian Federation or accounting regulations;
- development by the organization of new methods of accounting;
- the use of a new method of accounting implies a more reliable presentation of the facts of economic activity in the accounting and reporting of the organization or a lower labor intensity of the accounting process without reducing the degree of information reliability;
- a significant change in the operating conditions.

A significant change in the conditions of the organization's activities may be associated with a change of owners, a change in activities, production, a significant expansion or decrease in the volume of activities, etc. It is not considered a change in the accounting policy to approve the method of accounting for the facts of economic activity that differ in essence from the facts that took place earlier, or arose for the first time in the activities of the organization.

The change in accounting policy must be justified and executed in the manner prescribed for the accounting policy.

A change in accounting policy must be introduced from January 1 of the year (beginning of the financial year) following the year of its approval.

The effects of changes in accounting policies that have, or may have, a significant effect on the entity's financial position, movement or performance are measured in monetary terms. The assessment is made on the basis of data verified by the organization as of the date from which the changed method of accounting is applied.

The consequences of a change in accounting policy caused by a change in the legislation of the Russian Federation or accounting regulations are reflected in accounting and reporting in the manner prescribed by the relevant legislation or regulation. If the relevant legislation or regulation does not provide for the procedure for reflecting the consequences of a change in accounting policy, then they are reflected in accounting and reporting based on the requirement to present numerical indicators for at least two years, unless the assessment in monetary terms of these consequences in relation to periods preceding the reporting , cannot be produced with sufficient accuracy.

Reflection of the consequences of a change in accounting policy consists in adjusting the relevant data included in the financial statements for the reporting period for the period preceding the reporting period.

These adjustments are reflected in the financial statements. In this case, no accounts are created.

Disclosure of information as part of an accounting policy

The following information is subject to disclosure as part of information on accounting policies for property, plant and equipment:

Selected depreciation methods;
- the procedure for writing off repair costs;
- methods of valuation of fixed assets acquired in exchange for other property other than cash;
- on changes in the value of fixed assets, in which they are accepted for accounting (including cases of completion, additional equipment, reconstruction and partial liquidation, revaluation of fixed assets);
- accepted useful life of objects;
- on fixed assets, the cost of which is not redeemed;
- on fixed assets provided and received, according to;
- about real estate objects accepted for operation and actually used, which are in the process of registration.

For intangible assets, as part of information on the accounting policy of the organization in the financial statements, at least the following information is subject to disclosure:

Methods of accrual for separate groups;
- ways of reflecting depreciation charges in accounting;
- methods of valuation of intangible assets acquired not for cash;
- the terms of useful use of intangible assets accepted by the organization.

For expenses on research, development and technological work (), the elements of the accounting policy are:

Choice of the method of writing off R&D expenses;
- determination of the timing of write-off of R&D expenses.

The elements of the accounting policy are:

The choice of a synthetic inventory accounting option;
- choice of method for assessing the MPZ;
- the consequences of changes in the accounting policy of the methods for estimating the inventory;
- the value of the inventory, pledged;
- the value and movement of reserves for the reduction in the cost of material assets;
- the difference between the actual cost of inventories and the cost of their possible implementation, attribution to the financial results of the organization;
- the procedure for documenting incoming materials.

In terms of production costs and accounting, the elements of the accounting policy are:

Selecting a system of accounts to record expenses for ordinary activities;
- choice of method of grouping and write-off of production costs;
- choice of accounting method for finished products;
- choice of method for evaluating finished products, goods shipped, work in progress;
- choice of a variant of the summary accounting of production costs;
- choice of method for determining the sale of products;
- recognition of the moment of sale for long-term works;
- choice of method of distribution of indirect costs between individual objects of accounting and calculation;
- choice of the method of accounting for production costs and calculation of the cost of production.

Choice of technique, form and organization of accounting

The organization independently develops a working chart of accounts based on the approved plan. It has the right to choose from the entire set of synthetic accounts really necessary for itself, to introduce (with the permission of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation) new synthetic accounts using free account codes.

Based on the system of sub-accounts provided for by the approved and Instructions for the use of the Chart of Accounts, organizations determine the list of sub-accounts used, if necessary, combining, excluding or adding new sub-accounts, as well as the full range of analytical accounts and their codes.

The organization independently chooses the form of accounting (journal-order, memorial-order, simplified, machine-oriented), the list of accounting registers used, their construction, sequence and methods of recording in them.

The organization independently chooses the organizational structure of accounting. In addition, accounting and reporting can be carried out by a specialized organization or a relevant specialist on a contractual basis. The organization can allocate to a separate balance its production and farms, as well as branches, representative offices, departments and other separate divisions that are part of the enterprise. In small business organizations that do not have a cashier on staff, his duties may be performed by the chief accountant or other employee by written order of the head of the organization. Determining the number and timing of inventory of property and liabilities. When conducting mandatory inventories for the preparation of annual reports, organizations are given the right to conduct an inventory of fixed assets once every three years, library funds - once every five years. In areas located in the Far North and areas equated to it, an inventory of goods, raw materials and materials can be carried out during the period of their least remaining. The number of fixed assets that are not mandatory for inventory in the reporting year, the dates of inventory, the list of property and liabilities checked during each of them, are established by the organization itself.

Organizations independently develop a system of intra-production accounting, reporting and control, based on the features of functioning and the requirements of managing production and sales of products.

Disclosure of accounting policies

The organization must disclose the accounting methods chosen in the formation of accounting policies that significantly affect the assessment and decision-making of users of financial statements.

Methods of accounting are recognized as essential, without knowledge of the application of which by interested users of financial statements it is impossible to reliably assess the financial position, cash flow or financial results of the organization.

The accounting methods adopted in the formation of the accounting policy of the organization and subject to disclosure in the financial statements include:

Methods of depreciation of fixed assets, intangible and other assets;
- estimates of inventories, goods, work in progress and finished products;
- recognition of profit from the sale of products, goods, works, services and other significant ways.

In case of publication of financial statements not in full, information on accounting policies is subject to disclosure at least in the part directly related to the published materials.

If the accounting policy of the organization is formed on the basis of the assumptions provided for by PBU 1/98, then these assumptions may not be disclosed in the financial statements.

If, when forming an accounting policy, an organization proceeds from assumptions other than those provided for in PBU 1/98, then such assumptions, together with the reasons for their application, should be disclosed in detail in the financial statements.

If, in preparing the financial statements, there is a significant uncertainty about events and conditions that may cast significant doubt on the applicability of the going concern assumption, then the entity should identify such uncertainty and unambiguously describe what it is associated with.

Significant accounting practices are subject to disclosure in

Accounting policy is a set of options for conducting accounting and tax accounting and reporting. Accounting policy is developed by each organization independently. In this case, there is a choice of accounting options within the framework provided for by regulatory enactments. Also, accounting policies reflect the accounting methods chosen by the organization, which are ambiguously interpreted in accounting or tax legislation.

The main document regulating the development of an accounting policy by an organization is the Accounting Regulation "Accounting Policy of an Organization" (PBU 1/2008). However, there are references to accounting policies in many other PBUs. Accounting policy for tax purposes is mentioned in the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

According to the official definition (paragraph 2 of PBU 1/2008), "an organization's accounting policy means the set of accounting methods adopted by it - primary observation, cost measurement, current grouping and final generalization of the facts of economic activity."

Examples of accounting policies are: the method of writing off the cost of inventories (at the cost of each unit; at average cost; FIFO), the method of depreciation of fixed assets and intangible assets, etc. See accounting policies.

Accounting policy structure

Generally, accounting policies are divided into accounting policies for accounting purposes and accounting policies for tax purposes. As a rule, both are approved within the framework of one internal document - an order on accounting policies.

Applications are usually drawn up to the order of the accounting policy: worker, forms of primary documents used by the organization, and other information that is part of the accounting policy.

Approval and change of accounting policy

The accounting policy is approved by the organization before or at the very beginning of the financial year. Approval of the accounting policy annually, if it has not changed, is not required.

The organization can change the accounting policy in the cases established by PBU 1/2008. In particular, when changing legislation, when there is a significant change in business conditions, etc. Usually, changes are made from the beginning of the reporting year. At the same time, it is not considered a change in accounting policy to approve the method of accounting for facts of economic activity that differ in essence from the facts that took place earlier, or that arose for the first time in the organization's activities.

How to draw up an accounting policy

A convenient way to quickly prepare an accounting policy is the online assistant "". The service allows you to step by step, with prompts, choose the options for accounting and tax accounting applicable to the organization (about 60 points in total).

Still have questions about accounting and taxes? Ask them on the accounting forum.

Accounting policy: details for an accountant

  • FSBU "Accounting Policy": application of the provisions from 01/01/2019

    The requirement to draw up an accounting policy in accordance with the accounting policy of the founder was introduced for the first time. The accounting policy is formed by the chief accountant ... amendments to the accounting policy of the institution. As established by clause 13 of the FSBU "Accounting Policy", the accounting policy changes with ... changes in the accounting policy; b) the content of the change in accounting policy; c) the procedure for reflecting the consequences of a change in accounting policy in ...

  • SGS "Accounting policy"

    Dates of the relevant change in accounting policy Retrospective application of the changed accounting policy Applying the changed accounting policy to the facts... . 8 GHS "Accounting policy"). The head of the institution approves the accounting policy. When forming an accounting policy, an institution should be guided by ... year (clause 11 of the GHS "Accounting Policy"). Change in accounting policy Change in accounting policy is made from the beginning of the reporting ...

  • Standard "Accounting policy"

    2019. Development and approval of accounting policies. Accounting policy is a documented set of .... 22 GHS "Accounting policy"). Components of an accounting policy. As part of the accounting policy, they approve (clause 9 of the GHS “Accounting Policy”): methods ... of accounting policy documents should be posted on the official website of the institution. Accounting policy adjustment. Adjustment of accounting policy is possible ...

  • Application of the Federal Standard "Accounting Policy" in an institution

    ...) institutions. Clause 8 of the Accounting Policy Standard provides that the accounting policy should be formed by the chief accountant ... into the existing accounting policy. Making changes to the accounting policy Making changes to the accounting policy of the state (municipal ... after the date of the corresponding change in the accounting policy The changed accounting policy is applied to the facts of economic life ...

  • Recommendations of the Ministry of Finance on the preparation of accounting policies

    By virtue of clause 8 of the FSBU "Accounting Policy", the accounting policy is developed by the chief accountant of the institution. With ... FSBU "Accounting Policy"). By virtue of clause 7 of the FSBU "Accounting Policy", when forming an accounting policy, an institution follows ... the requirements of the FSBU "Conceptual Framework". The composition of the accounting policy The accounting policy of a budgetary institution can be formed ... after a change in the accounting policy (prospective application of the changed accounting policy). Retrospective application of a modified accounting policy is not...

  • Ministry of Finance on the procedure for the formation and amendment of accounting policies

    Cases of changes in the accounting policy FSBU "Accounting Policy" established cases of changes in the accounting policy of the institution, and ... if the new accounting policy was always applied. Consequences of changes in accounting policies Changes in accounting policies, usually... changes in accounting policies (prospective application of the changed accounting policy). Note. Retrospective application of the changed accounting policy does not...

  • About accounting standards "Accounting policies" and "Events after the reporting date"

    Formation, approval and changes in accounting policies almost completely duplicate the provisions of the Law... Consequences of adjusting accounting policies The procedure for applying changes. Apply changed accounting policy to facts... accounting policy; 4) in the case of retrospective application of accounting policies: the amount of adjustments associated with a change in accounting policies ... reports are presented. * * * According to the GHS "Accounting Policy" to apply the amended accounting policy to the facts of economic life ...

  • Adjustment of the accounting policy of an autonomous institution for 2019

    Fundamentals". For example, in the accounting policy of an institution, it is necessary to provide for methods ... for centralized supply. In the accounting policy, it is necessary to provide for the procedure for maintaining analytical ..., expensive equipment) in the accounting policy, it is possible to provide for the possibility of attracting ... Reserves for future expenses. The accounting policy of the institution establishes the procedure for the formation of reserves ... and the accounting policy of the founder (clause 7 of the FSBU "Accounting Policy"). The main provisions of the accounting policy of the institution ...

  • Recommendations of the Ministry of Finance on the application of the GHS "Accounting Policy"

    Form and composition of the accounting policy. The accounting policy of an institution is formed by adopting accounting policy documents. At the same time ... the formation of an accounting policy for a number of provisions (accounting policy documents). For example, in clause 9 of the GHS “Accounting Policy”, in ... accounting policy documents; 3) the implementation of the first two points in the aggregate. Change in accounting policy Accounting policy is applied ... GHS "Accounting policy"). Changes in accounting policies are possible in the following cases (clause 12 of the GHS "Accounting Policy", paragraph ...

  • We are reviewing the provisions of the accounting policy for 2018

    Accounting policy in accordance with the requirements of the FSB. Below we consider the provisions of the accounting policy that should be adjusted. Accounting policy ... accounting, which is an appendix to the accounting policy, was relevant, it is possible to include ... and establishes in its accounting policy the most rational method of accrual ... indications of cost estimates are prescribed in the accounting policy of the institution. 10. Establish an order ... as part of the formation of your accounting policy, provide for the following provisions for maintaining ...

  • Adjusting the accounting policy for 2018

    Accounting policy. The Accounting Policies standard provides for the following ways of applying changes in accounting policies; 1. A promising way. Changed accounting policy... changes in accounting policy; 2) the content of the change in accounting policy; 3) the procedure for reflecting the consequences of a change in accounting policies in ... accounting policies, taking into account the above provisions of the Standard "Accounting Policies". Next, let's move on to the accounting policy sections ...

  • Accounting policy - 2018: main changes and adjustments

    Year Federal standard "Accounting policy, estimates and errors", accounting policy for 2018 ... object is not a change in accounting policy. Application of new accounting policies Entry into force... application of the amended accounting policy; retrospective application of the changed accounting policy. Thus, entering into the accounting policy in ... should be reflected in the accounting policy for 2018. The accounting policy is formed based on the features ...

  • Federal Standard "Accounting Policies, Estimated Values ​​and Errors"

    Which there was a change in accounting policy. Please note: the retrospective application of an amended accounting policy is not ... a change in accounting policy (prospective application of an amended accounting policy). Disclosure of information in financial statements Information about accounting policies... the application of the changed accounting policy is carried out. In the case of retrospective application of the changed accounting policy, the following are indicated: amounts ...

  • Updating the accounting policy

    Non-exchange transactions should be approved in the accounting policy. For example: “Acquisition of escheated property... eligible assets. In the accounting policy, the Ministry of Finance recommends specifying the procedure for applying ... Accounting policy adjustments In connection with the change in Instruction No. 157n, the accounting policy should be adjusted ... changes in the accounting policy. What should be checked in the accounting policy for ... List of documents (applications) of the accounting policy. If there were no document flow rules in the accounting policy ...

  • We form an accounting policy for 2019 (part 1)

    Drawing up an accounting policy for 2019? The main requirements for the accounting policy of the company ... should be taken into account in the accounting policy? When developing an accounting policy as for the purposes ... the accounting policy of a trade organization will differ from the accounting policy of a manufacturing enterprise. So, in the accounting policy ... the formation, approval and change of accounting policies, the rules for reflecting in the accounting ... (financial) statements: the consequences of changes in accounting policies, estimated values, corrections of errors. ...

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