Causes of infertility in women signs. Infertility in women: causes, symptoms, treatment. Female infertility of tubal origin

Infertility has a huge social aspect, since pathology prevents the continuation of the family and deprives a woman of the joy of motherhood. Infertility in women is a serious problem, the symptoms of which are very important to identify as early as possible. This will make it possible to undergo a complete examination and restore the reproductive function of the female body.

Briefly about the reasons

Infertility is a multifactorial problem.

Female infertility is due to many reasons, which in most cases cannot be reliably determined. The fact is that the causes of infertility are not always obvious and often combined with each other. The main causes of female fertility can be grouped into several main groups:

  • congenital anomalies,
  • various functional disorders of the body,
  • acquired pathological processes of the reproductive organs,
  • metabolic disease.

There are also 2 main causes of infertility that are not related to gynecological diseases:

  • age-related changes in physiological processes in the body,
  • long-term use of contraceptives.

How does infertility manifest in women?

The main sign of infertility in women is that a couple fails to conceive a baby for 12 months in the presence of all favorable conditions for fertilization:

  1. Regular sex life.
  2. The sexual partner has good performance.
  3. Complete rejection of all contraceptives.
  4. A woman from 20 to 45 years old.

Infertility in women does not have any one main symptom and often proceeds completely asymptomatically, it can be manifested by some indirect signs that individually for each patient, the symptoms of infertility are determined during the collection of anamnesis, based on a gynecological examination and examination results.

Symptoms that may be detected on physical examination

Physical examination may reveal the following: signs of infertility:

  • body mass index is not normal,
  • skin condition indicates endocrine disorders,
  • mammary glands are not developed properly,
  • gynecological palpation reveals soreness or induration in the area of ​​the pelvic organs,
  • examination revealed gynecological diseases.

What can laboratory tests reveal?

Infertility symptoms can be identified as a result of the following laboratory tests. research:

Factors of female infertility

Female infertility is usually multifactorial (it has several causes and, accordingly, symptoms). These factors are grouped on the basis of some features:

  • anatomical localization of the diseases that caused,
  • the nature of various disorders in the body,
  • genetic abnormalities,
  • features of the psychosomatic state of a woman,
  • influence of the male factor.

Under the influence of pathological factors, cervical mucus becomes an obstacle to the advancement of spermatozoa.

For fertilization to occur, at least 10 million healthy active spermatozoa must enter the uterine cavity. The normal environment of the vagina and the mucus secreted by the epithelial cells are not an obstacle to the advancement of spermatozoa. The ability of spermatozoa to move through the mucus depends on 2 factors:

  • sperm motility,
  • character of the cervical mucus of a woman.

With various pathologies and changes in the properties of mucus, it becomes a barrier to the advancement of spermatozoa. A similar cervical factor can be the result of the following pathological conditions:

  • hormonal disorders,
  • inflammatory processes of the uterus, its cervix and pelvic organs,
  • violation of the microflora of cervical mucus and cervical mucus.

A mature egg travels through the fallopian tube from the ovary to the uterus. With any violation of the basic functions of the fallopian tubes, the transportation of the egg becomes impossible, as a result of which infertility develops or occurs.

The reasons may be the following:

  • inflammation of the fallopian tubes,
  • inflammatory processes of the ovaries,
  • inflammation of the appendages.

A symptom of such disorders can be painful discomfort in the abdomen.

cervical factor

In the most favorable period for fertilization, cervical mucus changes its properties so as not to impede the movement of spermatozoa into the uterine cavity. If, under the influence of adverse factors, the properties of mucus change in such a way that they become an obstacle to the free movement of sperm, we are talking about the cervical infertility factor.

This factor can be detected using the following laboratory tests:

  • assessment of biochemical and rheological properties of mucus,
  • postcoital test,
  • Kurzrock-Miller test.

Tubal-peritoneal factor

The internal organs and the abdominal cavity are protected from contact and fusion with other organs by the mesentery - a membrane that lines the abdominal cavity from the inside. The fallopian tubes and the uterus are "suspended" on the mesentery, therefore, under pathological conditions of this membrane, adhesions form.

Infertility, which arose on the basis of the tubal-peritoneal factor, is manifested by the following symptoms:

endocrine factor

Pathologies of the endocrine system lead to irregular menstruation, cycle disorders. Causes such violations are:

  • results of craniocerebral injuries and tumor processes,
  • imbalance of hormones in the female body,
  • hypothyroidism - a violation of the normal functions of the thyroid gland,
  • lipid metabolism disorders
  • violation of hormonal metabolism,
  • congenital underdevelopment of the birth canal.

Such endocrine disorders are manifested by menstrual irregularities, obesity, malnutrition, and other symptoms.

genetic factor

The genetic factor of female infertility has been little studied. But many factors are known that caused infertility in women with genetic roots:

  • excess male hormones in the female body,
  • premature menopause,
  • syndrome of primary amenorrhea.


According to statistics, with regular intercourse in the absence of any methods of contraception, pregnancy occurs:

  • in the first three months - in 30% of couples,
  • within six months - in 60% of couples,
  • throughout the year - in 10% of couples.

If, after a year of trying to get pregnant, pregnancy does not occur, the diagnosis of infertility is made. Most correct solution in this case, a complete examination, which will identify the causes of the pathology and, if possible, eliminate them.

A consultation with a gynecologist for infertility is very important before starting the examination. This allows the specialist to get a general picture of the problem and highlight the potential causes of the pathology. At such a consultation, the doctor asks the following questions:

  1. What worries a woman:
  • general health,
  • how did the previous ones go (if there are children or there were abortions, miscarriages),
  • discharge from the vagina and breasts,
  • nature of menstruation
  • weight gain or loss.
  1. Family history:
  • gynecological diseases of the mother and close relatives,
  • bad habits,
  • spouse's health.
  1. Medical history:
  • past illnesses, surgeries,
  • injury,
  • the presence of chronic diseases.
  1. Features of the menstrual cycle.
  2. Features of sexual life.
  3. The results of previous analyzes and examinations.

Without fail, a general examination of a woman is carried out (the condition of the skin, mammary glands, the nature of hair growth, body type) and an examination on a gynecological chair are determined.



The inability to have children is one of the worst troubles that can befall any family. We can talk about its presence in those cases when, with full and constant sexual contacts, conception does not occur for two years. There are many factors for the development of infertility, ranging from nervous strain to the development of serious diseases of the genital area. Therefore, a mandatory visit to the doctor is necessary. Nowadays, such a pathology is most often successfully eliminated and the fair sex become happy mothers.

Modern medicine uses a whole arsenal of various effective methods allowing women to have children even with severe infertility. For this, special operations are carried out, IVF is carried out, and even surrogate motherhood is involved. However, most of the pathologies of the genital area are overcome without resorting to such radical methods. Doctors are determined to use the most sparing procedures that enable the fair sex to give birth to a child.

Causes of infertility in women

The main factors contributing to its development are most often:

  • diseases of the uterus, ovaries or appendages;
  • approaching premenopause;
  • frequent;
  • temporary or complete cessation of menstruation;
  • various pathologies of the fallopian tubes;
  • their obstruction or absence;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • endometriosis;
  • a large number of ;
  • sexually transmitted infections;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • incompatibility with a spouse;
  • consequences of ectopic pregnancy;
  • internal illnesses;
  • over thirty-five years of age;
  • side effects of pharmacological drugs;
  • excessive passion for diets;
  • excessive thinness;
  • obesity;
  • nervous overload;
  • organic brain damage;
  • the use of alcoholic beverages;
  • smoking, etc.

These numerous reasons significantly disrupt the course of the phase in which conception is carried out, significantly change the content of the female sex hormones necessary for this in the blood and prevent the normal passage of the egg into the uterine cavity.

Infertility depends on a number of reasons that cause it with varying frequency. Long-term medical evidence suggests that:

  • hormonal factors cause this condition in half of the cases;
  • tubal obstruction occurs in every third woman;
  • diseases of the genital area provoke infertility in a quarter of situations;
  • incompatibility of partners becomes its cause rarely enough, only two couples out of a hundred suffer from it.

It is not uncommon for women to delay having children until they are very mature. Nowadays, medicine has been successfully helping such ladies to become mothers for a long time. And yet, the ability to fertilize decreases over the years. A considerable number of the fairer sex, approaching the age of forty, begin to experience difficulty conceiving. Approximately thirty percent of married couples go to the doctor for this very reason.

This situation is largely due to the fact that the ovaries are no longer functioning as actively as before, the egg is not always fully formed, the organs of the female genital area undergo age-related changes, and the entire reproductive system gradually begins to prepare for the onset of premenopause.

The most common infertility is caused by dysfunctions of various internal organs. They disrupt the flow of the menstrual cycle and prevent the full release of the egg. Usually, these types of pathology respond quite well to treatment.

All kinds of diseases of the uterus are also very common as the main factors in the development of infertility. They meet very often and become the main obstacle in the desire of spouses to acquire offspring.

Such diseases are diagnosed quite easily and therefore the doctor can prescribe a full-fledged treatment without wasting time. It can be aimed at normalizing the formation of the uterine mucosa, increasing its tone and stabilizing the processes of its interaction with other systems. Usually the prognosis after medical events is quite favorable.

The general psychological climate in the family is also very important. Fertilization may not occur due to constant strong nervous strain in a woman. Because of this, the development of the egg is also disrupted.

In addition, there is a whole set of adverse factors that can gradually lead to temporary or permanent infertility. These include professional sports, uncontrolled use of biologically active substances or drug addiction.

Past sexually transmitted diseases, especially HPV, gonorrhea, ureaplasmosis, chlamydia, or the presence of internal chronic diseases such as rheumatism, diabetes, tuberculosis, also significantly complicate the process of fertilization.

An unfavorable ecological situation causes a woman to have constant allergic and inflammatory reactions, which significantly reduce her immunity. Therefore, the disturbed state environment also creates extremely negative conditions for fertilization.

Postponed abortions or abdominal operations very often become the causes of infertility. In the pelvic area after them, large layers of connective tissue are formed, and adhesions appear that prevent the full functioning of the female genital organs.

Sometimes the impossibility of conception is explained by unfavorable family heredity, both husband and wife. This is the result of chromosomal changes, genetic abnormalities, a mutation process, or a violation of the intrauterine formation of various organs in one of the spouses.

Degrees of infertility in women

With complaints about the impossibility of conception, a very large number of couples, especially those with long experience, turn to the doctor. Usually the reason is the poor health of the wife or husband. If the spouse does not suffer from impotence, impaired spermogenesis or prostate diseases, then most likely the factor in the development of infertility is rooted in the functioning of the woman's body.

This pathology is divided into three degrees.

  1. The impossibility of conception in a woman who has no children and has never been pregnant. It is diagnosed a year after entering into an active sexual relationship without the use of contraceptives.
  2. The absence of fertilization in a woman who already has a child or has become pregnant before. Revealed after twelve months of unsuccessful attempts to conceive.
  3. The complete impossibility of a lady to give birth to children.

These three stages of infertility are mainly distinguished by the presence of a woman's ability to have a child.

The reasons for its development are very different, treatment and prognosis also have their own characteristics, depending on the severity of this pathology.

First-degree infertility is usually quite easily amenable to medical and gynecological correction. As a rule, the doctor quickly finds what makes a woman unable to conceive for a long time. Usually this state of affairs is explained by the presence of congenital anomalies or diseases of the genital area.

If a second degree of infertility is detected, then this condition is most often acquired, and then a thorough diagnosis is necessary to identify the causes of the obstacle to conception. As a rule, they are certain diseases, complications after them or undergone medical procedures. Previously, such a lady usually already gave birth or had a pregnancy, but subsequently fertilization became impossible. Sometimes such infertility is relative and treatable or absolute, when medicine is powerless.

The third degree rarely lends itself to correction. In these cases, if possible, in vitro fertilization is used or the use of surrogate motherhood is recommended. The complete impossibility of becoming a mother arises for a variety of reasons. Usually they are the absence of internal female genital organs or severe complications after previous diseases or operations.

Signs of infertility

Despite the fact that it is possible to speak with confidence about its onset only after a year of entering into a regular sexual life without the use of contraceptives, signs indicating the possibility of its development are detected much earlier.

The main indicator of infertility, of course, is the lack of conception during full-fledged sexual intercourse for a long time, especially when the examination of a man and his ejaculate showed that there are no deviations from the norm.

Sometimes a woman does not pay attention to the fact that she does not become pregnant for quite a long time and is even satisfied until she decides to become a mother. But by that time, the necessary conditions for full-fledged treatment are often already missed. Therefore, in case of any trouble, even if the birth of a child is not yet planned, an urgent appeal to a gynecologist is necessary.

You need to visit a specialist if the following signs are observed:

  • lack of menstruation;
  • prolonged and heavy bleeding;
  • acyclic secretions;
  • the presence of miscarriages;
  • intervals between periods of more than thirty-five days;
  • strong .

These factors indicate the presence of hormonal imbalance, ovarian dysfunction, disruption of the activity of other genital organs, changes in the formation of the uterine epithelium, etc.

Uncharacteristically flowing menstruation, sudden weight loss or, conversely, rapid weight gain, the constant appearance of acne and boils, soreness of the mammary glands or abdominal cavity should definitely alert.

Talk about infertility should be with regular miscarriages. But there is a very thin line between their presence and chronic miscarriage. Therefore, careful differential diagnosis is required. It is important that the fetus does not have time to fully develop and the pregnancy stops before it starts.

In this case, a semen analysis is also necessary. Very often the cause of infertility is the inferiority of the ejaculate.

Infertility is characterized by certain symptoms. The first prerequisites leading to a violation of the fertilization process are changes that have arisen in very young girls during the onset of their menstruation. They have too late occurrence of regular bleeding, a small amount of discharge, their unsystematic nature. Risk factors are also past illnesses, excessive thinness or obesity, a clear lag in sexual development or, conversely, a sharp advance in it of their peers.

Subsequently, the possibility of infertility may be indicated by signs associated with excessive body and facial hair, too oily skin, or pathology of the mammary glands.

All these symptoms are explained by a violation of the synthesis of female and an increase in the release of male sex hormones into the blood, as well as a change in the ovulatory phase of the menstrual cycle.

Diseases of the female internal organs also gradually lead to the formation of infertility. Various pathologies that are not cured in time greatly complicate the onset of the ovulation phase and subsequent conception.

These include:

  • amenorrhea;
  • vaginal dysbacteriosis;
  • adenomyosis;
  • ovarian cyst;
  • endometriosis;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • thrush;
  • polyposis;
  • endometritis;
  • complications after abortion;
  • postpartum infections;
  • intrauterine synechia;
  • dysplasia;
  • the presence of scars;
  • leukoplakia chemical burn of the uterus.

All these negative factors require a mandatory visit to a doctor and urgent treatment. Timely correction of such pathologies in most cases helps to completely cope with infertility.

Diagnostics and methods of examination

To establish its causes, consultation with a gynecologist, therapist, geneticist and reproductologist is required. These specialists will analyze the patient's complaints, check the state of her health, the possibility of conception and gestation, as well as the usefulness of the menstrual cycle.

The doctor will definitely collect a detailed history, ask about the number of pregnancies, childbirth and abortions in a woman, as well as miscarriages and ectopic pregnancies. He will also study the methods of medical care used during this period, provided to her, as well as the development of possible complications.

Information about the beginning of the onset of regular menstruation, their features, the presence of unpleasant symptoms or abnormalities, genetic problems or cases of infertility in the woman's family will certainly be clarified.

The doctor will ask her about her well-being, existing complaints, changes in appearance, mood and personal life. He will find out how thorough the attempts to get pregnant were and whether any mistakes were made in the process.

It is important for a specialist to establish at what age a woman entered into an intimate relationship, how her menstrual cycle has changed since then, how many times she changed partners, when she got married and stabilized her intimate life.

The first question is usually whether she has been pregnant before by different men, how many times and under what circumstances. It is necessary to find out how the gestation ended and how healthy the born child is.

It is also necessary to find out how the pregnancy and childbirth proceeded, whether there was a caesarean section or any complications in the subsequent period.

The specialist will analyze in detail possible hereditary diseases and pathologies in the immediate and distant relatives of both the wife and the husband, and will also identify the general health of the spouses.

When diagnosing infertility, their age, the presence of a full-fledged libido and the absence of sexually transmitted infections are very important.

The doctor will definitely take an interest in the contraceptives used, the number of sexual partners a woman has, and the infections she has had. He will evaluate her appearance, examine the body and conduct an examination on the gynecological chair in the mirrors.

To identify the causes and presence of infertility, the most modern methods of laboratory diagnostics are used:

  • determination of the level of hormones in the blood;
  • study of the cervical index;
  • study of indicators of cortisol, progesterone, prolactin and testosterone;
  • smear on microflora;
  • detection of antisperm antigens;
  • immunogram;
  • postcoital test;
  • PCR for various infections;
  • TORCH complex;
  • definition of microbiocenosis;
  • cytological examination;
  • general urine analysis;
  • blood chemistry;
  • determining the level of estrogen;
  • analysis of thyroid hormones;
  • chromosome analysis;
  • CEA analysis, etc.

These various laboratory methods allow you to determine the condition of the vaginal mucus, identify the usefulness of the onset of the ovulation phase, study the hormonal spectrum, exclude the presence of sexually transmitted diseases and confirm the compatibility of partners.

To clarify the health status of the female genital organs, ultrasound scanning, radiography, colposcopy, salpingoscopy, hysteroscopy, hysterosalpingography, mammography, endoscopy, histological examination, electroencephalography and laparoscopy are usually prescribed.

Such latest methods of instrumental diagnostics provide an excellent opportunity to study the structure of internal organs as a whole, to identify the presence of any congenital or acquired pathologies, and to accurately determine the presence of dysfunctions or concomitant diseases.

The use of these methods usually allows you to get answers to all the most important questions and determine the scheme of the necessary treatment. As a rule, the woman's husband is also examined at the same time. Often, it is he who is the culprit of infertility.

In the presence of diseases of the female genital area or infections in her partner, you need to undergo a full course of therapy and only after that, if the problem does not disappear by itself, consult a doctor again.

Treatment of infertility in women

Depending on the cause of this condition, its degree and severity, drug therapy is prescribed or an operation is performed.

Surgical intervention is carried out by the most sparing methods, so as not to aggravate infertility by the presence of adhesions or scarring.

Any method of treating this pathology aims to eliminate the cause of its development and establish a normal menstrual cycle with a full ovulation phase. Be sure to also normalize the hormonal background of the body.

How exactly the fight against infertility will take place can only be decided by the attending physician. He will analyze the results of all laboratory tests and instrumental studies, and then determine the most effective way in this case that will help a woman become a mother.

First, the specialist prescribes a course of taking pharmacological drugs. The main method of treatment here is the use of hormonal agents. They stabilize the course of the ovulation phase, normalize the metabolism in the body and help correct existing dysfunctions. After such therapy, conception almost always occurs.

If infertility is not complicated by any severe pathology, then the use of these drugs is a very effective measure to combat it. The therapy helps to avoid surgery and contributes to the complete recovery of the patient's body as a whole. In addition, it eliminates the use of assisted fertilization techniques.

Most commonly used:

  • Bromocriptine;
  • Wobenzym;
  • Duphaston;
  • hormone injections;
  • Clomid;
  • Serofen;
  • Tribestan;
  • Utrozhestan, etc.

These drugs make it possible to conduct a full course of complex drug therapy.

In parallel, steroid and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory substances, antispasmodics and sedatives are prescribed. Be sure to level the level of female sex hormones. In the presence of infectious diseases, antibiotics and immunostimulants are prescribed. If dysbacteriosis is detected, then probiotics, minerals, vitamins and enzymes are used.

Physiotherapy sessions are of great benefit. Usually, the doctor recommends undergoing electrophoresis, biostimulation, ultraphonophoresis with enzymes, electrical stimulation of the internal female genital organs, hydrogen sulfide, radon or arsenic baths, massage and mud.

If all these methods do not lead to success, then a therapy is prescribed that serves as a preparation for the full and successful implementation of in vitro fertilization. This method, with effective medical support, is very effective.

It is very important to adjust your lifestyle. It is necessary to fully eat, engage in physical education, observe personal hygiene and monitor the preservation of a constant body weight.

In parallel, alternative methods of treatment can be used, subject to their approval by the doctor. They are not able to replace pharmacological agents, but to a large extent increase their effectiveness.

Home recipes eliminate congestion in the pelvic area, reduce the intensity of inflammation and have regenerative properties.

The following compositions are most often used:

  • one tablespoon of plantain is poured into 200 ml of boiling liquid and put on a slow fire. Then the decoction is taken twenty grams for two months;
  • three tablespoons of knotweed or knotweed are placed in a glass of hot water and infused for four hours. Then drink 100 ml twice a day. The course of treatment is thirty days;
  • two tablespoons of creeping wheat grass pour a glass of boiling water and leave for an hour. Then take one hundred grams several times a day;
  • two tablespoons of hawthorn flowers and fruits are placed in 400 ml of hot water, infused and drunk in half a glass twice a day.

Such methods allow you to saturate the body with the necessary substances, make tissue receptors more sensitive and normalize the state of metabolism.

With the ineffectiveness of conservative methods of treatment, surgery is used.

Operations are carried out, which include:

  • normalization of the patency of the fallopian tubes;
  • elimination of the consequences of the adhesive process;
  • removal of a part of an organ devoid of functionality;
  • return to the uterus, ovaries and appendages of a full state;
  • excision of connective tissue that prevents conception;
  • elimination of congenital developmental anomalies, etc.

These surgical operations are performed using minimally invasive techniques and allow a woman to quickly get rid of infertility, completely restore the activity of the internal genital area, eliminate the presence of a cyst, tumor, or growth of atypical cells.

Therefore, the direction for surgical treatment is preceded by lengthy diagnostic procedures. The operation is usually performed laparoscopically. It allows a less traumatic way to eliminate existing disorders in the activity of the uterus, pelvic organs, appendages or ovaries.

In cases where all the efforts of doctors are in vain, a woman is recommended to undergo in vitro fertilization. It can help not only when she cannot become pregnant on her own, but also when her husband is the unwitting culprit of infertility.

During the procedure, the woman's egg is seeded with the sperm of her husband or donor. Subsequently, a full course of pharmacological support and the implementation of the necessary procedures are required. IVF is a fairly effective technique, well improved today. It works the first time half the time. Sometimes it is necessary to repeat its conduct or apply additional therapeutic measures and prescribe medication.

Infertility is quite common and is usually the result of an untimely visit to a doctor or an unhealthy lifestyle for many years. Therefore, the observance of elementary preventive measures most often helps to avoid this serious condition.

It is necessary to eat a balanced diet, lead an orderly sex life, do not smoke, give up alcohol and protect the nervous system from unnecessary shocks.

Contraceptives should be used only after consultation with a gynecologist.

Do not engage in casual sex. If this still happened, then it is imperative to use a condom.

When doing regular sexual life contraceptives must be used. If the spouses are not yet ready for the birth of a child, abortion should be the most exceptional measure, which, in principle, should not be subjected to.

If a woman is not married, then the appointment must be agreed with the doctor and at the same time undergo regular gynecological examinations.

If there are any problems with the course of the menstrual cycle, pain in the lower abdomen or in the lower back, the appearance of uncharacteristic discharge, especially between periods, you should immediately contact a specialist. A huge percentage of cases of infertility is due precisely to a disease of the female genital area that has not been cured in time.

To prevent infertility at an early stage, a woman needs to know the symptoms of infertility or other diseases that can lead to it. After all, we all know that a disease diagnosed in time gives more chances for successful treatment without consequences.

According to statistics, the number of cases of female infertility in our country is steadily growing year by year. About 20% of the female population of Russia in reproductive age cannot have children. There are many reasons for female infertility. According to the WHO classification, there are exactly 22 such reasons. In men, there are fewer causes of infertility, there are 16 of them. To understand the symptoms of infertility in women, you need to understand a little about the types and causes of this insidious disease. So, let's begin.

Types of infertility

The scientific name for female infertility is infertility (from Latin infertilis - infertile). Such a terrible diagnosis is made for a woman if during the year with regular sexual intercourse, she cannot become pregnant or bear a child (miscarriage occurs).

There are several types of female infertility:

  • primary infertility;
  • secondary;
  • absolute infertility;
  • relative.

Primary type of female infertility- this is infertility in a woman who has not previously given birth. According to statistics, her endocrine system, which works in violation, is to blame for this. Possible hormonal imbalance.

secondary view- infertility in a woman who has previously given birth. Also, this type of female infertility applies to those women who have had a miscarriage. With a secondary form of infertility after the birth of the first child or miscarriage, re-pregnancy does not occur. Basically, in 85% of cases, the causes are diseases of the genital organs.

Diagnosis absolute infertility put on a woman who does not have a fallopian (uterine) tube or uterus.

Temporary(another relative name) infertility in a woman means that there are factors preventing pregnancy. This type of infertility is very common in women who have had an abortion before.

Causes of female infertility

Around age 36, a woman's ovaries begin to produce fewer eggs. This means that it will become more difficult to get pregnant, and the likelihood of congenital pathologies in the child also increases.

insulin resistance This is one of the most common causes of female infertility. This happens due to the fact that in the female body the metabolism is disturbed due to the excess of the normal level of insulin in the body. The adrenal glands begin to produce more insulin than necessary. For this reason, a hormonal imbalance occurs in the female body, male hormones begin to be produced in large quantities.

Here are the main causes of female infertility:

  1. Age.
  2. Bad habits.
  3. Excess weight or its lack. If a woman is overweight, this may mean that there is a hormonal disorder. Such a violation of the hormonal background is one of the causes of female infertility.
  4. Frequent stress. At the moment of severe stress, the hormone prolactin begins to be produced in very large quantities, the hormonal balance is disturbed.
  5. Exceeding the norm of the hormone prolactin. If the rate of this hormone is exceeded, it can affect the production of substances by the pituitary gland, which are necessary for the successful fertilization of the egg.
  6. Blockage or very poor patency of the fallopian (fallopian) tubes. If the tubes are blocked, then the sperm will not be able to get to the egg to fertilize it.
  7. A woman cannot bear a child. It happens that fertilization is successful, but after a miscarriage occurs, as a result of a malfunction in the body (genetic disorders, hormonal, etc.).
  8. Chlamydia. This is a sexually transmitted infectious disease.
  9. Polycystic ovaries. This is a common chronic female disease. The cause of the disease is in the change and abnormal structure of the gonads. With this disease, the hormonal background is disturbed, there is no ovulation.
  10. Uterine fibroids are benign tumors in the uterus. If a woman has uterine fibroids, this means that the chances of a successful conception are reduced. Even if conception has occurred, the likelihood of a miscarriage is high.
  11. Spikes. Adhesions in the pelvic area can lead to infertility. Such adhesions appear as a result of previous operations or inflammations. It is more difficult for sperm to get to the egg due to adhesions in the pelvic area.
  12. Endometriosis - with this disease in the uterus, the mucous membrane (endometrium) is greatly enlarged. With endometriosis, the fallopian tubes can stick together and block the access of sperm to the egg.

Be sure to watch this very helpful video:

Symptoms of female infertility

It is very important to recognize the first symptoms of infertility. After all, diseases detected at an early stage are more successfully treated. If a woman suffers from infertility, then the first symptoms may begin to appear already from the moment of puberty.

Here are the main symptoms and signs:

  1. Menarche (first menstrual bleeding) begins after 16 years of age.
  2. Small or very large amount of discharge during menstruation.
  3. Painful menstruation.
  4. Pathologies of the genital organs (congenital and acquired).
  5. A long menstrual cycle that occurs irregularly can be a symptom of female infertility.
  6. Diseases of a chronic nature.
  7. Diseases of the CNS (central nervous system).
  8. Diseases and infections of the genitourinary system.
  9. Too low or too much weight (less than 44 and more than 89 kg.).

Excess weight or lack of it is one of the causes of female infertility. You need to switch to proper nutrition.

The very first symptoms of a woman's problems are menstruation, which can be heavy or small, painful and irregular. Therefore, it is very important to pay special attention to this.

There are also secondary manifestations and signs of female infertility:

  • increased hairline, especially on the face or back. This symptom may indicate a hormonal imbalance. There are more male hormones than necessary;
  • acne and severe acne is also a symptom of female infertility. This happens, among other things, due to an overabundance of the male hormone;
  • sparse hair in the pubic area or in the armpits. This could mean low levels of the female hormone estrogen.

For example, if a woman has a period of breastfeeding, infertility can also be observed. This is due to the fact that during lactation a woman begins to produce the hormone prolactin. Prolactin suppresses the production of eggs by the ovaries during breastfeeding. Therefore, the hormonal background for successful conception and pregnancy must be normal and balanced.

How to treat?

The main and most important task in the treatment of female infertility is the restoration of the reproductive function of the female body. For successful treatment, the doctor must understand what is the cause of this disease. The symptoms, tests and external examination of the patient can help the doctor in this. After the conducted examinations and analyzes, the forthcoming method of treating the identified infertility will already be clear.

We have listed the most common female diseases leading to infertility. In total, according to the WHO classification, there are 22 such reasons. Only the most common ones are indicated here. Therefore, it is so important to undergo an examination by a gynecologist in order to establish the cause of infertility. There is no need to delay the examination, especially if you have not been able to get pregnant for more than a year.

Here are the main treatments:

  1. Restoring ovarian function with hormonal therapy.
  2. Treatment of a disease that caused infertility in a woman. These can be chronic diseases that can have a negative impact on the reproductive system.
  3. Another effective way is insemination. Insemination is the artificial introduction of sperm into the uterine cavity. This method can be used for immunological infertility (you can read and watch a video about it). The probability of successful conception with this method is about 15%.
  4. IVF (in vitro fertilization). This modern and reliable method of treatment (overcoming) of infertility, both male and female. With IVF, the fertilization of the egg occurs outside the female body using ICSI, PICSI or IMSI methods. After that, the already fertilized egg is implanted in the uterus. The success rate in this case is about 60%. You can learn more about IVF about IMSI, PIKSI and ICSI.
  5. Donor egg. This method is used if the patient's eggs cannot be fertilized.
  6. Surrogate motherhood is another method of overcoming (treating) infertility, in which the mother's egg is fertilized with the husband's sperm and the embryo is transferred into the uterus of a surrogate mother.

As it has now become clear, in the arsenal of doctors there are many means, methods of treatment and overcoming female infertility. All these methods are applied individually, depending on the situation.

Alternative treatment for female infertility

Alternative treatment comes down to general health promotion in general. The goal is to improve the functioning of the immune system and emotional condition future mother. A properly selected course of alternative treatment for female infertility will significantly increase the chances of a successful conception and a normal pregnancy.

Acupuncture can help with female infertility.

Alternative treatment will enhance the effect of the standard medical treatment of infertility if these two approaches are used simultaneously.

Here are alternative infertility treatments:

  1. homeopathic remedies. Natural as well as natural substances will help restore the normal ovulation cycle and improve the psycho-emotional state of the expectant mother;
  2. massage (reflexology). Special massage procedures at special points on the heels will improve the functioning of the reproductive system of a woman suffering from infertility;
  3. Acupuncture allows you to stimulate the resumption of the work of the female body by inserting needles into the points of the energy centers of the body.

Important! Do not forget that such a serious disease as female infertility can only be treated under the supervision of a specialist. Do not self-medicate. Alternative methods can only be used with the permission of your healthcare provider.

Preventive measures

To protect yourself from such an ailment as infertility, you need to constantly “listen” to your body and carry out prevention. To prevent female infertility, it is important to fulfill the following conditions:

  1. Rid yourself of bad habits.
  2. Do not allow stressful situations, only calmness.
  3. Proper nutrition without diets.
  4. Hygiene.
  5. Don't allow abortion.

If the female body works like a clock, then there should be no problems with conceiving and bearing a baby. Ideally, it is not necessary to allow the development of the disease, than to treat it for a long time and persistently. The right way of life has not yet killed anyone, but only made them stronger, healthier and better.

Be sure to watch this video, the doctor talks about female infertility, its symptoms and treatment:

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Scientists say that in Russia 15-18% of married couples suffer from infertility, and every year this number is gradually growing. It is important to think about the issues of planning a child in advance. By familiarizing yourself with the signs of infertility, a woman will know when specialist help is needed.

Types of female infertility

Conventionally, doctors divide infertility into 3 types. Brief description of each of them:

  • Primary - the girl has not been protected for more than a year, and has never been pregnant.
  • Secondary - when there is no re-pregnancy.
  • Absolute - the absence of a uterus or fallopian tubes in a girl.

The doctor makes an accurate diagnosis after a comprehensive examination of the woman. Types of infertility, possible causes:

  • Immunological - the work of the reproductive system is disrupted. One possible cause is a chronic or past infection.
  • Tubal - obstruction of the fallopian tubes.
  • Endocrine - impaired work of the adrenal glands, ovaries, thyroid gland or pituitary gland.
  • Uterine - anatomical defects in the development of the uterus, fibroids, pathology of the cervix (background or precancerous).
  • Genetic - infertility is associated with gene mutation.
  • Psychological - arises from stress, fear of responsibility.
  • Polycystic - the formation of multiple cysts on the ovaries as a result of hormonal disorders, stress, colds or heredity.
  • Endometriosis - the endometrium is localized outside the uterine cavity as a result of mechanical factors, immunological or hormonal disorders.

Symptoms of infertility in girls

There are no specific symptoms of infertility. Signs may be associated with concomitant disorders that caused the lack of conception:

  • violations of the ovarian-menstrual cycle;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • hyperprolactinemia.

Disorders of the ovarian-menstrual cycle

Normal menstruation occurs every 3-4 weeks, lasts from 3 to 5 days, does not affect the general condition of the body. Any violations should alert the woman. Signs of infertility in a girl associated with the ovarian-menstrual cycle:

  • Lack of menstruation - a small amount of blood.
  • Amenorrhea is the absence of critical days.
  • Polymenorrhea - frequent menstruation, shortening of the menstrual cycle.
  • Dysmenorrhea - painful sensations during critical days.

Hormonal imbalance

Disorders associated with the production of hormones can affect a woman's behavior, her mood, well-being and appearance. Main signs, possible causes:

signs Possible reasons
Digestive problems Elevated estrogen.
Alopecia (hair loss) Incorrect work of the thyroid gland, the amount of testosterone or insulin is increased.
Forgetfulness Low levels of cortisol, estrogen.
acne outbreaks Low androgen levels.
Sudden change in weight (thinness or obesity) Low levels of thyroid hormones, testosterone. High levels of insulin, cortisol, estrogen.
Headaches Low estrogen.
Constant fatigue The work of the thyroid gland is disturbed.
Increased perspiration The temperature regime of the body is controlled by hormones, therefore, with an imbalance, girls often experience hot flashes.
Insomnia Lack of progesterone.
Breast changes (loss of shape, volume, presence of hard formations) Hormonal changes.

Metabolic disorders

Metabolism problems are more likely to occur in women who eat poorly, abuse alcohol. A malfunction can be caused by malfunctioning of the pituitary gland, adrenal glands, gonads or thyroid gland. Signs of metabolic disorders:

  • intestinal dysbacteriosis (frequent constipation or diarrhea);
  • weight gain;
  • puffiness;
  • dyspnea;
  • tooth decay;
  • change in skin color;
  • problems with nails, hair.


The condition is characterized by an increase in the hormone prolactin in the blood. This hormone is able to suppress the maturation of eggs, delay the onset of menstruation. Causes of hyperprolactinemia:

  • Pharmacological - taking contraceptives, antidepressants, antipsychotics and other drugs, including drugs.
  • Pathological - pituitary tumor, polycystic, cirrhosis of the liver, abnormal thyroid gland.
  • Physiological - pregnancy, breastfeeding, increased function of pituitary cells.

In most cases, the appearance of a woman cannot determine the presence of hyperprolactinemia. Main symptoms:

  • failure of the menstrual cycle;
  • metabolic disease;
  • frigidity, decreased libido;
  • hirsutism (increased hair growth);
  • acne
  • psychoemotional disorders.

External signs of female infertility

Sometimes the appearance and complaints of the patient help the doctor understand the source of the problem. Signs of infertility in women:

  • excessive thinness or obesity;
  • severe form of acne;
  • increased hair growth;
  • male body type;
  • unusual vaginal discharge (abnormal smell, color);
  • heavy, painful menstruation;
  • violation of the menstrual cycle;
  • discomfort, pain in the pelvic area.

Diagnosis of infertility in girls

If, under the age of 35, a girl is regularly sexually active (2-3 times a week), does not take contraceptives, and cannot conceive a child for 3 months, she is recommended to undergo a diagnosis. A couple is diagnosed with infertility if pregnancy has not occurred after 1–2 years of planning. It is important to find the source of the problem, especially when there are no visible signs or, conversely, affect several disorders in the body at once.

A comprehensive examination helps the doctor find where the failure has occurred. If necessary, girls are prescribed:

  • laboratory research;
  • delivery of hormonal tests;
  • surgical diagnosis;
  • instrumental research methods.

Diagnostic laboratory methods

The first stage of diagnosing infertility begins with a series of tests. List of important laboratory tests:

  • Vaginal swab and cervical canal- checking for infections.
  • TORCH-complex - detection of antibodies to toxoplasmosis, rubella, cytomegalovirus infection, herpes.
  • Hormonal screening - checking the hormones T3, T4, TSH on the 5th-7th day of the menstrual cycle. Their influence on the follicular phase is evaluated.

This type of diagnosis is prescribed to girls before undergoing hormone therapy to ensure its effectiveness. The method allows you to accurately determine the body's response to taking a certain hormone, which will further help conception. List of samples and their purpose:

  • Estrogen-gestagenic, cyclic with a hormonal drug - checking the reaction of the endometrium to steroid hormones.
  • Dexamethasone - determination of the source of production of male hormones (ovaries or adrenal glands).
  • Clomiphene - assessment of the work of the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian system.
  • Progesterone - checking the level of estrogen in the absence of menstruation, the reaction of the endometrium to the introduction of progesterone.
  • Metoclopramide - determination of the ability of the pituitary gland to secrete prolactin.

Instrumental Methods

If the gynecologist suspects a deformity, pathology of the uterus or fallopian tubes, he prescribes an x-ray. With its help, you can check for the presence of neoplasms, adhesions. To assess the development of the thyroid gland and pelvic organs, a conventional ultrasound examination is used. In some cases, an MRI is prescribed if infertility is associated with serious hormonal disorders and the doctor suspects a brain tumor.

Surgical diagnostics

There are two ways to determine the cause of infertility surgically - hysteroscopy or laparoscopy. Such techniques are used not only when pregnancy does not occur, but also in cases of miscarriage and spontaneous abortions. Brief description of these methods:

  • Hysteroscopy - an optical apparatus-hysteroscope is inserted through the external uterine os for endoscopic examination of the uterine cavity, assessment of the state of the endometrium, and detection of pathological formations. The study is often performed under general anesthesia, while the doctor can take a sample of the endometrium for histological analysis. The procedure reveals:
    • poor patency of the fallopian tubes;
    • hyperplasia, endometrial polyps, adenomyosis;
    • abnormal structure of the uterus (for example, a bicornuate uterus);
    • uterine myoma.

  • Laparoscopy - the doctor makes a micro-incision of the anterior abdominal wall, introduces optical equipment to examine the cavity and organs of the small pelvis. The study is carried out under general anesthesia. Can be found:
    • endometriosis of the ovaries, peritoneum;
    • ovarian cyst;
    • obstruction of the fallopian tubes;
    • uterine myoma.


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