How to write a summary of a lesson in kindergarten. Consultation for teachers “The structure of writing GCD notes. Organizational activities, preparation for the lesson

The date:



Used Books:

Program content: (didactic, developmental, educational tasks; the content of the formed knowledge, skills, attitudes of children)

Equipment: (demonstration and handout)

The method of organizing children and the place of the teacher:

Lesson progress


Main part

Final part


Extended outline features:

Written in the first person;

Direct speech prevails;

In brackets are indicated:

a) the expected responses of children and their actions,

b) the actions of the teacher accompanying his words.

Clear, concise, clear formulations of tasks for children are given;

There are necessary generalizations and conclusions, logical transitions from one part to another.

Appendix 6 b.

Sample - diagram

Designing a plan - a summary of a physical education lesson

Synopsis of physical education

In ... group of kindergarten No. ...


Amount of children:

Program tasks: (tasks for the development of movements and physical qualities of children).


Struct. part

Physical exercise


Organizational and methodological instructions


1. (Introductory);

2. (Main);

3. (Conclude


Name of exercises, description of the content of physical exercises (performed motor actions)

Execution time, number of repetitions.

Guidelines regarding the organization of children, ensuring the correct execution of exercises, preventing errors.

The techniques used are indicated.

There is a direct speech of the educator, an artistic word that accompanies the movements of children.

Schematic representations of the method of arranging equipment, distributing benefits, the direction of movement of children and the educator can be used.

To be completed after the lesson, the difficulties encountered, the necessary changes are noted


When compiling outline plan of morning exercises tasks and equipment are not indicated, all other design features are preserved.

Annex 7

Features of the organization of regime processes

1. Scheme of chronometry of the day regimen

Regime moment

The time allotted for it

Actual time spent


morning reception

Hygiene procedures

Independent activity

Fees for a walk


2. Questions for observation and analysis.

    Age composition of the group (age limits).

    Compliance of the compiled regimen with the age of children.

    Fulfillment by the educator of the basic methodological rules for conducting regime moments:

    Does it give an installation for a new type of activity, for how long, does it repeat it;

    Does the principle of gradualness in the organization of regime processes;

    Does he use regime moments to solve the problems of the child's development (speech, cultural and hygienic skills, basic movements, etc.)?

    What techniques does the educator use to develop certain skills and abilities? Give examples.

    Do the techniques used by the educator correspond to the age of the children, pedagogical requirements?

    How is an individual approach to children carried out? Give examples.

    How are responsibilities distributed between the teacher and his assistant?

Is the mode running? Indicate the nature and causes of deviations, options for replacing regime moments.

The emotional state of the children of the group during the observed period of time (mood, preoccupation with games and other activities, etc.)

Instructions for writing a lesson summary

(based on the disciplines "Methods of speech development", "Speech therapy")

Preparing to write a lesson:

1. Determine program content (in correctional methods of goals or objectives) classes, based on:

· a program for the upbringing and education of children (directly the sections "development of speech" and "familiarization with others");

· a previously drawn up group long-term plan for educational work in a group;

· the time of the year during which the occupation is created and the presence of approaching or recently ended social events (holidays, elections, etc.);

· defect of speech development of children;

· the level of development of children in the group;

· previously drawn up individual long-term plan of work with the child;

Having decided on the preparatory stage of compiling a lesson summary, we proceed to compiling a draft version of the lesson summary.

2. necessary formulate program content (for abstract on speech therapy - goals or tasks ), which, as in all types of classes, will include three types of main tasks: educational(training), developing, educational(in a speech therapy lesson, another type of task is introduced - corrective).

It is more logical to start formulating tasks in speech therapy notes with a correctional one, in others with an educational one:

1. Corrective (work on the leading (primary) is indicated defect or reveals the main goal of the remedial work phase. Example: “Improve the ability to use the sound “r” in words and phrases.”

2. Educational (here we can expand knowledge, enrich representation about objects and phenomena of the environment, etc. It is convenient to begin the formulation of these tasks with the words: consolidate, generalize, expand, clarify, systematize, improve, etc. any program knowledge, skills. Example: "Fix definitions that characterize the appearance of vegetables and fruits."

3. Educational (in relation to the disciplines "speech therapy" and MRR, the development of the characteristics of voice, breathing, phonemic hearing, and other tasks of speech development, more often develop mental processes- visual, auditory, tactile, motor attention, memory, perception, etc.).

4. Educational involves the education within the framework of the ongoing lesson of any moral qualities. (The culture of verbal communication, collectivism, discipline, mutual assistance, love for animals, respect for work, discipline in the classroom, etc.). Example: "To cultivate a culture of verbal communication - to improve the ability to formulate requests."

o Each of the listed tasks can be several in one lesson, but the total number of tasks is at least 3 for ordinary notes and at least 4 for speech therapy notes.

o When compiling a summary, you should not sign what type of task (educational, educational, etc.).

o Each task must be numbered separately, not to combine several tasks (an erroneous version of the task formulation: “Develop attention, memory, friendliness, love for beauty”).

o Each task begins with an imperfective verb, that is, answering the question "What to do?" (N-r: "Dev it phonemic hearing ... "- an erroneous option," Developing at phonemic hearing ... "- the correct option).

o We formulate the tasks in detail, with all the necessary explanations (for example: “Develop phonemic hearing” is an erroneous option, “Develop phonemic hearing: the ability to highlight the first sound in a word” is the correct option).

o Avoid words when formulating tasks:

ü "TO TEACH" because teach = introduce + expand + clarify + consolidate + exercise + improve + systematize + generalize + etc. We select the most accurate verb;

ü "FORMAT", because from the point of view of some authors, this word carries an overly authoritarian connotation for modern humanistic pedagogy, and from the point of view of others, it reflects the physiological side of the development process, without the participation of a teacher.

3. Having decided on the tasks that need to be solved in the lesson, the next step is to choose games, exercises and tasks that will help solve the tasks. It should be noted that it is necessary to first draw up the program content (based on the needs of the child or group of children) and only then, the text of the lesson summary.

4. Next step - material selection, which will be required to conduct the selected games, exercises, tasks and achieve previously defined tasks. All material will need to be indicated, listed, possibly, the division of the material into demonstration and handout.

Before starting a lesson, you need to plan and conduct preliminary work, the purpose of which is to clarify the knowledge, skills, skills of children on a selected topic, to systematize, clarify the knowledge of all or some children, etc. As a rule, these are conversations, listening to various works, memorizing them, looking at pictures, excursions, observations.

The last thing to consider is - individual work with children in class. It is necessary to take into account the activities of especially developed children (tasks are more complex or additional); work with lagging behind children (highlight their particular weaknesses, which will be given a little more attention); interaction with "difficult" children (select such methods of work and their compatibility, so that these children are also carried away by tasks and can avoid conflicts with peers and teachers).

The course itself begins with first(introductory or introductory) parts, which lasts 3-5 minutes and includes:

- Organizing time (drawing the attention of children to the teacher, distracting from those types of activities that children were previously engaged in; reminding the rules of discipline; putting in order the appearance of children, etc.).

- Surprise or interesting moment (the appearance of a hero, character, envelope, painting, toy, reading a poem, guessing a riddle, etc.)

- Plot unfolding lessons, if provided.

- Target Message lessons.

o In one lesson, in the introductory part, there may be not all of the above components;

o it is very desirable that the lesson be plot or take place in a game form;

o I the beginning of the first part, the full words "introductory part", etc., should not be indicated.

Thus, the purpose of this part of the lesson is to arouse interest in the lesson, desire, need for the upcoming activity, activate cognitive interest, corresponding emotional manifestations.

The second part is the main consists of sequentially replacing each other games and tasks connected by one plot or goal. Its duration is determined according to the age group. (Calculate for yourself, do not forget to take away the time of the final and introductory parts from the time of the lesson).

o When making an outline, be sure to mark with a number II the beginning of the second part, the full words “main part”, etc., should not be indicated ..

o It is necessary that before each task, the educator forms a motive for activity in front of the child (we will help Dunno, we will disenchant the city, we will find out which of us is the most dexterous, we will please mom).

o During the course of the main part, it is necessary to provide for a change in the types of activities that are opposite to each other in terms of the degree of activity and the participating analyzers,

o As children get tired, physical education, which should also (preferably) be consistent with the topic or plot of the lesson.

o Also, one of the requirements for the lesson is the degree of activity of children - they do more, think, guess, reason, children say, and not the teacher. The teacher creates conditions so that the child can do almost everything himself.

o It is recommended that as many analyzers as possible be included in the activity - in this case, the information learned by the child will be more systemic, versatile and durable. For example: learning articulation - we look in the mirror, listen to what we say, we control the force of exhalation or the vibration of the vocal cords with our hand.

The general goal of the main part is to solve all the tasks set in the program content and to implement the planned individual work with children.

The third part is the final one. (up to 3 -5 minutes) Includes:

- generalization, = remembering what they did, what they did, which the teacher does in the younger groups, and in the older groups, the children themselves, on the questions of the teacher. “What did you like the most ... What task was the most difficult ... What game will we teach dad to play at home ..., What do you remember, ..., What surprised you ...?) The teacher summarizes the answers of the children. Example. Vosp: “what task did we do first?”. Children: "They threw the ball ...". Vosp .: "That's right, they threw the ball and remembered the names of pets."

- General and nominal grade children in the form of analysis (that is, not just “well done”, but because he answered the loudest, raised his hand, did not shout, etc.). Starting from the older group, we not only praise the children, but also point out some of their shortcomings and advise how to cope with them.

- Creation favorable emotional state (game, artistic word, listening to a piece of music), causing a desire to visit such a lesson again, to experience a similar plot; sustainable cognitive interest in this topic, through assignments, recommendations, advice.

- Exit to another activity . For example: “Funny bunnies came to us today, we really liked them, and let’s make them houses from building material so that they come back to us again.”

o When making an outline, be sure to mark with a number III the beginning of the third part, the full words “final part”, etc., should not be indicated ..

After compiling, correcting and checking the draft outline of the lesson, a final version is drawn up according to the scheme below.

o Particular attention should be paid to the accuracy, clarity, accessibility of the outline of the lesson.


At the beginning of the abstract or on the title page, indicate:

v The methodology (subject) according to which the summary was drawn up. P example: speech therapy; or method of speech development.

v Methodology section (speech disorder for speech therapy abstract. Example: dyslalia, or the development of coherent speech.

v Type of lesson (stage of correctional work). Example: compiling descriptive stories based on a picture or an automation stage in words and phrases.

v Lesson topic + story. P Example: a retelling of the fairy tale "Zayushkina's hut" / "Let's cheer the Bunny" or (with dyslalia we indicate the sound we are working on) "Sound "r" / "Help Dunno".

v Age group of children. P example: senior group.

v Individual or subgroup lesson. Example: frontal lesson.

GOALS (if the abstract is speech therapy) PROGRAM CONTENT or TASKS (if the abstract is based on other methods):

Correctional (the word itself should not be written)

memo in registration of writing a summary of continuous educational activities in a preschool educational institution

(option 1)

The abstract assumes a reflection of the main stages of the GCD:

At the beginning of the abstract the direction of activity under the program and the specific area for the implementation of this activity must be indicated.

The topic of the lesson is written briefly.

The goal is the end result, what we strive for.

Program content- something that requires execution, the decisions that need to be solved in the lesson are prescribed in detail. The trinity of tasks is observed :

about howling e (what new teacher will teach children);

developing(what cognitive processes will be developed or improved)

or correctional-developing, educational (what socially significant personal qualities will be brought up or knowledge about them will be replenished).

Integrable regions are indicated. Integration of educational areas: the main educational area is indicated first, and other educational areas included in this lesson are indicated in brackets.

In vocabulary work words are indicated that are entered into the active and passive vocabulary of children for the lesson and their meaning must be explained to the children.

The abstract summarizes what preliminary work it is required that the lesson was successful and all tasks could be completed.

Pedagogical facilities and equipment are reflected necessary for this lesson: technical (including computer, methodological, organizational tools.

The course of the lesson is described in the logic of the sequence of using the indicated means, when and which slide will be used, what questions will be asked to the children, what game will be played.

1. GCD topic;

2. organizational moment;

3. setting goals and objectives;

4. survey of students on the material covered;

5. statement of the problem situation;

6. introduction to integration;

7. debriefing.

Stages of work:

Introductory part:Organizing time, including: goal setting, which should be achieved by students at this stage of the GCD (what should be done for their further work to be effective); definition of goals and objectives, which the teacher wants to achieve at this stage of GCD; description of work organization methods students at the initial stage and topics of educational activities (taking into account the real characteristics of the group with which the teacher works).

Main part:Introduction to new material. Didactic game(game situation) creating motivation for action. Children are offered a game during which they remember what will help them get acquainted with a new topic. (updating knowledge and skills ). The game should be such that in the course of it there are no difficulties in the child's activity.

Difficulty in a game situation. At the end of the game, a situation should arise that causes difficulty in the activities of children, which they fix in speech (we don’t know this yet, we don’t know how ...). The teacher encourages them to ask questions and, together with the children, determines the topic of the upcoming activity. As a result, the children conclude that it is necessary to think about how to get out of a difficult situation together.

Discovery of new knowledge or skill. The teacher, with the help of an introductory dialogue based on the subject (game) activity of children, leads them to the discovery of new knowledge or skills. Having formalized the new in speech, the children return to the situation that caused the difficulty and go through it using a new way of activity (action).

Final part:Fixing the material. Reproduction of the new in a typical situation. At this stage, games are held where children use new knowledge or skills. At the end, a game situation is created, which fixes the individual mastering of new material by each child. There is a self-assessment by the child of his activity in the development of new things.

Repetition and development tasks. They are given in the summary at the request of the educator.

Summing up the lesson: a description of the positive actions of students, determining the prospects for the acquired competencies (what they learned new, where the new will come in handy).

Title page: The name of the preschool educational institution (in full, according to the charter), the topic of the GCD, a summary of continuous educational activities, compiled by: full name, city.

Educational area:

cognitive development;

Speech development;

Artistic and aesthetic development;

Physical development.

Integration of educational areas: cognitive development and speech development;

Type: integrated

Children's age:

Forms of continuous educational activity: Team work.

Forms of organization: group, subgroup.

Target: The end result is what we are striving for.

Tasks: educational, developmental, educational

Dictionary of new words:(if there)

Preliminary work:(if carried out)

Equipment and materials:(attributes, material)

Progress of lifelong learning activities (CLC)

A detailed summary is presented, which describes the activities of the teacher and children with the direct speech of the teacher and the expected answers of the children.

memo in registration of writing a summary of continuous educational activities in a preschool educational institution

(option 2)

On the title page in the center the type of GCD, its topic, for which age group this abstract is indicated.

In the lower right corner is written who wrote the summary (full full name, position, age group of children, group number, kindergarten number).
At the top of the title page the name of the organization in which the kindergarten is located is indicated.
At the bottom of the title page the city and year, spelling is indicated.
On the first sheet of the abstract, information is placed in the following order:
At the top of the sheet is type, type, topic of GCD, age group of children. Compiled software content, where are included:
1. Learning tasks(it is written what children will be taught in this lesson).
2. Development tasks(it is written that we will consolidate, clarify, not forgetting the development of mental functions and various properties).
3. Educational tasks(what mental, aesthetic, moral and volitional qualities will be formed in this lesson).
vocabulary work scheduled for every lesson. The words planned in active and passive vocabulary. It must be remembered that words from the passive dictionary are included in the active one after 2-3 lessons. In classes for the development of speech, the tasks from the sections "Grammatical structure of speech", "Sound culture of speech", "Coherent speech" must be entered.
It should be remembered that each new task is written from a new line. When tasks are formulated, it is necessary to indicate which equipment will be used on this GCD (for example: interactive whiteboard, easel, wallboard, cubes, coasters, etc.).
The following is indicated demo material, where not only all manuals, paintings are listed, but also their authors, quantity, sizes are indicated.
Describing Handout, it is mandatory to list what material is taken with an indication of the size and quantity.
Next, you need to describe previous work as an educator in preparation for the lesson: what they designed, what they made, what they compiled, studied, wrote, etc.
After that, preliminary work with children is indicated, the entire scope of frontal and individual work with children (where they went on an excursion, what object they observed, what they read to children, what they learned, etc.)
After that, it is written what individual work with whom (names and surnames of children are indicated) in what part of the lesson is planned to be held. It is advisable not to forget to enter this work in that part of the lesson in the abstract in which you planned.
The following describes structure and methodical methods, used in class. Parts of the lesson and specific methodological techniques are indicated.
For example:
I. Introduction - 3 minutes.
a) reading the poem "Autumn";
b) watching the autumn sky from the window;
c) verbal didactic game "Think up a word" (selection of adjectives for the words sky, autumn, foliage).
II. The main part is 15 minutes.
a) a conversation about weather phenomena in autumn;
b) looking at weather calendars;
c) naming autumn signs by children;
d) compiling stories about autumn weather;
e) naming sayings about autumn by children;
d) didactic game "From what tree leaf" ... etc.
III. The final part - 2 minutes.
a) reading a story about autumn;
b) listening to the record "September";
c) generalization of the educator;
e) analysis of the lesson (about what knowledge the children showed).
The following describes organization of children in continuous educational activities. The placement of tables, equipment, seating and placement of children is indicated - if necessary, a seating plan is placed. If the placement of children in different parts of the lesson changes, it describes how the transition from one part of the lesson to another is carried out.
And finally, the description of the course of the lesson begins. The course of the lesson is written in direct speech. Be sure to write down all the words that the teacher will say. If during the lesson the teacher needs to perform some actions, this is indicated in the summary.
For example:
Educator: “Children, what season did the artist depict in his picture?”
Children: (suggested responses of children)
Educator: "That's right, the picture shows an autumn landscape. The artist conveys the beauty of autumn nature with colors, the writer and poet - with words, epithets, and the composer with music. Listen to an excerpt from the work "September" (turn on the tape recorder).

That is, after direct speech, in the middle of the line, the actions of the educator are indicated in brackets (“I turn on”, “hang out”, “remove”, etc.).
The lesson ends with words of analysis.

So, to briefly describe all of the above, then abstract structure , as follows:
1. Type, type, topic of the GCD with an indication of the age group of children.
2. Program content (educational, developing, educational tasks).
3. Vocabulary work.
4. Class equipment.
5. Demonstration material.
6. Handout.
7. Previous work of the educator in preparation for the lesson.
8. Preliminary work with children (with the whole group, with a subgroup, individually).
9. Individual work with children at the GCD (what, with whom, in what part of the lesson).
10. The structure of the lesson and teaching methods.
11. Organizations of children in the classroom.
12. The course of the lesson (in direct speech). At the end of the final phrases or analysis of the lesson.

Lesson type:

Integrated(according to the principle of combining several types of children's activities and various means of speech development). Integration can be thematically.

Issues for discussion

1. What, from your point of view, is changing in the organization of the GCD in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard?
2. What difficulties do you experience when analyzing a modern lesson?
3. What do you think, how realistic is it to introduce the principles laid down in the Federal State Educational Standard into the practice of preschool teachers?
4. In your opinion, can the proposed methodological tools provide real assistance to a kindergarten teacher?
5. What, in your opinion, has changed in the organization of the correctional work of the educator with the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard?
6. What difficulties do you experience in the implementation of the activity approach in the educational process?
7. What forms and types of educational activities do you consider the most effective in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard?
8 What needs to be changed, from your point of view, in the content of methodological and didactic materials available in the pedagogical piggy bank of preschool teachers?
9. What difficulties do you experience in organizing various forms and types of educational activities?

10. What difficulties did you encounter when writing a summary of a modern lesson?

A good, useful lesson cannot be held without preparation. That is why it is so important to think over its course in advance. The Federal State Standard for Basic General Education emphasizes that the educational process must be organized so that students can achieve general cultural, personal and cognitive results. Therefore, there are several general requirements for how to write a lesson plan.

What is a lesson outline?

Each competent teacher, before conducting a lesson, draws up his outline plan. What does this term mean? Since student times, everyone has become accustomed to the fact that a summary is information that has just been listened to in writing. In the teaching world, things are different. The outline (or in other words the lesson plan) is drawn up in advance and serves as a kind of support, a hint for the teacher. This is information gathered together about what the lesson is about, how it is built, what meaning it carries, what its goal is, how this goal is achieved.

Why do you need to plan a lesson?

First of all, the teacher needs a lesson plan. This is especially true for young teachers who, due to lack of experience, may be confused, forget something or not take into account. Of course, if it is carefully thought out in advance how to present information to students, with what exercises to consolidate it, work it out, then the process of assimilation will go much faster and better.

Lesson notes are often required to be presented to the head teachers, because this is a direct reflection of how the teacher works, how the teaching methodology meets the school requirements and curriculum. According to the notes, the strengths of the teacher, as well as his methodological errors and shortcomings, are clearly visible.

Primary requirements

It is difficult to come up with general requirements that all lesson plans should meet. After all, a lot depends on the children, their age, level of development, type of lesson and, of course, the subject itself. The lesson plan for the Russian language will be fundamentally different from the lesson plan, for example, for the world around. Therefore, there is no unified unification in pedagogy. But there are several general requirements for how the outline of the lesson should look like:

What else is worth paying attention to?

As a rule, the teacher, when drawing up a lesson plan, needs to think through every little thing. Up to how much time will be spent on the implementation of each of the points of the plan. It is necessary to write down all the remarks said by the teacher, and give them the expected answers of the students. All questions that the teacher is going to ask should also be clearly spelled out. It will not be superfluous to indicate separately what equipment is supposed to work with in the lesson. If some kind of handout is used in the lesson or the teacher shows a presentation, pictures, etc. for clarity, all this should also be attached to the lesson summary in printed and electronic form. The summary should end with a summary and homework.

How to make a summary?

For himself, the teacher can draw up a plan in any form. It can be just notes, individual remarks, suggestions, or a detailed script. Some schematically depict the necessary information. If you want to hand over the abstract for verification to the authorities, then the most common form is in the form of a table. It is very convenient and visual.

An example of compiling a brief outline plan

Brief lesson plan. 5th grade

Thing: Russian language.

Subject: adjective.

Lesson type: combined.

The purpose of the lesson: introduce students to the new part of speech.

Main tasks:

  • develop speech skills and abilities;
  • develop the ability to coordinate words.

Equipment: board, chalk, handouts, tables.

During the classes:

  • Organizing time;
  • checking homework;
  • explanation of new material (reading the rule, working with it, doing exercises to consolidate the material);
  • repetition of the studied material;
  • summarizing the lesson, assessing students' knowledge;
  • homework.

Please note that all points of the course of the lesson must be described in detail by the teacher, down to each cue. In addition, opposite each item you need to write the maximum time that will be allotted for each of them. So there will be no situation that the lesson is coming to an end, but only half of what the teacher planned has been done.

Not all outlines will be the same. The age of the students is very important when we talk about lesson plans. Grade 6, for example, can perceive new information in a standard form. This is when the teacher explains the rule, writes important materials on the board, and then offers a series of activities to practice and consolidate what has been learned. For class 2, this option will be ineffective. For kids, it is customary to introduce new things in a playful way or with the help of visual materials.

Let's give an example of another abstract.

English Lesson Plan, Grade 7

Subject: repetition of the passed grammatical material.

Lesson type: combined.

The purpose of the lesson: to consolidate the acquired skills on the topic of translating sentences from direct speech into indirect speech.

Main tasks:

  • develop communication skills;
  • develop the ability to work in a team;
  • to form the ability to highlight the main thing in the studied material.

Equipment: board, chalk, presentation, tape recorder.

During the classes:

  • Organizing time;
  • phonetic warm-up;
  • lexical warm-up;
  • repetition of the material covered (exercise, independent work, teamwork);
  • checking homework;
  • summarizing the lesson;
  • homework.

As can be seen from this example, the points of the lesson plan do not have a clear location. A standard homework check can be done at the beginning of the lesson, in the middle, or you can even end the lesson like this. For the teacher, the main thing is not to be afraid to experiment, invent and bring something new to each lesson, so that the lesson is interesting and special for children. To make them look forward to it. Depending on which type is chosen, the lesson plan will also depend. Grade 7 (unlike, for example, from younger students) allows you to build a lesson outside the box. Repetition of the studied can be carried out in the form of a game or competition. You can give students the opportunity to show their skills through independent work. The main thing is to understand what type of activity is suitable for a particular class, a particular group of students (you need to take into account both age and overall performance in the class).

Summing up

So let's summarize all of the above. A step-by-step instruction for compiling a lesson plan will look like this:

  1. Subject/class.
  2. Lesson type.
  3. Lesson topic.
  4. Target.
  5. Main tasks.
  6. Equipment.
  7. During the classes:
  • organizational moment, warm-up, etc. (we begin to prescribe in detail the speech of the teacher and students);
  • checking homework;
  • introduction of new material, its development;
  • consolidation of the past, repetition.

8. Summing up.

The stages of the lesson can be arranged in any order, can be supplemented or presented selectively during the lesson.

Do not forget that, first of all, the abstract is needed not by the authorities, not by the head teacher, not by the director and not by the students. It is a working tool and a teacher's assistant. And here it is not a matter of experience and not the ability to experiment on the spot. No one bothers to bring novelty, zest to the lesson. The teacher can joke, give an example from life (and, of course, this should not be written in the abstract). But in any case, there must be a lesson plan. You got 8th grade, 3rd or 11th - it doesn't matter! The class is active or passive, catches on the fly or long explanations are needed - it doesn't matter! Make it a rule - before each lesson, make a plan. It certainly won't be redundant.

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