Legislative base of the Russian Federation. Planning and development of territories Izhs snip Sp 30 102 99 planning and development




The system of regulatory documents in construction






SP 30-102-99

Introduction date 2000-01-01


1 DEVELOPED BY TsNIIEPgrazhdanstroy

2 REVIEWED AND APPROVED by the Department of Urban Planning, Infrastructure and Territorial Development of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Construction and Housing and Communal Services (minutes No. 01-NS-15/8 dated August 17, 1999 of the joint meeting of sections "Urban planning"and" Architecture "NTS Gosstroy of Russia and the Expert Council of the Glavgosexpertiza of Russia)

3 ADOPTED by the Gosstroy of Russia (Resolution No. 94 of December 30, 1999)

4 PUT INTO EFFECT (order of TsNIIEPgrazhdanstroy of November 24, 1999, No. 80 T) from January 1, 2000



1.1 This regulatory document of the system establishes the requirements for the development of low-rise housing construction areas, both as part and as an independent planning structure of urban, rural and other settlements, developed in accordance with current standards and approved master plans for settlements.

SNiP 2.01.01-82. Building climatology and geophysics

SNiP 2.01.15-90. Engineering protection of territories, buildings and structures from hazardous geological processes. Basic design provisions

SNiP 2.07.01-89*. Urban planning. Planning and development of urban and rural settlements

SNiP 2.08.01-89*. residential buildings

SNiP 2.08.02-89*. Public buildings and structures

SNiP 2.04.01-85*. Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings

SNiP 2.04.02-84*. Water supply. Outdoor networks and facilities

SNiP 2.04.03-85. Sewerage. Outdoor networks and facilities

SNiP 2.04.05-91 *. Heating, ventilation and air conditioning

SNiP 2.04.07-86*. Heating network

SNiP 2.04.08-87*. Gas supply

SNiP 2.05.13-90. Oil product pipelines laid in the territory of cities and other settlements

SNiP II-12-77. Noise protection

SNiP II-3-79*. Construction heat engineering

SNiP 10.01-94. The system of normative documents in construction. Basic provisions

SNiP 3.05.04-85*. External networks and water supply and sewerage facilities

SNiP 21-01-97*. Fire safety of buildings and structures

SNiP 23-05-95. Natural and artificial lighting

SNiP 30-02-97. Planning and development of territories of horticultural associations of citizens, buildings and structures

SP 11-102-97. Engineering and environmental surveys for construction

SP 11-103-97. Engineering and hydrometeorological surveys for construction

SP 11-106-97. Development, approval, approval and composition of design and planning documentation for the development of territories of horticultural associations of citizens

VSN 59-88. Electrical equipment of residential and public buildings. Design standards

VSN 62-91 *. Designing the living environment taking into account the needs of people with disabilities and people with limited mobility

PUE. Rules for the installation of electrical installations

RDS 30-201-98. Instructions on the procedure for designing and establishing red lines in cities and other settlements of the Russian Federation

RD 34.20.185-94. Instructions for designing urban electrical networks

SP 30-102-99




Introduction date 2000-01-01


1.1 This regulatory document of the system establishes the requirements for the development of low-rise housing construction areas, both as part and as an independent planning structure of urban, rural and other settlements, developed in accordance with current standards and approved master plans for settlements.


2.1 References are made to the following regulatory documents:

unacceptable for construction.

4.1.3 The territories of low-rise construction should be classified in accordance with Table. .

4.1.4 When placing and planning organization of the territory of low-rise housing construction, the requirements for:

environmental protection;

protection of the territory from noise and exhaust gases of transport highways, electrical and electromagnetic radiation, from radon released from the earth.

4.1.9 If it is impossible or inappropriate to provide fire extinguishing of individual buildings from hydrants, it is allowed to provide it from tanks or reservoirs in accordance with note 1 to clause 2.11. SNiP 2.04.02.

4.1.10 The minimum fire distances between buildings (as well as between the outer buildings and groups of buildings in the apartment plots) are taken according to Table. 1, adj. one SNiP 2.07.01.


4.2.1 The street and road network of territories of low-rise housing construction should be formed in conjunction with the system of streets and roads provided for by the general plan of settlements.

4.2.2 When designing and organizing a street and road network for low-rise residential areas, it is necessary to take into account:

the location of the territories in the structure of the settlement;

type of territory, according to the table. classification;

type of residential building (houses);

the size and configuration of territories.

4.2.3 The planning decision of low-rise residential development should ensure the passage of vehicles to all buildings and structures, including houses located on apartment plots.

4.2.4 The number of traffic lanes on residential streets and driveways should be taken:

for residential streets - at least 2 lanes;

for driveways - 1 lane.

The width of the lanes should be taken as 3.5 m.

4.2.5 On driveways, passing platforms should be provided with a length of at least 15 m and a width of at least 7 m, including the width of the carriageway.

The distance between sidings, as well as between sidings and intersections should be no more than 200 m.

The maximum length of a dead-end passage, in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.07.01, should not exceed 150 m.´ 12 m. The use of the turnabout for parking is not allowed.

4.2.6 On the territory of low-rise residential buildings, as a rule, 100% provision with parking spaces for storing and parking cars and other vehicles should be provided.

4.2.7 On the territory with development of residential buildings with adjacent plots (one-two-apartment and multi-apartment blocked), parking lots should be placed within the allotted area.

Table1 - Classification of territories of low-rise residential buildings with houses with adjacent plots

The degree of urban development of the territory

Types of residential buildings (floors 1 - 3)

Areas of residential plots, m 2 (not less than) *

Functional and typological features of the site (except for residence)

social infrastructure

in free territories

in built-up areas

A Separate residential formations in the structure of large, large and largest cities

1 One-two-family houses

Gardening or floriculture, children games, recreation

Selective use of objects of daily maintenance, compensating for their lack in the surrounding areas of the city. Using built-in and built-in objects

B Residential formations of rural settlements, small, medium and large cities and towns

Territories free from development, including reserve

1 Manor houses, including those with places of employment


The introduction of a developed private household plot **, commercial agricultural production, gardening, gardening, children's games, recreation

Introduction of limited household plot ***, gardening, horticulture, children's games, recreation

In rural areas - basic objects of periodic maintenance for a group of settlements; day-to-day maintenance in each settlement or residential formation based on a combination of fixed buildings and mobile vehicles; use of multifunctional buildings and microcenters. In cities - a complex of daily service facilities linked to the city center; the use of free-standing and built-in-attached objects

2 One-two-family houses

3 Blocked blocks of flats

Territories with established development ****

B Residential formations in the zone of influence of cities (suburban settlements)


1 One-two-family houses

Maintaining a limited household plot, gardening, children's games, recreation

Gardening, floriculture, children's games, recreation

An independent complex of objects of daily maintenance with a seasonal expansion. The use of microcenters and small-capacity facilities, including built-in ones

2 Blocked blocks of flats

* The areas of residential buildings adjacent to residential buildings in territories with low-rise buildings are determined by the local administration of the constituent entities of the Federation.

** Developed private household plots - personal subsidiary plots with the content of large, small livestock, poultry.

*** Limited LPH - personal subsidiary farm with small livestock and poultry.

**** In areas with existing development, first of all, it is necessary to carry out the reconstruction of the fund of residential and public buildings

4.2.8 Parking garages serving apartment buildings of various planning structures, located in public areas, should be taken in accordance with Table. ten* SNiP 2.07.01.


4.3.1 The choice of design engineering solutions should be made in accordance with the technical specifications for the engineering support of the territory issued by the relevant authorities responsible for the operation of local engineering networks.

4.3.2 Heat and gas networks, water supply and sewerage pipelines, as a rule, should be laid outside the carriageway of roads in order to exclude possible gaps in the carriageway area. In some cases, their laying on the territory of apartment plots is allowed with the consent of their owners. The laying of high-pressure gas networks on the territory of low-rise buildings is not allowed.

4.3.3 It is allowed to provide heat and gas supply for low-rise residential buildings both decentralized - from autonomous generators for apartments, and centralized - from existing or newly designed boiler houses (GRP), with appropriate engineering communications.

Distances from hydraulic fracturing to residential development should be taken in accordance with clause 5.3 of SNiP 2.04.08.

4.3.4 Water supply for low-rise buildings should be provided from centralized systems for apartment buildings in accordance with the requirements SNiP 2.04.02 and it is allowed to arrange autonomously - for one-two-apartment houses from mine and small-tube wells, cappings, springs in accordance with the project.

4.3.5 Entering the water supply into one-two-apartment houses is allowed if there is a connection to a centralized sewerage system or if there is a local sewerage system.

4.3.6 It is allowed to provide for the installation of local treatment facilities for one-two-apartment residential buildings with a wastewater flow rate of not more than 3 m 3 / day.

4.3.7 Water consumption for irrigation of apartment plots of low-rise buildings should be taken up to 10 l / m 2 per day; at the same time, meters should be installed on water intake devices.

4.3.8 The power supply of low-rise buildings should be designed in accordance with the PES (Electrical Installation Rules) and RD 34.20.185.

4.3.9 The power of TP transformers for power supply of low-rise buildings should be taken according to the calculation.

4.3.10 The 0.38 kV network should be carried out by air (VL) or cable (CL) lines, as a rule, in an open branched circuit or a loop circuit in open mode with single-transformer transformer substations.

4.3.11 The routes of overhead lines and cable lines of 0.38 kV should pass outside the apartment plots, be accessible for access to the supports of overhead lines of service vehicles and allow unhindered excavation of cable lines.

The required breaks should be taken in accordance with the PUE (Electrical Installation Rules).

4.3.12 Branches from the 0.38 kV line to the building can be performed:

from overhead lines - insulated wires, self-supporting wires, cable on a cable, cable in the ground;

from cable lines laid in the ground by installing a cable junction box outside the apartment plots.

4.3.13 The input distribution panel (VSCHR) must be installed inside a multi-apartment residential building in accordance with Ch. 7.1 PUE . It is allowed, in agreement with the power supply organization, to install a VRShch on the territory of the apartment plot in the appropriate climatic and vandal-proof design.

When installing an input shield in a building (outside or inside), on the outer part of the wall at the input at a height of 2.5 m, a disconnecting device should be installed in a sealed box, access to which should only be provided by the power supply organization.

4.3.14 In the territories of low-rise buildings, the following should be provided: telephone communication, three-program radio broadcasting, television broadcasting, centralized fire and security alarm systems, and an automated dispatch control system.


4.4.1 Measures for engineering preparation and protection of territories should be determined by the general plan and related to natural conditions, and should also be regulated by the choice of planning, design and engineering solutions for development.

4.4.2 To eliminate or reduce the technogenic impact of low-rise buildings on natural conditions, it is necessary to provide for preventive measures:

maximum preservation of the natural relief with the provision of a surface water drainage system;

the minimum density of the network of underground engineering networks and their uniform distribution over the area.

4.4.3 The territories where low-rise housing construction is not allowed include zones of active manifestation of geological processes (landslides, screes, karsts, avalanches, mudflows, etc.).



5.1.1 Low-rise residential development includes buildings up to 3 floors high, inclusive.

5.1.2 Residential formations of territories of low-rise housing construction should, as a rule, consist of single-family and block-built residential buildings (with adjacent plots).

It is allowed to use sectional type houses and others (up to 4 floors high) with urban planning regulation in accordance with SNiP 2.07.01.


5.2.1 In individual construction, the main type of house is single-family. In addition to single-family houses, block houses are used, including two-family houses, with adjacent plots for each apartment.

5.2.2 The main types of housing for municipal construction should be blocks of flats, sectional type houses with adjacent plots or courtyards in front of part of the apartments.

5.2.3 According to the level of residence, the designed dwelling should be divided into two main categories:

social housing for municipal construction with standardized upper limits of apartment areas (according to SNiP 2.08-01);

dwelling for individual construction with standardized lower limits of apartment areas.

Types of apartments and their areas are presented in the appendix.

5.2.4 In urban, suburban and rural settlements for families engaged in self-employment, residential buildings with a place of application of labor (doctor's house, craftsman's house, house of a seller of consumer goods, farmer's house, etc.) should be used.


6.2.1 In accordance with the classification of territories (see Table. ) low-rise construction is located in the form of separate residential formations in the structure of cities - from large to largest, as well as in residential formations of small, medium and large cities, suburban and rural settlements, which determines the differences in the organization of services for their population.

In cities and suburban settlements, the list of institutions for daily maintenance of low-rise residential areas, as a rule, should include the following facilities: preschool institutions, secondary schools, a sports and leisure complex, outpatient clinics, pharmacy kiosks, commercial and household facilities, a post office, a branch of a savings bank, a strong point of law enforcement, a center of administrative self-government, as well as playgrounds (sports, recreation, outreach services, children's games). At the same time, in the conditions of a suburban zone, it is necessary to take into account the seasonal expansion of stationary facilities.

In rural areas, it is necessary to provide for the subdivision of institutions and service enterprises into essential facilities in each settlement, starting from 50 inhabitants, and basic facilities of a higher level per group of settlements located in the center of local self-government (rural district, volost, etc.). In addition to fixed buildings, it is necessary to use mobile facilities and seasonal structures.

6.2.2 When calculating the number and capacity of institutions and service enterprises and their location, one should proceed from the need to meet the needs of various socio-demographic groups of the population.

In cities and suburban settlements, for approximate calculations of the number and capacity of institutions and enterprises servicing low-rise areas and their sites, it is allowed to take the indicators given in the Appendix. In rural areas, for approximate calculations of the capacity of objects and the size of their plots, it is allowed to take the indicators of Appendix 7 of SNiP 2.07.01.

6.2.3 Placement of institutions and service enterprises in the territories of low-rise residential buildings should be carried out:

a) in cities and suburban settlements - taking into account the radius of accessibility no more than those indicated in Table. .

table 2 - Walking distances for service facilities

Service radius, m


Comprehensive schools:

for elementary grades

Premises for physical culture and recreation and leisure activities

Outpatient clinics



Enterprises of commercial and consumer services for everyday use

Post offices and Sberbank, strong point of law enforcement

Center for Administrative Self-Government


When placing service facilities, it is necessary to take into account the existing institutions and enterprises in neighboring territories, subject to the regulatory accessibility radii (except for preschool institutions and primary schools, the access routes to which should not cross the roadway);

b) in rural areas, the provision of essential services to residents of each settlement should be carried out within walking distance of no more than 30 minutes. (2 - 2.5 km); at the same time, the placement of institutions of a higher level of service, including periodic ones, must be provided within the boundaries of municipalities with pedestrian and transport accessibility of no more than 60 minutes.

Regional restrictions on the radius of service, the availability of medical institutions in rural areas and the requirements for the safety of movement of primary school students are accepted according to clause 5.4 of SNiP 2.07.01.

6.2.4 Distances from buildings and boundaries of land plots in terms of preschool institutions and secondary schools should be taken according to clause 5.5 SNiP 2.07.01.


6.3.1 The public center of the territory of low-rise housing construction is intended to accommodate mainly cultural facilities, commercial and consumer services, administrative, sports, recreational and leisure buildings and structures.

The list of development objects in the center may include multi-apartment residential buildings with service facilities.

In the community center, a system of interconnected spaces-platforms (for recreation, sports, reception of offsite services) and pedestrian paths should be formed.

Within the limits of the public center, general parking of vehicles should be provided at the rate of: for 100 one-time visitors - 7 - 10 parking spaces and 15 - 20 bicycles and mopeds.

6.3.2 In small towns and suburban settlements on the territories of low-rise residential development, the use of small enterprises is allowed, the placement of which is agreed with the state supervision bodies. It is allowed to place small enterprises in rural settlements, including those combining service and production of services that do not require the construction of sanitary protection zones larger than 50 m.

6.3.3 The construction of the public center of the territory of low-rise construction can be formed both by stand-alone buildings, and by institutions and enterprises that together form multifunctional public service complexes thanks to the methods of cooperation and blocking, as well as by objects that are part of the structure of a residential building.

The design of public buildings and structures should be carried out in accordance with SNiP 2.08.02.

6.3.4 Compared with free-standing public buildings, the calculated indicators of the site area for buildings should be reduced: attached by 25%, built-in-attached - up to 50% (with the exception of preschool institutions).

6.3.5 To organize services in the territories of low-rise housing construction, it is allowed to place institutions and enterprises using an individual form of activity - a kindergarten, a shop, a cafe, a sports and recreation and leisure complex, a hairdresser, a photo studio, etc., built into low-rise residential buildings, with accommodation predominantly in the 1st and basement floors. In this case, the total area of ​​built-in institutions should not exceed 150 m 2. The mentioned institutions and enterprises can be of central importance and be located in the central part of the settlement or residential area. When constructing built-in workshops for the repair and rental of cars, the repair of household appliances, as well as premises for ritual services, such facilities should be located on the outskirts of the settlement. The device of built-in enterprises that are harmful to the health of the population (X-ray installations, building materials stores, chemical and chemical stores, etc.) is not allowed in low-rise buildings.

Built-in public institutions should have entrances isolated from the residential part of the building. The site of the built-in institution should be subdivided into residential and public parts with accommodation in the last zone for visitors and the utility yard. Before entering the building, it is necessary to provide parking for vehicles.

6.3.6 The needs of the population for services should be met through both new construction and reconstruction of the existing fund, especially in rural areas and in suburban settlements.



Type of construction

Number of rooms (types of apartments)

Size of apartments (small, large)

town, village


B Individual construction - the lower limits of the area of ​​​​apartments, m 2 - 18 m 2 / person.


1 The upper limits of the area of ​​apartments for individual construction are not limited.

2 The ratio of types of apartments in terms of the number of rooms and area for specific regions and settlements is determined by the local administration, taking into account demographic requirements, the achieved level of housing provision for the population and the resource supply of housing construction.



Institutions and service enterprises


Land plot sizes

Preschool institutions, % coverage

Depending on the demographic structure, coverage within 50%

Not less than 35 m 2 for 1 place

General education schools, % enrollment

Depending on the demographic structure, the coverage of 100% of students in the basic school ( I and II steps), 50% of secondary school students ( III stage)

Not less than 16 m 2 for 1 place

Sports and leisure complex, m 2 total. area per 1000 people


0.2 - 0.5 ha per facility

Outpatient clinics:

clinics, visiting per shift per 1000 people.


0.5 ha per site

dispensaries, m 2 total. area per 1000 people


0.2 ha per site

Pharmacy kiosks, m 2 total. area per 1000 people


0.05 ha per facility or built

Everyday trade enterprises, m 2 bargaining. area per 1000 people:

0.2 - 0.3 ha per site

food stores


non-food stores


Public service enterprises, worker. places per 1000 people

0.15 ha per site

post office, object

0.1 - 0.15 ha per site

Sberbank branch, m 2 total. area per 1000 people


Stronghold of law enforcement, object

Center of Administrative Self-Government, object


1 Schools are located: secondary and basic - starting with a population of 2 thousand people, primary - from 500 people.

2 Polyclinics can be located on the territory of the nearest residential areas, subject to regulatory accessibility.



Basic objects- institutions and enterprises organizing and providing periodic maintenance of a group of settlements within the boundaries of local self-government.

Blocked residential building - a house consisting of two or more apartments, each of which has direct access to its own plot.

Built-in, built-in and attached institutions and enterprises- institutions and enterprises that are part of the structure of a residential building or other facility.

residential education - functional planning formation in the form of: a settlement (village) of low-rise buildings, a complex of low-rise buildings, a group of plots of low-rise buildings.

Individual housing construction - a form of providing citizens with housing by building houses on the right of personal property, carried out with the direct participation of citizens or at their expense .

Individual developers (individuals) - citizens who, in accordance with the established procedure, have received a land plot for the construction of a residential building with outbuildings for conducting personal subsidiary plots and carry out this construction either on their own or with the involvement of other persons or construction organizations.

Low-rise residential development - residential development up to 4 floors inclusive, providing, as a rule, a direct connection of apartments with a land plot.

microcenters- objects that unite institutions and enterprises of prime necessity and minimum capacity for servicing small settlements.

Public service - providing residents with the necessary services; in the territories of low-rise residential buildings, as a rule, daily services are organized, providing residents with essential services, and in some cases, periodic services, providing services of weekly and rarer demand.

community center - territory for the primary placement of service facilities and the implementation of various social processes (communication, recreation, trade, etc.). The public center has the boundaries and regime of the target functional purpose, established by the urban planning documentation.

Single-family residential building - a residential building intended for the residence of one family and having an adjacent plot.

Apartment plot - land adjacent to the apartment (house), with direct access to it.

social infrastructure - a complex of service facilities and interconnections between them, ground and remote, within the urban formation (territories, settlements, groups of settlements, etc.).

Territory of low-rise housing construction - part of the residential area of ​​the settlement or the settlement as a whole. Designed to accommodate low-rise residential buildings, social infrastructure facilities, engineering and transport communications.

Manor house - single-family, a house with an adjacent plot, buildings, for a subsidiary plot.

Key words: planning and development of territories of low-rise housing construction, residential buildings, institutions and service enterprises, engineering improvement, transport, networks.

(approved by the Decree of the Gosstroy of the Russian Federation of December 30, 1999 N 94)

Edition of 12/30/1999 - Valid from 01/01/2000





Planning and ossuration of territories of little-storey house-buildings

SP 30-102-99

Introduction date 2000-01-01


1 DEVELOPED BY TsNIIEPgrazhdanstroy

2 REVIEWED AND APPROVED by the Department of Urban Planning, Infrastructure and Territorial Development of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Construction and Housing and Communal Complex (minutes N 01-NS-15/8 dated August 17, 1999 of the joint meeting of the sections "Urban Planning" and "Architecture" of the STC Gosstroy Russia and the Expert Council of the Glavgosexpertiza of Russia)

3 ADOPTED by the Gosstroy of Russia (Decree No. 94 of December 30, 1999)

4 PUT INTO EFFECT (order of TsNIIEPgrazhdanstroy of November 24, 1999, N 80 T) from January 1, 2000


SNiP 2.01.01-82. Building climatology and geophysics

SNiP II-12-77. Noise protection

SNiP II-3-79*. Construction heat engineering

SNiP 10.01-94. The system of normative documents in construction. Basic provisions


3.1 In this Code of Practice, terms are used in accordance with Appendix B.



4.1.1 Urban planning characteristics of low-rise housing construction areas (size, number of storeys of building, size of the apartment plot, etc.) should be determined by the location of the territory in the planning and functional structure of urban, rural and other settlements, the types of which are determined by Art. 5 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation. The exception is the settlements mentioned in paragraph 4 of Art. 6 of the Code, requiring special regulation of urban planning activities, primarily in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

4.1.2 When solving the master plan for low-rise buildings, according to natural indicators, the territories should be distinguished:

favorable for development;

requiring engineering protective measures in accordance with the instructions of SNiP 2.07.01, SNiP 2.01.15;

unacceptable for construction.

4.1.3 The territories of low-rise housing construction should be classified in accordance with Table 1.

4.1.4 When placing and planning organization of the territory of low-rise housing construction, the requirements for:

environmental protection;

protection of the territory from noise and exhaust gases of transport highways, electrical and electromagnetic radiation, from radon released from the earth.

4.1.5 Comprehensive measures to protect nature and improve the environment from harmful effects associated with economic and other activities should be provided in accordance with the regulations governing environmental activities.

4.1.6 Insolation of territories and premises of low-rise buildings should provide a continuous 3-hour duration in the spring-summer period or a total 3.5-hour duration.

In mixed buildings or when placing low-rise buildings in difficult urban planning conditions, it is allowed to reduce the normalized insolation to 2.5 hours.

The required normative duration of insolation must be substantiated by the calculation by the licensed organization at the stage of the development project and the detailed design.

4.1.7 Waste disposal of low-rise residential areas, as a rule, should be carried out by removing household waste from sites with containers, the distance from which to the boundaries of residential buildings, child care facilities, green areas should be set at least 50, but not more than 100 m.

4.1.8 To ensure fire extinguishing of individual buildings in the territories of low-rise housing construction, hydrants should be provided.

Water consumption for fire extinguishing for the calculation of street ring networks and distribution lines should be taken according to Table. , SNiP 2.04.02.

4.1.9 If it is impossible or inappropriate to provide fire extinguishing of individual buildings from hydrants, it is allowed to provide it from tanks or reservoirs in accordance with note 1 to clause 2.11. SNiP 2.04.02.

4.1.10 The minimum fire distances between buildings (as well as between the outer buildings and groups of buildings in the apartment plots) are taken according to Table. 1, appendix 1 SNiP 2.07.01.


4.2.1 The street and road network of low-rise housing construction areas should be formed in conjunction with the system of streets and roads provided for by the general plan of settlements.

4.2.2 When designing and organizing the street and road network of low-rise residential areas, it is necessary to take into account:

the location of the territories in the structure of the settlement;

type of territory, according to the table. 1 classification;

type of residential building (houses);

the size and configuration of territories.

4.2.3 The planning solution for low-rise residential development should provide for the passage of vehicles to all buildings and structures, including houses located on apartment plots.

4.2.4 The number of traffic lanes on residential streets and driveways should be taken:

for residential streets - at least 2 lanes;

for driveways - 1 lane.

The width of the lanes should be taken as 3.5 m.

4.2.5 On driveways, passing platforms should be provided with a length of at least 15 m and a width of at least 7 m, including the width of the carriageway.

The distance between sidings, as well as between sidings and intersections should be no more than 200 m.

The maximum length of a dead-end passage, according to the requirements of SNiP 2.07.01, should not exceed 150 m. Dead-end passages are provided with turnaround areas of at least 12 x 12 m.

4.2.6 On the territory of low-rise residential buildings, as a rule, 100% provision with parking spaces for storing and parking cars and other vehicles should be provided.

4.2.7 On the territory with the development of residential buildings with adjacent plots (one-two-apartment and multi-apartment blocked), parking lots should be placed within the allotted area.

Table 1

Classification of territories of low-rise residential buildings with houses with adjacent plots

Territory typeThe degree of urban development of the territoryTypes of residential buildings (1-3 floors)Area of ​​residential plots, m2 (not less than)*Functional and typological features of the site (except for residence)social infrastructure
in free territoriesin built-up areas
A Separate residential formations in the structure of large, large and largest cities1 One - two-family houses 450 Gardening or floriculture, children games, recreationSelective use of objects of daily maintenance, compensating for their lack in the surrounding areas of the city. Using built-in and built-in objects
B Residential formations of rural settlements, small, medium and large cities and townsTerritories free from development, including reserve1 Manor houses, including those with places of employment 1000 800 Maintaining a developed private household plot **, commercial agricultural production, gardening, gardening, children's games, recreationIn rural areas - basic objects of periodic maintenance for a group of settlements; day-to-day maintenance in each settlement or residential formation based on a combination of fixed buildings and mobile vehicles; use of multifunctional buildings and microcenters. In cities - a complex of daily service facilities linked to the city center; the use of free-standing and built-in-attached objects
2 One - two-family houses600 500 Maintaining a limited household plot ***, gardening, gardening, children's games, recreation
3 Blocked blocks of flats400 350
Territories with established development****
B Residential formations in the zone of influence of cities (suburban settlements)Same1 One - two-family houses600 500 The introduction of limited household plots, gardening, children's games, leisureAn independent complex of objects of daily maintenance with a seasonal expansion. The use of microcenters and small-capacity facilities, including built-in ones
2 Blocked blocks of flats400 350 Gardening, floriculture, children's games, recreation

* The areas of residential buildings adjacent to residential buildings in territories with low-rise buildings are determined by the local administration of the constituent entities of the Federation.

** Developed household plot - personal subsidiary farming with large, small livestock, poultry.

*** Limited LPH - personal subsidiary farm with small livestock and poultry.

**** In areas with existing development, the fund of residential and public buildings should be reconstructed first.

4.2.8 Parking garages serving multi-apartment buildings of various planning structures, located in public areas, should be taken in accordance with Table. 10* SNiP 2.07.01.


4.3.1 The choice of design engineering solutions should be made in accordance with the technical specifications for the engineering support of the territory issued by the relevant authorities responsible for the operation of local engineering networks.

4.3.2 Heating and gas networks, water supply and sewerage pipelines, as a rule, should be laid outside the carriageway of roads in order to exclude possible gaps in the carriageway area. In some cases, their laying on the territory of apartment plots is allowed with the consent of their owners. The laying of high-pressure gas networks on the territory of low-rise buildings is not allowed.

4.3.3 Heat and gas supply of low-rise residential buildings may be provided both decentralized - from autonomous generators for apartments, and centralized - from existing or newly designed boiler houses (GRP), with appropriate engineering communications.

Distances from hydraulic fracturing to residential development should be taken in accordance with clause 5.3 of SNiP 2.04.08.

4.3.4 Water supply for low-rise buildings should be made from centralized systems for apartment buildings in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.04.02 and it is allowed to arrange autonomously - for one-two-apartment houses from shaft and small-tube wells, cappings, springs in accordance with the project.

4.3.5 The introduction of water supply into one-two-family houses is allowed if there is a connection to a centralized sewerage system or if there is a local sewerage system.

4.3.6 It is allowed to provide for the installation of local treatment facilities for one-two-apartment residential buildings with a wastewater flow rate of not more than 3 m3 / day.

4.3.7 Water consumption for irrigation of apartment plots of low-rise buildings should be taken up to 10 l/m2 per day; at the same time, meters should be installed on water intake devices.

4.3.8. The power supply of low-rise buildings should be designed in accordance with the PUE (Electrical Installation Rules) and RD 34.20.185.

4.3.9. The power of TP transformers for power supply of low-rise buildings should be taken according to the calculation.

4.3.10 The 0.38 kV network should be carried out by air (VL) or cable (CL) lines, as a rule, in an open branched circuit or a loop circuit in open mode with single-transformer transformer substations.

4.3.11 The routes of overhead lines and cable lines of 0.38 kV should pass outside the apartment plots, be accessible for access to the supports of overhead lines of service vehicles and allow unhindered excavation of cable lines.

The required breaks should be taken in accordance with the PUE (Electrical Installation Rules).

4.3.12 Branches from the 0.38 kV line to the building can be performed:

from overhead lines - insulated wires, self-supporting wires, cable on a cable, cable in the ground;

from cable lines laid in the ground by installing a cable junction box outside the apartment plots.

4.3.13 The input distribution board (VRSH) must be installed inside a multi-apartment residential building in accordance with Ch. 7.1 PUE. It is allowed, in agreement with the power supply organization, to install a VRShch on the territory of the apartment plot in the appropriate climatic and vandal-proof design.

When installing an input shield in a building (outside or inside), on the outer part of the wall at the input at a height of 2.5 m, a disconnecting device should be installed in a sealed box, access to which should only be provided by the power supply organization.

4.3.14 In the territories of low-rise buildings, the following should be provided: telephone communication, three-program radio broadcasting, television broadcasting, centralized fire and security alarm systems, and an automated dispatch control system.


4.4.1 Measures for engineering preparation and protection of territories should be determined by the general plan and related to natural conditions, and should also be regulated by the choice of planning, design and engineering solutions for the development.

4.4.2 To eliminate or reduce the technogenic impact of low-rise buildings on natural conditions, it is necessary to provide for preventive measures:

maximum preservation of the natural relief with the provision of a surface water drainage system;

the minimum density of the network of underground engineering networks and their uniform distribution over the area.

4.4.3 Areas where low-rise housing construction is not allowed include zones of active manifestation of geological processes (landslides, screes, karsts, avalanches, mudflows, etc.).



5.1.1 Low-rise residential development is accepted as building with houses up to 3 floors inclusive.

5.1.2 Residential formations of territories of low-rise housing construction should, as a rule, consist of single-family and block-built residential buildings (with adjacent plots).

It is allowed to use sectional type houses and others (up to 4 floors high) with urban planning regulation in accordance with SNiP 2.07.01.


5.2.1 In individual construction, the main type of house is single-family. In addition to single-family houses, block houses are used, including two-family houses, with adjacent plots for each apartment.

5.2.2 The main types of housing for municipal construction should be houses of multi-apartment block, sectional type with adjacent plots or courtyards in front of some apartments.

5.2.3 According to the level of residence, the designed dwelling should be divided into two main categories:

social housing for municipal construction with standardized upper limits of apartment areas (according to SNiP 2.08-01);

dwelling for individual construction with standardized lower limits of apartment areas.

Types of apartments and their areas are presented in Appendix A.

5.2.4 In urban, suburban and rural settlements for families engaged in self-employment, it is necessary to use residential buildings with a place of application of labor (doctor's house, craftsman's house, house of a seller of consumer goods, farmer's house, etc.).

The design of houses with locksmith, repair, blacksmith shops and similar premises is allowed subject to the necessary hygienic, environmental, fire and sanitary requirements, with the approval of the relevant state supervision services.

5.2.5 The needs of the population in housing should be met not only through new construction, but also through the modernization and reconstruction of low-rise residential buildings that have retained their material value (see Table 1, footnotes).


5.3.1 The maximum size of land plots for estates, one-two-apartment and multi-apartment blocked residential buildings are established by local governments in accordance with territorial building codes, depending on the type of house and other local features.

The boundaries, areas and mode of use of land plots in multi-apartment residential buildings are determined by urban planning documentation, taking into account the legislation of the Russian Federation and regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The minimum areas of adjacent plots for different types of residential buildings are given in Table. one.

5.3.2 Manor, one-two-family house must be at least 5 m from the red line of streets, at least 3 m from the red line of driveways. The distance from outbuildings to the red lines of streets and driveways must be at least 5 m .

5.3.3 In rural settlements and in the territories of low-rise buildings of cities and suburban settlements (where livestock is allowed), it is allowed to provide outbuildings for keeping livestock and poultry, storing fodder, inventory, fuel and other household needs, baths, and also-economic entrances and cattle passes. The composition and areas of outbuildings and buildings for individual labor activity are taken in accordance with regional characteristics and design assignments.

5.3.4 To the border of the neighboring apartment plot, the distances according to sanitary and living conditions must be at least: from the estate, one-two-apartment and block house - 3 m, taking into account the requirements of clause 4.1.5 of this Code of Rules; from the building for keeping livestock and poultry - 4 m; from other buildings (baths, garages, etc.) - 1 m; from the trunks of tall trees -4 m; medium-sized - 2 m; from the bush - 1 m.

5.3.5 Buildings for keeping livestock and poultry are allowed to be attached only to manor one-two-apartment houses when they are isolated from living rooms by at least three utility rooms; at the same time, premises for livestock and poultry must have an isolated external entrance located no closer than 7 m from the entrance to the house.

5.3.6 When constructing garages (including attached ones) in the basement, basement floors of one-two-story manor, one-apartment and block houses (in manor houses, one-two-apartment houses and on the first floor), it is allowed to design them without complying with the standards for the design of service enterprises cars.

5.3.7 In rural settlements and in the territories of low-rise suburban areas for residents of multi-apartment buildings, outbuildings for livestock and poultry can be allocated outside residential areas. For multi-apartment buildings, it is allowed to install built-in or free-standing collective storage facilities for agricultural products, the area of ​​​​which is determined by the design assignment.

5.3.8 In territories with development of manor houses, one-two-family houses, the distance from the windows of living rooms to the walls of the neighboring house and outbuildings (shed, garage, bathhouse) located on neighboring land plots must be at least 6 m,



6.1.1 Institutions and public service enterprises in low-rise areas in urban, suburban and rural settlements should be located taking into account the type of settlement, the number of people served and the general urban situation, including the proximity of other service facilities and the organization of transport links, providing, as a rule, for the formation community centres, linked to a network of streets, roads and footpaths.

For disabled people, it is necessary to provide the possibility of access, including in wheelchairs, to public buildings and structures, taking into account the requirements of VSN 62-91.


6.2.1 In accordance with the classification of territories (see Table 1), low-rise construction is located in the form of separate residential formations in the structure of cities - from large to largest, as well as in residential formations of small, medium and large cities, suburban and rural settlements, which determines the differences in the organization of services for their population.

In cities and suburban settlements, the list of institutions for daily maintenance of low-rise residential areas, as a rule, should include the following objects:

preschool institutions, general education schools, a sports and leisure complex, outpatient clinics, pharmacy kiosks, commercial and household facilities, a post office, a branch of Sberbank, a strong point for maintaining order, a center for administrative self-government, as well as sites (sports, recreation, field services , children's games). At the same time, in a suburban area, it is necessary to take into account the seasonal expansion of stationary facilities.

In rural areas, it is necessary to provide for the subdivision of institutions and service enterprises into essential facilities in each settlement, starting from 50 inhabitants, and basic facilities of a higher level per group of settlements located in the center of local self-government (rural district, volost, etc.). In addition to fixed buildings, it is necessary to use mobile facilities and seasonal structures.

6.2.2 When calculating the number and capacity of institutions and service establishments and their location, one should proceed from the need to meet the needs of various socio-demographic groups of the population.

In cities and suburban settlements, for approximate calculations of the number and capacity of institutions and enterprises servicing low-rise buildings and their sites, it is allowed to take the indicators given in Appendix B. In rural areas, for approximate calculations of the capacity of objects and the size of their plots, it is allowed to take the indicators of Appendix 7 of SNiP 2.07. 01.

6.2.3 Placement of institutions and service enterprises in the territories of low-rise residential buildings should be carried out:

a) in cities and suburban settlements - taking into account the radius of accessibility no more than those indicated in Table. 2.

Walking distances for service facilities

Institutions and public service enterprisesService radius, m
Comprehensive schools:750
for elementary grades500
Premises for physical culture and recreation and leisure activities800
Outpatient clinics1000
Enterprises of commercial and consumer services for everyday use800
Post offices and Sberbank, strong point of law enforcement800
Center for Administrative Self-Government1200

When placing service facilities, it is necessary to take into account the existing institutions and enterprises in neighboring territories, subject to the regulatory accessibility radii (except for preschool institutions and primary schools, the access routes to which should not cross the roadway);

b) in rural areas, the provision of essential services to residents of each settlement should be carried out within walking distance of no more than 30 minutes. (2-2.5 km); at the same time, the placement of institutions of a higher level of service, including periodic ones, must be provided within the boundaries of municipalities with pedestrian and transport accessibility of no more than 60 minutes.

Regional restrictions on the radius of service, the availability of medical institutions in rural areas and the requirements for the safety of movement of primary school students are accepted according to clause 5.4 of SNiP 2.07.01.

6.2.4 Distances from buildings and boundaries of land plots in terms of preschool institutions and secondary schools should be taken according to clause 5.5 of SNiP 2.07.01.


6.3.1 The public center of the territory of low-rise housing construction is intended to accommodate mainly cultural facilities, commercial and consumer services, administrative, sports, recreational and leisure buildings and structures.

The list of development objects in the center may include multi-apartment residential buildings with service facilities.

In the community center, a system of interconnected spaces-platforms (for recreation, sports, reception of offsite services) and pedestrian paths should be formed.

Within the limits of the public center, general parking of vehicles should be provided at the rate of: for 100 one-time visitors - 7-10 parking spaces and 15-20 bicycles and mopeds.

6.3.2 In small towns and suburban settlements on the territories of low-rise residential development, the use of small enterprises is allowed, the location of which is agreed with the state supervision authorities. It is allowed to place small enterprises in rural settlements, including those combining service and production of services that do not require the construction of sanitary protection zones larger than 50 m.

6.3.3 The development of the public center of the territory of low-rise construction can be formed both by stand-alone buildings, and by institutions and enterprises that together form multifunctional public service complexes thanks to the methods of cooperation and blocking, as well as objects that are part of the structure of a residential building.

The design of public buildings and structures should be carried out in accordance with SNiP 2.08.02.

6.3.4 Compared to stand-alone public buildings, the calculated indicators of the site area for buildings should be reduced: attached by 25%, built-in-attached - up to 50% (with the exception of preschool institutions).

6.3.5 For the organization of services in the territories of low-rise housing construction, it is allowed to place institutions and enterprises using an individual form of activity - a kindergarten, a shop, a cafe, a sports and recreation and leisure complex, a hairdresser, a photo studio, etc., built into low-rise residential buildings , with accommodation mainly in the 1st and basement floors. At the same time, the total area of ​​built-in institutions should not exceed 150 m2. The mentioned institutions and enterprises can be of central importance and be located in the central part of the settlement or residential area. When constructing built-in workshops for the repair and rental of cars, the repair of household appliances, as well as premises for ritual services, such facilities should be located on the outskirts of the settlement. The device of built-in enterprises that are harmful to the health of the population (X-ray installations, building materials stores, chemical and chemical stores, etc.) is not allowed in low-rise buildings.

Built-in public institutions should have entrances isolated from the residential part of the building. The site of the built-in institution should be subdivided into residential and public parts with accommodation in the last zone for visitors and the utility yard. Before entering the building, it is necessary to provide parking for vehicles.

6.3.6 The needs of the population for services should be met through both new construction and reconstruction of the existing fund, especially in rural areas and in suburban settlements.


Basic objects - institutions and enterprises that organize and provide periodic maintenance of a group of settlements within the boundaries of the territory of local self-government.

Blocked residential building - a house consisting of two or more apartments, each of which has direct access to its own area.

Built-in, built-in and attached institutions and enterprises - institutions and enterprises that are part of the structure of a residential building or other object.

Residential formation - a functional planning formation in the form of: a settlement (village) of low-rise buildings, a complex of low-rise buildings, a group of plots of low-rise buildings.

Individual housing construction is a form of providing citizens with housing by building houses on the basis of personal ownership, carried out with the direct participation of citizens or at their expense.

Individual developers (individuals) - citizens who, in accordance with the established procedure, have received a land plot for the construction of a residential building with outbuildings for personal subsidiary farming and carry out this construction either on their own or with the involvement of other persons or construction organizations.

Low-rise residential development - residential development with a height of up to 4 floors inclusive, providing, as a rule, a direct connection of apartments with a land plot.

Microcenters are objects that unite institutions and enterprises of prime necessity and minimum capacity for servicing small settlements.

Public service - providing residents with the necessary services; in the territories of low-rise residential buildings, as a rule, daily services are organized, providing residents with essential services, and in some cases, periodic services, providing services of weekly and rarer demand.

Public center - a territory for the primary placement of service facilities and the implementation of various social processes (communication, recreation, trade, etc.). The public center has boundaries and a mode of targeted functional purpose established by urban planning documentation.

A single-family residential building is a residential building intended for the residence of one family and having an adjacent plot.

Near-apartment plot - a land plot adjacent to an apartment (house), with direct access to it.

Social infrastructure - a complex of service facilities and interconnections between them, ground and remote, within the urban formation (territories, settlements, groups of settlements, etc.).

The territory of low-rise housing construction is part of the residential territory of a settlement or the settlement as a whole. Designed to accommodate low-rise residential buildings, social infrastructure facilities, engineering and transport communications.

Manor residential building - single-family, a house with an adjacent plot, buildings, for subsidiary farming.


SP 30-102-99
Introduction date 2000-01-01


1 DEVELOPED BY TsNIIEPgrazhdanstroy

2 REVIEWED AND APPROVED by the Department of Urban Planning, Infrastructure and Territorial Development of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Construction and Housing and Communal Services (minutes No. 01-NS-15/8 dated August 17, 1999 of the joint meeting of the sections "Urban Planning" and "Architecture" of the STC Gosstroy Russia and the Expert Council of the Glavgosexpertiza of Russia)

3 ADOPTED by the Gosstroy of Russia (Resolution No. 94 of December 30, 1999)

4 PUT INTO EFFECT (order of TsNIIEPgrazhdanstroy of November 24, 1999, No. 80 T) from January 1, 2000



1.1 This regulatory document of the system establishes the requirements for the development of areas of low-rise housing construction, both as part and as an independent planning structure of urban, rural and other settlements, developed in accordance with applicable standards and approved master plans for settlements.

2.1 References to the following regulatory documents are used:
SNiP 2.01.01-82. Building climatology and geophysics
SNiP 2.01.15-90. Engineering protection of territories, buildings and structures from hazardous geological processes. Basic design provisions
SNiP 2.07.01-89*. Urban planning. Planning and development of urban and rural settlements
SNiP 2.08.01-89*. residential buildings
SNiP 2.08.02-89*. Public buildings and structures
SNiP 2.04.01-85*. Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings
SNiP 2.04.02-84*. Water supply. Outdoor networks and facilities
SNiP 2.04.03-85. Sewerage. Outdoor networks and facilities
SNiP 2.04.05-91 *. Heating, ventilation and air conditioning
SNiP 2.04.07-86*. Heating network
SNiP 2.04.08-87*. Gas supply
SNiP 2.05.13-90. Oil product pipelines laid in the territory of cities and other settlements
SNiP II-12-77. Noise protection
SNiP II-3-79*. Construction heat engineering
SNiP 10.01-94. The system of normative documents in construction. Basic provisions
SNiP 3.05.04-85*. External networks and water supply and sewerage facilities
SNiP 21-01-97*. Fire safety of buildings and structures
SNiP 23-05-95. Natural and artificial lighting
SNiP 30-02-97. Planning and development of territories of horticultural associations of citizens, buildings and structures
SP 11-102-97. Engineering and environmental surveys for construction
SP 11-103-97. Engineering and hydrometeorological surveys for construction
SP 11-106-97. Development, approval, approval and composition of design and planning documentation for the development of territories of horticultural associations of citizens
VSN 59-88. Electrical equipment of residential and public buildings. Design standards
VSN 62-91 *. Designing the living environment taking into account the needs of people with disabilities and people with limited mobility
PUE. Rules for the installation of electrical installations
RDS 30-201-98. Instructions on the procedure for designing and establishing red lines in cities and other settlements of the Russian Federation
RD 34.20.185-94. Instructions for designing urban electrical networks
RD 34.21.122-87. Instructions for the installation of lightning protection of buildings and structures
SanPiN Zones of sanitary protection of water supply sources and water pipelines for domestic and drinking purposes
SanPiN. 1.6.574-96. Hygienic requirements for the protection of atmospheric air in populated areas
SanPiN 2.2.1/ Sanitary protection zones and sanitary classification of enterprises, structures and other objects


3.1 In this Code of Practice, terms are used in accordance with Appendix B.


4.1.1 Urban planning characteristics of low-rise housing construction areas (size, number of storeys of building, size of the apartment plot, etc.) should be determined by the location of the territory in the planning and functional structure of urban, rural and other settlements, the types of which are determined by Art. 5 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation. The exception is the settlements mentioned in paragraph 4 of Art. 6 of the Code, requiring special regulation of urban planning activities, primarily in Moscow and St. Petersburg.
4.1.2 When solving the master plan for low-rise buildings, according to natural indicators, the territories should be distinguished:
favorable for development;
requiring engineering protective measures in accordance with the instructions of SNiP 2.07.01, SNiP 2.01.15;
unacceptable for construction.
4.1.3 The territories of low-rise housing construction should be classified in accordance with Table 1.
4.1.4 When placing and planning organization of the territory of low-rise housing construction, the requirements for:
environmental protection;
protection of the territory from noise and exhaust gases of transport highways, electrical and electromagnetic radiation, from radon released from the earth.
4.1.5 Comprehensive measures to protect nature and improve the environment from harmful effects associated with economic and other activities should be provided in accordance with the regulations governing environmental activities.
4.1.6 Insolation of territories and premises of low-rise buildings should provide a continuous 3-hour duration in the spring-summer period or a total 3.5-hour duration.
In mixed buildings or when placing low-rise buildings in difficult urban planning conditions, it is allowed to reduce the normalized insolation to 2.5 hours.
The required normative duration of insolation must be substantiated by the calculation by the licensed organization at the stage of the development project and the detailed design.
4.1.7 Waste disposal of low-rise residential areas, as a rule, should be carried out by removing household waste from sites with containers, the distance from which to the boundaries of residential buildings, child care facilities, green areas should be set at least 50, but not more than 100 m.
4.1.8 To ensure fire extinguishing of individual buildings in the territories of low-rise housing construction, hydrants should be provided.
Water consumption for fire extinguishing for the calculation of street ring networks and distribution lines should be taken according to Table. 5.6 SNiP2.04.02.
4.1.9 If it is impossible or inappropriate to provide fire extinguishing of individual buildings from hydrants, it is allowed to provide it from tanks or reservoirs in accordance with note 1 to clause 2.11. SNiP 2.04.02.
4.1.10 The minimum fire distances between buildings (as well as between the outer buildings and groups of buildings in the apartment plots) are taken according to Table. 1, appendix 1 SNiP 2.07.01.


4.2.1 The street and road network of low-rise housing construction areas should be formed in conjunction with the system of streets and roads provided for by the general plan of settlements.
4.2.2 When designing and organizing the street and road network of low-rise residential areas, it is necessary to take into account:
the location of the territories in the structure of the settlement;
type of territory, according to the table. 1 classification;
type of residential building (houses);
the size and configuration of territories.
4.2.3 The planning solution for low-rise residential development should provide for the passage of vehicles to all buildings and structures, including houses located on apartment plots.
4.2.4 The number of traffic lanes on residential streets and driveways should be taken:
for residential streets - at least 2 lanes;
for driveways - 1 lane.
The width of the lanes should be taken as 3.5 m.
4.2.5 On driveways, passing platforms should be provided with a length of at least 15 m and a width of at least 7 m, including the width of the carriageway.
The distance between sidings, as well as between sidings and intersections should be no more than 200 m.
The maximum length of a dead-end passage, according to the requirements of SNiP 2.07.01, should not exceed 150 m.
4.2.6 On the territory of low-rise residential buildings, as a rule, 100% provision with parking spaces for storing and parking cars and other vehicles should be provided.
4.2.7 On the territory with the development of residential buildings with adjacent plots (one-two-apartment and multi-apartment blocked), parking lots should be placed within the allotted area.

Table 1 - Classification of territories of low-rise residential buildings with houses with adjacent plots



Degree of urban planning

Types of residential buildings (1-3 floors)

Area of ​​residential plots, m 2 (at least)*






on the

free territories

in built-up areas

site features

(except accommodation)

A Separate residential formations in the structure of large, large and largest cities

1 One-two-family houses



Gardening or floriculture, children games, recreation

Selective use of objects of daily maintenance, compensating for their lack in the surrounding areas of the city. Using built-in and built-in objects

B Residential formations of rural settlements, small, medium and large cities and towns

Territories free from development, including reserve

1 Manor houses, including those with places of employment

2 One-two-family houses

3 Blocked blocks of flats







Maintaining a developed private household plot **, commercial agricultural production, gardening, gardening, children's games, recreation

Keeping limited

In rural areas - basic objects of periodic maintenance for a group of settlements; day-to-day maintenance in each settlement or residential formation based on a combination of fixed buildings and mobile vehicles;

Territories with established development****

Private household plots***, gardening, horticulture, children's games, recreation

use of multifunctional buildings and microcenters. In cities, a complex of daily service facilities linked to the city center; the use of free-standing and built-in-attached objects

B Residential formations in the zone of influence of cities (suburban settlements)


1 One-two-family houses

2 Blocked blocks of flats





The introduction of limited household plots, gardening, children's games, leisure

Gardening, floriculture, children's games, recreation

An independent complex of objects of daily maintenance with a seasonal expansion. The use of microcenters and small-capacity facilities, including built-in ones

* The area of ​​apartment blocks of residential buildings in territories with low-rise buildings is determined by the local administration of the constituent entities of the Federation.

** Developed household plot - personal subsidiary farming with large, small livestock, poultry.

***Limited LPH - personal subsidiary farm with the content of small livestock and poultry.

****In areas with existing development, the reconstruction of the fund of residential and public buildings should be carried out in the first place.

4.2.8 Parking garages serving multi-apartment buildings of various planning structures, located in public areas, should be taken in accordance with Table. 10* SNiP 2.07.01.


4.3.1 The choice of design engineering solutions should be made in accordance with the technical specifications for the engineering support of the territory issued by the relevant authorities responsible for the operation of local engineering networks.
4.3.2 Heating and gas networks, water supply and sewerage pipelines, as a rule, should be laid outside the carriageway of roads in order to exclude possible gaps in the carriageway area. In some cases, their laying on the territory of apartment plots is allowed with the consent of their owners. The laying of high-pressure gas networks on the territory of low-rise buildings is not allowed.
4.3.3 Heat and gas supply of low-rise residential buildings may be provided both decentralized - from autonomous generators for apartments, and centralized - from existing or newly designed boiler houses (GRP), with appropriate engineering communications.
Distances from hydraulic fracturing to residential development should be taken in accordance with clause 5.3 of SNiP 2.04.08.
4.3.4 Water supply for low-rise buildings should be provided from centralized systems for multi-apartment buildings in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.04.02 and it is allowed to arrange autonomously - for one-two-apartment houses from shaft and small-tube wells, cappings, springs in accordance with the project.
4.3.5 The introduction of water supply into one-two-family houses is allowed if there is a connection to a centralized sewerage system or if there is a local sewerage system.
4.3.6 It is allowed to provide for the installation of local treatment facilities for one-two-apartment residential buildings with a wastewater flow rate of not more than 3 m3 / day.
4.3.7 Water consumption for irrigation of apartment plots of low-rise buildings should be taken up to 10 l/m2 per day; at the same time, meters should be installed on water intake devices.
4.3.8. The power supply of low-rise buildings should be designed in accordance with the PUE (Electrical Installation Rules) and RD 34.20.185.
4.3.9. The power of TP transformers for power supply of low-rise buildings should be taken according to the calculation.
4.3.10 The 0.38 kV network should be carried out by air (VL) or cable (CL) lines, as a rule, in an open branched circuit or a loop circuit in open mode with single-transformer transformer substations.
4.3.11 The routes of overhead lines and cable lines of 0.38 kV should pass outside the apartment plots, be accessible for access to the supports of overhead lines of service vehicles and allow unhindered excavation of cable lines.
The required breaks should be taken in accordance with the PUE (Electrical Installation Rules).
4.3.12 Branches from the 0.38 kV line to the building can be performed:
from overhead lines - insulated wires, self-supporting wires, cable on a cable, cable in the ground;
from cable lines laid in the ground by installing a cable junction box outside the apartment plots.
4.3.13 The input distribution board (VRSH) must be installed inside a multi-apartment residential building in accordance with Ch. 7.1 PUE. It is allowed, in agreement with the power supply organization, to install a VRShch on the territory of the apartment plot in the appropriate climatic and vandal-proof design.
When installing an input shield in a building (outside or inside), on the outer part of the wall at the input at a height of 2.5 m, a disconnecting device should be installed in a sealed box, access to which should only be provided by the power supply organization.
4.3.14 In the territories of low-rise buildings, the following should be provided: telephone communication, three-program radio broadcasting, television broadcasting, centralized fire and security alarm systems, and an automated dispatch control system.


4.4.1 Measures for engineering preparation and protection of territories should be determined by the general plan and related to natural conditions, and should also be regulated by the choice of planning, design and engineering solutions for the development.
4.4.2 To eliminate or reduce the technogenic impact of low-rise buildings on natural conditions, it is necessary to provide for preventive measures:
maximum preservation of the natural relief with the provision of a surface water drainage system;
the minimum density of the network of underground engineering networks and their uniform distribution over the area.
4.4.3 Areas where low-rise housing construction is not allowed include zones of active manifestation of geological processes (landslides, screes, karsts, avalanches, mudflows, etc.).



5.1.1 Low-rise residential development is accepted as building with houses up to 3 floors inclusive.
5.1.2 Residential formations of territories of low-rise housing construction should, as a rule, consist of single-family and block-built residential buildings (with adjacent plots).
It is allowed to use sectional type houses and others (up to 4 floors high) with urban planning regulation in accordance with SNiP 2.07.01.


5.2.1 In individual construction, the main type of house is single-family. In addition to single-family houses, block houses are used, including two-family houses, with adjacent plots for each apartment.
5.2.2 The main types of housing for municipal construction should be houses of multi-apartment block, sectional type with adjacent plots or courtyards in front of some apartments.
5.2.3 According to the level of residence, the designed dwelling should be divided into two main categories:
social housing for municipal construction with standardized upper limits of apartment areas (according to SNiP2.08-01);
dwelling for individual construction with standardized lower limits of apartment areas.
Types of apartments and their areas are presented in Appendix A.
5.2.4 In urban, suburban and rural settlements for families engaged in self-employment, it is necessary to use residential buildings with a place of application of labor (doctor's house, craftsman's house, house of a seller of consumer goods, farmer's house, etc.).
The design of houses with locksmith, repair, blacksmith shops and similar premises is allowed subject to the necessary hygienic, environmental, fire and sanitary requirements, with the approval of the relevant state supervision services.
5.2.5 The needs of the population in housing should be met not only through new construction, but also through the modernization and reconstruction of low-rise residential buildings that have retained their material value (see Table 1, footnotes).


5.3.1 The maximum size of land plots for estates, one-two-apartment and multi-apartment blocked residential buildings are established by local governments in accordance with territorial building codes, depending on the type of house and other local features.
The boundaries, areas and mode of use of land plots in multi-apartment residential buildings are determined by urban planning documentation, taking into account the legislation of the Russian Federation and regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The minimum areas of adjacent plots for different types of residential buildings are given in Table. one.
5.3.2 Manor, one-two-apartment house must be at least 5 m from the red line of streets, at least 3 m from the red line of driveways. The distance from outbuildings to the red lines of streets and driveways must be at least 5 m .
5.3.3 In rural settlements and in the territories of low-rise buildings of cities and suburban settlements (where livestock is allowed), it is allowed to provide outbuildings for keeping livestock and poultry, storing fodder, inventory, fuel and other household needs, baths, and also - economic entrances and cattle drives. The composition and areas of outbuildings and buildings for individual labor activity are taken in accordance with regional characteristics and design assignments.
5.3.4 To the border of the neighboring apartment plot, the distances according to sanitary and living conditions must be at least: from the estate, one-two-apartment and block house - 3 m, taking into account the requirements of clause 4.1.5 of this Code of Rules; from the building for keeping livestock and poultry - 4 m; from other buildings (baths, garages, etc.) - 1 m; from the trunks of tall trees -4 m; medium-sized - 2 m; from the bush - 1 m.
5.3.5 Buildings for keeping livestock and poultry are allowed to be attached only to manor one-two-apartment houses when they are isolated from living rooms by at least three utility rooms; at the same time, premises for livestock and poultry must have an isolated external entrance located no closer than 7 m from the entrance to the house.
5.3.6 When constructing garages (including attached ones) in the basement, basement floors of one-two-story manor, one-apartment and block houses (in manor houses, one-two-apartment houses and on the first floor), it is allowed to design them without complying with the standards for the design of service enterprises cars.
5.3.7 In rural settlements and in the territories of low-rise suburban areas for residents of multi-apartment buildings, outbuildings for livestock and poultry can be allocated outside residential areas. For multi-apartment buildings, it is allowed to install built-in or free-standing collective storage facilities for agricultural products, the area of ​​​​which is determined by the design assignment.
5.3.8 In territories with development of manor houses, one-two-family houses, the distance from the windows of living rooms to the walls of the neighboring house and outbuildings (shed, garage, bathhouse) located on neighboring land plots must be at least 6 m,



6.1.1 Institutions and public service enterprises in low-rise areas in urban, suburban and rural settlements should be located taking into account the type of settlement, the number of people served and the general urban situation, including the proximity of other service facilities and the organization of transport links, providing, as a rule, for the formation community centres, linked to a network of streets, roads and footpaths.
For disabled people, it is necessary to provide the possibility of access, including in wheelchairs, to public buildings and structures, taking into account the requirements of VSN 62-91.


6.2.1 In accordance with the classification of territories (see Table 1), low-rise construction is located in the form of separate residential formations in the structure of cities - from large to largest, as well as in residential formations of small, medium and large cities, suburban and rural settlements, which determines the differences in the organization of services for their population.
In cities and suburban settlements, the list of institutions for daily maintenance of low-rise residential areas, as a rule, should include the following objects:
preschool institutions, general education schools, a sports and leisure complex, outpatient clinics, pharmacy kiosks, commercial and household facilities, a post office, a branch of Sberbank, a strong point for maintaining order, a center for administrative self-government, as well as sites (sports, recreation, field services , children's games). At the same time, in a suburban area, it is necessary to take into account the seasonal expansion of stationary facilities.
In rural areas, it is necessary to provide for the subdivision of institutions and service enterprises into essential facilities in each settlement, starting from 50 inhabitants, and basic facilities of a higher level per group of settlements located in the center of local self-government (rural district, volost, etc.). In addition to fixed buildings, it is necessary to use mobile facilities and seasonal structures.
6.2.2 When calculating the number and capacity of institutions and service establishments and their location, one should proceed from the need to meet the needs of various socio-demographic groups of the population.
In cities and suburban settlements, for approximate calculations of the number and capacity of institutions and enterprises servicing low-rise buildings and their sites, it is allowed to take the indicators given in Appendix B. In rural areas, for approximate calculations of the capacity of objects and the size of their plots, it is allowed to take the indicators of Appendix 7 of SNiP 2.07. 01.
6.2.3 Placement of institutions and service enterprises in the territories of low-rise residential buildings should be carried out:
a) in cities and suburban settlements - taking into account the radius of accessibility no more than those indicated in Table. 2.

Table 2 - Walking distances of service facilities

Institutions and public service enterprises

Service radius, m



Comprehensive schools:


for elementary grades


Premises for physical culture and recreation and leisure activities


Outpatient clinics




Enterprises of commercial and consumer services for everyday use


Post offices and Sberbank, strong point of law enforcement


Center for Administrative Self-Government


When placing service facilities, it is necessary to take into account the existing institutions and enterprises in neighboring territories, subject to the regulatory accessibility radii (except for preschool institutions and primary schools, the access routes to which should not cross the roadway);
b) in rural areas, the provision of essential services to residents of each settlement should be carried out within walking distance of no more than 30 minutes. (2–2.5 km); at the same time, the placement of institutions of a higher level of service, including periodic ones, must be provided within the boundaries of municipalities with pedestrian and transport accessibility of no more than 60 minutes.
Regional restrictions on the radius of service, the availability of medical institutions in rural areas and the requirements for the safety of movement of primary school students are accepted according to clause 5.4 of SNiP 2.07.01.
6.2.4 Distances from buildings and boundaries of land plots in terms of preschool institutions and secondary schools should be taken according to clause 5.5 of SNiP 2.07.01.


6.3.1 The public center of the territory of low-rise housing construction is intended to accommodate mainly cultural facilities, commercial and consumer services, administrative, sports, recreational and leisure buildings and structures.
The list of development objects in the center may include multi-apartment residential buildings with service facilities.
In the community center, a system of interconnected spaces-platforms (for recreation, sports, reception of offsite services) and pedestrian paths should be formed.
Within the limits of the public center, general parking of vehicles should be provided at the rate of: 7-10 parking spaces and 15-20 bicycles and mopeds per 100 one-time visitors.
6.3.2 In small towns and suburban settlements on the territories of low-rise residential development, the use of small enterprises is allowed, the location of which is agreed with the state supervision authorities. It is allowed to place small enterprises in rural settlements, including those combining service and production of services that do not require the construction of sanitary protection zones larger than 50 m.
6.3.3 The development of the public center of the territory of low-rise construction can be formed both by stand-alone buildings, and by institutions and enterprises that together form multifunctional public service complexes thanks to the methods of cooperation and blocking, as well as objects that are part of the structure of a residential building.
The design of public buildings and structures should be carried out in accordance with SNiP 2.08.02.
6.3.4 Compared to stand-alone public buildings, the calculated indicators of the site area for buildings should be reduced: attached by 25%, built-in-attached - up to 50% (with the exception of preschool institutions).
6.3.5 For the organization of services in the territories of low-rise housing construction, it is allowed to place institutions and enterprises using an individual form of activity - a kindergarten, a shop, a cafe, a sports and recreational and leisure complex, a hairdresser, a photo studio, etc., built into low-rise residential buildings , with accommodation mainly in the 1st and basement floors. At the same time, the total area of ​​built-in institutions should not exceed 150 m2. The mentioned institutions and enterprises can be of central importance and be located in the central part of the settlement or residential area. When constructing built-in workshops for the repair and rental of cars, the repair of household appliances, as well as premises for ritual services, such facilities should be located on the outskirts of the settlement. The device of built-in enterprises that are harmful to the health of the population (X-ray installations, building materials stores, chemical and chemical stores, etc.) is not allowed in low-rise buildings.
Built-in public institutions should have entrances isolated from the residential part of the building. The site of the built-in institution should be subdivided into residential and public parts with accommodation in the last zone for visitors and the utility yard. Before entering the building, it is necessary to provide parking for vehicles.
6.3.6 The needs of the population for services should be met through both new construction and reconstruction of the existing fund, especially in rural areas and in suburban settlements.



Basic facilities are institutions and enterprises that organize and provide periodic maintenance of a group of settlements within the boundaries of the territory of local self-government.
Blocked residential building - a house consisting of two or more apartments, each of which has direct access to its own apartment plot.
Built-in, built-in and attached institutions and enterprises - institutions and enterprises that are part of the structure of a residential building or other facility.
Residential formation - a functional-planning formation in the form of: a settlement (village) of low-rise buildings, a complex of low-rise buildings, a group of plots of low-rise buildings.
Individual housing construction is a form of providing citizens with housing by building houses on the basis of personal ownership, carried out with the direct participation of citizens or at their expense.
Individual developers (individuals) are citizens who, in accordance with the established procedure, have received a land plot for the construction of a residential building with outbuildings for conducting personal subsidiary plots and carry out this construction either on their own or with the involvement of other persons or construction organizations.
Low-rise residential development - a residential development with a height of up to 4 floors inclusive, providing, as a rule, a direct connection of apartments with a land plot.
Microcenters are facilities that unite institutions and enterprises of prime necessity and minimum capacity for servicing small settlements.
Public service - providing residents with the necessary services; in the territories of low-rise residential buildings, as a rule, daily services are organized, providing residents with essential services, and in some cases, periodic services, providing services of weekly and rarer demand.
Public center - a territory for the primary placement of service facilities and the implementation of various social processes (communication, recreation, trade, etc.). The public center has boundaries and a mode of targeted functional purpose established by urban planning documentation.
A single-family residential building is a residential building intended for the residence of one family and having an adjacent plot.
Near-apartment plot - a land plot adjacent to an apartment (house), with direct access to it.
Social infrastructure is a complex of service facilities and interconnections between them, ground and remote, within the boundaries of an urban formation (territories, settlements, groups of settlements, etc.).
The territory of low-rise housing construction is part of the residential territory of a settlement or the settlement as a whole. Designed to accommodate low-rise residential buildings, social infrastructure facilities, engineering and transport communications.
Manor residential house - single-family, a house with an adjacent plot, buildings, for subsidiary farming.

1 area of ​​use
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
4 Planning and development of territories of low-rise housing construction
4.1 General provisions
4.2 Road network
4.3 Engineering networks and structures
4.4 Engineering preparation and protection of territories
5 Residential formations
5.1 General
5.2 Types of residential buildings
5.3 Planning and development of apartment plots
6 Institutions and service enterprises
6.1 General
6.2 Organization of service in the territories of low-rise buildings in settlements of various types
6.3 Planning and development of community centers
Appendix A Recommended. Types of apartments by the number of rooms and their area
Appendix B Recommended. List and estimated design indicators of service facilities and the size of their plots in the territories of low-rise buildings in cities and suburban settlements
Annex B Mandatory. Terms and Definitions

Active Edition from 30.12.1999

Document name"PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT OF TERRITORIES OF LOW-STORY HOUSING CONSTRUCTION. A CODE OF RULES FOR DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION. SP 30-102-99" (approved by the Decree of the Gosstroy of the Russian Federation of December 30, 1999 N 94)
Document typedecree, rules
Host bodygosstroy rf
Document NumberSP 30-102-99
Acceptance date01.01.1970
Revision date30.12.1999
Date of registration in the Ministry of Justice01.01.1970
  • At the time of inclusion in the database, the document was not published

"PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT OF TERRITORIES OF LOW-STORY HOUSING CONSTRUCTION. A CODE OF RULES FOR DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION. SP 30-102-99" (approved by the Decree of the Gosstroy of the Russian Federation of December 30, 1999 N 94)

unacceptable for construction.

4.1.3 The territories of low-rise housing construction should be classified in accordance with Table 1.

4.1.4 When placing and planning organization of the territory of low-rise housing construction, the requirements for:

environmental protection;

protection of the territory from noise and exhaust gases of transport highways, electrical and electromagnetic radiation, from radon released from the earth.

4.1.5 Comprehensive measures to protect nature and improve the environment from harmful effects associated with economic and other activities should be provided in accordance with the regulations governing environmental activities.

4.1.6 Insolation of territories and premises of low-rise buildings should provide a continuous 3-hour duration in the spring-summer period or a total 3.5-hour duration.

In mixed buildings or when placing low-rise buildings in difficult urban planning conditions, it is allowed to reduce the normalized insolation to 2.5 hours.

The required normative duration of insolation must be substantiated by the calculation by the licensed organization at the stage of the development project and the detailed design.

4.1.7 Waste disposal of low-rise residential areas, as a rule, should be carried out by removing household waste from sites with containers, the distance from which to the boundaries of residential buildings, child care facilities, green areas should be set at least 50, but not more than 100 m.

4.1.8 To ensure fire extinguishing of individual buildings in the territories of low-rise housing construction, hydrants should be provided.

Water consumption for fire extinguishing for the calculation of street ring networks and distribution lines should be taken according to Table. , SNiP 2.04.02.

4.1.9 If it is impossible or inappropriate to provide fire extinguishing of individual buildings from hydrants, it is allowed to provide it from tanks or reservoirs in accordance with note 1 to clause 2.11. SNiP 2.04.02.

4.1.10 The minimum fire distances between buildings (as well as between the outer buildings and groups of buildings in the apartment plots) are taken according to Table. 1, appendix 1 SNiP 2.07.01.


4.2.1 The street and road network of low-rise housing construction areas should be formed in conjunction with the system of streets and roads provided for by the general plan of settlements.

4.2.2 When designing and organizing the street and road network of low-rise residential areas, it is necessary to take into account:

the location of the territories in the structure of the settlement;

type of territory, according to the table. 1 classification;

type of residential building (houses);

the size and configuration of territories.

4.2.3 The planning solution for low-rise residential development should provide for the passage of vehicles to all buildings and structures, including houses located on apartment plots.

4.2.4 The number of traffic lanes on residential streets and driveways should be taken:

for residential streets - at least 2 lanes;

for driveways - 1 lane.

The width of the lanes should be taken as 3.5 m.

4.2.5 On driveways, passing platforms should be provided with a length of at least 15 m and a width of at least 7 m, including the width of the carriageway.

The distance between sidings, as well as between sidings and intersections should be no more than 200 m.

The maximum length of a dead-end passage, according to the requirements of SNiP 2.07.01, should not exceed 150 m. Dead-end passages are provided with turnaround areas of at least 12 x 12 m.

4.2.6 On the territory of low-rise residential buildings, as a rule, 100% provision with parking spaces for storing and parking cars and other vehicles should be provided.

4.2.7 On the territory with the development of residential buildings with adjacent plots (one-two-apartment and multi-apartment blocked), parking lots should be placed within the allotted area.

Table 1

Classification of territories of low-rise residential buildings with houses with adjacent plots

Territory typeThe degree of urban development of the territoryTypes of residential buildings (1-3 floors)Area of ​​residential plots, m2 (not less than)*Functional and typological features of the site (except for residence)social infrastructure
in free territoriesin built-up areas
A Separate residential formations in the structure of large, large and largest cities1 One - two-family houses 450 Gardening or floriculture, children games, recreationSelective use of objects of daily maintenance, compensating for their lack in the surrounding areas of the city. Using built-in and built-in objects
B Residential formations of rural settlements, small, medium and large cities and townsTerritories free from development, including reserve1 Manor houses, including those with places of employment 1000 800 Maintaining a developed private household plot **, commercial agricultural production, gardening, gardening, children's games, recreationIn rural areas - basic objects of periodic maintenance for a group of settlements; day-to-day maintenance in each settlement or residential formation based on a combination of fixed buildings and mobile vehicles; use of multifunctional buildings and microcenters. In cities - a complex of daily service facilities linked to the city center; the use of free-standing and built-in-attached objects
2 One - two-family houses600 500 Maintaining a limited household plot ***, gardening, gardening, children's games, recreation
3 Blocked blocks of flats400 350
Territories with established development****
B Residential formations in the zone of influence of cities (suburban settlements)Same1 One - two-family houses600 500 The introduction of limited household plots, gardening, children's games, leisureAn independent complex of objects of daily maintenance with a seasonal expansion. The use of microcenters and small-capacity facilities, including built-in ones
2 Blocked blocks of flats400 350 Gardening, floriculture, children's games, recreation

* The areas of residential buildings adjacent to residential buildings in territories with low-rise buildings are determined by the local administration of the constituent entities of the Federation.

** Developed household plot - personal subsidiary farming with large, small livestock, poultry.

*** Limited LPH - personal subsidiary farm with small livestock and poultry.

**** In areas with existing development, the fund of residential and public buildings should be reconstructed first.

4.2.8 Parking garages serving multi-apartment buildings of various planning structures, located in public areas, should be taken in accordance with Table. 10* SNiP 2.07.01.


4.3.1 The choice of design engineering solutions should be made in accordance with the technical specifications for the engineering support of the territory issued by the relevant authorities responsible for the operation of local engineering networks.

4.3.2 Heating and gas networks, water supply and sewerage pipelines, as a rule, should be laid outside the carriageway of roads in order to exclude possible gaps in the carriageway area. In some cases, their laying on the territory of apartment plots is allowed with the consent of their owners. The laying of high-pressure gas networks on the territory of low-rise buildings is not allowed.

4.3.3 Heat and gas supply of low-rise residential buildings may be provided both decentralized - from autonomous generators for apartments, and centralized - from existing or newly designed boiler houses (GRP), with appropriate engineering communications.

Distances from hydraulic fracturing to residential development should be taken in accordance with clause 5.3 of SNiP 2.04.08.

4.3.4 Water supply for low-rise buildings should be made from centralized systems for apartment buildings in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.04.02 and it is allowed to arrange autonomously - for one-two-apartment houses from shaft and small-tube wells, cappings, springs in accordance with the project.

4.3.5 The introduction of water supply into one-two-family houses is allowed if there is a connection to a centralized sewerage system or if there is a local sewerage system.

4.3.6 It is allowed to provide for the installation of local treatment facilities for one-two-apartment residential buildings with a wastewater flow rate of not more than 3 m3 / day.

4.3.7 Water consumption for irrigation of apartment plots of low-rise buildings should be taken up to 10 l/m2 per day; at the same time, meters should be installed on water intake devices.

4.3.8. The power supply of low-rise buildings should be designed in accordance with the PUE (Electrical Installation Rules) and RD 34.20.185.

4.3.9. The power of TP transformers for power supply of low-rise buildings should be taken according to the calculation.

4.3.10 The 0.38 kV network should be carried out by air (VL) or cable (CL) lines, as a rule, in an open branched circuit or a loop circuit in open mode with single-transformer transformer substations.

4.3.11 The routes of overhead lines and cable lines of 0.38 kV should pass outside the apartment plots, be accessible for access to the supports of overhead lines of service vehicles and allow unhindered excavation of cable lines.

The required breaks should be taken in accordance with the PUE (Electrical Installation Rules).

4.3.12 Branches from the 0.38 kV line to the building can be performed:

from overhead lines - insulated wires, self-supporting wires, cable on a cable, cable in the ground;

From cable lines laid in the ground, by installing a cable junction box outside the apartment plots.

4.3.13 The input distribution board (VRSH) must be installed inside a multi-apartment residential building in accordance with Ch. 7.1 PUE. It is allowed, in agreement with the power supply organization, to install a VRShch on the territory of the apartment plot in the appropriate climatic and vandal-proof design.

When installing an input shield in a building (outside or inside), on the outer part of the wall at the input at a height of 2.5 m, a disconnecting device should be installed in a sealed box, access to which should only be provided by the power supply organization.

4.3.14 In the territories of low-rise buildings, the following should be provided: telephone communication, three-program radio broadcasting, television broadcasting, centralized fire and security alarm systems, and an automated dispatch control system.


4.4.1 Measures for engineering preparation and protection of territories should be determined by the general plan and related to natural conditions, and should also be regulated by the choice of planning, design and engineering solutions for the development.

4.4.2 To eliminate or reduce the technogenic impact of low-rise buildings on natural conditions, it is necessary to provide for preventive measures:

maximum preservation of the natural relief with the provision of a surface water drainage system;

the minimum density of the network of underground engineering networks and their uniform distribution over the area.

4.4.3 Areas where low-rise housing construction is not allowed include zones of active manifestation of geological processes (landslides, screes, karsts, avalanches, mudflows, etc.).

5 Dwellings 5.1 General

5.1.1 Low-rise residential development is accepted as building with houses up to 3 floors inclusive.

5.1.2 Residential formations of territories of low-rise housing construction should, as a rule, consist of single-family and block-built residential buildings (with adjacent plots).

It is allowed to use sectional type houses and others (up to 4 floors high) with urban planning regulation in accordance with SNiP 2.07.01.


5.2.1 In individual construction, the main type of house is single-family. In addition to single-family houses, block houses are used, including two-family houses, with adjacent plots for each apartment.

5.2.2 The main types of housing for municipal construction should be houses of multi-apartment block, sectional type with adjacent plots or courtyards in front of some apartments.

5.2.3 According to the level of residence, the designed dwelling should be divided into two main categories:

social housing for municipal construction with standardized upper limits of apartment areas (according to SNiP 2.08-01);

Housing for individual construction with normalized lower limits of apartment areas.

Types of apartments and their areas are presented in Appendix A.

5.2.4 In urban, suburban and rural settlements for families engaged in self-employment, it is necessary to use residential buildings with a place of application of labor (doctor's house, craftsman's house, house of a seller of consumer goods, farmer's house, etc.).

The design of houses with locksmith, repair, blacksmith shops and similar premises is allowed subject to the necessary hygienic, environmental, fire and sanitary requirements, with the approval of the relevant state supervision services.

5.2.5 The needs of the population in housing should be met not only through new construction, but also through the modernization and reconstruction of low-rise residential buildings that have retained their material value (see Table 1, footnotes).


5.3.1 The maximum size of land plots for estates, one-two-apartment and multi-apartment blocked residential buildings are established by local governments in accordance with territorial building codes, depending on the type of house and other local features.

The boundaries, areas and mode of use of land plots in multi-apartment residential buildings are determined by urban planning documentation, taking into account the legislation of the Russian Federation and regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The minimum areas of adjacent plots for different types of residential buildings are given in Table. one.

5.3.2 Manor, one-two-family house must be at least 5 m from the red line of streets, at least 3 m from the red line of driveways. The distance from outbuildings to the red lines of streets and driveways must be at least 5 m .

5.3.3 In rural settlements and in the territories of low-rise buildings of cities and suburban settlements (where livestock is allowed), it is allowed to provide outbuildings for keeping livestock and poultry, storing fodder, inventory, fuel and other household needs, baths, and also-economic entrances and cattle passes. The composition and areas of outbuildings and buildings for individual labor activity are taken in accordance with regional characteristics and design assignments.

5.3.4 To the border of the neighboring apartment plot, the distances according to sanitary and living conditions must be at least: from the estate, one-two-apartment and block house - 3 m, taking into account the requirements of clause 4.1.5 of this Code of Rules; from the building for keeping livestock and poultry - 4 m; from other buildings (baths, garages, etc.) - 1 m; from the trunks of tall trees -4 m; medium-sized - 2 m; from the bush - 1 m.

5.3.5 Buildings for keeping livestock and poultry are allowed to be attached only to manor one-two-apartment houses when they are isolated from living rooms by at least three utility rooms; at the same time, premises for livestock and poultry must have an isolated external entrance located no closer than 7 m from the entrance to the house.

5.3.6 When constructing garages (including attached ones) in the basement, basement floors of one-two-story manor, one-apartment and block houses (in manor houses, one-two-apartment houses and on the first floor), it is allowed to design them without complying with the standards for the design of service enterprises cars.

5.3.7 In rural settlements and in the territories of low-rise suburban areas for residents of multi-apartment buildings, outbuildings for livestock and poultry can be allocated outside residential areas. For multi-apartment buildings, it is allowed to install built-in or free-standing collective storage facilities for agricultural products, the area of ​​​​which is determined by the design assignment.

5.3.8 In territories with development of manor houses, one-two-family houses, the distance from the windows of living rooms to the walls of the neighboring house and outbuildings (shed, garage, bathhouse) located on neighboring land plots must be at least 6 m,


6.1.1 Institutions and public service enterprises in low-rise areas in urban, suburban and rural settlements should be located taking into account the type of settlement, the number of people served and the general urban situation, including the proximity of other service facilities and the organization of transport links, providing, as a rule, for the formation community centres, linked to a network of streets, roads and footpaths.

For disabled people, it is necessary to provide the possibility of access, including in wheelchairs, to public buildings and structures, taking into account the requirements of VSN 62-91.


6.2.1 In accordance with the classification of territories (see Table 1), low-rise construction is located in the form of separate residential formations in the structure of cities - from large to largest, as well as in residential formations of small, medium and large cities, suburban and rural settlements, which determines the differences in the organization of services for their population.

In cities and suburban settlements, the list of institutions for daily maintenance of low-rise residential areas, as a rule, should include the following objects:

preschool institutions, general education schools, a sports and leisure complex, outpatient clinics, pharmacy kiosks, commercial and household facilities, a post office, a branch of Sberbank, a strong point for maintaining order, a center for administrative self-government, as well as sites (sports, recreation, field services , children's games). At the same time, in a suburban area, it is necessary to take into account the seasonal expansion of stationary facilities.

In rural areas, it is necessary to provide for the subdivision of institutions and service enterprises into essential facilities in each settlement, starting from 50 inhabitants, and basic facilities of a higher level per group of settlements located in the center of local self-government (rural district, volost, etc.). In addition to fixed buildings, it is necessary to use mobile facilities and seasonal structures.

6.2.2 When calculating the number and capacity of institutions and service establishments and their location, one should proceed from the need to meet the needs of various socio-demographic groups of the population.

In cities and suburban settlements, for approximate calculations of the number and capacity of institutions and enterprises servicing low-rise buildings and their sites, it is allowed to take the indicators given in Appendix B. In rural areas, for approximate calculations of the capacity of objects and the size of their plots, it is allowed to take the indicators of Appendix 7 of SNiP 2.07. 01.

6.2.3 Placement of institutions and service enterprises in the territories of low-rise residential buildings should be carried out:

A) in cities and suburban settlements - taking into account the radius of accessibility no more than those indicated in Table. 2.

table 2

Walking distances for service facilities

Institutions and public service enterprisesService radius, m
Comprehensive schools:750
for elementary grades500
Premises for physical culture and recreation and leisure activities800
Outpatient clinics1000
Enterprises of commercial and consumer services for everyday use800
Post offices and Sberbank, strong point of law enforcement800
Center for Administrative Self-Government1200

When placing service facilities, it is necessary to take into account the existing institutions and enterprises in neighboring territories, subject to the regulatory accessibility radii (except for preschool institutions and primary schools, the access routes to which should not cross the roadway);

b) in rural areas, the provision of essential services to residents of each settlement should be carried out within walking distance of no more than 30 minutes. (2-2.5 km); at the same time, the placement of institutions of a higher level of service, including periodic ones, must be provided within the boundaries of municipalities with pedestrian and transport accessibility of no more than 60 minutes.

Regional restrictions on the radius of service, the availability of medical institutions in rural areas and the requirements for the safety of movement of primary school students are accepted according to clause 5.4 of SNiP 2.07.01.

6.2.4 Distances from buildings and boundaries of land plots in terms of preschool institutions and secondary schools should be taken according to clause 5.5 of SNiP 2.07.01.


6.3.1 The public center of the territory of low-rise housing construction is intended to accommodate mainly cultural facilities, commercial and consumer services, administrative, sports, recreational and leisure buildings and structures.

The list of development objects in the center may include multi-apartment residential buildings with service facilities.

In the community center, a system of interconnected spaces-platforms (for recreation, sports, reception of offsite services) and pedestrian paths should be formed.

Within the limits of the public center, general parking of vehicles should be provided at the rate of: for 100 one-time visitors - 7-10 parking spaces and 15-20 bicycles and mopeds.

6.3.2 In small towns and suburban settlements on the territories of low-rise residential development, the use of small enterprises is allowed, the location of which is agreed with the state supervision authorities. It is allowed to place small enterprises in rural settlements, including those combining service and production of services that do not require the construction of sanitary protection zones larger than 50 m.

6.3.3 The development of the public center of the territory of low-rise construction can be formed both by stand-alone buildings, and by institutions and enterprises that together form multifunctional public service complexes thanks to the methods of cooperation and blocking, as well as objects that are part of the structure of a residential building.

The design of public buildings and structures should be carried out in accordance with SNiP 2.08.02.

6.3.4 Compared to stand-alone public buildings, the calculated indicators of the site area for buildings should be reduced: attached by 25%, built-in-attached - up to 50% (with the exception of preschool institutions).

6.3.5 For the organization of services in the territories of low-rise housing construction, it is allowed to place institutions and enterprises using an individual form of activity - a kindergarten, a shop, a cafe, a sports and recreation and leisure complex, a hairdresser, a photo studio, etc., built into low-rise residential buildings , with accommodation mainly in the 1st and basement floors. At the same time, the total area of ​​built-in institutions should not exceed 150 m2. The mentioned institutions and enterprises can be of central importance and be located in the central part of the settlement or residential area. When constructing built-in workshops for the repair and rental of cars, the repair of household appliances, as well as premises for ritual services, such facilities should be located on the outskirts of the settlement. The device of built-in enterprises that are harmful to the health of the population (X-ray installations, building materials stores, chemical and chemical stores, etc.) is not allowed in low-rise buildings.

Built-in public institutions should have entrances isolated from the residential part of the building. The site of the built-in institution should be subdivided into residential and public parts with accommodation in the last zone for visitors and the utility yard. Before entering the building, it is necessary to provide parking for vehicles.

6.3.6 The needs of the population for services should be met through both new construction and reconstruction of the existing fund, especially in rural areas and in suburban settlements.




Basic objects - institutions and enterprises that organize and provide periodic maintenance of a group of settlements within the boundaries of the territory of local self-government.

Blocked residential building - a house consisting of two or more apartments, each of which has direct access to its own area.

Built-in, built-in and attached institutions and enterprises - institutions and enterprises that are part of the structure of a residential building or other object.

Residential formation - a functional planning formation in the form of: a settlement (village) of low-rise buildings, a complex of low-rise buildings, a group of plots of low-rise buildings.

Individual housing construction is a form of providing citizens with housing by building houses on the basis of personal ownership, carried out with the direct participation of citizens or at their expense.

Individual developers (individuals) - citizens who, in accordance with the established procedure, have received a land plot for the construction of a residential building with outbuildings for personal subsidiary farming and carry out this construction either on their own or with the involvement of other persons or construction organizations.

Low-rise residential development - residential development with a height of up to 4 floors inclusive, providing, as a rule, a direct connection of apartments with a land plot.

Microcenters are objects that unite institutions and enterprises of prime necessity and minimum capacity for servicing small settlements.

Public service - providing residents with the necessary services; in the territories of low-rise residential buildings, as a rule, daily services are organized, providing residents with essential services, and in some cases, periodic services, providing services of weekly and rarer demand.

Public center - a territory for the primary placement of service facilities and the implementation of various social processes (communication, recreation, trade, etc.). The public center has boundaries and a mode of targeted functional purpose established by urban planning documentation.

A single-family residential building is a residential building intended for the residence of one family and having an adjacent plot.

Near-apartment plot - a land plot adjacent to an apartment (house), with direct access to it.

Social infrastructure - a complex of service facilities and interconnections between them, ground and remote, within the urban formation (territories, settlements, groups of settlements, etc.).

The territory of low-rise housing construction is part of the residential territory of a settlement or the settlement as a whole. Designed to accommodate low-rise residential buildings, social infrastructure facilities, engineering and transport communications.

Manor residential building - single-family, a house with an adjacent plot, buildings, for subsidiary farming.

The website "Zakonbase" presents "PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT OF TERRITORIES OF LOW-RISE HOUSING CONSTRUCTION. A CODE OF RULES FOR DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION. SP 30-102-99" (approved by the Decree of the Gosstroy of the Russian Federation of December 30, 1999 N 94) in the most recent edition. It is easy to comply with all legal requirements if you familiarize yourself with the relevant sections, chapters and articles of this document for 2014. To search for the necessary legislative acts on a topic of interest, you should use convenient navigation or advanced search.

On the website "Zakonbase" you will find "PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT OF TERRITORIES OF LOW-RISE HOUSING CONSTRUCTION. CODE OF RULES FOR DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION. SP 30-102-99" (approved by Decree of the Gosstroy of the Russian Federation of December 30, 1999 N 94) in a fresh and full version, in to which all changes and amendments have been made. This guarantees the relevance and reliability of the information.

At the same time, you can download "PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT OF TERRITORIES OF LOW-RISE HOUSING CONSTRUCTION. A CODE OF RULES FOR DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION. SP 30-102-99" (approved by Decree of the Gosstroy of the Russian Federation of December 30, 1999 N 94) can be completely free of charge, both in full and in separate chapters .

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