Methodology for checking the system of the electrical installation avr. Checking devices for automatic backup power supply (ATS). Documentation of the work performed

The LabTestEnergo company offers its services for testing the performance of ATS. We use a mobile laboratory, thanks to which we can go to any facility in Moscow and the Moscow region and conduct tests in the field.

Serviceunit of measurementCost per unit of measurement, rub.
Checking the automatic input of the reserve (ATS)devicefrom 11000

Why test

ATS devices are responsible for the timely inclusion of backup power. If there are problems with the power supply, it is automatically connected to the backup line. This avoids abrupt shutdown of equipment, which can lead to failures, breakdowns and loss of unsaved data. When the power supply stabilizes on the main line, the ATS device is automatically connected back to it.

Tests should be carried out in order to verify the correct parameters of the device, its degree of wear and suitability for use. The frequency of checking the ATS is described in the regulatory documentation.

By law, tests can only be performed by a licensed company. LabTestEnergo is registered with Rostekhnadzor and provides services completely officially. We conclude contracts with customers and draw up reporting documentation in accordance with all the rules.

What does testing include?

The test procedure for ATS devices involves the following operations:

  • visual inspection of the equipment;
  • voltage measurements at which a disconnection from the main line occurs;
  • determination of the period during which the AVR device is disconnected from the main input and connected to the backup one;
  • checking the operation of relays and contactors at different currents.

During a visual inspection, a laboratory employee checks the degree of deterioration of the case, its integrity, and the correct connection of the wires. The presence of microcracks, damage, pollution is checked.

Technical parameters are measured using high-precision laboratory equipment and checked against regulations. Based on this comparison, it is concluded whether the devices can be used further.

After all the tests, an ATS test protocol and a technical report are drawn up, in which information about the work carried out and recommendations for troubleshooting are entered.

Benefits of cooperation with us

Our company employs electricians with at least 5 years of experience. We equip the laboratory with modern equipment that passes verification in a timely manner. Orders are fulfilled quickly and efficiently. If you have any questions - call the numbers listed on the site, write to the mail or order a call back.

A sample protocol for checking the operability of the ATS system:

Partial or complete reproduction and reproduction only with the permission of the testing laboratory.

Corrections are not allowed.

The protocol applies only to the elements of the electrical installation that have been tested.

Definition of ABP:

AVR - a device for automatically switching on backup power.

ATS performance check:

Automatic input of a reserve

One of the ways to increase the reliability of the power supply is by providing consumers with a backup power supply.

As the name suggests, the method consists in automatically connecting a backup source to consumers in the event of a main power failure.

The method is implemented by the ATS device with at least two independent power sources connected to it, one of which is the main one.


AVR provides connection to the consumer of a backup power source in the event of a power failure of the main power source, or other defects in the main power supply, such as a significant decrease or increase in voltage, short circuits between phase buses without power loss, phasing change, regardless of the causes of the defect.

The ATS also provides the function of automatic return to the main power when it is restored (in some cases ATS without automatic return is used).

In addition, ATS can provide control of the state of the backup power source for the absence of defects, as well as control of consumers, for example, for the absence of short circuits in their circuits.


Monitoring of the status of the main and backup power and control is carried out by means of the so-called voltage control relays, phase control relays, ATS controllers, or multifunctional relays or controllers.
Contactors and automatic switches or knife switches with automatic or semi-automatic drives are used as executive bodies.
In addition, ATS may contain manual controls and visual control.

Purpose of testing

ATS tests are carried out in order to determine the operability of the ATS in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents.


Basic checks during testing:

  • health check;
  • operation voltage test;
  • checking the time delay of switching off the main input;
  • checking the switching time from the main power to the backup.

A number of other parameters are also controlled.


The results of the test are documented in a protocol of a standard sample (see above Protocol for checking the operability of the ATS system).

The electrotechnical laboratory of Ecolife Group checks the operation of the automatic backup power supply system (AVR). Based on the measurement results, a protocol is drawn up in the ETL technical report.

During the work of most enterprises, the continuity of production and the performance of all equipment as a whole throughout the working day are important. Transport infrastructure and life support systems of social facilities are also critically dependent on the guaranteed operation of electrical equipment. For owners of private houses, a power outage can result in a shutdown of the heating system, water supply, sewerage, burglar alarms, etc.

A short circuit, overload, or other disruption to the power grid can threaten equipment failure, stop or delay production, disruption to traffic schedules, loss of control, and accidents. In the most unfavorable scenario, in addition to material damage, such an emergency situation may endanger human lives.

In order to avoid emergency situations, a backup power source and an automatic transfer system (ATS) must be installed in the building. In case of loss of the main power source, the AVR system automatically activates the backup power supply to mechanisms and life support systems.
However, it is not enough just to install a high-quality ATS system; it is also necessary to check its serviceability and settings in a timely manner.
Verification must be carried out first of all in order to protect the participants in the production process and protect equipment from failure as a result of network overload.
In addition, the purpose of checking the ATS is also to prevent the possibility of false activation of the system in cases of a voltage drop on the line (for example, when a powerful electric motor or other consumer is turned on).
It is necessary to check such ATS settings as the moment when the input is activated and the speed of its activation.

Preparing equipment before checking the ATS system

During the check of ATS systems, the procedure specified in the list of technical measures, PUE p.1.8.34 (4, 5, 6) and GOST R 50571.16-99 p. 612.9 is observed.
All lines leading to the power supply of category I consumers (that is, those that may pose a danger to human life) are previously disconnected from the automatic transfer system.
Then all the lines that provide food to consumers of the II category are turned off (that is, those, the violation of which may lead to a stoppage of production at the enterprise).

What is measured during an ATS check:

Response time of the ATS system
. How excluded is the possibility of false operation of the system during a short-term decrease in voltage in the network
. Directly the voltage of operation of the ATS input
. Checking the functioning of relays and contactors (in accordance with the procedure for checking the correct functioning of fully assembled circuits).

The listed values ​​are key and are checked in accordance with GOST R 50571.16-99.

Timing of ATS system check are set depending on the operating time of the equipment, as well as in three specific cases:

1. when accepting new equipment and putting it into operation;
2. checking the automatic input of the reserve after major or current repairs;
3. checks established by the schedule of overhaul preventive tests.

Timely check of the installed equipment allows to protect the production and the enterprise itself from accidents and ensure the continuity of production.

The course of testing the ATS system and the equipment used

The following equipment can be used to check the operability of automatic transfer systems:

Combined electrical measuring instruments and the like;
. autotransformers;
. voltage regulators;
. electric stopwatches.

All of the listed equipment is necessary for accurate testing of the equipment and establishing that the response voltage and response time correspond to the manufacturer's data, and all tested indicators do not deviate from the norm.
The ATS check itself is carried out in several stages after the equipment has been previously turned off. All requirements for the verification process are defined by GOST R 8.563-96 "Measurement procedure".

There are several main stages in the verification of the ATS system:

A general system health check can be carried out both at the very beginning and for recording the final results, it includes checking the phasing of the backup input and ATS buses, as well as confirming the transfer of power from one bus to another;

Checking the operation voltage is carried out in order to prevent false operation of the automatic transfer system in cases where the voltage in the network is temporarily reduced, but remains sufficient for uninterrupted operation of the equipment;

Checking the time of switching tires from the main input to the backup one is carried out using an electric stopwatch and its result will be confirmation of the compliance of the response time of the ATS system in accordance with the data specified by the manufacturer;

Checking the main input shutdown time is carried out in order to determine the speed of switching the busbars from the main to the backup input in the event of a loss of voltage in the network, as well as to exclude the possibility of ATS activation in case of short-term voltage drops.

The specified course of operation is the same for all automatic transfer systems and this verification involves confirming that the characteristics of the equipment correspond to those specified by the manufacturer.

This set of measures allows to save production from a number of negative consequences and, above all, to protect the life of workers present at the production site in accordance with GOST R 50571.3-94. Testing of automatic transfer systems must be carried out in a timely manner in accordance with the schedule, and the specifics of the work, of course, require the involvement of qualified specialists who are able to document (in accordance with GOST R ISO / IEC 17025-2009) confirm the serviceability of the equipment and give an accurate result .

A device for automatically switching on a backup power source (AVR) must ensure uninterrupted operation of the equipment in the event of an unauthorized (or emergency) shutdown of the main power source.

Test preparation

Testing of ATS devices, which should confirm their operability, is carried out in compliance with all technical and organizational measures provided for this case. Among the mandatory steps: disconnecting all lines that depart from the ATS (load removal) in order to exclude sudden power surges when the load is on, because during ATS operation, one input is turned off and another input is turned on, with a certain period of time.

ATS testing is carried out, as a rule, in the order of current operation, i.e. in accordance with the schedule of preventive measures, or in connection with the completion of a major or current repair. In addition, the reason for such a test may be the commissioning of the facility. During the tests, the following are checked:

  • device performance;
  • the magnitude of the device actuation voltage;
  • response time delay. This parameter should exclude the possibility of switching off the main input during a short-term voltage drop;
  • main input shutdown time.

All checked parameters must correspond to the factory values.

Service cost

Documentation of the work performed

Before the start of the ATS test, a work permit is issued indicating the persons responsible for the safe conduct of work. In this case, the brigade must include at least two people with the appropriate qualifications.

Based on the results of the test, a protocol is drawn up, which indicates the data of the customer and the contractor, a description of the object, the purpose and design of the tested circuit, the test conditions, the type of AVR and its technical characteristics. Further, the results of the measurements taken and their comparison with the manufacturer's settings are indicated. In the future, this protocol is attached to the technical report on the test.

In addition to the protocol, copies of documents confirming the right of the contractor to carry out this type of work are attached to it. The date of the test is recorded in the electrical equipment check log. If, as a result of the check, equipment defects or deviations of the measured parameters from the factory settings (project) were revealed, the electrical laboratory gives recommendations to the customer on how to eliminate the discrepancies.

To check the automatic input of the reserve, get advice, you can contact the electrical measuring laboratory "Technoprom-Zamer", among the advantages of cooperation - work on modern equipment, the presence of experienced specialists in the state, full reporting on the results of the work performed.

Experienced Engineer

  • Our employees have many years of experience in testing and measurement.

Full reporting

  • We will provide a complete picture of the tested equipment


Deputy Head of FGU Chief Engineer

"UGEN for the Republic of Belarus"

_______________ ______________

"______" _______________ 2003 "______" _______________ 2003

M E T O D I C A No. 9


Chief Power Engineer


Head of electrical department No. 17


1 Purpose and scope.

1.1 This document method No. 9 "Checking the performance of the ATS" establishes a methodology for checking the performance of the ATS for compliance with the requirements of regulatory documentation.

1.2 This document has been developed for use by electrical laboratory personnel when conducting acceptance and periodic tests in electrical installations with voltages up to 1000 V belonging to. This document establishes the procedure and sequence for checking the operability of the ATS.

1.3 The purpose of the tests is to evaluate the reliability of the operation of the automatic backup power supply circuit (ATS) for the ability to automatically switch from one input to another in the event of a power failure at the working input.

1.4 The verification is carried out on the basis of the requirements of the EIC, clause 1.8.34 (4,5,6), GOST 50571.16-99, clause 612.9.

2.1 Rules for the operation of consumer electrical installations M .: Energoatomizdat, 1992.

2.2 Rules for the installation of electrical installations (PUE). Ed. 6 with changes and additions.

2.3 Rules for the installation of electrical installations (PUE). Ed.7. Section 6. Section 7, Ch. 7.1, ch. 7.2.

2.4 Intersectoral rules on labor protection (safety rules) during the operation of electrical installations. POT R M. RD 153-34.0-03.150-00.

2.5 GOST R 50571.1-93 “Electrical installations of buildings. Basic Provisions".

2.6 GOST R 50571.3-94 “Electrical installations of buildings. Part 4. Security requirements. Protection against electric shock.

2.7 GOST R 50571.16-99 “Electrical installations of buildings. Part 6. Tests. Acceptance tests".

2.8 GOST R 8.563-96. "Measurement procedure".

2.9 Handbook for setting up electrical installations. ed. Moscow: Energy, 1977

3 Terms and Definitions.

This methodology uses terms and definitions adopted in accordance with the PUE ed. 6 and a set of standards GOST R 50571.

3.1 ATS - automatic switch on of the reserve, a device designed to restore power to consumers by automatically connecting backup power sources to replace the main ones that have been damaged or erroneously disconnected.

3.2 Backup power source - a power source that maintains voltage within the limits regulated by the EMP for the post-accident mode, when it disappears at another power source of the power receiver.

3.3 Main power source - a power source that is used to power the consumer in normal mode.

3.4 Consumer of electrical energy - an enterprise, organization, institution, etc., whose receivers of electrical energy are connected to the electrical network and use electrical energy.

3.5 Switching device - a device designed to turn on or off current in one or more electrical circuits.

3.6 Operation (return) voltage - voltage on the coil of the switching device at the moment of closing (opening) of its contacts.

3.7 Response time of ATS - the time measured from the moment the main power source is turned off until the moment the backup one is turned on.

3.8 short-circuit current - overcurrent caused by a fault with negligible impedance between points at different potentials under normal operating conditions.

4 Characteristics of the measured value, normative values ​​of the measured value.

The test object is AVR devices designed to provide uninterrupted power supply to consumers in accordance with the category of power supply reliability.

4.1 ATS devices should be provided for restoring power to consumers by automatically connecting a backup power source when the working power source is turned off, leading to a shutdown of the consumer's electrical installations. ATS devices should also be provided for automatically turning on standby equipment when the working equipment is turned off, leading to a disruption in the normal technological process.

ATS devices are also recommended to be provided if, when using them, it is possible to simplify relay protection, reduce short-circuit currents and reduce the cost of equipment by replacing ring networks with radially sectioned ones, etc. (PUE ed. 6 p 3.3.30).

4.2 The ATS device, as a rule, should ensure the possibility of its operation in the event of a voltage failure on the buses of the fed element, caused by any reason, including a short circuit on these buses. (PUE ed. 6 p 3.3.31).

4.3 When the switch of the working power source is turned off, the ATS device should turn on, as a rule, without additional time delay, the switch of the backup power source. In this case, a single operation of the device must be ensured. (PUE ed. 6 p. 3.3.32).

4.4 To ensure the operation of the ATS when the powered element is de-energized due to a power failure on the power supply side of the working source, as well as when the switch is turned off on the receiving side (for example, for cases when the relay protection of the working element only acts to turn off the switches on the power side) in the circuit ATS should be provided with a starting voltage element. The specified triggering element in the event of a power failure on the fed element and in the presence of voltage from the power supply side of the backup source must act with a time delay to turn off the switch of the working power source on the receiving side. The ATS starting voltage element should not be provided if the working and reserve elements have the same power source. (PUE ed. 6 p 3.3.33).

4.5 The minimum voltage element of the ATS starting body, which reacts to the loss of voltage of the working source, must be detuned from the mode of self-starting of electric motors and from voltage reduction during remote short circuits. The response voltage of the voltage control element on the buses of the backup source of the ATS starting body should be selected, if possible, based on the condition of self-starting of the electric motors. The time of action of the starting element of the ATS should be longer than the time of disconnection of external short circuits, at which a voltage drop causes the undervoltage element of the starting element to operate, and, as a rule, more than the time of action of the automatic reclosure on the supply side. (PUE ed. 6 p 3.3.35).

4.6 When performing ATS devices, it is necessary to check the conditions for overloading the backup power source and self-starting of electric motors and, if there is an excessive overload or self-starting is not provided, perform unloading during the action of ATS (for example, turning off non-responsible, and in some cases, parts of critical electric motors; for the latter, it is recommended application of APV). (PUE ed. 6 p 3.3.38).

4.7 In accordance with the requirements of the PUE ed. 6 p. operation of circuit breakers and contactors at reduced and rated voltages of the operating current by repeated switching are shown in table 1.


Operating current voltage, % of nominal

Number of operations


Enable and disable


4.8 The correct functioning of fully assembled circuits at various values ​​of the operating current is given in table 1.8.41 of the Electrical Installation Code (see table 2).

Table 2.

Test object

Operating current voltage, % of nominal


Relay-contactor circuits in installations with voltage up to 1 kV

For simple circuits, a button - a magnetic starter does not check operation at low voltage

Non-contact circuits on logic elements

The voltage change is made at the input to the power supply

5. Measurement conditions.

When performing measurements, the following conditions must be met:

5.1 Scheme ATS must be fully assembled and equipped with all elements according to the project.

5.2 Tests are carried out in a dry heated room, or on the ETL stand, under natural or artificial lighting.

5.3 Ambient temperature should be from 15°C to 40°C, relative air humidity up to 80% (at 25°C);

5.4 Working position of devices - horizontal. In winter, the instruments must be transported in a special container and allowed to soak under the measurement conditions before measurements.

6 Measurement method.

6.1 Checking the operation of automatic switches and contactors at low and rated voltages of the operating current is carried out by repeated switching on and off when voltage is applied from an external power source. At the same time, circuit breakers and contactors must work.

6.2 Checking of the relay equipment is carried out in accordance with the current instructions by the method of direct measurements. Limits of operation of the relay at working installations must correspond to the calculated data. Voltage is supplied to the elements of the relay equipment from an external power source.

6.3 Checking the correct functioning of fully assembled circuits is carried out visually. All elements of the circuits must function reliably in the sequence provided for by the project.

7 Requirements for measuring instruments, auxiliary devices.

When performing measurements, the measuring instruments and other technical means given in Table 1 are used.

Table 1. Devices, means of protection.

Serial number and name of the measuring instrument (MI), test equipment (ET), auxiliary devices

Designation of the standard, TU and type of SI, IO

Factory number

Metrological characteristics (class of accuracy, error limits, measurement limits)

Names of the measured value

1. Voltmeter



Accuracy class 0.5


2. Stopwatch


№ 000

Accuracy class 2

3. Circuit breaker

For rated current 10 A

4. Autotransformer

5. Connecting wires

Copper section 2.5mm2

8 Measurement error requirements and assigned measurement error characteristics.

8.1 The measurement error is determined by the class of instruments used.

9 Preparing to perform measurements.

9.1 Check the conformity of the mounted ATS circuit with the project.

9.2 Disconnect wires from relay coils and circuit contactors.

9.3 Assemble a test circuit to test the actuation (return) voltage of the coils of contactors and relays according to Figure 1 of Appendix 1.

10 Sequence and order of measurements.

When performing measurements, perform the following operations:

10.1 Check the contactor actuation voltage, the actuation and return voltage of the voltage monitoring relay. The check is carried out in accordance with section 5 of the Electrical Installation Handbook (under Ed.), depending on the type of relay.

10.2 Check the operation of automatic switches and contactors at reduced and rated voltages of the operating current by repeated switching on. (see table 1).

After applying the supply voltage and reducing it to 0.8 Unom, according to table 1, the clarity of operation, the sequence of operation of individual contacts, relays and other elements and the entire circuit as a whole in all operating modes are checked. The operation of the circuits of ATS devices is checked by simulating emergency and abnormal modes of operation of power equipment. When electromagnetic AC devices are turned on, vibration of the magnetic circuit may occur, which is expressed in a strong hum and additional heating of the laminated core. It is necessary to check the presence of an intact short-circuited coil and the tightness of the armature to the core of the magnetic circuit. The latter is achieved by providing some freedom of the anchor in relation to the fixed part of the apparatus.

10.3 With the circuit breaker SF switched on, measure the time delay of the ATS operation in the event of a voltage failure at one of the inputs. Adjust the AVR response time delay in accordance with the project.

10.4 Disassemble the test circuit. Reconnect wires to relay and contactor coils.

10.5 Check the correct functioning of the fully assembled circuits at different values ​​of the operating current. At the same time, the sequence of operation of the elements of the circuit and the compliance with the logic provided for by the schematic diagram of the project are checked (see Table 2).

10.6 Apply voltage ~ 380 V to both inputs.

10.7 Check input phasing. In case of mismatch, switch the ends of the supply cables with the voltage removed. The phase coincidence of the voltage is checked on the pole of the disconnected switching device using a voltmeter. If the phases of the voltage match, the voltmeter will show 0 V. If the phases of the voltage do not match, the voltmeter will show the linear voltage of the network. The phasing scheme is shown in Fig. 2 of Appendix 1.

10.8 When checking the circuit under voltage, there may be cases of failure in the operation of individual elements and components of the circuit. Although damage and violations in circuits are extremely diverse, they can be classified into the following main types:

a) open circuit;

b) short circuit;

c) ground fault;

d) the presence of a bypass circuit;

e) non-compliance with the requirements of the scheme of parameters or malfunction of individual devices included in the scheme.

All these defects are not detected immediately and can have a variety of external manifestations depending on the features of the circuit. Only a thorough analysis of the circuit, thoughtful verification and testing make it possible to quickly and effectively identify and eliminate a malfunction.

11 Processing and calculation of measurement results.

The values ​​of the actuation of electrical devices are determined after their final adjustment, as the arithmetic mean of the results of three measurements according to the formula:

Ui - voltage of operation of electrical devices, V

The response time of the ATS, taking into account the error, is determined by the formula:

, where

Ti - stopwatch readings;

Phi - stopwatch accuracy class.

12 Control of accuracy of results of measurements.

12.1 Control of the accuracy of measurement results is ensured by annual calibration of instruments in the bodies of the State Standard of the Russian Federation. Devices must have valid state verification certificates. It is not allowed to perform measurements with a device with an overdue verification period.

13 Registration of measurement results.

13.1 The results of the check are reflected in the protocol of the appropriate form (the form of the protocol is attached in Appendix 2).

13.2 When filling out the protocol, in the column “Conclusion for compliance with the requirements”, opposite each item, make an entry: “corresponds” or “does not comply”.

13.3 The list of noticed deficiencies must be presented to the customer for taking measures to eliminate them.

13.4 The values ​​of the quantities calculated taking into account the measurement error in accordance with Section 11 of this methodology are entered in the protocol.

13.5 The protocol of tests and measurements is drawn up in the form of an electronic document and stored in the appropriate database. The second copy of the protocol is printed and stored in the ETL archive.

13.6 Copies of test and measurement reports shall be stored in the archive of the electrical laboratory for at least 6 years.

14 Staff qualification requirements.

To carry out measurements and tests, persons who have undergone special training and certification with the assignment of an electrical safety group of at least Sh when working in electrical installations up to 1000 V, who have a record of admission to tests and measurements in electrical installations up to 1000 V, are allowed.

Insulation resistance measurements should only be carried out by qualified personnel in a team of at least 2 people. The foreman must have a 5th category, team members - at least 4th category.

15 Requirements for ensuring safety when performing measurements and environmental safety.

15.1 When checking the operability of the ATS, it is necessary to be guided by the requirements of the "Intersectoral rules for labor protection (safety rules) during the operation of consumer electrical installations".

15.2 Tests are allowed to be carried out by trained employees from among the electrical personnel by order. Measurements are performed by a team of two specialists with a qualification group in electrical safety not lower than III.

15.3 Connecting wires should be connected only after removing the voltage from the ATS circuit. It is unacceptable to switch devices, measurement ranges of devices and disassemble the test circuit without turning off the supply voltage.

15.4 The method of checking the ATS performance does not pose a danger to the environment.


head of ETL


Partial or complete reprinting or reproduction is not allowed without the permission of the electrolaboratory

The test report applies only to the electrical installation

Electrotechnical laboratory Customer ________________________

(Full name of the head, address)

450006 Ufa ________________________________

I approve:

Head of ETL ___________________

"______" ___________________ 200__


ATS health checks

1. Date of receipt of the application for testing (contract number) _______________________________

2. Full name. electrical installations, its elemental composition ______________________________

3. Name and address of the installer ______________________________________

ka _____________________________________________________________________________

5. Information about acts of hidden work _________________________________________________

(organization, number, date)

6. Information about the additional test report performed on the condition of subcontracting

(if available) ________________________________________________________________

7. OKP code _____________________________________________________________________________

8. Place of testing and measurements ___________________________________________

9. Purpose of tests and measurements _________________________________________________________

(acceptance, periodic, operational, identification, bench)

10. Climatic conditions during testing:


Humidity ___________________________________________________

Pressure ____________________________________________________

11. The mounted circuit of the ATS 0.4 kV corresponds to the drawing No. __________________________

12. The ATS scheme provides for power supply through one of the two supply lines from ____________________________________________:

The working input is switched on by an automatic switch in the voltage control circuits at the working input;

In the event of a power failure at the working input, the contactor of the working input is switched off and the contactor of the backup input is switched on;

When the voltage is restored at the working input, the backup input is turned off, the backup input contactor turns on.

13. Checking the performance of the ATS is carried out in accordance with the methodology No. 9 "Checking the performance of the ATS"

13. Test results are shown on pages 2 and 3 of this protocol.

14. List of used test equipment (ET) and measuring instruments (MI)

given on page 3 of this protocol.

15. For more information, see page 4 of this protocol.

Registration validity period

Registration number

date of issue

Protocol number

Page Total pages


Total Pages

in the protocol


Report No.

16. Normative documentation and ND approval



Item number ND



according to ND

ND per method







according to ND


Checking the correct functioning of the circuit at various values ​​​​of the operating current

Checking the undervoltage actuator

PUE p.

Method #9

PUE p.

Method #9


Method #9

PUE table

PUE table

According to the passport for the relay protection device





Measurements by



Measurements by

time +2% .

voltage and

work time-




by agreement.

with power supply

chewing organ-


Operability of contactors with repeated switching on and off

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